path: root/ast/erfa/RELEASE.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/erfa/RELEASE.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/ast/erfa/RELEASE.rst b/ast/erfa/RELEASE.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3726fdc..0000000
--- a/ast/erfa/RELEASE.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-Instructions for releasing ERFA
-* Clone the ERFA repository from github (if you haven't already done so),
- and change to the ERFA directory.
-* Make sure you are on the "master" branch from the "liberfa" github
- repository and have the latest version (if you have a fresh clone, this
- should already be the case).
-* If a new version of SOFA exists, run `` from the `erfa-fetch
- repository`_ in its own directory. That will create a directory called `erfa`
- inside the `erfa-fetch` directory, and you should copy its contents to the
- `src` directory of `erfa`. Add any new C files or header files added by SOFA
- to ``src/``, as appropriate. Use ``git diff`` in `erfa` to inspect
- the changes, and then commit and push them to github.
-* Update the version number in the `AC_INIT` macro of `` to
- the version number you are about to release, and also update the version
- mentioned in `README.rst`. Follow the instructions in
- `Version numbering` below.
-* Update the version info of the shared library in the `ERFA_LIB_VERSION_INFO`
- macro of ``. Follow the instructions in `Version numbering` below.
-* Commit these changes using ``git commit``, with a commit message like
- ``Preparing release v0.0.1``.
-* Run `./`: you need `automake`, `autoconf` and `libtool`
- installed. If no errors appear, this will create a new `./configure`
- file.
-* Run ``./configure``, which should create a `Makefile` in the top level
- directory and in ./src
-* Run ``make check``, which will build the library and run the tests -
- make sure they pass before proceeding.
-* Run ``make distcheck``: this creates the distribution tarball,
- unpackages it and runs the check inside the untarred directory.
- The resulting tarball will be named e.g., `erfa-0.0.1.tar.gz` and
- will be placed in the working directory.
-* Tag the current commit with the version number. A signed tag is preferred if
- you have an a signing key (e.g., do ``git tag -s v0.0.1``).
-* Push up your changes and the new tag to github:
- ``git push --tags origin master``. (The command here assumes the git remote
- "origin" points to the "liberfa/erfa" repository. If not, substitute the
- appropriate name.)
-* Go to the "liberfa/erfa" repository for the github page, and click on the
- "releases" button, and then the release corresponding to the tag you just
- made.
-* Click on the "Draft release notes or downloads" button (or it might be
- "Edit release"). Put the version number as the title (e.g., ``v0.0.1``)and
- for the description put ``See `README.rst` for release notes.``
-* Upload the tarball you created (e.g., `erfa-0.0.1.tar.gz`) by dropping it
- in the area that says "Attach binaries for this release by dropping them
- here."
-* Click the "Publish release" button.
-* Update the release listing on Github Pages to include this release:
- Do ``git checkout gh-pages``, add a new ``<li>...</li>`` entry for the
- release in `index.html`, do ``git commit``, and then
- ``git push origin gh-pages``.
-Version numbering
-ERFA needs to provide two different version numbers. You need to update both.
-The first is the
-**package version number** or **version number** proper. ERFA uses
-`semantic versioning <>`_ to create this number.
-For more on this choice, see
-`liberfa/erfa#6 <>`_.
-The second number is `shared library version info`. When a program has been
-linked with the ERFA shared library, the dynamic linker checks the version
-info of the library requested by the program with those of the libraries
-present if the system. This version info is important to binary distributions
-(such as Linux distributions). ERFA uses `libtool versioning <>`_.
-Package version number
-Semantic versioning dictates how to change the version number according to
-changes to the API of the library. In the case of ERFA the API is:
- * The public C macros defined in erfam.h
- * The names, return types, number of arguments and types of the functions in erfa.h
-To update the package version, the release manager has to check the relevant
-information about the release, such as:
- * upstream SOFA documentation in
- * relevant bug reports in the github project page
-If the version is given in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, then
- * if there is a backwards incompatible change (function removed, types of
- arguments altered, macros renamed...) then increase MAJOR by one and set
- the others to zero.
- * else if there is backwards compatible change (new function added or
- new macro added) then do not change MAJOR, increase MINOR by one and
- set PATCH to zero.
- * else
- you are either fixing a bug or making other improvements. Increase
- patch by one and do not change the others.
-Change the version number in the `AC_INIT` macro and in `README.rst`
-Shared library version info
-For the shared library version info, we are only interested in a subset of
-the API, the **interfaces of the shared library**. As the C macros are
-interpolated away at compile time, the interfaces in the ERFA
-shared library are:
- * The names, return types, number of arguments and types of the functions
-Again, the release manager has to review the relevant information:
- * upstream SOFA documentation in
- * relevant bug reports in the github project page
-The shared library version info is stored in three numbers called *current*,
-*revision* and *age*. These numbers appear in the macro `ERFA_LIB_VERSION_INFO`
-in the mentioned order.
-If the version is given in the form CURRENT,REVISION,AGE then
- * if there is a backwards incompatible change (function removed, types of
- arguments altered...) then increase CURRENT by one and set
- the others to zero (c,r,a -> c+1,0,0).
- * else if there is backwards compatible change (new function added)
- then increase both CURRENT and AGE by one, set REVISON to zero
- (c,r,a -> c+1,0,a+1).
- * else if the library code has been modified at all
- then increase REVISION by one (c,r,a -> c,r+1,a)
- * else
- do not change the version info (c,r,a -> c,r,a)
-Change the verion info in `ERFA_LIB_VERSION_INFO`
-We start with ERFA version 1.0.0 and library version info 0,0,0
-* SOFA makes a new release. A function is added and two functions change their
- arguments. This is a backawars incompatible change, so the new package will
- have version 2.0.0 and the shared library version info will be 1,0,0
-* We forgot to add README.rst to the release. We make a new one. The change
- is a bugfix (no API changes), the new release will be 2.0.1. The shared
- library version is not modified (no changes in the library source code).
-* SOFA makes a new release. They just add a new function. The new package
- version will be 2.1.0. The shared library info will be 2,0,1 (both current
- and age are incremented).
-* SOFA makes a new relase fixing some bugs in the code without changing the
- API. New package version is 2.1.1. The shared library version is 2,1,1
-* A contributor finds a bug in ERFA. The fix doesn't change the API. New
- package version is 2.1.2. The shared library version is 2,2,1
-* SOFA makes a new release incorporating the bug fix and adding new functions.
- The new package version is 2.2.0. The shared library version is 3,0,2
-* SOFA makes a new release removing functions. This is a backawars
- incompatible change, so the new package will
- have version 3.0.0 and the shared library version info will be 4,0,0
-.. _erfa-fetch repository: