#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" """ Testing the 'qt' tool, i.e. support for .ui files and automatic generation of qt's moc files. """ import os.path import string import TestSCons python = TestSCons.python _exe = TestSCons._exe lib_ = TestSCons.lib_ _lib = TestSCons._lib dll_ = TestSCons.dll_ _dll = TestSCons._dll test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.subdir( 'qt', ['qt', 'bin'], ['qt', 'include'], ['qt', 'lib'] ) # create a dummy qt installation test.write(['qt', 'bin', 'mymoc.py'], """ import getopt import sys import string import re cmd_opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'io:', []) output = None impl = 0 opt_string = '' for opt, arg in cmd_opts: if opt == '-o': output = open(arg, 'wb') elif opt == '-i': impl = 1 else: opt_string = opt_string + ' ' + opt for a in args: contents = open(a, 'rb').read() subst = r'{ my_qt_symbol( "' + a + '\\\\n" ); }' if impl: contents = re.sub( r'#include.*', '', contents ) output.write(string.replace(contents, 'Q_OBJECT', subst)) output.close() sys.exit(0) """ ) test.write(['qt', 'bin', 'myuic.py'], """ import sys import string output_arg = 0 impl_arg = 0 impl = None source = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if output_arg: output = open(arg, 'wb') output_arg = 0 elif impl_arg: impl = arg impl_arg = 0 elif arg == "-o": output_arg = 1 elif arg == "-impl": impl_arg = 1 else: if source: sys.exit(1) source = open(arg, 'rb') if impl: output.write( '#include "' + impl + '"\\n' ) else: output.write( '#include "my_qobject.h"\\n' + source.read() + " Q_OBJECT \\n" ) output.close() sys.exit(0) """ ) test.write(['qt', 'include', 'my_qobject.h'], r""" #define Q_OBJECT ; void my_qt_symbol(const char *arg); """) test.write(['qt', 'lib', 'my_qobject.cpp'], r""" #include "../include/my_qobject.h" #include void my_qt_symbol(const char *arg) { printf( arg ); } """) test.write(['qt', 'lib', 'SConstruct'], r""" env = Environment() env.StaticLibrary( 'myqt', 'my_qobject.cpp' ) """) test.run(chdir=test.workpath('qt','lib'), arguments = '.') QT = test.workpath('qt') QT_LIB = 'myqt' QT_MOC = '%s %s' % (python, test.workpath('qt','bin','mymoc.py')) QT_UIC = '%s %s' % (python, test.workpath('qt','bin','myuic.py')) ############################################################################## # 4 test cases with 4 different operation modes def createSConstruct(test,place): test.write(place, """ env = Environment(QTDIR = r'%s', QT_LIB = r'%s', QT_MOC = r'%s', QT_UIC = r'%s', tools=['default','qt']) if ARGUMENTS.get('build_dir', 0): if ARGUMENTS.get('chdir', 0): SConscriptChdir(1) else: SConscriptChdir(0) BuildDir('build', '.', duplicate=1) sconscript = Dir('build').File('SConscript') else: sconscript = File('SConscript') Export("env") SConscript( sconscript ) """ % (QT, QT_LIB, QT_MOC, QT_UIC)) test.subdir( 'work1', 'work2', 'work3', 'work4', 'work5' ) ############################################################################## # 1. create a moc file from a header file. aaa_exe = 'aaa' + _exe moc = 'moc_aaa.cc' createSConstruct(test, ['work1', 'SConstruct']) test.write( ['work1', 'SConscript'], """ Import("env") env.Program(target = 'aaa', source = 'aaa.cpp') """) test.write(['work1', 'aaa.cpp'], r""" #include "aaa.h" int main() { aaa(); return 0; } """) test.write(['work1', 'aaa.h'], r""" #include "my_qobject.h" void aaa(void) Q_OBJECT; """) test.run(chdir='work1', arguments = aaa_exe) test.up_to_date(chdir='work1', options = '-n', arguments=aaa_exe) test.up_to_date(chdir='work1', options = '-n', arguments = aaa_exe) test.write(['work1', 'aaa.h'], r""" /* a change */ #include "my_qobject.h" void aaa(void) Q_OBJECT; """) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work1', options='-n', arguments = moc) test.run(program = test.workpath('work1', aaa_exe), stdout = 'aaa.h\n') test.run(chdir='work1', arguments = "build_dir=1 " + test.workpath('work1', 'build', aaa_exe) ) test.run(chdir='work1', arguments = "build_dir=1 chdir=1 " + test.workpath('work1', 'build', aaa_exe) ) test.fail_test( not os.path.exists(test.workpath('work1', 'build', moc)) ) ############################################################################## # 2. create .cpp, .h, moc_....cpp from .ui file aaa_dll = dll_ + 'aaa' + _dll moc = 'moc_aaa.cc' cpp = 'aaa.cc' h = 'aaa.h' createSConstruct(test, ['work2', 'SConstruct']) test.write(['work2', 'SConscript'], """ Import("env") env.SharedLibrary(target = 'aaa', source = ['aaa.ui', 'useit.cpp']) """) test.write(['work2', 'aaa.ui'], r""" void aaa(void) """) test.write(['work2', 'useit.cpp'], r""" #include "aaa.h" void useit() { aaa(); } """) test.run(chdir='work2', arguments = aaa_dll) test.up_to_date(chdir='work2', options='-n',arguments = aaa_dll) test.write(['work2', 'aaa.ui'], r""" /* a change */ void aaa(void) """) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = moc) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = cpp) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = h) test.run(chdir='work2', arguments = aaa_dll) test.write(['work2', 'aaa.ui.h'], r""" /* test dependency to .ui.h */ """) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = cpp) test.up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = h) test.up_to_date(chdir='work2', options = '-n', arguments = moc) test.run(chdir='work2', arguments = "build_dir=1 " + test.workpath('work2', 'build', aaa_dll) ) test.run(chdir='work2', arguments = "build_dir=1 chdir=1 " + test.workpath('work2', 'build', aaa_dll) ) test.fail_test(not os.path.exists(test.workpath('work2','build',moc)) or not os.path.exists(test.workpath('work2','build',cpp)) or not os.path.exists(test.workpath('work2','build',h))) ############################################################################## # 3. create a moc file from a cpp file lib_aaa = lib_ + 'aaa' + _lib moc = 'moc_aaa.cc' createSConstruct(test, ['work3', 'SConstruct']) test.write(['work3', 'SConscript'], """ Import("env") env.StaticLibrary(target = '%s', source = ['aaa.cpp','useit.cpp']) """ % lib_aaa) test.write(['work3', 'aaa.h'], r""" void aaa(void); """) test.write(['work3', 'aaa.cpp'], r""" #include "my_qobject.h" void aaa(void) Q_OBJECT #include "%s" """ % moc) test.write(['work3', 'useit.cpp'], r""" #include "aaa.h" void useit() { aaa(); } """) test.run(chdir='work3', arguments = lib_aaa) test.up_to_date(chdir='work3', options = '-n', arguments = lib_aaa) test.write(['work3', 'aaa.cpp'], r""" #include "my_qobject.h" /* a change */ void aaa(void) Q_OBJECT #include "%s" """ % moc) test.not_up_to_date(chdir='work3', options = '-n', arguments = moc) test.run(chdir='work3', arguments = "build_dir=1 " + test.workpath('work3', 'build', lib_aaa) ) test.run(chdir='work3', arguments = "build_dir=1 chdir=1 " + test.workpath('work3', 'build', lib_aaa) ) test.fail_test(not os.path.exists(test.workpath('work3', 'build', moc))) ############################################################################## # 4. Test with a copied environment. createSConstruct(test, ['work4', 'SConstruct']) test.write(['work4', 'SConscript'], """\ Import("env") env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['FOOBAZ']) copy = env.Copy() copy.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['MYLIB_IMPL']) copy.SharedLibrary( target = 'MyLib', source = ['MyFile.cpp','MyForm.ui'] ) """) test.write(['work4', 'MyFile.h'], r""" void aaa(void); """) test.write(['work4', 'MyFile.cpp'], r""" #include "MyFile.h" void useit() { aaa(); } """) test.write(['work4', 'MyForm.ui'], r""" void aaa(void) """) test.run(chdir='work4') moc_MyForm = filter(lambda x: string.find(x, 'moc_MyForm') != -1, string.split(test.stdout(), '\n')) MYLIB_IMPL = filter(lambda x: string.find(x, 'MYLIB_IMPL') != -1, moc_MyForm) if not MYLIB_IMPL: print "Did not find MYLIB_IMPL on moc_MyForm compilation line:" print test.stdout() test.fail_test() # look if qt is installed, and try out all builders if os.environ.get('QTDIR', None): QTDIR=os.environ['QTDIR'] test.write( ['work5', 'SConstruct'],""" import os dummy_env = Environment() ENV = dummy_env['ENV'] try: PATH=ARGUMENTS['PATH'] if ENV.has_key('PATH'): ENV_PATH = PATH + ':' + ENV['PATH'] else: Exit(0) # this is certainly a weird system :-) except KeyError: if ENV.has_key('PATH'): ENV_PATH=dummy_env['ENV']['PATH'] else: ENV_PATH='' pass env = Environment(tools=['default','qt'], ENV={'PATH':ENV_PATH, 'HOME':os.getcwd()}, # moc / uic want to write stuff in ~/.qt CXXFILESUFFIX=".cpp") conf = env.Configure() if not conf.CheckLib(env.subst("$QT_LIB")): conf.env['QT_LIB'] = 'qt-mt' if not conf.CheckLib(env.subst("$QT_LIB")): Exit(0) env = conf.Finish() env.Program('test_realqt', ['mocFromCpp.cpp', 'mocFromH.cpp', 'anUiFile.ui', 'main.cpp']) """) test.write( ['work5', 'mocFromCpp.h'],""" void mocFromCpp(); """) test.write( ['work5', 'mocFromCpp.cpp'],""" #include #include "mocFromCpp.h" class MyClass1 : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: MyClass1() : QObject() {}; public slots: void myslot() {}; }; void mocFromCpp() { MyClass1 myclass; } #include "moc_mocFromCpp.cpp" """) test.write( ['work5', 'mocFromH.h'],""" #include class MyClass2 : public QObject { Q_OBJECT; public: MyClass2(); public slots: void myslot(); }; void mocFromH(); """) test.write( ['work5', 'mocFromH.cpp'],""" #include "mocFromH.h" MyClass2::MyClass2() : QObject() {} void MyClass2::myslot() {} void mocFromH() { MyClass2 myclass; } """) test.write( ['work5', 'anUiFile.ui'],""" MyWidget QWidget MyWidget MyWidget """) test.write( ['work5', 'main.cpp'], """ #include "mocFromCpp.h" #include "mocFromH.h" #include "anUiFile.h" int main() { mocFromCpp(); mocFromH(); MyWidget mywidget(); } """) test.run(chdir='work5', arguments="test_realqt" + _exe) QTDIR=os.environ['QTDIR'] del os.environ['QTDIR'] test.run(chdir='work5', arguments="-c test_realqt" + _exe) test.run(chdir='work5', arguments="PATH=%s/bin test_realqt%s"%(QTDIR,_exe)) else: print "Could not find QT, skipping test(s)." test.pass_test()