path: root/ast/chebymap.c
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1 files changed, 2404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/chebymap.c b/ast/chebymap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29f544b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/chebymap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2404 @@
+/* To do:
+ - what to do about input positions that fall outside the bounding box.
+ Have an attribute that can be used to select "set bad" or "extrapolate"?
+ - what about overriding astRate ?
+ - Providing an iterative inverse requires the Jacobian to be defined.
+ for a PolyMap: if y = C.x^n then y' = n.C.x^n-1
+ for a ChebyMap: if y = C.Tn(x) then y' = n.C.Un-1(x)
+ where Un-1(x) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind, degree
+ (n-1), evaluated at x. Since PolyMap.GetJacobian function uses PolyMaps
+ to express the Jacobian of a PolyMap, it would need to use ChebyMaps
+ to express the Jacobian of a ChebyMap. But this would mean that
+ ChebyMap needs to be able to represent Chebyshev polynomials of the
+ second type. In fact the set of powers associated with each coefficient
+ would need to indicate somehow whether to use type 1 or type 2 for
+ each power. Could use negative powers to indicate type 2, but PolyMap.StoreArrays
+ objects to negative powers. StoreArrays could just store them
+ without checking, and then call a virtual function to verify the powers
+ are OK.
+ Simpler for the moment just to disable iterative inverses in
+ ChebyMap.
+* Name:
+* ChebyMap
+* Purpose:
+* Map coordinates using Chebyshev polynomial functions.
+* Constructor Function:
+c astChebyMap
+* Description:
+* A ChebyMap is a form of Mapping which performs a Chebyshev polynomial
+* transformation. Each output coordinate is a linear combination of
+* Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, of order zero up to a
+* specified maximum order, evaluated at the input coordinates. The
+* coefficients to be used in the linear combination are specified
+* separately for each output coordinate.
+* For a 1-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is defined
+* as follows:
+* f(x) = c0.T0(x') + c1.T1(x') + c2.T2(x') + ...
+* where:
+* - Tn(x') is the nth Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind:
+* - T0(x') = 1
+* - T1(x') = x'
+* - Tn+1(x') = 2.x'.Tn(x') + Tn-1(x')
+* - x' is the inpux axis value, x, offset and scaled to the range
+* [-1, 1] as x ranges over a specified bounding box, given when the
+* ChebyMap is created. The input positions, x, supplied to the
+* forward transformation must fall within the bounding box - bad
+* axis values (AST__BAD) are generated for points outside the
+* bounding box.
+* For an N-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is a
+* generalisation of the above form. Each output axis value is the sum
+c of "ncoeff"
+f of NCOEFF
+* terms, where each term is the product of a single coefficient
+* value and N factors of the form Tn(x'_i), where "x'_i" is the
+* normalised value of the i'th input axis value.
+* The forward and inverse transformations are defined independantly
+* by separate sets of coefficients, supplied when the ChebyMap is
+* created. If no coefficients are supplied to define the inverse
+* transformation, the
+c astPolyTran
+* method of the parent PolyMap class can instead be used to create an
+* inverse transformation. The inverse transformation so generated
+* will be a Chebyshev polynomial with coefficients chosen to minimise
+* the residuals left by a round trip (forward transformation followed
+* by inverse transformation).
+* Inheritance:
+* The ChebyMap class inherits from the PolyMap class.
+* Attributes:
+* The ChebyMap class does not define any new attributes beyond those
+* which are applicable to all PolyMaps.
+* Functions:
+c In addition to those functions applicable to all PolyMap, the
+c following functions may also be applied to all ChebyMaps:
+f In addition to those routines applicable to all PolyMap, the
+f following routines may also be applied to all ChebyMaps:
+c - astChebyDomain: Get the bounds of the domain of the ChebyMap
+f - AST_CHEBYDOMAIN: Get the bounds of the domain of the ChebyMap
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 2017 East Asian Observatory.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* DSB: D.S. Berry (EAO)
+* History:
+* 1-MAR-2017 (DSB):
+* Original version.
+* 30-MAR-2017 (DSB):
+* Over-ride the astFitPoly1DInit and astFitPoly2DInit virtual
+* functions inherited form the PolyMap class.
+/* Module Macros. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
+ the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
+ "protected" symbols available. */
+#define astCLASS ChebyMap
+/* Include files. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Interface definitions. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
+#include "memory.h" /* Memory allocation facilities */
+#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
+#include "pointset.h" /* Sets of points/coordinates */
+#include "polymap.h" /* Polynomial mappings (parent class) */
+#include "cmpmap.h" /* Compound mappings */
+#include "chebymap.h" /* Interface definition for this class */
+#include "unitmap.h" /* Unit mappings */
+/* Error code definitions. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
+/* C header files. */
+/* --------------- */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <float.h>
+/* Module Variables. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
+ member of this class. */
+static int class_check;
+/* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
+static int (* parent_getobjsize)( AstObject *, int * );
+static int (* parent_equal)( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static void (* parent_polypowers)( AstPolyMap *, double **, int, const int *, double **, int, int, int * );
+static AstPolyMap *(*parent_polytran)( AstPolyMap *, int, double, double, int, const double *, const double *, int * );
+/* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
+#define GLOBAL_inits \
+ globals->Class_Init = 0; \
+/* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+#define class_init astGLOBAL(ChebyMap,Class_Init)
+#define class_vtab astGLOBAL(ChebyMap,Class_Vtab)
+#include <pthread.h>
+/* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
+ as static variables. */
+static AstChebyMapVtab class_vtab; /* Virtual function table */
+static int class_init = 0; /* Virtual function table initialised? */
+/* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
+/* ======================================= */
+/* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
+ protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
+ within this module. */
+AstChebyMap *astChebyMapId_( int, int, int, const double[], int, const double[],
+ const double[], const double[], const double[],
+ const double[], const char *, ... );
+/* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
+/* ======================================== */
+static AstPolyMap *PolyTran( AstPolyMap *, int, double, double, int, const double *, const double *, int * );
+static int Equal( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static int GetIterInverse( AstPolyMap *, int * );
+static int GetObjSize( AstObject *, int * );
+static void ChebyDomain( AstChebyMap *, int, double *, double *, int * );
+static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int * );
+static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
+static void PolyPowers( AstPolyMap *, double **, int, const int *, double **, int, int, int *);
+static void FitPoly1DInit( AstPolyMap *, int, double **, AstMinPackData *, double *, int *);
+static void FitPoly2DInit( AstPolyMap *, int, double **, AstMinPackData *, double *, int *);
+/* Member functions. */
+/* ================= */
+static void ChebyDomain( AstChebyMap *this, int forward, double *lbnd,
+ double *ubnd, int *status ){
+* Name:
+c astChebyDomain
+* Purpose:
+* Returns the bounding box of the domain of a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "chebymap.h"
+c void astChebyDomain( AstChebyMap *this, int forward, double *lbnd,
+c double *ubnd )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap method.
+* Description:
+c This function
+f This routine
+* returns the upper and lower limits of the box defining the domain
+* of either the forward or inverse transformation of a ChebyMap. These
+* are the values that were supplied when the ChebyMap was created.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the ChebyMap.
+c forward
+c A non-zero
+f A .TRUE.
+* value indicates that the domain of the ChebyMap's
+* forward transformation is to be returned, while a zero
+* value indicates that the domain of the inverse transformation
+* should be returned.
+c lbnd
+c Pointer to an
+f An
+* array in which to return the lower axis bounds of the ChebyMap
+* domain. The number of elements should be at least equal to the
+* number of ChebyMap inputs (if
+c "forward" is non-zero), or outputs (if "forward" is zero).
+f FORWARD is .TRUE.), or outputs (if FORWARD is .FALSE.).
+c ubnd
+c Pointer to an
+f An
+* array in which to return the upper axis bounds of the ChebyMap
+* domain. The number of elements should be at least equal to the
+* number of ChebyMap inputs (if
+c "forward" is non-zero), or outputs (if "forward" is zero).
