path: root/ast/timemap.c
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1 files changed, 5330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/timemap.c b/ast/timemap.c
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index 0000000..7eef60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/timemap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5330 @@
+* Name:
+* TimeMap
+* Purpose:
+* Sequence of time coordinate conversions.
+* Constructor Function:
+c astTimeMap (also see astTimeAdd)
+* Description:
+* A TimeMap is a specialised form of 1-dimensional Mapping which can be
+* used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard time
+* coordinate systems.
+* When a TimeMap is first created, it simply performs a unit
+c (null) Mapping. Using the astTimeAdd
+f (null) Mapping. Using the AST_TIMEADD
+c function, a series of coordinate conversion steps may then be
+f routine, a series of coordinate conversion steps may then be
+* added. This allows multi-step conversions between a variety of
+* time coordinate systems to be assembled out of a set of building
+* blocks.
+* For details of the individual coordinate conversions available,
+c see the description of the astTimeAdd function.
+f see the description of the AST_TIMEADD routine.
+* Inheritance:
+* The TimeMap class inherits from the Mapping class.
+* Attributes:
+* The TimeMap class does not define any new attributes beyond those
+* which are applicable to all Mappings.
+* Functions:
+c In addition to those functions applicable to all Mappings, the
+c following function may also be applied to all TimeMaps:
+f In addition to those routines applicable to all Mappings, the
+f following routine may also be applied to all TimeMaps:
+c - astTimeAdd: Add a time coordinate conversion to an TimeMap
+f - AST_TIMEADD: Add a time coordinate conversion to an TimeMap
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
+* Research Councils
+* Copyright (C) 2009 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
+* All Rights Reserved.
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* NG: Norman Gray (Starlink)
+* DSB: David Berry (Starlink)
+* History:
+* 5-Sep-2003 (NG):
+* Original version (drawing heavily on specmap.c)
+* 25-MAY-2005 (DSB):
+* Extensive modifications to make it more AST-like.
+* 10-AUG-2005 (DSB):
+* Add 2006 leap second.
+* 14-FEB-2006 (DSB):
+* Override astGetObjSize.
+* 10-MAY-2006 (DSB):
+* Override astEqual.
+* 15-OCT-2006 (DSB):
+* Add conversions between UT1 and UTC (UTTOUTC and UTCTOUT).
+* 3-APR-2008 (DSB):
+* Only call memcpy if the source and destination pointers are
+* different.
+* 15-APR-2008 (DSB):
+* Add missing "break;" statement to "case AST__LMSTTOGMST:"
+* in Transform.
+* 20-MAY-2008 (DSB):
+* Add conversions between Local Time and UTC (LTTOUTC and UTCTOLT).
+* 18-JUN-2009 (DSB):
+* Add OBSALT to argument list for TTTOTDB and TDBTOTT. Change
+* CLOCKLAT/LON to OBSLAT/LON for consistency with other classes.
+* 1-SEP-2016 (DSB):
+* Add 2017 January 1 leap second.
+* 11-NOV-2016 (DSB):
+* Add argument "narg" to astTimeAdd method.
+* 5-APR-2017 (GSB):
+* Add DTAI argument for TAITOUTC and UTCTOTAI.
+* 28-APR-2017 (DSB):
+* - Fix bug in MapMerge that prevented adjacent TAITOUTC and UTCTOTAI
+* conversions cancelling out.
+* - Add DTAI argument for TTTOTDB and TDBTOTT.
+/* Module Macros. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
+ the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
+ "protected" symbols available. */
+#define astCLASS TimeMap
+/* Codes to identify time coordinate conversions. */
+#define AST__TIME_NULL 0 /* Null value */
+#define AST__MJDTOMJD 1 /* MJD to MJD */
+#define AST__MJDTOJD 2 /* MJD to JD */
+#define AST__JDTOMJD 3 /* JD to MJD */
+#define AST__MJDTOBEP 4 /* MJD to Besselian epoch */
+#define AST__BEPTOMJD 5 /* Besselian epoch to MJD */
+#define AST__MJDTOJEP 6 /* MJD to Julian epoch */
+#define AST__JEPTOMJD 7 /* Julian epoch to MJD */
+#define AST__TAITOUTC 8 /* TAI to UTC */
+#define AST__UTCTOTAI 9 /* UTC to TAI */
+#define AST__TTTOTAI 10 /* TT to TAI */
+#define AST__TAITOTT 11 /* TAI to TT */
+#define AST__TDBTOTT 12 /* TDB to TT */
+#define AST__TTTOTDB 13 /* TT to TDB */
+#define AST__TCGTOTT 14 /* TCG to TT */
+#define AST__TTTOTCG 15 /* TT to TCG */
+#define AST__TCBTOTDB 16 /* TCB to TDB */
+#define AST__TDBTOTCB 17 /* TDB to TCB */
+#define AST__UTTOGMST 18 /* UT to GMST */
+#define AST__GMSTTOUT 19 /* GMST to UT1 */
+#define AST__GMSTTOLMST 20 /* GMST to LMST */
+#define AST__LMSTTOGMST 21 /* LMST to GMST */
+#define AST__LASTTOLMST 22 /* LAST to LMST */
+#define AST__LMSTTOLAST 23 /* LMST to LAST */
+#define AST__UTTOUTC 24 /* UT1 to UTC */
+#define AST__UTCTOUT 25 /* UTC to UT1 */
+#define AST__LTTOUTC 26 /* Local Time to UTC */
+#define AST__UTCTOLT 27 /* UTC to Local Time */
+/* Maximum number of arguments required by a conversion. */
+#define MAX_ARGS 7
+/* The alphabet (used for generating keywords for arguments). */
+#define ALPHABET "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+/* Angle conversion */
+#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
+#define D2PI (2*PI)
+#define PIBY2 (PI/2.0)
+#define D2R (PI/180.0)
+#define R2D (180.0/PI)
+/* Other constants */
+#define SPD 86400
+#define LG 6.969290134E-10
+#define LB 1.55051976772E-8
+#define P0 6.55E-5
+#define TTOFF 32.184
+/* Include files. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Interface definitions. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+#include "pal.h" /* SLALIB interface */
+#include "slamap.h" /* Spatial sla mappings */
+#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
+#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
+#include "memory.h" /* Memory allocation facilities */
+#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
+#include "pointset.h" /* Sets of points/coordinates */
+#include "mapping.h" /* Coordinate Mappings (parent class) */
+#include "unitmap.h" /* Unit (null) Mappings */
+#include "timemap.h" /* Interface definition for this class */
+/* Error code definitions. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
+/* C header files. */
+/* --------------- */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+/* Module Variables. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
+ member of this class. */
+static int class_check;
+/* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
+static int (* parent_getobjsize)( AstObject *, int * );
+static AstPointSet *(* parent_transform)( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
+static double (* parent_rate)( AstMapping *, double *, int, int, int * );
+/* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
+#define GLOBAL_inits \
+ globals->Class_Init = 0;
+/* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
+/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
+#define class_init astGLOBAL(TimeMap,Class_Init)
+#define class_vtab astGLOBAL(TimeMap,Class_Vtab)
+#include <pthread.h>
+/* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
+ as static variables. */
+static AstTimeMapVtab class_vtab; /* Virtual function table */
+static int class_init = 0; /* Virtual function table initialised? */
+/* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
+/* ======================================= */
+/* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
+ protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
+ within this module. */
+AstTimeMap *astTimeMapId_( int, const char *, ... );
+/* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
+/* ======================================== */
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
+static const char *CvtString( int, const char **, int *, int *, const char *[ MAX_ARGS ], int **order, int * );
+static double Gmsta( double, double, int, int * );
+static double Rate( AstMapping *, double *, int, int, int * );
+static double Rcc( double, double, double, double, double, int * );
+static int Equal( AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static int CvtCode( const char *, int * );
+static int MapMerge( AstMapping *, int, int, int *, AstMapping ***, int **, int * );
+static void AddArgs( int, double *, int * );
+static void AddTimeCvt( AstTimeMap *, int, int, const double *, int * );
+static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
+static void Delete( AstObject *, int * );
+static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
+static void TimeAdd( AstTimeMap *, const char *, int, const double[], int * );
+static int GetObjSize( AstObject *, int * );
+/* Member functions. */
+/* ================= */
+static int Equal( AstObject *this_object, AstObject *that_object, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Equal
+* Purpose:
+* Test if two TimeMaps are equivalent.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* int Equal( AstObject *this, AstObject *that, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function (over-rides the astEqual protected
+* method inherited from the astMapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
+* two TimeMaps are equivalent.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the first Object (a TimeMap).
+* that
+* Pointer to the second Object.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* One if the TimeMaps are equivalent, zero otherwise.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *that;
+ AstTimeMap *this;
+ const char *argdesc[ MAX_ARGS ];
+ const char *comment;
+ int i, j;
+ int nargs;
+ int nin;
+ int nout;
+ int result;
+ int szargs;
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain pointers to the two TimeMap structures. */
+ this = (AstTimeMap *) this_object;
+ that = (AstTimeMap *) that_object;
+/* Check the second object is a TimeMap. We know the first is a
+ TimeMap since we have arrived at this implementation of the virtual
+ function. */
+ if( astIsATimeMap( that ) ) {
+/* Get the number of inputs and outputs and check they are the same for both. */
+ nin = astGetNin( this );
+ nout = astGetNout( this );
+ if( astGetNin( that ) == nin && astGetNout( that ) == nout ) {
+/* If the Invert flags for the two TimeMaps differ, it may still be possible
+ for them to be equivalent. First compare the TimeMaps if their Invert
+ flags are the same. In this case all the attributes of the two TimeMaps
+ must be identical. */
+ if( astGetInvert( this ) == astGetInvert( that ) ) {
+ if( this->ncvt == that->ncvt ) {
+ result = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < this->ncvt && result; i++ ) {
+ if( this->cvttype[ i ] != that->cvttype[ i ] ) {
+ result = 0;
+ } else {
+ CvtString( this->cvttype[ i ], &comment, &nargs,
+ &szargs, argdesc, NULL, status );
+ for( j = 0; j < nargs; j++ ) {
+ if( !astEQUAL( this->cvtargs[ i ][ j ],
+ that->cvtargs[ i ][ j ] ) ){
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If the Invert flags for the two TimeMaps differ, the attributes of the two
+ TimeMaps must be inversely related to each other. */
+ } else {
+/* In the specific case of a TimeMap, Invert flags must be equal. */
+ result = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static int GetObjSize( AstObject *this_object, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* GetObjSize
+* Purpose:
+* Return the in-memory size of an Object.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* int GetObjSize( AstObject *this, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function (over-rides the astGetObjSize protected
+* method inherited from the parent class).
+* Description:
+* This function returns the in-memory size of the supplied TimeMap,
+* in bytes.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the TimeMap.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The Object size, in bytes.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *this; /* Pointer to TimeMap structure */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+ int cvt; /* Loop counter for coordinate conversions */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = 0;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Obtain a pointers to the TimeMap structure. */
+ this = (AstTimeMap *) this_object;
+/* Invoke the GetObjSize method inherited from the parent class, and then
+ add on any components of the class structure defined by thsi class
+ which are stored in dynamically allocated memory. */
+ result = (*parent_getobjsize)( this_object, status );
+ for ( cvt = 0; cvt < this->ncvt; cvt++ ) {
+ result += astTSizeOf( this->cvtargs[ cvt ] );
+ }
+ result += astTSizeOf( this->cvtargs );
+ result += astTSizeOf( this->cvttype );
+/* If an error occurred, clear the result value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = 0;
+/* Return the result, */
+ return result;
+static void AddArgs( int cvttype, double *cvtargs, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* AddArgs
+* Purpose:
+* Set values for addition conversion arguments.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* void AddArgs( int cvttype, double *cvtargs, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function stores value for additional conversion arguments,
+* based on the values supplied for the user arguments.
+* Parameters:
+* cvttype
+* The conversion type.
+* cvtargs
+* The arguments for the conversion.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double r; /* Distance from Earth axis (AU) */
+ double z; /* Distance from plane of Earth equator (AU) */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Test for each valid code value in turn and assign the appropriate
+ extra values. */
+ switch ( cvttype ) {
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = cvtargs[ 0 ] - cvtargs[ 1 ];
+ break;
+ case AST__MJDTOJD:
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = cvtargs[ 0 ] - cvtargs[ 1 ] + 2400000.5;
+ break;
+ case AST__JDTOMJD:
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = cvtargs[ 0 ] - cvtargs[ 1 ] - 2400000.5;
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = palEpb( cvtargs[ 0 ] ) - palEpb( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 1 ];
+ cvtargs[ 3 ] = palEpb2d( cvtargs[ 1 ] ) - palEpb2d( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 0 ];
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = palEpb2d( cvtargs[ 0 ] ) - palEpb2d( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 1 ];
+ cvtargs[ 3 ] = palEpb( cvtargs[ 1 ] ) - palEpb( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 0 ];
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = palEpj( cvtargs[ 0 ] ) - palEpj( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 1 ];
+ cvtargs[ 3 ] = palEpj2d( cvtargs[ 1 ] ) - palEpj2d( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 0 ];
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 2 ] = palEpj2d( cvtargs[ 0 ] ) - palEpj2d( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 1 ];
+ cvtargs[ 3 ] = palEpj( cvtargs[ 1 ] ) - palEpj( 0.0 ) - cvtargs[ 0 ];
+ break;
+ case AST__TTTOTDB:
+ palGeoc( cvtargs[ 2 ], cvtargs[ 3 ], &r, &z );
+ cvtargs[ 5 ] = 0.001*r*AST__AU;
+ cvtargs[ 6 ] = 0.001*z*AST__AU;
+ break;
+ case AST__TDBTOTT:
+ palGeoc( cvtargs[ 2 ], cvtargs[ 3 ], &r, &z );
+ cvtargs[ 5 ] = 0.001*r*AST__AU;
+ cvtargs[ 6 ] = 0.001*z*AST__AU;
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 1 ] = LB*( cvtargs[ 0 ] - (TTOFF/SPD)
+ - 43144.0 ) + P0/SPD;
+ break;
+ cvtargs[ 1 ] = LB*( cvtargs[ 0 ] - (TTOFF/SPD)
+ - 43144.0 ) + P0/SPD;
+ break;
+ case AST__TTTOTCG:
+ cvtargs[ 1 ] = LG*( cvtargs[ 0 ] - (TTOFF/SPD) - 43144.0 );
+ break;
+ case AST__TCGTOTT:
+ cvtargs[ 1 ] = LG*( cvtargs[ 0 ] - (TTOFF/SPD) - 43144.0 );
+ break;
+ }
+static void AddTimeCvt( AstTimeMap *this, int cvttype, int narg,
+ const double *args, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* AddTimeCvt
+* Purpose:
+* Add a coordinate conversion step to an TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* void AddTimeCvt( AstTimeMap *this, int cvttype, int narg, const
+* double *args )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function allows one of the supported time coordinate
+* conversions to be appended to a TimeMap. When a TimeMap is first
+* created (using astTimeMap), it simply performs a unit mapping. By
+* using AddTimeCvt repeatedly, a series of coordinate conversions may
+* then be specified which the TimeMap will subsequently perform in
+* sequence. This allows a complex coordinate conversion to be
+* assembled out of the basic building blocks. The TimeMap will also
+* perform the inverse coordinate conversion (applying the individual
+* conversion steps in reverse) if required.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the TimeMap.
+* cvttype
+* A code to identify which time coordinate conversion is to be
+* appended. See the "Coordinate Conversions" section for details
+* of those available.
+* narg
+* The number of argument values supplied in "args".
+* args
+* Pointer to an array of double containing the argument values
+* required to fully specify the required coordinate
+* conversion. The number of arguments depends on the conversion
+* (see the "Coordinate Conversions" section for details). This
+* value is ignored and may be NULL if no arguments are required.
+* Returned Value:
+* void.
+* Coordinate Conversions:
+* The following values may be supplied for the "cvttype" parameter
+* in order to specify the coordinate conversion to be performed.
+* The argument(s) required to fully specify each conversion are
+* indicated in parentheses after each value, and described at the end
+* of the list. Values for these should be given in the array pointed
+* at by "args".
+* Convert Modified Julian Date from one offset to another.
+* Convert Modified Julian Date to Julian Date.
+* Convert Julian Date to Modified Julian Date.
+* Convert Modified Julian Date to Besselian epoch.
+* Convert Besselian epoch to Modified Julian Date.
+* Convert Modified Julian Date to Julian epoch.
+* Convert Julian epoch to Modified Julian Date.
+* Convert a TAI MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* Convert a UTC MJD to a TAI MJD.
+* Convert a TAI MJD to a TT MJD.
+* Convert a TT MJD to a TAI MJD.
+* Convert a TT MJD to a TDB MJD.
+* Convert a TDB MJD to a TT MJD.
+* Convert a TT MJD to a TCG MJD.
+* Convert a TCG MJD to a TT MJD.
+* Convert a TAI MJD to a TCB MJD.
+* Convert a TCB MJD to a TDB MJD.
+* Convert a UT MJD to a GMST MJD.
+* Convert a GMST MJD to a UT MJD.
+* Convert a GMST MJD to a LMST MJD.
+* Convert a LMST MJD to a GMST MJD.
+* Convert a LAST MJD to a LMST MJD.
+* Convert a LMST MJD to a LAST MJD.
+* Convert a UT1 MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* Convert a UTC MJD to a UT1 MJD.
+* Convert a local time MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* Convert a UTC MJD to a local time MJD.
+* The units for the values processed by the above conversions are as
+* follows:
+* - MJD, MJDOFF, JD, JDOFF: days
+* - Julian epochs, BEPOFF: Tropical years
+* - Besselian epochs, JEPOFF: Julian years
+* The arguments used in the above conversions are as follows:
+* - MJDOFF: Offset to be added to each MJD value
+* - JDOFF: Offset to be added to each JD value
+* - JEPOFF: Offset to be added to each Julian epoch value
+* - BEPOFF: Offset to be added to each Besselian epoch value
+* - OBSLON: Observer's longitude in radians (+ve westwards)
+* - OBSLAT: Observer's geodetic latitude in radians (+ve northwards)
+* - OBSALT: Observer's geodetic altitude in metres.
+* - DTAI: The value of TAI-UTC (the value returned by astDat is used if
+* DTAI is AST__BAD).
+* - DUT1: The value of UT1-UTC
+* - LTOFF: The offset between Local Time and UTC (in hours, positive
+* for time zones east of Greenwich).
+* Notes:
+* - The specified conversion is appended only if the TimeMap's
+* Invert attribute is zero. If it is non-zero, this function
+* effectively prefixes the inverse of the conversion specified
+* instead.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *argdesc[ MAX_ARGS ]; /* Pointers to argument descriptions */
+ const char *comment; /* Pointer to comment string */
+ const char *cvt_string; /* Pointer to conversion type string */
+ int i; /* Argument index */
+ int nargs; /* Number of user-supplied arguments */
+ int ncvt; /* Number of coordinate conversions */
+ int szargs; /* Size of arguments array */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Validate the coordinate conversion type and obtain the number of
+ required user-supplied arguments, and the size of the array in which
+ to put the user-supplied arguments (the array may leave room after
+ the user-supplied arguments for various useful pre-calculated values). */
+ cvt_string = CvtString( cvttype, &comment, &nargs, &szargs, argdesc,
+ NULL, status );
+/* If the coordinate conversion type was not valid, then report an
+ error. */
+ if ( astOK && !cvt_string ) {
+ astError( AST__TIMIN, "AddTimeCvt(%s): Invalid time coordinate "
+ "conversion type (%d).", status, astGetClass( this ),
+ (int) cvttype );
+ }
+/* If the number of supplied arguments is incorrect, then report an error. */
+ if ( astOK && nargs != narg ) {
+ astError( AST__TIMIN, "AddTimeCvt(%s): Invalid no. of arguments for time "
+ "coordinate conversion type %d - %d supplied, %d required.",
+ status, astGetClass( this ), (int) cvttype, narg, nargs );
+ }
+/* Note the number of coordinate conversions already stored in the TimeMap. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ ncvt = this->ncvt;
+/* Extend the array of conversion types and the array of pointers to
+ their argument lists to accommodate the new one. */
+ this->cvttype = (int *) astGrow( this->cvttype, ncvt + 1,
+ sizeof( int ) );
+ this->cvtargs = (double **) astGrow( this->cvtargs, ncvt + 1,
+ sizeof( double * ) );
+/* Allocate memory for the argument list, putting a pointer to it into
+ the TimeMap. */
+ this->cvtargs[ ncvt ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) * (size_t) szargs );
+/* Store the conversion type and increment the conversion count. Also
+ copy the supplied arguments into the memory allocated above and put
+ suitable values in any elements of the argument array which are beyond
+ the end of the user-supplied arguments. These are intermediate values
+ calculated on the basis of the user-supplied arguments. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ this->cvttype[ ncvt ] = cvttype;
+ for( i = 0; i < nargs; i++ ) this->cvtargs[ ncvt ][ i ] = args[ i ];
+ for( i = nargs; i < szargs; i++ ) this->cvtargs[ ncvt ][ i ] = AST__BAD;
+ this->ncvt++;
+/* Test for each valid code value in turn and assign the appropriate extra values. */
+ AddArgs( cvttype, this->cvtargs[ ncvt ], status );
+ }
+ }
+static int CvtCode( const char *cvt_string, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CvtCode
+* Purpose:
+* Convert a conversion type from a string representation to a code value.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* int CvtCode( const char *cvt_string, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function accepts a string used to repersent one of the
+* TimeMap coordinate conversions and converts it into a code
+* value for internal use.
+* Parameters:
+* cvt_string
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated string representing a
+* time coordinate conversion. This is case sensitive and should
+* contain no unnecessary white space.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The equivalent conversion code. If the string was not
+* recognised, the code AST__TIME_NULL is returned, without error.
+* Notes:
+* - A value of AST__TIME_NULL will be returned if this function is
+* invoked with the global error status set, or if it should fail
+* for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = AST__TIME_NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Test the string against each recognised value in turn and assign
+ the result. */
+ if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "MJDTOJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__MJDTOJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "MJDTOMJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__MJDTOMJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "JDTOMJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__JDTOMJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "JDTOMJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__JDTOMJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "MJDTOBEP" ) ) {
+ result = AST__MJDTOBEP;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "BEPTOMJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__BEPTOMJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "MJDTOJEP" ) ) {
+ result = AST__MJDTOJEP;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "JEPTOMJD" ) ) {
+ result = AST__JEPTOMJD;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TAITOUTC" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TAITOUTC;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "UTCTOTAI" ) ) {
+ result = AST__UTCTOTAI;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TAITOTT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TAITOTT;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TTTOTAI" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TTTOTAI;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TTTOTDB" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TTTOTDB;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TDBTOTT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TDBTOTT;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TTTOTCG" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TTTOTCG;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TCGTOTT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TCGTOTT;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TDBTOTCB" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TDBTOTCB;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "TCBTOTDB" ) ) {
+ result = AST__TCBTOTDB;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "UTTOGMST" ) ) {
+ result = AST__UTTOGMST;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "GMSTTOUT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__GMSTTOUT;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "GMSTTOLMST" ) ) {
+ result = AST__GMSTTOLMST;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "LMSTTOGMST" ) ) {
+ result = AST__LMSTTOGMST;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "LASTTOLMST" ) ) {
+ result = AST__LASTTOLMST;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "LMSTTOLAST" ) ) {
+ result = AST__LMSTTOLAST;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "UTTOUTC" ) ) {
+ result = AST__UTTOUTC;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "UTCTOUT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__UTCTOUT;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "LTTOUTC" ) ) {
+ result = AST__LTTOUTC;
+ } else if ( astChrMatch( cvt_string, "UTCTOLT" ) ) {
+ result = AST__UTCTOLT;
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static const char *CvtString( int cvt_code, const char **comment,
+ int *nargs, int *szargs,
+ const char *arg[ MAX_ARGS ],
+ int **order, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* CvtString
+* Purpose:
+* Convert a conversion type from a code value to a string representation.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* const char *CvtString( int cvt_code, const char **comment, int *nargs,
+* int *szargs, const char *arg[ MAX_ARGS ],
+* int **order, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function.
+* Description:
+* This function accepts a code value used to represent one of the
+* TimeMap coordinate conversions and converts it into an
+* equivalent string representation. It also returns a descriptive
+* comment and information about the arguments required in order to
+* perform the conversion.
+* Parameters:
+* cvt_code
+* The conversion code.
+* comment
+* Address of a location to return a pointer to a constant
+* null-terminated string containing a description of the
+* conversion.
+* nargs
+* Address of an int in which to return the number of arguments
+* required from the user in order to perform the conversion (may
+* be zero).
+* szargs
+* Address of an int in which to return the number of arguments
+* associated with the conversion. This may be bigger than "nargs"
+* if the conversion can pre-calculate useful values on the basis
+* of the user-supplied values. Such precalculated values are
+* stored after the last user-supplied argument.
+* arg
+* An array in which to return a pointer to a constant
+* null-terminated string for each argument (above) containing a
+* description of what each argument represents. This includes both
+* user-supplied arguments and pre-calculated values.
+* order
+* Ignored if NULL. If not NULL, it should be an address at which
+* to return a pointer to a dynamically allocated int array (the
+* returned array should be freed using astFree when no longer
+* needed). The returned array will have "*szargs" elements. The
+* index into the array is the index of the argument within the
+* external representation of a TimeMap as produced by the Dump
+* function. The value stored in each element is the index of
+* the argument within the internal argument list. If there is
+* no difference between the internal and external order of the
+* arguments, a NULL pointer will be returned instead of a pointer
+* to an int array.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated string representation of
+* the conversion code value supplied. If the code supplied is not
+* valid, a NULL pointer will be returned, without error.
+* Notes:
+* - A NULL pointer value will be returned if this function is
+* invoked with the global error status set, or if it should fail
+* for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ const char *result; /* Result pointer to return */
+/* Initialise the returned values. */
+ *comment = NULL;
+ *nargs = 0;
+ result = NULL;
+ if( order ) *order = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* Test for each valid code value in turn and assign the appropriate
+ return values. */
+ switch ( cvt_code ) {
+ *comment = "Convert MJD between offsets";
+ result = "MJDTOMJD";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "Input MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Output MJD offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined offset";
+ break;
+ case AST__MJDTOJD:
+ *comment = "Convert MJD to JD";
+ result = "MJDTOJD";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "JD offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined offset";
+ break;
+ case AST__JDTOMJD:
+ *comment = "Convert JD to MJD";
+ result = "JDTOMJD";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "JD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert MJD to Besselian epoch";
+ result = "MJDTOBEP";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 4;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Besselian epoch offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined forward offset";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Combined inverse offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert Besselian epoch to MJD";
+ result = "BEPTOMJD";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 4;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "Besselian epoch offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined forward offset";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Combined inverse offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert MJD to Julian epoch";
+ result = "MJDTOJEP";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 4;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Julian epoch offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined forward offset";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Combined inverse offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert Julian epoch to MJD";
+ result = "JEPTOMJD";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 4;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "Julian epoch offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Combined forward offset";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Combined inverse offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert TAI to UTC";
+ result = "TAITOUTC";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "DTAI";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert UTC to TAI";
+ result = "UTCTOTAI";
+ *nargs = 2;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "DTAI";
+ break;
+ case AST__TAITOTT:
+ *comment = "Convert TAI to TT";
+ result = "TAITOTT";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ break;
+ case AST__TTTOTAI:
+ *comment = "Convert TT to TAI";
+ result = "TTTOTAI";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ break;
+ case AST__TTTOTDB:
+ *comment = "Convert TT to TDB";
+ result = "TTTOTDB";
+ *nargs = 5;
+ *szargs = 7;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Observer altitude";
+ arg[ 4 ] = "DTAI";
+ arg[ 5 ] = "Distance from earth spin axis";
+ arg[ 6 ] = "Distance north of equatorial plane";
+/* For backward compatibility, the order of arguments in the external
+ representation is different to the internal order. This became
+ necessary when the DTAI user-supplied argument was added. New user
+ supplied arguments need to be before the calculated arguments in
+ the internal list, but need to be added to the end of the external
+ argument list. This means new TimeMaps read by old software will ignore
+ the new user supplied argument. It also means that old TimeMaps read by
+ new software will use default values for the missing user supplied
+ argument. */
+ if( order ) {
+ *order = astMalloc( 7*sizeof( **order ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ (*order)[ 0 ] = 0;
+ (*order)[ 1 ] = 1;
+ (*order)[ 2 ] = 2;
+ (*order)[ 3 ] = 3;
+ (*order)[ 4 ] = 5;
+ (*order)[ 5 ] = 6;
+ (*order)[ 6 ] = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case AST__TDBTOTT:
+ *comment = "Convert TDB to TT";
+ result = "TDBTOTT";
+ *nargs = 5;
+ *szargs = 7;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ arg[ 3 ] = "Observer altitude";
+ arg[ 4 ] = "DTAI";
+ arg[ 5 ] = "Distance from earth spin axis";
+ arg[ 6 ] = "Distance north of equatorial plane";
+ if( order ) {
+ *order = astMalloc( 7*sizeof( **order ) );
+ if( astOK ) {
+ (*order)[ 0 ] = 0;
+ (*order)[ 1 ] = 1;
+ (*order)[ 2 ] = 2;
+ (*order)[ 3 ] = 3;
+ (*order)[ 4 ] = 5;
+ (*order)[ 5 ] = 6;
+ (*order)[ 6 ] = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case AST__TTTOTCG:
+ *comment = "Convert TT to TCG";
+ result = "TTTOTCG";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "TCG offset";
+ break;
+ case AST__TCGTOTT:
+ *comment = "Convert TCG to TT";
+ result = "TCGTOTT";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "TCG offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert TDB to TCB";
+ result = "TDBTOTCB";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "TCB offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert TCB to TDB";
+ result = "TCBTOTDB";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 2;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "TCB offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert UT to GMST";
+ result = "UTTOGMST";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert GMST to UT";
+ result = "GMSTTOUT";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert GMST to LMST";
+ result = "GMSTTOLMST";
+ *nargs = 3;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert LMST to GMST";
+ result = "LMSTTOGMST";
+ *nargs = 3;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert LAST to LMST";
+ result = "LASTTOLMST";
+ *nargs = 3;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ break;
+ *comment = "Convert LMST to LAST";
+ result = "LMSTTOLAST";
+ *nargs = 3;
+ *szargs = 3;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "MJD offset";
+ arg[ 1 ] = "Observer longitude";
+ arg[ 2 ] = "Observer latitude";
+ break;
+ case AST__UTTOUTC:
+ *comment = "Convert UT1 to UTC";
+ result = "UTTOUTC";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "DUT1";
+ break;
+ case AST__UTCTOUT:
+ *comment = "Convert UTC to UT1";
+ result = "UTCTOUT";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "DUT1";
+ break;
+ case AST__LTTOUTC:
+ *comment = "Convert Local Time to UTC";
+ result = "LTTOUTC";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "LTOFF";
+ break;
+ case AST__UTCTOLT:
+ *comment = "Convert UTC to Local Time";
+ result = "UTCTOLT";
+ *nargs = 1;
+ *szargs = 1;
+ arg[ 0 ] = "LTOFF";
+ break;
+ }
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+double astDat_( double in, int forward, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Dat
+* Purpose:
+* Convert between UTC and TAI.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* double astDat( double in, int forward )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function
+* Description:
+* This function returns the difference between Coordinated Universal Time
+* (UTC) and International Atomic Time (TAI), at a given epoch.
+* Parameters:
+* in
+* UTC date or TAI time (as selected by "forward"), as an absolute
+* MJD.
+* forward
+* If non-zero, "in" should be a UTC value, and the returned value
+* is TAI-UTC. If zero, "in" should be a TAI value, and the returned
+* value is UTC-TAI.
+* Returned Value:
+* Either UTC-TAI or TAI-UTC (as indicated by "forward") in units of
+* seconds.
+* Notes:
+* - The UTC is specified to be a date rather than a time to indicate
+* that care needs to be taken not to specify an instant which lies
+* within a leap second. Though in most cases UTC can include the
+* fractional part, correct behaviour on the day of a leap second
+* can only be guaranteed up to the end of the second 23:59:59.
+* - For epochs from 1961 January 1 onwards, the expressions from the
+* file are used.
+* - The 5ms time step at 1961 January 1 is taken from 2.58.1 (p87) of
+* the 1992 Explanatory Supplement.
+* - UTC began at 1960 January 1.0 (JD 2436934.5) and it is improper
+* to call the routine with an earlier epoch. However, if this
+* is attempted, the TAI-UTC expression for the year 1960 is used.
+* Implementation Details:
+* - This function is based on SLA_DAT by P.T.Wallace.
+* - This routine must be updated on each occasion that a leap second is
+* announced
+* - Latest leap second: 2017 January 1
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double result;
+/* Initialise the returned value. */
+ if( in == AST__BAD ) return AST__BAD;
+/* First do TAI-UTC at a given UTC
+ ------------------------------- */
+ if( forward ) {
+/* 2017 January 1 */
+ if ( in >= 57754.0 ) {
+ result = 37.0;
+/* 2015 July 1 */
+ } else if ( in >= 57204.0 ) {
+ result = 36.0;
+/* 2012 July 1 */
+ } else if ( in >= 56109.0 ) {
+ result = 35.0;
+/* 2009 January 1 */
+ } else if ( in >= 54832.0 ) {
+ result = 34.0;
+/* 2006 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 53736.0 ) {
+ result = 33.0;
+/* 1999 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 51179.0 ){
+ result = 32.0;
+/* 1997 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 50630.0 ){
+ result = 31.0;
+/* 1996 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 50083.0 ){
+ result = 30.0;
+/* 1994 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 49534.0 ){
+ result = 29.0;
+/* 1993 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 49169.0 ){
+ result = 28.0;
+/* 1992 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 48804.0 ){
+ result = 27.0;
+/* 1991 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 48257.0 ){
+ result = 26.0;
+/* 1990 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 47892.0 ){
+ result = 25.0;
+/* 1988 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 47161.0 ){
+ result = 24.0;
+/* 1985 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 46247.0 ){
+ result = 23.0;
+/* 1983 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 45516.0 ){
+ result = 22.0;
+/* 1982 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 45151.0 ){
+ result = 21.0;
+/* 1981 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 44786.0 ){
+ result = 20.0;
+/* 1980 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 44239.0 ){
+ result = 19.0;
+/* 1979 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43874.0 ){
+ result = 18.0;
+/* 1978 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43509.0 ){
+ result = 17.0;
+/* 1977 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43144.0 ){
+ result = 16.0;
+/* 1976 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42778.0 ){
+ result = 15.0;
+/* 1975 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42413.0 ){
+ result = 14.0;
+/* 1974 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42048.0 ){
+ result = 13.0;
+/* 1973 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41683.0 ){
+ result = 12.0;
+/* 1972 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41499.0 ){
+ result = 11.0;
+/* 1972 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41317.0 ){
+ result = 10.0;
+/* 1968 February 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39887.0 ){
+ result = 4.2131700 + ( in - 39126.0 )*0.002592;
+/* 1966 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39126.0 ){
+ result = 4.3131700 + ( in - 39126.0 )*0.002592;
+/* 1965 September 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39004.0 ){
+ result = 3.8401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1965 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38942.0 ){
+ result = 3.7401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1965 March 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38820.0 ){
+ result = 3.6401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1965 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38761.0 ){
+ result = 3.5401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1964 September 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38639.0 ){
+ result = 3.4401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1964 April 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38486.0 ){
+ result = 3.3401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1964 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38395.0 ){
+ result = 3.2401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1963 November 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38334.0 ){
+ result = 1.9458580 + ( in - 37665.0 )*0.0011232;
+/* 1962 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37665.0 ){
+ result = 1.8458580 + ( in - 37665.0 )*0.0011232;
+/* 1961 August 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37512.0 ){
+ result = 1.3728180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296;
+/* 1961 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37300.0 ){
+ result = 1.4228180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296;
+/* Before that */
+ } else {
+ result = 1.4178180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296;
+ }
+/* Now do UTC-TAI at a given TAI.
+ ------------------------------ */
+ } else {
+/* 2017 January 1 */
+ if ( in >= 57754.0 + 37.0/SPD ) {
+ result = -37.0;
+/* 2015 July 1 */
+ } else if ( in >= 57204.0 + 36.0/SPD ) {
+ result = -36.0;
+/* 2012 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 56109.0 + 35.0/SPD ) {
+ result = -35.0;
+/* 2009 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 54832.0 + 34.0/SPD ) {
+ result = -34.0;
+/* 2006 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 53736.0 + 33.0/SPD ){
+ result = -33.0;
+/* 1999 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 51179.0 + 32.0/SPD ){
+ result = -32.0;
+/* 1997 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 50630.0 + 31.0/SPD ){
+ result = -31.0;
+/* 1996 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 50083.0 + 30.0/SPD ){
+ result = -30.0;
+/* 1994 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 49534.0 + 29.0/SPD ){
+ result = -29.0;
+/* 1993 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 49169.0 + 28.0/SPD ){
+ result = -28.0;
+/* 1992 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 48804.0 + 27.0/SPD ){
+ result = -27.0;
+/* 1991 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 48257.0 + 26.0/SPD ){
+ result = -26.0;
+/* 1990 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 47892.0 + 25.0/SPD ){
+ result = -25.0;
+/* 1988 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 47161.0 + 24.0/SPD ){
+ result = -24.0;
+/* 1985 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 46247.0 + 23.0/SPD ){
+ result = -23.0;
+/* 1983 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 45516.0 + 22.0/SPD ){
+ result = -22.0;
+/* 1982 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 45151.0 + 21.0/SPD ){
+ result = -21.0;
+/* 1981 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 44786.0 + 20.0/SPD ){
+ result = -20.0;
+/* 1980 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 44239.0 + 19.0/SPD ){
+ result = -19.0;
+/* 1979 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43874.0 + 18.0/SPD ){
+ result = -18.0;
+/* 1978 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43509.0 + 17.0/SPD ){
+ result = -17.0;
+/* 1977 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 43144.0 + 16.0/SPD ){
+ result = -16.0;
+/* 1976 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42778.0 + 15.0/SPD ){
+ result = -15.0;
+/* 1975 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42413.0 + 14.0/SPD ){
+ result = -14.0;
+/* 1974 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 42048.0 + 13.0/SPD ){
+ result = -13.0;
+/* 1973 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41683.0 + 12.0/SPD ){
+ result = -12.0;
+/* 1972 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41499.0 + 11.0/SPD ){
+ result = -11.0;
+/* 1972 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 41317.0 + 10.0/SPD ){
+ result = -10.0;
+/* 1968 February 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39887.0 + ( 4.2131700
+ + ( 39887.0 - 39126.0 )*0.002592 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 4.2131700 + ( in - 39126.0 )*0.002592 )/1.02592;
+/* 1966 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39126.0 + ( 4.3131700
+ + ( 39126.0 - 39126.0 )*0.002592 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 4.2131700 + ( in - 39126.0 )*0.002592 )/1.02592;
+/* 1965 September 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 39004.0 + ( 3.8401300
+ + ( 39004.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.8401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1965 July 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38942.0 + ( 3.7401300
+ + ( 38942.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.7401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.01296;
+/* 1965 March 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38820.0 + ( 3.6401300
+ + ( 38820.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.6401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1965 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38761.0 + ( 3.5401300
+ + ( 38761.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.5401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1964 September 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38639.0 + ( 3.4401300
+ + ( 38639.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.4401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1964 April 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38486.0 + ( 3.3401300
+ + ( 38486.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.3401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1964 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38395.0 + ( 3.2401300
+ + ( 38395.0 - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 3.2401300 + ( in - 38761.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1963 November 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 38334.0 + ( 1.9458580
+ + ( 38334.0 - 37665.0 )*0.0011232 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 1.9458580 + ( in - 37665.0 )*0.0011232 )/1.0011232;
+/* 1962 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37665.0 + ( 1.8458580
+ + ( 37665.0 - 37665.0 )*0.0011232 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 1.8458580 + ( in - 37665.0 )*0.0011232 )/1.0011232;
+/* 1961 August 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37512.0 + ( 1.3728180
+ + ( 37512.0 - 37300.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 1.3728180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* 1961 January 1 */
+ } else if( in >= 37300.0 + ( 1.4228180
+ + ( 37300.0 - 37300.0 )*0.001296 )/SPD ){
+ result = -( 1.4228180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+/* Before that */
+ } else {
+ result = -( 1.4178180 + ( in - 37300.0 )*0.001296 )/1.001296;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result */
+ return result;
+static double Gmsta( double in, double off, int forward, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Gmsta
+* Purpose:
+* Convert between Universal Time (UT) and Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST).
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* double Gmsta( double in, double off, int forward, int *status ){
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function
+* Description:
+* This functions converts between UT and GMST. Both timescales are
+* represented by an MJD, rather than as an angle (as is done by SLALIB)
+* in order to facilitate conversions from GMST to UT1. This means
+* that whole days are retained.
+* Parameters:
+* in
+* The time to convert, represented as an offset in days from the MJD
+* zero-point specified by "off". The time is either UT1 or GMST, as
+* selected by "forward").
+* off
+* The MJD value corresponding to a value of 0.0 for "in".
