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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/src/bltConfig.C b/src/bltConfig.C
index 5193bd2..12f4cfd 100644
--- a/src/bltConfig.C
+++ b/src/bltConfig.C
@@ -89,59 +89,6 @@
- * Blt_GetPositionFromObj --
- *
- * Convert a string representing a numeric position.
- * A position can be in one of the following forms.
- *
- * number - number of the item in the hierarchy, indexed
- * from zero.
- * "end" - last position in the hierarchy.
- *
- * Results:
- * A standard TCL result. If "string" is a valid index, then
- * *indexPtr is filled with the corresponding numeric index.
- * If "end" was selected then *indexPtr is set to -1.
- * Otherwise an error message is left in interp->result.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- Tcl_Interp *interp, /* Interpreter to report results back
- * to. */
- Tcl_Obj *objPtr, /* Tcl_Obj representation of the index.
- * Can be an integer or "end" to refer
- * to the last index. */
- long *indexPtr) /* Holds the converted index. */
- const char *string;
- string = Tcl_GetString(objPtr);
- if ((string[0] == 'e') && (strcmp(string, "end") == 0)) {
- *indexPtr = -1; /* Indicates last position in hierarchy. */
- } else {
- long position;
- if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(interp, objPtr, &position) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (position < 0) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "bad position \"", string, "\"",
- (char *)NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- *indexPtr = position;
- }
- return TCL_OK;
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
* Blt_GetPixelsFromObj --
* Like Tk_GetPixelsFromObj, but checks for negative, zero.
diff --git a/src/bltConfig.h b/src/bltConfig.h
index 77e2484..5eeacac 100644
--- a/src/bltConfig.h
+++ b/src/bltConfig.h
@@ -348,9 +348,6 @@ extern int Blt_ObjIsOption(Blt_ConfigSpec *specs, Tcl_Obj *objPtr,
extern int Blt_GetSideFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr,
int *sidePtr);
-extern int Blt_GetPositionFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr,
- long *indexPtr);
extern int Blt_GetPixelsFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
Tcl_Obj *objPtr, int flags, int *valuePtr);
diff --git a/src/bltGrMisc.C b/src/bltGrMisc.C
index d795fae..e9a3770 100644
--- a/src/bltGrMisc.C
+++ b/src/bltGrMisc.C
@@ -1139,347 +1139,3 @@ Blt_GetLineExtents(size_t nPoints, Point2d *points, Region2d *r)
-typedef struct {
- float x, y, z;
-} Vector3f;
-typedef struct {
- float x, y, z, w;
-} Vector4f;
-typedef Vector4f Quaternion;
-typedef float Matrix3x3f[3][3];
-typedef struct _ArcBall {
- Vector3f click;
- Vector3f drag;
- float xScale;
- float yScale;
-} ArcBall;
- * Arcball sphere constants:
- * Diameter is 2.0f
- * Radius is 1.0f
- * Radius squared is 1.0f
- */
-/* assuming IEEE-754 (float), which i believe has max precision of 7 bits */
-static INLINE float
-LengthVector3f(Vector3f *a)
- return sqrtf((a->x * a->x) + (a->y * a->y) + (a->z * a->z));
-static INLINE float DotProductVector3f(Vector3f *a, Vector3f *b)
- return (a->x * b->x) + (a->y * b->y) + (a->z * b->z);
- * Calculate the cross product of two 3D vectors: c = a x b.
- * "c" must not refer to the same memory location as "a" or "b".
- */
-static INLINE void
-CrossProductVector3f(Vector3f *a, Vector3f *b, Vector3f *c)
- c->x = (a->y * b->z) - (b->y * a->z);
- c->y = (a->z * b->x) - (b->z * a->x);
- c->z = (a->x * b->y) - (b->x * a->y);
-static void
-PointOnSphere (ArcBall *arcPtr, float x, float y, Vector3f *outPtr)
- float sx, sy;
- float d;
- /* Adjust point coords and scale down to range of [-1 ... 1] */
- sx = (x * arcPtr->xScale) - 1.0f;
- sy = 1.0f - (y * arcPtr->yScale);
- /* Compute the square of the length of the vector to the point from the
- * center. */
- d = (sx * sx) + (sy * sy);
- /* If the point is mapped outside of the sphere ...
