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authorjoye <joye>2013-09-11 19:50:26 (GMT)
committerjoye <joye>2013-09-11 19:50:26 (GMT)
commit364532e1f297d1ba09753aba79bb7a35bef497f2 (patch)
parentbfd5a2124dbb7a2a345600c70697326d495dd275 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/src/bltGrText.C b/src/bltGrText.C
index 271e83b..0b7582c 100644
--- a/src/bltGrText.C
+++ b/src/bltGrText.C
@@ -1347,322 +1347,6 @@ NewChunk(TkTextLayout **layoutPtrPtr, int *maxPtr, const char *start,
return chunkPtr;
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Blt_ComputeTextLayout --
- *
- * Computes the amount of screen space needed to display a multi-line,
- * justified string of text. Records all the measurements that were done
- * to determine to size and positioning of the individual lines of text;
- * this information can be used by the Tk_DrawTextLayout() procedure to
- * display the text quickly (without remeasuring it).
- *
- * This procedure is useful for simple widgets that want to display
- * single-font, multi-line text and want Tk to handle the details.
- *
- * Results:
- * The return value is a Tk_TextLayout token that holds the measurement
- * information for the given string. The token is only valid for the
- * given string. If the string is freed, the token is no longer valid
- * and must also be freed. To free the token, call Tk_FreeTextLayout().
- *
- * The dimensions of the screen area needed to display the text are
- * stored in *widthPtr and *heightPtr.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Memory is allocated to hold the measurement information.
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- Blt_Font font, /* Font that will be used to display text. */
- const char *string, /* String whose dimensions are to be
- * computed. */
- int numChars, /* Number of characters to consider from
- * string, or < 0 for strlen(). */
- int wrapLength, /* Longest permissible line length, in
- * pixels. <= 0 means no automatic wrapping:
- * just let lines get as long as needed. */
- Tk_Justify justify, /* How to justify lines. */
- int flags, /* Flag bits OR-ed together.
- * TK_IGNORE_TABS means that tab characters
- * should not be expanded. TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES
- * means that newline characters should not
- * cause a line break. */
- int *widthPtr, /* Filled with width of string. */
- int *heightPtr) /* Filled with height of string. */
- const char *start, *end, *special;
- int n, y, bytesThisChunk, maxChunks;
- int baseline, height, curX, newX, maxWidth;
- TkTextLayout *layoutPtr;
- LayoutChunk *chunkPtr;
- Blt_FontMetrics fm;
- Tcl_DString lineBuffer;
- int *lineLengths;
- int curLine, layoutHeight;
- Tcl_DStringInit(&lineBuffer);
- if ((font == NULL) || (string == NULL)) {
- if (widthPtr != NULL) {
- *widthPtr = 0;
- }
- if (heightPtr != NULL) {
- *heightPtr = 0;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- Blt_GetFontMetrics(font, &fm);
- height = fm.ascent + fm.descent;
- if (numChars < 0) {
- numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(string, -1);
- }
- if (wrapLength == 0) {
- wrapLength = -1;
- }
- maxChunks = 1;
- layoutPtr = malloc(sizeof(TkTextLayout) + (maxChunks - 1) *
- sizeof(LayoutChunk));
- layoutPtr->font = font;
- layoutPtr->string = string;
- layoutPtr->numChunks = 0;
- baseline = fm.ascent;
- maxWidth = 0;
- /*
- * Divide the string up into simple strings and measure each string.
- */
- curX = 0;
- end = Tcl_UtfAtIndex(string, numChars);
- special = string;
- for (start = string; start < end; ) {
- if (start >= special) {
- /*
- * Find the next special character in the string.
- *
- * INTL: Note that it is safe to increment by byte, because we are
- * looking for 7-bit characters that will appear unchanged in
- * UTF-8. At some point we may need to support the full Unicode
- * whitespace set.
- */
- for (special = start; special < end; special++) {
- if (!(flags & TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES)) {
- if ((*special == '\n') || (*special == '\r')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!(flags & TK_IGNORE_TABS)) {
- if (*special == '\t') {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Special points at the next special character (or the end of the
- * string). Process characters between start and special.
- */
- chunkPtr = NULL;
- if (start < special) {
- bytesThisChunk = Blt_MeasureChars(font, start, special - start,
- wrapLength - curX, flags, &newX);
- newX += curX;
- flags &= ~TK_AT_LEAST_ONE;
- if (bytesThisChunk > 0) {
- chunkPtr = NewChunk(&layoutPtr, &maxChunks, start,
- bytesThisChunk, curX, newX, baseline);
- start += bytesThisChunk;
- curX = newX;
- }
- }
- if ((start == special) && (special < end)) {
- /*
- * Handle the special character.
- *
- * INTL: Special will be pointing at a 7-bit character so we
- * can safely treat it as a single byte.
- */
- chunkPtr = NULL;
- if (*special == '\t') {
- newX = curX + fm.tabWidth;
- newX -= newX % fm.tabWidth;
- NewChunk(&layoutPtr, &maxChunks, start, 1, curX, newX,
- baseline)->numDisplayChars = -1;
- start++;
- if ((start < end) &&
- ((wrapLength <= 0) || (newX <= wrapLength))) {
- /*
- * More chars can still fit on this line.
