path: root/libxml2/
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2017-05-03 15:21:49 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-05-03 15:21:49 (GMT)
commit4b8453f0303492a1de2dcf854555f6429fac550e (patch)
tree54abb57f4c5191452cadcac2f12feacbfc1f3218 /libxml2/
parent7617e7a38edce33eab6ca4259b416b339e07ea29 (diff)
reinstall libxml2/libxslt
Diffstat (limited to 'libxml2/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 963 deletions
diff --git a/libxml2/ b/libxml2/
deleted file mode 100755
index f178620..0000000
--- a/libxml2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,963 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -u
-# generate a tester program for the API
-import sys
-import os
-import string
- import libxml2
- print "libxml2 python bindings not available, skipping testapi.c generation"
- sys.exit(0)
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- srcPref = sys.argv[1] + '/'
- srcPref = ''
-# Modules we want to skip in API test
-skipped_modules = [ "SAX", "xlink", "threads", "globals",
- "xmlmemory", "xmlversion", "xmlexports",
- #deprecated
- "DOCBparser",
-# defines for each module
-modules_defines = {
- "xmlreader": "LIBXML_READER_ENABLED",
- "schemasInternals": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED",
- "xmlschemas": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED",
- "xmlschemastypes": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED",
- "xpathInternals": "LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED",
- "xpointer": "LIBXML_XPTR_ENABLED",
- "xmlregexp" : "LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED",
- "xmlautomata" : "LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED",
- "xmlsave" : "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED",
- "xmlmodule" : "LIBXML_MODULES_ENABLED",
-# defines for specific functions
-function_defines = {
- "htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit": "LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAX2EndElement" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAX2StartElement" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXDefaultVersion" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED",
- "xmlInitializePredefinedEntities": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED",
- "xmlSetFeature": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED",
- "xmlGetFeature": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED",
- "xmlGetFeaturesList": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlRecoverDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlRecoverFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlRecoverMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseFileWithData": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXUserParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXUserParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseExternalEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSetupParserForBuffer": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlStopParser": "LIBXML_PUSH_ENABLED",
- "xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent": "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlSAXParseEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED",
- "xmlNewTextChild": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlNewDocRawNode": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlNewProp": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlReconciliateNs": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidateNCName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidateNMToken": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidateName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlNewChild": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidateQName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED",
- "xmlSprintfElementContent": "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidGetPotentialChildren" : "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED",
- "xmlValidGetValidElements" : "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED",
- "docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit" : "LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED",
- "xmlTextReaderPreservePattern" : "LIBXML_PATTERN_ENABLED",
-# Some functions really need to be skipped for the tests.
-skipped_functions = [
-# block on I/O
-"xmlFdRead", "xmlReadFd", "xmlCtxtReadFd",
-"htmlFdRead", "htmlReadFd", "htmlCtxtReadFd",
-"xmlReaderNewFd", "xmlReaderForFd",
-"xmlIORead", "xmlReadIO", "xmlCtxtReadIO",
-"htmlIORead", "htmlReadIO", "htmlCtxtReadIO",
-"xmlReaderNewIO", "xmlBufferDump", "xmlNanoFTPConnect",
-"xmlNanoFTPConnectTo", "xmlNanoHTTPMethod", "xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir",
-# Complex I/O APIs
-"xmlCreateIOParserCtxt", "xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO",
-"xmlRegisterInputCallbacks", "xmlReaderForIO",
-"xmlOutputBufferCreateIO", "xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks",
-"xmlSaveToIO", "xmlIOHTTPOpenW",
-# library state cleanup, generate false leak informations and other
-# troubles, heavillyb tested otherwise.
