path: root/ast/lutmap.c
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authorWilliam Joye <>2017-12-08 18:59:21 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-12-08 18:59:21 (GMT)
commit4432c8d7e1ccb371db03e13cdb5378fceaa5ad04 (patch)
tree52449d211eba99b24d2e4f6e66193f9511c60b59 /ast/lutmap.c
parentd8a2dbd825159e4a57ec0c6f4465f62be9e05111 (diff)
upgrade AST
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/lutmap.c')
1 files changed, 2629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/lutmap.c b/ast/lutmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76faced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/lutmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2629 @@
+* Name:
+* LutMap
+* Purpose:
+* Transform 1-dimensional coordinates using a lookup table.
+* Constructor Function:
+c astLutMap
+* Description:
+* A LutMap is a specialised form of Mapping which transforms
+* 1-dimensional coordinates by using linear interpolation in a
+* lookup table.
+* Each input coordinate value is first scaled to give the index of
+* an entry in the table by subtracting a starting value (the input
+* coordinate corresponding to the first table entry) and dividing
+* by an increment (the difference in input coordinate value
+* between adjacent table entries).
+* The resulting index will usually contain a fractional part, so
+* the output coordinate value is then generated by interpolating
+* linearly between the appropriate entries in the table. If the
+* index lies outside the range of the table, linear extrapolation
+* is used based on the two nearest entries (i.e. the two entries
+* at the start or end of the table, as appropriate). If either of the
+* entries used for the interplation has a value of AST__BAD, then the
+* interpolated value is returned as AST__BAD.
+* If the lookup table entries increase or decrease monotonically
+* (ignoring any flat sections), then the inverse transformation may
+* also be performed.
+* Inheritance:
+* The LutMap class inherits from the Mapping class.
+* Attributes:
+* In addition to those attributes common to all Mappings, every
+* LutMap also has the following attributes:
+* - LutEpsilon: The relative error of the values in the table.
+* - LutInterp: The interpolation method to use between table entries.
+* Functions:
+c The LutMap class does not define any new functions beyond those
+f The LutMap class does not define any new routines beyond those
+* which are applicable to all Mappings.
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
+* Research Councils
+* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (Starlink)
+* DSB: David S. Berry (JAC, UCLan)
+* History:
+* 8-JUL-1997 (RFWS):
+* Original version.
+* 10-JUL-1997 (RFWS):
+* Added the MapMerge function.
+* 8-JAN-2003 (DSB):
+* Changed private InitVtab method to protected astInitLutMapVtab
+* method.
+* 12-JAN-2004 (DSB):
+* Check for AST__BAD values in the supplied lut array.
+* 17-MAR-2006 (DSB):
+* - MapMerge changed so that a LutMap will cancel with its own
+* inverse.
+* - Added attribute LutInterp
+* 10-MAY-2006 (DSB):
+* Override astEqual.
+* 4-OCT-2006 (DSB):
+* - Correct "mintick" to "lutinterp" in SetAttrib.
+* - Do not include bad values in the dumped LUT array.
+* 8-NOV-2007 (DSB):
+* - Take account of the requested invert flag when comparing two
+* neighbouring LutMaps for equality in MapMerge.
+* 19-NOV-2010 (DSB):
+* Added (protected) astGetLutMapInfo function.
+* 24-JAN-2011 (DSB):
+* Implement an inverse transformation even if the coordinate
+* array contains sections of equal or bad values. The inverse
+* transformation will generate bad values if used within such
+* regions of the coordinate array.
+* 6-JUL-2011 (DSB):
+* Avoid indexing the lut array beyond the end when doing an
+* inverse transform.
+* 2-OCT-2012 (DSB):
+* Check for Infs as well as NaNs.
+* 21-MAY-2015 (DSB):
+* Aded LutEpsilon
+* 23-SEP-2015 (DSB):
+* The GetMonotonic function had a bug that caused all LutMaps
+* to be considered monotonic, and thus have an inverse
+* transformation.
+/* Module Macros. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
+ the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
+ "protected" symbols available. */
+#define astCLASS LutMap
+#define LINEAR 0
+#define NEAR 1
+/* Include files. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Interface definitions. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
+#include "memory.h" /* Memory management facilities */
+#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
+#include "pointset.h" /* Sets of points/coordinates */
+#include "mapping.h" /* Coordinate mappings (parent class) */
+#include "winmap.h" /* Linear mappings between windows */
+#include "channel.h" /* I/O channels */
+#include "unitmap.h" /* Unit mappings */
+#include "lutmap.h" /* Interface definition for this class */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+/* Error code definitions. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
+/* C header files. */
+/* --------------- */
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Module Variables. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
+ member of this class. */
+static int class_check;
+/* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
+static AstPointSet *(* parent_transform)( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
+static const char *(* parent_getattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static int (* parent_testattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void (* parent_clearattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void (* parent_setattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+/* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
+#define GLOBAL_inits \
+ globals->Class_Init = 0; \
+ globals->GetAttrib_Buff[ 0 ] = 0;
+/* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+#define class_init astGLOBAL(LutMap,Class_Init)
+#define class_vtab astGLOBAL(LutMap,Class_Vtab)
+#define getattrib_buff astGLOBAL(LutMap,GetAttrib_Buff)
+/* If thread safety is not needed, declare and initialise globals at static
+ variables. */
+static char getattrib_buff[ 101 ];
+/* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
+ as static variables. */
+static AstLutMapVtab class_vtab; /* Virtual function table */
+static int class_init = 0; /* Virtual function table initialised? */
+/* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
+/* ======================================= */
+/* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
+ protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
+ within this module. */
+AstLutMap *astLutMapId_( int, const double [], double, double, const char *, ... );
+/* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
+/* ======================================== */
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
+static int GetLinear( AstMapping *, int * );
+static int GetMonotonic( int, const double *, int *, double **, int **, int **, int * );
+static int MapMerge( AstMapping *, int, int, int *, AstMapping ***, int **, int * );
+static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static void Delete( AstObject *, int * );
+static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
+static int Equal( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static double *GetLutMapInfo( AstLutMap *, double *, double *, int *, int * );
+static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static int TestAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static void SetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
+static int GetLutInterp( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static int TestLutInterp( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static void ClearLutInterp( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static void SetLutInterp( AstLutMap *, int, int * );
+static double GetLutEpsilon( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static int TestLutEpsilon( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static void ClearLutEpsilon( AstLutMap *, int * );
+static void SetLutEpsilon( AstLutMap *, double, int * );
+/* Member functions. */
+/* ================= */
+static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* ClearAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Clear an attribute value for a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the astClearAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function clears the value of a specified attribute for a
+* LutMap, so that the default value will subsequently be used.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the attribute
+* name. This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
+* space.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+/* Check the attribute name and clear the appropriate attribute. */
+/* LutInterp. */
+/* ---------- */
+ if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutinterp" ) ) {
+ astClearLutInterp( this );
+/* LutEpsilon. */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutepsilon" ) ) {
+ astClearLutEpsilon( this );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ (*parent_clearattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+static int Equal( AstObject *this_object, AstObject *that_object, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Equal
+* Purpose:
+* Test if two LutMaps are equivalent.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* int Equal( AstObject *this, AstObject *that, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the astEqual protected
+* method inherited from the astMapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* two LutMaps are equivalent.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the first Object (a LutMap).
