path: root/nanohttp.c
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-11-17 21:10:17 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-11-17 21:10:17 (GMT)
commit574585fa78070b0cc6b5ad22543e21a3502a122b (patch)
tree0e96ee0e38f68bcd7662e7815f96e0151740056f /nanohttp.c
Squashed 'libxml2/' content from commit d9321d2
git-subtree-dir: libxml2 git-subtree-split: d9321d23d75a97f655f9325007ea7837f101100f
Diffstat (limited to 'nanohttp.c')
1 files changed, 1890 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nanohttp.c b/nanohttp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e109ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nanohttp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@
+ * nanohttp.c: minimalist HTTP GET implementation to fetch external subsets.
+ * focuses on size, streamability, reentrancy and portability
+ *
+ * This is clearly not a general purpose HTTP implementation
+ * If you look for one, check:
+ *
+ *
+ * See Copyright for the status of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#define IN_LIBXML
+#include "libxml.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <arpa/nameser.h>
+#include <resolv.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#ifndef HAVE_POLL_H
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+#include <zlib.h>
+#ifdef VMS
+#include <stropts>
+#define XML_SOCKLEN_T unsigned int
+#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+#define _WINSOCKAPI_
+#include <wsockcompat.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#define XML_SOCKLEN_T unsigned int
+#include <libxml/globals.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h> /* for xmlStr(n)casecmp() */
+#include <libxml/nanohttp.h>
+#include <libxml/globals.h>
+#include <libxml/uri.h>
+ * A couple portability macros
+ */
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+#if !defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__HAIKU__)
+#define closesocket(s) close(s)
+#define SOCKET int
+#define INVALID_SOCKET (-1)
+#ifdef __BEOS__
+#ifndef PF_INET
+#define PF_INET AF_INET
+#ifndef XML_SOCKLEN_T
+#define XML_SOCKLEN_T unsigned int
+#define DEBUG_HTTP
+#define xmlStrncasecmp(a, b, n) strncasecmp((char *)a, (char *)b, n)
+#define xmlStrcasecmpi(a, b) strcasecmp((char *)a, (char *)b)
+#define XML_NANO_HTTP_CHUNK 4096
+typedef struct xmlNanoHTTPCtxt {
+ char *protocol; /* the protocol name */
+ char *hostname; /* the host name */
+ int port; /* the port */
+ char *path; /* the path within the URL */
+ char *query; /* the query string */
+ SOCKET fd; /* the file descriptor for the socket */
+ int state; /* WRITE / READ / CLOSED */
+ char *out; /* buffer sent (zero terminated) */
+ char *outptr; /* index within the buffer sent */
+ char *in; /* the receiving buffer */
+ char *content; /* the start of the content */
+ char *inptr; /* the next byte to read from network */
+ char *inrptr; /* the next byte to give back to the client */
+ int inlen; /* len of the input buffer */
+ int last; /* return code for last operation */
+ int returnValue; /* the protocol return value */
+ int version; /* the protocol version */
+ int ContentLength; /* specified content length from HTTP header */
+ char *contentType; /* the MIME type for the input */
+ char *location; /* the new URL in case of redirect */
+ char *authHeader; /* contents of {WWW,Proxy}-Authenticate header */
+ char *encoding; /* encoding extracted from the contentType */
+ char *mimeType; /* Mime-Type extracted from the contentType */
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ z_stream *strm; /* Zlib stream object */
+ int usesGzip; /* "Content-Encoding: gzip" was detected */
+} xmlNanoHTTPCtxt, *xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr;
+static int initialized = 0;
+static char *proxy = NULL; /* the proxy name if any */
+static int proxyPort; /* the proxy port if any */
+static unsigned int timeout = 60;/* the select() timeout in seconds */
+static int xmlNanoHTTPFetchContent( void * ctx, char ** ptr, int * len );
+ * xmlHTTPErrMemory:
+ * @extra: extra informations
+ *
+ * Handle an out of memory condition
+ */
+static void
+xmlHTTPErrMemory(const char *extra)
+ __xmlSimpleError(XML_FROM_HTTP, XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY, NULL, NULL, extra);
+ * A portability function
+ */
+static int socket_errno(void) {
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ return(WSAGetLastError());
+ return(errno);
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+int have_ipv6(void) {
+ s = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ close (s);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPInit:
+ *
+ * Initialize the HTTP protocol layer.
+ * Currently it just checks for proxy informations
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPInit(void) {
+ const char *env;
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ WSADATA wsaData;
+ if (initialized)
+ return;
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) != 0)
+ return;
+ if (proxy == NULL) {
+ proxyPort = 80;
+ env = getenv("no_proxy");
+ if (env && ((env[0] == '*') && (env[1] == 0)))
+ goto done;
+ env = getenv("http_proxy");
+ if (env != NULL) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy(env);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ env = getenv("HTTP_PROXY");
+ if (env != NULL) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy(env);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ initialized = 1;
+ * xmlNanoHTTPCleanup:
+ *
+ * Cleanup the HTTP protocol layer.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPCleanup(void) {
+ if (proxy != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(proxy);
+ proxy = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ if (initialized)
+ WSACleanup();
+ initialized = 0;
+ return;
+ * xmlNanoHTTPScanURL:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ * @URL: The URL used to initialize the context
+ *
+ * (Re)Initialize an HTTP context by parsing the URL and finding
+ * the protocol host port and path it indicates.
