path: root/ast/grf3d_pgplot.c
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1 files changed, 3196 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/grf3d_pgplot.c b/ast/grf3d_pgplot.c
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index 0000000..ab25085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/grf3d_pgplot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3196 @@
+* Name:
+* grf3d_pgplot.c
+* Purpose:
+* Implement the grf3d interface using the PGPLOT graphics system.
+* Description:
+* This file implements the low level 3D graphics functions required
+* by the rest of AST, by calling suitable PGPLOT functions (the
+* FORTRAN PGPLOT interface is used).
+* This file can be used as a template for the development of
+* similar implementations based on other graphics systems.
+* Unlike world coordinates used by the 2D grf interface, the 3D world
+* coordinates used by the grf3D interface are assume to be equally scaled
+* (that is, they are assumed to have the same units). Therefore this
+* module has no equivalent to the astGScales function defined by the
+* 2D grf interface.
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 2007 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* DSB: David S. Berry (Starlink)
+* History:
+* 20-JUN-2007 (DSB):
+* Original version.
+/* Macros */
+/* ====== */
+#define MXDEV 16 /* Max no of concurrent PGPLOT devices */
+#define MXSTRLEN 80 /* Max PGPLOT string length */
+#define CAMERA_OK 123456789 /* Flags that a Camera has been initialised */
+#define TWOPI 6.28318530718 /* 2*PI */
+#define MXSIDE 32 /* Max no of sides in a marker polygon */
+/* Header files. */
+/* ============= */
+/* AST header files */
+#include "grf3d.h" /* The grf3D interface definition */
+#include "pg3d.h" /* Other public functions in this module */
+#include "f77.h" /* FORTRAN <-> C interface macros (SUN/209) */
+#include "c2f77.h" /* C to FORTRAN interface functions */
+#include "memory.h" /* Memory allocation facilities */
+#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
+#include "pointset.h" /* Defines AST__BAD */
+#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
+/* System header files */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Type definitions. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Structure defining the position and orientation of the camera in 3D
+ world coords. This is specific to the PGPLOT implementation. Other
+ implementations need not include any equivalent to this structure. */
+typedef struct camera {
+ float eye_vector[3];
+ float target_vector[3];
+ float up_vector[3];
+ float w2c_matrix[9];
+ float screen_distance;
+ int ok_flag;
+} Camera;
+/* Module variables. */
+/* ================= */
+/* One camera structure for each PGPLOT device identifier. PGPLOT allows
+ a maximum of 8 concurrent devices at the moment. Make the array twice
+ this size to allow for some future expansion in PGPLOT. Again, this is
+ specific to the PGPLOT implementation of the grf3D interface. */
+static Camera cameras[ MXDEV ];
+/* Function templates. */
+/* =================== */
+/* Templates for functions that are private to this module. */
+static Camera *getCamera( int );
+static float getCharHeight( void );
+static int Polygon( int, float *, float *, float *, float[3], float[3], float[3], float[3] );
+static int Text( int *, int, float[3], const char *, float[3], float[3], float[3] );
+static int TextCam( Camera *, float[3], float[3], float[3], float[3] );
+static int TxExt( int *, int, float[3], const char *, float[3], float[3], float[3], float *, float *, float *, float[3] );
+static int getTextAxes( float[3], float[3], float[3], const char *, float[3], float[3], float[3], char[3] );
+static int transform( Camera *, int, float *, float *, float *, float *, float * );
+static int vectorNorm( float * );
+static float vectorModulus( float * );
+static void getSymbolList( const char *, int, int *, int * );
+static void vectorProduct( float *, float *, float * );
+static float dotProduct( float *, float * );
+static void vectorSub( float *, float *, float * );
+/* Templates for private functions that wrap PGPLOT Fortran routines. */
+static void ccgrsyds( int *, int *, const char *, int, int );
+static void ccgrsymk( int, int, int * );
+static void ccgrsyxd( int, int *, int * );
+static void ccpgline( int, float[], float[] );
+static void ccpgpoly( int, float[], float[] );
+static void ccpgqcf( int * );
+static void ccpgqcf(int *);
+static void ccpgqch( float * );
+static void ccpgqci( int * );
+static void ccpgqclp( int * );
+static void ccpgqid( int * );
+static void ccpgqls( int * );
+static void ccpgqlw( int * );
+static void ccpgqvsz( int, float *, float *, float *, float * );
+static void ccpgqwin( float *, float *, float *, float * );
+static void ccpgscf( int );
+static void ccpgsch( float );
+static void ccpgsci( int );
+static void ccpgsclp( int );
+static void ccpgsls( int );
+static void ccpgslw( int );
+static void ccpgswin( float, float, float, float );
+static void ccpgupdt( void );
+/* Templates for Fortran PGPLOT routines needed by this module. */
+F77_SUBROUTINE(grsyds)( INTEGER_ARRAY(list), INTEGER(nlist), CHARACTER(text), INTEGER(font) TRAIL(text) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(grsymk)( INTEGER(type), INTEGER(font), INTEGER(symbol) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(grsyxd)( INTEGER(symbol), INTEGER_ARRAY(xygrid), INTEGER(unused) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqcf)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqch)( REAL(rval) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqci)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqclp)( INTEGER(clip) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqid)( INTEGER(id) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqls)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqlw)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqvsz)( INTEGER(units), REAL(x1), REAL(x2), REAL(y1), REAL(y2) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgqwin)( REAL(wx1), REAL(wx2), REAL(wy1), REAL(wy2) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgscf)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgsch)( REAL(rval) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgsci)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgsclp)( INTEGER(clip) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgsls)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgslw)( INTEGER(ival) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgswin)( REAL(X1), REAL(X2), REAL(Y1), REAL(Y2) );
+F77_SUBROUTINE(pgupdt)( void );
+/* Public functions defined by the grf3D interface. */
+/* ================================================ */
+/* All implementations of the grf3d interface must provide implementations
+ of all the functions in this block. The corresponding templates are in
+ grf3d.h */
+int astG3DAttr( int attr, double value, double *old_value, int prim ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DAttr
+* Purpose:
+* Enquire or set a 3D graphics attribute value.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int int astG3DAttr( int attr, double value, double *old_value, int prim )
+* Description:
+* This function returns the current value of a specified 3D graphics
+* attribute, and optionally establishes a new value. The supplied
+* value is converted to an integer value if necessary before use.
+* Parameters:
+* attr
+* An integer value identifying the required attribute. The
+* following symbolic values are defined in grf3d.h:
+* GRF__STYLE - Line style.
+* GRF__WIDTH - Line width.
+* GRF__SIZE - Character and marker size scale factor.
+* GRF__FONT - Character font.
+* GRF__COLOUR - Colour index.
+* value
+* A new value to store for the attribute. If this is AST__BAD
+* no value is stored.
+* old_value
+* A pointer to a double in which to return the attribute value.
+* If this is NULL, no value is returned.
+* prim
+* The sort of graphics primitive to be drawn with the new attribute.
+* Identified by the following values defined in grf.h:
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+ int ival;
+ float rval, dx, dy, deflw, x1, x2, y1, y2;
+/* If required retrieve the current line style, and set a new line style. */
+ if( attr == GRF__STYLE ){
+ ccpgqls( &ival );
+ if( old_value ) *old_value = (double) ival;
+ if( value != AST__BAD ){
+ ival = (int) ( value + 0.5 );
+ if( value < 0.0 ) ival -= 1;
+ ival = ( ival - 1 ) % 5;
+ ival += ( ival < 0 ) ? 6 : 1;
+ ccpgsls( ival );
+ }
+/* If required retrieve the current line width, and set a new line width.
+ Line width is stored in Plot as a scale factor (1.0 for the default line
+ width which is a fixed fraction of the diagonal of the view surface), but
+ pgplot stores it in units of 0.005 of an inch. */
+ } else if( attr == GRF__WIDTH ){
+/* Get the bounds of the view surface in inches. */
+ ccpgqvsz( 1, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2 );
+/* Find the default line width in inches (i.e. 0.0005 of the length
+ of the view surface diagonal). */
+ dx = ( x1 - x2 );
+ dy = ( y1 - y2 );
+ deflw = 0.0005*sqrt( (double )( dx*dx + dy*dy ) );
+/* Get the current pgplot line width in units of 0.005 of an inch. */
+ ccpgqlw( &ival );
+/* If required, return the factor by which this exceeds the default line
+ width found above. */
+ if( old_value ) *old_value = (double)( ival )/( 200.0 * deflw );
+/* If a new line width has been provided, the pgplot line width needs to
+ be set to the corresponding absolute value. */
+ if( value != AST__BAD ){
+ ival = (int) ( 200.0*value*deflw );
+ if( ival < 1 ) {
+ ival = 1;
+ } else if( ival > 201 ){
+ ival = 201;
+ }
+ ccpgslw( ival );
+ }
+/* If required retrieve the current character size, and set a new size.
+ The attribute value should be a factor by which to multiply the
+ default character size. */
+ } else if( attr == GRF__SIZE ){
+ ccpgqch( &rval );
+ if( old_value ) *old_value = (double) rval;
+ if( value != AST__BAD ){
+ ccpgsch( (float) value );
+ }
+/* If required retrieve the current character font, and set a new font. */
+ } else if( attr == GRF__FONT ){
+ ccpgqcf( &ival );
+ if( old_value ) *old_value = (double) ival;
+ if( value != AST__BAD ){
+ ival = (int) ( value + 0.5 );
+ if( value < 0.0 ) ival -= 1;
+ ival = ( ival - 1 ) % 4;
+ ival += ( ival < 0 ) ? 5 : 1;
+ ccpgscf( ival );
+ }
+/* If required retrieve the current colour index, and set a new colour
+ index. */
+ } else if( attr == GRF__COLOUR ){
+ ccpgqci( &ival );
+ if( old_value ) *old_value = (double) ival;
+ if( value != AST__BAD ){
+ ival = (int) ( value + 0.5 );
+ if( ival < 0 ) ival = 1;
+ ccpgsci( ival );
+ }
+/* Give an error message for any other attribute value. */
+ } else {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "astG3DAttr: Unknown graphics attribute '%d' "
+ "requested.", attr );
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Return. */
+ return 1;
+int astG3DCap( int cap, int value ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DCap
+* Purpose:
+* Indicate if this grf3d module has a given capability.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DCap( int cap, int value )
+* Description:
+* This function is called by the AST Plot class to determine if the
+* grf3d module has a given capability, as indicated by the "cap"
+* argument.
