#!/usr/bin/env python # # __COPYRIGHT__ # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # __revision__ = "__FILE__ __REVISION__ __DATE__ __DEVELOPER__" """ Verify that we only scan generated .h files once. This originated as a real-life bug report submitted by Scott Lystig Fritchie. It's been left as-is, rather than stripped down to bare minimum, partly because it wasn't completely clear what combination of factors triggered the bug Scott saw, and partly because the real-world complexity is valuable in its own right. """ import os.path import sys import TestCmd import TestSCons test = TestSCons.TestSCons() test.subdir('reftree', ['reftree', 'include'], 'src', ['src', 'lib_geng']) test.write('SConstruct', """\ ### ### QQQ !@#$!@#$! I need to move the SConstruct file to be "above" ### both the source and install dirs, or the install dependencies ### don't seem to work well! ARRGH!!!! ### experimenttop = r"%s" import os import os.path import string import Mylib BStaticLibMerge = Builder(generator = Mylib.Gen_StaticLibMerge) builders = Environment().Dictionary('BUILDERS') builders["StaticLibMerge"] = BStaticLibMerge env = Environment(BUILDERS = builders) e = env.Dictionary() # Slightly easier to type global_env = env e["GlobalEnv"] = global_env e["REF_INCLUDE"] = os.path.join(experimenttop, "reftree", "include") e["REF_LIB"] = os.path.join(experimenttop, "reftree", "lib") e["EXPORT_INCLUDE"] = os.path.join(experimenttop, "export", "include") e["EXPORT_LIB"] = os.path.join(experimenttop, "export", "lib") e["INSTALL_BIN"] = os.path.join(experimenttop, "install", "bin") build_dir = os.path.join(experimenttop, "tmp-bld-dir") src_dir = os.path.join(experimenttop, "src") env.Append(CPPPATH = [e["EXPORT_INCLUDE"]]) env.Append(CPPPATH = [e["REF_INCLUDE"]]) Mylib.AddLibDirs(env, "/via/Mylib.AddLibPath") env.Append(LIBPATH = [e["EXPORT_LIB"]]) env.Append(LIBPATH = [e["REF_LIB"]]) Mylib.Subdirs(env, "src") """ % test.workpath()) test.write('Mylib.py', """\ import os import string import re def Subdirs(env, dirlist): for file in _subconf_list(dirlist): env.SConscript(file, "env") def _subconf_list(dirlist): return map(lambda x: os.path.join(x, "SConscript"), string.split(dirlist)) def StaticLibMergeMembers(local_env, libname, hackpath, files): for file in string.split(files): # QQQ Fix limits in grok'ed regexp tmp = re.sub(".c$", ".o", file) objname = re.sub(".cpp", ".o", tmp) local_env.Object(target = objname, source = file) e = 'local_env["GlobalEnv"].Append(%s = ["%s"])' % (libname, os.path.join(hackpath, objname)) exec(e) def CreateMergedStaticLibrary(env, libname): objpaths = env["GlobalEnv"][libname] libname = "lib%s.a" % (libname) env.StaticLibMerge(target = libname, source = objpaths) # I put the main body of the generator code here to avoid # namespace problems def Gen_StaticLibMerge(source, target, env, for_signature): target_string = "" for t in target: target_string = str(t) subdir = os.path.dirname(target_string) srclist = [] for src in source: srclist.append(src) return [["ar", "cq"] + target + srclist, ["ranlib"] + target] def StaticLibrary(env, target, source): env.StaticLibrary(target, string.split(source)) def SharedLibrary(env, target, source): env.SharedLibrary(target, string.split(source)) def ExportHeader(env, headers): env.Install(dir = env["EXPORT_INCLUDE"], source = string.split(headers)) def ExportLib(env, libs): env.Install(dir = env["EXPORT_LIB"], source = string.split(libs)) def