+* that
+* Pointer to the second Object.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if the LutMaps are equivalent, zero otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *that;
+ AstLutMap *this;
+ int i;
+ int nin;
+ int nout;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain pointers to the two LutMap structures. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+ that = (AstLutMap *) that_object;
+/* Check the second object is a LutMap. We know the first is a
+ LutMap since we have arrived at this implementation of the virtual
+ function. */
+ if( astIsALutMap( that ) ) {
+/* Get the number of inputs and outputs and check they are the same for both. */
+ nin = astGetNin( this );
+ nout = astGetNout( this );
+ if( astGetNin( that ) == nin && astGetNout( that ) == nout ) {
+/* If the Invert flags for the two LutMaps differ, it may still be possible
+ for them to be equivalent. First compare the LutMaps if their Invert
+ flags are the same. In this case all the attributes of the two LutMaps
+ must be identical. */
+ if( astGetInvert( this ) == astGetInvert( that ) ) {
+ if( astEQUAL( this->start, that->start ) &&
+ astEQUAL( this->inc, that->inc ) &&
+ this->nlut == that->nlut &&
+ this->lutinterp == that->lutinterp ){
+ result = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < this->nlut; i++ ) {
+ if( !astEQUAL( (this->lut)[ i ], (that->lut)[ i ] ) ) {
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If the Invert flags for the two LutMaps differ, the attributes of the two
+ LutMaps must be inversely related to each other. */
+ } else {
+/* In the specific case of a LutMap, Invert flags must be equal. */
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Get the value of a specified attribute for a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the protected astGetAttrib
+* method inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a pointer to the value of a specified
+* attribute for a LutMap, formatted as a character string.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name of
+* the attribute whose value is required. This name should be in
+* lower case, with all white space removed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* - Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the attribute
+* value.
+* Notes:
+* - The returned string pointer may point at memory allocated
+* within the LutMap, or at static memory. The contents of the
+* string may be over-written or the pointer may become invalid
+* following a further invocation of the same function or any
+* modification of the LutMap. A copy of the string should
+* therefore be made if necessary.
+* - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ const char *result; /* Pointer value to return */
+ double luteps; /* LutEpsilon attribute value */
+ int lutinterp; /* LutInterp attribute value */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(this_object);
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+/* Compare "attrib" with each recognised attribute name in turn,
+ obtaining the value of the required attribute. If necessary, write
+ the value into "getattrib_buff" as a null-terminated string in an appropriate
+ format. Set "result" to point at the result string. */
+/* LutInterp. */
+/* ---------- */
+ if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutinterp" ) ) {
+ lutinterp = astGetLutInterp( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", lutinterp );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* LutEpsilon. */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutepsilon" ) ) {
+ luteps = astGetLutEpsilon( this );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%.*g", DBL_DIG, luteps );
+ result = getattrib_buff;
+ }
+/* If the attribute name was not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ result = (*parent_getattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static int GetLinear( AstMapping *this_mapping, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetLinear
+* Purpose:
+* Determine if a LutMap implements a linear coordinate transformation.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* int GetLinear( AstMapping *this, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean value to indicate if the LutMap
+* supplied is equivalent to a linear coordinate
+* transformation. This will be the case if the lookup table
+* elements increase or decrease linearly.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+ double *lut; /* Pointer to the lookup table */
+ double eps; /* Relative error on the table values */
+ double fract; /* Fractional position within table */
+ double hi; /* Largest value */
+ double interp; /* Interpolated value */
+ double lo; /* Smallest value */
+ double tol1; /* First tolerance estimate */
+ double tol2; /* Second tolerance estimate */
+ double tol; /* Tolerance value used */
+ int ilut; /* Loop counter for table elements */
+ int linear; /* Result to be returned */
+ int nlut; /* Number of lookup table elements */
+/* Initialise. */
+ linear = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return linear;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_mapping;
+/* Nearest neighbour LutMaps are not considered to be linear because of
+ the discontinuities at the start and end of the table. */
+ if( astGetLutInterp( this ) != NEAR ) {
+/* Obtain the lookup table details. */
+ lut = this->lut;
+ nlut = this->nlut;
+/* Loop to identify the largest and smallest values in the lookup
+ table. */
+ lo = DBL_MAX;
+ hi = -DBL_MAX;
+ for ( ilut = 0; ilut < nlut; ilut++ ) {
+ if ( lut[ ilut ] > hi ) hi = lut[ ilut ];
+ if ( lut[ ilut ] < lo ) lo = lut[ ilut ];
+ }
+/* Check if the values are all the same (this makes the LutMap
+ linear, although it will have no inverse). */
+ linear = ( hi == lo );
+ if ( !linear ) {
+/* Get the relative error associated with the table values. */
+ eps = astGetLutEpsilon( this );
+/* Form a tolerance estimate based on the overall range of values in
+ the lookup table. */
+ tol1 = fabs( hi - lo ) * eps;
+/* Now loop to inspect all the lookup table elements except the first
+ and last. */
+ linear = 1;
+ for ( ilut = 1; ilut < ( nlut - 1 ); ilut++ ) {
+/* Calculate the fractional position of the current element within the
+ table. */
+ fract = ( (double) ilut ) / ( (double) ( nlut - 1 ) );
+/* Calculate the value it should have if the table is linear by
+ interpolating between the first and last values. */
+ interp = lut[ 0 ] * ( 1.0 - fract ) + lut[ nlut - 1 ] * fract;
+/* Form a second tolerance estimate from this interpolated
+ value. Select whichever tolerance estimate is larger (this avoids
+ problems when values are near zero). */
+ tol2 = fabs( interp ) * eps;
+ tol = ( tol1 > tol2 ) ? tol1 : tol2;
+/* Test for linearity within a small multiple of the tolerance. */
+ linear = ( fabs( lut[ ilut ] - interp ) <= ( 2.0 * tol ) );
+ if ( !linear ) break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return linear;
+static double *GetLutMapInfo( AstLutMap *this, double *start, double *inc,
+ int *nlut, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* GetLutMapInfo
+* Purpose:
+* Return information about a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "permmap.h"
+* double *astGetLutMapInfo( AstLutMap *this, double *start, double *inc,
+* int *nlut, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap method
+* Description:
+* This function returns information about the supplied LutMap.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* start
+* Pointer to a double in which to return the "start" value
+* supplied when the LutMap was created.
+* inc
+* Pointer to a double in which to return the "inc" value
+* supplied when the LutMap was created.
+* nlut
+* Pointer to a double in which to return the number of values in
+* the LUT.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to a dynamically allocated array holding a copy of the
+* look-up table. This is an array of "nlut" elements, giving the
+* output values for input values "start", "start+inc", "start+2*inc",
+* etc. The pointer should be freed using astFree when no longer
+* needed.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of NULL will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Store the scalar values. */
+ *start = this->start;
+ *inc = this->inc;
+ *nlut = this->nlut;
+/* Return a copy of the look up table. */
+ return astStore( NULL, this->lut, sizeof( double )*this->nlut );
+static int GetMonotonic( int nlut, const double *lut, int *nluti, double **luti,
+ int **flagsi, int **indexi, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetMonotonic
+* Purpose:
+* Determine if a array is monotonic increasing or decreasing.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* int GetMonotonic( int nlut, const double *lut, int *nluti, double **luti,
+* int **flagsi, int **indexi, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function returns a flag indiciating the supplied array is
+* monotonic increasing, monotonic decreasing, or non-monotonic.
+* Sections of equal or bad values do not invalidate an otherwise
+* monotonic array.
+* It also returns information needed to implement the inverse
+* transformation of a LutMap.
+* Parameters:
+* nlut
+* The length of the array.
+* lut
+* The array to check.
+* nluti
+* Address of an int in which to store the length of the returned
+* "luti" and "flags" arrays.
+* luti
+* Address at which to return a pointer to a newly allocated array
+* containing "*nluti" elements. This is a copy of the supplied
+* "lut" array but with any bad or NaN values omitted. Subsequent
+* elements are shuffled down to fill the holes left by removing
+* these bad values. A NULL pointer is returned if there are no bad
+* values in "lut".