- */
- curX = newX;
- flags &= ~TK_AT_LEAST_ONE;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- NewChunk(&layoutPtr, &maxChunks, start, 1, curX, curX,
- baseline)->numDisplayChars = -1;
- start++;
- goto wrapLine;
- }
- }
- /*
- * No more characters are going to go on this line, either because
- * no more characters can fit or there are no more characters left.
- * Consume all extra spaces at end of line.
- */
- while ((start < end) && isspace((unsigned char)(*start))) { /* INTL: ISO space */
- if (!(flags & TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES)) {
- if ((*start == '\n') || (*start == '\r')) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!(flags & TK_IGNORE_TABS)) {
- if (*start == '\t') {
- break;
- }
- }
- start++;
- }
- if (chunkPtr != NULL) {
- const char *end;
- /*
- * Append all the extra spaces on this line to the end of the
- * last text chunk. This is a little tricky because we are
- * switching back and forth between characters and bytes.
- */
- end = chunkPtr->start + chunkPtr->numBytes;
- bytesThisChunk = start - end;
- if (bytesThisChunk > 0) {
- bytesThisChunk = Blt_MeasureChars(font, end, bytesThisChunk,
- -1, 0, &chunkPtr->totalWidth);
- chunkPtr->numBytes += bytesThisChunk;
- chunkPtr->numChars += Tcl_NumUtfChars(end, bytesThisChunk);
- chunkPtr->totalWidth += curX;
- }
- }
- wrapLine:
- flags |= TK_AT_LEAST_ONE;
- /*
- * Save current line length, then move current position to start of
- * next line.
- */
- if (curX > maxWidth) {
- maxWidth = curX;
- }
- /*
- * Remember width of this line, so that all chunks on this line
- * can be centered or right justified, if necessary.
- */
- Tcl_DStringAppend(&lineBuffer, (char *) &curX, sizeof(curX));
- curX = 0;
- baseline += height;
- }
- /*
- * If last line ends with a newline, then we need to make a 0 width
- * chunk on the next line. Otherwise "Hello" and "Hello\n" are the
- * same height.
- */
- if ((layoutPtr->numChunks > 0) && ((flags & TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES) == 0)) {
- if (layoutPtr->chunks[layoutPtr->numChunks - 1].start[0] == '\n') {
- chunkPtr = NewChunk(&layoutPtr, &maxChunks, start, 0, curX,
- curX, baseline);
- chunkPtr->numDisplayChars = -1;
- Tcl_DStringAppend(&lineBuffer, (char *) &curX, sizeof(curX));
- baseline += height;
- }
- }
- layoutPtr->width = maxWidth;
- layoutHeight = baseline - fm.ascent;
- if (layoutPtr->numChunks == 0) {
- layoutHeight = height;
- /*
- * This fake chunk is used by the other procedures so that they can
- * pretend that there is a chunk with no chars in it, which makes
- * the coding simpler.
- */
- layoutPtr->numChunks = 1;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].start = string;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].numBytes = 0;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].numChars = 0;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].numDisplayChars = -1;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].x = 0;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].y = fm.ascent;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].totalWidth = 0;
- layoutPtr->chunks[0].displayWidth = 0;
- } else {
- /*
- * Using maximum line length, shift all the chunks so that the lines
- * are all justified correctly.
- */
- curLine = 0;
- chunkPtr = layoutPtr->chunks;
- y = chunkPtr->y;
- lineLengths = (int *) Tcl_DStringValue(&lineBuffer);
- for (n = 0; n < layoutPtr->numChunks; n++) {
- int extra;
- if (chunkPtr->y != y) {
- curLine++;
- y = chunkPtr->y;
- }
- extra = maxWidth - lineLengths[curLine];
- if (justify == TK_JUSTIFY_CENTER) {
- chunkPtr->x += extra / 2;
- } else if (justify == TK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT) {
- chunkPtr->x += extra;
- }
- chunkPtr++;
- }
- }
- if (widthPtr != NULL) {
- *widthPtr = layoutPtr->width;
- }
- if (heightPtr != NULL) {
- *heightPtr = layoutHeight;
- }
- Tcl_DStringFree(&lineBuffer);
- return (Tk_TextLayout) layoutPtr;
Display *display, /* Display on which to draw. */
diff --git a/src/bltGrText.h b/src/bltGrText.h
index 935b5e0..dbf2516 100644
--- a/src/bltGrText.h
+++ b/src/bltGrText.h
@@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ extern int Blt_CharBbox(Tk_TextLayout layout, int index, int *xPtr,
extern void Blt_UnderlineTextLayout(Display *display, Drawable drawable,
GC gc, Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y, int underline);
-extern void Blt_Ts_UnderlineLayout(Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable,
- TextLayout *layoutPtr, TextStyle *tsPtr, int x, int y);
extern void Blt_Ts_DrawText(Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable,
const char *text, int textLen, TextStyle *tsPtr, int x, int y);