InstallBin(env, bins): env.Install(dir = env["INSTALL_BIN"], source = string.split(bins)) def Program(env, target, source): env.Program(target, string.split(source)) def AddCFlags(env, str): env.Append(CPPFLAGS = " " + str) # QQQ Synonym needed? #def AddCFLAGS(env, str): # AddCFlags(env, str) def AddIncludeDirs(env, str): env.Append(CPPPATH = string.split(str)) def AddLibs(env, str): env.Append(LIBS = string.split(str)) def AddLibDirs(env, str): env.Append(LIBPATH = string.split(str)) """) test.write(['reftree', 'include', 'lib_a.h'], """\ char *a_letter(void); """) test.write(['reftree', 'include', 'lib_b.h'], """\ char *b_letter(void); """) test.write(['reftree', 'include', 'lib_ja.h'], """\ char *j_letter_a(void); """) test.write(['reftree', 'include', 'lib_jb.h.intentionally-moved'], """\ char *j_letter_b(void); """) test.write(['src', 'SConscript'], """\ # --- Begin SConscript boilerplate --- import Mylib Import("env") #env = env.Clone() # Yes, clobber intentionally #Make environment changes, such as: Mylib.AddCFlags(env, "-g -D_TEST") #Mylib.Subdirs(env, "lib_a lib_b lib_mergej prog_x") Mylib.Subdirs(env, "lib_geng") env = env.Clone() # Yes, clobber intentionally # --- End SConscript boilerplate --- """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'SConscript'], """\ # --- Begin SConscript boilerplate --- import string import sys import Mylib Import("env") #env = env.Clone() # Yes, clobber intentionally #Make environment changes, such as: Mylib.AddCFlags(env, "-g -D_TEST") #Mylib.Subdirs(env, "foo_dir") env = env.Clone() # Yes, clobber intentionally # --- End SConscript boilerplate --- Mylib.AddCFlags(env, "-DGOOFY_DEMO") Mylib.AddIncludeDirs(env, ".") # Not part of Scott Lystig Fritchies's original stuff: # On Windows, it's import to use the original test environment # when we invoke SCons recursively. import os recurse_env = env.Clone() recurse_env["ENV"] = os.environ # Icky code to set up process environment for "make" # I really ought to drop this into Mylib.... fromdict = env.Dictionary() todict = env["ENV"] import SCons.Util import re for k in fromdict.keys(): if k != "ENV" and k != "SCANNERS" and k != "CFLAGS" and k != "CXXFLAGS" \ and not SCons.Util.is_Dict(fromdict[k]): # The next line can fail on some systems because it would try to # do env.subst on: # $RMIC $RMICFLAGS -d ${TARGET.attributes.java_lookupdir} ... # When $TARGET is None, so $TARGET.attributes would throw an # exception, which SCons would turn into a UserError. They're # not important for this test, so just catch 'em. f = fromdict[k] try: todict[k] = env.subst(f) except SCons.Errors.UserError: pass todict["CFLAGS"] = fromdict["CPPFLAGS"] + " " + \ string.join(map(lambda x: "-I" + x, env["CPPPATH"])) + " " + \ string.join(map(lambda x: "-L" + x, env["LIBPATH"])) todict["CXXFLAGS"] = todict["CFLAGS"] generated_hdrs = "libg_gx.h libg_gy.h libg_gz.h" static_hdrs = "libg_w.h" #exported_hdrs = generated_hdrs + " " + static_hdrs exported_hdrs = static_hdrs lib_name = "g" lib_fullname = env.subst("${LIBPREFIX}g${LIBSUFFIX}") lib_srcs = string.split("libg_1.c libg_2.c libg_3.c") import re lib_objs = map(lambda x: re.sub("\.c$", ".o", x), lib_srcs) Mylib.ExportHeader(env, exported_hdrs) Mylib.ExportLib(env, lib_fullname) # The following were the original commands from Scott Lystic Fritchie, # making use of a shell script and a Makefile to build the library. # These have been preserved, commented out below, but in