-"xmlCleanupParser", "xmlRelaxNGCleanupTypes", "xmlSetListDoc",
-"xmlSetTreeDoc", "xmlUnlinkNode",
-# hard to avoid leaks in the tests
-"xmlStrcat", "xmlStrncat", "xmlCatalogAddLocal", "xmlNewTextWriterDoc",
-"xmlXPathNewValueTree", "xmlXPathWrapString",
-# unimplemented
-"xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml", "xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml",
-# destructor
-"xmlListDelete", "xmlOutputBufferClose", "xmlNanoFTPClose", "xmlNanoHTTPClose",
-# deprecated
-"xmlCatalogGetPublic", "xmlCatalogGetSystem", "xmlEncodeEntities",
-"xmlNewGlobalNs", "xmlHandleEntity", "xmlNamespaceParseNCName",
-"xmlNamespaceParseNSDef", "xmlNamespaceParseQName",
-"xmlParseNamespace", "xmlParseQuotedString", "xmlParserHandleReference",
-# allocators
-# verbosity
-"xmlCatalogSetDebug", "xmlShellPrintXPathError", "xmlShellPrintNode",
-# Internal functions, no user space should really call them
-"xmlParseAttribute", "xmlParseAttributeListDecl", "xmlParseName",
-"xmlParseNmtoken", "xmlParseEntityValue", "xmlParseAttValue",
-"xmlParseSystemLiteral", "xmlParsePubidLiteral", "xmlParseCharData",
-"xmlParseExternalID", "xmlParseComment", "xmlParsePITarget", "xmlParsePI",
-"xmlParseNotationDecl", "xmlParseEntityDecl", "xmlParseDefaultDecl",
-"xmlParseNotationType", "xmlParseEnumerationType", "xmlParseEnumeratedType",
-"xmlParseAttributeType", "xmlParseAttributeListDecl",
-"xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl", "xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl",
-"xmlParseElementContentDecl", "xmlParseElementDecl", "xmlParseMarkupDecl",
-"xmlParseCharRef", "xmlParseEntityRef", "xmlParseReference",
-"xmlParsePEReference", "xmlParseDocTypeDecl", "xmlParseAttribute",
-"xmlParseStartTag", "xmlParseEndTag", "xmlParseCDSect", "xmlParseContent",
-"xmlParseElement", "xmlParseVersionNum", "xmlParseVersionInfo",
-"xmlParseEncName", "xmlParseEncodingDecl", "xmlParseSDDecl",
-"xmlParseXMLDecl", "xmlParseTextDecl", "xmlParseMisc",
-"xmlParseExternalSubset", "xmlParserHandlePEReference",
-# These functions have side effects on the global state
-# and hence generate errors on memory allocation tests
-skipped_memcheck = [ "xmlLoadCatalog", "xmlAddEncodingAlias",
- "xmlSchemaInitTypes", "xmlNanoFTPProxy", "xmlNanoFTPScanProxy",
- "xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy", "xmlResetLastError", "xmlCatalogConvert",
- "xmlCatalogRemove", "xmlLoadCatalogs", "xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers",
- "xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers", "xmlCatalogCleanup",
- "xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType",
- "htmlParseFile", "htmlCtxtReadFile", # loads the catalogs
- "xmlTextReaderSchemaValidate", "xmlSchemaCleanupTypes", # initialize the schemas type system
- "xmlCatalogResolve", "xmlIOParseDTD" # loads the catalogs
-# Extra code needed for some test cases
-extra_pre_call = {
- "xmlSAXUserParseFile": """
- if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL;
- "xmlSAXUserParseMemory": """
- if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL;
- "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory": """
- if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL;
- "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover": """
- if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL;
- "xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd":
- "if (fd >= 0) fd = -1;",
-extra_post_call = {
- "xmlAddChild":
- "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(cur) ; cur = NULL ; }",
- "xmlAddEntity":
- "if (ret_val != NULL) { xmlFreeNode(ret_val) ; ret_val = NULL; }",
- "xmlAddChildList":
- "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(cur) ; cur = NULL ; }",
- "xmlAddSibling":
- "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }",
- "xmlAddNextSibling":
- "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }",
- "xmlAddPrevSibling":
- "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }",
- "xmlDocSetRootElement":
- "if (doc == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(root) ; root = NULL ; }",
- "xmlReplaceNode":
- """if (cur != NULL) {
- xmlUnlinkNode(cur);
