Release Roadmap

Current Releases

The current stable release is 1.3.0, released 23 March 2010.

The latest release is 1.3.0.d20100523, released 23 May 2010.

The latest 2.0 checkpoint is 2.0.0.beta.20100605, released 05 June 2010.

Upcoming Releases

Our goal is to meet the dates for release candidates and the releases themselves; the beta checkpoint dates are our best guess as this was published, but they may be adjusted without notice.

Estimated date Type Comments
May 2010 Ckpt Beta for 2.0; breaks backward compatibility
June 2010 RC Release candidate for 2.0.
June 2010 2.0 Public release that breaks backward compatibility and drops deprecated features
July 2010 Ckpt Beta for testing new features.
Aug 2010 Ckpt Beta for testing new features.
Sept 2010 RC Release candidate for 2.1.
Oct 2010 2.1 First minor release of v2

Release Planning

Release numbering

Our release numbers are of the form major.minor.revision.