path: root/ast/starlink.cls
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2018-09-21 17:02:41 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2018-09-21 17:02:41 (GMT)
commitbd7d67f66c53df36bb50e3423bfc91eae8618201 (patch)
tree343b06f7a9f2decdfa8d3e4aae885be3e909aa14 /ast/starlink.cls
parentf2f490ba0f98917b590fd7e538b9514e4119e640 (diff)
update ast
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/starlink.cls')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 510 deletions
diff --git a/ast/starlink.cls b/ast/starlink.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 5907136..0000000
--- a/ast/starlink.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
-% Latex2E class for writing starlink documents.
-% .. Class options.
-% With chapters...
-% If twoside...
-% If list of figures (lof)
-% If no abstract
-% If all one page (affects html output only)
-% Declare the options.
-% Pass all options not defined above to the classes.
-% (Must be done before process options)
- \typeout{..... passing options to report .....}
- \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}}
- \typeout{........passing options to article......}
- \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}}
-% Process custom options.
- \LoadClass{report}
- \typeout{........Report!...........}
- \LoadClass{article}
- \typeout{..........Article!..........}
-% Packages required for all reports
-% chek if in a pdf or not
-% Font types and encoding.
-% microtype For improved pdf typography (must come after loading class)
-% units
-% Titlesec.
-% Package to allow graphics to be loaded (\includegraphics) and the
-% default extensions it will look for (and their order).
-%.. Probably needed for something?
-% formatting of list enivornments
-%.. Using color
-%.. Allow boxes with frames and backgrounds, over multiple pages
-%.. Allow tables on multiple pages
-%.. Allow sideways tables
-%.. Allow landscape pdf pages
-%.. Set up the page
-%.. title page formatting
-%... Set up the headers.
-%.... table of contents formatting
-%.. hyperref
- breaklinks=True,pdfdisplaydoctitle=true]{hyperref}
-%... allow environments using verbatim
-%... allow starlink docs to use indexes
-% Starlink document identification commands
-\newcommand{\stardoccategory}[1]{\def \@stardoccategory {#1}}
-\newcommand{\stardocinitials}[1]{\def \@stardocinitials {#1}}
-\newcommand{\stardoccopyright}[1]{\def \@stardoccopyright {#1}}
-\newcommand{\stardocnumber}[1]{\def \@stardocnumber{#1}}
-% Define a stardoctitle that takes an optional 'short' argument; this
-% can then be used in various places. E.g. if you have a multi line
-% full title, please ensure you also have a single line short title.
-\def\stardoctitle{\@ifnextchar [{\@stardoctitletwo}{\@stardoctitleone}}
-\newcommand{\stardocversion}[1]{\def \@stardocversion{#1}}
-\newcommand{\stardocmanual}[1]{\def \@stardocmanual{#1}}
-\newcommand{\stardocabstract}[1]{\def \@stardocabstract{#1}}
-% Defaults for current data?
-\starproject{Starlink Project}
-% initalise to nothing
-% Provide \the... versions of these commands so you don't need to use @
-% in latex.
-% Ensure the stardoctitle etc is available as \thetitle.
-% Ensure the author list is available as \theauthor.
-%% Various commands to setup the frontmatter of starlink docs.
-%% This should consist of 1) the title, 2) the abstract, 3) the table
-%% of contents, 4) the list of figures (unless class option nolof is given).
-%.. Format the initial header.
- \begin{flushright}
- \textbf{\thestardocinitials /\thestardocnumber}
- \end{flushright}
- \thestarproject\\
- \thestardoccategory\ \thestardocnumber\\
-%... Format the main ttile
-% Graphics for front page
-% .. Provide a command \startitle page that will produce a consistent
-% starlink title page
- \null
- \vskip 2em%
-%%.. command to print the abstract (with copyright at bottom of page)
- \ifwithabs
- \ifwithchapters
- \chapter*{}
- \fi
- \section*{Abstract}
- \thispagestyle{fancy}
- \markboth{Abstract}{}
- \thestardocabstract{}
- \\
- \vspace*{\fill}
- \\
- {\small\thestardoccopyright{}}
- \clearpage
- \fi
-%% General Front matter command -- title page, abstract, toc, lof This
-%% command \scfrontmatter is what should be called
-%% after \begin{document} in any starlink tex file.