+ */
+static void
+xmlNanoHTTPScanURL(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt, const char *URL) {
+ xmlURIPtr uri;
+ int len;
+ /*
+ * Clear any existing data from the context
+ */
+ if (ctxt->protocol != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(ctxt->protocol);
+ ctxt->protocol = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ctxt->hostname != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(ctxt->hostname);
+ ctxt->hostname = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ctxt->path != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(ctxt->path);
+ ctxt->path = NULL;
+ }
+ if (ctxt->query != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(ctxt->query);
+ ctxt->query = NULL;
+ }
+ if (URL == NULL) return;
+ uri = xmlParseURIRaw(URL, 1);
+ if (uri == NULL)
+ return;
+ if ((uri->scheme == NULL) || (uri->server == NULL)) {
+ xmlFreeURI(uri);
+ return;
+ }
+ ctxt->protocol = xmlMemStrdup(uri->scheme);
+ /* special case of IPv6 addresses, the [] need to be removed */
+ if ((uri->server != NULL) && (*uri->server == '[')) {
+ len = strlen(uri->server);
+ if ((len > 2) && (uri->server[len - 1] == ']')) {
+ ctxt->hostname = (char *) xmlCharStrndup(uri->server + 1, len -2);
+ } else
+ ctxt->hostname = xmlMemStrdup(uri->server);
+ } else
+ ctxt->hostname = xmlMemStrdup(uri->server);
+ if (uri->path != NULL)
+ ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup(uri->path);
+ else
+ ctxt->path = xmlMemStrdup("/");
+ if (uri->query != NULL)
+ ctxt->query = xmlMemStrdup(uri->query);
+ if (uri->port != 0)
+ ctxt->port = uri->port;
+ xmlFreeURI(uri);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy:
+ * @URL: The proxy URL used to initialize the proxy context
+ *
+ * (Re)Initialize the HTTP Proxy context by parsing the URL and finding
+ * the protocol host port it indicates.
+ * Should be like http://myproxy/ or http://myproxy:3128/
+ * A NULL URL cleans up proxy informations.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy(const char *URL) {
+ xmlURIPtr uri;
+ if (proxy != NULL) {
+ xmlFree(proxy);
+ proxy = NULL;
+ }
+ proxyPort = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ if (URL == NULL)
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "Removing HTTP proxy info\n");
+ else
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "Using HTTP proxy %s\n", URL);
+ if (URL == NULL) return;
+ uri = xmlParseURIRaw(URL, 1);
+ if ((uri == NULL) || (uri->scheme == NULL) ||
+ (strcmp(uri->scheme, "http")) || (uri->server == NULL)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, XML_HTTP_URL_SYNTAX, "Syntax Error\n");
+ if (uri != NULL)
+ xmlFreeURI(uri);
+ return;
+ }
+ proxy = xmlMemStrdup(uri->server);
+ if (uri->port != 0)
+ proxyPort = uri->port;
+ xmlFreeURI(uri);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPNewCtxt:
+ * @URL: The URL used to initialize the context
+ *
+ * Allocate and initialize a new HTTP context.
+ *
+ * Returns an HTTP context or NULL in case of error.
+ */
+static xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr
+xmlNanoHTTPNewCtxt(const char *URL) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ret;
+ ret = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlNanoHTTPCtxt));
+ if (ret == NULL) {
+ xmlHTTPErrMemory("allocating context");
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ memset(ret, 0, sizeof(xmlNanoHTTPCtxt));
+ ret->port = 80;
+ ret->returnValue = 0;
+ ret->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ ret->ContentLength = -1;
+ xmlNanoHTTPScanURL(ret, URL);
+ return(ret);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ *
+ * Frees the context after closing the connection.
+ */
+static void
+xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+ if (ctxt == NULL) return;
+ if (ctxt->hostname != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->hostname);
+ if (ctxt->protocol != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->protocol);
+ if (ctxt->path != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->path);
+ if (ctxt->query != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->query);
+ if (ctxt->out != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->out);
+ if (ctxt->in != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->in);
+ if (ctxt->contentType != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->contentType);
+ if (ctxt->encoding != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->encoding);
+ if (ctxt->mimeType != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->mimeType);
+ if (ctxt->location != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->location);
+ if (ctxt->authHeader != NULL) xmlFree(ctxt->authHeader);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ if (ctxt->strm != NULL) {
+ inflateEnd(ctxt->strm);
+ xmlFree(ctxt->strm);
+ }
+ ctxt->state = XML_NANO_HTTP_NONE;
+ if (ctxt->fd != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(ctxt->fd);
+ ctxt->fd = INVALID_SOCKET;
+ xmlFree(ctxt);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPSend:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ *
+ * Send the input needed to initiate the processing on the server side
+ * Returns number of bytes sent or -1 on error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlNanoHTTPSend(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt, const char *xmt_ptr, int outlen)
+ int total_sent = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_POLL_H
+ struct pollfd p;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ fd_set wfd;
+ if ((ctxt->state & XML_NANO_HTTP_WRITE) && (xmt_ptr != NULL)) {
+ while (total_sent < outlen) {
+ int nsent = send(ctxt->fd, SEND_ARG2_CAST (xmt_ptr + total_sent),
+ outlen - total_sent, 0);
+ if (nsent > 0)
+ total_sent += nsent;
+ else if ((nsent == -1) &&
+ (socket_errno() != EAGAIN) &&
+ (socket_errno() != EWOULDBLOCK)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "send failed\n");
+ if (total_sent == 0)
+ total_sent = -1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * No data sent
+ * Since non-blocking sockets are used, wait for
+ * socket to be writable or default timeout prior
+ * to retrying.
+ */
+#ifndef HAVE_POLL_H
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ if (ctxt->fd > FD_SETSIZE)
+ return -1;
+ tv.tv_sec = timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ FD_ZERO(&wfd);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4018)
+ FD_SET(ctxt->fd, &wfd);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+ (void) select(ctxt->fd + 1, NULL, &wfd, NULL, &tv);
+ p.fd = ctxt->fd;
+ (void) poll(&p, 1, timeout * 1000);
+#endif /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return total_sent;
+ * xmlNanoHTTPRecv:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ *
+ * Read information coming from the HTTP connection.
+ * This is a blocking call (but it blocks in select(), not read()).