+* Parameters:
+* cap
+* The capability being inquired about. This will be one of the
+* following constants defined in grf3d.h:
+* GRF3D__ESC: This function should return a non-zero value if the
+* astG3DText and astG3DTxExt functions can recognise and interpret
+* graphics escape sequences within the supplied string. These
+* escape sequences are described below. Zero should be returned
+* if escape sequences cannot be interpreted (in which case the
+* Plot class will interpret them itself if needed). The supplied
+* "value" argument should be ignored only if escape sequences cannot
+* be interpreted by astG3DText and astG3DTxExt. Otherwise, "value"
+* indicates whether astG3DText and astG3DTxExt should interpret escape
+* sequences in subsequent calls. If "value" is non-zero then
+* escape sequences should be interpreted by astG3DText and
+* astG3DTxExt. Otherwise, they should be drawn as literal text.
+* Returned Value:
+* The return value, as described above. Zero should be returned if
+* the supplied capability is not recognised.
+* Escape Sequences:
+* Escape sequences are introduced into the text string by a percent
+* "%" character. The following escape sequences are currently recognised
+* ("..." represents a string of one or more decimal digits):
+* %% - Print a literal "%" character (type GRF__ESPER ).
+* %^...+ - Draw subsequent characters as super-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the super-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text (type GRF__ESSUP ).
+* %^+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line.
+* %v...+ - Draw subsequent characters as sub-scripts. The digits
+* "..." give the distance from the base-line of "normal"
+* text to the base-line of the sub-script text, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text (type GRF__ESSUB ).
+* %v+ - Draw subsequent characters with the normal base-line
+* (equivalent to %^+).
+* %>...+ - Leave a gap before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the gap, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text (type GRF__ESGAP ).
+* %<...+ - Move backwards before drawing subsequent characters.
+* The digits "..." give the size of the movement, scaled
+* so that a value of "100" corresponds to the height of
+* "normal" text (type GRF_ESBAC).
+* %s...+ - Change the Size attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Size as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Size, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0 (type GRF__ESSIZ ).
+* %s+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %w...+ - Change the Width attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new width as a fraction of the
+* "normal" Width, scaled so that a value of "100" corresponds
+* to 1.0 (type GRF__ESWID ).
+* %w+ - Reset the Size attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %f...+ - Change the Font attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Font value (type GRF__ESFON ).
+* %f+ - Reset the Font attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %c...+ - Change the Colour attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Colour value (type GRF__ESCOL ).
+* %c+ - Reset the Colour attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %t...+ - Change the Style attribute for subsequent characters. The
+* digits "..." give the new Style value (type GRF__ESSTY ).
+* %t+ - Reset the Style attribute to its "normal" value.
+* %- - Push the current graphics attribute values onto the top of
+* the stack - see "%+" (type GRF__ESPSH).
+* %+ - Pop attributes values of the top the stack - see "%-". If
+* the stack is empty, "normal" attribute values are restored
+* (type GRF__ESPOP).
+* The astFindEscape function (in libast.a) can be used to locate escape
+* sequences within a text string. It has the following signature:
+* #include "plot.h"
+* int astFindEscape( const char *text, int *type, int *value, int *nc )
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* Pointer to the string to be checked.
+* type
+* Pointer to a location at which to return the type of escape
+* sequence. Each type is identified by a symbolic constant defined
+* in grf.h and is indicated in the above section. The returned value
+* is undefined if the supplied text does not begin with an escape
+* sequence.
+* value
+* Pointer to a lcation at which to return the integer value
+* associated with the escape sequence. All usable values will be
+* positive. Zero is returned if the escape sequence has no associated
+* integer. A value of -1 indicates that the attribute identified by
+* "type" should be reset to its "normal" value (as established using
+* the astG3DAttr function, etc). The returned value is undefined if
+* the supplied text does not begin with an escape sequence.
+* nc
+* Pointer to a location at which to return the number of
+* characters read by this call. If the text starts with an escape
+* sequence, the returned value will be the number of characters in
+* the escape sequence. Otherwise, the returned value will be the
+* number of characters prior to the first escape sequence, or the
+* length of the supplied text if no escape sequence is found.
+* Returned Value:
+* A non-zero value is returned if the supplied text starts with a
+* graphics escape sequence, and zero is returned otherwise.
+ return 0;
+int astG3DFlush( void ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DFlush
+* Purpose:
+* Flush all pending graphics to the output device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DFlush( void )
+* Description:
+* This function ensures that the display device is up-to-date,
+* by flushing any pending graphics to the output device.
+* Parameters:
+* None.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+ ccpgupdt();
+ return 1;
+int astG3DLine( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DLine
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a polyline (i.e. a set of connected lines).
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DLine( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z )
+* Description:
+* This function displays lines joining the given positions.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of positions to be joined together.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* z
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" z values.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - A camera must have been established prior to calling this
+* function using either astG3DSetCamera or astG3DAutoCamera.
+* - Nothing is done if "n" is less than 2, or if a NULL pointer is
+* given for either "x", "y" or "z".
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int clip;
+ int result = 0;
+ float *h, *r;
+/* Do nothing if we have less than 2 points, but do not indicate an error. */
+ if( n < 2 ){
+ result = 1;
+/* Check the pointers. */
+ } else if( x && y && z ) {
+/* Save the current clipping flag, and ensure clipping is off. */
+ ccpgqclp( &clip );
+ ccpgsclp( 0 );
+/* Allocate work space for the 2D world coordinate positions. */
+ h = astMalloc( sizeof( float )*(size_t) n );
+ r = astMalloc( sizeof( float )*(size_t) n );
+ if( astOK ) {
+/* Convert the supplied points from 3D world coordinates to 2D world
+ (i.e. screen) coordinates. If succesful, plot the lines. */
+ if( transform( NULL, n, x, y, z, h, r ) ) {
+ ccpgline( n, (float *) h, (float *) r );
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free work space. */
+ h = astFree( h );
+ r = astFree( r );
+/* Re-instate original clipping flag. */
+ ccpgsclp( clip );
+ }
+ return result;
+int astG3DMark( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z, int type,
+ float norm[3] ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DMark
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a set of markers.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf.h"
+* int astG3DMark( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z, int type,
+* float norm[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function draws markers centred at the given positions, on a
+* plane with a specified normal vector.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of markers to draw.
+* x
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" x values.
+* y
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" y values.
+* z
+* A pointer to an array holding the "n" z values.
+* type
+* An integer which can be used to indicate the type of marker symbol
+* required. See the description of routine PGPT in the PGPLOT manual.
+* norm
+* The (x,y,z) components of a vector that is normal to the plane
+* containing the marker. The given vector passes through the marker
+* from the back to the front. If all components of this vector are
+* zero, then a normal vector pointing from the position of the
+* first marker towards the camera eye is used.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Nothing is done if "n" is less than 1, or if a NULL pointer is
+* given for "x", "y" or "z".
+/* local Variables: */
+ char just[3];
+ float ref[3];
+ float up[3];
+ float tx[3], ty[3], tz[3];
+ float vx[ MXSIDE ], vy[ MXSIDE ], vz[ MXSIDE ];
+ float ch, ang, dang;
+ int clip;
+ int font;
+ int i;
+ int nlist;
+ int symnum;
+ int ns;
+/* Return if any of the coordinate pointers is NULL. */
+ if( !x || !y || !z ) return 1;
+/* Initialise */
+ ns = 0;
+/* Unless the "norm" vector is parallel to the z axis, we use an up vector
+ that is parallel to the z axis. Otherwise we use an up vector paralle
+ to the x axis. */
+ if( norm[ 0 ] != 0.0 || norm[ 1 ] != 0.0 ) {
+ up[ 0 ] = 0.0;
+ up[ 1 ] = 0.0;
+ up[ 2 ] = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ up[ 0 ] = 1.0;
+ up[ 1 ] = 0.0;
+ up[ 2 ] = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Create unit vectors along the three axes of the text plane
+ coordinate system. */
+ ref[ 0 ] = x[ 0 ];
+ ref[ 1 ] = y[ 0 ];
+ ref[ 2 ] = z[ 0 ];
+ if( !getTextAxes( ref, up, norm, "CC", tx, ty, tz, just ) ) return 0;
+/* Calculate the pgplot symbol number for the given marker type. */
+ if( type > 0 ) {
+ if( type > 127 ) {
+ symnum = type;
+ } else {
+ ccpgqcf( &font );
+ ccgrsymk( type, font, &symnum );
+ }
+ } else if( type > -3 ) {
+ getSymbolList( ".", 1, &symnum, &nlist );
+/* Regular polygons - create an array of text plane coordinates for the
+ vertices of the polygon. */
+ } else {
+ symnum = type;
+/* Get the character height in world coordinate units. A PGPLOT
+ character height of 1.0 corresponds to 1/40 of the 2D window height. */
+ ch = getCharHeight();
+/* Limit the number of sides that can be produced. */
+ ns = -type;
+ if( ns > MXSIDE ) ns = MXSIDE;
+/* Calculate the angle subtended by each edge of the polygon. */
+ dang = TWOPI/ns;
+ ang = 0.0;
+/* Loop round each vertex. */
+ for( i = 0; i < ns; i++ ) {
+ vx[ i ] = ch*sin( ang );
+ vy[ i ] = ch*cos( ang );
+ vz[ i ] = 0.0;
+ ang += dang;
+ }
+ }
+/* Save the current clipping flag, and ensure clipping is off. */
+ ccpgqclp( &clip );
+ ccpgsclp( 0 );
+/* Draw each marker in turn. */
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+/* Store the centre world coords */
+ ref[ 0 ] = x[ i ];
+ ref[ 1 ] = y[ i ];
+ ref[ 2 ] = z[ i ];
+/* Draw the symbol, and return if anything goes wrong. */
+ if( symnum >= 0 ) {
+ if( !Text( &symnum, 1, ref, "CC", tx, ty, tz ) ) return 0;
+ } else {
+ if( !Polygon( ns, vx, vy, vz, ref, tx, ty, tz ) ) return 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Re-instate original clipping flag. */
+ ccpgsclp( clip );
+/* If we arrive here we have been succesful, so return a non-zero value. */
+ return 1;
+int astG3DQch( float *ch ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DQch
+* Purpose:
+* Return the character height in world coordinates.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DQch( float *ch )
+* Description:
+* This function returns the height of characters drawn using astG3DText.