+* forward
+* If non-zero, "in" should be a UT1 value, and the returned value
+* is GMST. If zero, "in" should be a GMST value, and the returned
+* value is UT1.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* An offset in days from the MJD given by "off". When the returned
+* value is added to "off" the sum is a GMST MJD (if "forward" is
+* non-zero), or a UT1 MJD (if "forward" is zero),
+* Notes:
+* - This function is based on SLA_GMST by P.T.Wallace.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double dgdu;
+ double g;
+ double result;
+ double t;
+ double utl;
+ int nit;
+/* Initialise the returned value. */
+ if( in == AST__BAD || off == AST__BAD ) return AST__BAD;
+/* First deal with UT1 -> GMST
+ --------------------------- */
+ if( forward ) {
+/* Julian centuries since J2000. */
+ t = ( off + in - 51544.5 )/36525.0;
+/* GMST at this UT1. */
+ result = in + ( 24110.54841 + ( 8640184.812866 + ( 0.093104 -
+ 6.2E-6*t )*t )*t )/86400.0;
+/* Now deal with GMST -> UT1
+ ----------------------- */
+ } else {
+/* Form an initial guess at the UT1 value using the inverse of a linear
+ approximation to the UT1->GMST equation. */
+ result = 0.996997348638869*in + 154.49194372222 - 0.00300265136113098*off;
+/* Loop round improving the guess, until the guess stops changing, or 10
+ iterations have been performed. */
+ utl = AST__BAD;
+ nit = 0;
+ while( result != utl && nit++ < 10 ){
+/* Calculate the GMST at the current UT1 guess. */
+ t = ( off + result - 51544.5 )/36525.0;
+ g = result + ( 24110.54841 + ( 8640184.812866 + ( 0.093104 -
+ 6.2E-6*t )*t )*t )/86400.0;
+/* Calculate the rate of change of GMST with respect to UT1 at the current
+ UT1 guess. */
+ dgdu = 1.0 + ( 8640184.812866 +
+ ( 0.186208 - 12.4E-6*t )*t)/(36525.0*86400.0);
+/* Improve the UT1 guess. */
+ utl = result;
+ result = result - ( g - in )/dgdu;
+ }
+ }
+/* Return the result */
+ return result;
+void astInitTimeMapVtab_( AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitTimeMapVtab
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a virtual function table for a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* void astInitTimeMapVtab( AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap vtab initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function initialises the component of a virtual function
+* table which is used by the TimeMap class.
+* Parameters:
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
+* all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
+* been initialised.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
+* is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
+* astClass function).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstMappingVtab *mapping; /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
+ AstObjectVtab *object; /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
+/* Check the local error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
+ parent class. */
+ astInitMappingVtab( (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name );
+/* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
+ will be used (by astIsATimeMap) to determine if an object belongs to
+ this class. We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
+ class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
+ vtab->id.check = &class_check;
+ vtab->id.parent = &(((AstMappingVtab *) vtab)->id);
+/* Initialise member function pointers. */
+/* ------------------------------------ */
+/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that
+ provide virtual methods for this class. */
+ vtab->TimeAdd = TimeAdd;
+/* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
+ replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
+ object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
+ mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
+ parent_getobjsize = object->GetObjSize;
+ object->GetObjSize = GetObjSize;
+ parent_transform = mapping->Transform;
+ mapping->Transform = Transform;
+ parent_rate = mapping->Rate;
+ mapping->Rate = Rate;
+/* Store replacement pointers for methods which will be over-ridden by
+ new member functions implemented here. */
+ object->Equal = Equal;
+ mapping->MapMerge = MapMerge;
+/* Declare the copy constructor, destructor and class dump
+ function. */
+ astSetCopy( vtab, Copy );
+ astSetDelete( vtab, Delete );
+ astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "TimeMap",
+ "Conversion between time coordinate systems" );
+/* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
+ that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
+ identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
+ if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+ astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
+ }
+static int MapMerge( AstMapping *this, int where, int series, int *nmap,
+ AstMapping ***map_list, int **invert_list, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* MapMerge
+* Purpose:
+* Simplify a sequence of Mappings containing a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "mapping.h
+* int MapMerge( AstMapping *this, int where, int series, int *nmap,
+* AstMapping ***map_list, int **invert_list, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap method (over-rides the protected astMapMerge method
+* inherited from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function attempts to simplify a sequence of Mappings by
+* merging a nominated TimeMap in the sequence with its neighbours,
+* so as to shorten the sequence if possible.
+* In many cases, simplification will not be possible and the
+* function will return -1 to indicate this, without further
+* action.
+* In most cases of interest, however, this function will either
+* attempt to replace the nominated TimeMap with one which it
+* considers simpler, or to merge it with the Mappings which
+* immediately precede it or follow it in the sequence (both will
+* normally be considered). This is sufficient to ensure the
+* eventual simplification of most Mapping sequences by repeated
+* application of this function.
+* In some cases, the function may attempt more elaborate
+* simplification, involving any number of other Mappings in the
+* sequence. It is not restricted in the type or scope of
+* simplification it may perform, but will normally only attempt
+* elaborate simplification in cases where a more straightforward
+* approach is not adequate.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the nominated TimeMap which is to be merged with
+* its neighbours. This should be a cloned copy of the TimeMap
+* pointer contained in the array element "(*map_list)[where]"
+* (see below). This pointer will not be annulled, and the
+* TimeMap it identifies will not be modified by this function.
+* where
+* Index in the "*map_list" array (below) at which the pointer
+* to the nominated TimeMap resides.
+* series
+* A non-zero value indicates that the sequence of Mappings to
+* be simplified will be applied in series (i.e. one after the
+* other), whereas a zero value indicates that they will be
+* applied in parallel (i.e. on successive sub-sets of the
+* input/output coordinates).
+* nmap
+* Address of an int which counts the number of Mappings in the
+* sequence. On entry this should be set to the initial number
+* of Mappings. On exit it will be updated to record the number
+* of Mappings remaining after simplification.
+* map_list
+* Address of a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of
+* Mapping pointers (produced, for example, by the astMapList
+* method) which identifies the sequence of Mappings. On entry,
+* the initial sequence of Mappings to be simplified should be
+* supplied.
+* On exit, the contents of this array will be modified to
+* reflect any simplification carried out. Any form of
+* simplification may be performed. This may involve any of: (a)
+* removing Mappings by annulling any of the pointers supplied,
+* (b) replacing them with pointers to new Mappings, (c)
+* inserting additional Mappings and (d) changing their order.
+* The intention is to reduce the number of Mappings in the
+* sequence, if possible, and any reduction will be reflected in
+* the value of "*nmap" returned. However, simplifications which
+* do not reduce the length of the sequence (but improve its
+* execution time, for example) may also be performed, and the
+* sequence might conceivably increase in length (but normally
+* only in order to split up a Mapping into pieces that can be
+* more easily merged with their neighbours on subsequent
+* invocations of this function).
+* If Mappings are removed from the sequence, any gaps that
+* remain will be closed up, by moving subsequent Mapping
+* pointers along in the array, so that vacated elements occur
+* at the end. If the sequence increases in length, the array
+* will be extended (and its pointer updated) if necessary to
+* accommodate any new elements.
+* Note that any (or all) of the Mapping pointers supplied in
+* this array may be annulled by this function, but the Mappings
+* to which they refer are not modified in any way (although
+* they may, of course, be deleted if the annulled pointer is
+* the final one).
+* invert_list
+* Address of a pointer to a dynamically allocated array which,
+* on entry, should contain values to be assigned to the Invert
+* attributes of the Mappings identified in the "*map_list"
+* array before they are applied (this array might have been
+* produced, for example, by the astMapList method). These
+* values will be used by this function instead of the actual
+* Invert attributes of the Mappings supplied, which are
+* ignored.
+* On exit, the contents of this array will be updated to
+* correspond with the possibly modified contents of the
+* "*map_list" array. If the Mapping sequence increases in
+* length, the "*invert_list" array will be extended (and its
+* pointer updated) if necessary to accommodate any new
+* elements.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* If simplification was possible, the function returns the index
+* in the "map_list" array of the first element which was
+* modified. Otherwise, it returns -1 (and makes no changes to the
+* arrays supplied).
+* Notes:
+* - A value of -1 will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstMapping *new; /* Pointer to replacement Mapping */
+ AstTimeMap *timemap; /* Pointer to TimeMap */
+ const char *argdesc[ MAX_ARGS ]; /* Argument descriptions (junk) */
+ const char *class; /* Pointer to Mapping class string */
+ const char *comment; /* Pointer to comment string (junk) */
+ double (*cvtargs)[ MAX_ARGS ]; /* Pointer to argument arrays */
+ double tmp; /* Temporary storage */
+ int *cvttype; /* Pointer to transformation type codes */
+ int *narg; /* Pointer to argument count */
+ int *szarg; /* Pointer to argument array size */
+ int done; /* Finished (no further simplification)? */
+ int iarg; /* Loop counter for arguments */
+ int icvt1; /* Loop initial value */
+ int icvt2; /* Loop final value */
+ int icvt; /* Loop counter for transformation steps */
+ int ikeep; /* Index to store step being kept */
+ int imap1; /* Index of first TimeMap to merge */
+ int imap2; /* Index of last TimeMap to merge */
+ int imap; /* Loop counter for Mappings */
+ int inc; /* Increment for transformation step loop */
+ int invert; /* TimeMap applied in inverse direction? */
+ int istep; /* Loop counter for transformation steps */
+ int keep; /* Keep transformation step? */
+ int ngone; /* Number of Mappings eliminated */
+ int nstep0; /* Original number of transformation steps */
+ int nstep; /* Total number of transformation steps */
+ int result; /* Result value to return */
+ int simpler; /* Simplification possible? */
+ int unit; /* Replacement Mapping is a UnitMap? */
+/* Initialise. */
+ result = -1;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return result;
+/* TimeMaps can only be merged if they are in series (or if there is
+ only one Mapping present, in which case it makes no difference), so
+ do nothing if they are not. */
+ if ( series || ( *nmap == 1 ) ) {
+/* Initialise the number of transformation steps to be merged to equal
+ the number in the nominated TimeMap. */
+ nstep = ( (AstTimeMap *) ( *map_list )[ where ] )->ncvt;
+/* Search adjacent lower-numbered Mappings until one is found which is
+ not a TimeMap. Accumulate the number of transformation steps involved in
+ any TimeMaps found. */
+ imap1 = where;
+ while ( ( imap1 - 1 >= 0 ) && astOK ) {
+ class = astGetClass( ( *map_list )[ imap1 - 1 ] );
+ if ( !astOK || strcmp( class, "TimeMap" ) ) break;
+ nstep += ( (AstTimeMap *) ( *map_list )[ imap1 - 1 ] )->ncvt;
+ imap1--;
+ }
+/* Similarly search adjacent higher-numbered Mappings. */
+ imap2 = where;
+ while ( ( imap2 + 1 < *nmap ) && astOK ) {
+ class = astGetClass( ( *map_list )[ imap2 + 1 ] );
+ if ( !astOK || strcmp( class, "TimeMap" ) ) break;
+ nstep += ( (AstTimeMap *) ( *map_list )[ imap2 + 1 ] )->ncvt;
+ imap2++;
+ }
+/* Remember the initial number of transformation steps. */
+ nstep0 = nstep;
+/* Allocate memory for accumulating a list of all the transformation
+ steps involved in all the TimeMaps found. */
+ cvttype = astMalloc( sizeof( int ) * (size_t) nstep );
+ cvtargs = astMalloc( sizeof( double[ MAX_ARGS ] ) * (size_t) nstep );
+ szarg = astMalloc( sizeof( int ) * (size_t) nstep );
+ narg = astMalloc( sizeof( int ) * (size_t) nstep );
+/* Loop to obtain the transformation data for each TimeMap being merged. */
+ nstep = 0;
+ for ( imap = imap1; astOK && ( imap <= imap2 ); imap++ ) {
+/* Obtain a pointer to the TimeMap and note if it is being applied in
+ its inverse direction. */
+ timemap = (AstTimeMap *) ( *map_list )[ imap ];
+ invert = ( *invert_list )[ imap ];
+/* Set up loop limits and an increment to scan the transformation
+ steps in each TimeMap in either the forward or reverse direction, as
+ dictated by the associated "invert" value. */
+ icvt1 = invert ? timemap->ncvt - 1 : 0;
+ icvt2 = invert ? -1 : timemap->ncvt;
+ inc = invert ? -1 : 1;
+/* Loop through each transformation step in the TimeMap. */
+ for ( icvt = icvt1; icvt != icvt2; icvt += inc ) {
+/* Store the transformation type code and use "CvtString" to determine
+ the associated number of arguments. Then store these arguments. */
+ cvttype[ nstep ] = timemap->cvttype[ icvt ];
+ (void) CvtString( cvttype[ nstep ], &comment,
+ narg + nstep, szarg + nstep, argdesc,
+ NULL, status );
+ if ( !astOK ) break;
+ for ( iarg = 0; iarg < szarg[ nstep ]; iarg++ ) {
+ cvtargs[ nstep ][ iarg ] = timemap->cvtargs[ icvt ][ iarg ];
+ }
+/* If the TimeMap is inverted, we must not only accumulate its
+ transformation steps in reverse, but also apply them in
+ reverse. For some steps this means changing arguments, for some it
+ means changing the transformation type code to a complementary
+ value, and for others it means both. Define macros to perform each
+ of the required changes. */
+/* Macro to exchange a transformation type code for its inverse (and
+ vice versa). */
+#define SWAP_CODES( code1, code2 ) \
+ if ( cvttype[ nstep ] == code1 ) { \
+ cvttype[ nstep ] = code2; \
+ AddArgs( code2, cvtargs[ nstep ], status ); \
+ } else if ( cvttype[ nstep ] == code2 ) { \
+ cvttype[ nstep ] = code1; \
+ AddArgs( code1, cvtargs[ nstep ], status ); \
+ }
+/* Macro to exchange a transformation type code for its inverse (and
+ vice versa), and swap the order of its 2 arguments. */
+#define SWAP_CODES2( code1, code2 ) \
+ if ( cvttype[ nstep ] == code1 ) { \
+ cvttype[ nstep ] = code2; \
+ tmp = cvtargs[ nstep ][ 0 ]; \
+ cvtargs[ nstep ][ 0 ] = cvtargs[ nstep ][ 1 ]; \
+ cvtargs[ nstep ][ 1 ] = tmp; \
+ AddArgs( cvttype[ nstep ], cvtargs[ nstep ], status ); \
+ } else if ( cvttype[ nstep ] == code2 ) { \
+ cvttype[ nstep ] = code1; \
+ tmp = cvtargs[ nstep ][ 0 ]; \
+ cvtargs[ nstep ][ 0 ] = cvtargs[ nstep ][ 1 ]; \
+ cvtargs[ nstep ][ 1 ] = tmp; \
+ AddArgs( cvttype[ nstep ], cvtargs[ nstep ], status ); \
+ }
+/* Use these macros to apply the changes where needed. */
+ if ( invert ) {
+/* Exchange transformation codes for their inverses. */
+/* Exchange transformation codes for their inverses, and swap the offset
+ values. */
+ }
+/* Undefine the local macros. */
+#undef SWAP_CODES
+#undef SWAP_CODES2
+/* Count the transformation steps. */
+ nstep++;
+ }
+ }
+/* Loop to simplify the sequence of transformation steps until no
+ further improvement is possible. */
+ done = 0;
+ while ( astOK && !done ) {
+/* Examine each remaining transformation step in turn. */
+ ikeep = -1;
+ for ( istep = 0; istep < nstep; istep++ ) {
+/* Initially assume we will retain the current step. */
+ keep = 1;
+/* We can eliminate changes of system which have no effect. */
+ if( ( cvttype[ istep ] == AST__MJDTOMJD ||
+ cvttype[ istep ] == AST__MJDTOJD ||
+ cvttype[ istep ] == AST__JDTOMJD ) &&
+ cvtargs[ istep ][ 2 ] == 0.0 ) {
+ keep = 0;
+/* The only simplifications for the conversions currently in this class act
+ to combine adjacent transformation steps, so only apply them while there
+ are at least 2 steps left. */
+ } else if ( istep < ( nstep - 1 ) ) {
+/* Define a macro to test if two adjacent transformation type codes
+ have specified values. */
+#define PAIR_CVT( code1, code2 ) \
+ ( ( cvttype[ istep ] == code1 ) && \
+ ( cvttype[ istep + 1 ] == code2 ) )
+/* Define a macro to test if two adjacent transformation type codes
+ have specified values, either way round. */
+#define PAIR_CVT2( code1, code2 ) \
+ ( ( PAIR_CVT( code1, code2 ) ) || \
+ ( PAIR_CVT( code2, code1 ) ) )
+/* If a correction is followed by its inverse, and the user-supplied argument
+ values are unchanged (we do not need to test values stored in the
+ argument array which were not supplied by the user), we can eliminate them.
+ First check for conversions which have a single user-supplied argument. */
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 0 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) {
+ istep++;
+ keep = 0;
+/* Now check for conversions which have two user-supplied arguments
+ that are swapped by inversion. */
+ } else if( ( PAIR_CVT2( AST__MJDTOJD, AST__JDTOMJD ) ||
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 0 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 1 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 1 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 0 ] ) ) {
+ istep++;
+ keep = 0;
+/* Now check for conversions which have two user-supplied arguments
+ that are NOT swapped by inversion. */
+ } else if( ( PAIR_CVT2( AST__TAITOUTC, AST__UTCTOTAI ) ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 0 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 0 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 1 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 1 ] ) ) {
+ istep++;
+ keep = 0;
+/* Now check for conversions which have three user-supplied arguments. */
+ } else if( ( PAIR_CVT2( AST__TDBTOTCB, AST__TCBTOTDB ) ||
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 0 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 0 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 1 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 1 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 2 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 2 ] ) ) {
+ istep++;
+ keep = 0;
+/* Now check for conversions which have five user-supplied arguments. */
+ } else if( ( PAIR_CVT2( AST__TTTOTDB, AST__TDBTOTT ) ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 0 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 0 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 1 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 1 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 2 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 2 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 3 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 3 ] ) &&
+ astEQUAL( cvtargs[ istep ][ 4 ],
+ cvtargs[ istep + 1 ][ 4 ] ) ) {
+ istep++;
+ keep = 0;
+ }
+/* Undefine the local macros. */
+#undef PAIR_CVT
+#undef PAIR_CVT2
+ }
+/* If the current transformation (possibly modified above) is being
+ kept, then increment the index that identifies its new location in
+ the list of transformation steps. */
+ if ( keep ) {
+ ikeep++;
+/* If the new location is different to its current location, copy the
+ transformation data into the new location. */
+ if ( ikeep != istep ) {
+ cvttype[ ikeep ] = cvttype[ istep ];
+ for ( iarg = 0; iarg < szarg[ istep ]; iarg++ ) {
+ cvtargs[ ikeep ][ iarg ] = cvtargs[ istep ][ iarg ];
+ }
+ szarg[ ikeep ] = szarg[ istep ];
+ narg[ ikeep ] = narg[ istep ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Note if no simplification was achieved on this iteration (i.e. the
+ number of transformation steps was not reduced). This is the signal
+ to quit. */
+ done = ( ( ikeep + 1 ) >= nstep );
+/* Note how many transformation steps now remain. */
+ nstep = ikeep + 1;
+ }
+/* Determine how many Mappings can be eliminated by condensing all
+ those considered above into a single Mapping. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ ngone = imap2 - imap1;
+/* Determine if the replacement Mapping can be a UnitMap (a null
+ Mapping). This will only be the case if all the transformation
+ steps were eliminated above. */
+ unit = ( nstep == 0 );
+/* Determine if simplification is possible. This will be the case if
+ (a) Mappings were eliminated ("ngone" is non-zero), or (b) the
+ number of transformation steps was reduced, or (c) the TimeMap(s)
+ can be replaced by a UnitMap, or (d) if there was initially only
+ one TimeMap present, its invert flag was set (this flag will always
+ be cleared in the replacement Mapping). */
+ simpler = ngone || ( nstep < nstep0 ) || unit ||
+ ( *invert_list )[ where ];
+/* Do nothing more unless simplification is possible. */
+ if ( simpler ) {
+/* If the replacement Mapping is a UnitMap, then create it. */
+ if ( unit ) {
+ new = (AstMapping *)
+ astUnitMap( astGetNin( ( *map_list )[ where ] ), "", status );
+/* Otherwise, create a replacement TimeMap and add each of the
+ remaining transformation steps to it. */
+ } else {
+ new = (AstMapping *) astTimeMap( 0, "", status );
+ for ( istep = 0; istep < nstep; istep++ ) {
+ AddTimeCvt( (AstTimeMap *) new, cvttype[ istep ],
+ narg[ istep ], cvtargs[ istep ], status );
+ }
+ }
+/* Annul the pointers to the Mappings being eliminated. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ for ( imap = imap1; imap <= imap2; imap++ ) {
+ ( *map_list )[ imap ] = astAnnul( ( *map_list )[ imap ] );
+ }
+/* Insert the pointer and invert value for the new Mapping. */
+ ( *map_list )[ imap1 ] = new;
+ ( *invert_list )[ imap1 ] = 0;
+/* Move any subsequent Mapping information down to close the gap. */
+ for ( imap = imap2 + 1; imap < *nmap; imap++ ) {
+ ( *map_list )[ imap - ngone ] = ( *map_list )[ imap ];
+ ( *invert_list )[ imap - ngone ] = ( *invert_list )[ imap ];
+ }
+/* Blank out any information remaining at the end of the arrays. */
+ for ( imap = ( *nmap - ngone ); imap < *nmap; imap++ ) {
+ ( *map_list )[ imap ] = NULL;
+ ( *invert_list )[ imap ] = 0;
+ }
+/* Decrement the Mapping count and return the index of the first
+ Mapping which was eliminated. */
+ ( *nmap ) -= ngone;
+ result = imap1;
+/* If an error occurred, annul the new Mapping pointer. */
+ } else {
+ new = astAnnul( new );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the memory used for the transformation steps. */
+ cvttype = astFree( cvttype );
+ cvtargs = astFree( cvtargs );
+ szarg = astFree( szarg );
+ narg = astFree( narg );
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clear the returned value. */
+ if ( !astOK ) result = -1;
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static double Rate( AstMapping *this, double *at, int ax1, int ax2, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Rate
+* Purpose:
+* Calculate the rate of change of a Mapping output.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* result = Rate( AstMapping *this, double *at, int ax1, int ax2, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function (overrides the astRate method inherited
+* from the Mapping class ).
+* Description:
+* This function returns the rate of change of a specified output of
+* the supplied Mapping with respect to a specified input, at a
+* specified input position.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the Mapping to be applied.
+* at
+* The address of an array holding the axis values at the position
+* at which the rate of change is to be evaluated. The number of
+* elements in this array should equal the number of inputs to the
+* Mapping.
+* ax1
+* The index of the Mapping output for which the rate of change is to
+* be found (output numbering starts at 0 for the first output).
+* ax2
+* The index of the Mapping input which is to be varied in order to
+* find the rate of change (input numbering starts at 0 for the first
+* input).
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The rate of change of Mapping output "ax1" with respect to input
+* "ax2", evaluated at "at", or AST__BAD if the value cannot be
+* calculated.
+* Implementation Deficiencies:
+* The initial version of this implementation only deals with
+* frequency->wavelength conversions. This is because the slowness of
+* the numerical differentiation implemented by the astRate method in
+* the parent Mapping class is cripples conversion between SpecFluxFrames.
+* Such conversions only rely on rate of change of wavelength with
+* respect to frequency. This implementation should be extended when
+* needed.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *map;
+ double result;
+ int cvt;
+ int i;
+/* Check inherited status */
+ if( !astOK ) return AST__BAD;
+/* Get a pointer to the TimeMap structure. */
+ map = (AstTimeMap *) this;
+/* Initialise the returned value. */
+ result = 1.0;
+/* Loop round each conversion. */
+ for( i = 0; i < map->ncvt; i++ ) {
+/* Store the type of the current conversion.*/
+ cvt = map->cvttype[ i ];
+/* Many of the time conversions are linear. If this is the case, multiply
+ the total rate of change by the rate of change for this step. */
+ if( cvt == AST__MJDTOBEP ) {
+ result *= 1.0/365.242198781;
+ } else if( cvt == AST__BEPTOMJD ) {
+ result *= 365.242198781;
+ } else if( cvt == AST__MJDTOJEP ) {
+ result *= 1.0/365.25;
+ } else if( cvt == AST__JEPTOMJD ) {
+ result *= 365.25;
+/* The GMST scales is not linear, so break if we encounter it, and use the
+ (numerical) parent astRate method. The other time scale conversions are
+ assumed to have a slope of unity. In fact the slope will be ever so
+ slightly different to unity. */
+ } else if( cvt == AST__UTTOGMST || cvt == AST__GMSTTOUT ) {
+ result = AST__BAD;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If this is non-linear TimeMap, use the astRate method inherited from the
+ parent Mapping class. */
+ if( result == AST__BAD ) result = (*parent_rate)( this, at, ax1, ax2, status );
+/* Return the result. */
+ return result;
+static double Rcc( double tdb, double ut1, double wl, double u, double v, int *status ){
+* Name:
+* Rcc
+* Purpose:
+* Find difference between TDB and TT.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* double Rcc( double tdb, double ut1, double wl, double u, double v, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function
+* Description:
+* Relativistic clock correction: the difference between proper time at
+* a point on the surface of the Earth and coordinate time in the Solar
+* System barycentric space-time frame of reference.
+* The proper time is terrestrial time, TT; the coordinate time is an
+* implementation of barycentric dynamical time, TDB.
+* Parameters:
+* tdb
+* TDB as an MJD.
+* ut1
+* Universal time (only the fraction of the day is relevant)
+* wl
+* Observer longitude (radians west)
+* u
+* Observer distance from Earth spin axis (km)
+* v
+* Observer distance north of Earth equatorial plane (km)
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* The clock correction, TDB-TT, in seconds. TDB is coordinate time in the
+* solar system barycentre frame of reference, in units chosen to eliminate
+* the scale difference with respect to terrestrial time. TT is the proper
+* time for clocks at mean sea level on the Earth.
+* Notes:
+* - This function is a translation of the fortran routine SLA_RCC
+* written by by P.T.Wallace.
+* - The argument TDB is, strictly, the barycentric coordinate time;
+* however, the terrestrial time TT can in practice be used without
+* any significant loss of accuracy.
+* - The result returned by Rcc comprises a main (annual)
+* sinusoidal term of amplitude approximately 0.00166 seconds, plus
+* planetary and lunar terms up to about 20 microseconds, and diurnal
+* terms up to 2 microseconds. The variation arises from the
+* transverse Doppler effect and the gravitational red-shift as the
+* observer varies in speed and moves through different gravitational
+* potentials.
+* - The geocentric model is that of Fairhead & Bretagnon (1990), in
+* its full form. It was supplied by Fairhead (private
+* communication) as a FORTRAN subroutine. The original Fairhead
+* routine used explicit formulae, in such large numbers that
+* problems were experienced with certain compilers (Microsoft
+* Fortran on PC aborted with stack overflow, Convex compiled
+* successfully but extremely slowly). The present implementation is
+* a complete recoding, with the original Fairhead coefficients held
+* in a table. To optimise arithmetic precision, the terms are
+* accumulated in reverse order, smallest first. A number of other
+* coding changes were made, in order to match the calling sequence
+* of previous versions of the present routine, and to comply with
+* Starlink programming standards. The numerical results compared
+* with those from the Fairhead form are essentially unaffected by
+* the changes, the differences being at the 10^-20 sec level.
+* - The topocentric part of the model is from Moyer (1981) and
+* Murray (1983). It is an approximation to the expression
+* ( v / c ) . ( r / c ), where v is the barycentric velocity of
+* the Earth, r is the geocentric position of the observer and
+* c is the speed of light.
+* - During the interval 1950-2050, the absolute accuracy of is better
+* than +/- 3 nanoseconds relative to direct numerical integrations
+* using the JPL DE200/LE200 solar system ephemeris.
+* - The IAU definition of TDB was that it must differ from TT only by
+* periodic terms. Though practical, this is an imprecise definition
+* which ignores the existence of very long-period and secular
+* effects in the dynamics of the solar system. As a consequence,
+* different implementations of TDB will, in general, differ in zero-
+* point and will drift linearly relative to one other.
+* - TDB was, in principle, superseded by new coordinate timescales
+* which the IAU introduced in 1991: geocentric coordinate time,
+* TCG, and barycentric coordinate time, TCB. However, Rcc
+* can be used to implement the periodic part of TCB-TCG.
+* References:
+* - Fairhead, L., & Bretagnon, P., Astron.Astrophys., 229, 240-247
+* (1990).
+* - Moyer, T.D., Cel.Mech., 23, 33 (1981).
+* - Murray, C.A., Vectorial Astrometry, Adam Hilger (1983).
+* - Seidelmann, P.K. et al, Explanatory Supplement to the
+* Astronomical Almanac, Chapter 2, University Science Books
+* (1992).
+* - Simon J.L., Bretagnon P., Chapront J., Chapront-Touze M.,
+* Francou G. & Laskar J., Astron.Astrophys., 282, 663-683 (1994).
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Fairhead and Bretagnon canonical coefficients
+* 787 sets of three coefficients.
+* Each set is amplitude (microseconds)
+* frequency (radians per Julian millennium since J2000),
+* phase (radians).
+* Sets 0-473 are the T**0 terms,
+* " 474-678 " " T**1 "
+* " 679-763 " " T**2 "
+* " 764-783 " " T**3 "
+* " 784-786 " " T**4 " .
+ static double fairhd[ 787 ][ 3 ] = {
+ { 1656.674564E-6, 6283.075849991, 6.240054195},
+ { 22.417471E-6, 5753.384884897, 4.296977442},
+ { 13.839792E-6, 12566.151699983, 6.196904410},
+ { 4.770086E-6, 529.690965095, 0.444401603},
+ { 4.676740E-6, 6069.776754553, 4.021195093},
+ { 2.256707E-6, 213.299095438, 5.543113262},
+ { 1.694205E-6, -3.523118349, 5.025132748},
+ { 1.554905E-6, 77713.771467920, 5.198467090},
+ { 1.276839E-6, 7860.419392439, 5.988822341},
+ { 1.193379E-6, 5223.693919802, 3.649823730},
+ { 1.115322E-6, 3930.209696220, 1.422745069},
+ { 0.794185E-6, 11506.769769794, 2.322313077},
+ { 0.447061E-6, 26.298319800, 3.615796498},
+ { 0.435206E-6, -398.149003408, 4.349338347},
+ { 0.600309E-6, 1577.343542448, 2.678271909},
+ { 0.496817E-6, 6208.294251424, 5.696701824},
+ { 0.486306E-6, 5884.926846583, 0.520007179},
+ { 0.432392E-6, 74.781598567, 2.435898309},
+ { 0.468597E-6, 6244.942814354, 5.866398759},
+ { 0.375510E-6, 5507.553238667, 4.103476804},
+ { 0.243085E-6, -775.522611324, 3.651837925},
+ { 0.173435E-6, 18849.227549974, 6.153743485},
+ { 0.230685E-6, 5856.477659115, 4.773852582},
+ { 0.203747E-6, 12036.460734888, 4.333987818},
+ { 0.143935E-6, -796.298006816, 5.957517795},
+ { 0.159080E-6, 10977.078804699, 1.890075226},
+ { 0.119979E-6, 38.133035638, 4.551585768},
+ { 0.118971E-6, 5486.777843175, 1.914547226},
+ { 0.116120E-6, 1059.381930189, 0.873504123},
+ { 0.137927E-6, 11790.629088659, 1.135934669},
+ { 0.098358E-6, 2544.314419883, 0.092793886},
+ { 0.101868E-6, -5573.142801634, 5.984503847},
+ { 0.080164E-6, 206.185548437, 2.095377709},
+ { 0.079645E-6, 4694.002954708, 2.949233637},
+ { 0.062617E-6, 20.775395492, 2.654394814},
+ { 0.075019E-6, 2942.463423292, 4.980931759},
+ { 0.064397E-6, 5746.271337896, 1.280308748},
+ { 0.063814E-6, 5760.498431898, 4.167901731},
+ { 0.048042E-6, 2146.165416475, 1.495846011},
+ { 0.048373E-6, 155.420399434, 2.251573730},
+ { 0.058844E-6, 426.598190876, 4.839650148},
+ { 0.046551E-6, -0.980321068, 0.921573539},
+ { 0.054139E-6, 17260.154654690, 3.411091093},
+ { 0.042411E-6, 6275.962302991, 2.869567043},
+ { 0.040184E-6, -7.113547001, 3.565975565},
+ { 0.036564E-6, 5088.628839767, 3.324679049},
+ { 0.040759E-6, 12352.852604545, 3.981496998},
+ { 0.036507E-6, 801.820931124, 6.248866009},
+ { 0.036955E-6, 3154.687084896, 5.071801441},
+ { 0.042732E-6, 632.783739313, 5.720622217},
+ { 0.042560E-6, 161000.685737473, 1.270837679},
+ { 0.040480E-6, 15720.838784878, 2.546610123},
+ { 0.028244E-6, -6286.598968340, 5.069663519},
+ { 0.033477E-6, 6062.663207553, 4.144987272},
+ { 0.034867E-6, 522.577418094, 5.210064075},
+ { 0.032438E-6, 6076.890301554, 0.749317412},
+ { 0.030215E-6, 7084.896781115, 3.389610345},
+ { 0.029247E-6, -71430.695617928, 4.183178762},
+ { 0.033529E-6, 9437.762934887, 2.404714239},
+ { 0.032423E-6, 8827.390269875, 5.541473556},
+ { 0.027567E-6, 6279.552731642, 5.040846034},
+ { 0.029862E-6, 12139.553509107, 1.770181024},
+ { 0.022509E-6, 10447.387839604, 1.460726241},
+ { 0.020937E-6, 8429.241266467, 0.652303414},
+ { 0.020322E-6, 419.484643875, 3.735430632},
+ { 0.024816E-6, -1194.447010225, 1.087136918},
+ { 0.025196E-6, 1748.016413067, 2.901883301},
+ { 0.021691E-6, 14143.495242431, 5.952658009},
+ { 0.017673E-6, 6812.766815086, 3.186129845},
+ { 0.022567E-6, 6133.512652857, 3.307984806},
+ { 0.016155E-6, 10213.285546211, 1.331103168},
+ { 0.014751E-6, 1349.867409659, 4.308933301},
+ { 0.015949E-6, -220.412642439, 4.005298270},
+ { 0.015974E-6, -2352.866153772, 6.145309371},
+ { 0.014223E-6, 17789.845619785, 2.104551349},
+ { 0.017806E-6, 73.297125859, 3.475975097},
+ { 0.013671E-6, -536.804512095, 5.971672571},
+ { 0.011942E-6, 8031.092263058, 2.053414715},
+ { 0.014318E-6, 16730.463689596, 3.016058075},
+ { 0.012462E-6, 103.092774219, 1.737438797},
+ { 0.010962E-6, 3.590428652, 2.196567739},
+ { 0.015078E-6, 19651.048481098, 3.969480770},
+ { 0.010396E-6, 951.718406251, 5.717799605},
+ { 0.011707E-6, -4705.732307544, 2.654125618},
+ { 0.010453E-6, 5863.591206116, 1.913704550},
+ { 0.012420E-6, 4690.479836359, 4.734090399},
+ { 0.011847E-6, 5643.178563677, 5.489005403},
+ { 0.008610E-6, 3340.612426700, 3.661698944},
+ { 0.011622E-6, 5120.601145584, 4.863931876},
+ { 0.010825E-6, 553.569402842, 0.842715011},
+ { 0.008666E-6, -135.065080035, 3.293406547},
+ { 0.009963E-6, 149.563197135, 4.870690598},
+ { 0.009858E-6, 6309.374169791, 1.061816410},
+ { 0.007959E-6, 316.391869657, 2.465042647},
+ { 0.010099E-6, 283.859318865, 1.942176992},
+ { 0.007147E-6, -242.728603974, 3.661486981},
+ { 0.007505E-6, 5230.807466803, 4.920937029},
+ { 0.008323E-6, 11769.853693166, 1.229392026},
+ { 0.007490E-6, -6256.777530192, 3.658444681},
+ { 0.009370E-6, 149854.400134205, 0.673880395},
+ { 0.007117E-6, 38.027672636, 5.294249518},
+ { 0.007857E-6, 12168.002696575, 0.525733528},
+ { 0.007019E-6, 6206.809778716, 0.837688810},
+ { 0.006056E-6, 955.599741609, 4.194535082},
+ { 0.008107E-6, 13367.972631107, 3.793235253},
+ { 0.006731E-6, 5650.292110678, 5.639906583},
+ { 0.007332E-6, 36.648562930, 0.114858677},
+ { 0.006366E-6, 4164.311989613, 2.262081818},
+ { 0.006858E-6, 5216.580372801, 0.642063318},
+ { 0.006919E-6, 6681.224853400, 6.018501522},
+ { 0.006826E-6, 7632.943259650, 3.458654112},
+ { 0.005308E-6, -1592.596013633, 2.500382359},
+ { 0.005096E-6, 11371.704689758, 2.547107806},
+ { 0.004841E-6, 5333.900241022, 0.437078094},
+ { 0.005582E-6, 5966.683980335, 2.246174308},
+ { 0.006304E-6, 11926.254413669, 2.512929171},
+ { 0.006603E-6, 23581.258177318, 5.393136889},
+ { 0.005123E-6, -1.484472708, 2.999641028},
+ { 0.004648E-6, 1589.072895284, 1.275847090},
+ { 0.005119E-6, 6438.496249426, 1.486539246},
+ { 0.004521E-6, 4292.330832950, 6.140635794},
+ { 0.005680E-6, 23013.539539587, 4.557814849},
+ { 0.005488E-6, -3.455808046, 0.090675389},
+ { 0.004193E-6, 7234.794256242, 4.869091389},
+ { 0.003742E-6, 7238.675591600, 4.691976180},
+ { 0.004148E-6, -110.206321219, 3.016173439},
+ { 0.004553E-6, 11499.656222793, 5.554998314},
+ { 0.004892E-6, 5436.993015240, 1.475415597},
+ { 0.004044E-6, 4732.030627343, 1.398784824},
+ { 0.004164E-6, 12491.370101415, 5.650931916},
+ { 0.004349E-6, 11513.883316794, 2.181745369},
+ { 0.003919E-6, 12528.018664345, 5.823319737},
+ { 0.003129E-6, 6836.645252834, 0.003844094},
+ { 0.004080E-6, -7058.598461315, 3.690360123},
+ { 0.003270E-6, 76.266071276, 1.517189902},
+ { 0.002954E-6, 6283.143160294, 4.447203799},
+ { 0.002872E-6, 28.449187468, 1.158692983},
+ { 0.002881E-6, 735.876513532, 0.349250250},
+ { 0.003279E-6, 5849.364112115, 4.893384368},
+ { 0.003625E-6, 6209.778724132, 1.473760578},
+ { 0.003074E-6, 949.175608970, 5.185878737},
+ { 0.002775E-6, 9917.696874510, 1.030026325},
+ { 0.002646E-6, 10973.555686350, 3.918259169},
+ { 0.002575E-6, 25132.303399966, 6.109659023},
+ { 0.003500E-6, 263.083923373, 1.892100742},
+ { 0.002740E-6, 18319.536584880, 4.320519510},
+ { 0.002464E-6, 202.253395174, 4.698203059},
+ { 0.002409E-6, 2.542797281, 5.325009315},
+ { 0.003354E-6, -90955.551694697, 1.942656623},
+ { 0.002296E-6, 6496.374945429, 5.061810696},
+ { 0.003002E-6, 6172.869528772, 2.797822767},
+ { 0.003202E-6, 27511.467873537, 0.531673101},
+ { 0.002954E-6, -6283.008539689, 4.533471191},
+ { 0.002353E-6, 639.897286314, 3.734548088},
+ { 0.002401E-6, 16200.772724501, 2.605547070},
+ { 0.003053E-6, 233141.314403759, 3.029030662},
+ { 0.003024E-6, 83286.914269554, 2.355556099},
+ { 0.002863E-6, 17298.182327326, 5.240963796},
+ { 0.002103E-6, -7079.373856808, 5.756641637},
+ { 0.002303E-6, 83996.847317911, 2.013686814},
+ { 0.002303E-6, 18073.704938650, 1.089100410},
+ { 0.002381E-6, 63.735898303, 0.759188178},
+ { 0.002493E-6, 6386.168624210, 0.645026535},
+ { 0.002366E-6, 3.932153263, 6.215885448},
+ { 0.002169E-6, 11015.106477335, 4.845297676},
+ { 0.002397E-6, 6243.458341645, 3.809290043},
+ { 0.002183E-6, 1162.474704408, 6.179611691},
+ { 0.002353E-6, 6246.427287062, 4.781719760},
+ { 0.002199E-6, -245.831646229, 5.956152284},
+ { 0.001729E-6, 3894.181829542, 1.264976635},
+ { 0.001896E-6, -3128.388765096, 4.914231596},
+ { 0.002085E-6, 35.164090221, 1.405158503},
+ { 0.002024E-6, 14712.317116458, 2.752035928},
+ { 0.001737E-6, 6290.189396992, 5.280820144},
+ { 0.002229E-6, 491.557929457, 1.571007057},
+ { 0.001602E-6, 14314.168113050, 4.203664806},
