path: root/ds9/tclconfig/practcl.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/tclconfig/practcl.tcl')
1 files changed, 4923 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/tclconfig/practcl.tcl b/ds9/tclconfig/practcl.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecabbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/tclconfig/practcl.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,4923 @@
+# Practcl
+# An object oriented templating system for stamping out Tcl API calls to C
+puts [list LOADED practcl.tcl from [info script]]
+package require TclOO
+# Seek out Tcllib if it's available
+set tcllib_path {}
+foreach path {.. ../.. ../../..} {
+ foreach path [glob -nocomplain [file join [file normalize $path] tcllib* modules]] {
+ set tclib_path $path
+ lappend ::auto_path $path
+ break
+ }
+ if {$tcllib_path ne {}} break
+# Build utility functions
+# Extend http to follow redirects (ala Sourceforge downloads)
+namespace eval ::http {}
+proc ::http::_followRedirects {url args} {
+ while 1 {
+ set token [geturl $url -validate 1]
+ set ncode [ncode $token]
+ if { $ncode eq "404" } {
+ error "URL Not found"
+ }
+ switch -glob $ncode {
+ 30[1237] {### redirect - see below ###}
+ default {cleanup $token ; return $url}
+ }
+ upvar #0 $token state
+ array set meta [set ${token}(meta)]
+ cleanup $token
+ if {![info exists meta(Location)]} {
+ return $url
+ }
+ set url $meta(Location)
+ unset meta
+ }
+ return $url
+proc ::http::wget {url destfile {verbose 1}} {
+ package require http
+ set tmpchan [open $destfile w]
+ fconfigure $tmpchan -translation binary
+ if { $verbose } {
+ puts [list GETTING [file tail $destfile] from $url]
+ }
+ set real_url [_followRedirects $url]
+ set token [geturl $real_url -channel $tmpchan -binary yes]
+ if {[ncode $token] != "200"} {
+ }
+ cleanup $token
+ close $tmpchan
+namespace eval ::practcl {}
+# A command to do nothing. A handy way of
+# negating an instruction without
+# having to comment it completely out.
+# It's also a handy attachment point for
+# an object to be named later
+if {[info command ::noop] eq {}} {
+ proc ::noop args {}
+proc ::practcl::debug args {
+ #puts $args
+ ::practcl::cputs ::DEBUG_INFO $args
+# Drop in a static copy of Tcl
+proc ::practcl::doexec args {
+ puts [list {*}$args]
+ exec {*}$args >&@ stdout
+proc ::practcl::doexec_in {path args} {
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $path
+ puts [list {*}$args]
+ exec {*}$args >&@ stdout
+ cd $PWD
+proc ::practcl::dotclexec args {
+ puts [list [info nameofexecutable] {*}$args]
+ exec [info nameofexecutable] {*}$args >&@ stdout
+proc ::practcl::domake {path args} {
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $path
+ puts [list *** $path ***]
+ puts [list make {*}$args]
+ exec make {*}$args >&@ stdout
+ cd $PWD
+proc ::practcl::domake.tcl {path args} {
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $path
+ puts [list *** $path ***]
+ puts [list make.tcl {*}$args]
+ exec [info nameofexecutable] make.tcl {*}$args >&@ stdout
+ cd $PWD
+proc ::practcl::fossil {path args} {
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $path
+ puts [list {*}$args]
+ exec fossil {*}$args >&@ stdout
+ cd $PWD
+proc ::practcl::fossil_status {dir} {
+ if {[info exists ::fosdat($dir)]} {
+ return $::fosdat($dir)
+ }
+ set result {
+tags experimental
+version {}
+ }
+ set pwd [pwd]
+ cd $dir
+ set info [exec fossil status]
+ cd $pwd
+ foreach line [split $info \n] {
+ if {[lindex $line 0] eq "checkout:"} {
+ set hash [lindex $line end-3]
+ set maxdate [lrange $line end-2 end-1]
+ dict set result hash $hash
+ dict set result maxdate $maxdate
+ regsub -all {[^0-9]} $maxdate {} isodate
+ dict set result isodate $isodate
+ }
+ if {[lindex $line 0] eq "tags:"} {
+ set tags [lrange $line 1 end]
+ dict set result tags $tags
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set ::fosdat($dir) $result
+ return $result
+proc ::practcl::os {} {
+ return [${::practcl::MAIN} define get TEACUP_OS]
+if {[::package vcompare $::tcl_version 8.6] < 0} {
+ # Approximate ::zipfile::mkzip with exec calls
+ proc ::practcl::mkzip {exename barekit vfspath} {
+ set path [file dirname [file normalize $exename]]
+ set zipfile [file join $path [file rootname $exename].zip]
+ file copy -force $barekit $exename
+ set pwd [pwd]
+ cd $vfspath
+ exec zip -r $zipfile .
+ cd $pwd
+ set fout [open $exename a]
+ set fin [open $zipfile r]
+ chan configure $fout -translation binary
+ chan configure $fin -translation binary
+ chan copy $fin $fout
+ chan close $fin
+ chan close $fout
+ exec zip -A $exename
+ }
+ proc ::practcl::sort_dict list {
+ set result {}
+ foreach key [lsort -dictionary [dict keys $list]] {
+ dict set result $key [dict get $list $key]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+} else {
+ proc ::practcl::mkzip {exename barekit vfspath} {
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require zipfile::mkzip
+ ::zipfile::mkzip::mkzip $exename -runtime $barekit -directory $vfspath
+ }
+ proc ::practcl::sort_dict list {
+ return [::lsort -stride 2 -dictionary $list]
+ }
+proc ::practcl::local_os {} {
+ # If we have already run this command, return
+ # a cached copy of the data
+ if {[info exists ::practcl::LOCAL_INFO]} {
+ return $::practcl::LOCAL_INFO
+ }
+ set result [array get ::practcl::CONFIG]
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE unknown
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS unknown
+ dict set result EXEEXT {}
+ set windows 0
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+ set windows 1
+ }
+ if {$windows} {
+ set system "windows"
+ set arch ix86
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE win32-ix86
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS windows
+ dict set result EXEEXT .exe
+ } else {
+ set system [exec uname -s]-[exec uname -r]
+ set arch unknown
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS generic
+ }
+ dict set result TEA_PLATFORM $system
+ dict set result TEA_SYSTEM $system
+ if {[info exists ::SANDBOX]} {
+ dict set result sandbox $::SANDBOX
+ }
+ switch -glob $system {
+ Linux* {
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS linux
+ set arch [exec uname -m]
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE "linux-glibc2.3-$arch"
+ }
+ GNU* {
+ set arch [exec uname -m]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS "gnu"
+ }
+ NetBSD-Debian {
+ set arch [exec uname -m]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS "netbsd-debian"
+ }
+ OpenBSD-* {
+ set arch [exec arch -s]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS "openbsd"
+ }
+ Darwin* {
+ set arch [exec uname -m]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS "macosx"
+ if {$arch eq "x86_64"} {
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE "macosx10.5-i386-x86_84"
+ } else {
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE "macosx-universal"
+ }
+ }
+ OpenBSD* {
+ set arch [exec arch -s]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS "openbsd"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$arch eq "unknown"} {
+ catch {set arch [exec uname -m]}
+ }
+ switch -glob $arch {
+ i*86 {
+ set arch "ix86"
+ }
+ amd64 {
+ set arch "x86_64"
+ }
+ }
+ dict set result TEACUP_ARCH $arch
+ if {[dict get $result TEACUP_PROFILE] eq "unknown"} {
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE [dict get $result TEACUP_OS]-$arch
+ }
+ set OS [dict get $result TEACUP_OS]
+ dict set result os $OS
+ # Look for a local preference file
+ set pathlist {}
+ set userhome [file normalize ~/tcl]
+ set local_install [file join $userhome lib]
+ switch $OS {
+ windows {
+ set userhome [file join [file normalize $::env(LOCALAPPDATA)] Tcl]
+ if {[file exists c:/Tcl/Teapot]} {
+ dict set result teapot c:/Tcl/Teapot
+ }
+ }
+ macosx {
+ set userhome [file join [file normalize {~/Library/Application Support/}] Tcl]
+ if {[file exists {~/Library/Application Support/ActiveState/Teapot/repository/}]} {
+ dict set result teapot [file normalize {~/Library/Application Support/ActiveState/Teapot/repository/}]
+ }
+ dict set result local_install [file normalize ~/Library/Tcl]
+ if {![dict exists $result sandbox]} {
+ dict set result sandbox [file normalize ~/Library/Tcl/sandbox]
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ }
+ }
+ dict set result userhome $userhome
+ # Load user preferences
+ if {[file exists [file join $userhome practcl.rc]]} {
+ set dat [::practcl::cat [file join $path practcl.rc]]
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $result prefix]} {
+ dict set result prefix $userhome
+ }
+ # Create a default path for the teapot
+ if {![dict exists $result teapot]} {
+ dict set result teapot [file join $userhome teapot]
+ }
+ # Create a default path for the local sandbox
+ if {![dict exists $result sandbox]} {
+ dict set result sandbox [file join $userhome sandbox]
+ }
+ # Create a default path for download folder
+ if {![dict exists $result download]} {
+ dict set result download [file join $userhome download]
+ }
+ # Path to install local packages
+ if {![dict exists $result local_install]} {
+ dict set result local_install [file join $userhome lib]
+ }
+ if {![dict exists result fossil_mirror] && [::info exists ::env(FOSSIL_MIRROR)]} {
+ dict set result fossil_mirror $::env(FOSSIL_MIRROR)
+ }
+ set ::practcl::LOCAL_INFO $result
+ return $result
+# Detect local platform
+proc ::practcl::config.tcl {path} {
+ dict set result buildpath $path
+ set result [local_os]
+ set OS [dict get $result TEACUP_OS]
+ set windows 0
+ dict set result USEMSVC 0
+ if {[file exists [file join $path config.tcl]]} {
+ # We have a definitive configuration file. Read its content
+ # and take it as gospel
+ set cresult [read_rc_file [file join $path config.tcl]]
+ set cresult [::practcl::de_shell $cresult]
+ if {[dict exists $cresult srcdir] && ![dict exists $cresult sandbox]} {
+ dict set cresult sandbox [file dirname [dict get $cresult srcdir]]
+ }
+ set result [dict merge $result [::practcl::de_shell $cresult]]
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $path]]} {
+ # No config.tcl file is present but we do seed
+ dict set result USEMSVC 0
+ foreach {f v} [::practcl::de_shell [::practcl::read_sh_file [file join $path]]] {
+ dict set result $f $v
+ dict set result XCOMPILE_${f} $v
+ }
+ dict set result CONFIG_SITE [file join $path]
+ if {[dict exist $result XCOMPILE_CC] && [regexp mingw [dict get $result XCOMPILE_CC]]} {
+ set windows 1
+ }
+ } elseif {[info exists ::env(VisualStudioVersion)]} {
+ set windows 1
+ dict set result USEMSVC 1
+ }
+ if {$windows && [dict get $result TEACUP_OS] ne "windows"} {
+ if {![dict exists exists $result TEACUP_ARCH]} {
+ dict set result TEACUP_ARCH ix86
+ }
+ dict set result TEACUP_PROFILE win32-[dict get $result TEACUP_ARCH]
+ dict set result TEACUP_OS windows
+ dict set result EXEEXT .exe
+ }
+ return $result
+# Convert an MSYS path to a windows native path
+if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+proc ::practcl::msys_to_tclpath msyspath {
+ return [exec sh -c "cd $msyspath ; pwd -W"]
+} else {
+proc ::practcl::msys_to_tclpath msyspath {
+ return [file normalize $msyspath]
+# Bits stolen from fileutil
+proc ::practcl::cat fname {
+ set fname [open $fname r]
+ set data [read $fname]
+ close $fname
+ return $data
+proc ::practcl::file_lexnormalize {sp} {
+ set spx [file split $sp]
+ # Resolution of embedded relative modifiers (., and ..).
+ if {
+ ([lsearch -exact $spx . ] < 0) &&
+ ([lsearch -exact $spx ..] < 0)
+ } {
+ # Quick path out if there are no relative modifiers
+ return $sp
+ }
+ set absolute [expr {![string equal [file pathtype $sp] relative]}]
+ # A volumerelative path counts as absolute for our purposes.
+ set sp $spx
+ set np {}
+ set noskip 1
+ while {[llength $sp]} {
+ set ele [lindex $sp 0]
+ set sp [lrange $sp 1 end]
+ set islast [expr {[llength $sp] == 0}]
+ if {[string equal $ele ".."]} {
+ if {
+ ($absolute && ([llength $np] > 1)) ||
+ (!$absolute && ([llength $np] >= 1))
+ } {
+ # .. : Remove the previous element added to the
+ # new path, if there actually is enough to remove.
+ set np [lrange $np 0 end-1]
+ }
+ } elseif {[string equal $ele "."]} {
+ # Ignore .'s, they stay at the current location
+ continue
+ } else {
+ # A regular element.
+ lappend np $ele
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $np] > 0} {
+ return [eval [linsert $np 0 file join]]
+ # 8.5: return [file join {*}$np]
+ }
+ return {}
+proc ::practcl::file_relative {base dst} {
+ # Ensure that the link to directory 'dst' is properly done relative to
+ # the directory 'base'.
+ if {![string equal [file pathtype $base] [file pathtype $dst]]} {
+ return -code error "Unable to compute relation for paths of different pathtypes: [file pathtype $base] vs. [file pathtype $dst], ($base vs. $dst)"
+ }
+ set base [file_lexnormalize [file join [pwd] $base]]
+ set dst [file_lexnormalize [file join [pwd] $dst]]
+ set save $dst
+ set base [file split $base]
+ set dst [file split $dst]
+ while {[string equal [lindex $dst 0] [lindex $base 0]]} {
+ set dst [lrange $dst 1 end]
+ set base [lrange $base 1 end]
+ if {![llength $dst]} {break}
+ }
+ set dstlen [llength $dst]
+ set baselen [llength $base]
+ if {($dstlen == 0) && ($baselen == 0)} {
+ # Cases:
+ # (a) base == dst
+ set dst .
+ } else {
+ # Cases:
+ # (b) base is: base/sub = sub
+ # dst is: base = {}
+ # (c) base is: base = {}
+ # dst is: base/sub = sub
+ while {$baselen > 0} {
+ set dst [linsert $dst 0 ..]