+* flagsi
+* Address at which to return a pointer to a newly allocated array
+* containing "*nluti" elements. Each element is non-zero if the
+* corresponding value stored in "luti" was adjacent to a bad value
+* in the supplied "lut" array. A NULL pointer is returned if there
+* are no bad values in "lut".
+* indexi
+* Address at which to return a pointer to a newly allocated array
+* containing "*nluti" elements. Each element is the index within
+* "lut" of the corresponding value stored in "luti". A NULL pointer
+* is returned if there are no bad values in "lut".
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const double *p3;
+ double *p1;
+ double lval;
+ int *p2;
+ int *p4;
+ int ilut;
+ int nbad;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+ *nluti = 0;
+ *luti = NULL;
+ *flagsi = NULL;
+ *indexi = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* As yet we have not found a good value. */
+ lval = AST__BAD;
+/* As yet we have not found a bad value. */
+ nbad = 0;
+/* Loop round the supplied array, ignoring bad (AST__BAD or NaN) values. */
+ for ( ilut = 0; ilut < nlut; ilut++ ) {
+ if( !astISBAD( lut[ ilut ] ) ) {
+/* If this is the first good value, record it. */
+ if( lval == AST__BAD ) {
+ lval = lut[ ilut ];
+/* If this is not the first good value, ignore it if it is equal to the
+ previous god value. */
+ } else if( lut[ ilut ] != lval ) {
+/* Set the returned flag on the basis of the first pair of good values. */
+ if( result == 0 ) {
+ result = ( lut[ ilut ] > lval ) ? 1 : -1;
+/* For subsequent pairs of good values, check the pair increases or
+ decreases in the same way as the first pair. Reset the returned value
+ to zero and break if not. */
+ } else if( result == 1 && lut[ ilut ] < lval ) {
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ } else if( result == -1 && lut[ ilut ] >lval ) {
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+/* Record the current good value. */
+ lval = lut[ ilut ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ nbad++;
+ }
+ }
+/* If any bad values were found, we now allocate the required returned
+ arrays. */
+ if( nbad ) {
+ *nluti = nlut - nbad;
+ *luti = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*( *nluti ) );
+ *flagsi = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*( *nluti ) );
+ *indexi = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*( *nluti ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Into "luti" copy all good values from "lut", shuffling down values to
+ fill holes left by bad values. Into "flagsi", store a flag indicating
+ if the corresponding "luti" value was adjacent to a bad value in the
+ full "lut" array. */
+ p1 = *luti;
+ p2 = *flagsi;
+ p3 = lut;
+ p4 = *indexi;
+/* Do the first input point (it has no lower neighbour). */
+ if( !astISBAD( *p3 ) ) {
+ *(p1++) = *p3;
+ *(p2++) = astISBAD( p3[ +1 ] );
+ *(p4++) = 0;
+ }
+/* Do all remaining input points except for the last one. */
+ for ( ilut = 1,p3++; ilut < nlut-1; ilut++,p3++ ) {
+ if( !astISBAD( *p3 ) ) {
+ *(p1++) = *p3;
+ *(p2++) = astISBAD( p3[ -1 ] ) || astISBAD( p3[ +1 ] );
+ *(p4++) = ilut;
+ }
+ }
+/* Do the last input point (it has no upper neighbour). */
+ if( !astISBAD( *p3 ) ) {
+ *p1 = *p3;
+ *p2 = astISBAD( p3[ -1 ] );
+ *p4 = ilut;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+void astInitLutMapVtab_( AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitLutMapVtab
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a virtual function table for a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* void astInitLutMapVtab( AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap vtab initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function initialises the component of a virtual function
+* table which is used by the LutMap class.
+* Parameters:
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
+* all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
+* been initialised.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
+* is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
+* astClass function).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstObjectVtab *object; /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
+ AstMappingVtab *mapping; /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
+ parent class. */
+ astInitMappingVtab( (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name );
+/* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
+ will be used (by astIsALutMap) to determine if an object belongs
+ to this class. We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
+ class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
+ vtab->id.check = &class_check;
+ vtab->id.parent = &(((AstMappingVtab *) vtab)->id);
+/* Initialise member function pointers. */
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that
+ provide virtual methods for this class. */
+ vtab->ClearLutInterp = ClearLutInterp;
+ vtab->GetLutInterp = GetLutInterp;
+ vtab->SetLutInterp = SetLutInterp;
+ vtab->TestLutInterp = TestLutInterp;
+ vtab->ClearLutEpsilon = ClearLutEpsilon;
+ vtab->GetLutEpsilon = GetLutEpsilon;
+ vtab->SetLutEpsilon = SetLutEpsilon;
+ vtab->TestLutEpsilon = TestLutEpsilon;
+ vtab->GetLutMapInfo = GetLutMapInfo;
+/* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
+ replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
+ object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
+ mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
+ parent_clearattrib = object->ClearAttrib;
+ object->ClearAttrib = ClearAttrib;
+ parent_getattrib = object->GetAttrib;
+ object->GetAttrib = GetAttrib;
+ parent_setattrib = object->SetAttrib;
+ object->SetAttrib = SetAttrib;
+ parent_testattrib = object->TestAttrib;
+ object->TestAttrib = TestAttrib;
+ parent_transform = mapping->Transform;
+ mapping->Transform = Transform;
+/* Store replacement pointers for methods which will be over-ridden by
+ new member functions implemented here. */
+ object->Equal = Equal;
+ mapping->MapMerge = MapMerge;
+/* Declare the class dump, copy and delete functions.*/
+ astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "LutMap",
+ "Map 1-d coordinates using a lookup table" );
+ astSetCopy( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Copy );
+ astSetDelete( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Delete );
+/* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
+ that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
+ identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
+ if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+ astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
+ }
+static int MapMerge( AstMapping *this, int where, int series, int *nmap,
+ AstMapping ***map_list, int **invert_list, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* MapMerge
+* Purpose:
+* Simplify a sequence of Mappings containing a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "mapping.h"
+* int MapMerge( AstMapping *this, int where, int series, int *nmap,
+* AstMapping ***map_list, int **invert_list, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap method (over-rides the protected astMapMerge method
+* inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function attempts to simplify a sequence of Mappings by
+* merging a nominated LutMap in the sequence with its neighbours,
+* so as to shorten the sequence if possible.
+* In many cases, simplification will not be possible and the
+* function will return -1 to indicate this, without further
+* action.
+* In most cases of interest, however, this function will either
+* attempt to replace the nominated LutMap with one which it
+* considers simpler, or to merge it with the Mappings which
+* immediately precede it or follow it in the sequence (both will
+* normally be considered). This is sufficient to ensure the
+* eventual simplification of most Mapping sequences by repeated
+* application of this function.
+* In some cases, the function may attempt more elaborate
+* simplification, involving any number of other Mappings in the
+* sequence. It is not restricted in the type or scope of
+* simplification it may perform, but will normally only attempt
+* elaborate simplification in cases where a more straightforward
+* approach is not adequate.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the nominated LutMap which is to be merged with
+* its neighbours. This should be a cloned copy of the LutMap
+* pointer contained in the array element "(*map_list)[where]"
+* (see below). This pointer will not be annulled, and the
+* LutMap it identifies will not be modified by this function.
+* where
+* Index in the "*map_list" array (below) at which the pointer
+* to the nominated LutMap resides.
+* series
+* A non-zero value indicates that the sequence of Mappings to
+* be simplified will be applied in series (i.e. one after the
+* other), whereas a zero value indicates that they will be
+* applied in parallel (i.e. on successive sub-sets of the
+* input/output coordinates).
+* nmap
+* Address of an int which counts the number of Mappings in the
+* sequence. On entry this should be set to the initial number
+* of Mappings. On exit it will be updated to record the number
+* of Mappings remaining after simplification.