+* Parameters:
+* ch
+* A pointer to the double which is to receive the height of
+* characters drawn with astG3DText.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Since the 3D world coordinate axes are assumed to be equally
+* scaled, the height of text in world coordinate units is independent
+* of the orientation of the text. Therefore, this function returns
+* only one height value, unlike the equivalent 2D astGQch function
+* that returns two heights.
+ *ch = getCharHeight();
+ return 1;
+int astG3DText( const char *text, float ref[3], const char *just, float up[3],
+ float norm[3] ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DText
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a character string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DText( const char *text, float ref[3], const char *just,
+* float up[3], float norm[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function displays a character string at a given position
+* on a given plane in 3D world coords, using a specified
+* justification and up-vector.
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* ref
+* The reference (x,y,z) coordinates.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* up
+* The (x,y,z) up-vector for the text. The actual up vector used is
+* the projection of the supplied vector onto the plane specified by
+* "norm".
+* norm
+* The (x,y,z) components of a vector that is normal to the plane
+* containing the text. The given vector passes through the text
+* from the back to the front. If all components of this vector are
+* zero, then a normal vector pointing towards the camera eye is used.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - This routine does not recognise PGPLOT escape sequences.
+* - A NULL value for "just" causes a value of "CC" to be used.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MXLEN 256
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char newjust[3];
+ float tx[3], ty[3], tz[3];
+ int list[ MXLEN ];
+ int nlist;
+/* Convert the supplied string into a list of PGPLOT symbol numbers */
+ getSymbolList( text, MXLEN, &nlist, list );
+/* Create unit vectors along the three axes of the text plane
+ coordinate system. */
+ if( !getTextAxes( ref, up, norm, just, tx, ty, tz, newjust ) ) return 0;
+/* Draw the text. */
+ return Text( list, nlist, ref, newjust, tx, ty, tz );
+/* Clear local constants. */
+#undef MXLEN
+int astG3DTxExt( const char *text, float ref[3], const char *just,
+ float up[3], float norm[3], float *xb, float *yb,
+ float *zb, float bl[3] ){
+* Name:
+* astG3DTxExt
+* Purpose:
+* Get the extent of a character string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int astG3DTxExt( const char *text, float ref[3], const char *just,
+* float up[3], float norm[3], float *xb, float *yb,
+* float *zb, float bl[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function returns the corners of a box which would enclose the
+* supplied character string if it were displayed using astG3DText.
+* The returned box INCLUDES any leading or trailing spaces.
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string to be displayed.
+* ref
+* The reference (x,y,z) coordinates.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", 'B' for "baseline", or "M" for "bottom", and
+* specifies the vertical location of the reference position. Note,
+* "baseline" corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some
+* characters (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line,
+* and so "M" and "B" will produce different effects for such
+* characters. The second character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for
+* "centre", or 'R' for "right", and specifies the horizontal
+* location of the reference position. If the string has less than
+* 2 characters then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* up
+* The (x,y,z) up-vector for the text. The actual up vector used is
+* the projection of the supplied vector onto the plane specified by
+* "norm".
+* norm
+* The (x,y,z) components of a vector that is normal to the plane
+* containing the text. The given vector passes through the text
+* from the back to the front. If all components of this vector are
+* zero, then a normal vector pointing towards the camera eye is used.
+* xb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the x coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* yb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the y coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* zb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the z coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* bl
+* The 3D world coordinates at the left hand end of the text
+* baseline.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - The order of the corners is anti-clockwise starting at the
+* bottom left when viewing the text normally (i.e. face on).
+* - This routine does not recognise PGPLOT escape sequences.
+* - A NULL value for "just" causes a value of "CC" to be used.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MXLEN 256
+/* Local Variables: */
+ char newjust[3];
+ int i;
+ int list[ MXLEN ];
+ int nlist;
+ float tx[3], ty[3], tz[3];
+/* Initialise the returned values to indicate no box available. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
+ xb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ yb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ zb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ }
+/* Convert the supplied string into a list of symbol numbers */
+ getSymbolList( text, MXLEN, &nlist, list );
+/* Create unit vectors along the three axes of the text plane
+ coordinate system. */
+ if( !getTextAxes( ref, up, norm, just, tx, ty, tz, newjust ) ) return 0;
+/* Find the bounding box of this list of symbols. */
+ return TxExt( list, nlist, ref, newjust, tx, ty, tz, xb, yb, zb, bl );
+/* Clear local constants. */
+#undef MXLEN
+/* Public functions specific to this PGPLOT implementation. */
+/* ======================================================== */
+/* Other implementations of the grf3d interface can ignore the following
+ functions. They provide control of the 3D view. */
+int PG3DSetCamera( float eye[3], float target[3], float up[3], float screen ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DSetCamera
+* Purpose:
+* Store new camera settings for the current PGPLOT device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DSetCamera( float eye[3], float target[3], float up[3],
+* float screen )
+* Description:
+* This function stores new camera settings for the current PGPLOT
+* device.
+* A "camera" describes the projection of the 3D world coordinate
+* space onto a 2D "screen". This screen corresponds to the 2D viewing
+* surface used by PGPLOT. The 2D window used by PGPLOT (as set by
+* PGSWIN, etc) defines the bounds of the screen area that is visible
+* in the PGPLOT viewport.
+* The 3D world coordinate axes (x,y,z) are such that if "z" is
+* vertically upwards and "x" points to the right, then "y" goes
+* out of the paper away from you. All 3 axes are assume to have equal
+* scale.
+* A camera defines a second set of 3D axes (called "(u,v,w)") with
+* origin at the 3D world coordinates given by "eye":
+* - the "w" axis points towards the position given by "target"
+* - the "v" axis is perpendicular to the "w" axis and is in the plane
+* spanned by the "w" axis and the supplied "up" vector
+* - the "u" axis is perpendicular to both "w" and "v" and points to
+* the left when looking from the eye along the w axis with the v
+* axis upwards
+* Thus the "v" axis is parallel to "vertically up" on the 2D screen,
+* "u" is parallel to "horizontally to the left", and "w" is
+* perpendicular to the screen, pointing towards the target.
+* The screen is a plane perpendicular to the "w" axis, at the "w" axis
+* value given by "screen". A 2D cartesian coordinate system (h,r) is
+* defined on the screen, with origin at the point where the "w" axis
+* intersects the screen. The "h" (horizontal) axis is parallel to the
+* "u" axis but points in the opposite direction (to the left), and the
+* "r" (vertical) axis is parallel to the "v" axis. The (h,r) system is
+* taken to be the same as the PGPLOT 2D world coordinate system, and
+* PGSWIN can therefore be used to specify the rectangular area on the
+* screen that is mapped onto the PGPLOT viewport.
+* It is assumed that all axes (x,y,z), (u,v,w) and (h,r) are measured
+* in the same units.
+* Parameters:
+* eye
+* The position vector of the camera's "eye", in 3D world coordinates.
+* target
+* The position vector of a point in 3D world coordinates that is
+* at the centre of the camera's view. In other words, the camera is
+* looking towards this point. Zero will be returned if the target
+* is the same position as the eye.
+* up
+* A vector in 3D world coordinates that will appear vertically
+* upwards when projected onto the screen. Zero will be returned if
+* the up vector has zero length or is parallel to the line joining
+* the eye and the target.
+* screen
+* The distance from the camera's eye to the projection screen. If
+* this is zero, then an orthographic projection is used.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ float *u, *v, *w;
+ int result = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 0 );
+ if( cam ) {
+ result = 1;
+/* Store the supplied values in the camera. */
+ memcpy( cam->target_vector, target, 3*sizeof( float ) );
+ memcpy( cam->eye_vector, eye, 3*sizeof( float ) );
+ cam->screen_distance = screen;
+/* Get pointers to the three rows of the w2c_matrix. This is a 3x3 matrix that
+ rotates vectors in the (x,y,z) system into vectors in the (u,v,w)
+ system. Each row in the matrix is a unit vector along the u, v or w
+ axes. */
+ u = cam->w2c_matrix;
+ v = u + 3;
+ w = v + 3;
+/* The "w" axis points form the eye to the target, so get the vector from
+ the eye to the target and normalise it. */
+ vectorSub( target, eye, w );
+ if( ! vectorNorm( w ) ) result = 0;
+/* The "v" vector is in the plane spanned by the "w" axis and the "up"
+ vector. Get the normal to this plane, storing the result temporarily
+ in the "u" vector. . */
+ vectorProduct( w, up, u );
+/* The "v" vector is normal to the vector found above and is also normal
+ to the "w" axis. Get this vector and normalise it. */
+ vectorProduct( u, w, v );
+ if( ! vectorNorm( v ) ) result = 0;
+/* The "u" vector is perpendicualr to both the "w" and "v" vectors. */
+ vectorProduct( v, w, u );
+ if( ! vectorNorm( u ) ) result = 0;
+/* Use "v" as the stored up vector (the supplied "up" vector is not
+ necesarily the same as "v"). */
+ memcpy( cam->up_vector, v, 3*sizeof( float ) );
+/* Se a flag that indicates that the Camera is usable. */
+ cam->ok_flag = result ? CAMERA_OK : CAMERA_OK/2;
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DSetEye( float eye[3] ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DSetEye
+* Purpose:
+* Store a new camera eye position for the current PGPLOT device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DSetEye( float eye[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera eye position for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* Parameters:
+* eye
+* The position vector of the camera's "eye", in 3D world coordinates.