+ *
+ * Returns the number of byte read or -1 in case of error.
+ */
+static int
+xmlNanoHTTPRecv(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt)
+#ifdef HAVE_POLL_H
+ struct pollfd p;
+ fd_set rfd;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ while (ctxt->state & XML_NANO_HTTP_READ) {
+ if (ctxt->in == NULL) {
+ ctxt->in = (char *) xmlMallocAtomic(65000 * sizeof(char));
+ if (ctxt->in == NULL) {
+ xmlHTTPErrMemory("allocating input");
+ ctxt->last = -1;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ ctxt->inlen = 65000;
+ ctxt->inptr = ctxt->content = ctxt->inrptr = ctxt->in;
+ }
+ if (ctxt->inrptr > ctxt->in + XML_NANO_HTTP_CHUNK) {
+ int delta = ctxt->inrptr - ctxt->in;
+ int len = ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr;
+ memmove(ctxt->in, ctxt->inrptr, len);
+ ctxt->inrptr -= delta;
+ ctxt->content -= delta;
+ ctxt->inptr -= delta;
+ }
+ if ((ctxt->in + ctxt->inlen) < (ctxt->inptr + XML_NANO_HTTP_CHUNK)) {
+ int d_inptr = ctxt->inptr - ctxt->in;
+ int d_content = ctxt->content - ctxt->in;
+ int d_inrptr = ctxt->inrptr - ctxt->in;
+ char *tmp_ptr = ctxt->in;
+ ctxt->inlen *= 2;
+ ctxt->in = (char *) xmlRealloc(tmp_ptr, ctxt->inlen);
+ if (ctxt->in == NULL) {
+ xmlHTTPErrMemory("allocating input buffer");
+ xmlFree(tmp_ptr);
+ ctxt->last = -1;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ ctxt->inptr = ctxt->in + d_inptr;
+ ctxt->content = ctxt->in + d_content;
+ ctxt->inrptr = ctxt->in + d_inrptr;
+ }
+ ctxt->last = recv(ctxt->fd, ctxt->inptr, XML_NANO_HTTP_CHUNK, 0);
+ if (ctxt->last > 0) {
+ ctxt->inptr += ctxt->last;
+ return (ctxt->last);
+ }
+ if (ctxt->last == 0) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (ctxt->last == -1) {
+ switch (socket_errno()) {
+ case EAGAIN:
+ break;
+ return (0);
+ default:
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "recv failed\n");
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_POLL_H
+ p.fd = ctxt->fd;
+ if ((poll(&p, 1, timeout * 1000) < 1)
+#if defined(EINTR)
+ && (errno != EINTR)
+ )
+ return (0);
+#else /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ if (ctxt->fd > FD_SETSIZE)
+ return 0;
+ tv.tv_sec = timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ FD_ZERO(&rfd);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4018)
+ FD_SET(ctxt->fd, &rfd);
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+ if ((select(ctxt->fd + 1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 1)
+#if defined(EINTR)
+ && (errno != EINTR)
+ )
+ return (0);
+#endif /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ }
+ return (0);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPReadLine:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ *
+ * Read one line in the HTTP server output, usually for extracting
+ * the HTTP protocol informations from the answer header.
+ *
+ * Returns a newly allocated string with a copy of the line, or NULL
+ * which indicate the end of the input.
+ */
+static char *
+xmlNanoHTTPReadLine(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt) {
+ char buf[4096];
+ char *bp = buf;
+ int rc;
+ while (bp - buf < 4095) {
+ if (ctxt->inrptr == ctxt->inptr) {
+ if ( (rc = xmlNanoHTTPRecv(ctxt)) == 0) {
+ if (bp == buf)
+ return(NULL);
+ else
+ *bp = 0;
+ return(xmlMemStrdup(buf));
+ }
+ else if ( rc == -1 ) {
+ return ( NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ *bp = *ctxt->inrptr++;
+ if (*bp == '\n') {
+ *bp = 0;
+ return(xmlMemStrdup(buf));
+ }
+ if (*bp != '\r')
+ bp++;
+ }
+ buf[4095] = 0;
+ return(xmlMemStrdup(buf));
+ * xmlNanoHTTPScanAnswer:
+ * @ctxt: an HTTP context
+ * @line: an HTTP header line
+ *
+ * Try to extract useful informations from the server answer.