- xmlFreeNode(cur) ; cur = NULL ; }
- if (old != NULL) {
- xmlUnlinkNode(old);
- xmlFreeNode(old) ; old = NULL ; }
- ret_val = NULL;""",
- "xmlTextMerge":
- """if ((first != NULL) && (first->type != XML_TEXT_NODE)) {
- xmlUnlinkNode(second);
- xmlFreeNode(second) ; second = NULL ; }""",
- "xmlBuildQName":
- """if ((ret_val != NULL) && (ret_val != ncname) &&
- (ret_val != prefix) && (ret_val != memory))
- xmlFree(ret_val);
- ret_val = NULL;""",
- "xmlNewDocElementContent":
- """xmlFreeDocElementContent(doc, ret_val); ret_val = NULL;""",
- "xmlDictReference": "xmlDictFree(dict);",
- # Functions which deallocates one of their parameters
- "xmlXPathConvertBoolean": """val = NULL;""",
- "xmlXPathConvertNumber": """val = NULL;""",
- "xmlXPathConvertString": """val = NULL;""",
- "xmlSaveFileTo": """buf = NULL;""",
- "xmlSaveFormatFileTo": """buf = NULL;""",
- "xmlIOParseDTD": "input = NULL;",
- "xmlRemoveProp": "cur = NULL;",
- "xmlNewNs": "if ((node == NULL) && (ret_val != NULL)) xmlFreeNs(ret_val);",
- "xmlCopyNamespace": "if (ret_val != NULL) xmlFreeNs(ret_val);",
- "xmlCopyNamespaceList": "if (ret_val != NULL) xmlFreeNsList(ret_val);",
- "xmlNewTextWriter": "if (ret_val != NULL) out = NULL;",
- "xmlNewTextWriterPushParser": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;} if (ret_val != NULL) ctxt = NULL;",
- "xmlNewIOInputStream": "if (ret_val != NULL) input = NULL;",
- "htmlParseChunk": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}",
- "htmlParseDocument": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}",
- "xmlParseDocument": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}",
- "xmlParseChunk": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}",
- "xmlParseExtParsedEnt": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}",
- "xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode": "if ((node != NULL) && (node->parent == NULL)) {xmlUnlinkNode(node);xmlFreeNode(node);node = NULL;}",
- "xmlBufferSetAllocationScheme": "if ((buf != NULL) && (scheme == XML_BUFFER_ALLOC_IMMUTABLE) && (buf->content != NULL) && (buf->content != static_buf_content)) { xmlFree(buf->content); buf->content = NULL;}"
-modules = []
-def is_skipped_module(name):
- for mod in skipped_modules:
- if mod == name:
- return 1
- return 0
-def is_skipped_function(name):
- for fun in skipped_functions:
- if fun == name:
- return 1
- # Do not test destructors
- if string.find(name, 'Free') != -1:
- return 1
- return 0
-def is_skipped_memcheck(name):
- for fun in skipped_memcheck:
- if fun == name:
- return 1
- return 0
-missing_types = {}
-def add_missing_type(name, func):
- try:
- list = missing_types[name]
- list.append(func)
- except:
- missing_types[name] = [func]
-generated_param_types = []
-def add_generated_param_type(name):
- generated_param_types.append(name)
-generated_return_types = []
-def add_generated_return_type(name):
- generated_return_types.append(name)
-missing_functions = {}
-missing_functions_nr = 0
-def add_missing_functions(name, module):
- global missing_functions_nr
- missing_functions_nr = missing_functions_nr + 1
- try:
- list = missing_functions[module]
- list.append(name)
- except:
- missing_functions[module] = [name]
-# Provide the type generators and destructors for the parameters
-def type_convert(str, name, info, module, function, pos):
-# res = string.replace(str, " ", " ")
-# res = string.replace(str, " ", " ")
-# res = string.replace(str, " ", " ")
- res = string.replace(str, " *", "_ptr")
-# res = string.replace(str, "*", "_ptr")
- res = string.replace(res, " ", "_")
- if res == 'const_char_ptr':
- if string.find(name, "file") != -1 or \
- string.find(name, "uri") != -1 or \
- string.find(name, "URI") != -1 or \
- string.find(info, "filename") != -1 or \
- string.find(info, "URI") != -1 or \
- string.find(info, "URL") != -1:
- if string.find(function, "Save") != -1 or \
- string.find(function, "Create") != -1 or \
- string.find(function, "Write") != -1 or \
- string.find(function, "Fetch") != -1:
- return('fileoutput')
- return('filepath')
- if res == 'void_ptr':
- if module == 'nanoftp' and name == 'ctx':
- return('xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr')