+* Zero is returned if the new eye position is the same as the
+* existing camera target position.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* If so, modify the camera values, using the supplied eye position but
+ retaining the other camera settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( eye, cam->target_vector, cam->up_vector,
+ cam->screen_distance );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DRotateEye( int dir, float angle ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DRotateEye
+* Purpose:
+* Move the eye on a great circle around the current target position.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DRotateEye( int dir, float angle )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera eye position for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* The eye is moved by a gven distance along an arc of a great circle
+* centred on the current target position. The target position itself
+* is left unchanged.
+* Parameters:
+* dir
+* The direction in which to move the eye position:
+* 1 - Move eye upwards
+* 2 - Move eye downwards
+* 3 - Move eye left
+* 4 - Move eye right
+* angle
+* The arc-distance, in degrees, by which to move the eye.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+ int i;
+ float e[3], f[3], emod, neweye[3], sina, cosa;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* Get the cos and sine of the supplied angle. */
+ cosa = cos( angle*TWOPI/360 );
+ sina = sin( angle*TWOPI/360 );
+/* Get the vector from the target to the eye, get its modulus. */
+ vectorSub( cam->eye_vector, cam->target_vector, e );
+ emod = vectorModulus( e );
+/* If we are moving the eye upwards, find the new eye position. */
+ if( dir == 1 ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ neweye[ i ] = e[ i ]*cosa + emod*cam->up_vector[ i ]*sina +
+ cam->target_vector[ i ];
+ }
+/* If we are moving the eye downwards, find the new eye position. */
+ } else if( dir == 2 ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ neweye[ i ] = e[ i ]*cosa - emod*cam->up_vector[ i ]*sina +
+ cam->target_vector[ i ];
+ }
+/* If we are moving the eye left or right we need a vector in the plane
+ of rotation that is at right angles to "e", and points to the right
+ of the eye. */
+ } else {
+ vectorProduct( cam->up_vector, e, f );
+ vectorNorm( f );
+/* Get the new eye position. */
+ if( dir == 3 ) {
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ neweye[ i ] = e[ i ]*cosa - emod*f[ i ]*sina + cam->target_vector[ i ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ neweye[ i ] = e[ i ]*cosa + emod*f[ i ]*sina + cam->target_vector[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Modify the camera eye vector, retaining the other camera settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( neweye, cam->target_vector, cam->up_vector,
+ cam->screen_distance );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DForward( float distance ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DForward
+* Purpose:
+* Move the eye forward towards the target.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DForward( float distance )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera eye position for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* The eye is moved forward by a given distance towards the target
+* point, and the target point is also moved forward so that the
+* distance between eye and target remains unchanged.
+* Parameters:
+* distance
+* The distance to move the eye and target, given as a fraction of
+* the distance between the eye and the target.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+ int i;
+ float e[3], newtarg[3], neweye[3];
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* Get the vector from the eye to the target. */
+ vectorSub( cam->target_vector, cam->eye_vector, e );
+/* Find the new eye and target positions. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
+ neweye[ i ] = cam->eye_vector[ i ] + e[ i ]*distance;
+ newtarg[ i ] = cam->target_vector[ i ] + e[ i ]*distance;
+ }
+/* Modify the camera eye and target vectors, retaining the other camera
+ settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( neweye, newtarg, cam->up_vector,
+ cam->screen_distance );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DFindNearest( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z, int *iclose ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DForward
+* Purpose:
+* Find the closest point to the eye.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DFindNearest( int n, float *x, float *y, float *z, int *iclose )
+* Description:
+* This function checks every supplied point and returns the index of
+* the point that is closest to the eye.
+* Parameters:
+* n
+* The number of points to check.
+* x
+* Pointer to an array of "n" X values.
+* y
+* Pointer to an array of "n" Y values.
+* z
+* Pointer to an array of "n" Z values.
+* iclose
+* Pointer to an int in which to return the index of hte nearest
+* point.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+ int i;
+ float c[3], v[3];
+ float d;
+ float dmin;
+ *iclose = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+ result = 1;
+/* Loop through all the supplied positions. */
+ dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+/* Get the required distance. */
+ v[ 0 ] = x[ i ];
+ v[ 1 ] = y[ i ];
+ v[ 2 ] = z[ i ];
+ vectorSub( v, cam->eye_vector, c );
+ d = vectorModulus( c );
+/* If this is the smallest distance so far, remember it. */
+ if( d < dmin ) {
+ dmin = d;
+ *iclose = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DSetTarget( float target[3] ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DSetTarget
+* Purpose:
+* Store a new camera target position for the current PGPLOT device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DSetTarget( float target[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera target position for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* Parameters:
+* target
+* The position vector of the camera's "target", in 3D world coordinates.
+* Zero is returned if the new target position is the same as the
+* existing camera eye position.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* If so, modify the camera values, using the supplied target position but
+ retaining the other camera settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( cam->eye_vector, target, cam->up_vector,
+ cam->screen_distance );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DSetUp( float up[3] ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DSetUp
+* Purpose:
+* Store a new camera up vector for the current PGPLOT device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DSetUp( float up[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera up vector for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* Parameters:
+* up
+* The new up vector, in 3D world coordinates. Zero is returned if
+* the new up vector is parallel to the line joining the eye and
+* the target positions.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* If so, modify the camera values, using the supplied up vector but
+ retaining the other camera settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( cam->eye_vector, cam->target_vector, up,
+ cam->screen_distance );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DSetScreen( float screen ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DSetScreen
+* Purpose:
+* Store a new camera screen distance for the current PGPLOT device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DSetScreen( float screen )
+* Description:
+* This function modifies the camera screen distance for the current
+* PGPLOT device. Other camera settings are left unchanged. See
+* PG3DSetCamera for more details.
+* Parameters:
+* screen
+* The distance from the camera's eye to the projection screen in
+* 3D world coordinate units. If this is zero, then an orthographic
+* projection is used.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+* - This function can only be called to modify an existing Camera.
+* Consequently it returns zero if a camera has not already been set
+* for the current PGPLOT device by calling PG3DSetCamera.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* If so, modify the camera values, using the supplied screen distance but
+ retaining the other camera settings. */
+ result = PG3DSetCamera( cam->eye_vector, cam->target_vector,
+ cam->up_vector, screen );
+ }
+ return result;
+int PG3DAutoCamera( float lbnd[3], float ubnd[3] ){
+* Name:
+* PG3DAutoCamera
+* Purpose:
+* Set up a default camera to view a given box of 3D world coords.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int PG3DAutoCamera( float lbnd[3], float ubnd[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function sets up the camera and the 2D PGPLOT window for the
+* current device so that it produces a default view of a specified
+* volume of 3D world coordinate space.
+* Parameters:
+* lbnd
+* The lower bounds of the volume of 3D world coordinates that
+* is to be visible using the camera and 2D PGPLOT window.
+* ubnd
+* The upper bounds of the volume of 3D world coordinates that
+* is to be visible using the camera and 2D PGPLOT window.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - Zero is returned if no PGPLOT device has been opened prior to
+* calling this function.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float target[3], eye[3], up[3], screen, dx, dy, dz, hlo, hhi, rlo, rhi;
+ float x[8], y[8], z[8], h[8], r[8];
+ Camera *cam;
+ int result = 0;
+ int i;
+/* Get a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT device.
+ Return without action if no PGPLOT device is open. */
+ cam = getCamera( 0 );
+ if( cam ) {
+/* The target position (i.e. the position towards which the camera is
+ looking) is the middle of the volume. */
+ target[ 0 ] = 0.5*( lbnd[ 0 ] + ubnd[ 0 ] );
+ target[ 1 ] = 0.5*( lbnd[ 1 ] + ubnd[ 1 ] );
+ target[ 2 ] = 0.5*( lbnd[ 2 ] + ubnd[ 2 ] );
+/* The eye is slightly offset from a corner view. */
+ eye[ 0 ] = 0.85*ubnd[ 0 ] + 0.15*lbnd[ 0 ];
+ eye[ 1 ] = 0.75*ubnd[ 1 ] + 0.25*lbnd[ 1 ];
+ eye[ 2 ] = 0.75*ubnd[ 2 ] + 0.25*lbnd[ 2 ];
+/* The eye is seven times the size of the box away from the box centre. */
+ eye[ 0 ] = 7*(eye[ 0 ] - target[ 0 ] ) + target[ 0 ];
+ eye[ 1 ] = 7*(eye[ 1 ] - target[ 1 ] ) + target[ 1 ];
+ eye[ 2 ] = 7*(eye[ 2 ] - target[ 2 ] ) + target[ 2 ];
+/* The up vector is paralle to the Z axis. */
+ up[ 0 ] = 0.0;
+ up[ 1 ] = 0.0;
+ up[ 2 ] = 1.0;
+/* The screen is at the centre of the box. */
+ dx = eye[ 0 ] - target[ 0 ];
+ dy = eye[ 1 ] - target[ 1 ];
+ dz = eye[ 2 ] - target[ 2 ];
+ screen = sqrtf( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz );
+/* Set the camera. */
+ if( PG3DSetCamera( eye, target, up, screen ) ) {
+/* Get the 3D World coords at the corners of the volume. */
+ x[ 0 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 1 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 2 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 3 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 4 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 5 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 6 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
+ x[ 7 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
+ y[ 0 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 1 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 2 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 3 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 4 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 5 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 6 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
+ y[ 7 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
+ z[ 0 ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 1 ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 2 ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 3 ] = lbnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 4 ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 5 ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 6 ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
+ z[ 7 ] = ubnd[ 2 ];
+/* Transform these into screen coordinates. */
+ if( transform( cam, 8, x, y, z, h, r ) ) {
+/* Find the bounds in h and r of the projection of the volume. */
+ hlo = FLT_MAX;
+ hhi = -FLT_MAX;
+ rlo = FLT_MAX;
+ rhi = -FLT_MAX;
+ for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
+ if( h[ i ] < hlo ) hlo = h[ i ];
+ if( h[ i ] > hhi ) hhi = h[ i ];
+ if( r[ i ] < rlo ) rlo = r[ i ];
+ if( r[ i ] > rhi ) rhi = r[ i ];
+ }
+/* Extend these bounds by 5% at each end */
+ dx = 0.05*( hhi - hlo );
+ hhi += dx;
+ hlo -= dx;
+ dy = 0.05*( rhi - rlo );
+ rhi += dy;
+ rlo -= dy;
+/* If the box has non-zero area, set it as the 2D PGPLOT window, and
+ indicate success. */
+ if( rlo < rhi && hlo < hhi ) {
+ ccpgswin( hlo, hhi, rlo, rhi );
+ result = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Private functions for this module */
+/* ================================= */
+static int TextCam( Camera *textcam, float ref[3], float tx[3], float ty[3],
+ float tz[3] ){
+* Name:
+* TextCam
+* Purpose:
+* Create a Camera that converts 3D text plane coordinates into 2D world
+* coordinates.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int TextCam( Camera *textcam, float ref[3], float tx[3], float ty[3],
+* float tz[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function initialises the contents of a supplied Camera
+* structure so that the Camera describes the transformation from 3D
+* "text plane" coordinates to 2D PGPLOT world coordinates. The text
+* plane coordinate system is defined by three vectors along its x, y
+* and z axes, and an origin position.