+ * We currently parse and process:
+ * - The HTTP revision/ return code
+ * - The Content-Type, Mime-Type and charset used
+ * - The Location for redirect processing.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of failure, the file descriptor number otherwise
+ */
+static void
+xmlNanoHTTPScanAnswer(xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt, const char *line) {
+ const char *cur = line;
+ if (line == NULL) return;
+ if (!strncmp(line, "HTTP/", 5)) {
+ int version = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ cur += 5;
+ while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+ version *= 10;
+ version += *cur - '0';
+ cur++;
+ }
+ if (*cur == '.') {
+ cur++;
+ if ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+ version *= 10;
+ version += *cur - '0';
+ cur++;
+ }
+ while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9'))
+ cur++;
+ } else
+ version *= 10;
+ if ((*cur != ' ') && (*cur != '\t')) return;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if ((*cur < '0') || (*cur > '9')) return;
+ while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) {
+ ret *= 10;
+ ret += *cur - '0';
+ cur++;
+ }
+ if ((*cur != 0) && (*cur != ' ') && (*cur != '\t')) return;
+ ctxt->returnValue = ret;
+ ctxt->version = version;
+ } else if (!xmlStrncasecmp(BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"Content-Type:", 13)) {
+ const xmlChar *charset, *last, *mime;
+ cur += 13;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if (ctxt->contentType != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->contentType);
+ ctxt->contentType = xmlMemStrdup(cur);
+ mime = (const xmlChar *) cur;
+ last = mime;
+ while ((*last != 0) && (*last != ' ') && (*last != '\t') &&
+ (*last != ';') && (*last != ','))
+ last++;
+ if (ctxt->mimeType != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->mimeType);
+ ctxt->mimeType = (char *) xmlStrndup(mime, last - mime);
+ charset = xmlStrstr(BAD_CAST ctxt->contentType, BAD_CAST "charset=");
+ if (charset != NULL) {
+ charset += 8;
+ last = charset;
+ while ((*last != 0) && (*last != ' ') && (*last != '\t') &&
+ (*last != ';') && (*last != ','))
+ last++;
+ if (ctxt->encoding != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->encoding);
+ ctxt->encoding = (char *) xmlStrndup(charset, last - charset);
+ }
+ } else if (!xmlStrncasecmp(BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"ContentType:", 12)) {
+ const xmlChar *charset, *last, *mime;
+ cur += 12;
+ if (ctxt->contentType != NULL) return;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ ctxt->contentType = xmlMemStrdup(cur);
+ mime = (const xmlChar *) cur;
+ last = mime;
+ while ((*last != 0) && (*last != ' ') && (*last != '\t') &&
+ (*last != ';') && (*last != ','))
+ last++;
+ if (ctxt->mimeType != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->mimeType);
+ ctxt->mimeType = (char *) xmlStrndup(mime, last - mime);
+ charset = xmlStrstr(BAD_CAST ctxt->contentType, BAD_CAST "charset=");
+ if (charset != NULL) {
+ charset += 8;
+ last = charset;
+ while ((*last != 0) && (*last != ' ') && (*last != '\t') &&
+ (*last != ';') && (*last != ','))
+ last++;
+ if (ctxt->encoding != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->encoding);
+ ctxt->encoding = (char *) xmlStrndup(charset, last - charset);
+ }
+ } else if (!xmlStrncasecmp(BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"Location:", 9)) {
+ cur += 9;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if (ctxt->location != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->location);
+ if (*cur == '/') {
+ xmlChar *tmp_http = xmlStrdup(BAD_CAST "http://");
+ xmlChar *tmp_loc =
+ xmlStrcat(tmp_http, (const xmlChar *) ctxt->hostname);
+ ctxt->location =
+ (char *) xmlStrcat (tmp_loc, (const xmlChar *) cur);
+ } else {
+ ctxt->location = xmlMemStrdup(cur);
+ }
+ } else if (!xmlStrncasecmp(BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"WWW-Authenticate:", 17)) {
+ cur += 17;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if (ctxt->authHeader != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->authHeader);
+ ctxt->authHeader = xmlMemStrdup(cur);
+ } else if (!xmlStrncasecmp(BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"Proxy-Authenticate:", 19)) {
+ cur += 19;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if (ctxt->authHeader != NULL)
+ xmlFree(ctxt->authHeader);
+ ctxt->authHeader = xmlMemStrdup(cur);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ } else if ( !xmlStrncasecmp( BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"Content-Encoding:", 17) ) {
+ cur += 17;
+ while ((*cur == ' ') || (*cur == '\t')) cur++;
+ if ( !xmlStrncasecmp( BAD_CAST cur, BAD_CAST"gzip", 4) ) {
+ ctxt->usesGzip = 1;
+ ctxt->strm = xmlMalloc(sizeof(z_stream));
+ if (ctxt->strm != NULL) {
+ ctxt->strm->zalloc = Z_NULL;
+ ctxt->strm->zfree = Z_NULL;
+ ctxt->strm->opaque = Z_NULL;
+ ctxt->strm->avail_in = 0;
+ ctxt->strm->next_in = Z_NULL;
+ inflateInit2( ctxt->strm, 31 );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( !xmlStrncasecmp( BAD_CAST line, BAD_CAST"Content-Length:", 15) ) {
+ cur += 15;
+ ctxt->ContentLength = strtol( cur, NULL, 10 );
+ }
+ * xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt:
+ * @addr: a socket address structure
+ *
+ * Attempt a connection to the given IP:port endpoint. It forces
+ * non-blocking semantic on the socket, and allow 60 seconds for
+ * the host to answer.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of failure, the file descriptor number otherwise
+ */
+static SOCKET
+xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt(struct sockaddr *addr)
+#ifndef HAVE_POLL_H
+ fd_set wfd;
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ fd_set xfd;
+ struct timeval tv;
+#else /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ struct pollfd p;
+#endif /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ int status;
+ int addrlen;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+ if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ } else
+ {
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ }
+ if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ perror("socket");
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "socket failed\n");
+ }
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ {
+ u_long one = 1;
+ status = ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &one) == SOCKET_ERROR ? -1 : 0;
+ }
+#else /* _WINSOCKAPI_ */
+#if defined(VMS)
+ {
+ int enable = 1;
+ status = ioctl(s, FIONBIO, &enable);
+ }
+#else /* VMS */
+#if defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__HAIKU__)
+ {
+ bool noblock = true;
+ status =
+ setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NONBLOCK, &noblock,
+ sizeof(noblock));
+ }
+#else /* __BEOS__ */
+ if ((status = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0)) != -1) {
+#ifdef O_NONBLOCK
+ status |= O_NONBLOCK;
+#else /* O_NONBLOCK */
+#ifdef F_NDELAY
+ status |= F_NDELAY;
+#endif /* F_NDELAY */
+#endif /* !O_NONBLOCK */
+ status = fcntl(s, F_SETFL, status);
+ }
+ if (status < 0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ perror("nonblocking");
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "error setting non-blocking IO\n");
+ closesocket(s);
+ }