- if function == 'xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt' or \
- function == 'xmlNanoFTPConnectTo' or \
- function == 'xmlNanoFTPOpen':
- return('xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr')
- if module == 'nanohttp' and name == 'ctx':
- return('xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr')
- if function == 'xmlNanoHTTPMethod' or \
- function == 'xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir' or \
- function == 'xmlNanoHTTPOpen' or \
- function == 'xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir':
- return('xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr');
- if function == 'xmlIOHTTPOpen':
- return('xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr')
- if string.find(name, "data") != -1:
- return('userdata')
- if string.find(name, "user") != -1:
- return('userdata')
- if res == 'xmlDoc_ptr':
- res = 'xmlDocPtr'
- if res == 'xmlNode_ptr':
- res = 'xmlNodePtr'
- if res == 'xmlDict_ptr':
- res = 'xmlDictPtr'
- if res == 'xmlNodePtr' and pos != 0:
- if (function == 'xmlAddChild' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlAddChildList' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlAddNextSibling' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlAddSibling' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlDocSetRootElement' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlReplaceNode' and pos == 2) or \
- (function == 'xmlTextMerge') or \
- (function == 'xmlAddPrevSibling' and pos == 2):
- return('xmlNodePtr_in');
- if res == 'const xmlBufferPtr':
- res = 'xmlBufferPtr'
- if res == 'xmlChar_ptr' and name == 'name' and \
- string.find(function, "EatName") != -1:
- return('eaten_name')
- if res == 'void_ptr*':
- res = 'void_ptr_ptr'
- if res == 'char_ptr*':
- res = 'char_ptr_ptr'
- if res == 'xmlChar_ptr*':
- res = 'xmlChar_ptr_ptr'
- if res == 'const_xmlChar_ptr*':
- res = 'const_xmlChar_ptr_ptr'
- if res == 'const_char_ptr*':
- res = 'const_char_ptr_ptr'
- if res == 'FILE_ptr' and module == 'debugXML':
- res = 'debug_FILE_ptr';
- if res == 'int' and name == 'options':
- if module == 'parser' or module == 'xmlreader':
- res = 'parseroptions'
- return res
-known_param_types = []
-def is_known_param_type(name, rtype):
- global test
- for type in known_param_types:
- if type == name:
- return 1
- for type in generated_param_types:
- if type == name:
- return 1
- if name[-3:] == 'Ptr' or name[-4:] == '_ptr':
- if rtype[0:6] == 'const ':
- crtype = rtype[6:]
- else:
- crtype = rtype
- define = 0
- if modules_defines.has_key(module):
- test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module]))
- define = 1
- test.write("""
-#define gen_nb_%s 1
-static %s gen_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
- return(NULL);
-static void des_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, %s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-""" % (name, crtype, name, name, rtype))
- if define == 1:
- test.write("#endif\n\n")
- add_generated_param_type(name)
- return 1
- return 0
-# Provide the type destructors for the return values
-known_return_types = []
-def is_known_return_type(name):
- for type in known_return_types:
- if type == name:
- return 1
- return 0
-# Copy the beginning of the C test program result
- input = open("testapi.c", "r")
- input = open(srcPref + "testapi.c", "r")
-test = open('', 'w')
-def compare_and_save():
- global test
- test.close()
- try:
- input = open("testapi.c", "r").read()
- except:
- input = ''
- test = open('', "r").read()
- if input != test:
- try:
- os.system("rm testapi.c; mv testapi.c")
- except:
- os.system("mv testapi.c")
- print("Updated testapi.c")
- else:
- print("Generated testapi.c is identical")
-line = input.readline()
-while line != "":
- if line == "/* CUT HERE: everything below that line is generated */\n":
- break;
- if line[0:15] == "#define gen_nb_":
- type = string.split(line[15:])[0]
- known_param_types.append(type)
- if line[0:19] == "static void desret_":
- type = string.split(line[19:], '(')[0]
- known_return_types.append(type)
- test.write(line)
- line = input.readline()
-if line == "":
