Release Roadmap

Current Releases

The current stable release is 1.0.1, released 7 September 2008.

The latest release is 1.0.1, released 7 September 2008.

Upcoming Releases

Our goal is to meet the dates for release candidates and the releases themselves; the beta checkpoint dates are our best guess as this was published, but they may be adjusted on no notice.

Date Type Name Comments
13-Sep-2008 checkpoint 1.0.1.d20080913 Beta for 1.1. Prioritization of work items and checkins for 1.1 are occuring now.
27-Sep-2008 candidate 1.0.1.d20080927 Release candidate for 1.1.
4-Oct-2008 release 1.1 First minor release of 1.0.
11-Oct-2008 checkpoint 1.1.d20081011 Beta for testing new features.
25-Oct-2008 checkpoint 1.1.d20081025 Beta for testing new features.
8-Nov-2008 checkpoint 1.1.d20081108 Beta for testing new features.
15-Nov-2008 candidate 1.1.d20081115 Release candidate for 1.2.
22-Nov-2008 release 1.2 Second minor release of 1.0.
29-Nov-2008 checkpoint 1.2.d20081129 Beta for testing new features.
13-Dec-2008 checkpoint 1.2.d20081213 Beta for testing new features.
27-Dec-2008 checkpoint 1.2.d20081227 Beta for testing new features.
3-Jan-2009 candidate 1.2.d20090103 Release candidate for 1.3.
10-Jan-2009 release 1.3 Third minor release of 1.0.
17-Jan-2009 checkpoint 1.3.d20090117 Beta for testing new featurea; breaks backward compatibility with Python 1.5.2.
24-Jan-2009 checkpoint 1.3.d20090124 Beta for testing new features.
31-Jan-2009 candidate 1.3.d20090131 Release candidate for 2.0.
7-Feb-2009 candidate 1.3.d20090207 Release candidate for 2.0, if needed.
14-Feb-2009 release 2.0 Public release that breaks backward compatibility

Release Planning

Release numbering

Our release numbers are of the form major.minor.revision.