+#endif /* !__BEOS__ */
+#endif /* !VMS */
+#endif /* !_WINSOCKAPI_ */
+ if (connect(s, addr, addrlen) == -1) {
+ switch (socket_errno()) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0,
+ "error connecting to HTTP server");
+ closesocket(s);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_POLL_H
+ tv.tv_sec = timeout;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4018)
+#ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ if (s > FD_SETSIZE)
+ FD_ZERO(&wfd);
+ FD_SET(s, &wfd);
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ FD_ZERO(&xfd);
+ FD_SET(s, &xfd);
+ switch (select(s + 1, NULL, &wfd, &xfd, &tv))
+ switch (select(s + 1, NULL, &wfd, NULL, &tv))
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#else /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ p.fd = s;
+ switch (poll(&p, 1, timeout * 1000))
+#endif /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ {
+ case 0:
+ /* Time out */
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "Connect attempt timed out");
+ closesocket(s);
+ case -1:
+ /* Ermm.. ?? */
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "Connect failed");
+ closesocket(s);
+ }
+#ifndef HAVE_POLL_H
+ if (FD_ISSET(s, &wfd)
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+ || FD_ISSET(s, &xfd)
+ )
+#else /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ if (p.revents == POLLOUT)
+#endif /* !HAVE_POLL_H */
+ {
+ len = sizeof(status);
+#ifdef SO_ERROR
+ if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *) &status, &len) <
+ 0) {
+ /* Solaris error code */
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "getsockopt failed\n");
+ closesocket(s);
+ }
+ if (status) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0,
+ "Error connecting to remote host");
+ closesocket(s);
+ errno = status;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* pbm */
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "select failed\n");
+ closesocket(s);
+ }
+ return (s);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost:
+ * @host: the host name
+ * @port: the port number
+ *
+ * Attempt a connection to the given host:port endpoint. It tries
+ * the multiple IP provided by the DNS if available.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of failure, the file descriptor number otherwise
+ */
+static SOCKET
+xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost(const char *host, int port)
+ struct hostent *h;
+ struct sockaddr *addr = NULL;
+ struct in_addr ia;
+ struct sockaddr_in sockin;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+ struct in6_addr ia6;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sockin6;
+ int i;
+ memset (&sockin, 0, sizeof(sockin));
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+ memset (&sockin6, 0, sizeof(sockin6));
+#if !defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) && defined(SUPPORT_IP6) && defined(RES_USE_INET6)
+ if (have_ipv6 ())
+ {
+ if (!(_res.options & RES_INIT))
+ res_init();
+ _res.options |= RES_USE_INET6;
+ }
+#if defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) && defined(SUPPORT_IP6) && !defined(_WIN32)
+ if (have_ipv6 ())
+#if defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) && (defined(SUPPORT_IP6) || defined(_WIN32))
+ {
+ int status;
+ struct addrinfo hints, *res, *result;
+ result = NULL;
+ memset (&hints, 0,sizeof(hints));
+ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+ status = getaddrinfo (host, NULL, &hints, &result);
+ if (status) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "getaddrinfo failed\n");
+ }
+ for (res = result; res; res = res->ai_next) {
+ if (res->ai_family == AF_INET) {
+ if (res->ai_addrlen > sizeof(sockin)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "address size mismatch\n");
+ freeaddrinfo (result);
+ }
+ memcpy (&sockin, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
+ sockin.sin_port = htons (port);
+ addr = (struct sockaddr *)&sockin;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+ } else if (have_ipv6 () && (res->ai_family == AF_INET6)) {
+ if (res->ai_addrlen > sizeof(sockin6)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "address size mismatch\n");
+ freeaddrinfo (result);
+ }
+ memcpy (&sockin6, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
+ sockin6.sin6_port = htons (port);
+ addr = (struct sockaddr *)&sockin6;
+ } else
+ continue; /* for */
+ s = xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt (addr);
+ if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ freeaddrinfo (result);
+ return (s);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result)
+ freeaddrinfo (result);
+ }
+#if defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) && defined(SUPPORT_IP6) && !defined(_WIN32)
+ else
+#if !defined(HAVE_GETADDRINFO) || !defined(_WIN32)
+ {
+ h = gethostbyname (GETHOSTBYNAME_ARG_CAST host);
+ if (h == NULL) {
+ * Okay, I got fed up by the non-portability of this error message
+ * extraction code. it work on Linux, if it work on your platform
+ * and one want to enable it, send me the defined(foobar) needed
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_NETDB_H) && defined(HOST_NOT_FOUND) && defined(linux)
+ const char *h_err_txt = "";
+ switch (h_errno) {
+ h_err_txt = "Authoritive host not found";
+ break;
+ case TRY_AGAIN:
+ h_err_txt =
+ "Non-authoritive host not found or server failure.";
+ break;
+ h_err_txt =
+ "Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, or NOTIMP.";
+ break;
+#ifdef NO_ADDRESS
+ case NO_ADDRESS:
+ h_err_txt =
+ "Valid name, no data record of requested type.";
+ break;
+ default:
+ h_err_txt = "No error text defined.";
+ break;
+ }
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, h_err_txt);
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "Failed to resolve host");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; h->h_addr_list[i]; i++) {
+ if (h->h_addrtype == AF_INET) {
+ /* A records (IPv4) */
+ if ((unsigned int) h->h_length > sizeof(ia)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "address size mismatch\n");
+ }
+ memcpy (&ia, h->h_addr_list[i], h->h_length);
+ sockin.sin_family = h->h_addrtype;
+ sockin.sin_addr = ia;
+ sockin.sin_port = (unsigned short)htons ((unsigned short)port);
+ addr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockin;
+#ifdef SUPPORT_IP6
+ } else if (have_ipv6 () && (h->h_addrtype == AF_INET6)) {
+ /* AAAA records (IPv6) */
+ if ((unsigned int) h->h_length > sizeof(ia6)) {
+ __xmlIOErr(XML_FROM_HTTP, 0, "address size mismatch\n");
+ }
+ memcpy (&ia6, h->h_addr_list[i], h->h_length);
+ sockin6.sin6_family = h->h_addrtype;
+ sockin6.sin6_addr = ia6;
+ sockin6.sin6_port = htons (port);
+ addr = (struct sockaddr *) &sockin6;
+ } else
+ break; /* for */
+ s = xmlNanoHTTPConnectAttempt (addr);
+ if (s != INVALID_SOCKET)
+ return (s);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost: unable to connect to '%s'.\n",
+ host);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPOpen:
+ * @URL: The URL to load
+ * @contentType: if available the Content-Type information will be
+ * returned at that location
+ *
+ * This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+ * via HTTP GET.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL in case of failure, otherwise a request handler.
