#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" """ Verify that the deprecated BuildDir() function and method still work to create a variant directory tree (by calling VariantDir() under the covers). Note that using BuildDir() does not yet print a deprecation warning. """ import os.path import string import sys import time import TestSCons _exe = TestSCons._exe test = TestSCons.TestSCons() foo11 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var1', 'foo1' + _exe) foo12 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var1', 'foo2' + _exe) foo21 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var2', 'foo1' + _exe) foo22 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var2', 'foo2' + _exe) foo31 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var3', 'foo1' + _exe) foo32 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var3', 'foo2' + _exe) foo41 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var4', 'foo1' + _exe) foo42 = test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var4', 'foo2' + _exe) foo51 = test.workpath('build', 'var5', 'foo1' + _exe) foo52 = test.workpath('build', 'var5', 'foo2' + _exe) test.subdir('work1') test.write(['work1', 'SConstruct'], """ src = Dir('src') var2 = Dir('build/var2') var3 = Dir('build/var3') var4 = Dir('build/var4') var5 = Dir('../build/var5') var6 = Dir('../build/var6') env = Environment(BUILD = 'build', SRC = 'src') VariantDir('build/var1', src) VariantDir(var2, src) VariantDir(var3, src, duplicate=0) env.VariantDir("$BUILD/var4", "$SRC", duplicate=0) VariantDir(var5, src, duplicate=0) VariantDir(var6, src) env = Environment(CPPPATH='#src', FORTRANPATH='#src') SConscript('build/var1/SConscript', "env") SConscript('build/var2/SConscript', "env") env = Environment(CPPPATH=src, FORTRANPATH=src) SConscript('build/var3/SConscript', "env") SConscript(File('SConscript', var4), "env") env = Environment(CPPPATH='.', FORTRANPATH='.') SConscript('../build/var5/SConscript', "env") SConscript('../build/var6/SConscript', "env") """) test.subdir(['work1', 'src']) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'SConscript'], """ import os import os.path def buildIt(target, source, env): if not os.path.exists('build'): os.mkdir('build') f1=open(str(source[0]), 'r') f2=open(str(target[0]), 'w') f2.write(f1.read()) f2.close() f1.close() return 0 Import("env") env.Command(target='f2.c', source='f2.in', action=buildIt) env.Program(target='foo2', source='f2.c') env.Program(target='foo1', source='f1.c') env.Command(target='f3.h', source='f3h.in', action=buildIt) env.Command(target='f4.h', source='f4h.in', action=buildIt) env.Command(target='f4.c', source='f4.in', action=buildIt) env2=env.Clone(CPPPATH='.') env2.Program(target='foo3', source='f3.c') env2.Program(target='foo4', source='f4.c') """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f1.c'], r""" #include #include #include "f1.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argv[argc++] = "--"; printf(F1_STR); exit (0); } """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f2.in'], r""" #include #include #include "f2.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argv[argc++] = "--"; printf(F2_STR); exit (0); } """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f3.c'], r""" #include #include #include "f3.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argv[argc++] = "--"; printf(F3_STR); exit (0); } """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f4.in'], r""" #include #include #include "f4.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argv[argc++] = "--"; printf(F4_STR); exit (0); } """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f1.h'], r""" #define F1_STR "f1.c\n" """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f2.h'], r""" #define F2_STR "f2.c\n" """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f3h.in'], r""" #define F3_STR "f3.c\n" """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f4h.in'], r""" #define F4_STR "f4.c\n" """) # Some releases of freeBSD seem to have library complaints about # tempnam(). Filter out these annoying messages before checking for # error output. def blank_output(err): if not err: return 1 stderrlines = filter(lambda l: l, string.split(err, '\n')) msg = "warning: tempnam() possibly used unsafely" stderrlines = filter(lambda l, msg=msg: string.find(l, msg) == -1, stderrlines) return len(stderrlines) == 0 test.run(chdir='work1', arguments = '. ../build', stderr=None) test.fail_test(not blank_output(test.stderr())) test.run(program = foo11, stdout = "f1.c\n") test.run(program = foo12, stdout = "f2.c\n") test.run(program = foo41, stdout = "f1.c\n") test.run(program = foo42, stdout = "f2.c\n") test.run(chdir='work1', arguments='. ../build', stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\ scons: `.' is up to date. scons: `%s' is up to date. """ % test.workpath('build'))) import os import stat def equal_stats(x,y): x = os.stat(x) y = os.stat(y) return (stat.S_IMODE(x[stat.ST_MODE]) == stat.S_IMODE(y[stat.ST_MODE]) and x[stat.ST_MTIME] == y[stat.ST_MTIME]) # Make sure we did duplicate the source files in build/var2, # and that their stats are the same: test.must_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var2', 'f1.c']) test.must_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var2', 'f2.in']) test.fail_test(not equal_stats(test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var2', 'f1.c'), test.workpath('work1', 'src', 'f1.c'))) test.fail_test(not equal_stats(test.workpath('work1', 'build', 'var2', 'f2.in'), test.workpath('work1', 'src', 'f2.in'))) # Make sure we didn't duplicate the source files in build/var3. test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var3', 'f1.c']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var3', 'f2.in']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var3', 'b1.f']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var3', 'b2.in']) # Make sure we didn't duplicate the source files in build/var4. test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var4', 'f1.c']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var4', 'f2.in']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var4', 'b1.f']) test.must_not_exist(['work1', 'build', 'var4', 'b2.in']) # Make sure we didn't duplicate the source files in build/var5. test.must_not_exist(['build', 'var5', 'f1.c']) test.must_not_exist(['build', 'var5', 'f2.in']) test.must_not_exist(['build', 'var5', 'b1.f']) test.must_not_exist(['build', 'var5', 'b2.in']) # verify that header files in the source directory are scanned properly: test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f1.h'], r""" #define F1_STR "f1.c 2\n" """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f3h.in'], r""" #define F3_STR "f3.c 2\n" """) test.write(['work1', 'src', 'f4h.in'], r""" #define F4_STR "f4.c 2\n" """) test.run(chdir='work1', arguments = '../build/var5', stderr=None) test.fail_test(not blank_output(test.stderr())) test.run(program = foo51, stdout = "f1.c 2\n") test.run(program = test.workpath('build', 'var5', 'foo3' + _exe), stdout = "f3.c 2\n") test.run(program = test.workpath('build', 'var5', 'foo4' + _exe), stdout = "f4.c 2\n") test.run(chdir='work1', arguments='../build/var5', stdout=test.wrap_stdout("""\ scons: `%s' is up to date. """ % test.workpath('build', 'var5'))) test.pass_test()