+ incr baselen -1
+ }
+ # 8.5: set dst [file join {*}$dst]
+ set dst [eval [linsert $dst 0 file join]]
+ }
+ return $dst
+# Try to load a package, and failing that
+# retrieve tcllib
+proc ::practcl::tcllib_require {pkg args} {
+ # Try to load the package from the local environment
+ if {[catch [list ::package require $pkg {*}$args] err]==0} {
+ return $err
+ }
+ ::practcl::LOCAL tool tcllib load
+ uplevel #0 [list ::package require $pkg {*}$args]
+namespace eval ::practcl::platform {}
+proc ::practcl::platform::tcl_core_options {os} {
+ ###
+ # Download our required packages
+ ###
+ set tcl_config_opts {}
+ # Auto-guess options for the local operating system
+ switch $os {
+ windows {
+ #lappend tcl_config_opts --disable-stubs
+ }
+ linux {
+ }
+ macosx {
+ lappend tcl_config_opts --enable-corefoundation=yes --enable-framework=no
+ }
+ }
+ lappend tcl_config_opts --with-tzdata
+ return $tcl_config_opts
+proc ::practcl::platform::tk_core_options {os} {
+ ###
+ # Download our required packages
+ ###
+ set tk_config_opts {}
+ # Auto-guess options for the local operating system
+ switch $os {
+ windows {
+ }
+ linux {
+ lappend tk_config_opts --enable-xft=no --enable-xss=no
+ }
+ macosx {
+ lappend tk_config_opts --enable-aqua=yes
+ }
+ }
+ return $tk_config_opts
+# Read a stylized key/value list stored in a file
+proc ::practcl::read_rc_file {filename {localdat {}}} {
+ set result $localdat
+ set fin [open $filename r]
+ set bufline {}
+ set rawcount 0
+ set linecount 0
+ while {[gets $fin thisline]>=0} {
+ incr rawcount
+ append bufline \n $thisline
+ if {![info complete $bufline]} continue
+ set line [string trimleft $bufline]
+ set bufline {}
+ if {[string index [string trimleft $line] 0] eq "#"} continue
+ append result \n $line
+ #incr linecount
+ #set key [lindex $line 0]
+ #set value [lindex $line 1]
+ #dict set result $key $value
+ }
+ return $result
+# topic: e71f3f61c348d56292011eec83e95f0aacc1c618
+# description: Converts a file into a series of Tcl variables
+proc ::practcl::read_sh_subst {line info} {
+ regsub -all {\x28} $line \x7B line
+ regsub -all {\x29} $line \x7D line
+ #set line [string map $key [string trim $line]]
+ foreach {field value} $info {
+ catch {set $field $value}
+ }
+ if [catch {subst $line} result] {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set result [string trim $result]
+ return [string trim $result ']
+# topic: 03567140cca33c814664c7439570f669b9ab88e6
+proc ::practcl::read_sh_file {filename {localdat {}}} {
+ set fin [open $filename r]
+ set result {}
+ if {$localdat eq {}} {
+ set top 1
+ set local [array get ::env]
+ dict set local EXE {}
+ } else {
+ set top 0
+ set local $localdat
+ }
+ while {[gets $fin line] >= 0} {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "#"} continue
+ if {$line eq {}} continue
+ catch {
+ if {[string range $line 0 6] eq "export "} {
+ set eq [string first "=" $line]
+ set field [string trim [string range $line 6 [expr {$eq - 1}]]]
+ set value [read_sh_subst [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] $local]
+ dict set result $field [read_sh_subst $value $local]
+ dict set local $field $value
+ } elseif {[string range $line 0 7] eq "include "} {
+ set subfile [read_sh_subst [string range $line 7 end] $local]
+ foreach {field value} [read_sh_file $subfile $local] {
+ dict set result $field $value
+ }
+ } else {
+ set eq [string first "=" $line]
+ if {$eq > 0} {
+ set field [read_sh_subst [string range $line 0 [expr {$eq - 1}]] $local]
+ set value [string trim [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] ']
+ #set value [read_sh_subst [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] $local]
+ dict set local $field $value
+ dict set result $field $value
+ }
+ }
+ } err opts
+ if {[dict get $opts -code] != 0} {
+ #puts $opts
+ puts "Error reading line:\n$line\nerr: $err\n***"
+ return $err {*}$opts
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# A simpler form of read_sh_file tailored
+# to pulling data from (tcl|tk)
+proc filename {
+ set fin [open $filename r]
+ set result {}
+ set linecount 0
+ while {[gets $fin line] >= 0} {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "#"} continue
+ if {$line eq {}} continue
+ catch {
+ set eq [string first "=" $line]
+ if {$eq > 0} {
+ set field [string range $line 0 [expr {$eq - 1}]]
+ set value [string trim [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] ']
+ #set value [read_sh_subst [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] $local]
+ dict set result $field $value
+ incr $linecount
+ }
+ } err opts
+ if {[dict get $opts -code] != 0} {
+ #puts $opts
+ puts "Error reading line:\n$line\nerr: $err\n***"
+ return $err {*}$opts
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# A simpler form of read_sh_file tailored
+# to pulling data from a Makefile
+proc ::practcl::read_Makefile filename {
+ set fin [open $filename r]
+ set result {}
+ while {[gets $fin line] >= 0} {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "#"} continue
+ if {$line eq {}} continue
+ catch {
+ set eq [string first "=" $line]
+ if {$eq > 0} {
+ set field [string trim [string range $line 0 [expr {$eq - 1}]]]
+ set value [string trim [string trim [string range $line [expr {$eq+1}] end] ']]
+ switch $field {
+ dict set result libfile $value
+ }
+ srcdir {
+ if {$value eq "."} {
+ dict set result srcdir [file dirname $filename]
+ } else {
+ dict set result srcdir $value
+ }
+ }
+ dict set result name $value
+ }
+ dict set result version $value
+ }
+ LIBS {
+ dict set result PRACTCL_LIBS $value
+ }
+ dict set result libfile $value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } err opts
+ if {[dict get $opts -code] != 0} {
+ #puts $opts
+ puts "Error reading line:\n$line\nerr: $err\n***"
+ return $err {*}$opts
+ }
+ # the Compile field is about where most TEA files start getting silly
+ if {$field eq "compile"} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+## Append arguments to a buffer
+# The command works like puts in that each call will also insert
+# a line feed. Unlike puts, blank links in the interstitial are
+# suppressed
+proc ::practcl::cputs {varname args} {
+ upvar 1 $varname buffer
+ if {[llength $args]==1 && [string length [string trim [lindex $args 0]]] == 0} {
+ }
+ if {[info exist buffer]} {
+ if {[string index $buffer end] ne "\n"} {
+ append buffer \n
+ }
+ } else {
+ set buffer \n
+ }
+ # Trim leading \n's
+ append buffer [string trimleft [lindex $args 0] \n] {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
+proc ::practcl::tcl_to_c {body} {
+ set result {}
+ foreach rawline [split $body \n] {
+ set line [string map [list \" \\\" \\ \\\\] $rawline]
+ cputs result "\n \"$line\\n\" \\"
+ }
+ return [string trimright $result \\]
+proc ::practcl::_tagblock {text {style tcl} {note {}}} {
+ if {[string length [string trim $text]]==0} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set output {}
+ switch $style {
+ tcl {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "# BEGIN $note"
+ }
+ c {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "/* BEGIN $note */"
+ }
+ default {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "# BEGIN $note"
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs output $text
+ switch $style {
+ tcl {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "# END $note"
+ }
+ c {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "/* END $note */"
+ }
+ default {
+ ::practcl::cputs output "# END $note"
+ }
+ }
+ return $output
+proc ::practcl::_isdirectory name {
+ return [file isdirectory $name]
+# Return true if the pkgindex file contains
+# any statement other than "package ifneeded"
+# and/or if any package ifneeded loads a DLL
+proc ::practcl::_pkgindex_directory {path} {
+ set buffer {}
+ set pkgidxfile [file join $path pkgIndex.tcl]
+ if {![file exists $pkgidxfile]} {
+ # No pkgIndex file, read the source
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain $path/*.tm] {
+ set file [file normalize $file]
+ set fname [file rootname [file tail $file]]
+ ###
+ # We used to be able to ... Assume the package is correct in the filename
+ # No hunt for a "package provides"
+ ###
+ set package [lindex [split $fname -] 0]
+ set version [lindex [split $fname -] 1]
+ ###
+ # Read the file, and override assumptions as needed
+ ###
+ set fin [open $file r]
+ set dat [read $fin]
+ close $fin
+ # Look for a teapot style Package statement
+ foreach line [split $dat \n] {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if { [string range $line 0 9] != "# Package " } continue
+ set package [lindex $line 2]
+ set version [lindex $line 3]
+ break
+ }
+ # Look for a package provide statement
+ foreach line [split $dat \n] {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if { [string range $line 0 14] != "package provide" } continue
+ set package [lindex $line 2]
+ set version [lindex $line 3]
+ break
+ }
+ append buffer "package ifneeded $package $version \[list source \[file join \$dir [file tail $file]\]\]" \n
+ }
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain $path/*.tcl] {
+ if { [file tail $file] == "version_info.tcl" } continue
+ set fin [open $file r]
+ set dat [read $fin]
+ close $fin
+ if {![regexp "package provide" $dat]} continue
+ set fname [file rootname [file tail $file]]
+ # Look for a package provide statement
+ foreach line [split $dat \n] {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if { [string range $line 0 14] != "package provide" } continue
+ set package [lindex $line 2]
+ set version [lindex $line 3]
+ if {[string index $package 0] in "\$ \["} continue
+ if {[string index $version 0] in "\$ \["} continue
+ append buffer "package ifneeded $package $version \[list source \[file join \$dir [file tail $file]\]\]" \n
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return $buffer
+ }
+ set fin [open $pkgidxfile r]
+ set dat [read $fin]
+ close $fin
+ set trace 0
+ #if {[file tail $path] eq "tool"} {
+ # set trace 1
+ #}
+ set thisline {}
+ foreach line [split $dat \n] {
+ append thisline $line \n
+ if {![info complete $thisline]} continue
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {[string length $line]==0} {
+ set thisline {} ; continue
+ }
+ if {[string index $line 0] eq "#"} {
+ set thisline {} ; continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp "if.*catch.*package.*Tcl.*return" $thisline]} {
+ if {$trace} {puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Ignoring $thisline"}
+ set thisline {} ; continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp "if.*package.*vsatisfies.*package.*provide.*return" $thisline]} {
+ if {$trace} { puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Ignoring $thisline" }
+ set thisline {} ; continue
+ }
+ if {![regexp "package.*ifneeded" $thisline]} {
+ # This package index contains arbitrary code
+ # source instead of trying to add it to the master
+ # package index
+ if {$trace} { puts "[file dirname $pkgidxfile] Arbitrary code $thisline" }
+ return {source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]}
+ }
+ append buffer $thisline \n
+ set thisline {}
+ }
+ if {$trace} {puts [list [file dirname $pkgidxfile] $buffer]}
+ return $buffer
+proc ::practcl::_pkgindex_path_subdir {path} {
+ set result {}
+ foreach subpath [glob -nocomplain [file join $path *]] {
+ if {[file isdirectory $subpath]} {
+ lappend result $subpath {*}[_pkgindex_path_subdir $subpath]
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+# Index all paths given as though they will end up in the same
+# virtual file system
+proc ::practcl::pkgindex_path args {
+ set stack {}
+ set buffer {
+lappend ::PATHSTACK $dir
+ }
+ foreach base $args {
+ set base [file normalize $base]
+ set paths [::practcl::_pkgindex_path_subdir $base]
+ set i [string length $base]
+ # Build a list of all of the paths
+ foreach path $paths {
+ if {$path eq $base} continue
+ set path_indexed($path) 0
+ }
+ set path_indexed($base) 1
+ set path_indexed([file join $base boot tcl]) 1
+ #set path_index([file join $base boot tk]) 1
+ foreach path $paths {
+ if {$path_indexed($path)} continue
+ set thisdir [file_relative $base $path]
+ #set thisdir [string range $path $i+1 end]
+ #append buffer "# DIR $thisdir" \n
+ set idxbuf [::practcl::_pkgindex_directory $path]
+ if {[string length $idxbuf]} {
+ incr path_indexed($path)
+ append buffer "set dir \[set PKGDIR \[file join \[lindex \$::PATHSTACK end\] $thisdir\]\]" \n
+ append buffer [string map {$dir $PKGDIR} [string trimright $idxbuf]] \n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ append buffer {
+set dir [lindex $::PATHSTACK end]
+set ::PATHSTACK [lrange $::PATHSTACK 0 end-1]
+ return $buffer
+# topic: 64319f4600fb63c82b2258d908f9d066
+# description: Script to build the VFS file system
+proc ::practcl::installDir {d1 d2} {
+ puts [format {%*sCreating %s} [expr {4 * [info level]}] {} [file tail $d2]]
+ file delete -force -- $d2
+ file mkdir $d2
+ foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] {
+ set f [file join $d1 $ftail]
+ if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} {
+ installDir $f [file join $d2 $ftail]
+ } elseif {[file isfile $f]} {
+ file copy -force $f [file join $d2 $ftail]
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} {
+ file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -permissions 0644
+ } else {
+ file attributes [file join $d2 $ftail] -readonly 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {unix}} {
+ file attributes $d2 -permissions 0755
+ } else {
+ file attributes $d2 -readonly 1
+ }
+proc ::practcl::copyDir {d1 d2 {toplevel 1}} {
+ if {$toplevel} {
+ puts [list ::practcl::copyDir $d1 -> $d2]
+ }
+ #file delete -force -- $d2
+ file mkdir $d2
+ foreach ftail [glob -directory $d1 -nocomplain -tails *] {
+ set f [file join $d1 $ftail]
+ if {[file isdirectory $f] && [string compare CVS $ftail]} {
+ copyDir $f [file join $d2 $ftail] 0
+ } elseif {[file isfile $f]} {
+ file copy -force $f [file join $d2 $ftail]
+ }
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::metaclass {
+ superclass ::oo::object
+ method script script {
+ eval $script
+ }
+ method source filename {
+ source $filename
+ }
+ method initialize {} {}
+ method define {submethod args} {
+ my variable define
+ switch $submethod {
+ dump {
+ return [array get define]
+ }
+ add {
+ set field [lindex $args 0]
+ if {![info exists define($field)]} {
+ set define($field) {}
+ }
+ foreach arg [lrange $args 1 end] {
+ if {$arg ni $define($field)} {
+ lappend define($field) $arg
+ }
+ }
+ return $define($field)
+ }
+ remove {
+ set field [lindex $args 0]
+ if {![info exists define($field)]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set rlist [lrange $args 1 end]
+ set olist $define($field)
+ set nlist {}
+ foreach arg $olist {
+ if {$arg in $rlist} continue
+ lappend nlist $arg
+ }
+ set define($field) $nlist
+ return $nlist
+ }
+ exists {
+ set field [lindex $args 0]
+ return [info exists define($field)]
+ }
+ getnull -
+ get -
+ cget {
+ set field [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[info exists define($field)]} {
+ return $define($field)
+ }
+ return [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ set {
+ if {[llength $args]==1} {
+ set arglist [lindex $args 0]
+ } else {
+ set arglist $args
+ }
+ array set define $arglist
+ if {[dict exists $arglist class]} {
+ my select
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ array $submethod define {*}$args
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method graft args {
