path: root/ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl')
1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl b/ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a6085c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/catsimbad.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc CATSIMBAD {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global pcat
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,cat)} {
+ puts stderr "CATSIMBAD $varname"
+ }
+ # parser
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ set var(proc,parser) CATSIMBADParse
+ } else {
+ set var(proc,reader) CATSIMBADReader
+ }
+ # query
+ set qq {}
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ append qq "output script=off\n"
+ append qq "output console=off\n"
+ }
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ append qq "votable v1 "
+ } else {
+ append qq "format object f1 "
+ }
+ switch -- $var(psky) {
+ fk4 {set psky "FK4;1950;1950"}
+ fk5 {set psky "FK5;2000;2000"}
+ icrs {set psky "ICRS"}
+ galactic {set psky "GAL"}
+ ecliptic {set psky "ECL"}
+ }
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ append qq "{ coo(d;$psky), main_id, otype(S), pmra, pmdec, plx, z_value, flux(B), flux(V), sp }\n"
+ append qq "votable open v1\n"
+ } else {
+ append qq {"%COO(d;A)\t%COO(d;D)\t%IDLIST(1)\t%OTYPE(S)\t%PM(A)\t%PM(D)\t%PLX(V)\t%RV(Z)\t%FLUXLIST(B;F)\t%FLUXLIST(V;F)\t%SP(S)\n"}
+ append qq "\n"
+ }
+ switch $var(skyformat) {
+ degrees {
+ set xx $var(x)
+ set yy $var(y)
+ }
+ sexagesimal {
+ switch -- $var(sky) {
+ fk4 -
+ fk5 -
+ icrs {set xx [h2d [Sex2H $var(x)]]}
+ galactic -
+ ecliptic {set xx [Sex2D $var(x)]}
+ }
+ set yy [Sex2D $var(y)]
+ }
+ }
+ append qq "query coo $xx "
+ if {$yy>0} {
+ append qq "+$yy"
+ } else {
+ append qq "$yy"
+ }
+ set ww $var(width)
+ set hh $var(height)
+ set rr [expr sqrt($ww*$ww+$hh*$hh)/2.]
+ append qq " radius=$rr"
+ switch -- $var(rformat) {
+ degrees {append qq "d"}
+ arcmin {append qq "m"}
+ arcsec {append qq "s"}
+ }
+ switch -- $var(sky) {
+ fk4 {append qq " frame=FK4 epoch=B1950 equinox=1950"}
+ fk5 {append qq " frame=FK5 epoch=J2000 equinox=2000"}
+ icrs {append qq " frame=ICRS"}
+ galactic {append qq " frame=GAL"}
+ ecliptic {append qq " frame=ECL"}
+ }
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ append qq "\nvotable close\n"
+ } else {
+ append qq "\n"
+ }
+ # url
+ set var(url) ""
+ set var(query) [http::formatQuery script $qq]
+ if {$pcat(vot)} {
+ CATLoad $varname
+ } else {
+ CATLoadIncr $varname
+ }
+proc CATSIMBADParse {t token} {
+ upvar #0 $t T
+ global $t
+ global debug
+ # we can't trust simbad to turn off any error messages
+ variable $token
+ upvar 0 $token state
+ set id [string first {<?xml} $state(body)]
+ set ${token}(body) [string range $state(body) $id end]
+ VOTParse $t $token
+proc CATSIMBADReader {t sock token} {
+ upvar #0 $t T
+ global $t
+ set result 0
+ if { ![info exists ${t}(state)] } {
+ set T(state) 0
+ }
+ switch -- $T(state) {
+ 0 {
+ # init db
+ fconfigure $sock -blocking 1
+ set T(Nrows) 0
+ set T(Ncols) 0
+ set T(Header) {}
+ set T(HLines) 0
+ set T(state) 1
+ }
+ 1 {
+ # process header
+ if {[gets $sock line] == -1} {
+ set T(Nrows) 0
+ set T(Ncols) 0
+ set T(Header) {}
+ set T(HLines) 0
+ set T(state) -1
+ return $result
+ }
+ set result [string length "$line"]
+ # error?
+ if {[string range $line 0 8] == {::error::}} {
+ set T(Nrows) 0
+ set T(Ncols) 0
+ set T(Header) {}
+ set T(HLines) 0
+ set T(state) -1
+ return $result
+ }
+ # start of data?
+ if {[string range $line 0 7] == {::data::}} {
+ # cols
+ set line "RA\tDEC\tIdentifier\tObject\tPMRA\tPMDEC\tPX\tRV(z)\tB\tV\tSpectralType"
+ incr ${t}(HLines)
+ set n $T(HLines)
+ set T(H_$n) $line
+ set T(Header) [split $T(H_$n) "\t"]
+ # dashes
+ set T(Dashes) [regsub -all {[A-Za-z0-9]} $T(H_$n) {-}]
+ set T(Ndshs) [llength $T(Dashes)]
+ starbase_colmap $t
+ set T(state) 2
+ }
+ }
+ 2 {
+ # process table
+ if {[gets $sock line] == -1} {
+ set T(state) 0
+ } else {
+ set result [string length "$line"]
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {$line != {}} {
+ # ok, save it
+ incr ${t}(Nrows)
+ set r $T(Nrows)
+ set NCols [starbase_ncols $t]
+ set c 1
+ foreach val [split $line "\t"] {
+ set T($r,$c) $val
+ incr c
+ }
+ for {} {$c <= $NCols} {incr c} {
+ set T($r,$c) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+proc CATSIMBADAck {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ set msg {Acknowledgments for SIMBAD
+This research has made use of the SIMBAD database,
+operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France.
+ }
+ SimpleTextDialog ${varname}ack [msgcat::mc {Acknowledgment}] \
+ 80 10 insert top $msg