+* map_list
+* Address of a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of
+* Mapping pointers (produced, for example, by the astMapList
+* method) which identifies the sequence of Mappings. On entry,
+* the initial sequence of Mappings to be simplified should be
+* supplied.
+* On exit, the contents of this array will be modified to
+* reflect any simplification carried out. Any form of
+* simplification may be performed. This may involve any of: (a)
+* removing Mappings by annulling any of the pointers supplied,
+* (b) replacing them with pointers to new Mappings, (c)
+* inserting additional Mappings and (d) changing their order.
+* The intention is to reduce the number of Mappings in the
+* sequence, if possible, and any reduction will be reflected in
+* the value of "*nmap" returned. However, simplifications which
+* do not reduce the length of the sequence (but improve its
+* execution time, for example) may also be performed, and the
+* sequence might conceivably increase in length (but normally
+* only in order to split up a Mapping into pieces that can be
+* more easily merged with their neighbours on subsequent
+* invocations of this function).
+* If Mappings are removed from the sequence, any gaps that
+* remain will be closed up, by moving subsequent Mapping
+* pointers along in the array, so that vacated elements occur
+* at the end. If the sequence increases in length, the array
+* will be extended (and its pointer updated) if necessary to
+* accommodate any new elements.
+* Note that any (or all) of the Mapping pointers supplied in
+* this array may be annulled by this function, but the Mappings
+* to which they refer are not modified in any way (although
+* they may, of course, be deleted if the annulled pointer is
+* the final one).
+* invert_list
+* Address of a pointer to a dynamically allocated array which,
+* on entry, should contain values to be assigned to the Invert
+* attributes of the Mappings identified in the "*map_list"
+* array before they are applied (this array might have been
+* produced, for example, by the astMapList method). These
+* values will be used by this function instead of the actual
+* Invert attributes of the Mappings supplied, which are
+* ignored.
+* On exit, the contents of this array will be updated to
+* correspond with the possibly modified contents of the
+* "*map_list" array. If the Mapping sequence increases in
+* length, the "*invert_list" array will be extended (and its
+* pointer updated) if necessary to accommodate any new
+* elements.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* If simplification was possible, the function returns the index
+* in the "map_list" array of the first element which was
+* modified. Otherwise, it returns -1 (and makes no changes to the
+* arrays supplied).
+* Notes:
+* - A value of -1 will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *map; /* Pointer to LutMap */
+ AstLutMap *neb; /* Pointer to neighbouring LutMap */
+ AstMapping *new; /* Pointer to replacement Mapping */
+ double a1; /* First input coordinate value */
+ double a2; /* Second input coordinate value */
+ double b1; /* First output coordinate value */
+ double b2; /* Second output coordinate value */
+ int equal; /* Are LutMaps equal? */
+ int i; /* Mapping index */
+ int ilo; /* Index of lower LutMap */
+ int invneb; /* Should the neigbour be used inverted? */
+ int old_inv; /* Original Invert value for neigbour */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+ int simpler; /* Mapping simplified? */
+/* Initialise the returned result. */
+ result = -1;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the nominated LutMap. */
+ map = (AstLutMap *) ( *map_list )[ where ];
+/* See if the LutMap is linear. If so, it can probably be
+ simplified. */
+ simpler = GetLinear( (AstMapping *) map, status );
+ if ( simpler ) {
+/* Obtain the range of input values corresponding to the first and
+ last lookup table elements. */
+ a1 = map->start;
+ a2 = map->start + map->inc * ( map->nlut - 1 );
+/* Obtain the corresponding range of output values and check these
+ values are not the same. */
+ b1 = map->lut[ 0 ];
+ b2 = map->lut[ map->nlut - 1 ];
+ if ( b1 != b2 ) {
+/* Create a new WinMap that implements an equivalent linear Mapping,
+ allowing for the invert flag associated with the LutMap. */
+ if ( !( *invert_list )[ where ] ) {
+ new = (AstMapping *) astWinMap( 1, &a1, &a2, &b1, &b2, "", status );
+ } else {
+ new = (AstMapping *) astWinMap( 1, &b1, &b2, &a1, &a2, "", status );
+ }
+/* If OK, annul the original LutMap pointer and substitute the new
+ one. Also clear the associated invert flag. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ (void) astAnnul( ( *map_list )[ where ] );
+ ( *map_list )[ where ] = new;
+ ( *invert_list )[ where ] = 0;
+/* Assign the result value. */
+ result = where;
+ }
+ }
+/* Otherwise, see if the LutMap is in series with its own inverse. If so
+ the pair of LutMaps can be replaced by a UnitMap. */
+ } else if( series ) {
+/* Is the higher neighbour a LutMap? If so get a pointer to it, and
+ note the index of the lower of the two adjacent LutMaps. */
+ if( where < ( *nmap - 1 ) &&
+ astIsALutMap( ( *map_list )[ where + 1 ] ) ){
+ neb = (AstLutMap *) ( *map_list )[ where + 1 ];
+ invneb = ( *invert_list )[ where + 1 ];
+ ilo = where;
+/* If not, is the lower neighbour a LutMap? If so get a pointer to it,
+ and note the index of the lower of the two adjacent LutMaps. */
+ } else if( where > 0 &&
+ astIsALutMap( ( *map_list )[ where - 1 ] ) ){
+ neb = (AstLutMap *) ( *map_list )[ where - 1 ];
+ invneb = ( *invert_list )[ where - 1 ];
+ ilo = where - 1;
+ } else {
+ neb = NULL;
+ }
+/* If a neighbouring LutMap was found, we can replace the pair by a
+ UnitMap if the two LutMaps are equal but have opposite values for
+ their Invert flags. Temporarily invert the neighbour, then compare
+ the two LutMaps for equality, then re-invert the neighbour. */
+ if( neb ) {
+ old_inv = astGetInvert( neb );
+ astSetInvert( neb, invneb );
+ astInvert( neb );
+ equal = astEqual( map, neb );
+ astSetInvert( neb, old_inv );
+/* If the two LutMaps are equal but opposite, annul the first of the two
+ Mappings, and replace it with a UnitMap. Also set the invert flag. */
+ if( equal ) {
+ new = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
+ (void) astAnnul( ( *map_list )[ ilo ] );
+ ( *map_list )[ ilo ] = new;
+ ( *invert_list )[ ilo ] = 0;
+/* Annul the second of the two Mappings, and shuffle down the rest of the
+ list to fill the gap. */
+ (void) astAnnul( ( *map_list )[ ilo + 1 ] );
+ for ( i = ilo + 2; i < *nmap; i++ ) {
+ ( *map_list )[ i - 1 ] = ( *map_list )[ i ];
+ ( *invert_list )[ i - 1 ] = ( *invert_list )[ i ];
+ }
+/* Clear the vacated element at the end. */
+ ( *map_list )[ *nmap - 1 ] = NULL;
+ ( *invert_list )[ *nmap - 1 ] = 0;
+/* Decrement the Mapping count and return the index of the first
+ modified element. */
+ ( *nmap )--;
+ result = where;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the returned result. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = -1;
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static void SetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *setting, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* SetAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Set an attribute value for a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* void SetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *setting )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the astSetAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function assigns an attribute value for a LutMap, the
+* attribute and its value being specified by means of a string of
+* the form:
+* "attribute= value "
+* Here, "attribute" specifies the attribute name and should be in
+* lower case with no white space present. The value to the right
+* of the "=" should be a suitable textual representation of the
+* value to be assigned and this will be interpreted according to
+* the attribute's data type. White space surrounding the value is
+* only significant for string attributes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* setting
+* Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the new attribute
+* value.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+ double luteps; /* LutEpsilon attribute value */
+ int lutinterp; /* LutInterp attribute value */
+ int len; /* Length of setting string */
+ int nc; /* Number of characters read by astSscanf */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+/* Obtain the length of the setting string. */
+ len = (int) strlen( setting );
+/* Test for each recognised attribute in turn, using "astSscanf" to parse
+ the setting string and extract the attribute value (or an offset to
+ it in the case of string values). In each case, use the value set
+ in "nc" to check that the entire string was matched. Once a value
+ has been obtained, use the appropriate method to set it. */
+/* LutInterp. */
+/* ---------- */
+ if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "lutinterp= %d %n", &lutinterp, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLutInterp( this, lutinterp );
+/* LutEpsilon. */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( nc = 0,
+ ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "lutepsilon= %lf %n", &luteps, &nc ) )
+ && ( nc >= len ) ) {
+ astSetLutEpsilon( this, luteps );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ (*parent_setattrib)( this_object, setting, status );
+ }
+static int TestAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* TestAttrib
+* Purpose:
+* Test if a specified attribute value is set for a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* int TestAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the astTestAttrib protected
+* method inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* a value has been set for one of a LutMap's attributes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* attrib
+* Pointer to a null-terminated string specifying the attribute
+* name. This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
+* space.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if a value has been set, otherwise zero.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+/* Check the attribute name and test the appropriate attribute. */
+/* LutInterp. */
+/* ---------- */
+ if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutinterp" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLutInterp( this );
+/* LutEpsilon. */
+/* ------------- */
+ } else if ( !strcmp( attrib, "lutepsilon" ) ) {
+ result = astTestLutEpsilon( this );
+/* If the attribute is still not recognised, pass it on to the parent
+ method for further interpretation. */
+ } else {
+ result = (*parent_testattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
+ }
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+ int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Transform
+* Purpose:
+* Apply a LutMap to transform a set of points.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+* int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap member function (over-rides the astTransform protected
+* method inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function takes a LutMap and a set of points encapsulated
+* in a PointSet and transforms the points so as to apply the
+* lookup table transformation.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap.