+ { 0.002186E-6, 454.909366527, 1.402101526},
+ { 0.001897E-6, 22483.848574493, 4.167932508},
+ { 0.001825E-6, -3738.761430108, 0.545828785},
+ { 0.001894E-6, 1052.268383188, 5.817167450},
+ { 0.001421E-6, 20.355319399, 2.419886601},
+ { 0.001408E-6, 10984.192351700, 2.732084787},
+ { 0.001847E-6, 10873.986030480, 2.903477885},
+ { 0.001391E-6, -8635.942003763, 0.593891500},
+ { 0.001388E-6, -7.046236698, 1.166145902},
+ { 0.001810E-6, -88860.057071188, 0.487355242},
+ { 0.001288E-6, -1990.745017041, 3.913022880},
+ { 0.001297E-6, 23543.230504682, 3.063805171},
+ { 0.001335E-6, -266.607041722, 3.995764039},
+ { 0.001376E-6, 10969.965257698, 5.152914309},
+ { 0.001745E-6, 244287.600007027, 3.626395673},
+ { 0.001649E-6, 31441.677569757, 1.952049260},
+ { 0.001416E-6, 9225.539273283, 4.996408389},
+ { 0.001238E-6, 4804.209275927, 5.503379738},
+ { 0.001472E-6, 4590.910180489, 4.164913291},
+ { 0.001169E-6, 6040.347246017, 5.841719038},
+ { 0.001039E-6, 5540.085789459, 2.769753519},
+ { 0.001004E-6, -170.672870619, 0.755008103},
+ { 0.001284E-6, 10575.406682942, 5.306538209},
+ { 0.001278E-6, 71.812653151, 4.713486491},
+ { 0.001321E-6, 18209.330263660, 2.624866359},
+ { 0.001297E-6, 21228.392023546, 0.382603541},
+ { 0.000954E-6, 6282.095528923, 0.882213514},
+ { 0.001145E-6, 6058.731054289, 1.169483931},
+ { 0.000979E-6, 5547.199336460, 5.448375984},
+ { 0.000987E-6, -6262.300454499, 2.656486959},
+ { 0.001070E-6, -154717.609887482, 1.827624012},
+ { 0.000991E-6, 4701.116501708, 4.387001801},
+ { 0.001155E-6, -14.227094002, 3.042700750},
+ { 0.001176E-6, 277.034993741, 3.335519004},
+ { 0.000890E-6, 13916.019109642, 5.601498297},
+ { 0.000884E-6, -1551.045222648, 1.088831705},
+ { 0.000876E-6, 5017.508371365, 3.969902609},
+ { 0.000806E-6, 15110.466119866, 5.142876744},
+ { 0.000773E-6, -4136.910433516, 0.022067765},
+ { 0.001077E-6, 175.166059800, 1.844913056},
+ { 0.000954E-6, -6284.056171060, 0.968480906},
+ { 0.000737E-6, 5326.786694021, 4.923831588},
+ { 0.000845E-6, -433.711737877, 4.749245231},
+ { 0.000819E-6, 8662.240323563, 5.991247817},
+ { 0.000852E-6, 199.072001436, 2.189604979},
+ { 0.000723E-6, 17256.631536341, 6.068719637},
+ { 0.000940E-6, 6037.244203762, 6.197428148},
+ { 0.000885E-6, 11712.955318231, 3.280414875},
+ { 0.000706E-6, 12559.038152982, 2.824848947},
+ { 0.000732E-6, 2379.164473572, 2.501813417},
+ { 0.000764E-6, -6127.655450557, 2.236346329},
+ { 0.000908E-6, 131.541961686, 2.521257490},
+ { 0.000907E-6, 35371.887265976, 3.370195967},
+ { 0.000673E-6, 1066.495477190, 3.876512374},
+ { 0.000814E-6, 17654.780539750, 4.627122566},
+ { 0.000630E-6, 36.027866677, 0.156368499},
+ { 0.000798E-6, 515.463871093, 5.151962502},
+ { 0.000798E-6, 148.078724426, 5.909225055},
+ { 0.000806E-6, 309.278322656, 6.054064447},
+ { 0.000607E-6, -39.617508346, 2.839021623},
+ { 0.000601E-6, 412.371096874, 3.984225404},
+ { 0.000646E-6, 11403.676995575, 3.852959484},
+ { 0.000704E-6, 13521.751441591, 2.300991267},
+ { 0.000603E-6, -65147.619767937, 4.140083146},
+ { 0.000609E-6, 10177.257679534, 0.437122327},
+ { 0.000631E-6, 5767.611978898, 4.026532329},
+ { 0.000576E-6, 11087.285125918, 4.760293101},
+ { 0.000674E-6, 14945.316173554, 6.270510511},
+ { 0.000726E-6, 5429.879468239, 6.039606892},
+ { 0.000710E-6, 28766.924424484, 5.672617711},
+ { 0.000647E-6, 11856.218651625, 3.397132627},
+ { 0.000678E-6, -5481.254918868, 6.249666675},
+ { 0.000618E-6, 22003.914634870, 2.466427018},
+ { 0.000738E-6, 6134.997125565, 2.242668890},
+ { 0.000660E-6, 625.670192312, 5.864091907},
+ { 0.000694E-6, 3496.032826134, 2.668309141},
+ { 0.000531E-6, 6489.261398429, 1.681888780},
+ { 0.000611E-6, -143571.324284214, 2.424978312},
+ { 0.000575E-6, 12043.574281889, 4.216492400},
+ { 0.000553E-6, 12416.588502848, 4.772158039},
+ { 0.000689E-6, 4686.889407707, 6.224271088},
+ { 0.000495E-6, 7342.457780181, 3.817285811},
+ { 0.000567E-6, 3634.621024518, 1.649264690},
+ { 0.000515E-6, 18635.928454536, 3.945345892},
+ { 0.000486E-6, -323.505416657, 4.061673868},
+ { 0.000662E-6, 25158.601719765, 1.794058369},
+ { 0.000509E-6, 846.082834751, 3.053874588},
+ { 0.000472E-6, -12569.674818332, 5.112133338},
+ { 0.000461E-6, 6179.983075773, 0.513669325},
+ { 0.000641E-6, 83467.156352816, 3.210727723},
+ { 0.000520E-6, 10344.295065386, 2.445597761},
+ { 0.000493E-6, 18422.629359098, 1.676939306},
+ { 0.000478E-6, 1265.567478626, 5.487314569},
+ { 0.000472E-6, -18.159247265, 1.999707589},
+ { 0.000559E-6, 11190.377900137, 5.783236356},
+ { 0.000494E-6, 9623.688276691, 3.022645053},
+ { 0.000463E-6, 5739.157790895, 1.411223013},
+ { 0.000432E-6, 16858.482532933, 1.179256434},
+ { 0.000574E-6, 72140.628666286, 1.758191830},
+ { 0.000484E-6, 17267.268201691, 3.290589143},
+ { 0.000550E-6, 4907.302050146, 0.864024298},
+ { 0.000399E-6, 14.977853527, 2.094441910},
+ { 0.000491E-6, 224.344795702, 0.878372791},
+ { 0.000432E-6, 20426.571092422, 6.003829241},
+ { 0.000481E-6, 5749.452731634, 4.309591964},
+ { 0.000480E-6, 5757.317038160, 1.142348571},
+ { 0.000485E-6, 6702.560493867, 0.210580917},
+ { 0.000426E-6, 6055.549660552, 4.274476529},
+ { 0.000480E-6, 5959.570433334, 5.031351030},
+ { 0.000466E-6, 12562.628581634, 4.959581597},
+ { 0.000520E-6, 39302.096962196, 4.788002889},
+ { 0.000458E-6, 12132.439962106, 1.880103788},
+ { 0.000470E-6, 12029.347187887, 1.405611197},
+ { 0.000416E-6, -7477.522860216, 1.082356330},
+ { 0.000449E-6, 11609.862544012, 4.179989585},
+ { 0.000465E-6, 17253.041107690, 0.353496295},
+ { 0.000362E-6, -4535.059436924, 1.583849576},
+ { 0.000383E-6, 21954.157609398, 3.747376371},
+ { 0.000389E-6, 17.252277143, 1.395753179},
+ { 0.000331E-6, 18052.929543158, 0.566790582},
+ { 0.000430E-6, 13517.870106233, 0.685827538},
+ { 0.000368E-6, -5756.908003246, 0.731374317},
+ { 0.000330E-6, 10557.594160824, 3.710043680},
+ { 0.000332E-6, 20199.094959633, 1.652901407},
+ { 0.000384E-6, 11933.367960670, 5.827781531},
+ { 0.000387E-6, 10454.501386605, 2.541182564},
+ { 0.000325E-6, 15671.081759407, 2.178850542},
+ { 0.000318E-6, 138.517496871, 2.253253037},
+ { 0.000305E-6, 9388.005909415, 0.578340206},
+ { 0.000352E-6, 5749.861766548, 3.000297967},
+ { 0.000311E-6, 6915.859589305, 1.693574249},
+ { 0.000297E-6, 24072.921469776, 1.997249392},
+ { 0.000363E-6, -640.877607382, 5.071820966},
+ { 0.000323E-6, 12592.450019783, 1.072262823},
+ { 0.000341E-6, 12146.667056108, 4.700657997},
+ { 0.000290E-6, 9779.108676125, 1.812320441},
+ { 0.000342E-6, 6132.028180148, 4.322238614},
+ { 0.000329E-6, 6268.848755990, 3.033827743},
+ { 0.000374E-6, 17996.031168222, 3.388716544},
+ { 0.000285E-6, -533.214083444, 4.687313233},
+ { 0.000338E-6, 6065.844601290, 0.877776108},
+ { 0.000276E-6, 24.298513841, 0.770299429},
+ { 0.000336E-6, -2388.894020449, 5.353796034},
+ { 0.000290E-6, 3097.883822726, 4.075291557},
+ { 0.000318E-6, 709.933048357, 5.941207518},
+ { 0.000271E-6, 13095.842665077, 3.208912203},
+ { 0.000331E-6, 6073.708907816, 4.007881169},
+ { 0.000292E-6, 742.990060533, 2.714333592},
+ { 0.000362E-6, 29088.811415985, 3.215977013},
+ { 0.000280E-6, 12359.966151546, 0.710872502},
+ { 0.000267E-6, 10440.274292604, 4.730108488},
+ { 0.000262E-6, 838.969287750, 1.327720272},
+ { 0.000250E-6, 16496.361396202, 0.898769761},
+ { 0.000325E-6, 20597.243963041, 0.180044365},
+ { 0.000268E-6, 6148.010769956, 5.152666276},
+ { 0.000284E-6, 5636.065016677, 5.655385808},
+ { 0.000301E-6, 6080.822454817, 2.135396205},
+ { 0.000294E-6, -377.373607916, 3.708784168},
+ { 0.000236E-6, 2118.763860378, 1.733578756},
+ { 0.000234E-6, 5867.523359379, 5.575209112},
+ { 0.000268E-6, -226858.238553767, 0.069432392},
+ { 0.000265E-6, 167283.761587465, 4.369302826},
+ { 0.000280E-6, 28237.233459389, 5.304829118},
+ { 0.000292E-6, 12345.739057544, 4.096094132},
+ { 0.000223E-6, 19800.945956225, 3.069327406},
+ { 0.000301E-6, 43232.306658416, 6.205311188},
+ { 0.000264E-6, 18875.525869774, 1.417263408},
+ { 0.000304E-6, -1823.175188677, 3.409035232},
+ { 0.000301E-6, 109.945688789, 0.510922054},
+ { 0.000260E-6, 813.550283960, 2.389438934},
+ { 0.000299E-6, 316428.228673312, 5.384595078},
+ { 0.000211E-6, 5756.566278634, 3.789392838},
+ { 0.000209E-6, 5750.203491159, 1.661943545},
+ { 0.000240E-6, 12489.885628707, 5.684549045},
+ { 0.000216E-6, 6303.851245484, 3.862942261},
+ { 0.000203E-6, 1581.959348283, 5.549853589},
+ { 0.000200E-6, 5642.198242609, 1.016115785},
+ { 0.000197E-6, -70.849445304, 4.690702525},
+ { 0.000227E-6, 6287.008003254, 2.911891613},
+ { 0.000197E-6, 533.623118358, 1.048982898},
+ { 0.000205E-6, -6279.485421340, 1.829362730},
+ { 0.000209E-6, -10988.808157535, 2.636140084},
+ { 0.000208E-6, -227.526189440, 4.127883842},
+ { 0.000191E-6, 415.552490612, 4.401165650},
+ { 0.000190E-6, 29296.615389579, 4.175658539},
+ { 0.000264E-6, 66567.485864652, 4.601102551},
+ { 0.000256E-6, -3646.350377354, 0.506364778},
+ { 0.000188E-6, 13119.721102825, 2.032195842},
+ { 0.000185E-6, -209.366942175, 4.694756586},
+ { 0.000198E-6, 25934.124331089, 3.832703118},
+ { 0.000195E-6, 4061.219215394, 3.308463427},
+ { 0.000234E-6, 5113.487598583, 1.716090661},
+ { 0.000188E-6, 1478.866574064, 5.686865780},
+ { 0.000222E-6, 11823.161639450, 1.942386641},
+ { 0.000181E-6, 10770.893256262, 1.999482059},
+ { 0.000171E-6, 6546.159773364, 1.182807992},
+ { 0.000206E-6, 70.328180442, 5.934076062},
+ { 0.000169E-6, 20995.392966449, 2.169080622},
+ { 0.000191E-6, 10660.686935042, 5.405515999},
+ { 0.000228E-6, 33019.021112205, 4.656985514},
+ { 0.000184E-6, -4933.208440333, 3.327476868},
+ { 0.000220E-6, -135.625325010, 1.765430262},
+ { 0.000166E-6, 23141.558382925, 3.454132746},
+ { 0.000191E-6, 6144.558353121, 5.020393445},
+ { 0.000180E-6, 6084.003848555, 0.602182191},
+ { 0.000163E-6, 17782.732072784, 4.960593133},
+ { 0.000225E-6, 16460.333529525, 2.596451817},
+ { 0.000222E-6, 5905.702242076, 3.731990323},
+ { 0.000204E-6, 227.476132789, 5.636192701},
+ { 0.000159E-6, 16737.577236597, 3.600691544},
+ { 0.000200E-6, 6805.653268085, 0.868220961},
+ { 0.000187E-6, 11919.140866668, 2.629456641},
+ { 0.000161E-6, 127.471796607, 2.862574720},
+ { 0.000205E-6, 6286.666278643, 1.742882331},
+ { 0.000189E-6, 153.778810485, 4.812372643},
+ { 0.000168E-6, 16723.350142595, 0.027860588},
+ { 0.000149E-6, 11720.068865232, 0.659721876},
+ { 0.000189E-6, 5237.921013804, 5.245313000},
+ { 0.000143E-6, 6709.674040867, 4.317625647},
+ { 0.000146E-6, 4487.817406270, 4.815297007},
+ { 0.000144E-6, -664.756045130, 5.381366880},
+ { 0.000175E-6, 5127.714692584, 4.728443327},
+ { 0.000162E-6, 6254.626662524, 1.435132069},
+ { 0.000187E-6, 47162.516354635, 1.354371923},
+ { 0.000146E-6, 11080.171578918, 3.369695406},
+ { 0.000180E-6, -348.924420448, 2.490902145},
+ { 0.000148E-6, 151.047669843, 3.799109588},
+ { 0.000157E-6, 6197.248551160, 1.284375887},
+ { 0.000167E-6, 146.594251718, 0.759969109},
+ { 0.000133E-6, -5331.357443741, 5.409701889},
+ { 0.000154E-6, 95.979227218, 3.366890614},
+ { 0.000148E-6, -6418.140930027, 3.384104996},
+ { 0.000128E-6, -6525.804453965, 3.803419985},
+ { 0.000130E-6, 11293.470674356, 0.939039445},
+ { 0.000152E-6, -5729.506447149, 0.734117523},
+ { 0.000138E-6, 210.117701700, 2.564216078},
+ { 0.000123E-6, 6066.595360816, 4.517099537},
+ { 0.000140E-6, 18451.078546566, 0.642049130},
+ { 0.000126E-6, 11300.584221356, 3.485280663},
+ { 0.000119E-6, 10027.903195729, 3.217431161},
+ { 0.000151E-6, 4274.518310832, 4.404359108},
+ { 0.000117E-6, 6072.958148291, 0.366324650},
+ { 0.000165E-6, -7668.637425143, 4.298212528},
+ { 0.000117E-6, -6245.048177356, 5.379518958},
+ { 0.000130E-6, -5888.449964932, 4.527681115},
+ { 0.000121E-6, -543.918059096, 6.109429504},
+ { 0.000162E-6, 9683.594581116, 5.720092446},
+ { 0.000141E-6, 6219.339951688, 0.679068671},
+ { 0.000118E-6, 22743.409379516, 4.881123092},
+ { 0.000129E-6, 1692.165669502, 0.351407289},
+ { 0.000126E-6, 5657.405657679, 5.146592349},
+ { 0.000114E-6, 728.762966531, 0.520791814},
+ { 0.000120E-6, 52.596639600, 0.948516300},
+ { 0.000115E-6, 65.220371012, 3.504914846},
+ { 0.000126E-6, 5881.403728234, 5.577502482},
+ { 0.000158E-6, 163096.180360983, 2.957128968},
+ { 0.000134E-6, 12341.806904281, 2.598576764},
+ { 0.000151E-6, 16627.370915377, 3.985702050},
+ { 0.000109E-6, 1368.660252845, 0.014730471},
+ { 0.000131E-6, 6211.263196841, 0.085077024},
+ { 0.000146E-6, 5792.741760812, 0.708426604},
+ { 0.000146E-6, -77.750543984, 3.121576600},
+ { 0.000107E-6, 5341.013788022, 0.288231904},
+ { 0.000138E-6, 6281.591377283, 2.797450317},
+ { 0.000113E-6, -6277.552925684, 2.788904128},
+ { 0.000115E-6, -525.758811831, 5.895222200},
+ { 0.000138E-6, 6016.468808270, 6.096188999},
+ { 0.000139E-6, 23539.707386333, 2.028195445},
+ { 0.000146E-6, -4176.041342449, 4.660008502},
+ { 0.000107E-6, 16062.184526117, 4.066520001},
+ { 0.000142E-6, 83783.548222473, 2.936315115},
+ { 0.000128E-6, 9380.959672717, 3.223844306},
+ { 0.000135E-6, 6205.325306007, 1.638054048},
+ { 0.000101E-6, 2699.734819318, 5.481603249},
+ { 0.000104E-6, -568.821874027, 2.205734493},
+ { 0.000103E-6, 6321.103522627, 2.440421099},
+ { 0.000119E-6, 6321.208885629, 2.547496264},
+ { 0.000138E-6, 1975.492545856, 2.314608466},
+ { 0.000121E-6, 137.033024162, 4.539108237},
+ { 0.000123E-6, 19402.796952817, 4.538074405},
+ { 0.000119E-6, 22805.735565994, 2.869040566},
+ { 0.000133E-6, 64471.991241142, 6.056405489},
+ { 0.000129E-6, -85.827298831, 2.540635083},
+ { 0.000131E-6, 13613.804277336, 4.005732868},
+ { 0.000104E-6, 9814.604100291, 1.959967212},
+ { 0.000112E-6, 16097.679950283, 3.589026260},
+ { 0.000123E-6, 2107.034507542, 1.728627253},
+ { 0.000121E-6, 36949.230808424, 6.072332087},
+ { 0.000108E-6, -12539.853380183, 3.716133846},
+ { 0.000113E-6, -7875.671863624, 2.725771122},
+ { 0.000109E-6, 4171.425536614, 4.033338079},
+ { 0.000101E-6, 6247.911759770, 3.441347021},
+ { 0.000113E-6, 7330.728427345, 0.656372122},
+ { 0.000113E-6, 51092.726050855, 2.791483066},
+ { 0.000106E-6, 5621.842923210, 1.815323326},
+ { 0.000101E-6, 111.430161497, 5.711033677},
+ { 0.000103E-6, 909.818733055, 2.812745443},
+ { 0.000101E-6, 1790.642637886, 1.965746028},
+ { 102.156724E-6, 6283.075849991, 4.249032005},
+ { 1.706807E-6, 12566.151699983, 4.205904248},
+ { 0.269668E-6, 213.299095438, 3.400290479},
+ { 0.265919E-6, 529.690965095, 5.836047367},
+ { 0.210568E-6, -3.523118349, 6.262738348},
+ { 0.077996E-6, 5223.693919802, 4.670344204},
+ { 0.054764E-6, 1577.343542448, 4.534800170},
+ { 0.059146E-6, 26.298319800, 1.083044735},
+ { 0.034420E-6, -398.149003408, 5.980077351},
+ { 0.032088E-6, 18849.227549974, 4.162913471},
+ { 0.033595E-6, 5507.553238667, 5.980162321},
+ { 0.029198E-6, 5856.477659115, 0.623811863},
+ { 0.027764E-6, 155.420399434, 3.745318113},
+ { 0.025190E-6, 5746.271337896, 2.980330535},
+ { 0.022997E-6, -796.298006816, 1.174411803},
+ { 0.024976E-6, 5760.498431898, 2.467913690},
+ { 0.021774E-6, 206.185548437, 3.854787540},
+ { 0.017925E-6, -775.522611324, 1.092065955},
+ { 0.013794E-6, 426.598190876, 2.699831988},
+ { 0.013276E-6, 6062.663207553, 5.845801920},
+ { 0.011774E-6, 12036.460734888, 2.292832062},
+ { 0.012869E-6, 6076.890301554, 5.333425680},
+ { 0.012152E-6, 1059.381930189, 6.222874454},
+ { 0.011081E-6, -7.113547001, 5.154724984},
+ { 0.010143E-6, 4694.002954708, 4.044013795},
+ { 0.009357E-6, 5486.777843175, 3.416081409},
+ { 0.010084E-6, 522.577418094, 0.749320262},
+ { 0.008587E-6, 10977.078804699, 2.777152598},
+ { 0.008628E-6, 6275.962302991, 4.562060226},
+ { 0.008158E-6, -220.412642439, 5.806891533},
+ { 0.007746E-6, 2544.314419883, 1.603197066},
+ { 0.007670E-6, 2146.165416475, 3.000200440},
+ { 0.007098E-6, 74.781598567, 0.443725817},
+ { 0.006180E-6, -536.804512095, 1.302642751},
+ { 0.005818E-6, 5088.628839767, 4.827723531},
+ { 0.004945E-6, -6286.598968340, 0.268305170},
+ { 0.004774E-6, 1349.867409659, 5.808636673},
+ { 0.004687E-6, -242.728603974, 5.154890570},
+ { 0.006089E-6, 1748.016413067, 4.403765209},
+ { 0.005975E-6, -1194.447010225, 2.583472591},
+ { 0.004229E-6, 951.718406251, 0.931172179},
+ { 0.005264E-6, 553.569402842, 2.336107252},
+ { 0.003049E-6, 5643.178563677, 1.362634430},