+ * The contentType, if provided must be freed by the caller
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPOpen(const char *URL, char **contentType) {
+ if (contentType != NULL) *contentType = NULL;
+ return(xmlNanoHTTPMethod(URL, NULL, NULL, contentType, NULL, 0));
+ * xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir:
+ * @URL: The URL to load
+ * @contentType: if available the Content-Type information will be
+ * returned at that location
+ * @redir: if available the redirected URL will be returned
+ *
+ * This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+ * via HTTP GET.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL in case of failure, otherwise a request handler.
+ * The contentType, if provided must be freed by the caller
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir(const char *URL, char **contentType, char **redir) {
+ if (contentType != NULL) *contentType = NULL;
+ if (redir != NULL) *redir = NULL;
+ return(xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir(URL, NULL, NULL, contentType, redir, NULL,0));
+ * xmlNanoHTTPRead:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ * @dest: a buffer
+ * @len: the buffer length
+ *
+ * This function tries to read @len bytes from the existing HTTP connection
+ * and saves them in @dest. This is a blocking call.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of byte read. 0 is an indication of an end of connection.
+ * -1 indicates a parameter error.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPRead(void *ctx, void *dest, int len) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ int bytes_read = 0;
+ int orig_avail_in;
+ int z_ret;
+ if (ctx == NULL) return(-1);
+ if (dest == NULL) return(-1);
+ if (len <= 0) return(0);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ if (ctxt->usesGzip == 1) {
+ if (ctxt->strm == NULL) return(0);
+ ctxt->strm->next_out = dest;
+ ctxt->strm->avail_out = len;
+ ctxt->strm->avail_in = ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr;
+ while (ctxt->strm->avail_out > 0 &&
+ (ctxt->strm->avail_in > 0 || xmlNanoHTTPRecv(ctxt) > 0)) {
+ orig_avail_in = ctxt->strm->avail_in =
+ ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr - bytes_read;
+ ctxt->strm->next_in = BAD_CAST (ctxt->inrptr + bytes_read);
+ z_ret = inflate(ctxt->strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ bytes_read += orig_avail_in - ctxt->strm->avail_in;
+ if (z_ret != Z_OK) break;
+ }
+ ctxt->inrptr += bytes_read;
+ return(len - ctxt->strm->avail_out);
+ }
+ while (ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr < len) {
+ if (xmlNanoHTTPRecv(ctxt) <= 0) break;
+ }
+ if (ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr < len)
+ len = ctxt->inptr - ctxt->inrptr;
+ memcpy(dest, ctxt->inrptr, len);
+ ctxt->inrptr += len;
+ return(len);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPClose:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * This function closes an HTTP context, it ends up the connection and
+ * free all data related to it.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPClose(void *ctx) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
+ if (ctx == NULL) return;
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir:
+ * @URL: The URL to load
+ * @method: the HTTP method to use
+ * @input: the input string if any
+ * @contentType: the Content-Type information IN and OUT
+ * @redir: the redirected URL OUT
+ * @headers: the extra headers
+ * @ilen: input length
+ *
+ * This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+ * via HTTP using the given @method, adding the given extra headers
+ * and the input buffer for the request content.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL in case of failure, otherwise a request handler.
+ * The contentType, or redir, if provided must be freed by the caller
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir(const char *URL, const char *method, const char *input,
+ char **contentType, char **redir,
+ const char *headers, int ilen ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt;
+ char *bp, *p;
+ int blen;
+ SOCKET ret;
+ int nbRedirects = 0;
+ char *redirURL = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ int xmt_bytes;
+ if (URL == NULL) return(NULL);
+ if (method == NULL) method = "GET";
+ xmlNanoHTTPInit();
+ if (redirURL == NULL) {
+ ctxt = xmlNanoHTTPNewCtxt(URL);
+ if (ctxt == NULL)
+ return(NULL);
+ } else {
+ ctxt = xmlNanoHTTPNewCtxt(redirURL);
+ if (ctxt == NULL)
+ return(NULL);
+ ctxt->location = xmlMemStrdup(redirURL);
+ }
+ if ((ctxt->protocol == NULL) || (strcmp(ctxt->protocol, "http"))) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ if (redirURL != NULL) xmlFree(redirURL);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (ctxt->hostname == NULL) {
+ "Failed to identify host in URI");
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ if (redirURL != NULL) xmlFree(redirURL);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (proxy) {
+ blen = strlen(ctxt->hostname) * 2 + 16;
+ ret = xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost(proxy, proxyPort);
+ }
+ else {
+ blen = strlen(ctxt->hostname);
+ ret = xmlNanoHTTPConnectHost(ctxt->hostname, ctxt->port);
+ }
+ if (ret == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ if (redirURL != NULL) xmlFree(redirURL);