+* Text plane coordinates describe a plane upon which 2D graphics such
+* as text is drawn. The X axis is parallel to the text base line, the
+* Y axis is the text up vector, and the Z axis is perpendicular to
+* the text, passing from the back of the text to the front of the text.
+* Parameters:
+* textcam
+* The Camera structure which is to be modified.
+* ref
+* The (x,y,z) coordinates at the text plane origin.
+* tx
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* X axis. This is parallel to the text base line.
+* ty
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Y axis. This is parallel to the projectionof ht eup vector on to
+* the text plane.
+* tz
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Z axis. This is perpendicular to the text plane, passing from
+* the back of the text to the front of the text.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ float dx, dy, dz;
+ int i;
+ float a, b, c;
+/* Get the Camera for the current device identifier. Abort if no camera
+ is available. This camera describes the transformation from 3D world
+ coordinates (x,y,z) to 2D world coordinates (screen coordinates) (h,r). */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( !cam ) return 0;
+/* Create a Camera structure that describes the transformation from
+ text plane coordinates to 2D world coords, putting the origin of text
+ plane coordinates at the given reference position. */
+ dx = cam->eye_vector[ 0 ] - ref[ 0 ];
+ dy = cam->eye_vector[ 1 ] - ref[ 1 ];
+ dz = cam->eye_vector[ 2 ] - ref[ 2 ];
+ textcam->eye_vector[ 0 ] = tx[ 0 ]*dx + tx[ 1 ]*dy + tx[ 2 ]*dz;
+ textcam->eye_vector[ 1 ] = ty[ 0 ]*dx + ty[ 1 ]*dy + ty[ 2 ]*dz;
+ textcam->eye_vector[ 2 ] = tz[ 0 ]*dx + tz[ 1 ]*dy + tz[ 2 ]*dz;
+ for( i = 0; i < 8; i += 3 ) {
+ a = cam->w2c_matrix[ i ];
+ b = cam->w2c_matrix[ i + 1 ];
+ c = cam->w2c_matrix[ i + 2 ];
+ textcam->w2c_matrix[ i ] = a*tx[ 0 ] + b*tx[ 1 ] + c*tx[ 2 ];
+ textcam->w2c_matrix[ i + 1 ] = a*ty[ 0 ] + b*ty[ 1 ] + c*ty[ 2 ];
+ textcam->w2c_matrix[ i + 2 ] = a*tz[ 0 ] + b*tz[ 1 ] + c*tz[ 2 ];
+ }
+ textcam->screen_distance = cam->screen_distance;
+ textcam->ok_flag = CAMERA_OK;
+ return 1;
+static int Polygon( int nside, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float ref[3],
+ float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3] ){
+* Name:
+* Polygon
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a regular polygon.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int Polygon( int nside, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float ref[3],
+* float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function draws a polygon centred at a given position on a
+* given plane in 3D world coords, using a specified up-vector. The
+* polygon vertices are specified in text plane coordinates via vx,
+* vy and vz.
+* Parameters:
+* nside
+* Number of sides for the polygon. Numbers higher than 32 are
+* treated as 32.
+* vx
+* Pointer to an array of "nside" text plane X axis values.
+* vy
+* Pointer to an array of "nside" text plane Y axis values.
+* vz
+* Pointer to an array of "nside" text plane Z axis values.
+* ref
+* The (x,y,z) coordinates at the polygon centre.
+* tx
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* X axis. This is parallel to the text base line.
+* ty
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Y axis. This is parallel to the projectionof ht eup vector on to
+* the text plane.
+* tz
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Z axis. This is perpendicular to the text plane, passing from
+* the back of the text to the front of the text.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ Camera newcam;
+ float h[ MXSIDE ], r[ MXSIDE ];
+/* Get the Camera for the current device identifier. Abort if no camera
+ is available. */
+ cam = getCamera( 1 );
+ if( !cam ) return 0;
+/* Check the number of points. */
+ if( nside > MXSIDE) return 0;
+/* Create a Camera structure that describes the transformation from
+ text plane coordinates to 2D world coords, putting the origin of text
+ plane coordinates at the given reference position. */
+ if( !TextCam( &newcam, ref, tx, ty, tz ) ) return 0;
+/* Transform the given text plane coordinates into 2D world coordinates. */
+ if( !transform( &newcam, nside, vx, vy, vz, h, r ) ) return 0;
+/* Draw the polygon. */
+ ccpgpoly( nside, h, r );
+/* If we get here we have succeeded so return a non-zero value. */
+ return 1;
+static int Text( int *list, int nlist, float ref[3], const char *just,
+ float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3] ){
+* Name:
+* Text
+* Purpose:
+* Draw a character string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int Text( int *list, int nlist, float ref[3], const char *just,
+* float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function displays a symbol list at a given position on a given
+* plane in 3D world coords, using a specified justification and up-vector.
+* Parameters:
+* list
+* Pointer to an array of pgplot symbol values.
+* nlist
+* Length of the "list" array.
+* ref
+* The reference (x,y,z) coordinates.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", or 'B' for "bottom", and specifies the
+* vertical location of the reference position. Note, "bottom"
+* corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some characters
+* (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line. The second
+* character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for "centre", or 'R'
+* for "right", and specifies the horizontal location of the
+* reference position. If the string has less than 2 characters
+* then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* tx
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* X axis. This is parallel to the text base line.
+* ty
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Y axis. This is parallel to the projection of the up vector on to
+* the text plane.
+* tz
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Z axis. This is perpendicular to the text plane, passing from
+* the back of the text to the front of the text.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - This routine does not recognise PGPLOT escape sequences.
+* - A NULL value for "just" causes a value of "CC" to be used.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MXLEN 256
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ Camera newcam;
+ float ch;
+ float tm, txc, tyc;
+ float txleft, tybase;
+ float xt[ 150 ], yt[ 150 ], zt[ 150 ], h[ 150 ], r[ 150 ];
+ float xb[3], yb[3], zb[3], bl[3];
+ int clip;
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ int k;
+ int unused;
+ int xygrid[ 300 ];
+/* If there is nothing to plot return without error. */
+ if( nlist == 0 ) return 1;
+/* Find the 3D world coordinates at the left hand end of the text
+ baseline. */
+ if( !TxExt( list, nlist, ref, just, tx, ty, tz, xb, yb, zb, bl ) ) return 0;
+/* Get the Camera for the current device identifier. Abort if no camera
+ is available. */
+ if( ! (cam = getCamera( 1 ) ) ) return 0;
+/* Create a Camera structure that describes the transformation from
+ text plane coordinates to 2D world coords. */
+ if( !TextCam( &newcam, ref, tx, ty, tz ) ) return 0;
+/* Save the current clipping flag, and ensure clipping is off. */
+ ccpgqclp( &clip );
+ ccpgsclp( 0 );
+/* Calculate the text plane X coord of the left hand edge of the first
+ character. */
+ txleft = tx[ 0 ]*( bl[ 0 ] - ref[ 0 ] ) +
+ tx[ 1 ]*( bl[ 1 ] - ref[ 1 ] ) +
+ tx[ 2 ]*( bl[ 2 ] - ref[ 2 ] );
+/* Calculate the text plane Y coord at the text baseline. */
+ tybase = ty[ 0 ]*( bl[ 0 ] - ref[ 0 ] ) +
+ ty[ 1 ]*( bl[ 1 ] - ref[ 1 ] ) +
+ ty[ 2 ]*( bl[ 2 ] - ref[ 2 ] );
+/* Get the character height in world coordinate units. A PGPLOT
+ character height of 1.0 corresponds to 1/40 of the 2D window height. */
+ ch = getCharHeight();
+/* Get the polylines that correspond to the first symbol. */
+ ccgrsyxd( list[ 0 ], xygrid, &unused );
+/* Create a linear transformation that maps the font grid coordinate
+ system used by grsyxd onto text plane coordinates. This transformation
+ will be different for each character in the string. The initial
+ transformation set up now is appropriate for the first character. The
+ mapping is:
+ Text_x = txc + tm*Font_x
+ Text_y = tyc + tm*Font_y
+ tm = ch/( xygrid[ 2 ] - xygrid[ 1 ] );
+ tyc = tybase - tm*xygrid[ 1 ];
+ txc = txleft - tm*xygrid[ 3 ];
+/* Loop round each symbol. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nlist; i++ ) {
+/* Loop round each polyline that forms a segment of the character */
+ k = 5;
+ while( 1 ) {
+/* Map the polyline vertices into text plane coordinates. */
+ j = 0;
+ while( j < 150 ){
+ if( xygrid[ k ] != -64 ) {
+ xt[ j ] = txc + tm*xygrid[ k++ ];
+ yt[ j ] = tyc + tm*xygrid[ k++ ];
+ zt[ j++ ] = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Map the text plane coordinates into 2D world coordinates. */
+ if( j > 0 ) {
+ (void) transform( &newcam, j, xt, yt, zt, h, r );
+/* Draw the polyline. */
+ ccpgline( j, h, r );
+ }
+/* If this is the last segment in the character, pass on to the next
+ character. */
+ if( xygrid[ k + 1 ] == -64 ) break;
+/* Otherwise, skip over the end markers in the xygrid array, and go on to
+ plot the next polyline segment. */
+ k += 2;
+ }
+/* If this is not the last symbol... */
+ if( i != nlist - 1 ) {
+/* Set the text x value at which to place the left edge of the next
+ character. This is the right hand edge of the character just drawn. */
+ txleft += tm*( xygrid[ 4 ] - xygrid[ 3 ] );
+/* Get the polylines that correspond to the next symbol. */
+ ccgrsyxd( list[ i + 1 ], xygrid, &unused );
+/* Modify the transformation from font grid coords to text plane coords
+ so that it is appropriate for the next character in the string. */
+ txc = txleft - tm*xygrid[ 3 ];
+ }
+/* Next symbol. */
+ }
+/* Re-instate original clipping flag. */
+ ccpgsclp( clip );
+/* If we arrive here, we have been successful, so return a non-zero
+ value. */
+ return 1;
+/* Clear local constants. */
+#undef MXLEN
+static int TxExt( int *list, int nlist, float ref[3], const char *just,
+ float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3], float *xb, float *yb,
+ float *zb, float bl[3] ){
+* Name:
+* TxExt
+* Purpose:
+* Get the extent of a character string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int TxExt( int *list, int nlist, float ref[3], const char *just,
+* float tx[3], float ty[3], float tz[3], float *xb, float *yb,
+* float *zb, float bl[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function returns the corners of a box which would enclose the
+* supplied symbol list if it were displayed using Text.