+* in
+* Pointer to the PointSet holding the input coordinate data.
+* forward
+* A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate
+* transformation should be applied, while a zero value requests
+* the inverse transformation.
+* out
+* Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed
+* (output) coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given,
+* in which case a new PointSet will be created by this
+* function.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+* - The number of coordinate values per point in the input
+* PointSet must equal 1.
+* - If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for
+* sufficient number of points (with 1 coordinate value per point)
+* to accommodate the result. Any excess space will be ignored.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *map; /* Pointer to LutMap to be applied */
+ AstPointSet *result; /* Pointer to output PointSet */
+ double **ptr_in; /* Pointer to input coordinate data */
+ double **ptr_out; /* Pointer to output coordinate data */
+ double *lut; /* Pointer to LUT */
+ double d1; /* Offset to I1 value */
+ double d2; /* Offset to I2 value */
+ double fract; /* Fractional interpolation distance */
+ double scale; /* Normalising scale factor */
+ double value_in; /* Input coordinate value */
+ double value_out; /* Output coordinate value */
+ double x; /* Value normalised to LUT increment */
+ double xi; /* Integer value of "x" */
+ int *flags; /* Flags indicating an adjacent bad value */
+ int *index; /* Translates reduced to original indices */
+ int i1; /* Lower adjacent LUT index */
+ int i2; /* Upper adjacent LUT index */
+ int i; /* New LUT index */
+ int istart; /* Original LUT index at start of interval */
+ int ix; /* "x" converted to an int */
+ int near; /* Perform nearest neighbour interpolation? */
+ int nlut; /* Number of LUT entries */
+ int nlutm1; /* Number of LUT entries minus one */
+ int npoint; /* Number of points */
+ int ok; /* Lookup table is not flat */
+ int point; /* Loop counter for points */
+ int up; /* LUT values are increasing? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap. */
+ map = (AstLutMap *) this;
+/* Apply the parent mapping using the stored pointer to the Transform
+ member function inherited from the parent Mapping class. This
+ function validates all arguments and generates an output PointSet
+ if necessary, but does not actually transform any coordinate
+ values. */
+ result = (*parent_transform)( this, in, forward, out, status );
+/* We will now extend the parent astTransform method by performing the
+ calculations needed to generate the output coordinate values. */
+/* Determine the numbers of points from the input PointSet and obtain
+ pointers for accessing the input and output coordinate values. */
+ npoint = astGetNpoint( in );
+ ptr_in = astGetPoints( in );
+ ptr_out = astGetPoints( result );
+/* Determine whether to apply the forward or inverse mapping,
+ according to the direction specified and whether the mapping has
+ been inverted. */
+ if ( astGetInvert( map ) ) forward = !forward;
+/* Forward transformation. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+ if( astOK ){
+ if ( forward ) {
+/* Obtain lookup table details. */
+ lut = map->lut;
+ nlut = map->nlut;
+ near = ( astGetLutInterp( map ) == NEAR );
+ nlutm1 = nlut - 1;
+/* Calculate the scale factor required. */
+ scale = 1.0 / map->inc;
+/* Loop to transform each input point. */
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+/* Extract the input coordinate value. */
+ value_in = ptr_in[ 0 ][ point ];
+/* First check if this is the same value as we transformed last. If
+ so, re-use the last result. */
+ if ( value_in == map->last_fwd_in ) {
+ value_out = map->last_fwd_out;
+/* Check for bad input coordinates and generate a bad result if
+ necessary. */
+ } else if ( value_in == AST__BAD ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+/* For nearest-neighbour interpolation, return the value of the lookup table
+ entry corresponding to the input coordinate. */
+ } else if( near ){
+ x = ( value_in - map->start ) * scale;
+ xi = floor( x + 0.5 );
+ ix = (int) xi;
+ if ( ix < 0 || ix >= nlut ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+ } else {
+ value_out = lut[ ix ];
+ }
+/* Otherwise, (for linear interpolation) identify the lookup table entry
+ corresponding to the input coordinate. */
+ } else {
+ x = ( value_in - map->start ) * scale;
+ xi = floor( x );
+ ix = (int) xi;
+/* If the input value lies below the first lookup table entry,
+ extrapolate using the first two table values. */
+ if ( ix < 0 ) {
+ if( lut[ 0 ] != AST__BAD && lut[ 1 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ value_out = lut[ 0 ] + x * ( lut[ 1 ] - lut[ 0 ] );
+ } else {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* If the input value lies above the last lookup table entry (or equals
+ it), extrapolate using the last two table values. */
+ } else if ( ix >= nlutm1 ) {
+ if( lut[ nlutm1 ] != AST__BAD &&
+ lut[ nlut - 2 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ value_out = lut[ nlutm1 ] +
+ ( x - (double) ( nlutm1 ) ) *
+ ( lut[ nlutm1 ] - lut[ nlut - 2 ] );
+ } else {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Otherwise, interpolate between the adjacent entries. */
+ } else {
+ if( lut[ ix ] != AST__BAD &&
+ lut[ ix + 1 ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ fract = x - xi;
+ value_out = lut[ ix ] * ( 1.0 - fract ) +
+ lut[ ix + 1 ] * fract;
+ } else {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Assign the output coordinate value. */
+ ptr_out[ 0 ][ point ] = value_out;
+/* Retain the input and output coordinate values for possible re-use
+ in future. */
+ map->last_fwd_in = value_in;
+ map->last_fwd_out = value_out;
+ }
+/* Inverse transformation. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+ } else {
+/* Obtain details of the lookup table to be used by the inverse
+ transformation. This is the same as the forward transformation lookup
+ table, except that any bad values are omitted. Also, get a pointer to a
+ array of flags that indicate if the corresponding lookup table entries
+ were adjacent to a bad value or not in the full lookup table. */
+ if( map->luti ) {
+ lut = map->luti;
+ flags = map->flagsi;
+ nlut = map->nluti;
+ index = map->indexi;
+ } else {
+ lut = map->lut;
+ flags = NULL;
+ nlut = map->nlut;
+ index = NULL;
+ }
+ near = ( astGetLutInterp( map ) == NEAR );
+ nlutm1 = nlut - 1;
+/* Loop to transform each input point. */
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+/* Extract the input coordinate value. */
+ value_in = ptr_in[ 0 ][ point ];