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ ctxt->fd = ret;
+ if (input == NULL)
+ ilen = 0;
+ else
+ blen += 36;
+ if (headers != NULL)
+ blen += strlen(headers) + 2;
+ if (contentType && *contentType)
+ /* reserve for string plus 'Content-Type: \r\n" */
+ blen += strlen(*contentType) + 16;
+ if (ctxt->query != NULL)
+ /* 1 for '?' */
+ blen += strlen(ctxt->query) + 1;
+ blen += strlen(method) + strlen(ctxt->path) + 24;
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ /* reserve for possible 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' string */
+ blen += 23;
+ if (ctxt->port != 80) {
+ /* reserve space for ':xxxxx', incl. potential proxy */
+ if (proxy)
+ blen += 12;
+ else
+ blen += 6;
+ }
+ bp = (char*)xmlMallocAtomic(blen);
+ if ( bp == NULL ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt( ctxt );
+ xmlHTTPErrMemory("allocating header buffer");
+ return ( NULL );
+ }
+ p = bp;
+ if (proxy) {
+ if (ctxt->port != 80) {
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), "%s http://%s:%d%s",
+ method, ctxt->hostname,
+ ctxt->port, ctxt->path );
+ }
+ else
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), "%s http://%s%s", method,
+ ctxt->hostname, ctxt->path);
+ }
+ else
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), "%s %s", method, ctxt->path);
+ if (ctxt->query != NULL)
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), "?%s", ctxt->query);
+ if (ctxt->port == 80) {
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n",
+ ctxt->hostname);
+ } else {
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n",
+ ctxt->hostname, ctxt->port);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+ p += snprintf(p, blen - (p - bp), "Accept-Encoding: gzip\r\n");
+ if (contentType != NULL && *contentType)
+ p += snprintf(p, blen - (p - bp), "Content-Type: %s\r\n", *contentType);
+ if (headers != NULL)
+ p += snprintf( p, blen - (p - bp), "%s", headers );
+ if (input != NULL)
+ snprintf(p, blen - (p - bp), "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", ilen );
+ else
+ snprintf(p, blen - (p - bp), "\r\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "-> %s%s", proxy? "(Proxy) " : "", bp);
+ if ((blen -= strlen(bp)+1) < 0)
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "ERROR: overflowed buffer by %d bytes\n", -blen);
+ ctxt->outptr = ctxt->out = bp;
+ ctxt->state = XML_NANO_HTTP_WRITE;
+ blen = strlen( ctxt->out );
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmt_bytes = xmlNanoHTTPSend(ctxt, ctxt->out, blen );
+ if ( xmt_bytes != blen )
+ xmlGenericError( xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir: Only %d of %d %s %s\n",
+ xmt_bytes, blen,
+ "bytes of HTTP headers sent to host",
+ ctxt->hostname );
+ xmlNanoHTTPSend(ctxt, ctxt->out, blen );
+ if ( input != NULL ) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmt_bytes = xmlNanoHTTPSend( ctxt, input, ilen );
+ if ( xmt_bytes != ilen )
+ xmlGenericError( xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir: Only %d of %d %s %s\n",
+ xmt_bytes, ilen,
+ "bytes of HTTP content sent to host",
+ ctxt->hostname );
+ xmlNanoHTTPSend( ctxt, input, ilen );
+ }
+ ctxt->state = XML_NANO_HTTP_READ;
+ while ((p = xmlNanoHTTPReadLine(ctxt)) != NULL) {
+ if (*p == 0) {
+ ctxt->content = ctxt->inrptr;
+ xmlFree(p);
+ break;
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPScanAnswer(ctxt, p);
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "<- %s\n", p);
+ xmlFree(p);
+ }
+ if ((ctxt->location != NULL) && (ctxt->returnValue >= 300) &&
+ (ctxt->returnValue < 400)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "\nRedirect to: %s\n", ctxt->location);
+ while ( xmlNanoHTTPRecv(ctxt) > 0 ) ;
+ if (nbRedirects < XML_NANO_HTTP_MAX_REDIR) {
+ nbRedirects++;
+ if (redirURL != NULL)
+ xmlFree(redirURL);
+ redirURL = xmlMemStrdup(ctxt->location);
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPFreeCtxt(ctxt);
+ if (redirURL != NULL) xmlFree(redirURL);
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir: Too many redirects, aborting ...\n");
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ if (contentType != NULL) {
+ if (ctxt->contentType != NULL)
+ *contentType = xmlMemStrdup(ctxt->contentType);
+ else
+ *contentType = NULL;
+ }
+ if ((redir != NULL) && (redirURL != NULL)) {
+ *redir = redirURL;
+ } else {
+ if (redirURL != NULL)
+ xmlFree(redirURL);
+ if (redir != NULL)
+ *redir = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG_HTTP
+ if (ctxt->contentType != NULL)
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "\nCode %d, content-type '%s'\n\n",
+ ctxt->returnValue, ctxt->contentType);
+ else
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "\nCode %d, no content-type\n\n",
+ ctxt->returnValue);
+ return((void *) ctxt);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPMethod:
+ * @URL: The URL to load
+ * @method: the HTTP method to use
+ * @input: the input string if any
+ * @contentType: the Content-Type information IN and OUT
+ * @headers: the extra headers
+ * @ilen: input length
+ *
+ * This function try to open a connection to the indicated resource
+ * via HTTP using the given @method, adding the given extra headers
+ * and the input buffer for the request content.
+ *
+ * Returns NULL in case of failure, otherwise a request handler.