- * (length > radius squared)
- */
- if (d > 1.0f) {
- float scale;
- /* Compute a normalizing factor (radius / sqrt(length)) */
- scale = 1.0f / sqrt (d);
- /* Return the "normalized" vector, a point on the sphere */
- outPtr->x = sx * scale;
- outPtr->y = sy * scale;
- outPtr->z = 0.0f;
- } else { /* else it's on the inside */
- /* Return a vector to a point mapped inside the sphere
- * sqrt(radius squared - length) */
- outPtr->x = sx;
- outPtr->y = sy;
- outPtr->z = sqrtf(1.0f - d);
- }
-static void
-SetArcBallBounds(ArcBall *arcPtr, float w, float h)
- if (w <= 1.0f ) {
- w = 2.0f;
- }
- if (h <= 1.0f ) {
- h = 2.0f;
- }
- /* Set adjustment factor for width/height */
- arcPtr->xScale = 1.0f / ((w - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
- arcPtr->yScale = 1.0f / ((h - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
-static ArcBall *
-CreateArcBall (float w, float h)
- ArcBall *arcPtr;
- arcPtr = calloc(1, sizeof(ArcBall));
- SetArcBallBounds (arcPtr, w, h);
- return arcPtr;
-static void
-DestroyArcBall(ArcBall *arcPtr)
- if (arcPtr != NULL) {
- free(arcPtr);
- }
-/* Mouse down: Supply mouse position in x and y */
-static void
-ArcBallOnClick(ArcBall *arcPtr, float x, float y)
- PointOnSphere (arcPtr, x, y, &arcPtr->click);
-/* Mouse drag, calculate rotation: Supply mouse position in x and y */
-static void
-ArcBallOnDrag(ArcBall *arcPtr, float x, float y, Quaternion *outPtr)
- /* Map the point to the sphere */
- PointOnSphere(arcPtr, x, y, &arcPtr->drag);
- /* Return the quaternion equivalent to the rotation */
- if (outPtr != NULL) {
- Vector3f perp;
- /* Compute the vector perpendicular to the begin and end vectors */
- CrossProductVector3f(&arcPtr->drag, &arcPtr->click, &perp);
- /* Compute the length of the perpendicular vector */
- if (LengthVector3f(&perp) > FLT_EPSILON) {
- /* If its non-zero, we're ok, so return the perpendicular
- * vector as the transform after all
- */
- outPtr->x = perp.x;
- outPtr->y = perp.y;
- outPtr->z = perp.z;
- /* In the quaternion values, w is cosine (theta / 2),
- * where theta is rotation angle
- */
- outPtr->w = DotProductVector3f(&arcPtr->click, &arcPtr->drag);
- } else {
- /* If it is zero, the begin and end vectors coincide,
- * so return an identity transform
- */
- outPtr->x = outPtr->y = outPtr->z = outPtr->z = 0.0f;
- }
- }
-static INLINE void
-SetRotationMatrix(const Quaternion* q, Matrix3x3f mat)
- float n, s;
- float xs, ys, zs;
- float wx, wy, wz;
- float xx, xy, xz;
- float yy, yz, zz;
- assert(mat && q);
- n = (q->x * q->x) + (q->y * q->y) + (q->z * q->z) + (q->w * q->w);
- s = (n > 0.0f) ? (2.0f / n) : 0.0f;
- xs = q->x * s;
- ys = q->y * s;
- zs = q->z * s;
- wx = q->w * xs;
- wy = q->w * ys;
- wz = q->w * zs;
- xx = q->x * xs;
- xy = q->x * ys;
- xz = q->x * zs;
- yy = q->y * ys;
- yz = q->y * zs;
- zz = q->z * zs;
- mat[0][0] = 1.0f - (yy + zz);
- mat[0][1] = xy - wz;
- mat[0][2] = xz + wy;
- mat[1][0] = xy + wz;
- mat[1][1] = 1.0f - (xx + zz);
- mat[1][2] = yz - wx;
- mat[2][0] = xz - wy;
- mat[2][1] = yz + wx;
- mat[2][2] = 1.0f - (xx + yy);
-/* Return quaternion product qL * qR. Note: order is important!