+f FORWARD is .TRUE.), or outputs (if FORWARD is .FALSE.).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - If the requested transformation is undefined (i.e. no
+* transformation coefficients were specified when the ChebyMap was
+* created), this method returns a box determined using the
+c astMapBox
+* method on the opposite transformation, if the opposite
+* transformation is defined.
+* - If the above procedure fails to determine a bounding box, the supplied
+* arrays are filled with AST__BAD values but no error is reported.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double *lbnd_o;
+ double *offset_o;
+ double *offset;
+ double *scale_o;
+ double *scale;
+ double *ubnd_o;
+ int fwd_o;
+ int iax;
+ int nax;
+ int nax_o;
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get the scales and offsets to use, depending on the value of "forward"
+ and whether the ChebyMap has been inverted. */
+ if( forward != astGetInvert( this ) ) {
+ scale = this->scale_f;
+ offset = this->offset_f;
+ nax = astGetNin( this );
+ scale_o = this->scale_i;
+ offset_o = this->offset_i;
+ nax_o = astGetNout( this );
+ fwd_o = 0;
+ } else {
+ scale = this->scale_i;
+ offset = this->offset_i;
+ nax = astGetNout( this );
+ scale_o = this->scale_f;
+ offset_o = this->offset_f;
+ nax_o = astGetNin( this );
+ fwd_o = 1;
+ }
+/* Check the domain is defined. */
+ if( scale && offset ) {
+ for( iax = 0; iax < nax; iax++ ) {
+ if( scale[ iax ] != 0.0 ) {
+ lbnd[ iax ] = ( -1.0 - offset[ iax ] ) / scale[ iax ];
+ ubnd[ iax ] = ( 1.0 - offset[ iax ] ) / scale[ iax ];
+ } else {
+ lbnd[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ ubnd[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+/* If the requested domain is not defined, see if it can be determined
+ by transforming the domain of the other transformation into the
+ requested input ot putput space. */
+ } else if( scale_o && offset_o ){
+/* Allocate memory to hold the bounding box in the other space (input or
+ output), and then store the bounding box values. */
+ lbnd_o = astMalloc( nax_o*sizeof( *lbnd_o ) );
+ ubnd_o = astMalloc( nax_o*sizeof( *ubnd_o ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ for( iax = 0; iax < nax_o; iax++ ) {
+ if( scale_o[ iax ] != 0.0 ) {
+ lbnd_o[ iax ] = ( -1.0 - offset_o[ iax ] ) / scale_o[ iax ];
+ ubnd_o[ iax ] = ( 1.0 - offset_o[ iax ] ) / scale_o[ iax ];
+ } else {
+ lbnd_o[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ ubnd_o[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+/* Loop round finding the bounds on each input axis of the requested
+ transformation. */
+ for( iax = 0; iax < nax; iax++ ) {
+ astMapBox( this, lbnd_o, ubnd_o, fwd_o, iax, lbnd + iax,
+ ubnd + iax, NULL, NULL );
+ }
+/* Free resources */
+ lbnd_o = astFree( lbnd_o );
+ ubnd_o = astFree( ubnd_o );
+ }
+/* If the domain of the other transformation is not defined, return bad values. */
+ } else {
+ for( iax = 0; iax < nax; iax++ ) {
+ lbnd[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ ubnd[ iax ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+static int Equal( AstObject *this_object, AstObject *that_object, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Equal
+* Purpose:
+* Test if two ChebyMaps are equivalent.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* int Equal( AstObject *this, AstObject *that, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astEqual protected
+* method inherited from the astPolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* two ChebyMaps are equivalent.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the first Object (a ChebyMap).
+* that
+* Pointer to the second Object.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if the ChebyMaps are equivalent, zero otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *that;
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ int i;
+ int nin;
+ int nout;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Invoke the Equal method inherited from the parent PolyMap class. This
+ checks that the PolyMaps are equal. */
+ result = (*parent_equal)( this_object, that_object, status );
+ if( result ) {
+/* Obtain pointers to the two ChebyMap structures. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_object;
+ that = (AstChebyMap *) that_object;
+/* Check the second object is a ChebyMap. We know the first is a
+ ChebyMap since we have arrived at this implementation of the virtual
+ function. */
+ if( astIsAChebyMap( that ) ) {
+/* Get the number of axes in the input bounding box (the original input space). */
+ nin = astGetInvert( this ) ? astGetNout( this ) : astGetNin( this );
+/* Check the bounding box is the same for both ChebyMaps. */
+ if( this->scale_f && that->scale_f &&
+ this->offset_f && that->offset_f ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nin && result; i++ ) {
+ if( !astEQUAL( this->scale_f[ i ], that->scale_f[ i ] ) ||
+ !astEQUAL( this->offset_f[ i ], that->offset_f[ i ] )){
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( this->scale_f || that->scale_f ||
+ this->offset_f || that->offset_f ) {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+/* Get the number of axes in the output bounding box (the original output space). */
+ nout = astGetInvert( this ) ? astGetNin( this ) : astGetNout( this );
+/* Check the bounding box is the same for both ChebyMaps. */
+ if( this->scale_i && that->scale_i &&
+ this->offset_i && that->offset_i ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nout && result; i++ ) {
+ if( !astEQUAL( this->scale_i[ i ], that->scale_i[ i ] ) ||
+ !astEQUAL( this->offset_i[ i ], that->offset_i[ i ] )){
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if( this->scale_i || that->scale_i ||
+ this->offset_i || that->offset_i ) {
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static void FitPoly1DInit( AstPolyMap *this_polymap, int forward, double **table,
+ AstMinPackData *data, double *scales, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FitPoly1DInit
+* Purpose:
+* Perform initialisation needed for FitPoly1D
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* void FitPoly1DInit( AstPolyMap *this, int forward, double **table,
+* AstMinPackData *data, double *scales, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astFitPoly1DInit protected
+* method inherited from the PolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function performs initialisation needed for FitPoly1D in the
+* PolyMap class.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the PolyMap.
+* forward
+* Non-zero if the forward transformation of "this" is being
+* replaced. Zero if the inverse transformation of "this" is being
+* replaced.
+* table
+* Pointer to an array of 2 pointers. Each of these pointers points
+* to an array of "nsamp" doubles, being the scaled and sampled values
+* for x1 and y1 in that order.
+* data
+* Pointer to a structure holding information to pass the the
+* service function invoked by the minimisation function.
+* scales
+* Array holding the scaling factors for the two columns of the table.
+* Multiplying the table values by the scale factor produces PolyMap
+* input or output axis values. The scales are modified on exit to
+* take account of the scaling performed by the ChebyMap Transform
+* method.