+ { 0.002974E-6, 6812.766815086, 1.583012668},
+ { 0.003403E-6, -2352.866153772, 2.552189886},
+ { 0.003030E-6, 419.484643875, 5.286473844},
+ { 0.003210E-6, -7.046236698, 1.863796539},
+ { 0.003058E-6, 9437.762934887, 4.226420633},
+ { 0.002589E-6, 12352.852604545, 1.991935820},
+ { 0.002927E-6, 5216.580372801, 2.319951253},
+ { 0.002425E-6, 5230.807466803, 3.084752833},
+ { 0.002656E-6, 3154.687084896, 2.487447866},
+ { 0.002445E-6, 10447.387839604, 2.347139160},
+ { 0.002990E-6, 4690.479836359, 6.235872050},
+ { 0.002890E-6, 5863.591206116, 0.095197563},
+ { 0.002498E-6, 6438.496249426, 2.994779800},
+ { 0.001889E-6, 8031.092263058, 3.569003717},
+ { 0.002567E-6, 801.820931124, 3.425611498},
+ { 0.001803E-6, -71430.695617928, 2.192295512},
+ { 0.001782E-6, 3.932153263, 5.180433689},
+ { 0.001694E-6, -4705.732307544, 4.641779174},
+ { 0.001704E-6, -1592.596013633, 3.997097652},
+ { 0.001735E-6, 5849.364112115, 0.417558428},
+ { 0.001643E-6, 8429.241266467, 2.180619584},
+ { 0.001680E-6, 38.133035638, 4.164529426},
+ { 0.002045E-6, 7084.896781115, 0.526323854},
+ { 0.001458E-6, 4292.330832950, 1.356098141},
+ { 0.001437E-6, 20.355319399, 3.895439360},
+ { 0.001738E-6, 6279.552731642, 0.087484036},
+ { 0.001367E-6, 14143.495242431, 3.987576591},
+ { 0.001344E-6, 7234.794256242, 0.090454338},
+ { 0.001438E-6, 11499.656222793, 0.974387904},
+ { 0.001257E-6, 6836.645252834, 1.509069366},
+ { 0.001358E-6, 11513.883316794, 0.495572260},
+ { 0.001628E-6, 7632.943259650, 4.968445721},
+ { 0.001169E-6, 103.092774219, 2.838496795},
+ { 0.001162E-6, 4164.311989613, 3.408387778},
+ { 0.001092E-6, 6069.776754553, 3.617942651},
+ { 0.001008E-6, 17789.845619785, 0.286350174},
+ { 0.001008E-6, 639.897286314, 1.610762073},
+ { 0.000918E-6, 10213.285546211, 5.532798067},
+ { 0.001011E-6, -6256.777530192, 0.661826484},
+ { 0.000753E-6, 16730.463689596, 3.905030235},
+ { 0.000737E-6, 11926.254413669, 4.641956361},
+ { 0.000694E-6, 3340.612426700, 2.111120332},
+ { 0.000701E-6, 3894.181829542, 2.760823491},
+ { 0.000689E-6, -135.065080035, 4.768800780},
+ { 0.000700E-6, 13367.972631107, 5.760439898},
+ { 0.000664E-6, 6040.347246017, 1.051215840},
+ { 0.000654E-6, 5650.292110678, 4.911332503},
+ { 0.000788E-6, 6681.224853400, 4.699648011},
+ { 0.000628E-6, 5333.900241022, 5.024608847},
+ { 0.000755E-6, -110.206321219, 4.370971253},
+ { 0.000628E-6, 6290.189396992, 3.660478857},
+ { 0.000635E-6, 25132.303399966, 4.121051532},
+ { 0.000534E-6, 5966.683980335, 1.173284524},
+ { 0.000543E-6, -433.711737877, 0.345585464},
+ { 0.000517E-6, -1990.745017041, 5.414571768},
+ { 0.000504E-6, 5767.611978898, 2.328281115},
+ { 0.000485E-6, 5753.384884897, 1.685874771},
+ { 0.000463E-6, 7860.419392439, 5.297703006},
+ { 0.000604E-6, 515.463871093, 0.591998446},
+ { 0.000443E-6, 12168.002696575, 4.830881244},
+ { 0.000570E-6, 199.072001436, 3.899190272},
+ { 0.000465E-6, 10969.965257698, 0.476681802},
+ { 0.000424E-6, -7079.373856808, 1.112242763},
+ { 0.000427E-6, 735.876513532, 1.994214480},
+ { 0.000478E-6, -6127.655450557, 3.778025483},
+ { 0.000414E-6, 10973.555686350, 5.441088327},
+ { 0.000512E-6, 1589.072895284, 0.107123853},
+ { 0.000378E-6, 10984.192351700, 0.915087231},
+ { 0.000402E-6, 11371.704689758, 4.107281715},
+ { 0.000453E-6, 9917.696874510, 1.917490952},
+ { 0.000395E-6, 149.563197135, 2.763124165},
+ { 0.000371E-6, 5739.157790895, 3.112111866},
+ { 0.000350E-6, 11790.629088659, 0.440639857},
+ { 0.000356E-6, 6133.512652857, 5.444568842},
+ { 0.000344E-6, 412.371096874, 5.676832684},
+ { 0.000383E-6, 955.599741609, 5.559734846},
+ { 0.000333E-6, 6496.374945429, 0.261537984},
+ { 0.000340E-6, 6055.549660552, 5.975534987},
+ { 0.000334E-6, 1066.495477190, 2.335063907},
+ { 0.000399E-6, 11506.769769794, 5.321230910},
+ { 0.000314E-6, 18319.536584880, 2.313312404},
+ { 0.000424E-6, 1052.268383188, 1.211961766},
+ { 0.000307E-6, 63.735898303, 3.169551388},
+ { 0.000329E-6, 29.821438149, 6.106912080},
+ { 0.000357E-6, 6309.374169791, 4.223760346},
+ { 0.000312E-6, -3738.761430108, 2.180556645},
+ { 0.000301E-6, 309.278322656, 1.499984572},
+ { 0.000268E-6, 12043.574281889, 2.447520648},
+ { 0.000257E-6, 12491.370101415, 3.662331761},
+ { 0.000290E-6, 625.670192312, 1.272834584},
+ { 0.000256E-6, 5429.879468239, 1.913426912},
+ { 0.000339E-6, 3496.032826134, 4.165930011},
+ { 0.000283E-6, 3930.209696220, 4.325565754},
+ { 0.000241E-6, 12528.018664345, 3.832324536},
+ { 0.000304E-6, 4686.889407707, 1.612348468},
+ { 0.000259E-6, 16200.772724501, 3.470173146},
+ { 0.000238E-6, 12139.553509107, 1.147977842},
+ { 0.000236E-6, 6172.869528772, 3.776271728},
+ { 0.000296E-6, -7058.598461315, 0.460368852},
+ { 0.000306E-6, 10575.406682942, 0.554749016},
+ { 0.000251E-6, 17298.182327326, 0.834332510},
+ { 0.000290E-6, 4732.030627343, 4.759564091},
+ { 0.000261E-6, 5884.926846583, 0.298259862},
+ { 0.000249E-6, 5547.199336460, 3.749366406},
+ { 0.000213E-6, 11712.955318231, 5.415666119},
+ { 0.000223E-6, 4701.116501708, 2.703203558},
+ { 0.000268E-6, -640.877607382, 0.283670793},
+ { 0.000209E-6, 5636.065016677, 1.238477199},
+ { 0.000193E-6, 10177.257679534, 1.943251340},
+ { 0.000182E-6, 6283.143160294, 2.456157599},
+ { 0.000184E-6, -227.526189440, 5.888038582},
+ { 0.000182E-6, -6283.008539689, 0.241332086},
+ { 0.000228E-6, -6284.056171060, 2.657323816},
+ { 0.000166E-6, 7238.675591600, 5.930629110},
+ { 0.000167E-6, 3097.883822726, 5.570955333},
+ { 0.000159E-6, -323.505416657, 5.786670700},
+ { 0.000154E-6, -4136.910433516, 1.517805532},
+ { 0.000176E-6, 12029.347187887, 3.139266834},
+ { 0.000167E-6, 12132.439962106, 3.556352289},
+ { 0.000153E-6, 202.253395174, 1.463313961},
+ { 0.000157E-6, 17267.268201691, 1.586837396},
+ { 0.000142E-6, 83996.847317911, 0.022670115},
+ { 0.000152E-6, 17260.154654690, 0.708528947},
+ { 0.000144E-6, 6084.003848555, 5.187075177},
+ { 0.000135E-6, 5756.566278634, 1.993229262},
+ { 0.000134E-6, 5750.203491159, 3.457197134},
+ { 0.000144E-6, 5326.786694021, 6.066193291},
+ { 0.000160E-6, 11015.106477335, 1.710431974},
+ { 0.000133E-6, 3634.621024518, 2.836451652},
+ { 0.000134E-6, 18073.704938650, 5.453106665},
+ { 0.000134E-6, 1162.474704408, 5.326898811},
+ { 0.000128E-6, 5642.198242609, 2.511652591},
+ { 0.000160E-6, 632.783739313, 5.628785365},
+ { 0.000132E-6, 13916.019109642, 0.819294053},
+ { 0.000122E-6, 14314.168113050, 5.677408071},
+ { 0.000125E-6, 12359.966151546, 5.251984735},
+ { 0.000121E-6, 5749.452731634, 2.210924603},
+ { 0.000136E-6, -245.831646229, 1.646502367},
+ { 0.000120E-6, 5757.317038160, 3.240883049},
+ { 0.000134E-6, 12146.667056108, 3.059480037},
+ { 0.000137E-6, 6206.809778716, 1.867105418},
+ { 0.000141E-6, 17253.041107690, 2.069217456},
+ { 0.000129E-6, -7477.522860216, 2.781469314},
+ { 0.000116E-6, 5540.085789459, 4.281176991},
+ { 0.000116E-6, 9779.108676125, 3.320925381},
+ { 0.000129E-6, 5237.921013804, 3.497704076},
+ { 0.000113E-6, 5959.570433334, 0.983210840},
+ { 0.000122E-6, 6282.095528923, 2.674938860},
+ { 0.000140E-6, -11.045700264, 4.957936982},
+ { 0.000108E-6, 23543.230504682, 1.390113589},
+ { 0.000106E-6, -12569.674818332, 0.429631317},
+ { 0.000110E-6, -266.607041722, 5.501340197},
+ { 0.000115E-6, 12559.038152982, 4.691456618},
+ { 0.000134E-6, -2388.894020449, 0.577313584},
+ { 0.000109E-6, 10440.274292604, 6.218148717},
+ { 0.000102E-6, -543.918059096, 1.477842615},
+ { 0.000108E-6, 21228.392023546, 2.237753948},
+ { 0.000101E-6, -4535.059436924, 3.100492232},
+ { 0.000103E-6, 76.266071276, 5.594294322},
+ { 0.000104E-6, 949.175608970, 5.674287810},
+ { 0.000101E-6, 13517.870106233, 2.196632348},
+ { 0.000100E-6, 11933.367960670, 4.056084160},
+ { 4.322990E-6, 6283.075849991, 2.642893748},
+ { 0.406495E-6, 0.000000000, 4.712388980},
+ { 0.122605E-6, 12566.151699983, 2.438140634},
+ { 0.019476E-6, 213.299095438, 1.642186981},
+ { 0.016916E-6, 529.690965095, 4.510959344},
+ { 0.013374E-6, -3.523118349, 1.502210314},
+ { 0.008042E-6, 26.298319800, 0.478549024},
+ { 0.007824E-6, 155.420399434, 5.254710405},
+ { 0.004894E-6, 5746.271337896, 4.683210850},
+ { 0.004875E-6, 5760.498431898, 0.759507698},
+ { 0.004416E-6, 5223.693919802, 6.028853166},
+ { 0.004088E-6, -7.113547001, 0.060926389},
+ { 0.004433E-6, 77713.771467920, 3.627734103},
+ { 0.003277E-6, 18849.227549974, 2.327912542},
+ { 0.002703E-6, 6062.663207553, 1.271941729},
+ { 0.003435E-6, -775.522611324, 0.747446224},
+ { 0.002618E-6, 6076.890301554, 3.633715689},
+ { 0.003146E-6, 206.185548437, 5.647874613},
+ { 0.002544E-6, 1577.343542448, 6.232904270},
+ { 0.002218E-6, -220.412642439, 1.309509946},
+ { 0.002197E-6, 5856.477659115, 2.407212349},
+ { 0.002897E-6, 5753.384884897, 5.863842246},
+ { 0.001766E-6, 426.598190876, 0.754113147},
+ { 0.001738E-6, -796.298006816, 2.714942671},
+ { 0.001695E-6, 522.577418094, 2.629369842},
+ { 0.001584E-6, 5507.553238667, 1.341138229},
+ { 0.001503E-6, -242.728603974, 0.377699736},
+ { 0.001552E-6, -536.804512095, 2.904684667},
+ { 0.001370E-6, -398.149003408, 1.265599125},
+ { 0.001889E-6, -5573.142801634, 4.413514859},
+ { 0.001722E-6, 6069.776754553, 2.445966339},
+ { 0.001124E-6, 1059.381930189, 5.041799657},
+ { 0.001258E-6, 553.569402842, 3.849557278},
+ { 0.000831E-6, 951.718406251, 2.471094709},
+ { 0.000767E-6, 4694.002954708, 5.363125422},
+ { 0.000756E-6, 1349.867409659, 1.046195744},
+ { 0.000775E-6, -11.045700264, 0.245548001},
+ { 0.000597E-6, 2146.165416475, 4.543268798},
+ { 0.000568E-6, 5216.580372801, 4.178853144},
+ { 0.000711E-6, 1748.016413067, 5.934271972},
+ { 0.000499E-6, 12036.460734888, 0.624434410},
+ { 0.000671E-6, -1194.447010225, 4.136047594},
+ { 0.000488E-6, 5849.364112115, 2.209679987},
+ { 0.000621E-6, 6438.496249426, 4.518860804},
+ { 0.000495E-6, -6286.598968340, 1.868201275},
+ { 0.000456E-6, 5230.807466803, 1.271231591},
+ { 0.000451E-6, 5088.628839767, 0.084060889},
+ { 0.000435E-6, 5643.178563677, 3.324456609},
+ { 0.000387E-6, 10977.078804699, 4.052488477},
+ { 0.000547E-6, 161000.685737473, 2.841633844},
+ { 0.000522E-6, 3154.687084896, 2.171979966},
+ { 0.000375E-6, 5486.777843175, 4.983027306},
+ { 0.000421E-6, 5863.591206116, 4.546432249},
+ { 0.000439E-6, 7084.896781115, 0.522967921},
+ { 0.000309E-6, 2544.314419883, 3.172606705},
+ { 0.000347E-6, 4690.479836359, 1.479586566},
+ { 0.000317E-6, 801.820931124, 3.553088096},
+ { 0.000262E-6, 419.484643875, 0.606635550},
+ { 0.000248E-6, 6836.645252834, 3.014082064},
+ { 0.000245E-6, -1592.596013633, 5.519526220},
+ { 0.000225E-6, 4292.330832950, 2.877956536},
+ { 0.000214E-6, 7234.794256242, 1.605227587},
+ { 0.000205E-6, 5767.611978898, 0.625804796},
+ { 0.000180E-6, 10447.387839604, 3.499954526},
+ { 0.000229E-6, 199.072001436, 5.632304604},
+ { 0.000214E-6, 639.897286314, 5.960227667},
+ { 0.000175E-6, -433.711737877, 2.162417992},
+ { 0.000209E-6, 515.463871093, 2.322150893},
+ { 0.000173E-6, 6040.347246017, 2.556183691},
+ { 0.000184E-6, 6309.374169791, 4.732296790},
+ { 0.000227E-6, 149854.400134205, 5.385812217},
+ { 0.000154E-6, 8031.092263058, 5.120720920},
+ { 0.000151E-6, 5739.157790895, 4.815000443},
+ { 0.000197E-6, 7632.943259650, 0.222827271},
+ { 0.000197E-6, 74.781598567, 3.910456770},
+ { 0.000138E-6, 6055.549660552, 1.397484253},
+ { 0.000149E-6, -6127.655450557, 5.333727496},
+ { 0.000137E-6, 3894.181829542, 4.281749907},
+ { 0.000135E-6, 9437.762934887, 5.979971885},
+ { 0.000139E-6, -2352.866153772, 4.715630782},
+ { 0.000142E-6, 6812.766815086, 0.513330157},
+ { 0.000120E-6, -4705.732307544, 0.194160689},
+ { 0.000131E-6, -71430.695617928, 0.000379226},
+ { 0.000124E-6, 6279.552731642, 2.122264908},
+ { 0.000108E-6, -6256.777530192, 0.883445696},
+ { 0.143388E-6, 6283.075849991, 1.131453581},
+ { 0.006671E-6, 12566.151699983, 0.775148887},
+ { 0.001480E-6, 155.420399434, 0.480016880},
+ { 0.000934E-6, 213.299095438, 6.144453084},
+ { 0.000795E-6, 529.690965095, 2.941595619},
+ { 0.000673E-6, 5746.271337896, 0.120415406},
+ { 0.000672E-6, 5760.498431898, 5.317009738},
+ { 0.000389E-6, -220.412642439, 3.090323467},
+ { 0.000373E-6, 6062.663207553, 3.003551964},
+ { 0.000360E-6, 6076.890301554, 1.918913041},
+ { 0.000316E-6, -21.340641002, 5.545798121},
+ { 0.000315E-6, -242.728603974, 1.884932563},
+ { 0.000278E-6, 206.185548437, 1.266254859},
+ { 0.000238E-6, -536.804512095, 4.532664830},
+ { 0.000185E-6, 522.577418094, 4.578313856},
+ { 0.000245E-6, 18849.227549974, 0.587467082},
+ { 0.000180E-6, 426.598190876, 5.151178553},
+ { 0.000200E-6, 553.569402842, 5.355983739},
+ { 0.000141E-6, 5223.693919802, 1.336556009},
+ { 0.000104E-6, 5856.477659115, 4.239842759},
+ { 0.003826E-6, 6283.075849991, 5.705257275},
+ { 0.000303E-6, 12566.151699983, 5.407132842},
+ { 0.000209E-6, 155.420399434, 1.989815753}
+ };
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ double t, tsol, w, elsun, emsun, d, elj, els, wt, w0, w1, w2, w3, w4,
+ wf, wj;
+ int i;
+/* Time since J2000.0 in Julian millennia. */
+ t = ( tdb - 51544.5 )/365250;
+/* -------------------- Topocentric terms ----------------------------- */
+/* Convert UT1 to local solar time in radians. */
+ tsol = fmod( ut1, 1.0 )*D2PI - wl;
+/* FUNDAMENTAL ARGUMENTS: Simon et al 1994 */
+/* Combine time argument (millennia ) with deg/arcsec factor. */
+ w = t / 3600.0;
+/* Sun Mean Longitude. */
+ elsun = fmod( 280.46645683 + 1296027711.03429*w, 360.0 )*D2R;
+/* Sun Mean Anomaly. */
+ emsun = fmod( 357.52910918 + 1295965810.481*w, 360.0 )*D2R;
+/* Mean Elongation of Moon from Sun. */
+ d = fmod( 297.85019547 + 16029616012.090*w, 360.0 )*D2R;
+/* Mean Longitude of Jupiter. */
+ elj = fmod( 34.35151874 + 109306899.89453*w, 360.0 )*D2R;
+/* Mean Longitude of Saturn. */
+ els = fmod( 50.07744430 + 44046398.47038*w, 360.0 )*D2R;
+/* TOPOCENTRIC TERMS: Moyer 1981 and Murray 1983. */
+ wt = + 0.00029E-10*u*sin( tsol + elsun - els )
+ + 0.00100E-10*u*sin( tsol - 2*emsun )
+ + 0.00133E-10*u*sin( tsol - d )
+ + 0.00133E-10*u*sin( tsol + elsun - elj )
+ - 0.00229E-10*u*sin( tsol + 2*elsun + emsun )
+ - 0.0220E-10*v*cos( elsun + emsun )
+ + 0.05312E-10*u*sin( tsol - emsun )
+ - 0.13677E-10*u*sin( tsol + 2*elsun )
+ - 1.3184E-10*v*cos( elsun )
+ + 3.17679E-10*u*sin( tsol );
+/* --------------- Fairhead model --------------------------------------- */
+/* t**0 */
+ w0 = 0;
+ for( i = 473; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ w0 = w0 + fairhd[ i ][ 0 ]*sin( fairhd[ i ][ 1 ]*t + fairhd[ i ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+/* t**1 */
+ w1 = 0;
+ for( i = 678; i >= 474; i-- ) {
+ w1 = w1 + fairhd[ i ][ 0 ]*sin( fairhd[ i ][ 1 ]*t + fairhd[ i ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+/* t**2 */
+ w2 = 0;
+ for( i = 763; i >= 679; i-- ) {
+ w2 = w2 + fairhd[ i ][ 0 ]*sin( fairhd[ i ][ 1 ]*t + fairhd[ i ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+/* t**3 */
+ w3 = 0;
+ for( i = 783; i >= 764; i-- ) {
+ w3 = w3 + fairhd[ i ][ 0 ]*sin( fairhd[ i ][ 1 ]*t + fairhd[ i ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+/* t**4 */
+ w4 = 0;
+ for( i = 786; i >= 784; i-- ) {
+ w4 = w4 + fairhd[ i ][ 0 ]*sin( fairhd[ i ][ 1 ]*t + fairhd[ i ][ 2 ] );
+ }
+/* Multiply by powers of T and combine. */
+ wf = t*( t*( t*( t*w4 + w3 ) + w2 ) + w1 ) + w0;
+/* Adjustments to use JPL planetary masses instead of IAU. */
+ wj = 0.00065E-6 * sin( 6069.776754 *t + 4.021194 ) +
+ 0.00033E-6 * sin( 213.299095 *t + 5.543132 ) +
+ ( -0.00196E-6 * sin( 6208.294251 *t + 5.696701 ) ) +
+ ( -0.00173E-6 * sin( 74.781599 *t + 2.435900 ) ) +
+ 0.03638E-6*t*t;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Final result: TDB-TT in seconds. */
+ return wt + wf + wj;
+static void TimeAdd( AstTimeMap *this, const char *cvt, int narg,
+ const double args[], int *status ) {
+* Name:
+c astTimeAdd
+* Purpose:
+* Add a time coordinate conversion to a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Public virtual function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "timemap.h"
+c void astTimeAdd( AstTimeMap *this, const char *cvt, int narg,
+c const double args[] )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap method.