+ * The contentType, if provided must be freed by the caller
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPMethod(const char *URL, const char *method, const char *input,
+ char **contentType, const char *headers, int ilen) {
+ return(xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir(URL, method, input, contentType,
+ NULL, headers, ilen));
+ * xmlNanoHTTPFetch:
+ * @URL: The URL to load
+ * @filename: the filename where the content should be saved
+ * @contentType: if available the Content-Type information will be
+ * returned at that location
+ *
+ * This function try to fetch the indicated resource via HTTP GET
+ * and save it's content in the file.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of failure, 0 incase of success. The contentType,
+ * if provided must be freed by the caller
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPFetch(const char *URL, const char *filename, char **contentType) {
+ void *ctxt = NULL;
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ int fd;
+ int len;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (filename == NULL) return(-1);
+ ctxt = xmlNanoHTTPOpen(URL, contentType);
+ if (ctxt == NULL) return(-1);
+ if (!strcmp(filename, "-"))
+ fd = 0;
+ else {
+ fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 00644);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPClose(ctxt);
+ if ((contentType != NULL) && (*contentType != NULL)) {
+ xmlFree(*contentType);
+ *contentType = NULL;
+ }
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPFetchContent( ctxt, &buf, &len );
+ if ( len > 0 ) {
+ if (write(fd, buf, len) == -1) {
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPClose(ctxt);
+ close(fd);
+ return(ret);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPSave:
+ * @ctxt: the HTTP context
+ * @filename: the filename where the content should be saved
+ *
+ * This function saves the output of the HTTP transaction to a file
+ * It closes and free the context at the end
+ *
+ * Returns -1 in case of failure, 0 incase of success.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPSave(void *ctxt, const char *filename) {
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ int fd;
+ int len;
+ int ret = 0;
+ if ((ctxt == NULL) || (filename == NULL)) return(-1);
+ if (!strcmp(filename, "-"))
+ fd = 0;
+ else {
+ fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPClose(ctxt);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPFetchContent( ctxt, &buf, &len );
+ if ( len > 0 ) {
+ if (write(fd, buf, len) == -1) {
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPClose(ctxt);
+ close(fd);
+ return(ret);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Get the latest HTTP return code received
+ *
+ * Returns the HTTP return code for the request.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode(void *ctx) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
+ if (ctxt == NULL) return(-1);
+ return(ctxt->returnValue);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPAuthHeader:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Get the authentication header of an HTTP context
+ *
+ * Returns the stashed value of the WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate
+ * header.
+ */
+const char *
+xmlNanoHTTPAuthHeader(void *ctx) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr) ctx;
+ if (ctxt == NULL) return(NULL);
+ return(ctxt->authHeader);
+ * xmlNanoHTTPContentLength:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Provides the specified content length from the HTTP header.
+ *
+ * Return the specified content length from the HTTP header. Note that
+ * a value of -1 indicates that the content length element was not included in
+ * the response header.
+ */
+xmlNanoHTTPContentLength( void * ctx ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr)ctx;
+ return ( ( ctxt == NULL ) ? -1 : ctxt->ContentLength );
+ * xmlNanoHTTPRedir:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Provides the specified redirection URL if available from the HTTP header.
+ *
+ * Return the specified redirection URL or NULL if not redirected.
+ */
+const char *
+xmlNanoHTTPRedir( void * ctx ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr)ctx;
+ return ( ( ctxt == NULL ) ? NULL : ctxt->location );
+ * xmlNanoHTTPEncoding:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Provides the specified encoding if specified in the HTTP headers.
+ *
+ * Return the specified encoding or NULL if not available
+ */
+const char *
+xmlNanoHTTPEncoding( void * ctx ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr)ctx;
+ return ( ( ctxt == NULL ) ? NULL : ctxt->encoding );
+ * xmlNanoHTTPMimeType:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ *
+ * Provides the specified Mime-Type if specified in the HTTP headers.
+ *
+ * Return the specified Mime-Type or NULL if not available
+ */
+const char *
+xmlNanoHTTPMimeType( void * ctx ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr)ctx;
+ return ( ( ctxt == NULL ) ? NULL : ctxt->mimeType );
+ * xmlNanoHTTPFetchContent:
+ * @ctx: the HTTP context
+ * @ptr: pointer to set to the content buffer.
+ * @len: integer pointer to hold the length of the content
+ *
+ * Check if all the content was read
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if all the content was read and available, returns
+ * -1 if received content length was less than specified or an error
+ * occurred.
+ */
+static int
+xmlNanoHTTPFetchContent( void * ctx, char ** ptr, int * len ) {
+ xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr ctxt = (xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr)ctx;
+ int rc = 0;
+ int cur_lgth;
+ int rcvd_lgth;
+ int dummy_int;
+ char * dummy_ptr = NULL;
+ /* Dummy up return input parameters if not provided */
+ if ( len == NULL )
+ len = &dummy_int;
+ if ( ptr == NULL )
+ ptr = &dummy_ptr;
+ /* But can't work without the context pointer */
+ if ( ( ctxt == NULL ) || ( ctxt->content == NULL ) ) {
+ *len = 0;
+ *ptr = NULL;
+ return ( -1 );
+ }
+ rcvd_lgth = ctxt->inptr - ctxt->content;
+ while ( (cur_lgth = xmlNanoHTTPRecv( ctxt )) > 0 ) {
+ rcvd_lgth += cur_lgth;
+ if ( (ctxt->ContentLength > 0) && (rcvd_lgth >= ctxt->ContentLength) )
+ break;
+ }
+ *ptr = ctxt->content;
+ *len = rcvd_lgth;
+ if ( ( ctxt->ContentLength > 0 ) && ( rcvd_lgth < ctxt->ContentLength ) )
+ rc = -1;
+ else if ( rcvd_lgth == 0 )
+ rc = -1;
+ return ( rc );
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ char *contentType = NULL;
+ if (argv[1] != NULL) {
+ if (argv[2] != NULL)
+ xmlNanoHTTPFetch(argv[1], argv[2], &contentType);
+ else
+ xmlNanoHTTPFetch(argv[1], "-", &contentType);
+ if (contentType != NULL) xmlFree(contentType);
+ } else {
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "%s: minimal HTTP GET implementation\n", argv[0]);
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "\tusage %s [ URL [ filename ] ]\n", argv[0]);
+ }
+ xmlNanoHTTPCleanup();
+ xmlMemoryDump();
+ return(0);
+#endif /* STANDALONE */
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
+ "%s : HTTP support not compiled in\n", argv[0]);
+ return(0);
+#endif /* STANDALONE */
+#define bottom_nanohttp
+#include "elfgcchack.h"