+/* Local Variables; */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ double *px1;
+ double *pxp1;
+ double maxx;
+ double minx;
+ double off;
+ double pmax;
+ double pmin;
+ double scl;
+ double x1;
+ int k;
+ int w1;
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_polymap;
+/* Find the bounds of the supplied x1 values. */
+ px1 = table[ 0 ];
+ minx = *px1;
+ maxx = *px1;
+ px1++;
+ for( k = 1; k < data->nsamp; k++,px1++ ) {
+ if( *px1 > maxx ) {
+ maxx = *px1;
+ } else if( *px1 < minx ) {
+ minx = *px1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Transform the above limits from table values into PolyMap axis values. */
+ pmax = maxx*scales[ 0 ];
+ pmin = minx*scales[ 0 ];
+/* Calculate the scale and offset that map the above bounds onto the range
+ [-1,+1], and store them in the ChebyMap. */
+ if( pmax != pmin ) {
+ scl = 2.0/( pmax - pmin );
+ off = -( pmax + pmin )/( pmax - pmin );
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astPolyTran(%s): New bounding box has zero width "
+ "on axis 1.", status, astGetClass(this));
+ }
+ if( forward ) {
+ this->scale_f = (double *) astFree( this->scale_f );
+ this->offset_f = (double *) astFree( this->offset_f );
+ this->scale_f = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
+ this->offset_f = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ this->scale_f[ 0 ] = scl;
+ this->offset_f[ 0 ] = off;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this->scale_i = (double *) astFree( this->scale_i );
+ this->offset_i = (double *) astFree( this->offset_i );
+ this->scale_i = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
+ this->offset_i = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ this->scale_i[ 0 ] = scl;
+ this->offset_i[ 0 ] = off;
+ }
+ }
+/* Get pointers to the supplied x1 values. */
+ px1 = table[ 0 ];
+/* Get pointers to the location for the next "power" of x1. Here "X to
+ the power N" is a metaphor for Tn(x). */
+ pxp1 = data->xp1;
+/* Loop round all samples. */
+ for( k = 0; k < data->nsamp; k++ ) {
+/* Get the current x1 value, and scale it into the range [-1,+1]. */
+ x1 = *(px1++)*scl*scales[0] + off;
+/* Find all the required "powers" of x1 and store them in the "xp1"
+ component of the data structure. */
+ *(pxp1++) = 1.0;
+ *(pxp1++) = x1;
+ for( w1 = 2; w1 < data->order; w1++,pxp1++ ) {
+ pxp1[ 0 ] = 2.0*x1*pxp1[ -1 ] - pxp1[ -2 ];
+ }
+ }
+/* The scaling representing by the scales[0] value will be performed by
+ the astTransform method of the ChebyMap class, so reset teh scales[0]
+ value to unity, to avoid the scaling being applied twice. */
+ scales[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+static void FitPoly2DInit( AstPolyMap *this_polymap, int forward, double **table,
+ AstMinPackData *data, double *scales, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* FitPoly2DInit
+* Purpose:
+* Perform initialisation needed for FitPoly2D
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* void FitPoly2DInit( AstPolyMap *this, int forward, double **table,
+* AstMinPackData *data, double *scales, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astFitPoly2DInit protected
+* method inherited from the PolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function performs initialisation needed for FitPoly2D in the
+* PolyMap class..
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the PolyMap.
+* forward
+* Non-zero if the forward transformation of "this" is being
+* replaced. Zero if the inverse transformation of "this" is being
+* replaced.
+* table
+* Pointer to an array of 4 pointers. Each of these pointers points
+* to an array of "nsamp" doubles, being the scaled and sampled values
+* for x1, x2, y1 or y2 in that order.
+* data
+* Pointer to a structure holding information to pass the the
+* service function invoked by the minimisation function.
+* scales
+* Array holding the scaling factors for the four columns of the table.
+* Multiplying the table values by the scale factor produces PolyMap
+* input or output axis values.
+/* Local Variables; */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ double *px1;
+ double *px2;
+ double *pxp1;
+ double *pxp2;
+ double maxx;
+ double maxy;
+ double minx;
+ double miny;
+ double off[ 2 ];
+ double pxmax;
+ double pxmin;
+ double pymax;
+ double pymin;
+ double scl[ 2 ];
+ double x1;
+ double x2;
+ int k;
+ int w1;
+ int w2;
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_polymap;
+/* Find the bounds of the supplied x1 and x2 values. */
+ px1 = table[ 0 ];
+ px2 = table[ 1 ];
+ minx = *px1;
+ maxx = *px1;
+ miny = *px2;
+ maxy = *px2;
+ px1++;
+ px2++;
+ for( k = 1; k < data->nsamp; k++,px1++,px2++ ) {
+ if( *px1 > maxx ) {
+ maxx = *px1;
+ } else if( *px1 < minx ) {
+ minx = *px1;
+ }
+ if( *px2 > maxy ) {
+ maxy = *px2;
+ } else if( *px2 < miny ) {
+ miny = *px2;
+ }
+ }
+/* Transform the above limits from table values into PolyMap axis values. */
+ pxmax = maxx*scales[ 0 ];
+ pxmin = minx*scales[ 0 ];
+ pymax = maxy*scales[ 1 ];
+ pymin = miny*scales[ 1 ];
+/* Calculate the scale and offset that map the above bounds onto the range
+ [-1,+1], and store them in the ChebyMap. */
+ if( pxmax != pxmin && pymax != pymin ) {
+ scl[ 0 ] = 2.0/( pxmax - pxmin );
+ off[ 0 ] = -( pxmax + pxmin )/( pxmax - pxmin );
+ scl[ 1 ] = 2.0/( pymax - pymin );
+ off[ 1 ] = -( pymax + pymin )/( pymax - pymin );
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astPolyTran(%s): New bounding box has zero width "
+ "on or both axes.", status, astGetClass(this));
+ }
+ if( forward ) {
+ this->scale_f = (double *) astFree( this->scale_f );
+ this->offset_f = (double *) astFree( this->offset_f );
+ this->scale_f = (double *) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( double ) );
+ this->offset_f = (double *) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ this->scale_f[ 0 ] = scl[ 0 ];
+ this->offset_f[ 0 ] = off[ 0 ];
+ this->scale_f[ 1 ] = scl[ 1 ];
+ this->offset_f[ 1 ] = off[ 1 ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ this->scale_i = (double *) astFree( this->scale_i );
+ this->offset_i = (double *) astFree( this->offset_i );
+ this->scale_i = (double *) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( double ) );
+ this->offset_i = (double *) astMalloc( 2*sizeof( double ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ this->scale_i[ 0 ] = scl[ 0 ];
+ this->offset_i[ 0 ] = off[ 0 ];
+ this->scale_i[ 1 ] = scl[ 1 ];
+ this->offset_i[ 1 ] = off[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+/* Get pointers to the supplied x1 and x2 values. */
+ px1 = table[ 0 ];
+ px2 = table[ 1 ];
+/* Get pointers to the location for the next "power" of x1 anmd x2. Here "X to
+ the power N" is a metaphor for Tn(x). */
+ pxp1 = data->xp1;
+ pxp2 = data->xp2;
+/* Loop round all samples. */
+ for( k = 0; k < data->nsamp; k++ ) {
+/* Get the current x1 and x2 values, and scale them into the range [-1,+1]. */
+ x1 = *(px1++)*scl[0]*scales[0] + off[0];
+ x2 = *(px2++)*scl[1]*scales[1] + off[1];
+/* Find all the required "powers" of x1 and store them in the "xp1"
+ component of the data structure. */
+ *(pxp1++) = 1.0;
+ *(pxp1++) = x1;
+ for( w1 = 2; w1 < data->order; w1++,pxp1++ ) {
+ pxp1[ 0 ] = 2.0*x1*pxp1[ -1 ] - pxp1[ -2 ];
+ }
+/* Find all the required "powers" of x2 and store them in the "xp2"
+ component of the data structure. */
+ *(pxp2++) = 1.0;
+ *(pxp2++) = x2;
+ for( w2 = 2; w2 < data->order; w2++,pxp2++ ) {
+ pxp2[ 0 ] = 2.0*x2*pxp2[ -1 ] - pxp2[ -2 ];
+ }
+ }
+/* The scaling representing by the scales[0] and scales[1] values will be
+ performed by the astTransform method of the ChebyMap class, so reset the
+ scales[0] and scales[1] values to unity, to avoid the scaling being
+ applied twice. */
+ scales[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+ scales[ 1 ] = 1.0;
+static int GetIterInverse( AstPolyMap *this, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetIterInverse
+* Purpose:
+* Return the value of the IterInverse attribute.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "polymap.h"
+* int GetIterInverse( AstObject *this, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astGetIterInverse protected
+* method inherited from the parent PolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns the value of the IterInverse attribute, which
+* is always zero for a ChebyMap.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the ChebyMap.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The IterInverse value.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+ return 0;
+static int GetObjSize( AstObject *this_object, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetObjSize
+* Purpose:
+* Return the in-memory size of an Object.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* int GetObjSize( AstObject *this, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astGetObjSize protected
+* method inherited from the parent class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns the in-memory size of the supplied ChebyMap,
+* in bytes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the ChebyMap.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Object size, in bytes.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ int nin;
+ int nout;
+ int result;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointers to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_object;
+/* Get the number of input and output axes. */
+ nin = astGetInvert( this ) ? astGetNout( this ) : astGetNin( this );
+ nout = astGetInvert( this ) ? astGetNin( this ) : astGetNout( this );
+/* Invoke the GetObjSize method inherited from the parent class, and then
+ add on any components of the class structure defined by this class
+ which are stored in dynamically allocated memory. */
+ result = (*parent_getobjsize)( this_object, status );
+ if( this->scale_f ) result += nin*sizeof( *this->scale_f );
+ if( this->offset_f ) result += nin*sizeof( *this->offset_f );
+ if( this->scale_i ) result += nout*sizeof( *this->scale_i );
+ if( this->offset_i ) result += nout*sizeof( *this->offset_i );
+/* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+void astInitChebyMapVtab_( AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitChebyMapVtab
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a virtual function table for a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* void astInitChebyMapVtab( AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap vtab initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function initialises the component of a virtual function
+* table which is used by the ChebyMap class.