order to make # this test portable, we've replaced them with a Python script and a # recursive invocation of SCons (!). #cmd_both = "cd %s ; make generated ; make" % Dir(".") #cmd_generated = "cd %s ; sh MAKE-HEADER.sh" % Dir(".") #cmd_justlib = "cd %s ; make" % Dir(".") _ws = re.compile('\s') def escape(s): if _ws.search(s): s = '"' + s + '"' return s cmd_generated = "%s $SOURCE" % escape(sys.executable) cmd_justlib = "%s %s -C ${SOURCES[0].dir}" % (escape(sys.executable), escape(sys.argv[0])) ##### Deps appear correct ... but wacky scanning? # Why? # # SCons bug?? env.Command(string.split(generated_hdrs), ["MAKE-HEADER.py"], cmd_generated) recurse_env.Command([lib_fullname] + lib_objs, lib_srcs + string.split(generated_hdrs + " " + static_hdrs), cmd_justlib) """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'MAKE-HEADER.py'], """\ #!/usr/bin/env python import os import os.path import sys # chdir to the directory in which this script lives os.chdir(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]) for h in ['libg_gx.h', 'libg_gy.h', 'libg_gz.h']: open(h, 'w').write('') """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'SConstruct'], """\ import os Scanned = {} def write_out(file, dict): keys = dict.keys() keys.sort() f = open(file, 'wb') for k in keys: file = os.path.split(k)[1] f.write(file + ": " + str(dict[k]) + "\\n") f.close() orig_function = CScan.scan def MyCScan(node, paths, orig_function=orig_function): deps = orig_function(node, paths) global Scanned n = str(node) try: Scanned[n] = Scanned[n] + 1 except KeyError: Scanned[n] = 1 write_out(r'%s', Scanned) return deps CScan.scan = MyCScan env = Environment(CPPPATH = ".") l = env.StaticLibrary("g", Split("libg_1.c libg_2.c libg_3.c")) Default(l) """ % test.workpath('MyCScan.out')) # These were the original shell script and Makefile from SLF's original # bug report. We're not using them--in order to make this script as # portable as possible, we're using a Python script and a recursive # invocation of SCons--but we're preserving them here for history. #test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'MAKE-HEADER.sh'], """\ ##!/bin/sh # #exec touch $* #""") # #test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'Makefile'], """\ #all: libg.a # #GEN_HDRS = libg_gx.h libg_gy.h libg_gz.h #STATIC_HDRS = libg_w.h # #$(GEN_HDRS): generated # #generated: MAKE-HEADER.sh # sh ./MAKE-HEADER.sh $(GEN_HDRS) # #libg.a: libg_1.o libg_2.o libg_3.o # ar r libg.a libg_1.o libg_2.o libg_3.o # #libg_1.c: $(STATIC_HDRS) $(GEN_HDRS) #libg_2.c: $(STATIC_HDRS) $(GEN_HDRS) #libg_3.c: $(STATIC_HDRS) $(GEN_HDRS) # #clean: # -rm -f $(GEN_HDRS) # -rm -f libg.a *.o core core.* #""") test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'libg_w.h'], """\ """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'libg_1.c'], """\ #include #include int g_1() { return 1; } """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'libg_2.c'], """\ #include #include #include #include int g_2() { return 2; } """) test.write(['src', 'lib_geng', 'libg_3.c'], """\ #include #include int g_3() { return 3; } """) test.run(stderr=TestSCons.noisy_ar, match=TestSCons.match_re_dotall) # Note that the generated .h files still get scanned twice, # but that's really once each as a child of libg_1.o and libg_2.o. test.must_match("MyCScan.out", """\ libg_1.c: 1 libg_2.c: 1 libg_3.c: 1 libg_gx.h: 2 libg_gy.h: 1 libg_gz.h: 1 libg_w.h: 2 """) test.pass_test()