+/* First check if this is the same value as we transformed last. If
+ so, re-use the last result. */
+ if ( value_in == map->last_inv_in ) {
+ value_out = map->last_inv_out;
+/* Check for bad input coordinates and generate a bad result if
+ necessary. */
+ } else if ( value_in == AST__BAD ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+/* Otherwise, we can determine an inverse. Note the inverse transformation
+ will not be defined, so will not be attempted, unless all the table
+ entries are monotonically increasing or decreasing, possibly with sections
+ of equal or bad values. */
+ } else {
+ up = ( lut[ nlutm1 ] > lut[ 0 ] );
+/* Perform a binary search to identify two adjacent lookup table
+ elements whose values bracket the input coordinate value. */
+ i1 = -1;
+ i2 = nlutm1;
+ while ( i2 > ( i1 + 1 ) ) {
+ i = ( i1 + i2 ) / 2;
+ *( ( ( value_in >= lut[ i ] ) == up ) ? &i1 : &i2 ) = i;
+ }
+/* If the lower table value is equal to the required value, and either of
+ its neighbours is also equal to the required value, then we have been
+ asked to find the inverse in a flat region of the table, so return
+ a bad value. Likewise, if the upper table value is equal to the required
+ value, and either of its neighbours is also equal to the required value,
+ then we have been asked to find the inverse in a flat region of the table,
+ so return a bad value. */
+ ok = 1;
+ if( lut[ i1 ] == value_in ) {
+ if( i1 > 0 && lut[ i1 - 1 ] == value_in ) ok = 0;
+ if( lut[ i2 ] == value_in ) ok = 0;
+ } else if( lut[ i2 ] == value_in ) {
+ if( i2 < nlutm1 && lut[ i2 + 1 ] == value_in ) ok = 0;
+ if( lut[ i1 ] == value_in ) ok = 0;
+ }
+ if( !ok ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+/* If both of the two table elements were adjacent to a bad value in the
+ full lookup table, return a bad output value. */
+ } else if( flags && ( flags[ i1 ] && flags[ i2 ] ) ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+/* Nearest neighbour interpolation: return the closest of i1 or i2. Return
+ AST__BAD if the supplied value is less than either or greater than
+ either. */
+ } else if( near ) {
+ d1 = lut[ i1 ] - value_in;
+ d2 = lut[ i2 ] - value_in;
+ if( ( d1 > 0.0 && d2 > 0.0 ) ||
+ ( d1 < 0.0 && d2 < 0.0 ) ) {
+ value_out = AST__BAD;
+ } else {
+ if( fabs( d1 ) < fabs( d2 ) ){
+ istart = index ? index[ i1 ] : i1;
+ } else {
+ istart = index ? index[ i2 ] : i2;
+ }
+ value_out = map->start + map->inc * istart;
+ }
+/* Linear interpolation... */
+ } else {
+/* We are interested in the lower bracketing table element. If
+ necessary, restrict this element's index to lie within the
+ table. This causes extrapolation to occur (instead of
+ interpolation) if the input value actually lies outside the range
+ of the lookup table. */
+ if ( i1 < 0 ) i1 = 0;
+ if ( i1 > ( nlut - 2 ) ) i1 = nlut - 2;
+/* Interpolate (or extrapolate) to derive the output coordinate
+ value. */
+ istart = index ? index[ i1 ] : i1;
+ value_out = map->start + map->inc * ( (double) istart +
+ ( ( value_in - lut[ i1 ] ) /
+ ( lut[ i1 + 1 ] - lut[ i1 ] ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+/* Assign the output coordinate value. */
+ ptr_out[ 0 ][ point ] = value_out;
+/* Retain the input and output coordinate values for possible re-use
+ in future. */
+ map->last_inv_in = value_in;
+ map->last_inv_out = value_out;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
+ return result;
+/* Functions which access class attributes. */
+/* ---------------------------------------- */
+/* Implement member functions to access the attributes associated with
+ this class using the macros defined for this purpose in the
+ "object.h" file. For a description of each attribute, see the class
+ interface (in the associated .h file). */
+* Name:
+* LutInterp
+* Purpose:
+* Look-up table interpolation method.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Integer.
+* Description:
+* This attribute indicates the method to be used when finding the
+* output value of a LutMap for an input value part way between two
+* table entries. If it is set to 0 (the default) then linear
+* interpolation is used. Otherwise, nearest neighbour interpolation
+* is used.
+* Using nearest neighbour interpolation causes AST__BAD to be returned
+* for any point which falls outside the bounds of the table. Linear
+* interpolation results in an extrapolated value being returned based
+* on the two end entries in the table.
+* Note, the value of this attribute may changed only if the LutMap
+* has no more than one reference. That is, an error is reported if the
+* LutMap has been cloned, either by including it within another object
+* such as a CmpMap or FrameSet or by calling the
+c astClone
+* function.
+* Applicability:
+* LutMap
+* All LutMaps have this attribute.
+astMAKE_GET(LutMap,LutInterp,int,LINEAR,( ( this->lutinterp == -INT_MAX ) ?
+ LINEAR : this->lutinterp ))
+astMAKE_SET1(LutMap,LutInterp,int,lutinterp,(( value == LINEAR ) ? LINEAR : NEAR ))
+astMAKE_TEST(LutMap,LutInterp,( this->lutinterp != -INT_MAX ))
+* Name:
+* LutEpsilon
+* Purpose:
+* The relative error of the values held in the took-up table.
+* Type:
+* Public attribute.
+* Synopsis:
+* Double precision.
+* Description:
+* This attribute holds the relative error of the values held in the
+* took-up table. It is used when simplifying a LutMap, to determine
+* if the LutMap should be considered linear. Setting a larger value
+* makes it more likely that a LutMap will be replaced by a WinMap
+* (i.e. a linear Mapping) when simplified.
+* The default value is the value of the system constant DBL_EPSILON
+* (typically around 1e-16 or 2E-16). If the values in the look-up
+* table were derived from single precision data, it may be appropriate
+* to set this attribute to a value around 1E-7.
+* Note, the value of this attribute may changed only if the LutMap
+* has no more than one reference. That is, an error is reported if the
+* LutMap has been cloned, either by including it within another object
+* such as a CmpMap or FrameSet or by calling the
+c astClone
+* function.
+* Applicability:
+* LutMap
+* All LutMaps have this attribute.
+astMAKE_GET(LutMap,LutEpsilon,double,DBL_EPSILON,( ( this->lutepsilon == AST__BAD ) ?
+ DBL_EPSILON : this->lutepsilon ))
+astMAKE_TEST(LutMap,LutEpsilon,( this->lutepsilon != AST__BAD ))
+/* Copy constructor. */
+/* ----------------- */
+static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Copy
+* Purpose:
+* Copy constructor for LutMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the copy constructor for LutMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* objin
+* Pointer to the LutMap to be copied.