-% Use roman page numbers
-% Create the titlepage
-% Show the abstract (defined to do nothing if noabs is set)
-% Table of contents (catcode stuff to prevent errors with _)
-\begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \tableofcontents \endgroup
-% unless the class option 'nolof' has been given, create a list of
-% figures.
- \begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \listoffigures \endgroup
-% Reset the page counting to arabic and start from 1.
-%% Back matter commands (references and index)
-% Ensure index shows up in toc.
- \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index}
- \oldprintindex}
-%% Various class specific macros
-%% Starlink list enivornments
-%% enumdesc: An enumerated description list
- before={\stepcounter{enumdescc}\setcounter{enumdescci}{0}},%
- style=nextline,leftmargin=0.5cm,labelindent=0.5cm,rightmargin=0.5cm,
- topsep=0.5\baselineskip, font={%
- \phantomsection\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\refstepcounter{enumdescci}\theenumdescci~}
-%% A description list which has the labels in a box on the left with
-%% the length of the widest label, and the definitions aligned past
-%% it. In HTML output, starstyle.4ht will format this as a table.
-%% This uses the package eqparbox to get the box of width of the
-%% widest label (takes 2 runs of pdflatex).
- leftmargin=\dimexpr\eqboxwidth{descnb\romannumeral\numexpr\value{desc}+1\relax}+3em\relax,
- labelsep=1em, labelindent=2em, rightmargin=2em}
-%% Linking and referencing commands.
-%%.. Starlink xref command
-%% By default use the; this will be fixed up at the
-%% end of make world by a different program.
-%problems with _ in labels (e.g. in xrefs)
-\renewcommand{\_}{\ifmmode \oldunderscore \else \string_\fi}
-%% Deprecated commands (for compatability only)
-% % Graphics commands
- \begin{figure}#2
- \centering\includegraphics[#3]{#1}
- \typeout{#1 inserted on page \arabic{page}}
- \caption[#5]{\label{#4} #6}
- \end{figure}
-% A starlink Hyperref (defined a bit differently to regular hyperref,
-% and with a first argument that doesn't do anything. Deprecated; only
-% provided for consistency with old documents. Include the string, not
-% just the cross reference number or letter in the hyperlink.
-% %.. Empty environment latex only.
-%%%% Command that doesn't do anything in latex
-%.. environments that don't do anything
-\def\makeinnocent#1{\catcode`#1=12 }
- \def\csarg#1#2{\expandafter#1\csname#2\endcsname}
- \def\ThrowAwayComment#1{\begingroup
- \def\CurrentComment{#1}%
- \let\do\makeinnocent \dospecials
- \makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
- \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \xComment}
- {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
- \gdef\xComment#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
- \csarg\ifx{PlainEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
- \let\html@next\endgroup
- \else \csarg\ifx{LaLaEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
- \edef\html@next{\endgroup\noexpand\end{\CurrentComment}}
- \else \let\html@next\xComment
- \fi \fi \html@next}
- }
- \def\excludecomment
- #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{\ThrowAwayComment{#1}}%
- {\escapechar=-1\relax
- \csarg\xdef{PlainEnd#1Test}{\string\\end#1}%
- \csarg\xdef{LaLaEnd#1Test}{\string\\end\string\{#1\string\}}%
- }}
-%.. Define additional colours.
-\definecolor{MidnightBlue}{RGB}{25, 25, 112}
-%.. Miscellanous commands
-%.. Create a command to remove all space from input
-\def\RemoveSpaces#1{\zap@space#1 \@empty}
-% % Command for text that should be pushed to the right of the line (eg
-% % following an hfill, on a single line of text
-\newcommand*{\scpushright}[1]{\hfill #1}
-% %.. verbatim environment for quoting terminal.
-% command for a text box that floats around and pops out from the text (framed)
- backgroundcolor=white,%
- middlelinewidth=4pt,%
- middlelinecolor=bblue,%
- userdefinedwidth=0.8\textwidth,%
- roundcorner=10pt, %
- innertopmargin=\topskip}%
- align=center,%
- frametitle=#1,%
- frametitlebackgroundcolor=bblue]%
-%Framed boxes (obsolete).
-%.. Tip box
-%.. starlink long table (used so that its easier to fix it up for html output)
- \ifwithchapters
- \chapter*{}
- \fi
- \section*{Acronyms}
- \markboth{Acronyms}{}
- \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{}Acronyms}
-%% Load the reamining starlink specific classes.
-%.. The remaining starlink specific definitions.