- print "Could not find the CUT marker in testapi.c skipping generation"
- test.close()
- sys.exit(0)
-print("Scanned testapi.c: found %d parameters types and %d return types\n" % (
- len(known_param_types), len(known_return_types)))
-test.write("/* CUT HERE: everything below that line is generated */\n")
-# Open the input API description
-doc = libxml2.readFile(srcPref + 'doc/libxml2-api.xml', None, 0)
-if doc == None:
- print "Failed to load doc/libxml2-api.xml"
- sys.exit(1)
-ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
-# Generate a list of all function parameters and select only
-# those used in the api tests
-argtypes = {}
-args = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/function/arg")
-for arg in args:
- mod = arg.xpathEval('string(../@file)')
- func = arg.xpathEval('string(../@name)')
- if (mod not in skipped_modules) and (func not in skipped_functions):
- type = arg.xpathEval('string(@type)')
- if not argtypes.has_key(type):
- argtypes[type] = func
-# similarly for return types
-rettypes = {}
-rets = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/function/return")
-for ret in rets:
- mod = ret.xpathEval('string(../@file)')
- func = ret.xpathEval('string(../@name)')
- if (mod not in skipped_modules) and (func not in skipped_functions):
- type = ret.xpathEval('string(@type)')
- if not rettypes.has_key(type):
- rettypes[type] = func
-# Generate constructors and return type handling for all enums
-# which are used as function parameters
-enums = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/typedef[@type='enum']")
-for enum in enums:
- module = enum.xpathEval('string(@file)')
- name = enum.xpathEval('string(@name)')
- #
- # Skip any enums which are not in our filtered lists
- #
- if (name == None) or ((name not in argtypes) and (name not in rettypes)):
- continue;
- define = 0
- if argtypes.has_key(name) and is_known_param_type(name, name) == 0:
- values = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/enum[@type='%s']" % name)
- i = 0
- vals = []
- for value in values:
- vname = value.xpathEval('string(@name)')
- if vname == None:
- continue;
- i = i + 1
- if i >= 5:
- break;
- vals.append(vname)
- if vals == []:
- print "Didn't find any value for enum %s" % (name)
- continue
- if modules_defines.has_key(module):
- test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module]))
- define = 1
- test.write("#define gen_nb_%s %d\n" % (name, len(vals)))
- test.write("""static %s gen_%s(int no, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {\n""" %
- (name, name))
- i = 1
- for value in vals:
- test.write(" if (no == %d) return(%s);\n" % (i, value))
- i = i + 1
- test.write(""" return(0);
-static void des_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, %s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-""" % (name, name));
- known_param_types.append(name)
- if (is_known_return_type(name) == 0) and (name in rettypes):
- if define == 0 and modules_defines.has_key(module):
- test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module]))
- define = 1
- test.write("""static void desret_%s(%s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-""" % (name, name))
- known_return_types.append(name)
- if define == 1:
- test.write("#endif\n\n")
-# Load the interfaces
-headers = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/files/file")
-for file in headers:
- name = file.xpathEval('string(@name)')
- if (name == None) or (name == ''):
- continue
- #
- # Some module may be skipped because they don't really consists
- # of user callable APIs
- #
- if is_skipped_module(name):
- continue
- #
- # do not test deprecated APIs
- #
- desc = file.xpathEval('string(description)')
- if string.find(desc, 'DEPRECATED') != -1:
- print "Skipping deprecated interface %s" % name
- continue;
- test.write("#include <libxml/%s.h>\n" % name)
- modules.append(name)
-# Generate the callers signatures
-for module in modules:
- test.write("static int test_%s(void);\n" % module);
-# Generate the top caller
- * testlibxml2:
- *
- * Main entry point of the tester for the full libxml2 module,
- * it calls all the tester entry point for each module.