+* objout
+* Pointer to the LutMap being constructed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *out; /* Pointer to output LutMap */
+ AstLutMap *in; /* Pointer to input LutMap */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the input and output LutMaps. */
+ in= (AstLutMap *) objin;
+ out = (AstLutMap *) objout;
+/* Nullify all output pointers. */
+ out->lut = NULL;
+ out->luti = NULL;
+ out->flagsi = NULL;
+ out->indexi = NULL;
+/* Allocate memory and store a copy of the lookup table data. */
+ out->lut = astStore( NULL, in->lut,
+ sizeof( double ) * (size_t) in->nlut );
+/* Do the arrays used for the inverse transformation, if they exist. */
+ if( in->luti ) out->luti = astStore( NULL, in->luti,
+ sizeof( double ) * (size_t) in->nluti );
+ if( in->flagsi ) out->flagsi = astStore( NULL, in->flagsi,
+ sizeof( double ) * (size_t) in->nluti );
+ if( in->indexi ) out->indexi = astStore( NULL, in->indexi,
+ sizeof( double ) * (size_t) in->nluti );
+/* Destructor. */
+/* ----------- */
+static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Delete
+* Purpose:
+* Destructor for LutMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the destructor for LutMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* obj
+* Pointer to the LutMap to be deleted.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to LutMap */
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) obj;
+/* Free the memory holding the lookup tables, etc. */
+ this->lut = astFree( this->lut );
+ this->luti = astFree( this->luti );
+ this->flagsi = astFree( this->flagsi );
+ this->indexi = astFree( this->indexi );
+/* Dump function. */
+/* -------------- */
+static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Dump
+* Purpose:
+* Dump function for LutMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
+* for the LutMap class to an output Channel.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the LutMap whose data are being written.
+* channel
+* Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *this; /* Pointer to the LutMap structure */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ double dval; /* Double value */
+ int ilut; /* Loop counter for table elements */
+ int ival; /* Integer value */
+ int set; /* Attribute value set? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the LutMap structure. */
+ this = (AstLutMap *) this_object;
+/* Write out values representing the instance variables for the LutMap
+ class. Accompany these with appropriate comment strings, possibly
+ depending on the values being written. */
+/* Number of lookup table elements. */
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Nlut", 1, 1, this->nlut,
+ "Number of lookup table elements" );
+/* Input coordinate at first element centre. */
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Start", ( this->start != 0.0 ), 1, this->start,
+ "Input value at first element" );
+/* Element spacing. */
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "Incr", ( this->inc != 1.0 ), 1, this->inc,
+ "Input value increment between elements" );
+/* Interpolation method */
+ set = TestLutInterp( this, status );
+ ival = set ? GetLutInterp( this, status ) : astGetLutInterp( this );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "LutInt", set, 1, ival, "Interpolation method" );
+/* Precision */
+ if( TestLutEpsilon( this, status ) ) {
+ dval = GetLutEpsilon( this, status );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, "LutEps", 1, 1, dval, "Table relative error" );
+ }
+/* Lookup table contents. */
+ for ( ilut = 0; ilut < this->nlut; ilut++ ) {
+ if( this->lut[ ilut ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "L%d", ilut + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1, this->lut[ ilut ],
+ ilut ? "" : "Lookup table elements..." );
+ }
+ }
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Standard class functions. */
+/* ========================= */
+/* Implement the astIsALutMap and astCheckLutMap functions using the
+ macros defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
+AstLutMap *astLutMap_( int nlut, const double lut[],
+ double start, double inc,
+ const char *options, int *status, ...) {
+* Name:
+c astLutMap
+* Purpose:
+* Create a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "lutmap.h"
+c AstLutMap *astLutMap( int nlut, const double lut[],
+c double start, double inc,
+c const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new LutMap and optionally initialises
+* its attributes.
+* A LutMap is a specialised form of Mapping which transforms
+* 1-dimensional coordinates by using linear interpolation in a
+* lookup table. Each input coordinate value is first scaled to
+* give the index of an entry in the table by subtracting a
+* starting value (the input coordinate corresponding to the first
+* table entry) and dividing by an increment (the difference in
+* input coordinate value between adjacent table entries).
+* The resulting index will usually contain a fractional part, so
+* the output coordinate value is then generated by interpolating
+* linearly between the appropriate entries in the table. If the
+* index lies outside the range of the table, linear extrapolation
+* is used based on the two nearest entries (i.e. the two entries
+* at the start or end of the table, as appropriate).
+* If the lookup table entries increase or decrease monotonically,
+* then the inverse transformation may also be performed.
+* Parameters:
+c nlut
+f NLUT = INTEGER (Given)
+* The number of entries in the lookup table. This value must be
+* at least 2.
+c lut
+c An array containing the "nlut"
+f An array containing the
+* lookup table entries.
+c start
+* The input coordinate value which corresponds to the first lookup
+* table entry.
+c inc
+* The lookup table spacing (the increment in input coordinate
+* value between successive lookup table entries). This value
+* may be positive or negative, but must not be zero.
+c options
+f OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
+c comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
+c initialising the new LutMap. The syntax used is identical to
+c that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
+c specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
+f A character string containing an optional comma-separated
+f list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
+f new LutMap. The syntax used is identical to that for the
+f AST_SET routine.
+c ...
+c If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
+c an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
+c order to supply values to be substituted for these
+c specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
+c those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
+c function).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astLutMap()
+* A pointer to the new LutMap.
+* Notes:
+* - If the entries in the lookup table either increase or decrease
+* monotonically, then the new LutMap's TranInverse attribute will
+* have a value of one, indicating that the inverse transformation
+* can be performed. Otherwise, it will have a value of zero, so
+* that any attempt to use the inverse transformation will result
+* in an error.
+* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
+c function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
+f function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
+* should fail for any reason.
+* Status Handling:
+* The protected interface to this function includes an extra
+* parameter at the end of the parameter list descirbed above. This
+* parameter is a pointer to the integer inherited status
+* variable: "int *status".
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstLutMap *new; /* Pointer to new LutMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the LutMap, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitLutMap( NULL, sizeof( AstLutMap ), !class_init, &class_vtab,
+ "LutMap", nlut, lut, start, inc );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
+ options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new
+ LutMap's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, status );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new LutMap. */
+ return new;
+AstLutMap *astLutMapId_( int nlut, const double lut[],
+ double start, double inc,
+ const char *options, ... ) {
+* Name:
+* astLutMapId_
+* Purpose:
+* Create a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* AstLutMap *astLutMapId( int nlut, const double lut[],
+* double start, double inc,
+* const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function implements the external (public) interface to the
+* astLutMap constructor function. It returns an ID value (instead
+* of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be provided
+* because astLutMap_ has a variable argument list which cannot be
+* encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would otherwise
+* occur).
+* The variable argument list also prevents this function from
+* invoking astLutMap_ directly, so it must be a re-implementation
+* of it in all respects, except for the final conversion of the
+* result to an ID value.
+* Parameters:
+* As for astLutMap_.
+* Returned Value:
+* The ID value associated with the new LutMap.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstLutMap *new; /* Pointer to new LutMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+ int *status; /* Pointer to inherited status value */
+/* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
+ status = astGetStatusPtr;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the LutMap, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitLutMap( NULL, sizeof( AstLutMap ), !class_init, &class_vtab,
+ "LutMap", nlut, lut, start, inc );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
+ options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new LutMap's
+ attributes. */
+ va_start( args, options );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return an ID value for the new LutMap. */
+ return astMakeId( new );
+AstLutMap *astInitLutMap_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+ AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ int nlut, const double lut[],
+ double start, double inc, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitLutMap
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* AstLutMap *astInitLutMap( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+* AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* int nlut, const double lut[],
+* double start, double inc )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided for use by class implementations to
+* initialise a new LutMap object. It allocates memory (if
+* necessary) to accommodate the LutMap plus any additional data
+* associated with the derived class. It then initialises a LutMap
+* structure at the start of this memory. If the "init" flag is
+* set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual function
+* table for a LutMap at the start of the memory passed via the
+* "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory in which the LutMap is to be
+* initialised. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate
+* the LutMap data (sizeof(LutMap)) plus any data used by the
+* derived class. If a value of NULL is given, this function
+* will allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
+* determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the LutMap (plus derived class
+* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
+* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
+* stored in the LutMap structure, so a valid value must be
+* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
+* init
+* A logical flag indicating if the LutMap's virtual function
+* table is to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the
+* virtual function table will be initialised by this function.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
+* associated with the new LutMap.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
+* contains the name of the class to which the new object
+* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
+* returned by the astGetClass method).