+* The returned box includes any leading or trailing spaces.
+* Parameters:
+* list
+* Pointer to an array of pgplot symbol numbers.
+* nlist
+* The length of the "list" array.
+* ref
+* The reference (x,y,z) coordinates.
+* just
+* A character string which specifies the location within the
+* text string which is to be placed at the reference position
+* given by x and y. The first character may be 'T' for "top",
+* 'C' for "centre", 'B' for "baseline", or "M" for "bottom", and
+* specifies the vertical location of the reference position. Note,
+* "baseline" corresponds to the base-line of normal text. Some
+* characters (eg "y", "g", "p", etc) descend below the base-line,
+* and so "M" and "B" will produce different effects for such
+* characters. The second character may be 'L' for "left", 'C' for
+* "centre", or 'R' for "right", and specifies the horizontal
+* location of the reference position. If the string has less than
+* 2 characters then 'C' is used for the missing characters.
+* tx
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* X axis. This is parallel to the text base line.
+* ty
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Y axis. This is parallel to the projectionof ht eup vector on to
+* the text plane.
+* tz
+* A unit vector (expressed in 3D world coords) along the text plane
+* Z axis. This is perpendicular to the text plane, passing from
+* the back of the text to the front of the text.
+* xb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the x coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* yb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the y coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* zb
+* An array of 4 elements in which to return the z coordinate of
+* each corner of the bounding box.
+* bl
+* The 3D world coordinates at the left hand end of the text
+* baseline.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - The order of the corners is anti-clockwise starting at the
+* bottom left when viewing the text normally (i.e. face on).
+* - This routine does not recognise PGPLOT escape sequences.
+* - A NULL value for "just" causes a value of "CC" to be used.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define MXLEN 256
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float ch;
+ float txlo, txhi, tylo, tyhi, tyzero;
+ float tm;
+ float w;
+ int i;
+ int unused;
+ int xygrid[ 300 ];
+ int gylo, gyhi, width;
+/* Initialise the returned values to indicate no box available. */
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ){
+ xb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ yb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ zb[ i ] = 0.0;
+ }
+/* If there is nothing to plot return without error. */
+ if( nlist == 0 ) return 1;
+/* We now find the bounding box of the text in "text plane coordinates".
+ These are (tx,ty,tz) axes that span the plane upon which the text is
+ writtens. The origin of (tx,ty,tz) is at the supplied 3D reference
+ position, the X axis increases along the text baseline, and Y axis
+ increases along the text up vector, and Z increases from the back
+ of the text to the front of the text (all are measured in 3D world
+ coord units). We first find the bounds of the text in these text plane
+ coordinates, assuming that the bottom left of the text baseline is
+ placed at the given reference position (i.e. at the origiin of text
+ plane coordinates). */
+/* Get the character height in world coordinate units. A PGPLOT
+ character height of 1.0 corresponds to 1/40 of the 2D window height. */
+ ch = getCharHeight();
+/* Initialise the Y bounds of the text bounding box in grid coords. */
+ gylo = INT_MAX;
+ gyhi = -INT_MAX;
+/* Initialise things. */
+ width = 0;
+ tm = 1.0;
+/* Loop round each symbol. */
+ for( i = 0; i < nlist; i++ ) {
+/* Get the polylines that correspond to this symbol. */
+ ccgrsyxd( list[ i ], xygrid, &unused );
+/* If this is the first symbol, set the scaling factor that converts
+ grid units to text plane units. */
+ if( i == 0 ) tm = ch/( xygrid[ 2 ] - xygrid[ 1 ] );
+/* Note the highest and lowest y grid value. */
+ w = xygrid[ 2 ] - xygrid[ 1 ];
+ if( w > gyhi ) gyhi = w;
+ w = xygrid[ 0 ] - xygrid[ 1 ];
+ if( w < gylo ) gylo = w;
+/* Increment the total width of the string in grid units. */
+ width += xygrid[ 4 ] - xygrid[ 3 ];
+ }
+/* Set up the bounding box in text plane coordinates. */
+ txlo = 0.0;
+ txhi = width*tm;
+ tylo = gylo*tm;
+ tyhi = gyhi*tm;
+ tyzero = 0.0;
+/* Adjust the text plane bounding box to take account of the specified
+ text justification. The above process implicitly assumed a
+ justifiation of "BL". */
+ if( !just || just[ 0 ] == 'C' || just[ 0 ] == 0 ){
+ w = 0.5*( tyhi + tylo );
+ tylo -= w;
+ tyhi -= w;
+ tyzero -= w;
+ } else if( just[ 0 ] == 'T' ){
+ w = tyhi;
+ tylo -= w;
+ tyhi -= w;
+ tyzero -= w;
+ } else if( just[ 0 ] == 'M' ){
+ w = -tylo;
+ tylo += w;
+ tyhi += w;
+ tyzero += w;
+ } else if( just[ 0 ] != 'B' ) {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "astG3DTxExt: Justification string '%s' "
+ "is invalid.", just );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( !just || just[ 1 ] == 'C' || just[ 1 ] == 0 ){
+ w = 0.5*( txhi + txlo );
+ txlo -= w;
+ txhi -= w;
+ } else if( just[ 1 ] == 'R' ){
+ w = txhi;
+ txlo -= w;
+ txhi -= w;
+ } else if( just[ 1 ] == 'L' ){
+ w = txlo;
+ txlo -= w;
+ txhi -= w;
+ } else {
+ astError( AST__GRFER, "astG3DTxExt: Justification string '%s' "
+ "is invalid.", just );
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Use the supplied text plane axis vectors to transform the corners of
+ the text plane bounding box into 3D world coordinates. */
+ xb[ 0 ] = tx[ 0 ]*txlo + ty[ 0 ]*tylo + ref[ 0 ];
+ yb[ 0 ] = tx[ 1 ]*txlo + ty[ 1 ]*tylo + ref[ 1 ];
+ zb[ 0 ] = tx[ 2 ]*txlo + ty[ 2 ]*tylo + ref[ 2 ];
+ xb[ 1 ] = tx[ 0 ]*txhi + ty[ 0 ]*tylo + ref[ 0 ];
+ yb[ 1 ] = tx[ 1 ]*txhi + ty[ 1 ]*tylo + ref[ 1 ];
+ zb[ 1 ] = tx[ 2 ]*txhi + ty[ 2 ]*tylo + ref[ 2 ];
+ xb[ 2 ] = tx[ 0 ]*txhi + ty[ 0 ]*tyhi + ref[ 0 ];
+ yb[ 2 ] = tx[ 1 ]*txhi + ty[ 1 ]*tyhi + ref[ 1 ];
+ zb[ 2 ] = tx[ 2 ]*txhi + ty[ 2 ]*tyhi + ref[ 2 ];
+ xb[ 3 ] = tx[ 0 ]*txlo + ty[ 0 ]*tyhi + ref[ 0 ];
+ yb[ 3 ] = tx[ 1 ]*txlo + ty[ 1 ]*tyhi + ref[ 1 ];
+ zb[ 3 ] = tx[ 2 ]*txlo + ty[ 2 ]*tyhi + ref[ 2 ];
+/* Also transform the text plane coordinates at the bottom left of the
+ text baseline into 3D world coordinates. */
+ bl[ 0 ] = tx[ 0 ]*txlo + ty[ 0 ]*tyzero + ref[ 0 ];
+ bl[ 1 ] = tx[ 1 ]*txlo + ty[ 1 ]*tyzero + ref[ 1 ];
+ bl[ 2 ] = tx[ 2 ]*txlo + ty[ 2 ]*tyzero + ref[ 2 ];
+/* If we get here, we have been succesful, so return a non-zero value. */
+ return 1;
+/* Clear local constants. */
+#undef MXLEN
+static float getCharHeight( void ){
+* Name:
+* getCharHeight
+* Purpose:
+* Get the current text height setting.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* float getCharHeight( void )
+* Description:
+* This function returns the PGPLOT character height, scaled into
+* world coordinate units.
+* Returned Value:
+* The character height, in world coordinate units.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float wx1, wx2, wy1, wy2;
+ float ch;
+/* Get the bounds of the PGPLTO 2D window. */
+ ccpgqwin( &wx1, &wx2, &wy1, &wy2 );
+/* Get the normalised PGPLOT character height. */
+ ccpgqch( &ch );
+/* A PGPLOT character height of 1.0 corresponds to 1/40 of the 2D window
+ height. Scale the normalised character height into world coordinate
+ units, and return it. */
+ return ch*fabs( wy1 - wy2 )/40.0;
+static int getTextAxes( float ref[3], float up[3], float norm[3],
+ const char *just, float tx[3], float ty[3],
+ float tz[3], char newjust[3] ){
+* Name:
+* getTextAxes
+* Purpose:
+* Get unit vectors along the text plane coordinate axes.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int getTextAxes( float ref[3], float up[3], float norm[3],
+* const char *just, float tx[3], float ty[3],
+* float tz[3], char newjust[3] )
+* Description:
+* This function returns three unit vectors that define the axes of a
+* 3D Cartesian coordinate system known as "text plane coordinates".