+ my variable organs
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ error "Need two arguments"
+ }
+ set object {}
+ foreach {stub object} $args {
+ dict set organs $stub $object
+ oo::objdefine [self] forward <${stub}> $object
+ oo::objdefine [self] export <${stub}>
+ }
+ return $object
+ }
+ method organ {{stub all}} {
+ my variable organs
+ if {![info exists organs]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ if { $stub eq "all" } {
+ return $organs
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $organs $stub]} {
+ return [dict get $organs $stub]
+ }
+ }
+ method link {command args} {
+ my variable links
+ switch $command {
+ object {
+ foreach obj $args {
+ foreach linktype [$obj linktype] {
+ my link add $linktype $obj
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ add {
+ ###
+ # Add a link to an object that was externally created
+ ###
+ if {[llength $args] ne 2} { error "Usage: link add LINKTYPE OBJECT"}
+ lassign $args linktype object
+ if {[info exists links($linktype)] && $object in $links($linktype)} {
+ return
+ }
+ lappend links($linktype) $object
+ }
+ remove {
+ set object [lindex $args 0]
+ if {[llength $args]==1} {
+ set ltype *
+ } else {
+ set ltype [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ foreach {linktype elements} [array get links $ltype] {
+ if {$object in $elements} {
+ set nlist {}
+ foreach e $elements {
+ if { $object ne $e } { lappend nlist $e }
+ }
+ set links($linktype) $nlist
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ list {
+ if {[llength $args]==0} {
+ return [array get links]
+ }
+ if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "Usage: link list LINKTYPE"}
+ set linktype [lindex $args 0]
+ if {![info exists links($linktype)]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ return $links($linktype)
+ }
+ dump {
+ return [array get links]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method select {} {
+ my variable define
+ set class {}
+ if {[info exists define(class)]} {
+ if {[info command $define(class)] ne {}} {
+ set class $define(class)
+ } elseif {[info command ::practcl::$define(class)] ne {}} {
+ set class ::practcl::$define(class)
+ } else {
+ switch $define(class) {
+ default {
+ set class ::practcl::object
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$class ne {}} {
+ ::oo::objdefine [self] class $class
+ }
+ if {[::info exists define(oodefine)]} {
+ ::oo::objdefine [self] $define(oodefine)
+ unset define(oodefine)
+ }
+ }
+proc ::practcl::trigger {args} {
+ foreach name $args {
+ if {[dict exists $::make_objects $name]} {
+ [dict get $::make_objects $name] triggers
+ }
+ }
+proc ::practcl::depends {args} {
+ foreach name $args {
+ if {[dict exists $::make_objects $name]} {
+ [dict get $::make_objects $name] check
+ }
+ }
+proc ::practcl::target {name info} {
+ set obj [::practcl::target_obj new $name $info]
+ dict set ::make_objects $name $obj
+ if {[dict exists $info aliases]} {
+ foreach item [dict get $info aliases] {
+ if {![dict exists $::make_objects $item]} {
+ dict set ::make_objects $item $obj
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set ::make($name) 0
+ set ::trigger($name) 0
+ set filename [$obj define get filename]
+ if {$filename ne {}} {
+ set ::target($name) $filename
+ }
+### Batch Tasks
+proc ::practcl::de_shell {data} {
+ set values {}
+ foreach flag {DEFS TCL_DEFS TK_DEFS} {
+ if {[dict exists $data $flag]} {
+ #set value {}
+ #foreach item [dict get $data $flag] {
+ # append value " " [string map {{ } {\ }} $item]
+ #}
+ dict set values $flag [dict get $data $flag]
+ }
+ }
+ set map {}
+ lappend map {${PKG_OBJECTS}} %LIBRARY_OBJECTS%
+ lappend map {$(PKG_OBJECTS)} %LIBRARY_OBJECTS%
+ if {[dict exists $data name]} {
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_NAME% [dict get $data name]
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION% [dict get $data version]
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION_NODOTS% [string map {. {}} [dict get $data version]]
+ if {[dict exists $data libprefix]} {
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_PREFIX% [dict get $data libprefix]
+ } else {
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_PREFIX% [dict get $data prefix]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach flag [dict keys $data] {
+ if {$flag in {TCL_DEFS TK_DEFS DEFS}} continue
+ set value [string trim [dict get $data $flag] \"]
+ dict set map "\$\{${flag}\}" $value
+ dict set map "\$\(${flag}\)" $value
+ #dict set map "\$${flag}" $value
+ dict set map "%${flag}%" $value
+ dict set values $flag [dict get $data $flag]
+ #dict set map "\$\{${flag}\}" $proj($flag)
+ }
+ set changed 1
+ while {$changed} {
+ set changed 0
+ foreach {field value} $values {
+ if {$field in {TCL_DEFS TK_DEFS DEFS}} continue
+ dict with values {}
+ set newval [string map $map $value]
+ if {$newval eq $value} continue
+ set changed 1
+ dict set values $field $newval
+ }
+ }
+ return $values
+# Ancestor-less class intended to be a mixin
+# which defines a family of build related behaviors
+# that are modified when targetting either gcc or msvc
+::oo::class create ::practcl::build {
+ ## method DEFS
+ # This method populates 4 variables:
+ # name - The name of the package
+ # version - The version of the package
+ # defs - C flags passed to the compiler
+ # includedir - A list of paths to feed to the compiler for finding headers
+ #
+ method build-cflags {PROJECT DEFS namevar versionvar defsvar} {
+ upvar 1 $namevar name $versionvar version NAME NAME $defsvar defs
+ set name [string tolower [${PROJECT} define get name [${PROJECT} define get pkg_name]]]
+ set NAME [string toupper $name]
+ set version [${PROJECT} define get version [${PROJECT} define get pkg_vers]]
+ if {$version eq {}} {
+ set version 0.1a
+ }
+ set defs $DEFS
+ foreach flag {
+ } {
+ if {[set i [string first $flag $defs]] >= 0} {
+ set j [string first -D $flag [expr {$i+[string length $flag]}]]
+ set predef [string range $defs 0 [expr {$i-1}]]
+ set postdef [string range $defs $j end]
+ set defs "$predef $postdef"
+ }
+ }
+ append defs " -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"${name}\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"${version}\""
+ append defs " -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"${name}\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"${name}\x5c\x20${version}\""
+ return $defs
+ }
+ method build-tclkit_main {PROJECT PKG_OBJS} {
+ ###
+ # Build static package list
+ ###
+ set statpkglist {}
+ foreach cobj [list {*}${PKG_OBJS} $PROJECT] {
+ foreach {pkg info} [$cobj static-packages] {
+ dict set statpkglist $pkg $info
+ }
+ }
+ foreach {ofile info} [${PROJECT} compile-products] {
+ if {![dict exists $info object]} continue
+ set cobj [dict get $info object]
+ foreach {pkg info} [$cobj static-packages] {
+ dict set statpkglist $pkg $info
+ }
+ }
+ set result {}
+ $PROJECT include {<tcl.h>}
+ $PROJECT include {"tclInt.h"}
+ $PROJECT include {"tclFileSystem.h"}
+ $PROJECT include {<assert.h>}
+ $PROJECT include {<stdio.h>}
+ $PROJECT include {<stdlib.h>}
+ $PROJECT include {<string.h>}
+ $PROJECT include {<math.h>}
+ $PROJECT code header {
+# define MODULE_SCOPE extern
+** Provide a dummy Tcl_InitStubs if we are using this as a static
+** library.
+#ifndef USE_TCL_STUBS
+# undef Tcl_InitStubs
+# define Tcl_InitStubs(a,b,c) TCL_VERSION
+#define STATIC_BUILD 1
+/* Make sure the stubbed variants of those are never used. */
+#undef Tcl_ObjSetVar2
+#undef Tcl_NewStringObj
+#undef Tk_Init
+#undef Tk_MainEx
+#undef Tk_SafeInit
+ # Build an area of the file for #define directives and
+ # function declarations
+ set define {}
+ set mainhook [$PROJECT define get TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK Tclkit_MainHook]
+ set mainfunc [$PROJECT define get TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT Tclkit_AppInit]
+ set mainscript [$PROJECT define get main.tcl main.tcl]
+ set vfsroot [$PROJECT define get vfsroot [file join [$PROJECT define get ZIPFS_VOLUME] app]]
+ set vfs_main "${vfsroot}/${mainscript}"
+ set vfs_tcl_library "${vfsroot}/boot/tcl"
+ set vfs_tk_library "${vfsroot}/boot/tk"
+ set map {}
+ foreach var {
+ vfsroot mainhook mainfunc vfs_main vfs_tcl_library vfs_tk_library
+ } {
+ dict set map %${var}% [set $var]
+ }
+ set preinitscript {
+set ::odie(boot_vfs) {%vfsroot%}
+set ::SRCDIR {%vfsroot%}
+if {[file exists {%vfs_tcl_library%}]} {
+ set ::tcl_library {%vfs_tcl_library%}
+ set ::auto_path {}
+if {[file exists {%vfs_tk_library%}]} {
+ set ::tk_library {%vfs_tk_library%}
+} ; # Preinitscript
+ set zvfsboot {
+ * %mainhook% --
+ * Performs the argument munging for the shell
+ */
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot {
+ CONST char *archive;
+ Tcl_FindExecutable(*argv[0]);
+ archive=Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable();
+ }
+ # We have to initialize the virtual filesystem before calling
+ # Tcl_Init(). Otherwise, Tcl_Init() will not be able to find
+ # its startup script files.
+ if {[$PROJECT define get tip_430 0]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " if(!TclZipfsMount(NULL, archive, \"%vfsroot%\", NULL)) \x7B "
+ } else {
+ $PROJECT include {"tclZipfs.h"}
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot { Tclzipfs_Init(NULL);}
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " if(!Tclzipfs_Mount(NULL, archive, \"%vfsroot%\", NULL)) \x7B "
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot {
+ Tcl_Obj *vfsinitscript;
+ vfsinitscript=Tcl_NewStringObj("%vfs_main%",-1);
+ Tcl_IncrRefCount(vfsinitscript);
+ if(Tcl_FSAccess(vfsinitscript,F_OK)==0) {
+ /* Startup script should be set before calling Tcl_AppInit */
+ Tcl_SetStartupScript(vfsinitscript,NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " TclSetPreInitScript([::practcl::tcl_to_c $preinitscript])\;"
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " \x7D else \x7B"
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " TclSetPreInitScript([::practcl::tcl_to_c {
+foreach path {
+ ../tcl
+} {
+ set p [file join $path library init.tcl]
+ if {[file exists [file join $path library init.tcl]]} {
+ set ::tcl_library [file normalize [file join $path library]]
+ break
+ }
+foreach path {
+ ../tk
+} {
+ if {[file exists [file join $path library tk.tcl]]} {
+ set ::tk_library [file normalize [file join $path library]]
+ break
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " \x7D"
+ ::practcl::cputs zvfsboot " return TCL_OK;"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get TEACUP_OS] eq "windows"} {
+ set header {int %mainhook%(int *argc, TCHAR ***argv)}
+ } else {
+ set header {int %mainhook%(int *argc, char ***argv)}
+ }
+ $PROJECT c_function [string map $map $header] [string map $map $zvfsboot]
+ practcl::cputs appinit "int %mainfunc%(Tcl_Interp *interp) \x7B"
+ # Build AppInit()
+ set appinit {}
+ practcl::cputs appinit {
+ if ((Tcl_Init)(interp) == TCL_ERROR) {
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ set main_init_script {}
+ foreach {statpkg info} $statpkglist {
+ set initfunc {}
+ if {[dict exists $info initfunc]} {
+ set initfunc [dict get $info initfunc]
+ }
+ if {$initfunc eq {}} {
+ set initfunc [string totitle ${statpkg}]_Init
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $info version]} {
+ error "$statpkg HAS NO VERSION"
+ }
+ # We employ a NULL to prevent the package system from thinking the
+ # package is actually loaded into the interpreter
+ $PROJECT code header "extern Tcl_PackageInitProc $initfunc\;\n"
+ set script [list package ifneeded $statpkg [dict get $info version] [list ::load {} $statpkg]]
+ append main_init_script \n [list set ::kitpkg(${statpkg}) $script]
+ if {[dict get $info autoload]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs appinit " if(${initfunc}(interp)) return TCL_ERROR\;"
+ ::practcl::cputs appinit " Tcl_StaticPackage(interp,\"$statpkg\",$initfunc,NULL)\;"
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs appinit "\n Tcl_StaticPackage(NULL,\"$statpkg\",$initfunc,NULL)\;"
+ append main_init_script \n $script
+ }
+ }
+ append main_init_script \n {
+if {[file exists [file join $::SRCDIR packages.tcl]]} {
+ #In a wrapped exe, we don't go out to the environment
+ set dir $::SRCDIR
+ source [file join $::SRCDIR packages.tcl]
+# Specify a user-specific startup file to invoke if the application
+# is run interactively. Typically the startup file is "~/.apprc"
+# where "app" is the name of the application. If this line is deleted
+# then no user-specific startup file will be run under any conditions.
+ }
+ append main_init_script \n [list set tcl_rcFileName [$PROJECT define get tcl_rcFileName ~/.tclshrc]]
+ practcl::cputs appinit " Tcl_Eval(interp,[::practcl::tcl_to_c $main_init_script]);"
+ practcl::cputs appinit { return TCL_OK;}
+ $PROJECT c_function [string map $map "int %mainfunc%(Tcl_Interp *interp)"] [string map $map $appinit]
+::oo::class create ::practcl::build.gcc {
+ superclass ::practcl::build
+ method build-compile-sources {PROJECT COMPILE {CPPCOMPILE {}}} {
+ set EXTERN_OBJS {}
+ set OBJECTS {}
+ set result {}
+ set builddir [$PROJECT define get builddir]
+ file mkdir [file join $builddir objs]
+ set debug [$PROJECT define get debug 0]
+ if {$CPPCOMPILE eq {}} {
+ }
+ set task [${PROJECT} compile-products]
+ ###
+ # Compile the C sources
+ ###
+ foreach {ofile info} $task {
+ dict set task $ofile done 0
+ if {[dict exists $info external] && [dict get $info external]==1} {
+ dict set task $ofile external 1
+ } else {
+ dict set task $ofile external 0
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info library]} {
+ dict set task $ofile done 1
+ continue
+ }
+ # Products with no cfile aren't compiled
+ if {![dict exists $info cfile] || [set cfile [dict get $info cfile]] eq {}} {
+ dict set task $ofile done 1
+ continue
+ }
+ set cfile [dict get $info cfile]
+ set ofilename [file join $builddir objs [file tail $ofile]]
+ if {$debug} {
+ set ofilename [file join $builddir objs [file rootname [file tail $ofile]].debug.o]
+ }
+ dict set task $ofile filename $ofilename
+ if {[file exists $ofilename] && [file mtime $ofilename]>[file mtime $cfile]} {
+ lappend result $ofilename
+ dict set task $ofile done 1
+ continue
+ }
+ if {![dict exist $info command]} {
+ if {[file extension $cfile] in {.c++ .cpp}} {
+ set cmd $CPPCOMPILE
+ } else {
+ set cmd $COMPILE
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info extra]} {
+ append cmd " [dict get $info extra]"
+ }
+ append cmd " -c $cfile"
+ append cmd " -o $ofilename"
+ dict set task $ofile command $cmd
+ }
+ }
+ set completed 0
+ while {$completed==0} {
+ set completed 1
+ foreach {ofile info} $task {
+ set waiting {}
+ if {[dict exists $info done] && [dict get $info done]} continue
+ if {[dict exists $info depend]} {
+ foreach file [dict get $info depend] {
+ if {[dict exists $task $file command] && [dict exists $task $file done] && [dict get $task $file done] != 1} {
+ set waiting $file
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$waiting ne {}} {
+ set completed 0
+ puts "$ofile waiting for $waiting"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info command]} {
+ set cmd [dict get $info command]
+ puts "$cmd"
+ exec {*}$cmd >&@ stdout
+ }
+ lappend result [dict get $info filename]
+ dict set task $ofile done 1
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+method build-Makefile {path PROJECT} {
+ array set proj [$PROJECT define dump]
+ set path $proj(builddir)
+ cd $path
+ set includedir .