+* Parameters:
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
+* all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
+* been initialised.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
+* is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
+* astClass function).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstObjectVtab *object; /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
+ AstPolyMapVtab *polymap; /* Pointer to PolyMap component of Vtab */
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
+ parent class. */
+ astInitPolyMapVtab( (AstPolyMapVtab *) vtab, name );
+/* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
+ will be used (by astIsAChebyMap) to determine if an object belongs
+ to this class. We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
+ class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
+ vtab->id.check = &class_check;
+ vtab->id.parent = &(((AstPolyMapVtab *) vtab)->id);
+/* Initialise member function pointers. */
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that provide
+ virtual methods for this class. */
+/* none */
+/* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
+ replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
+ object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
+ polymap = (AstPolyMapVtab *) vtab;
+ polymap->GetIterInverse = GetIterInverse;
+ parent_getobjsize = object->GetObjSize;
+ object->GetObjSize = GetObjSize;
+ parent_polypowers = polymap->PolyPowers;
+ polymap->PolyPowers = PolyPowers;
+ parent_polytran = polymap->PolyTran;
+ polymap->PolyTran = PolyTran;
+ parent_equal = object->Equal;
+ object->Equal = Equal;
+ polymap->FitPoly1DInit = FitPoly1DInit;
+ polymap->FitPoly2DInit = FitPoly2DInit;
+/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that
+ provide virtual methods for this class. */
+ vtab->ChebyDomain = ChebyDomain;
+/* Declare the destructor and copy constructor. */
+ astSetDelete( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Delete );
+ astSetCopy( (AstObjectVtab *) vtab, Copy );
+/* Declare the class dump function. */
+ astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "ChebyMap", "Chebyshev polynomial transformation" );
+/* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
+ that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
+ identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
+ if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+ astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
+ }
+static void PolyPowers( AstPolyMap *this_polymap, double **work, int ncoord,
+ const int *mxpow, double **ptr, int point, int fwd,
+ int *status ){
+* Name:
+* PolyPowers
+* Purpose:
+* Find the required powers of the input axis values.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* void PolyPowers( AstPolyMap *this, double **work, int ncoord,
+* const int *mxpow, double **ptr, int point,
+* int fwd, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astPolyPowers protected
+* method inherited from the PolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function is used by astTransform to calculate the powers of
+* the axis values for a single input position. In the case of
+* sub-classes, the powers may not be simply powers of the supplied
+* axis values but may be more complex quantities such as a Chebyshev
+* polynomial of the required degree evaluated at the input axis values.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the PolyMap.
+* work
+* An array of "ncoord" pointers, each pointing to an array of
+* length "max(2,mxpow)". The required values are placed in this
+* array on exit.
+* ncoord
+* The number of axes.
+* mxpow
+* Pointer to an array holding the maximum power required of each
+* axis value. Should have "ncoord" elements.
+* ptr
+* An array of "ncoord" pointers, each pointing to an array holding
+* the axis values. Each of these arrays of axis values must have
+* at least "point+1" elements.
+* point
+* The zero based index of the point within "ptr" that holds the
+* axis values to be exponentiated.
+* fwd
+* Do the supplied coefficients define the foward transformation of
+* the PolyMap?
+/* Local Variables; */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ double *scales;
+ double *offsets;
+ double *pwork;
+ double *t;
+ double x;
+ int coord;
+ int ip;
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_polymap;
+/* Either transformation of a ChebyMap (forward or inverse) can be
+ defined either as Chebyshev polynomial or as a standard polynomial.
+ Chebyshev polynomials always have non-NULL scale array pointers.
+ If the scale array pointer is NULL, then the transformation is a
+ standard polynomial. If the coefficients relate to a standard
+ polynomial, then invoke the astPolyPowers implementation of the parent
+ class (PolyMap). */
+ if( (fwd && !this->scale_f) || (!fwd && !this->scale_i) ) {
+ (*parent_polypowers)( this_polymap, work, ncoord, mxpow, ptr, point,
+ fwd, status );
+/* If the coefficients relate to a Chebyshev polynomial... */
+ } else {
+ scales = fwd ? this->scale_f : this->scale_i;
+ offsets = fwd ? this->offset_f : this->offset_i;
+/* This method uses a Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree "i"
+ evaluated at "x'" instead of "x raised to the power i". Here, "x'" is
+ the input axis value scaled and shifted into the range [-1,+1] on each
+ axis. Loop over all input axes. */
+ for( coord = 0; coord < ncoord; coord++ ) {
+/* Get a pointer to the array in which the powers of the current axis
+ value are to be returned. */
+ pwork = work[ coord ];
+/* The Chebyshev function (type 1) of degree zero is always 1.0, regardless
+ of the value of x. */
+ pwork[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+/* Get the input axis value. If it is bad, store bad values for all
+ remaining powers. */
+ x = ptr[ coord ][ point ];
+ if( x == AST__BAD ) {
+ for( ip = 1; ip <= mxpow[ coord ]; ip++ ) pwork[ ip ] = AST__BAD;
+/* Otherwise, apply the required scaling to the input */
+ } else {
+ x = x*scales[ coord ] + offsets[ coord ];
+/* Return bad values for input positions outside the bounding box
+ associated with the transformation. */
+ if( fabs( x ) <= 1.0 ) {
+/* The Chebyshev function of degree one is equal to x. */
+ t = pwork + 1;
+ *t = x;
+/* Form and store the remaining Chebyshev polynomial values at the input axis value.
+ Use the standard recurrence relation: Tn+1(x') = 2.x'.Tn(x') + Tn-1(x'). */
+ for( ip = 2; ip <= mxpow[ coord ]; ip++,t++ ) {
+ t[ 1 ] = 2.0*x*t[ 0 ] - t[ -1 ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for( ip = 1; ip <= mxpow[ coord ]; ip++ ) pwork[ ip ] = AST__BAD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static AstPolyMap *PolyTran( AstPolyMap *this_polymap, int forward, double acc,
+ double maxacc, int maxorder, const double *lbnd,
+ const double *ubnd, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* PolyTran
+* Purpose:
+* Fit a PolyMap inverse or forward transformation.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "polymap.h"
+* AstPolyMap *PolyTran( AstPolyMap *this, int forward, double acc,
+* double maxacc, int maxorder, const double *lbnd,
+* const double *ubnd )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap member function (over-rides the astPolyTran method inherited
+* from the PolyMap class).
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new PolyMap which is a copy of the supplied
+* PolyMap, in which a specified transformation (forward or inverse)
+* has been replaced by a new polynomial transformation. The
+* coefficients of the new transformation are estimated by sampling
+* the other transformation and performing a least squares polynomial
+* fit in the opposite direction to the sampled positions and values.