- * To combine rotations, use the product Mul(Second, First),
- * which gives the effect of rotating by First then Second. */
-static INLINE void
-CombineRotations(Quaternion *a, Quaternion *b, Quaternion *result)
- result->w = (a->w * b->w) - (a->x * b->x) - (a->y * b->y) - (a->z * b->z);
- result->x = (a->w * b->x) + (a->x * b->w) + (a->y * b->z) - (a->z * b->y);
- result->y = (a->w * b->y) + (a->y * b->w) + (a->z * b->x) - (a->x * b->z);
- result->z = (a->w * b->z) + (a->z * b->w) + (a->x * b->y) - (a->y * b->x);
-static int
-GetQuaternionFromObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, Quaternion *q)
- Tcl_Obj **objv;
- int objc;
- double x, y, z, w;
- if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objPtr, &objc, &objv) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (objc != 4) {
- Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong number of elements in quaternion \"",
- Tcl_GetString(objPtr), "\"", (char *)NULL);
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[0], &x) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[1], &y) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[2], &z) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[3], &w) != TCL_OK)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- q->x = x, q->y = y, q->z = z, q->w = w;
- return TCL_OK;
-static int
-ArcBallCombineOp(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const *objv)
- Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr;
- Quaternion q1, q2, r;
- if (GetQuaternionFromObj(interp, objv[2], &q1) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if (GetQuaternionFromObj(interp, objv[3], &q2) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- CombineRotations(&q2, &q1, &r);
- listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **) NULL);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(r.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(r.y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(r.w));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(r.z));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr);
- return TCL_OK;
-static int
-ArcBallRotateOp(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const *objv)
- ArcBall *arcPtr;
- Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr;
- Quaternion q;
- double x1, y1, x2, y2;
- int w, h;
- if ((Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &w) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &h) != TCL_OK)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- if ((Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[4], &x1) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[5], &y1) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[6], &x2) != TCL_OK) ||
- (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[7], &y2) != TCL_OK)) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- arcPtr = CreateArcBall((float)w, (float)h);
- ArcBallOnClick(arcPtr, x1, y1);
- ArcBallOnDrag(arcPtr, x2, y2, &q);
- DestroyArcBall(arcPtr);
- listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **) NULL);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(q.x));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(q.y));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(q.w));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(q.z));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr);
- return TCL_OK;
-static int
-ArcBallMatrixOp(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const *objv)
- Matrix3x3f rot;
- Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr;
- Quaternion q;
- if (GetQuaternionFromObj(interp, objv[2], &q) != TCL_OK) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- SetRotationMatrix(&q, rot);
- listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **) NULL);
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[0][0]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[0][1]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[0][2]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[1][0]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[1][1]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[1][2]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[2][0]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[2][1]));
- Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(rot[2][2]));
- Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, listObjPtr);
- return TCL_OK;
-static Blt_OpSpec arcBallOps[] =
- {"combine", 1, ArcBallCombineOp, 4, 4, "quat1 quat2",},
- {"matrix", 1, ArcBallMatrixOp, 3, 3, "quat",},
- {"rotate", 1, ArcBallRotateOp, 8, 8, "w h x1 y1 x2 y2",},
-static int nArcBallOps = sizeof(arcBallOps) / sizeof(Blt_OpSpec);
-static int
-ArcBallCmd(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
- Tcl_Obj *const *objv)
- Tcl_ObjCmdProc *proc;
- proc = Blt_GetOpFromObj(interp, nArcBallOps, arcBallOps, BLT_OP_ARG1,
- objc, objv, 0);
- if (proc == NULL) {
- return TCL_ERROR;
- }
- return (*proc) (clientData, interp, objc, objv);