path: root/ds9/library/catplot.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
commit12166aa342f7c8d905097e43a1f50e0775503069 (patch)
tree73a6e7296fbf9898633a02c2503a3e959789d8c3 /ds9/library/catplot.tcl
parentd4d595fa7fb12903db9227d33d48b2b00120dbd1 (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/catplot.tcl')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/catplot.tcl b/ds9/library/catplot.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..298b7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/catplot.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc CATPlot {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ # do we have a db?
+ if {![CATValidDB $var(tbldb)]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {$var(plot,x) == {}} {
+ set var(plot,x) "\$$var(colx)"
+ }
+ if {$var(plot,y) == {}} {
+ set var(plot,y) "\$$var(coly)"
+ }
+ if {[CATPlotDialog $varname]} {
+ if {$var(plot,x) != {} && $var(plot,y) != {}} {
+ CATPlotGenerate $varname
+ }
+ }
+proc CATPlotGenerate {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ if {$var(plot,xerr) == {} && $var(plot,yerr) == {}} {
+ set dim xy
+ } elseif {$var(plot,xerr) != {} && $var(plot,yerr) == {}} {
+ set dim xyex
+ } elseif {$var(plot,xerr) == {} && $var(plot,yerr) != {}} {
+ set dim xyey
+ } else {
+ set dim xyexey
+ }
+ global $var(tbldb)
+ set nrows [starbase_nrows $var(tbldb)]
+ set cols [starbase_columns $var(tbldb)]
+ set rr {}
+ for {set ii 1} {$ii <= $nrows} {incr ii} {
+ foreach col $cols {
+ set val [starbase_get $var(tbldb) $ii \
+ [starbase_colnum $var(tbldb) $col]]
+ # here's a tough one-- what to do if the col is blank
+ # for now, just set it to '0'
+ if {[string trim "$val"] == {}} {
+ set val 0
+ }
+ eval "set \{$col\} \{$val\}"
+ }
+ switch $dim {
+ xy {append rr [subst "$var(plot,x), $var(plot,y)\n"]}
+ xyex {append rr [subst "$var(plot,x), $var(plot,y), $var(plot,xerr)\n"]}
+ xyey {append rr [subst "$var(plot,x), $var(plot,y), $var(plot,yerr)\n"]}
+ xyexey {append rr [subst "$var(plot,x), $var(plot,y), $var(plot,xerr), $var(plot,yerr)\n"]}
+ }
+ }
+ set xtitle [regsub -all {\$*} $var(plot,x) {}]
+ set ytitle [regsub -all {\$*} $var(plot,y) {}]
+ set vvarname plot${varname}
+ upvar #0 $vvarname vvar
+ global $vvarname
+ set ping [PlotPing $vvarname]
+ if {!$ping} {
+ PlotScatterDialog $vvarname $var(title) {} {} {}
+ set vvar(callback) "CATSelectRows $varname plot"
+ set var(plot) 1
+ set var(plot,var) $vvarname
+ }
+ PlotClearData $vvarname
+ PlotDataSet $vvarname $dim $rr
+ PlotTitle $vvarname $var(title) $xtitle $ytitle
+ $vvar(proc,updategraph) $vvarname
+ PlotStats $vvarname
+ PlotList $vvarname
+proc CATPlotDialog {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global ds9
+ global ed2
+ set w ".${varname}plot"
+ set mb ".${varname}plotmb"
+ set ed2(ok) 0
+ set ed2(x) $var(plot,x)
+ set ed2(xerr) $var(plot,xerr)
+ set ed2(y) $var(plot,y)
+ set ed2(yerr) $var(plot,yerr)
+ DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Plot}] ed2(ok)
+ $w configure -menu $mb
+ menu $mb
+ # file
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file
+ menu $mb.file
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command {set ed2(ok) 1}
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed2(ok) 0}
+ # edit
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit
+ EditMenu $mb $varname
+ # param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ ttk::label $f.taxis -text {Axis}
+ ttk::label $f.terr -text {Error}
+ ttk::label $f.tx -text {X}
+ ttk::entry $f.x -textvariable ed2(x) -width 21
+ ttk::button $f.bx -text [msgcat::mc {Edit}] \
+ -command "CATEditDialog ed2 x $var(catdb)"
+ ttk::entry $f.xerr -textvariable ed2(xerr) -width 21
+ ttk::button $f.bxerr -text [msgcat::mc {Edit}] \
+ -command "CATEditDialog ed2 xerr $var(catdb)"
+ ttk::menubutton $ -text {Cols} -menu $
+ ttk::menubutton $f.mxerr -text {Cols} -menu $
+ CATPlotDialogColsMenu $varname $ x
+ CATPlotDialogColsMenu $varname $f.mxerr xerr
+ ttk::label $f.ty -text {Y}
+ ttk::entry $f.y -textvariable ed2(y) -width 21
+ ttk::button $ -text [msgcat::mc {Edit}] \
+ -command "CATEditDialog ed2 y $var(catdb)"
+ ttk::entry $f.yerr -textvariable ed2(yerr) -width 21
+ ttk::button $f.byerr -text [msgcat::mc {Edit}] \
+ -command "CATEditDialog ed2 yerr $var(catdb)"
+ ttk::menubutton $ -text {Cols} -menu $
+ ttk::menubutton $f.myerr -text {Cols} -menu $
+ CATPlotDialogColsMenu $varname $ y
+ CATPlotDialogColsMenu $varname $f.myerr yerr
+ grid x $f.taxis x $f.terr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid $f.tx $f.x $f.bx $f.xerr $f.bxerr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid x $ x $f.mxerr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid $f.ty $f.y $ $f.yerr $f.byerr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid x $ x $f.myerr -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed2(ok) 1} \
+ -default active
+ ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed2(ok) 0}
+ pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ bind $w <Return> {set ed2(ok) 1}
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x
+ DialogCenter $w
+ DialogWait $w ed2(ok) $w.buttons.ok
+ if {$ed2(ok)} {
+ set var(plot,x) $ed2(x)
+ set var(plot,xerr) $ed2(xerr)
+ set var(plot,y) $ed2(y)
+ set var(plot,yerr) $ed2(yerr)
+ }
+ DialogDismiss $w
+ destroy $mb
+ set rr $ed2(ok)
+ unset ed2
+ return $rr
+proc CATPlotDialogColsMenu {varname f ww} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global $var(catdb)
+ global ed2
+ global ds9
+ set m $
+ menu $m -tearoff 0
+ if {[CATValidDB $var(catdb)]} {
+ set cnt -1
+ foreach col [starbase_columns $var(catdb)] {
+ $m add command -label $col -command "set ed2($ww) \\$$col"
+ # wrap if needed
+ incr cnt
+ if {$cnt>=$ds9(menu,size,wrap)} {
+ set cnt 0
+ $m entryconfig $col -columnbreak 1
+ }
+ }
+ }