"""SCons.Tool.swig Tool-specific initialization for swig. There normally shouldn't be any need to import this module directly. It will usually be imported through the generic SCons.Tool.Tool() selection method. """ # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import os.path import re import subprocess import SCons.Action import SCons.Defaults import SCons.Scanner import SCons.Tool import SCons.Util SwigAction = SCons.Action.Action('$SWIGCOM', '$SWIGCOMSTR') def swigSuffixEmitter(env, source): if '-c++' in SCons.Util.CLVar(env.subst("$SWIGFLAGS", source=source)): return '$SWIGCXXFILESUFFIX' else: return '$SWIGCFILESUFFIX' # Match '%module test', as well as '%module(directors="1") test' # Also allow for test to be quoted (SWIG permits double quotes, but not single) _reModule = re.compile(r'%module(\s*\(.*\))?\s+("?)(.+)\2') def _find_modules(src): """Find all modules referenced by %module lines in `src`, a SWIG .i file. Returns a list of all modules, and a flag set if SWIG directors have been requested (SWIG will generate an additional header file in this case.)""" directors = 0 mnames = [] try: matches = _reModule.findall(open(src).read()) except IOError: # If the file's not yet generated, guess the module name from the filename matches = [] mnames.append(os.path.splitext(src)[0]) for m in matches: mnames.append(m[2]) directors = directors or m[0].find('directors') >= 0 return mnames, directors def _add_director_header_targets(target, env): # Directors only work with C++ code, not C suffix = env.subst(env['SWIGCXXFILESUFFIX']) # For each file ending in SWIGCXXFILESUFFIX, add a new target director # header by replacing the ending with SWIGDIRECTORSUFFIX. for x in target[:]: n = x.name d = x.dir if n[-len(suffix):] == suffix: target.append(d.File(n[:-len(suffix)] + env['SWIGDIRECTORSUFFIX'])) def _swigEmitter(target, source, env): swigflags = env.subst("$SWIGFLAGS", target=target, source=source) flags = SCons.Util.CLVar(swigflags) for src in source: src = str(src.rfile()) mnames = None if "-python" in flags and "-noproxy" not in flags: if mnames is None: mnames, directors = _find_modules(src) if directors: _add_director_header_targets(target, env) python_files = [m + ".py" for m in mnames] outdir = env.subst('$SWIGOUTDIR', target=target, source=source) # .py files should be generated in SWIGOUTDIR if specified, # otherwise in the same directory as the target if outdir: python_files = [env.fs.File(os.path.join(outdir, j)) for j in python_files] else: python_files = [target[0].dir.File(m) for m in python_files] target.extend(python_files) if "-java" in flags: if mnames is None: mnames, directors = _find_modules(src) if directors: _add_director_header_targets(target, env) java_files = [[m + ".java", m + "JNI.java"] for m in mnames] java_files = SCons.Util.flatten(java_files) outdir = env.subst('$SWIGOUTDIR', target=target, source=source) if outdir: java_files = [os.path.join(outdir, j) for j in java_files] java_files = list(map(env.fs.File, java_files)) for jf in java_files: t_from_s = lambda t, p, s, x: t.dir SCons.Util.AddMethod(jf, t_from_s, 'target_from_source') target.extend(java_files) return (target, source) def _get_swig_version(env): """Run the SWIG command line tool to get and return the version number""" pipe = SCons.Action._subproc(env, [env['SWIG'], '-version'], stdin = 'devnull', stderr = 'devnull', stdout = subprocess.PIPE) if pipe.wait() != 0: return out = pipe.stdout.read() match = re.search(r'SWIG Version\s+(\S+)$', out, re.MULTILINE) if match: return match.group(1) def generate(env): """Add Builders and construction variables for swig to an Environment.""" c_file, cxx_file = SCons.Tool.createCFileBuilders(env) c_file.suffix['.i'] = swigSuffixEmitter cxx_file.suffix['.i'] = swigSuffixEmitter c_file.add_action('.i', SwigAction) c_file.add_emitter('.i', _swigEmitter) cxx_file.add_action('.i', SwigAction) cxx_file.add_emitter('.i', _swigEmitter) java_file = SCons.Tool.CreateJavaFileBuilder(env) java_file.suffix['.i'] = swigSuffixEmitter java_file.add_action('.i', SwigAction) java_file.add_emitter('.i', _swigEmitter) env['SWIG'] = 'swig' env['SWIGVERSION'] = _get_swig_version(env) env['SWIGFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') env['SWIGDIRECTORSUFFIX'] = '_wrap.h' env['SWIGCFILESUFFIX'] = '_wrap$CFILESUFFIX' env['SWIGCXXFILESUFFIX'] = '_wrap$CXXFILESUFFIX' env['_SWIGOUTDIR'] = r'${"-outdir \"%s\"" % SWIGOUTDIR}' env['SWIGPATH'] = [] env['SWIGINCPREFIX'] = '-I' env['SWIGINCSUFFIX'] = '' env['_SWIGINCFLAGS'] = '$( ${_concat(SWIGINCPREFIX, SWIGPATH, SWIGINCSUFFIX, __env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)} $)' env['SWIGCOM'] = '$SWIG -o $TARGET ${_SWIGOUTDIR} ${_SWIGINCFLAGS} $SWIGFLAGS $SOURCES' expr = '^[ \t]*%[ \t]*(?:include|import|extern)[ \t]*(<|"?)([^>\s"]+)(?:>|"?)' scanner = SCons.Scanner.ClassicCPP("SWIGScan", ".i", "SWIGPATH", expr) env.Append(SCANNERS = scanner) def exists(env): return env.Detect(['swig']) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: