#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" """ Test fetching source files from Perforce. This test requires that a Perforce server be running on the test system on port 1666, as well as that of course a client must be present. """ import os import TestSCons test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.write('SConscript', """ Environment(tools = ['Perforce']).Perforce() """) msg_p4 = """The Perforce() factory is deprecated and there is no replacement.""" warn_p4 = test.deprecated_fatal('deprecated-build-dir', msg_p4) msg_sc = """SourceCode() has been deprecated and there is no replacement. \tIf you need this function, please contact dev@scons.tigris.org.""" warn_sc = test.deprecated_wrap(msg_sc) class TestPerforce(TestSCons.TestSCons): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): TestSCons.TestSCons.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.p4d = None self.p4path = self.where_is('p4') if not self.p4path: self.skip_test("Could not find 'p4'; skipping test(s).\n") #import socket #self.host = socket.gethostname() self.host = '' self.user = os.environ.get('USER') if not self.user: self.user = os.environ.get('USERNAME') if not self.user: self.user = os.environ.get('P4USER') self.depot = 'testme' self.p4d = self.where_is('p4d') if self.p4d: self.p4portflags = ['-p', self.host + ':1777'] self.subdir('depot', ['depot', 'testme']) def quote_space(a): if ' ' in a: a = '"%s"' % a return a args = list(map(quote_space, [self.p4d, '-q', '-d'] + \ self.p4portflags + \ ['-J', 'Journal', '-L', 'Log', '-r', self.workpath('depot')])) # We don't use self.run() because the TestCmd logic will hang # waiting for the daemon to exit, even when we pass it # the -d option. try: spawnv = os.spawnv except AttributeError: os.system(' '.join(args)) else: spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, self.p4d, args) self.sleep(2) else: import socket s = socket.socket() host_port = (self.host, 1666) try: s.connect(host_port) except socket.error: self.skip_test("No Perforce server found; skipping test(s).\n") else: s.close() self.p4portflags = ['-p', '%s:%s' % host_port] try: self.p4('obliterate -y //%s/...' % self.depot) self.p4('depot -d %s' % self.depot) except TestSCons.TestFailed: # It's okay if this fails. It will fail if the depot # is already clear. pass self.portflag = ' '.join(self.p4portflags) def p4(self, *args, **kw): try: arguments = kw['arguments'] except KeyError: arguments = args[0] args = args[1:] kw['arguments'] = ' '.join(self.p4portflags + [arguments]) kw['program'] = self.p4path return self.run(*args, **kw) def substitute(self, s, **kw): kw = kw.copy() kw.update(self.__dict__) return s % kw def cleanup(self, condition = None): if self.p4d: self.p4('admin stop') self.p4d = None if TestSCons: TestSCons.TestSCons.cleanup(self, condition) test = TestPerforce() # Set up a perforce depot for testing. depotspec = test.substitute("""\ # A Perforce Depot Specification. Depot: %(depot)s Owner: %(user)s Date: 2003/02/19 17:21:41 Description: A test depot. Type: local Address: subdir Map: %(depot)s/... """) test.p4(arguments='depot -i', stdin = depotspec) # Now set up 2 clients, one to check in some files, and one to # do the building. clientspec = """\ # A Perforce Client Specification. Client: %(client)s Owner: %(user)s Description: Created by %(user)s. Root: %(root)s Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir LineEnd: local View: //%(depot)s/%(subdir)s... //%(client)s/... """ clientspec1 = test.substitute(clientspec, client = 'testclient1', root = test.workpath('import'), subdir = 'foo/', ) clientspec2 = test.substitute(clientspec, client = 'testclient2', root = test.workpath('work'), subdir = '', ) test.subdir('import', ['import', 'sub'], 'work') test.p4('client -i', stdin=clientspec1) test.p4('client -i', stdin=clientspec2) test.write(['import', 'aaa.in'], "import/aaa.in\n") test.write(['import', 'bbb.in'], "import/bbb.in\n") test.write(['import', 'ccc.in'], "import/ccc.in\n") test.write(['import', 'sub', 'SConscript'], """ Import("env") env.Cat('ddd.out', 'ddd.in') env.Cat('eee.out', 'eee.in') env.Cat('fff.out', 'fff.in') env.Cat('all', ['ddd.out', 'eee.out', 'fff.out']) """) test.write(['import', 'sub', 'ddd.in'], "import/sub/ddd.in\n") test.write(['import', 'sub', 'eee.in'], "import/sub/eee.in\n") test.write(['import', 'sub', 'fff.in'], "import/sub/fff.in\n") # Perforce uses the PWD environment variable in preference to the actual cwd os.environ["PWD"] = test.workpath('import') paths = [ 'aaa.in', 'bbb.in', 'ccc.in', 'sub/ddd.in', 'sub/eee.in', 'sub/fff.in', 'sub/SConscript' ] paths = list(map(os.path.normpath, paths)) args = '-c testclient1 add -t binary %s' % ' '.join(paths) test.p4(args, chdir='import') changespec = test.substitute(""" Change: new Client: testclient1 User: %(user)s Status: new Description: A test check in Files: //%(depot)s/foo/aaa.in # add //%(depot)s/foo/bbb.in # add //%(depot)s/foo/ccc.in # add //%(depot)s/foo/sub/SConscript # add //%(depot)s/foo/sub/ddd.in # add //%(depot)s/foo/sub/eee.in # add //%(depot)s/foo/sub/fff.in # add """) test.p4('-c testclient1 opened') test.p4('-c testclient1 submit -i', stdin=changespec) SConstruct_contents = test.substitute(""" SetOption('warn', 'deprecated-source-code') def cat(env, source, target): target = str(target[0]) f = open(target, "wb") for src in source: f.write(open(str(src), "rb").read()) f.close() env = Environment(tools = ['default', 'Perforce'], BUILDERS={'Cat':Builder(action=cat)}, P4=r'%(p4path)s', P4FLAGS='%(portflag)s -c testclient2') env.Cat('aaa.out', 'foo/aaa.in') env.Cat('bbb.out', 'foo/bbb.in') env.Cat('ccc.out', 'foo/ccc.in') env.Cat('all', ['aaa.out', 'bbb.out', 'ccc.out']) env.SourceCode('.', env.Perforce()) SConscript('foo/sub/SConscript', 'env') """) test.write(['work', 'SConstruct'], SConstruct_contents) test.subdir(['work', 'foo']) test.write(['work', 'foo', 'bbb.in'], "work/foo/bbb.in\n") test.subdir(['work', 'foo', 'sub']) test.write(['work', 'foo', 'sub', 'eee.in'], "work/foo/sub/eee.in\n") test.run(chdir = 'work', arguments = '.', stderr = warn_p4 + warn_sc, match = TestSCons.match_re_dotall) test.fail_test(test.read(['work', 'all']) != "import/aaa.in\nwork/foo/bbb.in\nimport/ccc.in\n") test.fail_test(test.read(['work', 'foo', 'sub', 'all']) != "import/sub/ddd.in\nwork/foo/sub/eee.in\nimport/sub/fff.in\n") test.pass_test() # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: