path: root/ds9/library/siadialog.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/siadialog.tcl')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/siadialog.tcl b/ds9/library/siadialog.tcl
index 6821639..0571ae4 100644
--- a/ds9/library/siadialog.tcl
+++ b/ds9/library/siadialog.tcl
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ proc SIADialog {varname title url opts method action} {
# AR variables
- ARInit $varname IMGSVRServer
+ ARInit $varname SIAServer
# IMG variables
set var(proc,done) SIADone
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ proc SIADialog {varname title url opts method action} {
set var(sky) $wcs(sky)
set var(skyformat) $wcs(skyformat)
set var(rformat) $isia(rformat)
- set var(width) $isia(width)
- set var(height) $isia(height)
+ set var(radius) $isia(radius)
set var(save) $isia(save)
set var(mode) $isia(mode)
@@ -92,10 +91,10 @@ proc SIADialog {varname title url opts method action} {
-command [list SIAOff $varname]
$mb.file add separator
$mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Update from Current Frame}] \
- -command [list IMGSVRUpdate $varname]
+ -command [list SIAUpdate $varname]
$mb.file add command \
-label [msgcat::mc {Update from Current Crosshair}] \
- -command [list IMGSVRCrosshair $varname]
+ -command [list SIACrosshair $varname]
$mb.file add separator
$mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Print}]..." \
-command [list CATPrint $varname]
@@ -147,16 +146,14 @@ proc SIADialog {varname title url opts method action} {
[list SIAWCSMenuUpdate $varname]
CoordMenuEnable $ $varname system 0 sky skyformat
- ttk::label $f.wtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Width}]
- ttk::entry $f.w -textvariable ${varname}(width) -width 14
- ttk::label $f.htitle -text [msgcat::mc {Height}]
- ttk::entry $f.h -textvariable ${varname}(height) -width 14
+ ttk::label $f.rtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Radius}]
+ ttk::entry $f.r -textvariable ${varname}(radius) -width 14
ARRFormat $f.rformat $varname
grid $f.nametitle $ - - - - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
grid $f.xtitle $f.x $f.ytitle $f.y $f.coord -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
- grid $f.wtitle $f.w $f.htitle $f.h $f.rformat -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ grid $f.rtitle $f.r $f.rformat -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
# Param
set f [ttk::labelframe $w.param -text [msgcat::mc {Table}] -padding 2]
@@ -237,7 +234,7 @@ proc SIADialog {varname title url opts method action} {
pack $w.tbl -side top -fill both -expand true
ARCoord $varname
- IMGSVRUpdate $varname
+ SIAUpdate $varname
SIADialogUpdate $varname
ARStatus $varname {}
@@ -273,7 +270,7 @@ proc SIAApply {varname sync} {
NSVRServer $varname
} else {
- IMGSVRServer $varname
+ SIAServer $varname
@@ -451,25 +448,19 @@ proc SIAVOT1 {varname} {
- # size (degrees)
+ # radius (degrees)
switch $var(rformat) {
degrees {
- set ww $var(width)
- set hh $var(height)
+ set rr $var(radius)
arcmin {
- set ww [expr $var(width)/60.]
- set hh [expr $var(height)/60.]
+ set rr [expr $var(radius)/60.]
arcsec {
- set ww [expr $var(width)/60./60.]
- set hh [expr $var(height)/60./60.]
+ set rr [expr $var(radius)/60./60.]
- # now to radius
- set rr [expr ($ww+$hh)/2.]
# query
set var(query2) "$var(opts)[http::formatQuery POS "$xx,$yy" SIZE $rr FORMAT image/fits]"
@@ -487,3 +478,87 @@ proc SIAWCSMenuUpdate {varname} {
CoordMenuButtonCmd $varname psystem psky {}
+proc SIAUpdate {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global current
+ global wcs
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "SIAUpdate $varname"
+ }
+ if {[winfo exists $var(top)]} {
+ set var(name) {}
+ if {$current(frame) != {} } {
+ if {[$current(frame) has wcs equatorial $wcs(system)]} {
+ set coord [$current(frame) get fits center \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(skyformat)]
+ set var(x) [lindex $coord 0]
+ set var(y) [lindex $coord 1]
+ set size [$current(frame) get fits size \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(rformat)]
+ set ww [lindex $size 0]
+ set hh [lindex $size 1]
+ set var(radius) [expr ($ww+$hh)/4]
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ set var(x) {}
+ set var(y) {}
+ set var(radius) {}
+ }
+ }
+proc SIACrosshair {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "SIACrosshair $varname"
+ }
+ global current
+ global wcs
+ if {[winfo exists $var(top)]} {
+ set var(name) {}
+ if {$current(frame) != {} } {
+ if {[$current(frame) has wcs equatorial $wcs(system)]} {
+ set coord [$current(frame) get crosshair \
+ $wcs(system) $var(sky) $var(skyformat)]
+ set var(x) [lindex $coord 0]
+ set var(y) [lindex $coord 1]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set var(x) {}
+ set var(y) {}
+ }
+proc SIAServer {varname} {
+ upvar #0 $varname var
+ global $varname
+ global current
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,image)} {
+ puts stderr "SIAServer $varname"
+ }
+ if {($var(x) != {}) && ($var(y) != {}) && ($var(radius) != {})} {
+ ARStatus $varname [msgcat::mc {Contacting Image Server}]
+ eval [list $var(proc,exec) $varname]
+ } else {
+ eval [list $var(proc,error) $varname [msgcat::mc {Please specify radius and either name or (ra,dec)}]]
+ }