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authorWilliam Joye <>2018-07-19 18:21:05 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2018-07-19 18:21:05 (GMT)
commit6bec7819ee1b25cd640386599a11e08684dfa659 (patch)
parent299b4ed7bdd6d35afd078a1672292d5c6f41c790 (diff)
new wcs template code
2 files changed, 123 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/fitsimage.C b/tksao/frame/fitsimage.C
index cf02ea2..27af278 100644
--- a/tksao/frame/fitsimage.C
+++ b/tksao/frame/fitsimage.C
@@ -1373,6 +1373,124 @@ void FitsImage::initWCS0(const Vector& pix)
void FitsImage::initWCS0(const Vector& pix)
+ FitsHead* hd =NULL;
+ if (wcsHeader_)
+ hd = wcsHeader_;
+ else if (altHeader_)
+ hd = altHeader_;
+ else
+ hd = image_->head();
+ // read wcs struct into astChannel
+ // we may have an error, just reset
+ astClearStatus;
+ // new fitschan
+ AstFitsChan* chan = astFitsChan(NULL, NULL, "");
+ if (!astOK || chan == AST__NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ // no warning messages
+ astClear(chan,"Warnings");
+ char key1[8];
+ char key2[8];
+ // basics (needed by fitschan.c)
+ putFitsCard(chan, "NAXIS1", (int)naxis(0));
+ putFitsCard(chan, "NAXIS2", (int)naxis(1));
+ // CTYPE
+ strcpy(key1, "CTYPE1 ");
+ strcpy(key2, "CTYPE2 ");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getString(key1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getString(key2));
+ // CRPIX
+ strcpy(key1, "CRPIX1 ");
+ strcpy(key2, "CRPIX2 ");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,0));
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,0));
+ // CRVAL
+ strcpy(key1, "CRVAL1 ");
+ strcpy(key2, "CRVAL2 ");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,0));
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,0));
+ strcpy(key1, "CDELT1 ");
+ strcpy(key2, "CDELT2 ");
+ char pkey1[8];
+ char pkey2[8];
+ char pkey3[8];
+ char pkey4[8];
+ strcpy(pkey1, "PC1_1 ");
+ strcpy(pkey2, "PC1_2 ");
+ strcpy(pkey3, "PC2_1 ");
+ strcpy(pkey4, "PC2_2 ");
+ char ckey1[8];
+ char ckey2[8];
+ char ckey3[8];
+ char ckey4[8];
+ strcpy(ckey1, "CD1_1 ");
+ strcpy(ckey2, "CD1_2 ");
+ strcpy(ckey3, "CD2_1 ");
+ strcpy(ckey4, "CD2_2 ");
+ // Give CD priority over CDELT
+ if (hd->find(ckey1) ||
+ hd->find(ckey2) ||
+ hd->find(ckey3) ||
+ hd->find(ckey4)) {
+ putFitsCard(chan, ckey1, hd->getReal(ckey1,1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, ckey2, hd->getReal(ckey2,0));
+ putFitsCard(chan, ckey3, hd->getReal(ckey3,0));
+ putFitsCard(chan, ckey4, hd->getReal(ckey4,1));
+ }
+ else if (hd->find(key1) || hd->find(key2)) {
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getReal(key1,1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getReal(key2,1));
+ if (hd->find(pkey1) ||
+ hd->find(pkey2) ||
+ hd->find(pkey3) ||
+ hd->find(pkey4)) {
+ putFitsCard(chan, pkey1, hd->getReal(pkey1,1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, pkey2, hd->getReal(pkey2,1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, pkey3, hd->getReal(pkey3,1));
+ putFitsCard(chan, pkey4, hd->getReal(pkey4,1));
+ }
+ }
+ strcpy(key1, "EQUINOX");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getString(key1));
+ strcpy(key2, "RADESYS");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getString(key2));
+ strcpy(key1, "MJD-OBS");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key1, hd->getString(key1));
+ strcpy(key2, "DATE-OBS");
+ putFitsCard(chan, key2, hd->getString(key2));
+ // all done
+ // rewind chan
+ astClear(chan, "Card");
+ // parse header
+ AstFrameSet* frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)astRead(chan);
+ // do we have anything?
+ if (!astOK || frameSet == AST__NULL ||
+ strncmp(astGetC(frameSet,"Class"), "FrameSet", 8))
+ return NULL;
+ astShow(frameSet);
+ // cleanup
+ astAnnul(chan);
@@ -5345,6 +5463,7 @@ void FitsImage::wcs2ast0(int ww, FitsHead* hd, FitsHead* prim, void* chan)
putFitsCard(chan, "RADESYS", wcs_[ww]->radecsys);
void FitsImage::putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, const char* value)
@@ -5401,4 +5520,3 @@ void FitsImage::putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, double value)
if (DebugAST)
cerr << str.str().c_str() << endl;
diff --git a/tksao/frame/fitsimage.h b/tksao/frame/fitsimage.h
index ab63aa3..29f9013 100644
--- a/tksao/frame/fitsimage.h
+++ b/tksao/frame/fitsimage.h
@@ -160,9 +160,7 @@ class FitsImage {
void wcs2ast(int, FitsHead*, FitsHead*, void*);
void wcs2ast0(int, FitsHead*, FitsHead*, void*);
void header2ast(int,FitsHead*, void*);
- void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, const char* value);
- void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, int value);
- void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, double value);
+ void astinit0(int, FitsHead*, FitsHead*);
void astInit(FitsHead*, FitsHead*);
void wcsInit();
@@ -171,7 +169,9 @@ class FitsImage {
void wcs3DInit();
void wcsHPXInit();
- void astinit0(int, FitsHead*, FitsHead*);
+ void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, const char* value);
+ void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, int value);
+ void putFitsCard(void* chan, const char* key, double value);
int checkWCS(Vector&);
int checkWCS(Vector3d&);
AstFrameSet* fits2ast(FitsHead*);