#!/usr/bin/perl # # genscons.pl # # This script generates a build tree with $ndirs + 1 directories, containing # $nfils source files each, and both SConstruct files and non-recursive # Makefiles to build the tree. # # Copyright (c) 2010 Electric Cloud, Inc. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Electric Cloud nor the names of its employees may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # These settings will generate 2,000 total C files, grouped in blocks of 20, # each of which does a couple of #includes. $nlvls = 2; $ndirs = 3; $nfils = 500; $nlups = 2; $group = 20; $rmdel = "rm -f"; $OBJ = ".o"; # Check Variables settings #if ( ($nfils % $group) != 0) { # die "ERROR: The number of files ($nfils) must be a multiple of the group size ($group)"; #} sub init() { # use strict; # use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Getopt::Std; my $opt_string = 'd:f:g:l:u:h'; getopts ( "$opt_string", \%opt) or usage (); &usage() if $opt{h}; $ndirs = $opt{d} if $opt{d}; $nfils = $opt{f} if $opt{f}; $group = $opt{g} if $opt{g}; $nlvls = $opt{l} if $opt{l}; $nlups = $opt{u} if $opt{u}; return 0; } sub usage () { print STDERR << "EOF"; usage: $0 [-l Levels] [-d Dirs] [-f Files] [-g Grouping] [-u Lookups] [-h] -l Levels : number of levels of directories (default $nlvls) -d Dirs : number of directories at each level (default $ndirs) -f Files : number of source files per directory (default $nfils) -g Grouping : compile in groups of Grouping files (default $group) -u Lookups : number of lookups per source file (default $nlups) -h : this help message You can edit the default values in genscons.pl EOF exit; } # fmt # # Adds commas to long numbers to make them more readable. sub fmt { my ($value) = @_; my $running = 1; while ($running) { $value =~ s/([0-9])([0-9]{3})(?![0-9])/\1,\2/g; $running = ($1 =~ /[0-9]/); } return $value; } # gen_incfile # # Generate a generic include file to keep the compiler busy. sub gen_incfile { my ($basedir, $filename, $idx) = @_; open (INC, "> $filename") || die "Cannot open $filename for output."; print INC "#ifndef $filname[$idx]\n" . "#define $filname[$idx] \"$basedir\"\n\n" . "#include \"stdio.h\"\n\n"; print INC "#endif\n"; close (INC); } # gen_cfile # # Generate a distinct C file to keep the compiler busy. sub gen_cfile { my ($basedir, $filename, $idx) = @_; open (CFILE, "> $basedir/$filename") || die "Cannot open $basedir/$filename for output"; $buff = "#include \n"; $buff .= "#include <$filname[$idx].h>\n"; $buff .= "#include \n"; print CFILE $buff; if ($group == 1) { print CFILE "int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {\n" . "\tint i, mb_out;\n" . "\tprintf (\"I am $basedir/%s\\n\", \"$filname[$idx]\"" . ");\n" . "\treturn (0);\n}\n"; } elsif ( ($group - ($fil[$idx] % $group)) == 1) { print CFILE "int printr_$filname[$idx] (char * fname) {\n" . " printf (\"I am $basedir/%s\\n\", fname);\n" . " return (0);\n}\n"; } elsif ( ($fil[$idx] % $group) == 0) { $idx2 = $fil[$idx] + 1; print CFILE "extern int printr_$file[$idx2] (char * fname);\n" . "int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {\n" . "\tint i, mb_out;\n"; print CFILE "\tprintr_$file[$idx2] (\"$filname[$idx]\");\n" . "\n" . "\tmb_out = 0;\n" . "\tif (argc > 1) {\n" . "\t\tmb_out = atoi (argv[1]);\n" . "\t}\n" . "\tfor (i = 0; i < (mb_out * 16000); i++) {\n" . "\t\tprintf (\"%07d 9a123456789b123456789c12345" . "6789d123456789e123456789f12345678\\n\", i);\n" . "\t}\n" . "\texit (0);\n}\n"; } else { $idx2 = $fil[$idx] + 1; print CFILE "extern int printr_$file[$idx2] (char * fname);\n" . "int printr_$filname[$idx] (char * fname) {\n" . " printr_$file[$idx2] (fname);\n" . " return (0);\n}\n"; } close (CFILE); } # mkdirs # # Recursive function for generating directories full of files to build, and # the makefiles that go with them. # sub mkdirs { my ($idx, $basedir, $thisLvl) = @_; if ( ! -d $basedir ) { mkdir $basedir || die "Cannot create folder $basedir: $!"; } $relpath[$idx] = substr ($basedir, 8); # assumed top dir is "sconsbld" if ("$relpath[$idx]" eq "") { $relpath[$idx] = "."; $basestr = $basedir; $foo = ""; $libdir = "."; } else { $basestr = $relpath[$idx]; $basestr =~ s|/|_|g; $foo = substr($basedir,9) . "/"; $libdir = substr($basedir,9); } $bstr[$idx] = $basestr; $dirstr = $basedir; $dirstr =~ s|/|_|g; # $basedir is $relpath[$idx] with "sconsbld/" prepended so # $dirstr is $basestr with "sconsbld_" prepended. $cdstr = "."; for ($cdidx = 1; $cdidx < $thisLvl; $cdidx++) { $cdstr .= "/.."; } $thissc[$idx] = "$basedir/SConstruct"; $thismk[$idx] = "$basedir/Makefile"; $fzero[$idx] = "$basedir/file0"; open (SC, "> $thissc[$idx]") || die "Cannot open $thissc[$idx] for output: $!"; open (MK, "> $thismk[$idx]") || die "Cannot open $thismk[$idx] for output: $!"; print SC "import os\n" . "env = Environment(ENV = os.environ)\n\n"; my $cfgpath = ""; for (my $junk = 1; $junk < $thisLvl; $junk++) { $cfgpath .= "../"; } my $arkive = "archive"; if ($thisLvl == 1) { $mysubdir = "."; } else { $mysubdir = substr ($basedir, 8); } if (index ($basedir, "/") > 0) { @pieces = split (/\//, $basedir); $fileSuffix = ""; for (my $ii =0; $ii <= $#pieces; $ii++) { $fileSuffix .= "_" . $pieces[$ii]; } } else { $fileSuffix = "_" . $basedir; } for (my $lupsIdx = 0; $lupsIdx < $nlups; $lupsIdx++) { printf SC ("env.Append (CPPPATH = ['./lup%03d$fileSuffix'])\n", $lupsIdx); if ($lupsIdx == 0) { $eq = "="; } else { $eq = "+="; } printf MK ("${foo}%%.o: CPPFLAGS $eq -I${foo}lup%03d$fileSuffix\n", $lupsIdx); } print SC "env.Append (LIBPATH = ['.'])\n\n"; print MK "${foo}%: LDFLAGS = -L$libdir\n\n"; if ($thisLvl == 1) { print SC "\n" . "env.Help(\"\"\"\n" . "This build has parameters:\n" . " number of levels = $nlvls\n" . " directories/level = $ndirs\n" . " cfiles/directory = $nfils\n" . " lookups/source = $nlups\n" . " compiles grouped = $group\n" . "\"\"\")\n"; print MK "${foo}%.a:\n"; print MK "\tar rc \$@ \$^\n"; print MK "\tranlib \$@\n\n"; print MK "%.o: %.c\n"; print MK "\t\$(CC) -MMD -o \$@ -c \$(CPPFLAGS) \$<\n\n"; print MK "%: %.o\n"; print MK "\t\$(CC) -o \$@ \$< \$(LDFLAGS) -l\$(notdir \$@)\n\n"; print MK "CC=gcc\n\n"; print MK "all:\n\t\@ps -eo vsz,rss,comm | fgrep make\n\n"; } print SC "\n"; print MK "\n"; # Create include directories for doing additional lookups. for (my $ii = 0; $ii < $nlups; $ii++) { $lupDir = sprintf ("lup%03d$fileSuffix", $ii); mkdir "$basedir/$lupDir" || die "Couldn't create $basedir/$lupDir: $!"; $totald++; } $scfcc = ""; $scfar = ""; $mkfcc = ""; $mkfar = ""; ### ### generate the .c files and the .h files they include. ### Also generate the corresponding Makefile commands. ### for (my $filidx = 0; $filidx < $nfils; $filidx++) { $file[$filidx] = sprintf ("f%05d$fileSuffix", $filidx); } for ($fil[$idx] = 0; $fil[$idx] < $nfils; $fil[$idx]++) { $filname[$idx] = "$file[$fil[$idx]]"; $nextnum = substr ($filname[$idx], 1, 5); if ($group == 1) { # # Even when there are no groups, pre-compiled headers # still apply. # print SC "env.Program ('$filname[$idx].c')\n\n"; } # end of $group == 1 # # Compile source files in groups. # This removes unique lookups but adds some :: rules. # else { if ( ($fil[$idx] % $group) == 0) { if ("$scfcc" ne "") { print SC "$scfcc\n$scfar\n\n"; $scfcc = ""; $scfar = ""; } if ("$mkfcc" ne "") { print MK "$mkfcc\n$mkfar\n\n"; $mkfcc = ""; $mkfar = ""; } $groupFilename = "$filname[$idx]"; $nextnum = substr ($filname[$idx], 1, 5); $scfcc = "env.Program('$filname[$idx]',\n" . "\tLIBS=['$filname[$idx]'])\n"; $scfar = "env.Library ('$filname[$idx]',\n" . "\t['$filname[$idx].c'"; $mkfcc = "TARGETS += ${foo}$filname[$idx]\n${foo}$filname[$idx]: ${foo}$filname[$idx].o ${foo}lib$filname[$idx].a\n"; $mkfar = "${foo}lib$filname[$idx].a: ${foo}$filname[$idx].o"; print MK "SRCS += ${foo}$filname[$idx].c\n"; $tmpfnam = $filname[$idx]; for ($filei = 1; $filei < $group; $filei++) { $tmpfnum = sprintf ("%05d", $nextnum + $filei); substr ($tmpfnam, 1, 5) = $tmpfnum; $scfar .= ",\n\t '$tmpfnam.c'"; $mkfar .= " ${foo}$tmpfnam.o"; print MK "SRCS += ${foo}$tmpfnam.c\n"; } $scfar .= "])\n\n"; $mkfar .= "\n"; } } # end of handling of compiles for $group > 1 gen_incfile($basedir, "$basedir/$lupDir/$filname[$idx].h", $idx); if ($fil[$idx] == 0) { open (INC, "> $basedir/$lupDir/omega.h") || die "Cannot open $basedir/$lupDir/omega.h for output."; print INC "// comment in dummy file.\n"; close (INC); } gen_cfile($basedir, "$filname[$idx].c", $idx); } # end of generation of source files and header files if ($group > 1 && "$scfcc" ne "") { # # create makefile commands for the leftover files # print SC "$scfcc\n$scfar\n\n"; print MK "$mkfcc\n$mkfar\n\n"; } close (SC); close (MK); # Recurse and create more subdirectories and their contents. if ($thisLvl < $nlvls) { $allsubs[$idx] = ""; for ($dir[$idx] = 0; $dir[$idx] < $ndirs; $dir[$idx]++) { $dirname[$idx] = sprintf ("d${thisLvl}_%d", $dir[$idx]); $allsubs[$idx] .= "$dirname[$idx].subdir "; # # divide the subdirectories into 2 lists # The two lists are/can be treated differently in Makefile.util # if ($dir[$idx] < ($ndirs / 2)) { if ("$dirs1[$idx]" eq "") { $dirs1[$idx] = "$dirname[$idx]"; } elsif (index ($dirs1[$idx], $dirname[$idx]) < 0) { $dirs1[$idx] .= " $dirname[$idx]"; } } else { if ("$dirs2[$idx]" eq "") { $dirs2[$idx] = "$dirname[$idx]"; } elsif (index ($dirs2[$idx], $dirname[$idx]) < 0) { $dirs2[$idx] .= " $dirname[$idx]"; # # The preceding elsif should really just be # "else" but when nlvls > 2, you start getting repetition # of directory names in $dirs1[$idx] and $dirs2[$idx]. # Rather than figure out where the duplication is coming # from, just prevent it. # } } if ( ! -d "$basedir/$dirname[$idx]") { mkdir "$basedir/$dirname[$idx]" || die "Couldn't create $basedir/$dirname[$idx]: $!"; $totald++; } &mkdirs ($idx + 1, "$basedir/$dirname[$idx]", $thisLvl + 1); if ($thisLvl == 1) { print "Finished folder $dirname[$idx] in $basedir at " . `date`; } } } if ($thisLvl < $nlvls) { open (SC, ">> $thissc[$idx]") || die "Cannot open $thissc[$idx] for append: $!"; open (MK, ">> $thismk[$idx]") || die "Cannot open $thismk[$idx] for append: $!"; print SC "SConscript(["; if (index ($dirs1[$idx], " ") > 0) { @subdirs = split (/ /, $dirs1[$idx]); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#subdirs; $i++) { print SC "'$subdirs[$i]/SConstruct',\n\t"; print MK "include $subdirs[$i]/Makefile\n"; } } else { print SC "'$dirs1[$idx]/SConstruct',\n\t"; print MK "include $dirs1[$idx]/Makefile\n"; } if (index ($dirs2[$idx], " ") > 0) { @subdirs = split (/ /, $dirs2[$idx]); for ($i = 0; $i < $#subdirs; $i++) { print SC "'$subdirs[$i]/SConstruct',\n\t"; print MK "include $subdirs[$i]/Makefile\n"; } print SC "'$subdirs[$#subdirs]/SConstruct'"; print MK "include $subdirs[$#subdirs]/Makefile\n"; } else { print SC "'$dirs2[$idx]/SConstruct'"; print MK "include $dirs2[$idx]/Makefile\n"; } print SC "])\n\n"; print SC "\n"; print MK "NUL=\n"; print MK "SPACE=\$(NUL) \$(NUL)\n"; print MK "define nl\n\$(SPACE)\n\$(SPACE)\nendef\n\n"; print MK "all: \$(TARGETS)\n\n"; print MK "clean:\n"; print MK "\t\$(foreach tgt,\$(TARGETS),rm -f \$(tgt)\$(nl))\n"; print MK "\tfor n in d1*; do rm -f \$\$n/*.o ; rm -f \$\$n/*.a;done\n"; print MK "\trm -f *.o ; rm -f *.a\n\n"; print MK "-include \$(SRCS:.c=.d)"; close (SC); close (MK); } return 0; } $basedir = "sconsbld"; if ( ! -d $basedir) { mkdir $basedir || die "Couldn't create $basedir: $!"; } &init (); $numdirs = 0; # dirs other than include dirs for ($i = 0; $i < $nlvls; $i++) { $numdirs += ($ndirs ** $i); } $totldirs = $numdirs * ($nlups + 1); # dirs including include dirs # total = ( .c ) + ( .h ) + mkfiles + Makefile.util # + Makefile.cfg # + readme # + omega.h # + Makefile.clean $totlfils = ($nfils * $numdirs) + ($nfils * $numdirs) + $numdirs + 3 + $numdirs; $totlobjs = $nfils * $numdirs; $totlexes = $numdirs * ($nfils / $group); $totllups = $nfils * $numdirs * $nlups / $group; $allfiles = $totlfils + $totlobjs + $totlexes; # one rule for each group plus overhead of 10/makefile $nrules = ($numdirs * $nfils / $group) + ($numdirs * 10); $txt1 = "Number of levels = $nlvls\n" . "Number of dirs / level = $ndirs\n" . "Number of source files / dir = $nfils\n" . "Number of lookups / source file = $nlups\n" . "Number of compiles grouped = $group\n"; print $txt1; print $vartxt; $numMakefiles = 1; $txt2 = "Expecting:\n" . "\tdirectories: " . fmt($totldirs) . "\n" . "\tsource files: " . fmt($numdirs * $nfils) . "\n" . "\tinclude files: " . fmt($numdirs * ($nfils + 1)) . "\n" . "\tmakefiles: " . fmt($numdirs * $numMakefiles) . " ($numMakefiles per directory)\n" . "\ttotal files: " . fmt($totlfils) . "\n" . "\tlook-ups: >= " . fmt($totllups) . "\n" . "\trules: >= " . fmt($nrules) . "\n"; print $txt2; $txt3 = "When the build runs, " . fmt($totlobjs) . " object files & " . fmt($totlexes) . " executable(s)" . "\nwill be created, for a total of " . fmt($allfiles) . " files.\n"; print $txt3; # Using local archives the number of conflicts is about the number of compiles # which equals the number of archive writes. # if (-d $basedir) { print "Cleaning up from a previous run of this perl script.\n\n"; system ("rm -rf $basedir/*"); } ### ### Generate README.txt ### $readme = "$basedir/README.txt"; open (README, "> $readme") || die "Cannot open $readme for output."; $txt = "\nStarted at " . `date` . "\n"; print $txt; print README $txt . $vartxt . $txt1 . $txt2 . $txt3 || die "Cannot write txt, vartxt, txt1 etc to README"; ### ### Do the heavy lifting ### print "Start writing new files at " . `date` . "......\n"; $basedir0 = $basedir; &mkdirs (0, $basedir, 1); ### ### Summarize the results to the README and the console ### $txt = "\nFile creation ended at " . `date` . "\n"; print $txt; print README $txt || die "Cannot print txt to README"; close (README);