+ #lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path $proj(TCL_INCLUDES)]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(TCL_SRC_DIR) generic]]]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(srcdir) generic]]]
+ foreach include [$PROJECT generate-include-directory] {
+ set cpath [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $include]]
+ if {$cpath ni $includedir} {
+ lappend includedir $cpath
+ }
+ }
+ set INCLUDES "-I[join $includedir " -I"]"
+ set NAME [string toupper $proj(name)]
+ set result {}
+ set products {}
+ set libraries {}
+ set thisline {}
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${NAME}_DEFS = $proj(DEFS)\n"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${NAME}_INCLUDES = -I\"[join $includedir "\" -I\""]\"\n"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${NAME}_COMPILE = \$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(PKG_CFLAGS) \$(${NAME}_DEFS) \$(${NAME}_INCLUDES) \$(INCLUDES) \$(AM_CPPFLAGS) \$(CPPFLAGS) \$(AM_CFLAGS)"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${NAME}_CPPCOMPILE = \$(CXX) \$(CFLAGS) \$(PKG_CFLAGS) \$(${NAME}_DEFS) \$(${NAME}_INCLUDES) \$(INCLUDES) \$(AM_CPPFLAGS) \$(CPPFLAGS) \$(AM_CFLAGS)"
+ foreach {ofile info} [$PROJECT compile-products] {
+ dict set products $ofile $info
+ if {[dict exists $info library]} {
+lappend libraries $ofile
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info depend]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\n${ofile}: [dict get $info depend]"
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\n${ofile}:"
+ }
+ set cfile [dict get $info cfile]
+ if {[file extension $cfile] in {.c++ .cpp}} {
+ set cmd "\t\$\(${NAME}_CPPCOMPILE\)"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "\t\$\(${NAME}_COMPILE\)"
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info extra]} {
+ append cmd " [dict get $info extra]"
+ }
+ append cmd " -c [dict get $info cfile] -o \$@\n\t"
+ ::practcl::cputs result $cmd
+ }
+ set map {}
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_NAME% $proj(name)
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION% $proj(version)
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION_NODOTS% [string map {. {}} $proj(version)]
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_PREFIX% [$PROJECT define getnull libprefix]
+ if {[string is true [$PROJECT define get SHARED_BUILD]]} {
+ set outfile [$PROJECT define get libfile]
+ } else {
+ set outfile [$PROJECT shared_library]
+ }
+ $PROJECT define set shared_library $outfile
+ ::practcl::cputs result "
+${NAME}_SHLIB = $outfile
+${NAME}_OBJS = [dict keys $products]
+ #lappend map %OUTFILE% {\[$]@}
+ lappend map %OUTFILE% $outfile
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_OBJECTS% "\$(${NAME}_OBJS)"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "$outfile: \$(${NAME}_OBJS)"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\t[string map $map [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_SHARED_LIB]]"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL] ni {: {}}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\t[string map $map [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL]]"
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result {}
+ if {[string is true [$PROJECT define get SHARED_BUILD]]} {
+ #set outfile [$PROJECT static_library]
+ set outfile $proj(name).a
+ } else {
+ set outfile [$PROJECT define get libfile]
+ }
+ $PROJECT define set static_library $outfile
+ dict set map %OUTFILE% $outfile
+ ::practcl::cputs result "$outfile: \$(${NAME}_OBJS)"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\t[string map $map [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_STATIC_LIB]]"
+ ::practcl::cputs result {}
+ return $result
+# Produce a static or dynamic library
+method build-library {outfile PROJECT} {
+ array set proj [$PROJECT define dump]
+ set path $proj(builddir)
+ cd $path
+ set includedir .
+ #lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path $proj(TCL_INCLUDES)]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(TCL_SRC_DIR) generic]]]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(srcdir) generic]]]
+ if {[$PROJECT define get tk 0]} {
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(TK_SRC_DIR) generic]]]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(TK_SRC_DIR) ttk]]]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize [file join $proj(TK_SRC_DIR) xlib]]]
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $proj(TK_BIN_DIR)]]
+ }
+ foreach include [$PROJECT generate-include-directory] {
+ set cpath [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $include]]
+ if {$cpath ni $includedir} {
+ lappend includedir $cpath
+ }
+ }
+ my build-cflags $PROJECT $proj(DEFS) name version defs
+ set NAME [string toupper $name]
+ set debug [$PROJECT define get debug 0]
+ set os [$PROJECT define get TEACUP_OS]
+ set INCLUDES "-I[join $includedir " -I"]"
+ if {$debug} {
+ set COMPILE "$proj(CC) $proj(CFLAGS_DEBUG) -ggdb \
+ if {[info exists proc(CXX)]} {
+ set COMPILECPP "$proj(CXX) $defs $INCLUDES $proj(CFLAGS_DEBUG) -ggdb \
+ $defs $proj(CFLAGS_WARNING)"
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ set COMPILE "$proj(CC) $proj(CFLAGS) $defs $INCLUDES "
+ if {[info exists proc(CXX)]} {
+ set COMPILECPP "$proj(CXX) $defs $INCLUDES $proj(CFLAGS) $defs"
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ set products [my build-compile-sources $PROJECT $COMPILE $COMPILECPP]
+ set map {}
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_NAME% $proj(name)
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION% $proj(version)
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION_NODOTS% [string map {. {}} $proj(version)]
+ lappend map %OUTFILE% $outfile
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_OBJECTS% $products
+ lappend map {${CFLAGS}} "$proj(CFLAGS_DEFAULT) $proj(CFLAGS_WARNING)"
+ if {[string is true [$PROJECT define get SHARED_BUILD 1]]} {
+ set cmd [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_SHARED_LIB]
+ append cmd " [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_LIBS]"
+ set cmd [string map $map $cmd]
+ puts $cmd
+ exec {*}$cmd >&@ stdout
+ if {[$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL] ni {: {}}} {
+ set cmd [string map $map [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_VC_MANIFEST_EMBED_DLL]]
+ puts $cmd
+ exec {*}$cmd >&@ stdout
+ }
+ } else {
+ set cmd [string map $map [$PROJECT define get PRACTCL_STATIC_LIB]]
+ puts $cmd
+ exec {*}$cmd >&@ stdout
+ }
+ set ranlib [$PROJECT define get RANLIB]
+ if {$ranlib ni {{} :}} {
+ catch {exec $ranlib $outfile}
+ }
+# Produce a static executable
+method build-tclsh {outfile PROJECT} {
+ set PKG_OBJS {}
+ foreach item [$PROJECT link list core.library] {
+ if {[string is true [$item define get static]]} {
+ lappend PKG_OBJS $item
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [$PROJECT link list package] {
+ if {[string is true [$item define get static]]} {
+ lappend PKG_OBJS $item
+ }
+ }
+ array set TCL [$TCLOBJ]
+ set TKOBJ [$PROJECT project tk]
+ if {[info command $TKOBJ] eq {}} {
+ set TKOBJ ::noop
+ $PROJECT define set static_tk 0
+ } else {
+ array set TK [$TKOBJ]
+ $PROJECT define set static_tk [$TKOBJ define get static]
+ set TKSRCDIR [$TKOBJ define get srcdir]
+ }
+ set path [file dirname $outfile]
+ cd $path
+ ###
+ # For a static Tcl shell, we need to build all local sources
+ # with the same DEFS flags as the tcl core was compiled with.
+ # The DEFS produced by a TEA extension aren't intended to operate
+ # with the internals of a staticly linked Tcl
+ ###
+ my build-cflags $PROJECT $TCL(defs) name version defs
+ set debug [$PROJECT define get debug 0]
+ set NAME [string toupper $name]
+ set result {}
+ set libraries {}
+ set thisline {}
+ set OBJECTS {}
+ set EXTERN_OBJS {}
+ foreach obj $PKG_OBJS {
+ $obj compile
+ set config($obj) [$obj]
+ }
+ set os [$PROJECT define get TEACUP_OS]
+ set TCLSRCDIR [$TCLOBJ define get srcdir]
+ set includedir .
+ foreach include [$TCLOBJ generate-include-directory] {
+ set cpath [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $include]]
+ if {$cpath ni $includedir} {
+ lappend includedir $cpath
+ }
+ }
+ lappend includedir [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize ../tcl/compat/zlib]]
+ foreach include [$PROJECT generate-include-directory] {
+ set cpath [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $include]]
+ if {$cpath ni $includedir} {
+ lappend includedir $cpath
+ }
+ }
+ set INCLUDES "-I[join $includedir " -I"]"
+ if {$debug} {
+ set COMPILE "$TCL(cc) $TCL(shlib_cflags) $TCL(cflags_debug) -ggdb \
+$TCL(cflags_warning) $TCL(extra_cflags) $INCLUDES"
+ } else {
+ set COMPILE "$TCL(cc) $TCL(shlib_cflags) $TCL(cflags_optimize) \
+$TCL(cflags_warning) $TCL(extra_cflags) $INCLUDES"
+ }
+ append COMPILE " " $defs
+ lappend OBJECTS {*}[my build-compile-sources $PROJECT $COMPILE $COMPILE]
+ set TCLSRC [file normalize $TCLSRCDIR]
+ if {[${PROJECT} define get TEACUP_OS] eq "windows"} {
+ set windres [$PROJECT define get RC windres]
+ set RSOBJ [file join $path build tclkit.res.o]
+ set RCSRC [${PROJECT} define get kit_resource_file]
+ set cmd [list $windres -o $RSOBJ -DSTATIC_BUILD --include [::practcl::file_relative $path [file join $TCLSRC generic]]]
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ if {$RCSRC eq {} || ![file exists $RCSRC]} {
+ set RCSRC [file join $TKSRCDIR win rc wish.rc]
+ }
+ set TKSRC [file normalize $TKSRCDIR]
+ lappend cmd --include [::practcl::file_relative $path [file join $TKSRC generic]] \
+ --include [::practcl::file_relative $path [file join $TKSRC win]] \
+ --include [::practcl::file_relative $path [file join $TKSRC win rc]]
+ } else {
+ if {$RCSRC eq {} || ![file exists $RCSRC]} {
+ set RCSRC [file join $TCLSRCDIR tclsh.rc]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [${PROJECT} define get resource_include] {
+ lappend cmd --include [::practcl::file_relative $path [file normalize $item]]
+ }
+ lappend cmd $RCSRC
+ ::practcl::doexec {*}$cmd
+ lappend OBJECTS $RSOBJ
+ set LDFLAGS_CONSOLE {-mconsole -pipe -static-libgcc}
+ set LDFLAGS_WINDOW {-mwindows -pipe -static-libgcc}
+ } else {
+ }
+ puts "***"
+ if {$debug} {
+ set cmd "$TCL(cc) $TCL(shlib_cflags) $TCL(cflags_debug) \
+$TCL(cflags_warning) $TCL(extra_cflags) $INCLUDES"
+ } else {
+ set cmd "$TCL(cc) $TCL(shlib_cflags) $TCL(cflags_optimize) \
+$TCL(cflags_warning) $TCL(extra_cflags) $INCLUDES"
+ }
+ append cmd " $OBJECTS"
+ append cmd " $EXTERN_OBJS "
+ # On OSX it is impossibly to generate a completely static
+ # executable
+ if {[$PROJECT define get TEACUP_OS] ne "macosx"} {
+ append cmd " -static "
+ }
+ if {$debug} {
+ if {$os eq "windows"} {
+ append cmd " -L${TCL(src_dir)}/win -ltcl86g"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " -L${TK(src_dir)}/win -ltk86g"
+ }
+ } else {
+ append cmd " -L${TCL(src_dir)}/unix -ltcl86g"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " -L${TK(src_dir)}/unix -ltk86g"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ append cmd " $TCL(build_lib_spec)"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " $TK(build_lib_spec)"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach obj $PKG_OBJS {
+ append cmd " [$obj linker-products $config($obj)]"
+ }
+ append cmd " $TCL(libs) "
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " $TK(libs)"
+ }
+ foreach obj $PKG_OBJS {
+ append cmd " [$obj linker-external $config($obj)]"
+ }
+ if {$debug} {
+ if {$os eq "windows"} {
+ append cmd " -L${TCL(src_dir)}/win ${TCL(stub_lib_flag)}"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " -L${TK(src_dir)}/win ${TK(stub_lib_flag)}"
+ }
+ } else {
+ append cmd " -L${TCL(src_dir)}/unix ${TCL(stub_lib_flag)}"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " -L${TK(src_dir)}/unix ${TK(stub_lib_flag)}"
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ append cmd " $TCL(build_stub_lib_spec)"
+ if {[$PROJECT define get static_tk]} {
+ append cmd " $TK(build_stub_lib_spec)"
+ }
+ }
+ append cmd " -o $outfile $LDFLAGS_CONSOLE"
+ puts "LINK: $cmd"
+ exec {*}$cmd >&@ stdout
+::oo::class create ::practcl::build.msvc {
+ superclass ::practcl::build
+::oo::class create ::practcl::target_obj {
+ superclass ::practcl::metaclass
+ constructor {name info} {
+ my variable define triggered domake
+ set triggered 0
+ set domake 0
+ set define(name) $name
+ set data [uplevel 2 [list subst $info]]
+ array set define $data
+ my select
+ my initialize
+ }
+ method do {} {
+ my variable domake
+ return $domake
+ }
+ method check {} {
+ my variable needs_make domake
+ if {$domake} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ if {[info exists needs_make]} {
+ return $needs_make
+ }
+ set needs_make 0
+ foreach item [my define get depends] {
+ if {![dict exists $::make_objects $item]} continue
+ set depobj [dict get $::make_objects $item]
+ if {$depobj eq [self]} {
+ puts "WARNING [self] depends on itself"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[$depobj check]} {
+ set needs_make 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$needs_make} {
+ set filename [my define get filename]
+ if {$filename ne {} && ![file exists $filename]} {
+ set needs_make 1
+ }
+ }
+ return $needs_make
+ }
+ method triggers {} {
+ my variable triggered domake define
+ if {$triggered} {
+ return $domake
+ }
+ set triggered 1
+ foreach item [my define get depends] {
+ if {![dict exists $::make_objects $item]} continue
+ set depobj [dict get $::make_objects $item]
+ if {$depobj eq [self]} {
+ puts "WARNING [self] triggers itself"
+ continue
+ } else {
+ set r [$depobj check]
+ if {$r} {
+ $depobj triggers
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists ::make($define(name))] && $::make($define(name))} {
+ return
+ }
+ set ::make($define(name)) 1
+ ::practcl::trigger {*}[my define get triggers]
+ }
+# Define the metaclass
+::oo::class create ::practcl::object {
+ superclass ::practcl::metaclass
+ constructor {parent args} {
+ my variable links define
+ set organs [$parent child organs]
+ my graft {*}$organs
+ array set define $organs
+ array set define [$parent child define]
+ array set links {}
+ if {[llength $args]==1 && [file exists [lindex $args 0]]} {
+ my InitializeSourceFile [lindex $args 0]
+ } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ set data [uplevel 1 [list subst [lindex $args 0]]]
+ array set define $data
+ my select
+ my initialize
+ } else {
+ array set define [uplevel 1 [list subst $args]]
+ my select
+ my initialize
+ }
+ }
+ method include_dir args {
+ my define add include_dir {*}$args
+ }
+ method include_directory args {
+ my define add include_dir {*}$args
+ }
+ method Collate_Source CWD {}
+ method child {method} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ method InitializeSourceFile filename {
+ my define set filename $filename
+ set class {}
+ switch [file extension $filename] {
+ .tcl {
+ set class ::practcl::dynamic
+ }
+ .h {
+ set class ::practcl::cheader
+ }
+ .c {
+ set class ::practcl::csource
+ }
+ .ini {
+ switch [file tail $filename] {
+ module.ini {
+ set class ::practcl::module
+ }
+ library.ini {
+ set class ::practcl::subproject
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ .so -
+ .dll -
+ .dylib -
+ .a {
+ set class ::practcl::clibrary
+ }
+ }
+ if {$class ne {}} {
+ oo::objdefine [self] class $class
+ my initialize
+ }
+ }
+ method add args {
+ my variable links
+ set object [::practcl::object new [self] {*}$args]
+ foreach linktype [$object linktype] {
+ lappend links($linktype) $object
+ }
+ return $object
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable links
+ foreach {linktype objs} [array get links] {
+ foreach obj $objs {
+ $obj go
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class]]
+ }
+ method code {section body} {
+ my variable code
+ ::practcl::cputs code($section) $body
+ }
+ method Ofile filename {
+ set lpath [my <module> define get localpath]
+ if {$lpath eq {}} {
+ set lpath [my <module> define get name]
+ }
+ return ${lpath}_[file rootname [file tail $filename]].o
+ }
+ method compile-products {} {
+ set filename [my define get filename]
+ set result {}
+ if {$filename ne {}} {
+ if {[my define exists ofile]} {
+ set ofile [my define get ofile]
+ } else {
+ set ofile [my Ofile $filename]
+ my define set ofile $ofile
+ }
+ lappend result $ofile [list cfile $filename extra [my define get extra] external [string is true -strict [my define get external]] object [self]]
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ lappend result {*}[$item compile-products]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-include-directory {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result [my define get include_dir]
+ foreach obj [my link list product] {
+ foreach path [$obj generate-include-directory] {
+ lappend result $path
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-debug {{spaces {}}} {
+ set result {}
+ ::practcl::cputs result "$spaces[list [self] [list class [info object class [self]] filename [my define get filename]] links [my link list]]"
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ practcl::cputs result [$item generate-debug "$spaces "]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ # Empty template methods
+ method generate-cheader {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cfunct cstruct methods tcltype tclprocs
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(header)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(header)
+ }
+ foreach obj [my link list product] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} continue
+ set dat [$obj generate-cheader]
+ if {[string length [string trim $dat]]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* BEGIN [$obj define get filename] generate-cheader */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result $dat
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* END [$obj define get filename] generate-cheader */"
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list cfunct [info exists cfunct]]
+ if {[info exists cfunct]} {
+ foreach {funcname info} $cfunct {
+ if {[dict get $info public]} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result "[dict get $info header]\;"
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list tclprocs [info exists tclprocs]]
+ if {[info exists tclprocs]} {
+ foreach {name info} $tclprocs {
+ if {[dict exists $info header]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "[dict get $info header]\;"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list methods [info exists methods] [my define get cclass]]
+ if {[info exists methods]} {
+ set thisclass [my define get cclass]
+ foreach {name info} $methods {
+ if {[dict exists $info header]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "[dict get $info header]\;"
+ }
+ }
+ # Add the initializer wrapper for the class
+ ::practcl::cputs result "static int ${thisclass}_OO_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp)\;"
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-define {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(public-define)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public-define)
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-define]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-macro {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(public-macro)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public-macro)
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-macro]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-typedef {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cstruct
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(public-typedef)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public-typedef)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cstruct]} {
+ # Add defintion for native c data structures
+ foreach {name info} $cstruct {
+ if {[dict get $info public]==0} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result "typedef struct $name ${name}\;"
+ if {[dict exists $info aliases]} {
+ foreach n [dict get $info aliases] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "typedef struct $name ${n}\;"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-typedef]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-private-typedef {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cstruct
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(private-typedef)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(private-typedef)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cstruct]} {
+ # Add defintion for native c data structures
+ foreach {name info} $cstruct {
+ if {[dict get $info public]==1} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result "typedef struct $name ${name}\;"
+ if {[dict exists $info aliases]} {
+ foreach n [dict get $info aliases] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "typedef struct $name ${n}\;"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-private-typedef]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-structure {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cstruct
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(public-structure)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public-structure)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cstruct]} {
+ foreach {name info} $cstruct {
+ if {[dict get $info public]==0} continue
+ if {[dict exists $info comment]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [dict get $info comment]
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result "struct $name \{[dict get $info body]\}\;"
+ }
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-structure]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-private-structure {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cstruct
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(private-structure)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(private-structure)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cstruct]} {
+ foreach {name info} $cstruct {
+ if {[dict get $info public]==1} continue
+ if {[dict exists $info comment]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [dict get $info comment]
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result "struct $name \{[dict get $info body]\}\;"
+ }
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-private-structure]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-headers {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code tcltype
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(public-header)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public-header)
+ }
+ if {[info exists tcltype]} {
+ foreach {type info} $tcltype {
+ if {![dict exists $info cname]} {
+ set cname [string tolower ${type}]_tclobjtype
+ dict set tcltype $type cname $cname
+ } else {
+ set cname [dict get $info cname]
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result "extern const Tcl_ObjType $cname\;"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(public)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(public)
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-headers]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-stub-function {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cfunct tcltype
+ set result {}
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ foreach {funct def} [$mod generate-stub-function] {
+ dict set result $funct $def
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists cfunct]} {
+ foreach {funcname info} $cfunct {
+ if {![dict get $info export]} continue
+ dict set result $funcname [dict get $info header]
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-function {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cfunct tcltype
+ set result {}
+ if {[my define get initfunc] ne {}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "int [my define get initfunc](Tcl_Interp *interp);"
+ }
+ if {[info exists cfunct]} {
+ foreach {funcname info} $cfunct {
+ if {![dict get $info public]} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result "[dict get $info header]\;"
+ }
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-public-function]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-public-includes {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set includes {}
+ foreach item [my define get public-include] {
+ if {$item ni $includes} {
+ lappend includes $item
+ }
+ }
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ foreach item [$mod generate-public-includes] {
+ if {$item ni $includes} {
+ lappend includes $item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $includes
+ }
+ method generate-public-verbatim {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set includes {}
+ foreach item [my define get public-verbatim] {
+ if {$item ni $includes} {
+ lappend includes $item
+ }
+ }
+ foreach mod [my link list subordinate] {
+ foreach item [$mod generate-public-verbatim] {
+ if {$item ni $includes} {
+ lappend includes $item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $includes
+ }
+ ###
+ # This methods generates the contents of an amalgamated .h file
+ # which describes the public API of this module
+ ###
+ method generate-h {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ set includes [my generate-public-includes]
+ foreach inc $includes {
+ if {[string index $inc 0] ni {< \"}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "#include \"$inc\""
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "#include $inc"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach method {
+ generate-public-define
+ generate-public-macro
+ generate-public-typedef
+ generate-public-structure
+ } {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* BEGIN SECTION $method */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result [my $method]
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* END SECTION $method */"
+ }
+ foreach file [my generate-public-verbatim] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* BEGIN $file */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result [::practcl::cat $file]
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* END $file */"
+ }
+ foreach method {
+ generate-public-headers
+ generate-public-function
+ } {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* BEGIN SECTION $method */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result [my $method]
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* END SECTION $method */"
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method IncludeAdd {headervar args} {
+ upvar 1 $headervar headers
+ foreach inc $args {
+ if {[string index $inc 0] ni {< \"}} {
+ set inc "\"$inc\""
+ }
+ if {$inc ni $headers} {
+ lappend headers $inc
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###
+ # This methods generates the contents of an amalgamated .c file
+ # which implements the loader for a batch of tools
+ ###
+ method generate-c {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {
+/* This file was generated by practcl */
+ }
+ set includes {}
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ # Signal modules to formulate final implementation
+ $mod go
+ }
+ set headers {}
+ my IncludeAdd headers <tcl.h> <tclOO.h>
+ if {[my define get tk 0]} {
+ my IncludeAdd headers <tk.h>
+ }
+ if {[my define get output_h] ne {}} {
+ my IncludeAdd headers [my define get output_h]
+ }
+ my IncludeAdd headers {*}[my define get include]
+ foreach mod [my link list dynamic] {
+ my IncludeAdd headers {*}[$mod define get include]
+ }
+ foreach inc $headers {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "#include $inc"
+ }
+ foreach {method} {
+ generate-cheader
+ generate-private-typedef
+ generate-private-structure
+ generate-cstruct
+ generate-constant
+ generate-cfunct
+ generate-cmethod
+ } {
+ set dat [my $method]
+ if {[string length [string trim $dat]]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* BEGIN $method [my define get filename] */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result $dat
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* END $method [my define get filename] */"
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-loader {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ if {[my define get initfunc] eq {}} return
+ ::practcl::cputs result "
+extern int DLLEXPORT [my define get initfunc]( Tcl_Interp *interp ) \{"
+ ::practcl::cputs result {
+ /* Initialise the stubs tables. */
+ #ifdef USE_TCL_STUBS
+ if (Tcl_InitStubs(interp, "8.6", 0)==NULL) return TCL_ERROR;
+ if (TclOOInitializeStubs(interp, "1.0") == NULL) return TCL_ERROR;
+ if {[my define get tk 0]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result { if (Tk_InitStubs(interp, "8.6", 0)==NULL) return TCL_ERROR;}
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result { #endif}
+ set TCLINIT [my generate-tcl-pre]
+ if {[string length $TCLINIT]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " if(Tcl_Eval(interp,[::practcl::tcl_to_c $TCLINIT])) return TCL_ERROR ;"
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list product] {
+ if {[$item define get output_c] ne {}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$item generate-cinit-external]
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$item generate-cinit]
+ }
+ }
+ set TCLINIT [my generate-tcl-post]
+ if {[string length $TCLINIT]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " if(Tcl_Eval(interp,[::practcl::tcl_to_c $TCLINIT])) return TCL_ERROR ;"
+ }
+ if {[my define exists pkg_name]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, \"[my define get pkg_name [my define get name]]\" , \"[my define get pkg_vers [my define get version]]\" )) return TCL_ERROR\;"
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result " return TCL_OK\;\n\}\n"
+ return $result
+ }
+ ###
+ # This methods generates any Tcl script file
+ # which is required to pre-initialize the C library
+ ###
+ method generate-tcl-pre {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ my variable code
+ if {[info exists code(tcl)]} {
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $code(tcl) tcl [my define get filename]]
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(tcl-pre)]} {
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $code(tcl) tcl [my define get filename]]
+ }
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-tcl-pre]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-tcl-post {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ my variable code
+ if {[info exists code(tcl-post)]} {
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $code(tcl-post) tcl [my define get filename]]
+ }
+ foreach mod [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$mod generate-tcl-post]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method static-packages {} {
+ set result [my define get static_packages]
+ set statpkg [my define get static_pkg]
+ set initfunc [my define get initfunc]
+ if {$initfunc ne {}} {
+ set pkg_name [my define get pkg_name]
+ if {$pkg_name ne {}} {
+ dict set result $pkg_name initfunc $initfunc
+ dict set result $pkg_name version [my define get version [my define get pkg_vers]]
+ dict set result $pkg_name autoload [my define get autoload 0]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ foreach {pkg info} [$item static-packages] {
+ dict set result $pkg $info
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method target {method args} {
+ switch $method {
+ is_unix { return [expr {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"}] }
+ }
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::product {
+ superclass ::practcl::object
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate product}
+ }
+ method include header {
+ my define add include $header
+ }
+ method cstructure {name definition {argdat {}}} {
+ my variable cstruct
+ dict set cstruct $name body $definition
+ foreach {f v} $argdat {
+ dict set cstruct $name $f $v
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $cstruct $name public]} {
+ dict set cstruct $name public 1
+ }
+ }
+ method generate-cinit {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(cinit)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(cinit)
+ }
+ if {[my define get initfunc] ne {}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " if([my define get initfunc](interp)!=TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR\;"
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach obj [my link list product] {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cinit]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+# Dynamic blocks do not generate their own .c files,
+# instead the contribute to the amalgamation
+# of the main library file
+::oo::class create ::practcl::dynamic {
+ superclass ::practcl::product
+ # Retrieve any additional source files required
+ method compile-products {} {
+ set filename [my define get output_c]
+ set result {}
+ if {$filename ne {}} {
+ if {[my define exists ofile]} {
+ set ofile [my define get ofile]
+ } else {
+ set ofile [my Ofile $filename]
+ my define set ofile $ofile
+ }
+ lappend result $ofile [list cfile $filename extra [my define get extra] external [string is true -strict [my define get external]]]
+ } else {
+ set filename [my define get cfile]
+ if {$filename ne {}} {
+ if {[my define exists ofile]} {
+ set ofile [my define get ofile]
+ } else {
+ set ofile [my Ofile $filename]
+ my define set ofile $ofile
+ }
+ lappend result $ofile [list cfile $filename extra [my define get extra] external [string is true -strict [my define get external]]]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ lappend result {*}[$item compile-products]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method implement path {
+ my go
+ my Collate_Source $path
+ if {[my define get output_c] eq {}} return
+ set filename [file join $path [my define get output_c]]
+ my define set cfile $filename
+ set fout [open $filename w]
+ puts $fout [my generate-c]
+ if {[my define get initfunc] ne {}} {
+ puts $fout "extern int DLLEXPORT [my define get initfunc]( Tcl_Interp *interp ) \x7B"
+ puts $fout [my generate-cinit]
+ if {[my define get pkg_name] ne {}} {
+ puts $fout " Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, \"[my define get pkg_name]\", \"[my define get pkg_vers]\");"
+ }
+ puts $fout " return TCL_OK\;"
+ puts $fout "\x7D"
+ }
+ close $fout
+ }
+ method initialize {} {
+ set filename [my define get filename]
+ if {$filename eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[my define get name] eq {}} {
+ my define set name [file tail [file rootname $filename]]
+ }
+ if {[my define get localpath] eq {}} {
+ my define set localpath [my <module> define get localpath]_[my define get name]
+ }
+ ::source $filename
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate product dynamic}
+ }
+ ###
+ # Populate const static data structures
+ ###
+ method generate-cstruct {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cstruct methods tcltype
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(struct)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(struct)
+ }
+ foreach obj [my link list dynamic] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cstruct]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-constant {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ my variable code cstruct methods tcltype
+ if {[info exists code(constant)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* [my define get filename] CONSTANT */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(constant)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cstruct]} {
+ foreach {name info} $cstruct {
+ set map {}
+ lappend map @NAME@ $name
+ lappend map @MACRO@ GET[string toupper $name]
+ if {[dict exists $info deleteproc]} {
+ lappend map @DELETEPROC@ [dict get $info deleteproc]
+ } else {
+ lappend map @DELETEPROC@ NULL
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info cloneproc]} {
+ lappend map @CLONEPROC@ [dict get $info cloneproc]
+ } else {
+ lappend map @CLONEPROC@ NULL
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map $map {
+const static Tcl_ObjectMetadataType @NAME@DataType = {
+ "@NAME@",
+#define @MACRO@(OBJCONTEXT) (@NAME@ *) Tcl_ObjectGetMetadata(OBJCONTEXT,&@NAME@DataType)
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists tcltype]} {
+ foreach {type info} $tcltype {
+ dict with info {}
+ ::practcl::cputs result "const Tcl_ObjType $cname = \{\n .freeIntRepProc = &${freeproc},\n .dupIntRepProc = &${dupproc},\n .updateStringProc = &${updatestringproc},\n .setFromAnyProc = &${setfromanyproc}\n\}\;"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists methods]} {
+ set mtypes {}
+ foreach {name info} $methods {
+ set callproc [dict get $info callproc]
+ set methodtype [dict get $info methodtype]
+ if {$methodtype in $mtypes} continue
+ lappend mtypes $methodtype
+ ###
+ # Build the data struct for this method
+ ###
+ ::practcl::cputs result "const static Tcl_MethodType $methodtype = \{"
+ ::practcl::cputs result " .version = TCL_OO_METADATA_VERSION_CURRENT,\n .name = \"$name\",\n .callProc = $callproc,"
+ if {[dict exists $info deleteproc]} {
+ set deleteproc [dict get $info deleteproc]
+ } else {
+ set deleteproc NULL
+ }
+ if {$deleteproc ni { {} NULL }} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " .deleteProc = $deleteproc,"
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " .deleteProc = NULL,"
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info cloneproc]} {
+ set cloneproc [dict get $info cloneproc]
+ } else {
+ set cloneproc NULL
+ }
+ if {$cloneproc ni { {} NULL }} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " .cloneProc = $cloneproc\n\}\;"
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " .cloneProc = NULL\n\}\;"
+ }
+ dict set methods $name methodtype $methodtype
+ }
+ }
+ foreach obj [my link list dynamic] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-constant]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ ###
+ # Generate code that provides subroutines called by
+ # Tcl API methods
+ ###
+ method generate-cfunct {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code cfunct
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(funct)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(funct)
+ }
+ if {[info exists cfunct]} {
+ foreach {funcname info} $cfunct {
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* $funcname */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "\n[dict get $info header]\{[dict get $info body]\}"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach obj [my link list dynamic] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cfunct]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ ###
+ # Generate code that provides implements Tcl API
+ # calls
+ ###
+ method generate-cmethod {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ my variable code methods tclprocs
+ set result {}
+ if {[info exists code(method)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(method)
+ }
+ if {[info exists tclprocs]} {
+ foreach {name info} $tclprocs {
+ if {![dict exists $info body]} continue
+ set callproc [dict get $info callproc]
+ set header [dict get $info header]
+ set body [dict get $info body]
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* Tcl Proc $name */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${header} \{${body}\}"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists methods]} {
+ set thisclass [my define get cclass]
+ foreach {name info} $methods {
+ if {![dict exists $info body]} continue
+ set callproc [dict get $info callproc]
+ set header [dict get $info header]
+ set body [dict get $info body]
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* OO Method $thisclass $name */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "${header} \{${body}\}"
+ }
+ # Build the OO_Init function
+ ::practcl::cputs result "/* Loader for $thisclass */"
+ ::practcl::cputs result "static int ${thisclass}_OO_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) \{"
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @CCLASS@ $thisclass @TCLCLASS@ [my define get class]] {
+ /*
+ ** Build the "@TCLCLASS@" class
+ */
+ Tcl_Obj* nameObj; /* Name of a class or method being looked up */
+ Tcl_Object curClassObject; /* Tcl_Object representing the current class */
+ Tcl_Class curClass; /* Tcl_Class representing the current class */
+ /*
+ * Find the "@TCLCLASS@" class, and attach an 'init' method to it.