+* This method can only be used on (1-input,1-output) or (2-input,2-output)
+* PolyMaps.
+* The transformation to create is specified by the "forward" parameter.
+* In what follows "X" refers to the inputs of the PolyMap, and "Y" to
+* the outputs of the PolyMap. The forward transformation transforms
+* input values (X) into output values (Y), and the inverse transformation
+* transforms output values (Y) into input values (X). Within a PolyMap,
+* each transformation is represented by an independent set of
+* polynomials, P_f or P_i: Y=P_f(X) for the forward transformation and
+* X=P_i(Y) for the inverse transformation.
+* The "forward" parameter specifies the transformation to be replaced. If
+* it is non-zero, a new forward transformation is created by first finding
+* the input values (X) using the inverse transformation
+* (which must be available) at a regular grid of points (Y) covering a
+* rectangular region of the PolyMap's output space. The coefficients of
+* the required forward polynomial, Y=P_f(X), are chosen in order to
+* minimise the sum of the squared residuals between the sampled values
+* of Y and P_f(X).
+* If "forward" is zero (probably the most likely case),
+* a new inverse transformation is created by
+* first finding the output values (Y) using the forward transformation
+* (which must be available) at a regular grid of points (X) covering a
+* rectangular region of the PolyMap's input space. The coefficients of
+* the required inverse polynomial, X=P_i(Y), are chosen in order to
+* minimise the sum of the squared residuals between the sampled values
+* of X and P_i(Y).
+* This fitting process is performed repeatedly with increasing
+* polynomial orders (starting with linear) until the target
+* accuracy is achieved, or a specified maximum order is reached. If
+* the target accuracy cannot be achieved even with this maximum-order
+* polynomial, the best fitting maximum-order polynomial is returned so
+* long as its accuracy is better than "maxacc".
+* If it is not, an error is reported.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the original Mapping.
+* forward
+* If non-zero, the forward PolyMap transformation is replaced.
+* Otherwise the inverse transformation is replaced.
+* acc
+* The target accuracy, expressed as a geodesic distance within
+* the PolyMap's input space (if "forward" is zero) or output
+* space (if "forward" is non-zero).
+* maxacc
+* The maximum allowed accuracy for an acceptable polynomial,
+* expressed as a geodesic distance within the PolyMap's input
+* space (if "forward" is zero) or output space (if "forward" is
+* non-zero).
+* maxorder
+* The maximum allowed polynomial order. This is one more than the
+* maximum power of either input axis. So for instance, a value of
+* 3 refers to a quadratic polynomial. Note, cross terms with total
+* powers greater than or equal to maxorder are not inlcuded in the
+* fit. So the maximum number of terms in each of the fitted
+* polynomials is maxorder*(maxorder+1)/2.
+* lbnd
+* Pointer to an array holding the lower bounds of a rectangular
+* region within the PolyMap's input space (if "forward" is zero)
+* or output space (if "forward" is non-zero). The new polynomial
+* will be evaluated over this rectangle. The length of this array
+* should equal the value of the PolyMap's Nin or Nout attribute,
+* depending on "forward". If a NULL pointer is supplied, the lower
+* bounds of the box supplied when the ChebyMap was constructed is
+* used.
+* ubnd
+* Pointer to an
+* array holding the upper bounds of a rectangular region within
+* the PolyMap's input space (if "forward" is zero) or output space
+* (if "forward" is non-zero). The new polynomial will be evaluated
+* over this rectangle. The length of this array should equal the
+* value of the PolyMap's Nin or Nout attribute, depending on "forward".
+* If a NULL pointer is supplied, the upper bounds of the box supplied
+* when the ChebyMap was constructed is used.
+* Returned Value:
+* astPolyTran()
+* A pointer to the new PolyMap. A NULL pointer will be returned if
+* the fit fails to achieve the accuracy specified by "maxacc", but
+* no error will be reported.
+* Notes:
+* - This function can only be used on 1D or 2D PolyMaps which have
+* the same number of inputs and outputs.
+* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
+* function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
+* should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+ AstPolyMap *result;
+ const char *word;
+ double *offset;
+ double *scale;
+ double this_lbnd[ 2 ];
+ double this_ubnd[ 2 ];
+ int inverted;
+ int nax;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = NULL;
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Get a pointer to the CHebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_polymap;
+/* Select the ChebyMap scales and offsets to be used. */
+ inverted = astGetInvert( this );
+ if( ( inverted && !forward ) || ( !inverted && forward ) ) {
+ word = "inverse";
+ scale = this->scale_i;
+ offset = this->offset_i;
+ nax = ((AstMapping *)this)->nout;
+ } else {
+ word = "forward";
+ scale = this->scale_f;
+ offset = this->offset_f;
+ nax = ((AstMapping *)this)->nin;
+ }
+/* The scaled box for a Chebyshev polynomial spans [-1,+1] on each axis.
+ Create the corresponding unscaled box. If the user supplies any bounds,
+ use them in preference to the bounds in the ChebyMap. */
+ if( lbnd ) {
+ this_lbnd[ 0 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
+ if( nax > 1 ) this_lbnd[ 1 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
+ } else if( scale && offset ) {
+ this_lbnd[ 0 ] = ( -1.0 - offset[ 0 ] )/scale[ 0 ];
+ if( nax > 1 ) this_lbnd[ 1 ] = ( -1.0 - offset[ 1 ] )/scale[ 1 ];
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__NOBOX, "astPolyTran(%s): The %s transformation is "
+ "not a Chebyshev polynomial and therefore requires a "
+ "user-supplied bounding box. But no lower bounds were "
+ "supplied. ", status, astGetClass( this ), word );
+ }
+ if( ubnd ) {
+ this_ubnd[ 0 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
+ if( nax > 1 ) this_ubnd[ 1 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
+ } else if( scale && offset ) {
+ this_ubnd[ 0 ] = ( 1.0 - offset[ 0 ] )/scale[ 0 ];
+ if( nax > 1 ) this_ubnd[ 1 ] = ( 1.0 - offset[ 1 ] )/scale[ 1 ];
+ } else if( astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__NOBOX, "astPolyTran(%s): The %s transformation is "
+ "not a Chebyshev polynomial and therefore requires a "
+ "user-supplied bounding box. But no upper bounds were "
+ "supplied. ", status, astGetClass( this ), word );
+ }
+/* Invoke the parent astPolyMap method, using the bounding box selected
+ above. */
+ result = (*parent_polytran)( this_polymap, forward, acc, maxacc, maxorder,
+ this_lbnd, this_ubnd, status );
+/* Return the new ChebyMap. */
+ return result;
+/* Functions which access class attributes. */
+/* ---------------------------------------- */
+/* Implement member functions to access the attributes associated with
+ this class using the macros defined for this purpose in the
+ "object.h" file. For a description of each attribute, see the class
+ interface (in the associated .h file). */
+/* Copy constructor. */
+/* ----------------- */
+static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Copy
+* Purpose:
+* Copy constructor for ChebyMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the copy constructor for ChebyMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* objin
+* Pointer to the object to be copied.