+* These axes span the plane upon which text (or other graphics) is to
+* be written. The origin is at the supplied 3D reference position, the
+* X axis increases along the text baseline, and Y axis increases along
+* the text up vector, and Z increases from the back of the text to the
+* front of the text (all are measured in 3D world coord units).
+* The returned vectors are reversed if this will result in text
+* appearing more "normal" (i.e. viewed from the front rather than
+* the back, and viewed upright rather thna upside down). If the
+* vectors are reversed, the justification string is also changed so
+* that the text occupies the requested area on the screen.
+* Parameters:
+* ref
+* The reference (x,y,z) coordinates.
+* up
+* The (x,y,z) up-vector for the text. The actual up vector used is
+* the projection of the supplied vector onto the plane specified by
+* "norm".
+* norm
+* The (x,y,z) components of a vector that is normal to the plane
+* containing the text. The given vector passes through the text
+* from the back to the front. If all components of this vector are
+* zero, then a normal vector pointing towards the camera eye is used.
+* just
+* The requested text justification, as supplied to astG3DText.
+* tx
+* A unit vector along the text plane X axis.
+* ty
+* A unit vector along the text plane X axis.
+* tz
+* A unit vector along the text plane X axis.
+* newjust
+* The text justification to use.
+* Returned Value:
+* A value of 0 is returned if an error occurs, and 1 is returned
+* otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ Camera *cam;
+ float eye[3];
+/* Initialise the returned justification to equal the supplied
+ justification, supplying defaults if required. . */
+ if( just ) {
+ strncpy( newjust, just, 2 );
+ if( !newjust[ 0 ] ) newjust[ 0 ] = 'C';
+ if( !newjust[ 1 ] ) newjust[ 1 ] = 'C';
+ newjust[ 2 ] = 0;
+ } else {
+ strcpy( newjust, "CC" );
+ }
+/* Get the Camera for the current device identifier. Abort if no camera
+ is available. */
+ if( !( cam = getCamera( 1 ) ) ) return 0;
+/* Calculate the vector from the reference position to the eye, and store
+ it in "eye". */
+ vectorSub( cam->eye_vector, ref, eye );
+/* Create unit vectors along the three axes of the text plane coordinate
+ system. These unit vectors are represented in terms of the 3D world
+ coordinate axes. The text Z axis is parallel to the supplied "norm"
+ vector. */
+ tz[ 0 ] = norm[ 0 ];
+ tz[ 1 ] = norm[ 1 ];
+ tz[ 2 ] = norm[ 2 ];
+/* Attempt to normalise the "tz" vector. If it has zero length, use the
+ offset from the reference point to the eye. */
+ if( ! vectorNorm( tz ) ){
+/* Use the "eye" vector calculated above as the text plane Z axis. */
+ tz[ 0 ] = eye[ 0 ];
+ tz[ 1 ] = eye[ 1 ];
+ tz[ 2 ] = eye[ 2 ];
+ }
+/* Find vectors along the text plane x and y axes. */
+ vectorProduct( up, tz, tx );
+ vectorProduct( tz, tx, ty );
+/* Normalise the three text plane axis vectors. If any vector has zero
+ length, abort. */
+ if( !vectorNorm( tx ) || !vectorNorm( ty ) || !vectorNorm( tz ) ) return 0;
+/* We now reverse text plane vectors if this will help ther text to be
+ viewed "normally" on the screen. If the existing vectors cause the
+ text to be viewed from the back rather than the front, reverse the tx
+ and tz vectors so that he text is viewed from the front. */
+ if( dotProduct( tz, eye ) < 0.0 ) {
+ tz[ 0 ] = -tz[ 0 ];
+ tz[ 1 ] = -tz[ 1 ];
+ tz[ 2 ] = -tz[ 2 ];
+ tx[ 0 ] = -tx[ 0 ];
+ tx[ 1 ] = -tx[ 1 ];
+ tx[ 2 ] = -tx[ 2 ];
+/* The text will have spun around the up vector (i.e. the ty axis), so
+ modify the horizontal justification so that thex text occupies the same
+ area on the screen. */
+ if( newjust[ 1 ] == 'L' ) {
+ newjust[ 1 ] = 'R';
+ } else if( newjust[ 1 ] == 'R' ) {
+ newjust[ 1 ] = 'L';
+ }
+ }
+/* If the existing vectors cause the text to be viewed upside down, reverse
+ the tx and ty vectors so that he text is viewed right way up. */
+ if( dotProduct( ty, cam->up_vector ) < 0.0 ) {
+ ty[ 0 ] = -ty[ 0 ];
+ ty[ 1 ] = -ty[ 1 ];
+ ty[ 2 ] = -ty[ 2 ];
+ tx[ 0 ] = -tx[ 0 ];
+ tx[ 1 ] = -tx[ 1 ];
+ tx[ 2 ] = -tx[ 2 ];
+/* The text will have spun around the tz vector (i.e. the viewing vector),
+ so modify both vertical and horizontal justification so that the text
+ occupies the same area on the screen. */
+ if( newjust[ 0 ] == 'B' || newjust[ 0 ] == 'M' ) {
+ newjust[ 0 ] = 'T';
+ } else if( newjust[ 0 ] == 'T' ) {
+ newjust[ 0 ] = 'M';
+ }
+ if( newjust[ 1 ] == 'L' ) {
+ newjust[ 1 ] = 'R';
+ } else if( newjust[ 1 ] == 'R' ) {
+ newjust[ 1 ] = 'L';
+ }
+ }
+/* If we arraive here we have been succesful, so return a non-zero value. */
+ return 1;
+static void getSymbolList( const char *text, int mxlen, int *nlist, int *list ){
+* Name:
+* getSymbolList
+* Purpose:
+* Get the extent of a character string.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* void getSymbolList( const char *text, int mxlen, int *nlist, int *list )
+* Description:
+* This function converts a supplied text string into a list of PGPLOT
+* symbol numbers for the current PGPLOT font.
+* Parameters:
+* text
+* Pointer to a null-terminated character string.
+* mxlen
+* The length of the "list" array.
+* nlist
+* Pointer to an integer in which to place the number of symbol
+* values stored in the "list" array. This will be returned equal
+* to zero if there are no non-blank characters in the supplied
+* string. If there is one or more non-blank characters in "text",
+* then the returned list will include any trailing spaces.
+* list
+* Pointer to an array in which to return the symbol numbers. The
+* array should be at least "mxlen" elements long.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int font;
+ int tlen;
+/* Assume we have no symbols. */
+ *nlist = 0;
+/* Check there is something to plot. */
+ if( astChrLen( text ) > 0 ) {
+/* Find the length of text that can be displayed. */
+ tlen = strlen( text );
+ if( tlen > mxlen ) tlen = mxlen;
+/* Get the current PGPLOT font. */
+ ccpgqcf( &font );
+/* Convert the supplied string into a list of symbol numbers */
+ ccgrsyds( list, nlist, text, tlen, font );
+ }
+static Camera *getCamera( int check ){
+* Name:
+* getCamera
+* Purpose:
+* Return a pointer to the Camera structure for the current PGPLOT
+* device.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* Camera getCamera( int check )
+* Description:
+* This function returns a pointer to a static structure that defines the
+* position and orientation of the camera in 3D world coords. It can
+* be used to transform positions from 3D world coordinates (x,y,z) to
+* 2D screen coordinates (h,r).
+* Parameters:
+* check
+* If non-zero, a check will be made that the Camera has been
+* initialised, and NULL will be returned if the Camera has not
+* been initialsied. If "check" is zero, a pointer to the Camera
+* is returned even if it has not been initialised.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to the Camera, or NULL if an error occurs.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int id;
+ Camera *cam = NULL;
+/* Get the pgplot current device identifier. Return NULL if no device is
+ currently open. */
+ ccpgqid( &id );
+ if( id > 0 && id <= MXDEV ) {
+/* Get a pointer to the required Camera structure. */
+ cam = cameras + id - 1;
+/* If required, check that the structure has been initialised. */
+ if( check && cam->ok_flag != CAMERA_OK ) cam = NULL;
+ }
+ return cam;
+static int transform( Camera *cam, int n, float *x, float *y, float *z,
+ float *h, float *r ){
+* Name:
+* transform
+* Purpose:
+* Transform positions from 3D world coords to 2D screen cooords.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "grf3d.h"
+* int transform( Camera *cam, int n, float *x, float *y, float *z,
+* float *h, float *r )
+* Description:
+* This function transforms a set of positions from 3D world
+* coordinates (x,y,z) to 2D screen coordinates (h,r), using the
+* supplied camera.
+* Parameters:
+* cam
+* Pointer to a structure descibing the projection from 3D world
+* coords to 2D screen coords. If NULL, the camera for the current
+* PGPLOT device is used.
+* n
+* The number of positions to transform.
+* x
+* An array of "n" values for the "x" axis of the 3D world
+* coordinate system.
+* y
+* An array of "n" values for the "y" axis of the 3D world
+* coordinate system.
+* z
+* An array of "n" values for the "z" axis of the 3D world
+* coordinate system.
+* h
+* An array to receive the "n" values for the "h" axis of the 2D
+* screen coordinate system.
+* r
+* An array to receive the "n" values for the "r" axis of the 2D
+* screen coordinate system.