+* nlut
+* The number of elements in the lookup table. This value must
+* be at least 2.
+* lut
+* An array containing the "nlut" lookup table elements.
+* start
+* The input coordinate value which corresponds with the first
+* lookup table element.
+* inc
+* The lookup table element spacing (i.e. the increment in input
+* coordinate value between successive lookup table elements).
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new LutMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *new; /* Pointer to new LutMap */
+ double *luti; /* Pointer to table for inverse transformation */
+ double *p; /* Pointer to next lut element */
+ int *flagsi; /* Pointer to flags for inverse transformation */
+ int *indexi; /* Pointer to translation from original to reduced */
+ int dirn; /* +1 => values increasing, -1 => values decreasing */
+ int ilut; /* Loop counter for LUT elements */
+ int nluti; /* Length of "luti" array */
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return new;
+/* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
+ if ( init ) astInitLutMapVtab( vtab, name );
+/* Check that the number of lookup table elements is valid. */
+ if ( nlut < 2 ) {
+ astError( AST__LUTIN, "astInitLutMap(%s): Invalid number of lookup "
+ "table elements (%d).", status, name, nlut );
+ astError( AST__LUTIN, "This value should be at least 2." , status);
+/* Also check that the input value increment is not zero. */
+ } else if ( inc == 0.0 ) {
+ astError( AST__LUTII, "astInitLutMap(%s): An input value increment of "
+ "zero between lookup table elements is not allowed.", status, name );
+/* Determine if the element values increase or decrease monotonically (except
+ that adjacent entries can be equal). We can only implement the inverse
+ transformation if this is so. The inverse transformation will generate
+ AST__BAD output values for sections of the table that contain equal
+ adjacent values, or hold AST__BAD values. */
+ } else {
+ dirn = GetMonotonic( nlut, lut, &nluti, &luti, &flagsi, &indexi,
+ status );
+/* Initialise a Mapping structure (the parent class) as the first
+ component within the LutMap structure, allocating memory if
+ necessary. Specify that the Mapping should be defined in the
+ forward direction, and conditionally in the inverse direction. */
+ new = (AstLutMap *) astInitMapping( mem, size, 0,
+ (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name,
+ 1, 1, 1, ( dirn != 0 ) );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the LutMap data. */
+/* ---------------------------- */
+ new->nlut = nlut;
+ new->start = start;
+ new->inc = inc;
+ new->lutinterp = LINEAR;
+ new->lutepsilon = AST__BAD;
+ new->nluti = nluti;
+ new->luti = luti;
+ new->flagsi = flagsi;
+ new->indexi = indexi;
+/* Allocate memory and store the lookup table. */
+ new->lut = astStore( NULL, lut, sizeof( double ) * (size_t) nlut );
+/* Replace an NaN values by AST__BAD */
+ p = new->lut;
+ for ( ilut = 0; ilut < nlut; ilut++, p++ ) {
+ if( !astISFINITE(*p) ) *p = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* Initialise the retained input and output coordinate values. */
+ new->last_fwd_in = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_fwd_out = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_inv_in = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_inv_out = AST__BAD;
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new LutMap. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new LutMap. */
+ return new;
+AstLutMap *astLoadLutMap_( void *mem, size_t size,
+ AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astLoadLutMap
+* Purpose:
+* Load a LutMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "lutmap.h"
+* AstLutMap *astLoadLutMap( void *mem, size_t size,
+* AstLutMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* AstChannel *channel )
+* Class Membership:
+* LutMap loader.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided to load a new LutMap using data read
+* from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
+* (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
+* LutMap structure in this memory, using data read from the input
+* Channel.
+* If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
+* virtual function table for a LutMap at the start of the memory
+* passed via the "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory into which the LutMap is to be
+* loaded. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
+* LutMap data (sizeof(LutMap)) plus any data used by derived
+* classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
+* allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
+* determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the LutMap (plus derived class
+* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
+* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
+* stored in the LutMap structure, so a valid value must be
+* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
+* and sizeof(AstLutMap) is used instead.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
+* associated with the new LutMap. If this is NULL, a pointer
+* to the (static) virtual function table for the LutMap class
+* is used instead.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
+* contains the name of the class to which the new object
+* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
+* returned by the astGetClass method).
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
+* and a pointer to the string "LutMap" is used instead.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new LutMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstLutMap *new; /* Pointer to the new LutMap */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ int ilut; /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
+/* Loop counter for table elements */
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return new;
+/* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
+ the first loader to be invoked for this LutMap. In this case the
+ LutMap belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
+ passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
+ if ( !vtab ) {
+ size = sizeof( AstLutMap );
+ vtab = &class_vtab;
+ name = "LutMap";
+/* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
+ if ( !class_init ) {
+ astInitLutMapVtab( vtab, name );
+ class_init = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
+ classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
+ partly-built LutMap. */
+ new = astLoadMapping( mem, size, (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name,
+ channel );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Read input data. */
+/* ================ */
+/* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
+ this class into the internal "values list". */
+ astReadClassData( channel, "LutMap" );
+/* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
+ initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
+/* Number of lookup table elements. */
+ new->nlut = astReadInt( channel, "nlut", 2 );
+/* Starting input coordinate value. */
+ new->start = astReadDouble( channel, "start", 0.0 );
+/* Input coordinate value increment. */
+ new->inc = astReadDouble( channel, "incr", 1.0 );
+/* Interpolation method */
+ new->lutinterp = astReadInt( channel, "lutint", LINEAR );
+ if ( TestLutInterp( new, status ) ) SetLutInterp( new, new->lutinterp, status );
+/* Precision */
+ new->lutepsilon = astReadDouble( channel, "luteps", AST__BAD );
+ if ( TestLutEpsilon( new, status ) ) SetLutEpsilon( new, new->lutepsilon, status );
+/* Allocate memory to hold the lookup table elements. */
+ new->lut = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) new->nlut );
+/* If OK, loop to read each element. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ for ( ilut = 0; ilut < new->nlut; ilut++ ) {
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "l%d", ilut + 1 );
+ new->lut[ ilut ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ }
+/* Initialise the retained input and output coordinate values. */
+ new->last_fwd_in = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_fwd_out = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_inv_in = AST__BAD;
+ new->last_inv_out = AST__BAD;
+/* See if the array is monotonic increasing or decreasing. */
+ (void) GetMonotonic( new->nlut, new->lut, &(new->nluti),
+ &(new->luti), &(new->flagsi), &(new->indexi),
+ status );
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new LutMap. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+/* Return the new LutMap pointer. */
+ return new;
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Virtual function interfaces. */
+/* ============================ */
+/* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions
+ defined by this class. Each simply checks the global error status
+ and then locates and executes the appropriate member function,
+ using the function pointer stored in the object's virtual function
+ table (this pointer is located using the astMEMBER macro defined in
+ "object.h").
+ Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as
+ it may have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should
+ still have the same interface. */
+double *astGetLutMapInfo_( AstLutMap *this, double *start, double *inc,
+ int *nlut, int *status ){
+ if( !astOK ) return NULL;
+ return (**astMEMBER(this,LutMap,GetLutMapInfo))( this, start, inc, nlut,
+ status );