+* objout
+* Pointer to the object being constructed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* void
+* Notes:
+* - This constructor makes a deep copy, including a copy of the
+* coefficients associated with the input ChebyMap.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *in; /* Pointer to input ChebyMap */
+ AstChebyMap *out; /* Pointer to output ChebyMap */
+ int nin; /* No. of input coordinates */
+ int nout; /* No. of output coordinates */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain pointers to the input and output ChebyMaps. */
+ in = (AstChebyMap *) objin;
+ out = (AstChebyMap *) objout;
+/* Nullify the pointers stored in the output object since these will
+ currently be pointing at the input data (since the output is a simple
+ byte-for-byte copy of the input). Otherwise, the input data could be
+ freed by accidient if the output object is deleted due to an error
+ occuring in this function. */
+ out->scale_f = NULL;
+ out->offset_f = NULL;
+ out->scale_i = NULL;
+ out->offset_i = NULL;
+/* Get the number of inputs and outputs of the uninverted Mapping. */
+ nin = ( (AstMapping *) in )->nin;
+ nout = ( (AstMapping *) in )->nout;
+/* Copy the bounding box arrays. */
+ if( in->scale_f ) out->scale_f = (double *) astStore( NULL,
+ (void *) in->scale_f,
+ sizeof( double )*nin );
+ if( in->offset_f ) out->offset_f = (double *) astStore( NULL,
+ (void *) in->offset_f,
+ sizeof( double )*nin );
+ if( in->scale_i ) out->scale_i = (double *) astStore( NULL,
+ (void *) in->scale_i,
+ sizeof( double )*nout );
+ if( in->offset_i ) out->offset_i = (double *) astStore( NULL,
+ (void *) in->offset_i,
+ sizeof( double )*nout );
+/* Destructor. */
+/* ----------- */
+static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Delete
+* Purpose:
+* Destructor for ChebyMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the destructor for ChebyMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* obj
+* Pointer to the object to be deleted.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* void
+* Notes:
+* This function attempts to execute even if the global error status is
+* set.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *this;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) obj;
+/* Free the boundib box arrays. */
+ this->scale_f = astFree( this->scale_f );
+ this->offset_f = astFree( this->offset_f );
+ this->scale_i = astFree( this->scale_i );
+ this->offset_i = astFree( this->offset_i );
+/* Dump function. */
+/* -------------- */
+static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Dump
+* Purpose:
+* Dump function for ChebyMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
+* for the ChebyMap class to an output Channel.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the ChebyMap whose data are being written.
+* channel
+* Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *this; /* Pointer to the ChebyMap structure */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ char comm[ 100 ]; /* Buffer for comment string */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int nin; /* No. of input coords */
+ int nout; /* No. of output coords */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the ChebyMap structure. */
+ this = (AstChebyMap *) this_object;
+/* Find the number of inputs and outputs of the uninverted Mapping. */
+ nin = ( (AstMapping *) this )->nin;
+ nout = ( (AstMapping *) this )->nout;
+/* Write out values representing the instance variables for the
+ ChebyMap class. */
+/* The input axis scale factors. */
+ if( this->scale_f ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "FSCL%d", i + 1 );
+ (void) sprintf( comm, "Scale factor on input %d", i + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1, (this->scale_f)[ i ], comm );
+ }
+ }
+/* The input axis offsets. */
+ if( this->offset_f ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "FOFF%d", i + 1 );
+ (void) sprintf( comm, "Offset on input %d", i + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1, (this->offset_f)[ i ], comm );
+ }
+ }
+/* The output axis scale factors. */
+ if( this->scale_i ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "ISCL%d", i + 1 );
+ (void) sprintf( comm, "Scale factor on output %d", i + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1, (this->scale_i)[ i ], comm );
+ }
+ }
+/* The output axis offsets. */
+ if( this->offset_i ){
+ for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "IOFF%d", i + 1 );
+ (void) sprintf( comm, "Offset on output %d", i + 1 );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, buff, 1, 1, (this->offset_i)[ i ], comm );
+ }
+ }
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Standard class functions. */
+/* ========================= */
+/* Implement the astIsAChebyMap and astCheckChebyMap functions using the macros
+ defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
+AstChebyMap *astChebyMap_( int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f, const double coeff_f[],
+ int ncoeff_i, const double coeff_i[],
+ const double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+ const double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[],
+ const char *options, int *status, ...){
+* Name:
+c astChebyMap
+* Purpose:
+* Create a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "chebymap.h"
+c AstChebyMap *astChebyMap( int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f, const double coeff_f[],
+c int ncoeff_i, const double coeff_i[],
+c const double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+c const double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[],
+c const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new ChebyMap and optionally initialises
+* its attributes.
+* A ChebyMap is a form of Mapping which performs a Chebyshev polynomial
+* transformation. Each output coordinate is a linear combination of
+* Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, of order zero up to a
+* specified maximum order, evaluated at the input coordinates. The
+* coefficients to be used in the linear combination are specified
+* separately for each output coordinate.
+* For a 1-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is defined
+* as follows:
+* f(x) = c0.T0(x') + c1.T1(x') + c2.T2(x') + ...
+* where:
+* - Tn(x') is the nth Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind:
+* - T0(x') = 1
+* - T1(x') = x'
+* - Tn+1(x') = 2.x'.Tn(x') + Tn-1(x')
+* - x' is the inpux axis value, x, offset and scaled to the range
+* [-1, 1] as x ranges over a specified bounding box, given when the
+* ChebyMap is created. The input positions, x, supplied to the
+* forward transformation must fall within the bounding box - bad
+* axis values (AST__BAD) are generated for points outside the
+* bounding box.
+* For an N-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is a
+* generalisation of the above form. Each output axis value is the sum
+c of "ncoeff"
+f of NCOEFF
+* terms, where each term is the product of a single coefficient
+* value and N factors of the form Tn(x'_i), where "x'_i" is the
+* normalised value of the i'th input axis value.
+* The forward and inverse transformations are defined independantly
+* by separate sets of coefficients, supplied when the ChebyMap is
+* created. If no coefficients are supplied to define the inverse
+* transformation, the
+c astPolyTran
+* method of the parent PolyMap class can instead be used to create an
+* inverse transformation. The inverse transformation so generated
+* will be a Chebyshev polynomial with coefficients chosen to minimise
+* the residuals left by a round trip (forward transformation followed
+* by inverse transformation).
+* Parameters:
+c nin
+f NIN = INTEGER (Given)
+* The number of input coordinates.
+c nout
+f NOUT = INTEGER (Given)
+* The number of output coordinates.
+c ncoeff_f
+* The number of non-zero coefficients necessary to define the
+* forward transformation of the ChebyMap. If zero is supplied, the
+* forward transformation will be undefined.
+c coeff_f
+* An array containing
+c "ncoeff_f*( 2 + nin )" elements. Each group of "2 + nin"
+f "NCOEFF_F*( 2 + NIN )" elements. Each group of "2 + NIN"
+* adjacent elements describe a single coefficient of the forward
+* transformation. Within each such group, the first element is the
+* coefficient value; the next element is the integer index of the
+* ChebyMap output which uses the coefficient within its defining
+* expression (the first output has index 1); the remaining elements
+* of the group give the integer powers to use with each input
+* coordinate value (powers must not be negative, and floating
+* point values are rounded to the nearest integer).
+c If "ncoeff_f" is zero, a NULL pointer may be supplied for "coeff_f".
+* For instance, if the ChebyMap has 3 inputs and 2 outputs, each group
+* consisting of 5 elements, A groups such as "(1.2, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0)"
+* describes a coefficient with value 1.2 which is used within the
+* definition of output 2. The output value is incremented by the
+* product of the coefficient value, the value of the Chebyshev
+* polynomial of power 1 evaluated at input coordinate 1, and the
+* value of the Chebyshev polynomial of power 3 evaluated at input
+* coordinate 2. Input coordinate 3 is not used since its power is
+* specified as zero. As another example, the group "(-1.0, 1.0,
+* 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )" adds a constant value -1.0 onto output 1 (it is
+* a constant value since the power for every input axis is given as
+* zero).
+c Each final output coordinate value is the sum of the "ncoeff_f" terms
+c described by the "ncoeff_f" groups within the supplied array.
+f Each final output coordinate value is the sum of the "NCOEFF_F" terms
+f described by the "NCOEFF_F" groups within the supplied array.
+c ncoeff_i
+* The number of non-zero coefficients necessary to define the
+* inverse transformation of the ChebyMap. If zero is supplied, the
+* inverse transformation will be undefined.
+c coeff_i
+* An array containing
+c "ncoeff_i*( 2 + nout )" elements. Each group of "2 + nout"
+f "NCOEFF_I*( 2 + NOUT )" elements. Each group of "2 + NOUT"
+* adjacent elements describe a single coefficient of the inverse
+c transformation, using the same schame as "coeff_f",
+f transformation, using the same schame as "COEFF_F",
+* except that "inputs" and "outputs" are transposed.
