path: root/ast/addlinks
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2018-01-09 19:06:55 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2018-01-09 19:06:55 (GMT)
commit01e0ebfe59d9028b0246ec4a549bd7528ada94eb (patch)
treea6c5b54db03177a1c8f3e7fb531990dfbc7bae39 /ast/addlinks
parentd64cf9c0bd23e752867b149be636d1bbd4501cf4 (diff)
update ast 8.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/addlinks')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/addlinks b/ast/addlinks
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..997dad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/addlinks
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Read a set of labels (one per line) from the "global.labels" file.
+# Then read the input lines and create links for the first occurrence
+# of each label in each Latex section encountered (the links use \htmlref
+# to refer to HTX labels elsewhere in the document). Omit links wherever
+# they are not appropriate.
+# Read the list of labels for which links should be generated (these may
+# contain Latex escape characters, as they must exactly match the text from
+# which the link will be generated).
+ open( LABELS, 'global.labels' );
+ @labels = <LABELS>;
+ close( LABELS );
+# Sort the labels into descending order of length. This is to avoid problems
+# with labels which are abbreviations of other labels.
+ @labels = sort { length( $b ) <=> length( $a ) } @labels;
+# Build a regexp that will match any one of the labels.
+ $pattern = "";
+ for $label ( @labels ) {
+# Remove newlines from each label.
+ $label =~ s/\n//g;
+# Labels must be whole words unless they start/end without an alphanumeric.
+ $label_q = quotemeta( $label );
+ if ( $label =~ m/^\w/ ) { $label_q = "\\b" . $label_q };
+ if ( $label =~ m/\w$/ ) { $label_q = $label_q . "\\b" };
+# Build the regexp.
+ $pattern = !$pattern ? $label_q : $pattern . "|" . $label_q;
+ }
+# Loop through the input data.
+ $sdiy = 0;
+ $inr = 0;
+ $source_line = 10;
+ $verbatim = 0;
+ while ( <> ) {
+# Detect the start of each type of document section.
+ ( $s ) = /^ *\\section\{/; # Latex section
+ ( $ss ) = /^ *\\subsection\{/; # Latex subsection
+ ( $sss ) = /^ *\\subsubsection\{/; # Latex subsubsection
+ ( $sr ) = /^ *\\sstroutine\{/; # SST routine description
+# We only consider sst diytopic sections to be of significance if they
+# introduce a listing of attributes or Functions. This is so that these
+# sections always contain links. SO if the previous line was a diytopic
+# line, see if this line contains the single word "Attributes" or
+# "Functions"
+ if( $sdiy ) {
+ ( $attrfun ) = /^ *(Attributes|Functions) *$/;
+ $linkatfun = 0;
+ $sdiy = 0;
+ } else {
+ ( $sdiy ) = /^ *\\sstdiytopic\{/;
+ }
+# Do not make links in the introductory text in an Attributes or
+# Functions DIY section.
+ if( $attrfun ) {
+ if( /^ *\\sstitemlist\{/ ) { $linkatfun = 1 };
+ } else {
+ $linkatfun = 0;
+ }
+# Watch for the end of the list of attributes or functions.
+ if( $attrfun ) {
+ if( /^ *\} *$/ ) {
+ $attrfun = 0;
+ $linkatfun = 0;
+ }
+ }
+# Note if a new section has started.
+ $sx = ( $s || $ss || $sss || $sr );
+ if ( $sx ) {
+# Set a flag to indicate which type of section we are in.
+ $ins = $inss = $insss = $inr = 0;
+ if ( $s ) { $ins = 1 };
+ if ( $ss ) { $inss = 1 };
+ if ( $sss ) { $insss = 1 };
+ if ( $sr ) { $inr = 1 };
+# Clear the count of source lines for this section.
+ $source_line = 0;
+# Clear the array of flags indicating which labels have been used.
+ undef %used;
+ }
+# Note if we are in a Latex "verbatim" or "terminalv" environment.
+ if ( /^ *\\begin\{(verbatim|terminalv)\} *$/ ) { $verbatim = 1 };
+# Count the source lines read from each section.
+ $source_line++;
+# Obtain an array of all the labels matched in the current source line.
+ @match = /$pattern/og;
+# Consider generating a link for each label matched.
+ for $label ( @match ) {
+ $label_q = quotemeta( $label );
+# In an SST routine description, extract the name of the routine from
+# the second source line and mark the label of that name "used". This
+# prevents links being made to this section from within itself.
+ if ( $inr && $source_line == 2 ) {
+ $used{ $label }++;
+ $label_x = $_;
+ $label_x =~ s/\W//g;
+ #s/$/\\sstlabel{$label_x}/;
+ }
+# If we are in a Functions or Attributes section, see if the match occurs
+# at the start of the line and is followed by a colon. If it is, it is the
+# name of the main Function or Attribute being described and so should be
+# linkified.
+ $atfun = ( $linkatfun && ( /^ *$label_q:/ ) );
+# Is this a caption? Do not replace entries in first part of caption
+# that appears in TOC LOF
+ $iscap = /\\caption/;
+# Check if a link should be made. Omit links in "verbatim" environments,
+# in any line which starts a new section (because labels don't work properly
+# if they get into the table of contents), in the 4th line of an SST
+# routine description (because these also go into the TOC), or if the label
+# has already been used in this section. We always linkify any match if it
+# is in a list of Function or Attribute descriptions, if it is at the start
+# of the line and is followed by a colon.
+ if ( $atfun || ( !$verbatim &&
+ !$iscap &&
+ !$sx &&
+ !( $inr && ( $source_line == 4 ) ) &&
+ !$used{ $label } ) ) {
+# Increment the number of usages of this label.
+ $used{ $label }++;
+# Labels must be whole words unless they start/end without an alphanumeric.
+ if ( $label =~ m/^\w/ ) { $label_q = "\\b" . $label_q };
+ if ( $label =~ m/\w$/ ) { $label_q = $label_q . "\\b" };
+# Form a version of the label with non alphanumerics removed.
+ $label_x = $label;
+ #$label_x =~ s/\W//g;
+# Edit each instance of the label in the source line to insert an \htmlref.
+ s/$label_q/\\htmlref{$label}{$label_x}/;
+ }
+ }
+# Detect the end of "verbatim" environments.
+ if ( /^ *\\end\{(verbatim|terminalv)\} *$/ ) { $verbatim = 0 };
+# Output the modified line.
+ print;
+ }