+* Returned Value:
+* Zero if an error occurs. One otherwise.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ float dx, dy, dz, u, v, w, f;
+ int i;
+ int result = 0;
+/* If no camera was supplied use the camera for the current PGPLOT
+ device. */
+ if( ! cam ) cam = getCamera( 0 );
+/* Check we now have a usable camera */
+ if( cam && cam->ok_flag == CAMERA_OK ) {
+ result = 1;
+/* Loop round each position. */
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+/* Offset from supplied position to the camera eye. */
+ dx = x[ i ] - (cam->eye_vector)[ 0 ];
+ dy = y[ i ] - (cam->eye_vector)[ 1 ];
+ dz = z[ i ] - (cam->eye_vector)[ 2 ];
+/* Get the representation of this vector in the (u,v,w) system. */
+ u = (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 0 ]*dx +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 1 ]*dy +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 2 ]*dz;
+ v = (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 3 ]*dx +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 4 ]*dy +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 5 ]*dz;
+ w = (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 6 ]*dx +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 7 ]*dy +
+ (cam->w2c_matrix)[ 8 ]*dz;
+/* Find the screen coords, using either a tangent plane or an
+ orothograhic projection. */
+ if( cam->screen_distance != 0.0 ) {
+ if( w != 0.0 ) {
+ f = cam->screen_distance/w;
+ h[ i ] = -f*u;
+ r[ i ] = f*v;
+ } else {
+ h[ i ] = FLT_MAX;
+ r[ i ] = FLT_MAX;
+ }
+ } else {
+ h[ i ] = -u;
+ r[ i ] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Dot product of a pair of 3-vectors "a" and "b". */
+static float dotProduct( float *a, float *b ){
+ return a[ 0 ]*b[ 0 ] + a[ 1 ]*b[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ]*b[ 2 ];
+/* Vector product of a pair of 3-vectors "a" and "b". */
+static void vectorProduct( float *a, float *b, float *c ){
+ c[ 0 ] = a[ 1 ]*b[ 2 ] - a[ 2 ]*b[ 1 ];
+ c[ 1 ] = a[ 2 ]*b[ 0 ] - a[ 0 ]*b[ 2 ];
+ c[ 2 ] = a[ 0 ]*b[ 1 ] - a[ 1 ]*b[ 0 ];
+/* Vector from "b" to "a" (i.e. a minus b) . */
+static void vectorSub( float *a, float *b, float *c ){
+ c[ 0 ] = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ];
+ c[ 1 ] = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ];
+ c[ 2 ] = a[ 2 ] - b[ 2 ];
+/* Normalises a vector to a unit length. Returns zero if the vector has
+ zero length, and 1 otherwise. */
+static int vectorNorm( float *a ){
+ float d;
+ d = vectorModulus( a );
+ if( d > 0.0 ) {
+ a[ 0 ] /= d;
+ a[ 1 ] /= d;
+ a[ 2 ] /= d;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Return the length of a vector. */
+static float vectorModulus( float *a ){
+ return sqrtf( a[ 0 ]*a[ 0 ] + a[ 1 ]*a[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ]*a[ 2 ] );
+/* PGPLOT interface functions */
+/* ========================== */
+static void ccpgqclp(int *clip){
+ F77_CALL(pgqclp)( INTEGER_ARG(&CLIP) );
+ *clip = (int) CLIP;
+static void ccpgsclp(int clip){
+ CLIP = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) clip;
+ F77_CALL(pgsclp)( INTEGER_ARG(&CLIP) );
+static void ccpgqid(int *id){
+ F77_CALL(pgqid)( INTEGER_ARG(&ID) );
+ *id = (int) ID;
+static void ccpgswin(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2){
+ X1 = x1;
+ X2 = x2;
+ Y1 = y1;
+ Y2 = y2;
+ F77_CALL(pgswin)( REAL_ARG(&X1), REAL_ARG(&X2), REAL_ARG(&Y1),
+ REAL_ARG(&Y2) );
+static void ccpgline(int n, float xpts[], float ypts[] ){
+ int i;
+ XX = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astMalloc( sizeof( F77_REAL_TYPE )*(size_t) n );
+ YY = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astMalloc( sizeof( F77_REAL_TYPE )*(size_t) n );
+ if( astOK ){
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
+ XX[ i ] = (F77_REAL_TYPE) xpts[ i ];
+ YY[ i ] = (F77_REAL_TYPE) ypts[ i ];
+ }
+ N = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) n;
+ XX = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astFree( (void *) XX );
+ YY = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astFree( (void *) YY );
+ }
+static void ccpgpoly(int n, float xpts[], float ypts[] ){
+ int i;
+ XX = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astMalloc( sizeof( F77_REAL_TYPE )*(size_t) n );
+ YY = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astMalloc( sizeof( F77_REAL_TYPE )*(size_t) n );
+ if( astOK ){
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
+ XX[ i ] = (F77_REAL_TYPE) xpts[ i ];
+ YY[ i ] = (F77_REAL_TYPE) ypts[ i ];
+ }
+ N = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) n;
+ XX = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astFree( (void *) XX );
+ YY = (F77_REAL_TYPE *) astFree( (void *) YY );
+ }
+static void ccpgqwin(float *x1, float *x2, float *y1, float *y2){
+ F77_CALL(pgqwin)( REAL_ARG(&X1), REAL_ARG(&X2), REAL_ARG(&Y1),
+ REAL_ARG(&Y2) );
+ *x1 = (float) X1;
+ *x2 = (float) X2;
+ *y1 = (float) Y1;
+ *y2 = (float) Y2;
+static void ccpgqch(float *ch){
+ F77_CALL(pgqch)( REAL_ARG(&CH) );
+ *ch = (float) CH;
+static void ccpgqcf(int *cf){
+ F77_CALL(pgqcf)( INTEGER_ARG(&CF) );
+ *cf = (int) CF;
+static void ccgrsyds( int *list, int *nlist, const char *text, int tlen,
+ int font ){
+ int ftext_length;
+ int i;
+ ftext_length = tlen;
+ if( ftext_length > LTEXT_length ) ftext_length = LTEXT_length;
+ astStringExport( text, LTEXT, ftext_length );
+ LIST = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE *) astMalloc( sizeof( F77_INTEGER_TYPE )*(size_t) ftext_length );
+ if( astOK ){
+ FONT = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) font;
+ TRAIL_ARG(ftext) );
+ *nlist = (int) NLIST;
+ for( i = 0; i < ftext_length; i++ ){
+ list[ i ] = (int) LIST[ i ];
+ }
+ LIST = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE *) astFree( (void *) LIST );
+ }
+static void ccgrsymk( int type, int font, int *symbol ){
+ TYPE = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) type;
+ FONT = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) font;
+ *symbol = (int) SYMBOL;
+static void ccgrsyxd( int symbol, int *xygrid, int *unused ){
+ int i;
+ SYMBOL = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) symbol;
+ *unused = ( UNUSED == F77_TRUE );
+ for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) xygrid[ i ] = (int) XYGRID[ i ];
+ for( ; i < 300; i++ ){
+ xygrid[ i ] = (int) XYGRID[ i ];
+ i++;
+ if( ( xygrid[ i ] = (int) XYGRID[ i ] ) == -64 ) break;
+ }
+static void ccpgupdt( void ){
+ F77_CALL(pgupdt)();
+static void ccpgqci(int *ci){
+ F77_CALL(pgqci)( INTEGER_ARG(&CI) );
+ *ci = (int) CI;
+static void ccpgqls(int *ls){
+ F77_CALL(pgqls)( INTEGER_ARG(&LS) );
+ *ls = (int) LS;
+static void ccpgqlw(int *lw){
+ F77_CALL(pgqlw)( INTEGER_ARG(&LW) );
+ *lw = (int) LW;
+static void ccpgscf(int cf){
+ CF = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) cf;
+ F77_CALL(pgscf)( INTEGER_ARG(&CF) );
+static void ccpgsch(float ch){
+ CH = (F77_REAL_TYPE) ch;
+ F77_CALL(pgsch)( REAL_ARG(&CH) );
+static void ccpgsci(int ci){
+ CI = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) ci;
+ F77_CALL(pgsci)( INTEGER_ARG(&ci) );
+static void ccpgsls(int ls){
+ LS = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) ls;
+ F77_CALL(pgsls)( INTEGER_ARG(&LS) );
+static void ccpgslw(int lw){
+ LW = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) lw;
+ F77_CALL(pgslw)( INTEGER_ARG(&LW) );
+static void ccpgqvsz(int units, float *x1, float *x2, float *y1, float *y2){
+ UNITS = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) units;
+ REAL_ARG(&Y1), REAL_ARG(&Y2) );
+ *x1 = (float) X1;
+ *x2 = (float) X2;
+ *y1 = (float) Y1;
+ *y2 = (float) Y2;
+/* Fortran interfaces for public functions in this module. */
+/* ======================================================= */
+F77_LOGICAL_FUNCTION(pg3d_findnearest)( INTEGER(N),
+ return PG3DFindNearest( *N, X, Y, Z, ICLOSE ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DSetCamera( EYE, TARGET, UP, *SCREEN ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DAutoCamera( LBND, UBND ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DSetEye( EYE ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DSetUp( UP ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DRotateEye( *DIR, *ANGLE ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return PG3DForward( *DISTANCE ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return astG3DMark( *N, X, Y, Z, *TYPE, NORM ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ return astG3DLine( *N, X, Y, Z ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
+ char *text, *just, *p;
+ text = astString( TEXT, TEXT_length );
+ just = astString( JUST, JUST_length );
+/* Ignore trailing spaces in the text */
+ p = text + TEXT_length;
+ while( !*p || *p == ' ' ) *(p--) = 0;
+ if( astOK ) {
+ RESULT = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) astG3DText( text, REF, just, UP, NORM );
+ } else {
+ RESULT = 0;
+ }
+ (void) astFree( text );
+ (void) astFree( just );
+ return RESULT;
+ char *text, *just, *p;
+ text = astString( TEXT, TEXT_length );
+ just = astString( JUST, JUST_length );
+/* Ignore trailing spaces in the text */
+ p = text + TEXT_length;
+ while( !*p || *p == ' ' ) *(p--) = 0;
+ if( astOK ) {
+ RESULT = (F77_INTEGER_TYPE) astG3DTxExt( text, REF, just, UP, NORM,
+ XB, YB, ZB, BL );
+ } else {
+ RESULT = 0;
+ }
+ (void) astFree( text );
+ (void) astFree( just );
+ return RESULT;