+ */
+ nameObj = Tcl_NewStringObj("@TCLCLASS@", -1);
+ Tcl_IncrRefCount(nameObj);
+ if ((curClassObject = Tcl_GetObjectFromObj(interp, nameObj)) == NULL) {
+ Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
+ return TCL_ERROR;
+ }
+ Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
+ curClass = Tcl_GetObjectAsClass(curClassObject);
+ if {[dict exists $methods constructor]} {
+ set mtype [dict get $methods constructor methodtype]
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @MTYPE@ $mtype] {
+ /* Attach the constructor to the class */
+ Tcl_ClassSetConstructor(interp, curClass, Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, NULL, 1, &@MTYPE@, NULL));
+ }]
+ }
+ foreach {name info} $methods {
+ dict with info {}
+ if {$name in {constructor destructor}} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @NAME@ $name @MTYPE@ $methodtype] {
+ nameObj=Tcl_NewStringObj("@NAME@",-1);
+ Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, &@MTYPE@, (ClientData) NULL);
+ Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
+ if {[dict exists $info aliases]} {
+ foreach alias [dict get $info aliases] {
+ if {[dict exists $methods $alias]} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @NAME@ $alias @MTYPE@ $methodtype] {
+ nameObj=Tcl_NewStringObj("@NAME@",-1);
+ Tcl_NewMethod(interp, curClass, nameObj, 1, &@MTYPE@, (ClientData) NULL);
+ Tcl_DecrRefCount(nameObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result " return TCL_OK\;\n\}\n"
+ }
+ foreach obj [my link list dynamic] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} continue
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cmethod]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-cinit-external {} {
+ if {[my define get initfunc] eq {}} {
+ return "/* [my define get filename] declared not initfunc */"
+ }
+ return " if([my define get initfunc](interp)) return TCL_ERROR\;"
+ }
+ ###
+ # Generate code that runs when the package/module is
+ # initialized into the interpreter
+ ###
+ method generate-cinit {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set result {}
+ my variable code methods tclprocs
+ if {[info exists code(nspace)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " \{\n Tcl_Namespace *modPtr;"
+ foreach nspace $code(nspace) {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @NSPACE@ $nspace] {
+ modPtr=Tcl_FindNamespace(interp,"@NSPACE@",NULL,TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY);
+ if(!modPtr) {
+ modPtr = Tcl_CreateNamespace(interp, "@NSPACE@", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result " \}"
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(tclinit)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(tclinit)
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(cinit)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result $code(cinit)
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(initfuncts)]} {
+ foreach func $code(initfuncts) {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " if (${func}(interp) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR\;"
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists tclprocs]} {
+ foreach {name info} $tclprocs {
+ set map [list @NAME@ $name @CALLPROC@ [dict get $info callproc]]
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map $map { Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp,"@NAME@",(Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)@CALLPROC@,NULL,NULL);}]
+ if {[dict exists $info aliases]} {
+ foreach alias [dict get $info aliases] {
+ set map [list @NAME@ $alias @CALLPROC@ [dict get $info callproc]]
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map $map { Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp,"@NAME@",(Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)@CALLPROC@,NULL,NULL);}]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[info exists code(nspace)]} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result " \{\n Tcl_Namespace *modPtr;"
+ foreach nspace $code(nspace) {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map [list @NSPACE@ $nspace] {
+ modPtr=Tcl_FindNamespace(interp,"@NSPACE@",NULL,TCL_NAMESPACE_ONLY);
+ Tcl_CreateEnsemble(interp, modPtr->fullName, modPtr, TCL_ENSEMBLE_PREFIX);
+ Tcl_Export(interp, modPtr, "[a-z]*", 1);
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs result " \}"
+ }
+ set result [::practcl::_tagblock $result c [my define get filename]]
+ foreach obj [my link list product] {
+ # Exclude products that will generate their own C files
+ if {[$obj define get output_c] ne {}} {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cinit-external]
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [$obj generate-cinit]
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method c_header body {
+ my variable code
+ ::practcl::cputs code(header) $body
+ }
+ method c_code body {
+ my variable code
+ ::practcl::cputs code(funct) $body
+ }
+ method c_function {header body {info {}}} {
+ set header [string map "\t \ \n \ \ \ \ " $header]
+ my variable code cfunct
+ foreach regexp {
+ {(.*) ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) *\((.*)\)}
+ {(.*) (\x2a[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) *\((.*)\)}
+ } {
+ if {[regexp $regexp $header all keywords funcname arglist]} {
+ dict set cfunct $funcname header $header
+ dict set cfunct $funcname body $body
+ dict set cfunct $funcname keywords $keywords
+ dict set cfunct $funcname arglist $arglist
+ dict set cfunct $funcname inline [expr {"inline" ni $keywords}]
+ dict set cfunct $funcname public [expr {"static" ni $keywords}]
+ dict set cfunct $funcname export [expr {"STUB_EXPORT" in $keywords}]
+ foreach {f v} $info {
+ dict set cfunct $f $v
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ foreach {f v} $info {
+ dict set cfunct $f $v
+ }
+ ::practcl::cputs code(header) "$header\;"
+ # Could not parse that block as a function
+ # append it verbatim to our c_implementation
+ ::practcl::cputs code(funct) "$header [list $body]"
+ }
+ method cmethod {name body {arginfo {}}} {
+ my variable methods code
+ foreach {f v} $arginfo {
+ dict set methods $name $f $v
+ }
+ dict set methods $name body "Tcl_Object thisObject = Tcl_ObjectContextObject(objectContext); /* The current connection object */
+ }
+ method c_tclproc_nspace nspace {
+ my variable code
+ if {![info exists code(nspace)]} {
+ set code(nspace) {}
+ }
+ if {$nspace ni $code(nspace)} {
+ lappend code(nspace) $nspace
+ }
+ }
+ method c_tclproc_raw {name body {arginfo {}}} {
+ my variable tclprocs code
+ foreach {f v} $arginfo {
+ dict set tclprocs $name $f $v
+ }
+ dict set tclprocs $name body $body
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ next
+ my variable methods code cstruct tclprocs
+ if {[info exists methods]} {
+ ::practcl::debug [self] methods [my define get cclass]
+ set thisclass [my define get cclass]
+ foreach {name info} $methods {
+ # Provide a callproc
+ if {![dict exists $info callproc]} {
+ set callproc [string map {____ _ ___ _ __ _} [string map {{ } _ : _} OOMethod_${thisclass}_${name}]]
+ dict set methods $name callproc $callproc
+ } else {
+ set callproc [dict get $info callproc]
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info body] && ![dict exists $info header]} {
+ dict set methods $name header "static int ${callproc}(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_ObjectContext objectContext ,int objc ,Tcl_Obj *const *objv)"
+ }
+ if {![dict exists $info methodtype]} {
+ set methodtype [string map {{ } _ : _} OOMethodType_${thisclass}_${name}]
+ dict set methods $name methodtype $methodtype
+ }
+ }
+ if {![info exists code(initfuncts)] || "${thisclass}_OO_Init" ni $code(initfuncts)} {
+ lappend code(initfuncts) "${thisclass}_OO_Init"
+ }
+ }
+ set thisnspace [my define get nspace]
+ if {[info exists tclprocs]} {
+ ::practcl::debug [self] tclprocs [dict keys $tclprocs]
+ foreach {name info} $tclprocs {
+ if {![dict exists $info callproc]} {
+ set callproc [string map {____ _ ___ _ __ _} [string map {{ } _ : _} TclCmd_${thisnspace}_${name}]]
+ dict set tclprocs $name callproc $callproc
+ } else {
+ set callproc [dict get $info callproc]
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $info body] && ![dict exists $info header]} {
+ dict set tclprocs $name header "static int ${callproc}(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv\[\])"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class]]
+ }
+ # Once an object marks itself as some
+ # flavor of dynamic, stop trying to morph
+ # it into something else
+ method select {} {}
+ method tcltype {name argdat} {
+ my variable tcltype
+ foreach {f v} $argdat {
+ dict set tcltype $name $f $v
+ }
+ if {![dict exists tcltype $name cname]} {
+ dict set tcltype $name cname [string tolower $name]_tclobjtype
+ }
+ lappend map @NAME@ $name
+ set info [dict get $tcltype $name]
+ foreach {f v} $info {
+ lappend map @[string toupper $f]@ $v
+ }
+ foreach {func fpat template} {
+ freeproc {@Name@Obj_freeIntRepProc} {void @FNAME@(Tcl_Obj *objPtr)}
+ dupproc {@Name@Obj_dupIntRepProc} {void @FNAME@(Tcl_Obj *srcPtr,Tcl_Obj *dupPtr)}
+ updatestringproc {@Name@Obj_updateStringRepProc} {void @FNAME@(Tcl_Obj *objPtr)}
+ setfromanyproc {@Name@Obj_setFromAnyProc} {int @FNAME@(Tcl_Interp *interp,Tcl_Obj *objPtr)}
+ } {
+ if {![dict exists $info $func]} {
+ error "$name does not define $func"
+ }
+ set body [dict get $info $func]
+ # We were given a function name to call
+ if {[llength $body] eq 1} continue
+ set fname [string map [list @Name@ [string totitle $name]] $fpat]
+ my c_function [string map [list @FNAME@ $fname] $template] [string map $map $body]
+ dict set tcltype $name $func $fname
+ }
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::cheader {
+ superclass ::practcl::product
+ method compile-products {} {}
+ method generate-cinit {} {}
+::oo::class create ::practcl::csource {
+ superclass ::practcl::product
+::oo::class create ::practcl::clibrary {
+ superclass ::practcl::product
+ method linker-products {configdict} {
+ return [my define get filename]
+ }
+# In the end, all C code must be loaded into a module
+# This will either be a dynamically loaded library implementing
+# a tcl extension, or a compiled in segment of a custom shell/app
+::oo::class create ::practcl::module {
+ superclass ::practcl::dynamic
+ method child which {
+ switch $which {
+ organs {
+ return [list project [my define get project] module [self]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method initialize {} {
+ set filename [my define get filename]
+ if {$filename eq {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[my define get name] eq {}} {
+ my define set name [file tail [file dirname $filename]]
+ }
+ if {[my define get localpath] eq {}} {
+ my define set localpath [my <project> define get name]_[my define get name]
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [self] SOURCE $filename
+ my source $filename
+ }
+ method implement path {
+ my go
+ my Collate_Source $path
+ foreach item [my link list dynamic] {
+ if {[catch {$item implement $path} err]} {
+ puts "Skipped $item: $err"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list module] {
+ if {[catch {$item implement $path} err]} {
+ puts "Skipped $item: $err"
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set filename [my define get output_c]
+ if {$filename eq {}} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class]]
+ return
+ }
+ set cout [open [file join $path [file rootname $filename].c] w]
+ puts $cout [subst {/*
+** This file is generated by the [info script] script
+** any changes will be overwritten the next time it is run
+ puts $cout [my generate-c]
+ puts $cout [my generate-loader]
+ close $cout
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class]]
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate product dynamic module}
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::autoconf {
+ ###
+ # find or fake a key/value list describing this project
+ ###
+ method {} {
+ my variable conf_result
+ if {[info exists conf_result]} {
+ return $conf_result
+ }
+ set result {}
+ set name [my define get name]
+ set PWD $::CWD
+ set builddir [my define get builddir]
+ my unpack
+ set srcdir [my define get srcdir]
+ if {![file exists $builddir]} {
+ my Configure
+ }
+ set filename [file join $builddir config.tcl]
+ # Project uses the practcl template. Use the leavings from autoconf
+ if {[file exists $filename]} {
+ set dat [::practcl::config.tcl $builddir]
+ foreach {item value} [::practcl::sort_dict $dat] {
+ dict set result $item $value
+ }
+ set conf_result $result
+ return $result
+ }
+ set filename [file join $builddir ${name}]
+ if {[file exists $filename]} {
+ set l [expr {[string length $name]+1}]
+ foreach {field dat} [ $filename] {
+ set field [string tolower $field]
+ if {[string match ${name}_* $field]} {
+ set field [string range $field $l end]
+ }
+ dict set result $field $dat
+ }
+ set conf_result $result
+ return $result
+ }
+ ###
+ # Oh man... we have to guess
+ ###
+ set filename [file join $builddir Makefile]
+ if {![file exists $filename]} {
+ error "Could not locate any configuration data in $srcdir"
+ }
+ foreach {field dat} [::practcl::read_Makefile $filename] {
+ dict set result $field $dat
+ }
+ set conf_result $result
+ cd $PWD
+ return $result
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::project {
+ superclass ::practcl::module ::practcl::autoconf
+ constructor args {
+ my variable define
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ set rawcontents [lindex $args 0]
+ } else {
+ set rawcontents $args
+ }
+ if {[catch {uplevel 1 [list subst $rawcontents]} contents]} {
+ set contents $rawcontents
+ }
+ ###
+ # The first instance of ::practcl::project (or its descendents)
+ # registers itself as the ::practcl::MAIN. If a project other
+ # than ::practcl::LOCAL is created, odds are that was the one
+ # the developer intended to be the main project
+ ###
+ if {$::practcl::MAIN eq "::practcl::LOCAL"} {
+ set ::practcl::MAIN [self]
+ }
+ # DEFS fields need to be passed unchanged and unsubstituted
+ # as we need to preserve their escape characters
+ foreach field {TCL_DEFS DEFS TK_DEFS} {
+ if {[dict exists $rawcontents $field]} {
+ dict set contents $field [dict get $rawcontents $field]
+ }
+ }
+ array set define $contents
+ my select
+ my initialize
+ }
+ method add_project {pkg info {oodefine {}}} {
+ set os [my define get TEACUP_OS]
+ if {$os eq {}} {
+ set os [::practcl::os]
+ my define set os $os
+ }
+ set fossilinfo [list download [my define get download] tag trunk sandbox [my define get sandbox]]
+ if {[dict exists $info os] && ($os ni [dict get $info os])} return
+ # Select which tag to use here.