+* Description:
+c This function adds one of the standard time coordinate
+f This routine adds one of the standard time coordinate
+* system conversions listed below to an existing TimeMap.
+c When a TimeMap is first created (using astTimeMap), it simply
+f When a TimeMap is first created (using AST_TIMEMAP), it simply
+c performs a unit (null) Mapping. By using astTimeAdd (repeatedly
+f performs a unit (null) Mapping. By using AST_TIMEADD (repeatedly
+* if necessary), one or more coordinate conversion steps may then
+* be added, which the TimeMap will perform in sequence. This allows
+* multi-step conversions between a variety of time coordinate
+* systems to be assembled out of the building blocks provided by
+* this class.
+* Normally, if a TimeMap's Invert attribute is zero (the default),
+* then its forward transformation is performed by carrying out
+* each of the individual coordinate conversions specified by
+c astTimeAdd in the order given (i.e. with the most recently added
+f AST_TIMEADD in the order given (i.e. with the most recently added
+* conversion applied last).
+* This order is reversed if the TimeMap's Invert attribute is
+* non-zero (or if the inverse transformation is requested by any
+* other means) and each individual coordinate conversion is also
+* replaced by its own inverse. This process inverts the overall
+* effect of the TimeMap. In this case, the first conversion to be
+* applied would be the inverse of the one most recently added.
+* Parameters:
+c this
+f THIS = INTEGER (Given)
+* Pointer to the TimeMap.
+c cvt
+f CVT = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated string which identifies the
+f A character string which identifies the
+* time coordinate conversion to be added to the
+* TimeMap. See the "Available Conversions" section for details of
+* those available.
+c narg
+f NARG = INTEGER (Given)
+* The number of argument values supplied in the
+c "args" array.
+f ARGS array.
+c args
+* An array containing argument values for the time
+* coordinate conversion. The number of arguments required, and
+* hence the number of array elements used, depends on the
+* conversion specified (see the "Available Conversions"
+* section). This array is ignored
+c and a NULL pointer may be supplied
+* if no arguments are needed.
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Notes:
+* - When assembling a multi-stage conversion, it can sometimes be
+* difficult to determine the most economical conversion path. A solution
+* to this is to include all the steps which are (logically) necessary,
+* but then to use
+c astSimplify to simplify the resulting
+f AST_SIMPLIFY to simplify the resulting
+* TimeMap. The simplification process will eliminate any steps
+* which turn out not to be needed.
+c - This function does not check to ensure that the sequence of
+f - This routine does not check to ensure that the sequence of
+* coordinate conversions added to a TimeMap is physically
+* meaningful.
+* Available Conversions:
+* The following strings (which are case-insensitive) may be supplied
+c via the "cvt" parameter to indicate which time coordinate
+f via the CVT argument to indicate which time coordinate
+* conversion is to be added to the TimeMap. Where arguments are needed by
+* the conversion, they are listed in parentheses. Values for
+c these arguments should be given, via the "args" array, in the
+f these arguments should be given, via the ARGS array, in the
+* order indicated. Units and argument names are described at the end of
+* the list of conversions, and "MJD" means Modified Julian Date.
+* - "MJDTOMJD" (MJDOFF1,MJDOFF2): Convert MJD from one offset to another.
+* - "MJDTOJD" (MJDOFF,JDOFF): Convert MJD to Julian Date.
+* - "JDTOMJD" (JDOFF,MJDOFF): Convert Julian Date to MJD.
+* - "MJDTOBEP" (MJDOFF,BEPOFF): Convert MJD to Besselian epoch.
+* - "BEPTOMJD" (BEPOFF,MJDOFF): Convert Besselian epoch to MJD.
+* - "MJDTOJEP" (MJDOFF,JEPOFF): Convert MJD to Julian epoch.
+* - "JEPTOMJD" (JEPOFF,MJDOFF): Convert Julian epoch to MJD.
+* - "TAITOUTC" (MJDOFF,DTAI): Convert a TAI MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* - "UTCTOTAI" (MJDOFF,DTAI): Convert a UTC MJD to a TAI MJD.
+* - "TAITOTT" (MJDOFF): Convert a TAI MJD to a TT MJD.
+* - "TTTOTAI" (MJDOFF): Convert a TT MJD to a TAI MJD.
+* - "TTTOTCG" (MJDOFF): Convert a TT MJD to a TCG MJD.
+* - "TCGTOTT" (MJDOFF): Convert a TCG MJD to a TT MJD.
+* - "TDBTOTCB" (MJDOFF): Convert a TDB MJD to a TCB MJD.
+* - "TCBTOTDB" (MJDOFF): Convert a TCB MJD to a TDB MJD.
+* - "UTTOGMST" (MJDOFF): Convert a UT MJD to a GMST MJD.
+* - "GMSTTOUT" (MJDOFF): Convert a GMST MJD to a UT MJD.
+* - "UTTOUTC" (DUT1): Convert a UT1 MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* - "UTCTOUT" (DUT1): Convert a UTC MJD to a UT1 MJD.
+* - "LTTOUTC" (LTOFF): Convert a Local Time MJD to a UTC MJD.
+* - "UTCTOLT" (LTOFF): Convert a UTC MJD to a Local Time MJD.
+* The units for the values processed by the above conversions are as
+* follows:
+* - Julian epochs and offsets: Julian years
+* - Besselian epochs and offsets: Tropical years
+* - Modified Julian Dates and offsets: days
+* - Julian Dates and offsets: days
+* The arguments used in the above conversions are the zero-points
+* used by the
+c astTransform function.
+f AST_TRANSFORM routine.
+* The axis values supplied and returned by
+c astTransform
+* are offsets away from these zero-points:
+* - MJDOFF: The zero-point being used with MJD values.
+* - JDOFF: The zero-point being used with Julian Date values.
+* - BEPOFF: The zero-point being used with Besselian epoch values.
+* - JEPOFF: The zero-point being used with Julian epoch values.
+* - OBSLON: Observer longitude in radians (+ve westwards).
+* - OBSLAT: Observer geodetic latitude (IAU 1975) in radians (+ve northwards).
+* - OBSALT: Observer geodetic altitude (IAU 1975) in metres.
+* - DTAI: The value of TAI-UTC (the value returned by astDat is used if
+* DTAI is AST__BAD).
+* - DUT1: The UT1-UTC value to use.
+* - LTOFF: The offset between Local Time and UTC (in hours, positive
+* for time zones east of Greenwich).
+/* Local Variables: */
+ int cvttype; /* Conversion type code */
+/* Check the inherited status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Validate the type string supplied and obtain the equivalent
+ conversion type code. */
+ cvttype = CvtCode( cvt, status );
+/* If the string was not recognised, then report an error. */
+ if ( astOK && ( cvttype == AST__TIME_NULL ) ) {
+ astError( AST__TIMIN,
+ "%s(%s): Invalid TimeMap time coordinate "
+ "conversion type \"%s\".", status, "astAddTime", astGetClass( this ), cvt );
+ }
+/* Add the new conversion to the TimeMap. */
+ AddTimeCvt( this, cvttype, narg, args, status );
+static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+ int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Transform
+* Purpose:
+* Apply a TimeMap to transform a set of points.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
+* int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap member function (over-rides the astTransform method inherited
+* from the Mapping class).
+* Description:
+* This function takes a TimeMap and a set of points encapsulated
+* in a PointSet and transforms the points so as to perform the
+* sequence of time coordinate conversions specified by
+* previous invocations of astTimeAdd.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the TimeMap.
+* in
+* Pointer to the PointSet holding the input coordinate data.
+* forward
+* A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate transformation
+* should be applied, while a zero value requests the inverse
+* transformation.
+* out
+* Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed (output)
+* coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given, in which case a
+* new PointSet will be created by this function.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+* - The number of coordinate values per point in the input PointSet must
+* match the number of coordinates for the TimeMap being applied.
+* - If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for sufficient
+* number of points and coordinate values per point to accommodate the
+* result. Any excess space will be ignored.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstPointSet *result; /* Pointer to output PointSet */
+ AstTimeMap *map; /* Pointer to TimeMap to be applied */
+ double **ptr_in; /* Pointer to input coordinate data */
+ double **ptr_out; /* Pointer to output coordinate data */
+ double *args; /* Pointer to argument list for conversion */
+ double *time; /* Pointer to output time axis value array */
+ double gmstx; /* GMST offset (in days) */
+ double tai; /* Absolute TAI value (in days) */
+ double tdb; /* Absolute TDB value (in days) */
+ double tt; /* Absolute TT value (in days) */
+ double utc; /* Absolute UTC value (in days) */
+ int ct; /* Conversion type */
+ int cvt; /* Loop counter for conversions */
+ int end; /* Termination index for conversion loop */
+ int inc; /* Increment for conversion loop */
+ int npoint; /* Number of points */
+ int point; /* Loop counter for points */
+ int start; /* Starting index for conversion loop */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the TimeMap. */
+ map = (AstTimeMap *) this;
+/* Apply the parent mapping using the stored pointer to the Transform member
+ function inherited from the parent Mapping class. This function validates
+ all arguments and generates an output PointSet if necessary, but does not
+ actually transform any coordinate values. */
+ result = (*parent_transform)( this, in, forward, out, status );
+/* We will now extend the parent astTransform method by performing the
+ coordinate conversions needed to generate the output coordinate values. */
+/* Determine the numbers of points and coordinates per point from the input
+ PointSet and obtain pointers for accessing the input and output coordinate
+ values. */
+ npoint = astGetNpoint( in );
+ ptr_in = astGetPoints( in );
+ ptr_out = astGetPoints( result );
+/* Determine whether to apply the forward or inverse transformation, according
+ to the direction specified and whether the mapping has been inverted. */
+ if ( astGetInvert( this ) ) forward = !forward;
+/* Transform the coordinate values. */
+/* -------------------------------- */
+/* Use "time" as a synonym for the array of time axis values stored in
+ the output PointSet. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ time = ptr_out[ 0 ];
+/* Initialise the output coordinate values by copying the input ones. */
+ if( time != ptr_in[ 0 ] ) {
+ (void) memcpy( time, ptr_in[ 0 ], sizeof( double ) * (size_t) npoint );
+ }
+/* We will loop to apply each time coordinate conversion in turn to the
+ (time) array. However, if the inverse transformation was requested,
+ we must loop through these transformations in reverse order, so set up
+ appropriate limits and an increment to control this loop. */
+ start = forward ? 0 : map->ncvt - 1;
+ end = forward ? map->ncvt : -1;
+ inc = forward ? 1 : -1;
+/* Loop through the coordinate conversions in the required order and obtain a
+ pointer to the argument list for the current conversion. */
+ for ( cvt = start; cvt != end; cvt += inc ) {
+ args = map->cvtargs[ cvt ];
+/* Classify the SLALIB sky coordinate conversion to be applied. */
+ ct = map->cvttype[ cvt ];
+ switch ( ct ) {
+/* MJD to MJD. */
+/* ---------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* MJD to JD. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__MJDTOJD:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* JD to MJD. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__JDTOMJD:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* MJD to Besselian epoch. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpb( time[ point ] ) + args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpb2d( time[ point ] ) + args[ 3 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* Besselian epoch to MJD. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpb2d( time[ point ] ) + args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpb( time[ point ] ) + args[ 3 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* MJD to Julian epoch. */
+/* -------------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpj( time[ point ] ) + args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpj2d( time[ point ] ) + args[ 3 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* Julian epoch to MJD. */
+/* -------------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpj2d( time[ point ] ) + args[ 2 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = palEpj( time[ point ] ) + args[ 3 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TAI to UTC. */
+/* ----------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += ( (args[ 1 ] == AST__BAD)
+ ? astDat( time[ point ] + args[ 0 ], 0 )
+ : - args[ 1 ] )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += ( (args[ 1 ] == AST__BAD)
+ ? astDat( time[ point ] + args[ 0 ], 1 )
+ : args[ 1 ] )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* UTC to TAI. */
+/* ----------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += ( (args[ 1 ] == AST__BAD)
+ ? astDat( time[ point ] + args[ 0 ], 1 )
+ : args[ 1 ] )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += ( (args[ 1 ] == AST__BAD)
+ ? astDat( time[ point ] + args[ 0 ], 0 )
+ : - args[ 1 ] )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TAI to TT. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__TAITOTT:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += (TTOFF/SPD);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= (TTOFF/SPD);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TT to TAI. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__TTTOTAI:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= (TTOFF/SPD);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += (TTOFF/SPD);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TT to TDB. */
+/* ---------- */
+/* For the purpose of estimating TDB-TT, we assume UTC is a good approximation
+ to UT1, and that TT is a good approximation to TDB. In fact, TAI is
+ probably a good enough approximation to UTC for the vast majority of
+ cases, but for completeness we handle the difference between TAI and
+ UTC (i.e. leap seconds) here. */
+ case AST__TTTOTDB:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ tt = time[ point ] + args[ 0 ];
+ tai = tt - (TTOFF/SPD);
+ utc = tai + ( (args[ 4 ] == AST__BAD) ? astDat( tai, 0 )
+ : -args[ 4 ] )/SPD;
+ time[ point ] += Rcc( tt, utc, args[ 1 ], args[ 5 ],
+ args[ 6 ], status )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ tdb = time[ point ] + args[ 0 ];
+ tai = tdb - (TTOFF/SPD);
+ utc = tai + ( (args[ 4 ] == AST__BAD) ? astDat( tai, 0 )
+ : -args[ 4 ] )/SPD;
+ time[ point ] -= Rcc( tdb, utc, args[ 1 ], args[ 5 ],
+ args[ 6 ], status )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TDB to TT. */
+/* ---------- */
+/* For the purpose of estimating TDB-TT, we assume UTC is a good approximation
+ to UT1, and that TT is a good approximation to TDB. In fact, TAI is
+ probably a good enough approximation to UTC for the vast majority of
+ cases, but for completeness we handle the difference between TAI and
+ UTC (i.e. leap seconds) here. */
+ case AST__TDBTOTT:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ tdb = time[ point ] + args[ 0 ];
+ tai = tdb - (TTOFF/SPD);
+ utc = tai + ( (args[ 4 ] == AST__BAD) ? astDat( tai, 0 )
+ : -args[ 4 ] )/SPD;
+ time[ point ] -= Rcc( tdb, utc, args[ 1 ], args[ 5 ],
+ args[ 6 ], status )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ tt = time[ point ] + args[ 0 ];
+ tai = tt - (TTOFF/SPD);
+ utc = tai + ( (args[ 4 ] == AST__BAD) ? astDat( tai, 0 )
+ : -args[ 4 ] )/SPD;
+ time[ point ] += Rcc( tt, utc, args[ 1 ], args[ 5 ],
+ args[ 6 ], status )/SPD;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TT to TCG. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__TTTOTCG:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += time[ point ]*LG + args[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = ( time[ point ] - args[ 1 ] ) /
+ ( 1.0 + LG );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TCG to TT. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__TCGTOTT:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = ( time[ point ] - args[ 1 ] ) /
+ ( 1.0 + LG );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += time[ point ]*LG + args[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TDB to TCB. */
+/* ----------- */
+/* For the purpose of estimating TDB-TT, we assume UTC is a good approximation
+ to UT1, and that TT is a good approximation to both TDB and TCB. */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += time[ point ]*LB + args[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = ( time[ point ] - args[ 1 ] ) /
+ ( 1.0 + LB );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* TCB to TDB. */
+/* ----------- */
+/* For the purpose of estimating TDB-TT, we assume UTC is a good approximation
+ to UT1, and that TT is a good approximation to TDB. */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = ( time[ point ] - args[ 1 ] ) /
+ ( 1.0 + LB );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += time[ point ]*LB + args[ 1 ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* UT to GMST . */
+/* ------------ */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = Gmsta( time[ point ], args[ 0 ], 1, status );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = Gmsta( time[ point ], args[ 0 ], 0, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* GMST to UT. */
+/* ----------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = Gmsta( time[ point ], args[ 0 ], 0, status );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] = Gmsta( time[ point ], args[ 0 ], 1, status );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* GMST to LMST. */
+/* ------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* LMST to GMST. */
+/* ------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* UT1 to UTC. */
+/* ------------- */
+ case AST__UTTOUTC:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 0 ]/86400.0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 0 ]/86400.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* UTC to UT1. */
+/* ------------- */
+ case AST__UTCTOUT:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 0 ]/86400.0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 0 ]/86400.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* LT to UTC. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__LTTOUTC:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 0 ]/24.0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 0 ]/24.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* UTC to LT. */
+/* ---------- */
+ case AST__UTCTOLT:
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] += args[ 0 ]/24.0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ time[ point ] -= args[ 0 ]/24.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* LMST to LAST. */
+/* ------------- */
+/* Calculating the equation of the equinoxes required TDB. So we need to
+ convert the given LMST to TDB. We first convert LMST to UT1. UT1 is
+ equal to UTC to within 1 second. We then add on 32 seconds to get TAI
+ (this value is correct since 1999 - for earlier epochs an error of the
+ order of a minute will be introduced in the TAI value). We then add on
+ TTOFF seconds to get TT. This TT is then used as an approximation to
+ TDB. The total error in TDB is of the order of a few minutes, which
+ corresponds to an error of a few tens of microseconds in the equation of
+ the equinoxes. The sla precession-nutation model is accurate to around 3
+ mas = 200 us, so the error in TDB will be insignificant. */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ gmstx = time[ point ] + args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ tdb = Gmsta( gmstx, args[ 0 ], 0, status )
+ + args[ 0 ] + (32 + TTOFF)/SPD;
+ time[ point ] += palEqeqx( tdb )/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ gmstx = time[ point ] + args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ tdb = Gmsta( gmstx, args[ 0 ], 0, status )
+ + args[ 0 ] + (32+TTOFF)/SPD;
+ time[ point ] -= palEqeqx( tdb )/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+/* LAST to LMST. */
+/* ------------- */
+ if ( forward ) {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ gmstx = time[ point ] + args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ tdb = Gmsta( gmstx, args[ 0 ], 0, status )
+ + args[ 0 ] + (32+TTOFF)/SPD;
+ time[ point ] -= palEqeqx( tdb )/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++ ) {
+ if ( time[ point ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ gmstx = time[ point ] + args[ 1 ]/D2PI;
+ tdb = Gmsta( gmstx, args[ 0 ], 0, status )
+ + args[ 0 ] + (32 + TTOFF)/SPD;
+ time[ point ] += palEqeqx( tdb )/D2PI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error has occurred and a new PointSet may have been created, then
+ clean up by annulling it. In any case, ensure that a NULL result is
+ returned.*/
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ if ( !out ) result = astAnnul( result );
+ result = NULL;
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
+ return result;
+/* Copy constructor. */
+/* ----------------- */
+static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Copy
+* Purpose:
+* Copy constructor for TimeMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the copy constructor for TimeMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* objin
+* Pointer to the object to be copied.