+c If "ncoeff_i" is zero, a NULL pointer may be supplied for "coeff_i".
+c lbnd_f
+* An array containing the lower bounds of the input bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. This argument is not used or
+* accessed if
+c ncoeff_f is zero, and so a NULL pointer may be supplied.
+f NCOEFF_F is zero.
+* If supplied, the array should contain
+c "nin" elements.
+f "NIN" elements.
+c ubnd_f
+* An array containing the upper bounds of the input bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. This argument is not used or
+* accessed if
+c ncoeff_f is zero, and so a NULL pointer may be supplied.
+f NCOEFF_F is zero.
+* If supplied, the array should contain
+c "nin" elements.
+f "NIN" elements.
+c lbnd_i
+* An array containing the lower bounds of the output bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. This argument is not used or
+* accessed if
+c ncoeff_i is zero, and so a NULL pointer may be supplied.
+f NCOEFF_I is zero.
+* If supplied, the array should contain
+c "nout" elements.
+f "NOUT" elements.
+c ubnd_i
+* An array containing the upper bounds of the output bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. This argument is not used or
+* accessed if
+c ncoeff_i is zero, and so a NULL pointer may be supplied.
+f NCOEFF_I is zero.
+* If supplied, the array should contain
+c "nout" elements.
+f "NOUT" elements.
+c options
+f OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
+c comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
+c initialising the new ChebyMap. The syntax used is identical to
+c that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
+c specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
+f A character string containing an optional comma-separated
+f list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
+f new ChebyMap. The syntax used is identical to that for the
+f AST_SET routine.
+c ...
+c If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
+c an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
+c order to supply values to be substituted for these
+c specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
+c those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
+c function).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astChebyMap()
+* A pointer to the new ChebyMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
+c function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
+f function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
+* should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstChebyMap *new; /* Pointer to new ChebyMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialise the ChebyMap, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitChebyMap( NULL, sizeof( AstChebyMap ), !class_init,
+ &class_vtab, "ChebyMap", nin, nout,
+ ncoeff_f, coeff_f, ncoeff_i, coeff_i,
+ lbnd_f, ubnd_f, lbnd_i, ubnd_i );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
+ to the astVSet method to initialise the new ChebyMap's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, status );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new ChebyMap. */
+ return new;
+AstChebyMap *astChebyMapId_( int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f, const double coeff_f[],
+ int ncoeff_i, const double coeff_i[],
+ const double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+ const double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[],
+ const char *options, ... ){
+* Name:
+* astChebyMapId_
+* Purpose:
+* Create a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* AstChebyMap *astChebyMap( int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f, const double coeff_f[],
+* int ncoeff_i, const double coeff_i[], const
+* double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+* double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[],
+* const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function implements the external (public) interface to the
+* astChebyMap constructor function. It returns an ID value (instead
+* of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be provided
+* because astChebyMap_ has a variable argument list which cannot be
+* encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would otherwise
+* occur).
+* The variable argument list also prevents this function from
+* invoking astChebyMap_ directly, so it must be a re-implementation
+* of it in all respects, except for the final conversion of the
+* result to an ID value.
+* Parameters:
+* As for astChebyMap_.
+* Returned Value:
+* The ID value associated with the new ChebyMap.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstChebyMap *new; /* Pointer to new ChebyMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+ int *status; /* Pointer to inherited status value */
+/* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
+ status = astGetStatusPtr;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the ChebyMap, allocating memory and initialising the
+ virtual function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitChebyMap( NULL, sizeof( AstChebyMap ), !class_init,
+ &class_vtab, "ChebyMap", nin, nout,
+ ncoeff_f, coeff_f, ncoeff_i, coeff_i,
+ lbnd_f, ubnd_f, lbnd_i, ubnd_i );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
+ initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
+ to the astVSet method to initialise the new ChebyMap's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, options );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return an ID value for the new ChebyMap. */
+ return astMakeId( new );
+AstChebyMap *astInitChebyMap_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+ AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f, const double coeff_f[],
+ int ncoeff_i, const double coeff_i[],
+ const double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+ const double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[],
+ int *status ){
+* Name:
+* astInitChebyMap
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* AstChebyMap *astInitChebyMap( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+* AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* int nin, int nout, int ncoeff_f,
+* const double coeff_f[], int ncoeff_i,
+* const double coeff_i[]
+* const double lbnd_f[], const double ubnd_f[],
+* const double lbnd_i[], const double ubnd_i[] )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided for use by class implementations to initialise
+* a new ChebyMap object. It allocates memory (if necessary) to accommodate
+* the ChebyMap plus any additional data associated with the derived class.
+* It then initialises a ChebyMap structure at the start of this memory. If
+* the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual
+* function table for a ChebyMap at the start of the memory passed via the
+* "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory in which the ChebyMap is to be initialised.
+* This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the ChebyMap data
+* (sizeof(ChebyMap)) plus any data used by the derived class. If a value
+* of NULL is given, this function will allocate the memory itself using
+* the "size" parameter to determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the ChebyMap (plus derived class data).
+* This will be used to allocate memory if a value of NULL is given for
+* the "mem" parameter. This value is also stored in the ChebyMap
+* structure, so a valid value must be supplied even if not required for
+* allocating memory.
+* init
+* A logical flag indicating if the ChebyMap's virtual function table is
+* to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the virtual function
+* table will be initialised by this function.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be associated
+* with the new ChebyMap.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the new object belongs (it is this
+* pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the astGetClass
+* method).
+* nin
+* The number of input coordinate values per point. This is the
+* same as the number of columns in the matrix.
+* nout
+* The number of output coordinate values per point. This is the
+* same as the number of rows in the matrix.
+* ncoeff_f
+* The number of non-zero coefficients necessary to define the
+* forward transformation of the ChebyMap. If zero is supplied, the
+* forward transformation will be undefined.
+* coeff_f
+* An array containing "ncoeff_f*( 2 + nin )" elements. Each group
+* of "2 + nin" adjacent elements describe a single coefficient of
+* the forward transformation. Within each such group, the first
+* element is the coefficient value; the next element is the
+* integer index of the ChebyMap output which uses the coefficient
+* within its defining polynomial (the first output has index 1);
+* the remaining elements of the group give the integer powers to
+* use with each input coordinate value (powers must not be
+* negative)
+* For instance, if the ChebyMap has 3 inputs and 2 outputs, each group
+* consisting of 5 elements, A groups such as "(1.2, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0)"
+* describes a coefficient with value 1.2 which is used within the
+* definition of output 2. The output value is incremented by the
+* product of the coefficient value, the value of input coordinate
+* 1 raised to the power 1, and the value of input coordinate 2 raised
+* to the power 3. Input coordinate 3 is not used since its power is
+* specified as zero. As another example, the group "(-1.0, 1.0,
+* 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )" describes adds a constant value -1.0 onto
+* output 1 (it is a constant value since the power for every input
+* axis is given as zero).
+* Each final output coordinate value is the sum of the "ncoeff_f" terms
+* described by the "ncoeff_f" groups within the supplied array.
+* ncoeff_i
+* The number of non-zero coefficients necessary to define the
+* inverse transformation of the ChebyMap. If zero is supplied, the
+* inverse transformation will be undefined.
+* coeff_i
+* An array containing
+* "ncoeff_i*( 2 + nout )" elements. Each group of "2 + nout"
+* adjacent elements describe a single coefficient of the inverse
+* transformation, using the same schame as "coeff_f", except that
+* "inputs" and "outputs" are transposed.
+* lbnd_f
+* An array containing the lower bounds of the input bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. The array should contain "nin" elements.
+* ubnd_f
+* An array containing the upper bounds of the input bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. The array should contain "nin" elements.