+ # For production builds: tag-release
+ set profile [my define get profile release]:
+ if {[dict exists $info profile $profile]} {
+ dict set info tag [dict get $info profile $profile]
+ }
+ if {[my define get USEMSVC 0]} {
+ dict set info USEMSVC 1
+ }
+ set obj [namespace current]::PROJECT.$pkg
+ if {[info command $obj] eq {}} {
+ set obj [::practcl::subproject create $obj [self] [dict merge $fossilinfo [list name $pkg pkg_name $pkg static 0 class subproject.binary] $info]]
+ }
+ my link object $obj
+ oo::objdefine $obj $oodefine
+ $obj define set masterpath $::CWD
+ $obj go
+ return $obj
+ }
+ method add_tool {pkg info {oodefine {}}} {
+ set info [dict merge [::practcl::local_os] $info]
+ set os [dict get $info TEACUP_OS]
+ set fossilinfo [list download [my define get download] tag trunk sandbox [my define get sandbox]]
+ if {[dict exists $info os] && ($os ni [dict get $info os])} return
+ # Select which tag to use here.
+ # For production builds: tag-release
+ set profile [my define get profile release]:
+ if {[dict exists $info profile $profile]} {
+ dict set info tag [dict get $info profile $profile]
+ }
+ set obj [namespace current]::TOOL.$pkg
+ if {[info command $obj] eq {}} {
+ set obj [::practcl::tool create $obj [self] [dict merge $fossilinfo [list name $pkg pkg_name $pkg static 0] $info]]
+ }
+ my link object $obj
+ oo::objdefine $obj $oodefine
+ $obj define set masterpath $::CWD
+ $obj go
+ return $obj
+ }
+ method child which {
+ switch $which {
+ organs {
+ # A library can be a project, it can be a module. Any
+ # subordinate modules will indicate their existance
+ return [list project [self] module [self]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return project
+ }
+ # Exercise the methods of a sub-object
+ method project {pkg args} {
+ set obj [namespace current]::PROJECT.$pkg
+ if {[llength $args]==0} {
+ return $obj
+ }
+ ${obj} {*}$args
+ }
+ method select {} {
+ next
+ ###
+ # Select the toolset to use for this project
+ ###
+ my variable define
+ set class {}
+ if {[info exists define(toolset)]} {
+ if {[info command $define(toolset)] ne {}} {
+ set class $define(toolset)
+ } elseif {[info command ::practcl::$define(toolset)] ne {}} {
+ set class ::practcl::$define(toolset)
+ } else {
+ switch $define(toolset) {
+ default {
+ set class ::practcl::build.gcc
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {[info exists ::env(VisualStudioVersion)]} {
+ set class ::practcl::build.msvc
+ } else {
+ set class ::practcl::build.gcc
+ }
+ }
+ ::oo::objdefine [self] mixin $class
+ }
+ method tool {pkg args} {
+ set obj [namespace current]::TOOL.$pkg
+ if {[llength $args]==0} {
+ return $obj
+ }
+ ${obj} {*}$args
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::library {
+ superclass ::practcl::project
+ method compile-products {} {
+ set result {}
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ lappend result {*}[$item compile-products]
+ }
+ set filename [my define get output_c]
+ if {$filename ne {}} {
+ set ofile [file rootname [file tail $filename]]_main.o
+ lappend result $ofile [list cfile $filename extra [my define get extra] external [string is true -strict [my define get external]]]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method generate-tcl-loader {} {
+ set result {}
+ set PKGINIT [my define get pkginit]
+ set PKG_NAME [my define get name [my define get pkg_name]]
+ set PKG_VERSION [my define get pkg_vers [my define get version]]
+ if {[string is true [my define get SHARED_BUILD 0]]} {
+ set LIBFILE [my define get libfile]
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map \
+# Shared Library Style
+load [file join [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]] @LIBFILE@] @PKGINIT@
+package provide @PKG_NAME@ @PKG_VERSION@
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::cputs result [string map \
+# Tclkit Style
+load {} @PKGINIT@
+package provide @PKG_NAME@ @PKG_VERSION@
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set name [my define getnull name]
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ set name generic
+ my define name generic
+ }
+ if {[my define get tk] eq {@TEA_TK_EXTENSION@}} {
+ my define set tk 0
+ }
+ set output_c [my define getnull output_c]
+ if {$output_c eq {}} {
+ set output_c [file rootname $name].c
+ my define set output_c $output_c
+ }
+ set output_h [my define getnull output_h]
+ if {$output_h eq {}} {
+ set output_h [file rootname $output_c].h
+ my define set output_h $output_h
+ }
+ set output_tcl [my define getnull output_tcl]
+ #if {$output_tcl eq {}} {
+ # set output_tcl [file rootname $output_c].tcl
+ # my define set output_tcl $output_tcl
+ #}
+ #set output_mk [my define getnull output_mk]
+ #if {$output_mk eq {}} {
+ # set output_mk [file rootname $output_c].mk
+ # my define set output_mk $output_mk
+ #}
+ set initfunc [my define getnull initfunc]
+ if {$initfunc eq {}} {
+ set initfunc [string totitle $name]_Init
+ my define set initfunc $initfunc
+ }
+ set output_decls [my define getnull output_decls]
+ if {$output_decls eq {}} {
+ set output_decls [file rootname $output_c].decls
+ my define set output_decls $output_decls
+ }
+ my variable links
+ foreach {linktype objs} [array get links] {
+ foreach obj $objs {
+ $obj go
+ }
+ }
+ ::practcl::debug [list /[self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ }
+ method implement path {
+ my go
+ my Collate_Source $path
+ foreach item [my link list dynamic] {
+ if {[catch {$item implement $path} err]} {
+ puts "Skipped $item: $err"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list module] {
+ if {[catch {$item implement $path} err]} {
+ puts "Skipped $item: $err"
+ }
+ }
+ set cout [open [file join $path [my define get output_c]] w]
+ puts $cout [subst {/*
+** This file is generated by the [info script] script
+** any changes will be overwritten the next time it is run
+ puts $cout [my generate-c]
+ puts $cout [my generate-loader]
+ close $cout
+ set macro HAVE_[string toupper [file rootname [my define get output_h]]]_H
+ set hout [open [file join $path [my define get output_h]] w]
+ puts $hout [subst {/*
+** This file is generated by the [info script] script
+** any changes will be overwritten the next time it is run
+ puts $hout "#ifndef ${macro}"
+ puts $hout "#define ${macro}"
+ puts $hout [my generate-h]
+ puts $hout "#endif"
+ close $hout
+ set output_tcl [my define get output_tcl]
+ if {$output_tcl ne {}} {
+ set tclout [open [file join $path [my define get output_tcl]] w]
+ puts $tclout "###
+# This file is generated by the [info script] script
+# any changes will be overwritten the next time it is run
+ puts $tclout [my generate-tcl-pre]
+ puts $tclout [my generate-tcl-loader]
+ puts $tclout [my generate-tcl-post]
+ close $tclout
+ }
+ }
+ method generate-decls {pkgname path} {
+ ::practcl::debug [list [self] [self method] [self class] -- [my define get filename] [info object class [self]]]
+ set outfile [file join $path/$pkgname.decls]
+ ###
+ # Build the decls file
+ ###
+ set fout [open $outfile w]
+ puts $fout [subst {###
+ # $outfile
+ #
+ # This file was generated by [info script]
+ ###
+ library $pkgname
+ interface $pkgname
+ }]
+ ###
+ # Generate list of functions
+ ###
+ set stubfuncts [my generate-stub-function]
+ set thisline {}
+ set functcount 0
+ foreach {func header} $stubfuncts {
+ puts $fout [list declare [incr functcount] $header]
+ }
+ puts $fout [list export "int [my define get initfunc](Tcl_Inter *interp)"]
+ puts $fout [list export "char *[string totitle [my define get name]]_InitStubs(Tcl_Inter *interp, char *version, int exact)"]
+ close $fout
+ ###
+ # Build [package]Decls.h
+ ###
+ set hout [open [file join $path ${pkgname}Decls.h] w]
+ close $hout
+ set cout [open [file join $path ${pkgname}StubInit.c] w]
+puts $cout [string map [list %pkgname% $pkgname %PkgName% [string totitle $pkgname]] {
+#ifndef USE_TCL_STUBS
+#define USE_TCL_STUBS
+#include "tcl.h"
+#include "%pkgname%.h"
+ /*
+ ** Ensure that Tdom_InitStubs is built as an exported symbol. The other stub
+ ** functions should be built as non-exported symbols.
+ */
+%PkgName%Stubs *%pkgname%StubsPtr;
+ /*
+ **----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ **
+ ** %PkgName%_InitStubs --
+ **
+ ** Checks that the correct version of %PkgName% is loaded and that it
+ ** supports stubs. It then initialises the stub table pointers.
+ **
+ ** Results:
+ ** The actual version of %PkgName% that satisfies the request, or
+ ** NULL to indicate that an error occurred.
+ **
+ ** Side effects:
+ ** Sets the stub table pointers.
+ **
+ **----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+char *
+%PkgName%_InitStubs (Tcl_Interp *interp, char *version, int exact)
+ char *actualVersion;
+ actualVersion = Tcl_PkgRequireEx(interp, "%pkgname%", version, exact,(ClientData *) &%pkgname%StubsPtr);
+ if (!actualVersion) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!%pkgname%StubsPtr) {
+ Tcl_SetResult(interp,"This implementation of %PkgName% does not support stubs",TCL_STATIC);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return actualVersion;
+ close $cout
+ }
+ # Backward compadible call
+ method generate-make path {
+ my build-Makefile $path [self]
+ }
+ method install-headers {} {
+ set result {}
+ return $result
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return library
+ }
+ # Create a "package ifneeded"
+ # Args are a list of aliases for which this package will answer to
+ method package-ifneeded {args} {
+ set result {}
+ set name [my define get pkg_name [my define get name]]
+ set version [my define get pkg_vers [my define get version]]
+ if {$version eq {}} {
+ set version 0.1a
+ }
+ set output_tcl [my define get output_tcl]
+ if {$output_tcl ne {}} {
+ set script "\[list source \[file join \$dir $output_tcl\]\]"
+ } elseif {[string is true -strict [my define get SHARED_BUILD]]} {
+ set script "\[list load \[file join \$dir [my define get libfile]\] $name\]"
+ } else {
+ # Provide a null passthrough
+ set script "\[list package provide $name $version\]"
+ }
+ set result "package ifneeded [list $name] [list $version] $script"
+ foreach alias $args {
+ set script "package require $name $version \; package provide $alias $version"
+ append result \n\n [list package ifneeded $alias $version $script]
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method shared_library {} {
+ set name [string tolower [my define get name [my define get pkg_name]]]
+ set NAME [string toupper $name]
+ set version [my define get version [my define get pkg_vers]]
+ set map {}
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_NAME% $name
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION% $version
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_VERSION_NODOTS% [string map {. {}} $version]
+ lappend map %LIBRARY_PREFIX% [my define getnull libprefix]
+ set outfile [string map $map [my define get PRACTCL_NAME_LIBRARY]][my define get SHLIB_SUFFIX]
+ return $outfile
+ }
+::oo::class create ::practcl::tclkit {
+ superclass ::practcl::library
+ method Collate_Source CWD {
+ set name [my define get name]
+ # Assume a static shell
+ if {[my define exists SHARED_BUILD]} {
+ my define exists SHARED_BUILD 0
+ }
+ if {![my define exists TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT]} {
+ my define set TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT Tclkit_AppInit
+ }
+ if {![my define exists TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK]} {
+ my define set TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK Tclkit_MainHook
+ }
+ set PROJECT [self]
+ set os [$PROJECT define get TEACUP_OS]
+ if {[my define get SHARED_BUILD]} {
+ puts [list BUILDING TCLSH FOR OS $os]
+ } else {
+ puts [list BUILDING KIT FOR OS $os]
+ }
+ set TCLSRCDIR [$TCLOBJ define get srcdir]
+ set PKG_OBJS {}
+ foreach item [$PROJECT link list core.library] {
+ if {[string is true [$item define get static]]} {
+ lappend PKG_OBJS $item
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [$PROJECT link list package] {
+ if {[string is true [$item define get static]]} {
+ lappend PKG_OBJS $item
+ }
+ }
+ # Arrange to build an main.c that utilizes TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT and TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK
+ if {$os eq "windows"} {
+ if {[my define get SHARED_BUILD]} {
+ my add class csource filename [file join $TCLSRCDIR win tclWinReg.c] initfunc Registry_Init pkg_name registry pkg_vers 1.3.1 autoload 1
+ my add class csource filename [file join $TCLSRCDIR win tclWinDde.c] initfunc Dde_Init pkg_name dde pkg_vers 1.4.0 autoload 1
+ }
+ my add class csource ofile [my define get name]_appinit.o filename [file join $TCLSRCDIR win tclAppInit.c] extra [list -DTCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK=[my define get TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK Tclkit_MainHook] -DTCL_LOCAL_APPINIT=[my define get TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT Tclkit_AppInit]]
+ } else {
+ my add class csource ofile [my define get name]_appinit.o filename [file join $TCLSRCDIR unix tclAppInit.c] extra [list -DTCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK=[my define get TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK Tclkit_MainHook] -DTCL_LOCAL_APPINIT=[my define get TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT Tclkit_AppInit]]
+ }
+ if {[my define get SHARED_BUILD]} {
+ ###
+ # Add local static Zlib implementation
+ ###
+ set cdir [file join $TCLSRCDIR compat zlib]
+ foreach file {
+ adler32.c compress.c crc32.c
+ deflate.c infback.c inffast.c
+ inflate.c inftrees.c trees.c
+ uncompr.c zutil.c
+ } {
+ my add [file join $cdir $file]
+ }
+ }
+ ###
+ # Pre 8.7, Tcl doesn't include a Zipfs implementation
+ # in the core. Grab the one from odielib
+ ###
+ set zipfs [file join $TCLSRCDIR generic tclZipfs.c]
+ if {![$PROJECT define exists ZIPFS_VOLUME]} {
+ $PROJECT define set ZIPFS_VOLUME "//zipfs:/"
+ }
+ $PROJECT code header "#define ZIPFS_VOLUME \"[$PROJECT define get ZIPFS_VOLUME]\""
+ if {[file exists $zipfs]} {
+ $TCLOBJ define set tip_430 1
+ my define set tip_430 1
+ } else {
+ # The Tclconfig project maintains a mirror of the version
+ # released with the Tcl core
+ my define set tip_430 0
+ ::practcl::LOCAL tool odie load
+ set COMPATSRCROOT [::practcl::LOCAL tool odie define get srcdir]
+ set cdir [file join $COMPATSRCROOT compat zipfs]
+ my define add include_dir $cdir
+ set zipfs [file join $cdir tclZipfs.c]
+ my add class csource filename $zipfs initfunc Tclzipfs_Init pkg_name zipfs pkg_vers 1.1 autoload 1 extra "-DZIPFS_VOLUME=\"[$PROJECT define get ZIPFS_VOLUME]\""
+ }
+ my define add include_dir [file join $TCLSRCDIR generic]
+ my define add include_dir [file join $TCLSRCDIR $PLATFORM_SRC_DIR]
+ # This file will implement TCL_LOCAL_APPINIT and TCL_LOCAL_MAIN_HOOK
+ my build-tclkit_main $PROJECT $PKG_OBJS
+ }
+ ## Wrap an executable
+ #
+ method wrap {PWD exename vfspath args} {
+ cd $PWD
+ if {![file exists $vfspath]} {
+ file mkdir $vfspath
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list core.library] {
+ set name [$item define get name]
+ set libsrcdir [$item define get srcdir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $libsrcdir library]]} {
+ ::practcl::copyDir [file join $libsrcdir library] [file join $vfspath boot $name]
+ }
+ }
+ # Assume the user will populate the VFS path
+ #if {[my define get installdir] ne {}} {
+ # ::practcl::copyDir [file join [my define get installdir] [string trimleft [my define get prefix] /] lib] [file join $vfspath lib]
+ #}
+ foreach arg $args {
+ ::practcl::copyDir $arg $vfspath
+ }
+ set fout [open [file join $vfspath packages.tcl] w]
+ puts $fout {
+ set ::PKGIDXFILE [info script]
+ set dir [file dirname $::PKGIDXFILE]
+ }
+ #set BASEVFS [my define get BASEVFS]
+ set EXEEXT [my define get EXEEXT]
+ set tclkit_bare [my define get tclkit_bare]
+ set buffer [::practcl::pkgindex_path $vfspath]
+ puts $fout $buffer
+ puts $fout {
+ # Advertise statically linked packages
+ foreach {pkg script} [array get ::kitpkg] {
+ eval $script
+ }
+ }
+ close $fout
+ ::practcl::mkzip ${exename}${EXEEXT} $tclkit_bare $vfspath
+ if { [my define get TEACUP_OS] ne "windows" } {
+ file attributes ${exename}${EXEEXT} -permissions a+x
+ }
+ }
+# Standalone class to manage code distribution
+# This class is intended to be mixed into another class
+# (Thus the lack of ancestors)
+oo::class create ::practcl::distribution {
+ method DistroMixIn {} {
+ my define set scm none
+ }
+ method Sandbox {} {
+ if {[my define exists sandbox]} {
+ return [my define get sandbox]
+ }
+ if {[my organ project] ni {::noop {}}} {
+ set sandbox [my <project> define get sandbox]
+ if {$sandbox ne {}} {
+ my define set sandbox $sandbox
+ return $sandbox
+ }
+ }
+ set sandbox [file normalize [file join $::CWD .. $pkg]]
+ my define set sandbox $sandbox
+ return $sandbox
+ }
+ method SrcDir {} {
+ set pkg [my define get name]
+ if {[my define exists srcdir]} {
+ return [my define get srcdir]
+ }
+ set sandbox [my Sandbox]
+ set srcdir [file join [my Sandbox] $pkg]
+ my define set srcdir $srcdir
+ return $srcdir
+ }
+ method ScmSelect {} {
+ if {[my define exists scm]} {
+ return [my define get scm]
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ set classprefix ::practcl::distribution.