- *
- * Returns the number of error found
- */
-static int
- int test_ret = 0;
-for module in modules:
- test.write(" test_ret += test_%s();\n" % module)
- printf("Total: %d functions, %d tests, %d errors\\n",
- function_tests, call_tests, test_ret);
- return(test_ret);
-# How to handle a function
-nb_tests = 0
-def generate_test(module, node):
- global test
- global nb_tests
- nb_cond = 0
- no_gen = 0
- name = node.xpathEval('string(@name)')
- if is_skipped_function(name):
- return
- #
- # check we know how to handle the args and return values
- # and store the informations for the generation
- #
- try:
- args = node.xpathEval("arg")
- except:
- args = []
- t_args = []
- n = 0
- for arg in args:
- n = n + 1
- rtype = arg.xpathEval("string(@type)")
- if rtype == 'void':
- break;
- info = arg.xpathEval("string(@info)")
- nam = arg.xpathEval("string(@name)")
- type = type_convert(rtype, nam, info, module, name, n)
- if is_known_param_type(type, rtype) == 0:
- add_missing_type(type, name);
- no_gen = 1
- if (type[-3:] == 'Ptr' or type[-4:] == '_ptr') and \
- rtype[0:6] == 'const ':
- crtype = rtype[6:]
- else:
- crtype = rtype
- t_args.append((nam, type, rtype, crtype, info))
- try:
- rets = node.xpathEval("return")
- except:
- rets = []
- t_ret = None
- for ret in rets:
- rtype = ret.xpathEval("string(@type)")
- info = ret.xpathEval("string(@info)")
- type = type_convert(rtype, 'return', info, module, name, 0)
- if rtype == 'void':
- break
- if is_known_return_type(type) == 0:
- add_missing_type(type, name);
- no_gen = 1
- t_ret = (type, rtype, info)
- break
- test.write("""
-static int
-test_%s(void) {
- int test_ret = 0;
-""" % (name))
- if no_gen == 1:
- add_missing_functions(name, module)
- test.write("""
- /* missing type support */
- return(test_ret);
- return
- try:
- conds = node.xpathEval("cond")
- for cond in conds:
- test.write("#if %s\n" % (cond.get_content()))
- nb_cond = nb_cond + 1
- except:
- pass
- define = 0
- if function_defines.has_key(name):
- test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (function_defines[name]))
- define = 1
- # Declare the memory usage counter
- no_mem = is_skipped_memcheck(name)
- if no_mem == 0:
- test.write(" int mem_base;\n");
- # Declare the return value
- if t_ret != None:
- test.write(" %s ret_val;\n" % (t_ret[1]))
- # Declare the arguments
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- # add declaration
- test.write(" %s %s; /* %s */\n" % (crtype, nam, info))
- test.write(" int n_%s;\n" % (nam))
- test.write("\n")
- # Cascade loop on of each argument list of values
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- #
- test.write(" for (n_%s = 0;n_%s < gen_nb_%s;n_%s++) {\n" % (
- nam, nam, type, nam))
- # log the memory usage
- if no_mem == 0:
- test.write(" mem_base = xmlMemBlocks();\n");
- # prepare the call
- i = 0;
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- #
- test.write(" %s = gen_%s(n_%s, %d);\n" % (nam, type, nam, i))
- i = i + 1;
- # do the call, and clanup the result
- if extra_pre_call.has_key(name):
- test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_pre_call[name]))
- if t_ret != None:
- test.write("\n ret_val = %s(" % (name))
- need = 0
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg
- if need:
- test.write(", ")
- else:
- need = 1
- if rtype != crtype:
- test.write("(%s)" % rtype)
- test.write("%s" % nam);
- test.write(");\n")
- if extra_post_call.has_key(name):
- test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_post_call[name]))
- test.write(" desret_%s(ret_val);\n" % t_ret[0])
- else:
- test.write("\n %s(" % (name));
- need = 0;
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- if need:
- test.write(", ")
- else:
- need = 1
- if rtype != crtype:
- test.write("(%s)" % rtype)
- test.write("%s" % nam)
- test.write(");\n")
- if extra_post_call.has_key(name):
- test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_post_call[name]))
- test.write(" call_tests++;\n");
- # Free the arguments
- i = 0;
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- # This is a hack to prevent generating a destructor for the
- # 'input' argument in xmlTextReaderSetup. There should be
- # a better, more generic way to do this!
