If you have not already done so, please log in before submitting a bug report!
Bugs should be reported at http://scons.tigris.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?subcomponent=scons&issue_type=DEFECT. Please follow the submission guidelines below to make sure your bug report contains the necessary information. A more detailed set of submission steps can be found below.
The above URL is set up for reporting a bug in SCons itself. If you are reporting a problem in some other aspect of the SCons Project (such as the documentation, or any of the web pages), you must change the Subcomponent field of the submission form to some other appropriate value.
Your bug will be much more likely to get diagnosed and fixed if you supply all the necessary information to make it easy to do so.
If you do not already have a tigris.org account, please register for one at http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Join.
We do accept anonymous bug reports, but it may be impossible to diagnose or fix the bug if we need more information and have no idea who submitted the bug or how to contact you. If you choose not to create a tigris.org account, at least put some identifying contact information in the bug description.
This helps avoid wasted time trying to pinpoint the version, and also allows us to confirm if a later released version has already fixed your problem.
If you can, simplify the configuration to just the minimal subset that demonstrates the problem. It's much harder to diagnose a problem if the incorrect behavor is due to one particular item out of a thousand in a large configuration.
That said, it's most convenient if you can provide an actual configuration (set of SConscript files and/or other input files) that can be downloaded and run to demonstrate the bug. The easiest way is to attach a .tar.gz or .zip file to the bug report. Note that the tigris.org Issue Tracker doesn't let you attach a file like this when you initially submit the report. You must first create the bug report, and then attach a file to it as a separate step. See below for the detailed steps.
If your problem is evident from a few specific SConscript lines, it's perfectly acceptable just to paste the lines into the Description field of the bug report.
It's best if you can cut and paste the output from SCons, especially any error messages. Otherwise, Vague descriptions like, "SCons errors out," or "Product XYZ doesn't compile" are extremely difficult to diagnose, because the different installed tools on someone else's system may cause SCons to behave differently and not demonstrate your bug.
This isn't always obvious, especially if the bug does not involve an SCons failure or error message. Describing the behavior you expected helps speed up the diagnosis.
The following guides you step-by-step through the process of submitting a new SCons bug report.
NOTE: Creating a bug report with an attached file or files (such as a .tar.gz or .zip file containing a sample configuration) is a two-step process in the tigris.org Issue Tracker. You must first create the bug report, and then attach the file(s) in a separate step, as described below.
If you do not already have a tigris.org account, you can register for one at http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Join.
You can still submit an anonymous bug report without logging in, but it may be impossible to diagnose or fix the bug if we need more information and have no idea who submitted the bug or how to contact you. If you choose not to create a tigris.org account, at least put some identifying contact information in the bug description.
The URL two steps above assumes that you're reporting a bug in the behavior of SCons itself. If you're reporting a problem in some other aspect of the SCons Project (such as the documentation, or the packaging), please change the Subcomponent field to reflect that.
The Platform field is less important here (SCons doesn't have many behavioral difference due to different hardware platforms) but the OS field is important.
This line is what shows up in summary reports, so it should be descriptive but not too long. Avoid overly-general things like "SCons error," etc.
This is where you should go into detail about the configuration, the exact error you see, what you expected to happen, etc. When in doubt, include more information rather than less.
You will now receive a Posting issue page that gives you the number of the issue you submitted.