+* lbnd_i
+* An array containing the lower bounds of the output bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. The array should contain "nout" elements.
+* ubnd_i
+* An array containing the upper bounds of the output bounding box within
+* which the ChebyMap is defined. The array should contain "nout" elements.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new ChebyMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *new;
+ int i;
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
+ if ( init ) astInitChebyMapVtab( vtab, name );
+/* Initialise a PolyMap structure (the parent class) as the first component
+ within the ChebyMap structure, allocating memory if necessary. */
+ new = (AstChebyMap *) astInitPolyMap( mem, size, 0,
+ (AstPolyMapVtab *) vtab, name,
+ nin, nout, ncoeff_f, coeff_f,
+ ncoeff_i, coeff_i );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the ChebyMap data. */
+/* ---------------------------- */
+/* First initialise the pointers in case of errors. */
+ new->scale_f = NULL;
+ new->offset_f = NULL;
+ new->scale_i = NULL;
+ new->offset_i = NULL;
+/* Calculate the scales and offsets that map the supplied input bounding box
+ onto the range [-1,+1] on each input axis, and store them. */
+ if( ncoeff_f > 0 ) {
+ new->scale_f = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double )*nin );
+ new->offset_f = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double )*nin );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
+ if( ubnd_f[ i ] != lbnd_f[ i ] ) {
+ new->scale_f[ i ] = 2.0/( ubnd_f[ i ] - lbnd_f[ i ] );
+ new->offset_f[ i ] = -( ubnd_f[ i ] + lbnd_f[ i ] )/( ubnd_f[ i ] - lbnd_f[ i ] );
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitChebyMap(%s): Input bounding box "
+ "has zero width on input axis %d.", status, name, i + 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Calculate the scales and offsets that map the supplied output bounding box
+ onto the range [-1,+1] on each output axis, and store them. */
+ if( ncoeff_i > 0 ) {
+ new->scale_i = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double )*nout );
+ new->offset_i = (double *) astMalloc( sizeof( double )*nout );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
+ if( ubnd_i[ i ] != lbnd_i[ i ] ) {
+ new->scale_i[ i ] = 2.0/( ubnd_i[ i ] - lbnd_i[ i ] );
+ new->offset_i[ i ] = -( ubnd_i[ i ] + lbnd_i[ i ] )/( ubnd_i[ i ] - lbnd_i[ i ] );
+ } else if( astOK ){
+ astError( AST__BADBX, "astInitChebyMap(%s): Output bounding box "
+ "has zero width on output axis %d.", status, name, i + 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new ChebyMap. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new ChebyMap. */
+ return new;
+AstChebyMap *astLoadChebyMap_( void *mem, size_t size,
+ AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astLoadChebyMap
+* Purpose:
+* Load a ChebyMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "chebymap.h"
+* AstChebyMap *astLoadChebyMap( void *mem, size_t size,
+* AstChebyMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* AstChannel *channel )
+* Class Membership:
+* ChebyMap loader.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided to load a new ChebyMap using data read
+* from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
+* (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
+* ChebyMap structure in this memory, using data read from the input
+* Channel.
+* If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
+* virtual function table for a ChebyMap at the start of the memory
+* passed via the "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory into which the ChebyMap is to be
+* loaded. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
+* ChebyMap data (sizeof(ChebyMap)) plus any data used by derived
+* classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
+* allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
+* determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the ChebyMap (plus derived class
+* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
+* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
+* stored in the ChebyMap structure, so a valid value must be
+* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
+* and sizeof(AstChebyMap) is used instead.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
+* associated with the new ChebyMap. If this is NULL, a pointer
+* to the (static) virtual function table for the ChebyMap class
+* is used instead.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
+* contains the name of the class to which the new object
+* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
+* returned by the astGetClass method).
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
+* and a pointer to the string "ChebyMap" is used instead.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new ChebyMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstChebyMap *new; /* Pointer to the new ChebyMap */
+ char buff[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ int i; /* Loop index */
+ int ngood; /* No. of non-bad values */
+ int nin; /* No. of input coords */
+ int nout; /* No. of output coords */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return new;
+/* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
+ the first loader to be invoked for this ChebyMap. In this case the
+ ChebyMap belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
+ passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
+ if ( !vtab ) {
+ size = sizeof( AstChebyMap );
+ vtab = &class_vtab;
+ name = "ChebyMap";
+/* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
+ if ( !class_init ) {
+ astInitChebyMapVtab( vtab, name );
+ class_init = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
+ classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
+ partly-built ChebyMap. */
+ new = astLoadPolyMap( mem, size, (AstPolyMapVtab *) vtab, name,
+ channel );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Get the number of inputs and outputs for the uninverted Mapping. */
+ nin = ( (AstMapping *) new )->nin;
+ nout = ( (AstMapping *) new )->nout;
+/* Initialise values */
+ new->scale_f = NULL;
+ new->offset_f = NULL;
+ new->scale_i = NULL;
+ new->offset_i = NULL;
+/* Read input data. */
+/* ================ */
+/* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
+ this class into the internal "values list". */
+ astReadClassData( channel, "ChebyMap" );
+/* Is the forward transformation defined? */
+ if( ((AstPolyMap *) new)->ncoeff_f ) {
+/* Allocate memory to hold the scales and offsets for the input axes. */
+ new->scale_f = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nin );
+ new->offset_f = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nin );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Get the scale factors. */
+ ngood = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "fscl%d", i + 1 );
+ (new->scale_f)[ i ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if( (new->scale_f)[ i ] != AST__BAD ) ngood++;
+ }
+/* Get the offsets of the bounding box. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "foff%d", i + 1 );
+ (new->offset_f)[ i ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if( (new->offset_f)[ i ] != AST__BAD ) ngood++;
+ }
+/* The scale and offset values should all be AST__BAD if the transformation
+ is a standard polynomial. Anull the scale and offset arrays to
+ indicate this. */
+ if( ngood == 0 ) {
+ new->scale_f = astFree( new->scale_f );
+ new->offset_f = astFree( new->offset_f );
+/* Otherwise, there should be no bad values. */
+ } else if( ngood != 2*nin && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__OBJIN, "astLoadChebyMap: insufficient scale "
+ "and offset values for the forward transformation "
+ "in loaded ChebyMap.", status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Is the inverse transformation defined? */
+ if( ((AstPolyMap *) new)->ncoeff_i ) {
+/* Allocate memory to hold the scales and offsets for the output axes. */
+ new->scale_i = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nout );
+ new->offset_i = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nout );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Get the scale factors. */
+ ngood = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "iscl%d", i + 1 );
+ (new->scale_i)[ i ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if( (new->scale_i)[ i ] != AST__BAD ) ngood++;
+ }
+/* Get the offsets of the bounding box. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ){
+ (void) sprintf( buff, "ioff%d", i + 1 );
+ (new->offset_i)[ i ] = astReadDouble( channel, buff, AST__BAD );
+ if( (new->offset_i)[ i ] != AST__BAD ) ngood++;
+ }
+/* The scale and offset values should all be AST__BAD if the transformation
+ is a standard polynomial. Anull the scale and offset arrays to
+ indicate this. */
+ if( ngood == 0 ) {
+ new->scale_i = astFree( new->scale_i );
+ new->offset_i = astFree( new->offset_i );
+/* Otherwise, there should be no bad values. */
+ } else if( ngood != 2*nout && astOK ) {
+ astError( AST__OBJIN, "astLoadChebyMap: insufficient scale "
+ "and offset values for the inverse transformation "
+ "in loaded ChebyMap.", status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new ChebyMap. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return the new ChebyMap pointer. */
+ return new;
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Virtual function interfaces. */
+/* ============================ */
+/* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
+ this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
+ executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
+ in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
+ astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
+ Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
+ have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
+ same interface. */
+void astChebyDomain_( AstChebyMap *this, int forward, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status ){
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,ChebyMap,ChebyDomain))( this, forward, lbnd, ubnd, status );