- if string.find(info, 'destroy') == -1:
- test.write(" des_%s(n_%s, " % (type, nam))
- if rtype != crtype:
- test.write("(%s)" % rtype)
- test.write("%s, %d);\n" % (nam, i))
- i = i + 1;
- test.write(" xmlResetLastError();\n");
- # Check the memory usage
- if no_mem == 0:
- test.write(""" if (mem_base != xmlMemBlocks()) {
- printf("Leak of %%d blocks found in %s",
- xmlMemBlocks() - mem_base);
- test_ret++;
-""" % (name));
- for arg in t_args:
- (nam, type, rtype, crtype, info) = arg;
- test.write(""" printf(" %%d", n_%s);\n""" % (nam))
- test.write(""" printf("\\n");\n""")
- test.write(" }\n")
- for arg in t_args:
- test.write(" }\n")
- test.write(" function_tests++;\n")
- #
- # end of conditional
- #
- while nb_cond > 0:
- test.write("#endif\n")
- nb_cond = nb_cond -1
- if define == 1:
- test.write("#endif\n")
- nb_tests = nb_tests + 1;
- test.write("""
- return(test_ret);
-# Generate all module callers
-for module in modules:
- # gather all the functions exported by that module
- try:
- functions = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/function[@file='%s']" % (module))
- except:
- print "Failed to gather functions from module %s" % (module)
- continue;
- # iterate over all functions in the module generating the test
- i = 0
- nb_tests_old = nb_tests
- for function in functions:
- i = i + 1
- generate_test(module, function);
- # header
- test.write("""static int
-test_%s(void) {
- int test_ret = 0;
- if (quiet == 0) printf("Testing %s : %d of %d functions ...\\n");
-""" % (module, module, nb_tests - nb_tests_old, i))
- # iterate over all functions in the module generating the call
- for function in functions:
- name = function.xpathEval('string(@name)')
- if is_skipped_function(name):
- continue
- test.write(" test_ret += test_%s();\n" % (name))
- # footer
- test.write("""
- if (test_ret != 0)
- printf("Module %s: %%d errors\\n", test_ret);
- return(test_ret);
-""" % (module))
-# Generate direct module caller
-test.write("""static int
-test_module(const char *module) {
-for module in modules:
- test.write(""" if (!strcmp(module, "%s")) return(test_%s());\n""" % (
- module, module))
-test.write(""" return(0);
-print "Generated test for %d modules and %d functions" %(len(modules), nb_tests)
-missing_list = []
-for missing in missing_types.keys():
- if missing == 'va_list' or missing == '...':
- continue;
- n = len(missing_types[missing])
- missing_list.append((n, missing))
-def compare_missing(a, b):
- return b[0] - a[0]
-print "Missing support for %d functions and %d types see missing.lst" % (missing_functions_nr, len(missing_list))
-lst = open("missing.lst", "w")
-lst.write("Missing support for %d types" % (len(missing_list)))
-for miss in missing_list:
- lst.write("%s: %d :" % (miss[1], miss[0]))
- i = 0
- for n in missing_types[miss[1]]:
- i = i + 1
- if i > 5:
- lst.write(" ...")
- break
- lst.write(" %s" % (n))
- lst.write("\n")
-lst.write("Missing support per module");
-for module in missing_functions.keys():
- lst.write("module %s:\n %s\n" % (module, missing_functions[module]))