+* objout
+* Pointer to the object being constructed.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* void
+* Notes:
+* - This constructor makes a deep copy.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *in; /* Pointer to input TimeMap */
+ AstTimeMap *out; /* Pointer to output TimeMap */
+ int cvt; /* Loop counter for coordinate conversions */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain pointers to the input and output TimeMap structures. */
+ in = (AstTimeMap *) objin;
+ out = (AstTimeMap *) objout;
+/* For safety, first clear any references to the input memory from the output
+ TimeMap. */
+ out->cvtargs = NULL;
+ out->cvttype = NULL;
+/* Allocate memory for the output array of argument list pointers. */
+ out->cvtargs = astMalloc( sizeof( double * ) * (size_t) in->ncvt );
+/* If necessary, allocate memory and make a copy of the input array of
+ coordinate conversion codes. */
+ if ( in->cvttype ) out->cvttype = astStore( NULL, in->cvttype,
+ sizeof( int )
+ * (size_t) in->ncvt );
+/* If OK, loop through each conversion in the input TimeMap and make a copy of
+ its argument list, storing the new pointer in the output argument list
+ array. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ for ( cvt = 0; cvt < in->ncvt; cvt++ ) {
+ out->cvtargs[ cvt ] = astStore( NULL, in->cvtargs[ cvt ],
+ astSizeOf( in->cvtargs[ cvt ] ) );
+ }
+/* If an error occurred while copying the argument lists, loop through the
+ conversions again and clean up by ensuring that the new memory allocated for
+ each argument list is freed. */
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ for ( cvt = 0; cvt < in->ncvt; cvt++ ) {
+ out->cvtargs[ cvt ] = astFree( out->cvtargs[ cvt ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, free all other memory allocated above. */
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ out->cvtargs = astFree( out->cvtargs );
+ out->cvttype = astFree( out->cvttype );
+ }
+/* Destructor. */
+/* ----------- */
+static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Delete
+* Purpose:
+* Destructor for TimeMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the destructor for TimeMap objects.
+* Parameters:
+* obj
+* Pointer to the object to be deleted.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+* Returned Value:
+* void
+* Notes:
+* This function attempts to execute even if the global error status is
+* set.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *this; /* Pointer to TimeMap */
+ int cvt; /* Loop counter for coordinate conversions */
+/* Obtain a pointer to the TimeMap structure. */
+ this = (AstTimeMap *) obj;
+/* Loop to free the memory containing the argument list for each coordinate
+ conversion. */
+ for ( cvt = 0; cvt < this->ncvt; cvt++ ) {
+ this->cvtargs[ cvt ] = astFree( this->cvtargs[ cvt ] );
+ }
+/* Free the memory holding the array of conversion types and the array of
+ argument list pointers. */
+ this->cvtargs = astFree( this->cvtargs );
+ this->cvttype = astFree( this->cvttype );
+/* Dump function. */
+/* -------------- */
+static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* Dump
+* Purpose:
+* Dump function for TimeMap objects.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
+* Description:
+* This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
+* for the TimeMap class to an output Channel.
+* Parameters:
+* this
+* Pointer to the TimeMap whose data are being written.
+* channel
+* Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
+* status
+* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
+/* Local Constants: */
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *this; /* Pointer to the TimeMap structure */
+ char key[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ const char *argdesc[ MAX_ARGS ]; /* Pointers to argument descriptions */
+ const char *comment; /* Pointer to comment string */
+ const char *sval; /* Pointer to string value */
+ int iarg; /* Internal index of argument */
+ int icvt; /* Loop counter for conversion steps */
+ int ival; /* Integer value */
+ int jarg; /* External index of argument */
+ int nargs; /* Number of user-supplied arguments */
+ int *order; /* Order in which to store arguments */
+ int szargs; /* Number of stored arguments */
+ int set; /* Attribute value set? */
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+/* Obtain a pointer to the TimeMap structure. */
+ this = (AstTimeMap *) this_object;
+/* Write out values representing the instance variables for the TimeMap
+ class. Accompany these with appropriate comment strings, possibly
+ depending on the values being written.*/
+/* In the case of attributes, we first use the appropriate (private)
+ Test... member function to see if they are set. If so, we then use
+ the (private) Get... function to obtain the value to be written
+ out.
+ For attributes which are not set, we use the astGet... method to
+ obtain the value instead. This will supply a default value
+ (possibly provided by a derived class which over-rides this method)
+ which is more useful to a human reader as it corresponds to the
+ actual default attribute value. Since "set" will be zero, these
+ values are for information only and will not be read back. */
+/* Number of conversion steps. */
+/* --------------------------- */
+/* Regard this as "set" if it is non-zero. */
+ ival = this->ncvt;
+ set = ( ival != 0 );
+ astWriteInt( channel, "Ntime", set, 0, ival, "Number of conversion steps" );
+/* Write out data for each conversion step... */
+ for ( icvt = 0; icvt < this->ncvt; icvt++ ) {
+/* Conversion type. */
+/* ---------------- */
+/* Change each conversion type code into an equivalent string and
+ obtain associated descriptive information. If the conversion code
+ was not recognised, report an error and give up. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ sval = CvtString( this->cvttype[ icvt ], &comment,
+ &nargs, &szargs, argdesc, &order, status );
+ if ( astOK && !sval ) {
+ astError( AST__TIMIN,
+ "astWrite(%s): Corrupt %s contains invalid TimeMap "
+ "time coordinate conversion code (%d).", status,
+ astGetClass( channel ), astGetClass( this ),
+ (int) this->cvttype[ icvt ] );
+ break;
+ }
+/* Create an appropriate keyword and write out the conversion code
+ information. */
+ (void) sprintf( key, "Time%d", icvt + 1 );
+ astWriteString( channel, key, 1, 1, sval, comment );
+/* Write out data for each conversion argument... */
+ for ( iarg = 0; iarg < szargs; iarg++ ) {
+/* The "iarg" value is the index of the argument within the external
+ argument list. Get the index of the argument within the internal
+ argument list. */
+ jarg = order ? order[ iarg ] : iarg;
+/* Arguments. */
+/* ---------- */
+/* Create an appropriate keyword and write out the argument value,
+ accompanied by the descriptive comment obtained above. */
+ if( this->cvtargs[ icvt ][ jarg ] != AST__BAD ) {
+ (void) sprintf( key, "Time%d%c", icvt + 1, ALPHABET[ iarg ] );
+ astWriteDouble( channel, key, 1, 1, this->cvtargs[ icvt ][ jarg ],
+ argdesc[ jarg ] );
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the order array. */
+ order = astFree( order );
+/* Quit looping if an error occurs. */
+ if ( !astOK ) break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Standard class functions. */
+/* ========================= */
+/* Implement the astIsATimeMap and astCheckTimeMap functions using the macros
+ defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
+AstTimeMap *astTimeMap_( int flags, const char *options, int *status, ...) {
+* Name:
+c astTimeMap
+* Purpose:
+* Create a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Public function.
+* Synopsis:
+c #include "timemap.h"
+c AstTimeMap *astTimeMap( int flags, const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function creates a new TimeMap and optionally initialises
+* its attributes.
+* A TimeMap is a specialised form of 1-dimensional Mapping which can be
+* used to represent a sequence of conversions between standard time
+* coordinate systems.
+* When a TimeMap is first created, it simply performs a unit
+c (null) Mapping. Using the astTimeAdd
+f (null) Mapping. Using the AST_TIMEADD
+c function, a series of coordinate conversion steps may then be
+f routine, a series of coordinate conversion steps may then be
+* added. This allows multi-step conversions between a variety of
+* time coordinate systems to be assembled out of a set of building
+* blocks.
+* For details of the individual coordinate conversions available,
+c see the description of the astTimeAdd function.
+f see the description of the AST_TIMEADD routine.
+* Parameters:
+c flags
+f FLAGS = INTEGER (Given)
+c This parameter is reserved for future use and should currently
+f This argument is reserved for future use and should currently
+* always be set to zero.
+c options
+f OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
+c Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
+c comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
+c initialising the new TimeMap. The syntax used is identical to
+c that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
+c specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
+c If no initialisation is required, a zero-length string may be
+c supplied.
+f A character string containing an optional comma-separated
+f list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
+f new TimeMap. The syntax used is identical to that for the
+f AST_SET routine. If no initialisation is required, a blank
+f value may be supplied.
+c ...
+c If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
+c an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
+c order to supply values to be substituted for these
+c specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
+c those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
+c function).
+f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
+f The global status.
+* Returned Value:
+c astTimeMap()
+* A pointer to the new TimeMap.
+* Notes:
+* - The nature and units of the coordinate values supplied for the
+* first input (i.e. the time input) of a TimeMap must be appropriate
+* to the first conversion step applied by the TimeMap. For instance, if
+* the first conversion step is "MJDTOBEP" (Modified Julian Date to
+* Besselian epoch) then the coordinate values for the first input should
+* be date in units of days. Similarly, the nature and units of the
+* coordinate values returned by a TimeMap will be determined by the
+* last conversion step applied by the TimeMap.
+* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
+c function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
+f function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
+* should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstTimeMap *new; /* Pointer to the new TimeMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the TimeMap, allocating memory and initialising the virtual
+ function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitTimeMap( NULL, sizeof( AstTimeMap ), !class_init, &class_vtab,
+ "TimeMap", flags );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
+ to the astVSet method to initialise the new TimeMap's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, status );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new TimeMap. */
+ return new;
+AstTimeMap *astTimeMapId_( int flags, const char *options, ... ) {
+* Name:
+* astTimeMapId_
+* Purpose:
+* Create a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Private function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* AstTimeMap *astTimeMapId_( int flags, const char *options, ... )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap constructor.
+* Description:
+* This function implements the external (public) interface to the
+* astTimeMap constructor function. It returns an ID value (instead
+* of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be provided
+* because astTimeMap_ has a variable argument list which cannot be
+* encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would otherwise
+* occur).
+* The variable argument list also prevents this function from
+* invoking astTimeMap_ directly, so it must be a re-implementation
+* of it in all respects, except for the final conversion of the
+* result to an ID value.
+* Parameters:
+* As for astTimeMap_.
+* Returned Value:
+* The ID value associated with the new TimeMap.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+ AstTimeMap *new; /* Pointer to the new TimeMap */
+ va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
+ int *status; /* Pointer to inherited status value */
+/* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
+ status = astGetStatusPtr;
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* Initialise the TimeMap, allocating memory and initialising the virtual
+ function table as well if necessary. */
+ new = astInitTimeMap( NULL, sizeof( AstTimeMap ), !class_init, &class_vtab,
+ "TimeMap", flags );
+/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been initialised. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ class_init = 1;
+/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
+ to the astVSet method to initialise the new TimeMap's attributes. */
+ va_start( args, options );
+ astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
+ va_end( args );
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return an ID value for the new TimeMap. */
+ return astMakeId( new );
+AstTimeMap *astInitTimeMap_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+ AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ int flags, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astInitTimeMap
+* Purpose:
+* Initialise a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* AstTimeMap *astInitTimeMap( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
+* AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* int flags )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap initialiser.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided for use by class implementations to initialise
+* a new TimeMap object. It allocates memory (if necessary) to accommodate
+* the TimeMap plus any additional data associated with the derived class.
+* It then initialises a TimeMap structure at the start of this memory. If
+* the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual
+* function table for a TimeMap at the start of the memory passed via the
+* "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory in which the TimeMap is to be initialised.
+* This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the TimeMap data
+* (sizeof(TimeMap)) plus any data used by the derived class. If a value
+* of NULL is given, this function will allocate the memory itself using
+* the "size" parameter to determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the TimeMap (plus derived class data).
+* This will be used to allocate memory if a value of NULL is given for
+* the "mem" parameter. This value is also stored in the TimeMap
+* structure, so a valid value must be supplied even if not required for
+* allocating memory.
+* init
+* A logical flag indicating if the TimeMap's virtual function table is
+* to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the virtual function
+* table will be initialised by this function.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be associated
+* with the new TimeMap.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
+* the name of the class to which the new object belongs (it is this
+* pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the astClass
+* method).
+* flags
+* This parameter is reserved for future use. It is currently ignored.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new TimeMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
+* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *new; /* Pointer to the new TimeMap */
+/* Check the global status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
+/* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
+ if ( init ) astInitTimeMapVtab( vtab, name );
+/* Initialise a 1D Mapping structure (the parent class) as the first component
+ within the TimeMap structure, allocating memory if necessary. Specify that
+ the Mapping should be defined in both the forward and inverse directions. */
+ new = (AstTimeMap *) astInitMapping( mem, size, 0,
+ (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1 );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Initialise the TimeMap data. */
+/* --------------------------- */
+/* The initial state is with no conversions set, in which condition the
+ TimeMap simply implements a unit mapping. */
+ new->ncvt = 0;
+ new->cvtargs = NULL;
+ new->cvttype = NULL;
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return a pointer to the new object. */
+ return new;
+AstTimeMap *astLoadTimeMap_( void *mem, size_t size,
+ AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+ AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
+* Name:
+* astLoadTimeMap
+* Purpose:
+* Load a TimeMap.
+* Type:
+* Protected function.
+* Synopsis:
+* #include "timemap.h"
+* AstTimeMap *astLoadTimeMap( void *mem, size_t size,
+* AstTimeMapVtab *vtab, const char *name,
+* AstChannel *channel )
+* Class Membership:
+* TimeMap loader.
+* Description:
+* This function is provided to load a new TimeMap using data read
+* from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
+* (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
+* TimeMap structure in this memory, using data read from the input
+* Channel.
+* If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
+* virtual function table for a TimeMap at the start of the memory
+* passed via the "vtab" parameter.
+* Parameters:
+* mem
+* A pointer to the memory into which the TimeMap is to be
+* loaded. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
+* TimeMap data (sizeof(TimeMap)) plus any data used by derived
+* classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
+* allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
+* determine its size.
+* size
+* The amount of memory used by the TimeMap (plus derived class
+* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
+* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
+* stored in the TimeMap structure, so a valid value must be
+* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
+* and sizeof(AstTimeMap) is used instead.
+* vtab
+* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
+* associated with the new TimeMap. If this is NULL, a pointer to
+* the (static) virtual function table for the TimeMap class is
+* used instead.
+* name
+* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
+* contains the name of the class to which the new object
+* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
+* returned by the astGetClass method).
+* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
+* and a pointer to the string "TimeMap" is used instead.
+* Returned Value:
+* A pointer to the new TimeMap.
+* Notes:
+* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
+* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
+* reason.
+/* Local Constants: */
+ astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
+#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
+/* Local Variables: */
+ AstTimeMap *new; /* Pointer to the new TimeMap */
+ char *sval; /* Pointer to string value */
+ char key[ KEY_LEN + 1 ]; /* Buffer for keyword string */
+ const char *argdesc[ MAX_ARGS ]; /* Pointers to argument descriptions */
+ const char *comment; /* Pointer to comment string */
+ int iarg; /* Internal index of argument */
+ int icvt; /* Loop counter for conversion steps */
+ int jarg; /* External index of argument */
+ int *order; /* Order in which to store arguments */
+ int nargs; /* Number of user-supplied arguments */
+ int szargs; /* Number of stored arguments */
+/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
+ astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
+/* Initialise. */
+ new = NULL;
+/* Check the global error status. */
+ if ( !astOK ) return new;
+/* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
+ the first loader to be invoked for this TimeMap. In this case the
+ TimeMap belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
+ passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
+ if ( !vtab ) {
+ size = sizeof( AstTimeMap );
+ vtab = &class_vtab;
+ name = "TimeMap";
+/* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
+ if ( !class_init ) {
+ astInitTimeMapVtab( vtab, name );
+ class_init = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
+ classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
+ partly-built TimeMap. */
+ new = astLoadMapping( mem, size, (AstMappingVtab *) vtab, name,
+ channel );
+ if ( astOK ) {
+/* Read input data. */
+/* ================ */
+/* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
+ this class into the internal "values list". */
+ astReadClassData( channel, "TimeMap" );
+/* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
+ initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
+/* In the case of attributes, we first read the "raw" input value,
+ supplying the "unset" value as the default. If a "set" value is
+ obtained, we then use the appropriate (private) Set... member
+ function to validate and set the value properly. */
+/* Number of conversion steps. */
+/* --------------------------- */
+/* Read the number of conversion steps and allocate memory to hold
+ data for each step. */
+ new->ncvt = astReadInt( channel, "ntime", 0 );
+ if ( new->ncvt < 0 ) new->ncvt = 0;
+ new->cvttype = astMalloc( sizeof( int ) * (size_t) new->ncvt );
+ new->cvtargs = astMalloc( sizeof( double * ) * (size_t) new->ncvt );
+/* If an error occurred, ensure that all allocated memory is freed. */
+ if ( !astOK ) {
+ new->cvttype = astFree( new->cvttype );
+ new->cvtargs = astFree( new->cvtargs );
+/* Otherwise, initialise the argument pointer array. */
+ } else {
+ for ( icvt = 0; icvt < new->ncvt; icvt++ ) {
+ new->cvtargs[ icvt ] = NULL;
+ }
+/* Read in data for each conversion step... */
+ for ( icvt = 0; icvt < new->ncvt; icvt++ ) {
+/* Conversion type. */
+/* ---------------- */
+/* Create an appropriate keyword and read the string representation of
+ the conversion type. */
+ (void) sprintf( key, "time%d", icvt + 1 );
+ sval = astReadString( channel, key, NULL );
+/* If no value was read, report an error. */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ if ( !sval ) {
+ astError( AST__BADIN,
+ "astRead(%s): A time coordinate conversion "
+ "type is missing from the input TimeMap data.", status,
+ astGetClass( channel ) );
+/* Otherwise, convert the string representation into the required
+ conversion type code. */
+ } else {
+ new->cvttype[ icvt ] = CvtCode( sval, status );
+/* If the string was not recognised, report an error. */
+ if ( new->cvttype[ icvt ] == AST__TIME_NULL ) {
+ astError( AST__BADIN,
+ "astRead(%s): Invalid time conversion "
+ "type \"%s\" in TimeMap data.", status,
+ astGetClass( channel ), sval );
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the memory holding the string value. */
+ sval = astFree( sval );
+ }
+/* Obtain the number of arguments associated with the conversion and
+ allocate memory to hold them. */
+ (void) CvtString( new->cvttype[ icvt ], &comment,
+ &nargs, &szargs, argdesc, &order, status );
+ new->cvtargs[ icvt ] = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) *
+ (size_t) szargs );
+/* Read in data for each argument... */
+ if ( astOK ) {
+ for ( iarg = 0; iarg < szargs; iarg++ ) {
+/* The "iarg" value is the index of the argument within the external
+ argument list. Get the index of the argument within the internal
+ argument list. */
+ jarg = order ? order[ iarg ] : iarg;
+/* Arguments. */
+/* ---------- */
+/* Create an appropriate keyword and read each argument value. */
+ (void) sprintf( key, "time%d%c", icvt + 1, ALPHABET[ iarg ] );
+ new->cvtargs[ icvt ][ jarg ] = astReadDouble( channel, key,
+ AST__BAD );
+ }
+ }
+/* Free the order array. */
+ order = astFree( order );
+/* Quit looping if an error occurs. */
+ if ( !astOK ) break;
+ }
+ }
+/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new TimeMap. */
+ if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
+ }
+/* Return the new TimeMap pointer. */
+ return new;
+/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
+#undef KEY_LEN
+/* Virtual function interfaces. */
+/* ============================ */
+/* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
+ this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
+ executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
+ in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
+ astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
+ Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
+ have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
+ same interface. */
+void astTimeAdd_( AstTimeMap *this, const char *cvt, int narg, const double args[],
+ int *status ) {
+ if ( !astOK ) return;
+ (**astMEMBER(this,TimeMap,TimeAdd))( this, cvt, narg, args, status );