#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" import TestSCons, SCons.Errors import string, os test = TestSCons.TestSCons() def check(expect): result = string.split(test.stdout(), '\n') assert result[1:len(expect)+1] == expect, (result[1:len(expect)+1], expect) #### test BoolOption ##### test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import BoolOption opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( BoolOption('warnings', 'compilation with -Wall and similiar', 1), BoolOption('profile', 'create profiling informations', 0), ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['warnings'] print env['profile'] Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """) test.run() check(['1', '0']) test.run(arguments='warnings=0 profile=no profile=true') check(['0', '1']) test.run(arguments='warnings=irgendwas', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: warnings Invalid value for boolean option: irgendwas File "SConstruct", line 10, in ? """, status=2) #### test EnumOption #### test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import EnumOption list_of_libs = Split('x11 gl qt ical') opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( EnumOption('debug', 'debug output and symbols', 'no', allowed_values=('yes', 'no', 'full'), map={}, ignorecase=0), # case sensitive EnumOption('guilib', 'gui lib to use', 'gtk', allowed_values=('motif', 'gtk', 'kde'), map={}, ignorecase=1), # case insensitive EnumOption('some', 'some option', 'xaver', allowed_values=('xaver', 'eins'), map={}, ignorecase=2), # make lowercase ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['debug'] print env['guilib'] print env['some'] Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """) test.run(); check(['no', 'gtk', 'xaver']) test.run(arguments='debug=yes guilib=Motif some=xAVER') check(['yes', 'Motif', 'xaver']) test.run(arguments='debug=full guilib=KdE some=EiNs') check(['full', 'KdE', 'eins']) test.run(arguments='debug=FULL', stderr = """ scons: *** Invalid value for option debug: FULL File "SConstruct", line 19, in ? """, status=2) test.run(arguments='guilib=IrGeNdwas', stderr = """ scons: *** Invalid value for option guilib: irgendwas File "SConstruct", line 19, in ? """, status=2) test.run(arguments='some=IrGeNdwas', stderr = """ scons: *** Invalid value for option some: irgendwas File "SConstruct", line 19, in ? """, status=2) #### test ListOption #### test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import ListOption list_of_libs = Split('x11 gl qt ical') opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( ListOption('shared', 'libraries to build as shared libraries', 'all', names = list_of_libs), ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['shared'] if 'ical' in env['shared']: print '1' else: print '0' for x in env['shared']: print x, print print env.subst('$shared') Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """) test.run() check(['all', '1', 'gl ical qt x11', 'gl ical qt x11']) test.run(arguments='shared=none') check(['none', '0', '', '']) test.run(arguments='shared=') check(['none', '0', '', '']) test.run(arguments='shared=x11,ical') check(['ical,x11', '1', 'ical x11', 'ical x11']) test.run(arguments='shared=x11,,ical,,') check(['ical,x11', '1', 'ical x11', 'ical x11']) test.run(arguments='shared=foo', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: shared Invalid value(s) for option: foo File "SConstruct", line 14, in ? """, status=2) # be paranoid in testing some more combinations test.run(arguments='shared=foo,ical', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: shared Invalid value(s) for option: foo File "SConstruct", line 14, in ? """, status=2) test.run(arguments='shared=ical,foo', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: shared Invalid value(s) for option: foo File "SConstruct", line 14, in ? """, status=2) test.run(arguments='shared=ical,foo,x11', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: shared Invalid value(s) for option: foo File "SConstruct", line 14, in ? """, status=2) test.run(arguments='shared=foo,x11,,,bar', stderr = """ scons: *** Error converting option: shared Invalid value(s) for option: foo,bar File "SConstruct", line 14, in ? """, status=2) #### test PackageOption #### test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import PackageOption opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( PackageOption('x11', 'use X11 installed here (yes = search some places', 'yes'), ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['x11'] Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """) test.run() check(['1']) test.run(arguments='x11=no'); check(['0']) test.run(arguments='x11=0'); check(['0']) test.run(arguments='"x11=%s"' % test.workpath()); check([test.workpath()]) test.run(arguments='x11=/non/existing/path/', stderr = """ scons: *** Path does not exist for option x11: /non/existing/path/ File "SConstruct", line 11, in ? """, status=2) #### test PathOption #### test.subdir('lib', 'qt', ['qt', 'lib'], 'nolib' ) workpath = test.workpath() libpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'lib') test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import PathOption qtdir = r'%s' opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( PathOption('qtdir', 'where the root of Qt is installed', qtdir), PathOption('qt_libraries', 'where the Qt library is installed', r'%s'), ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['qtdir'] print env['qt_libraries'] print env.subst('$qt_libraries') Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """ % (workpath, os.path.join('$qtdir', 'lib') )) qtpath = workpath libpath = os.path.join(qtpath, 'lib') test.run() check([qtpath, os.path.join('$qtdir', 'lib'), libpath]) qtpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'qt') libpath = os.path.join(qtpath, 'lib') test.run(arguments='"qtdir=%s"' % qtpath) check([qtpath, os.path.join('$qtdir', 'lib'), libpath]) qtpath = workpath libpath = os.path.join(qtpath, 'nolib') test.run(arguments='"qt_libraries=%s"' % libpath) check([qtpath, libpath, libpath]) qtpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'qt') libpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'nolib') test.run(arguments='"qtdir=%s" "qt_libraries=%s"' % (qtpath, libpath)) check([qtpath, libpath, libpath]) qtpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'non', 'existing', 'path') test.run(arguments='"qtdir=%s"' % qtpath, stderr = """ scons: *** Path does not exist for option qtdir: %s File "SConstruct", line 12, in ? """ % qtpath, status=2) test.run(arguments='"qt_libraries=%s"' % qtpath, stderr = """ scons: *** Path does not exist for option qt_libraries: %s File "SConstruct", line 12, in ? """ % qtpath, status=2) ### test help messages #### workpath = test.workpath() qtpath = os.path.join(workpath, 'qt') libpath = os.path.join(qtpath, 'lib') libdirvar = os.path.join('$qtdir', 'lib') test.write('SConstruct', """ from SCons.Options import BoolOption, EnumOption, ListOption, \ PackageOption, PathOption list_of_libs = Split('x11 gl qt ical') qtdir = r'%(qtdir)s' opts = Options(args=ARGUMENTS) opts.AddOptions( BoolOption('warnings', 'compilation with -Wall and similiar', 1), BoolOption('profile', 'create profiling informations', 0), EnumOption('debug', 'debug output and symbols', 'no', allowed_values=('yes', 'no', 'full'), map={}, ignorecase=0), # case sensitive EnumOption('guilib', 'gui lib to use', 'gtk', allowed_values=('motif', 'gtk', 'kde'), map={}, ignorecase=1), # case insensitive EnumOption('some', 'some option', 'xaver', allowed_values=('xaver', 'eins'), map={}, ignorecase=2), # make lowercase ListOption('shared', 'libraries to build as shared libraries', 'all', names = list_of_libs), PackageOption('x11', 'use X11 installed here (yes = search some places)', 'yes'), PathOption('qtdir', 'where the root of Qt is installed', qtdir), PathOption('qt_libraries', 'where the Qt library is installed', r'%(libdirvar)s'), ) env = Environment(options=opts) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env)) print env['warnings'] print env['profile'] Default(env.Alias('dummy', None)) """ % {'qtdir': qtpath, 'libdirvar': libdirvar, 'libdir': libpath}) test.run(arguments='-h', stdout = """scons: Reading SConscript files ... scons: done reading SConscript files. warnings: compilation with -Wall and similiar (yes|no) default: 1 actual: 1 profile: create profiling informations (yes|no) default: 0 actual: 0 debug: debug output and symbols (yes|no|full) default: no actual: no guilib: gui lib to use (motif|gtk|kde) default: gtk actual: gtk some: some option (xaver|eins) default: xaver actual: xaver shared: libraries to build as shared libraries (all|none|comma-separated list of names) allowed names: x11 gl qt ical default: all actual: x11 gl qt ical x11: use X11 installed here (yes = search some places) ( yes | no | /path/to/x11 ) default: yes actual: 1 qtdir: where the root of Qt is installed ( /path/to/qtdir ) default: %(qtdir)s actual: %(qtdir)s qt_libraries: where the Qt library is installed ( /path/to/qt_libraries ) default: %(qtdir_lib)s actual: %(libdir)s Use scons -H for help about command-line options. """ % {'qtdir': qtpath, 'qtdir_lib' : os.path.join('$qtdir', 'lib'), 'libdirvar': libdirvar, 'libdir': libpath}) test.pass_test()