+ if {[file exists $srcdir]} {
+ foreach class [::info commands ${classprefix}*] {
+ if {[$class claim_path $srcdir]} {
+ oo::objdefine [self] mixin $class
+ my define set scm [string range $class [string length ::practcl::distribution.] end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach class [::info commands ${classprefix}*] {
+ if {[$class claim_object [self]]} {
+ oo::objdefine [self] mixin $class
+ my define set scm [string range $class [string length ::practcl::distribution.] end]
+ }
+ }
+ if {[my define get scm] eq {} && [my define exists file_url]} {
+ set class
+ }
+ if {[my define get scm] eq {}} {
+ error "No SCM selected"
+ }
+ return [my define get scm]
+ }
+ method ScmTag {} {}
+ method ScmClone {} {}
+ method ScmUnpack {} {}
+ method ScmUpdate {} {}
+ method unpack {} {
+ my ScmSelect
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ if {[file exists $srcdir]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set pkg [my define get name]
+ if {[my define exists download]} {
+ # Utilize a staged download
+ set download [my define get download]
+ if {[file exists [file join $download $]]} {
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require zipfile::decode
+ ::zipfile::decode::unzipfile [file join $download $] $srcdir
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ my ScmUnpack
+ }
+ method update {} {
+ my ScmSelect
+ my ScmUpdate
+ }
+oo::objdefine ::practcl::distribution {
+ method claim_path path {
+ return false
+ }
+ method claim_object object {
+ return false
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::distribution.snapshot {
+ superclass ::practcl::distribution
+ method ScmUnpack {} {
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir .download]]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set dpath [::practcl::LOCAL define get download]
+ set url [my define get file_url]
+ set fname [file tail $url]
+ set archive [file join $dpath $fname]
+ if {![file exists $archive]} {
+ ::http::wget $url $archive
+ }
+ set CWD [pwd]
+ switch [file extension $fname] {
+ .zip {
+ # Zipfile
+ }
+ .tar {
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require tar
+ }
+ .tgz -
+ .gz {
+ # Tarball
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require tcl::transform::zlib
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require tar
+ set fh [::open $archive]
+ fconfigure $fh -encoding binary -translation lf -eofchar {}
+ ::tcl::transform::zlib $fh
+ }
+ }
+ set fosdb [my ScmClone]
+ set tag [my ScmTag]
+ file mkdir $srcdir
+ ::practcl::fossil $srcdir open $fosdb $tag
+ return 1
+ }
+oo::objdefine ::practcl::distribution.snapshot {
+ method claim_path path {
+ if {[file exists [file join $path .download]]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ method claim_object object {
+ return false
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::distribution.fossil {
+ superclass ::practcl::distribution
+ # Clone the source
+ method ScmClone {} {
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir .fslckout]]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir _FOSSIL_]]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {![::info exists ::practcl::fossil_dbs]} {
+ # Get a list of local fossil databases
+ set ::practcl::fossil_dbs [exec fossil all list]
+ }
+ set pkg [my define get name]
+ # Return an already downloaded fossil repo
+ foreach line [split $::practcl::fossil_dbs \n] {
+ set line [string trim $line]
+ if {[file rootname [file tail $line]] eq $pkg} {
+ return $line
+ }
+ }
+ set download [::practcl::LOCAL define get download]
+ set fosdb [file join $download $pkg.fos]
+ if {[file exists $fosdb]} {
+ return $fosdb
+ }
+ file mkdir [file join $download fossil]
+ set fosdb [file join $download fossil $pkg.fos]
+ if {[file exists $fosdb]} {
+ return $fosdb
+ }
+ set cloned 0
+ # Attempt to clone from a local network mirror
+ if {[::practcl::LOCAL define exists fossil_mirror]} {
+ set localmirror [::practcl::LOCAL define get fossil_mirror]
+ catch {
+ ::practcl::doexec fossil clone $localmirror/$pkg $fosdb
+ set cloned 1
+ }
+ if {$cloned} {
+ return $fosdb
+ }
+ }
+ # Attempt to clone from the canonical source
+ if {[my define get fossil_url] ne {}} {
+ catch {
+ ::practcl::doexec fossil clone [my define get fossil_url] $fosdb
+ set cloned 1
+ }
+ if {$cloned} {
+ return $fosdb
+ }
+ }
+ # Fall back to the fossil mirror on the island of misfit toys
+ ::practcl::doexec fossil clone$pkg $fosdb
+ return $fosdb
+ }
+ method ScmTag {} {
+ if {[my define exists scm_tag]} {
+ return [my define get scm_tag]
+ }
+ if {[my define exists tag]} {
+ set tag [my define get tag]
+ } else {
+ set tag trunk
+ }
+ my define set scm_tag $tag
+ return $tag
+ }
+ method ScmUnpack {} {
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir .fslckout]]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir _FOSSIL_]]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set CWD [pwd]
+ set fosdb [my ScmClone]
+ set tag [my ScmTag]
+ file mkdir $srcdir
+ ::practcl::fossil $srcdir open $fosdb $tag
+ return 1
+ }
+ method ScmUpdate {} {
+ if {[my ScmUnpack]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ set tag [my ScmTag]
+ ::practcl::fossil $srcdir update $tag
+ }
+oo::objdefine ::practcl::distribution.fossil {
+ # Check for markers in the source root
+ method claim_path path {
+ if {[file exists [file join $path .fslckout]]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $path _FOSSIL_]]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ # Check for markers in the metadata
+ method claim_object obj {
+ set path [$obj define get srcdir]
+ if {[my claim_path $path]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ if {[$obj define get fossil_url] ne {}} {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::distribution.git {
+ method ScmTag {} {
+ if {[my define exists scm_tag]} {
+ return [my define get scm_tag]
+ }
+ if {[my define exists tag]} {
+ set tag [my define get tag]
+ } else {
+ set tag master
+ }
+ my define set scm_tag $tag
+ return $tag
+ }
+ method ScmUnpack {} {
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir .git]]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ set CWD [pwd]
+ set tag [my ScmTag]
+ set pkg [my define get name]
+ if {[my define exists git_url]} {
+ ::practcl::doexec git clone --branch $tag [my define get git_url] $srcdir
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::doexec git clone --branch $tag$pkg $srcdir
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ method ScmUpdate {} {
+ if {[my ScmUnpack]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ set tag [my ScmTag]
+ ::practcl::doexec_in $srcdir git pull $tag
+ cd $CWD
+ }
+oo::objdefine ::practcl::distribution.git {
+ method claim_path path {
+ if {[file exists [file join $path .git]]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ method claim_object obj {
+ set path [$obj define get srcdir]
+ if {[my claim_path $path]} {
+ return true
+ }
+ if {[$obj define get git_url] ne {}} {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+# Meta repository
+# The default is an inert source code block
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject {
+ superclass ::practcl::object ::practcl::distribution
+ method compile {} {}
+ method critcl args {
+ if {![info exists critcl]} {
+ ::pratcl::LOCAL tool critcl load
+ set critcl [file join [::pratcl::LOCAL tool critcl define get srcdir] main.tcl
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SourceRoot]
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $srcdir
+ ::pratcl::dotclexec $critcl {*}$args
+ cd $PWD
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ set name [my define get name]
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ my define set localsrcdir $srcdir
+ my define add include_dir [file join $srcdir generic]
+ my sources
+ }
+ # Install project into the local build system
+ method install args {}
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate package}
+ }
+ method linker-products {configdict} {}
+ method linker-external {configdict} {
+ if {[dict exists $configdict PRACTCL_PKG_LIBS]} {
+ return [dict get $configdict PRACTCL_PKG_LIBS]
+ }
+ }
+ method sources {} {}
+# A project which the kit compiles and integrates
+# the source for itself
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.source {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject ::practcl::library
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate package source}
+ }
+# a copy from the teapot
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.teapot {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject
+ method install-local {} {
+ my install-vfs
+ }
+ method install DEST {
+ set pkg [my define get pkg_name [my define get name]]
+ set download [my <project> define get download]
+ my unpack
+ set prefix [string trimleft [my <project> define get prefix] /]
+ ::practcl::tcllib_require zipfile::decode
+ ::zipfile::decode::unzipfile [file join $download $] [file join $DEST $prefix lib $pkg]
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.kettle {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject
+ method install-local {} {
+ my install-vfs
+ }
+ method kettle {path args} {
+ my variable kettle
+ if {![info exists kettle]} {
+ ::pratcl::LOCAL tool kettle load
+ set kettle [file join [::pratcl::LOCAL tool kettle define get srcdir] kettle]
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SourceRoot]
+ ::pratcl::dotclexec $kettle -f [file join $srcdir build.tcl] {*}$args
+ }
+ method install DEST {
+ my kettle reinstall --prefix $DEST
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.critcl {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject
+ method install-local {} {
+ my install-vfs
+ }
+ method install DEST {
+ my critcl -pkg [my define get name]
+ set srcdir [my SourceRoot]
+ ::pratcl::copyDir [file join $srcdir [my define get name]] [file join $DEST lib [my define get name]]
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.sak {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject
+ method install-local {} {
+ my install-vfs
+ }
+ method install DEST {
+ ###
+ # Handle teapot installs
+ ###
+ set pkg [my define get pkg_name [my define get name]]
+ my unpack
+ set prefix [string trimleft [my <project> define get prefix] /]
+ set srcdir [my define get srcdir]
+ ::practcl::dotclexec [file join $srcdir installer.tcl] \
+ -pkg-path [file join $DEST $prefix lib $pkg] \
+ -no-examples -no-html -no-nroff \
+ -no-wait -no-gui -no-apps
+ }
+# A binary package
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.binary {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject ::practcl::autoconf
+ method compile-products {} {}
+ method ConfigureOpts {} {
+ set opts {}
+ set builddir [my define get builddir]
+ if {[my define get broken_destroot 0]} {
+ set PREFIX [my <project> define get prefix_broken_destdir]
+ } else {
+ set PREFIX [my <project> define get prefix]
+ }
+ if {[my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE] != {}} {
+ lappend opts --host=[my <project> define get HOST]
+ lappend opts --with-tclsh=[info nameofexecutable]
+ }
+ if {[my <project> define exists tclsrcdir]} {
+ ###
+ # On Windows we are probably running under MSYS, which doesn't deal with
+ # spaces in filename well
+ ###
+ set TCLSRCDIR [::practcl::file_relative [file normalize $builddir] [file normalize [file join $::CWD [my <project> define get tclsrcdir]]]]
+ set TCLGENERIC [::practcl::file_relative [file normalize $builddir] [file normalize [file join $::CWD [my <project> define get tclsrcdir] .. generic]]]
+ lappend opts --with-tcl=$TCLSRCDIR --with-tclinclude=$TCLGENERIC
+ }
+ if {[my <project> define exists tksrcdir]} {
+ set TKSRCDIR [::practcl::file_relative [file normalize $builddir] [file normalize [file join $::CWD [my <project> define get tksrcdir]]]]
+ set TKGENERIC [::practcl::file_relative [file normalize $builddir] [file normalize [file join $::CWD [my <project> define get tksrcdir] .. generic]]]
+ lappend opts --with-tk=$TKSRCDIR --with-tkinclude=$TKGENERIC
+ }
+ lappend opts {*}[my define get config_opts]
+ if {![regexp -- "--prefix" $opts]} {
+ lappend opts --prefix=$PREFIX
+ }
+ #--exec_prefix=$PREFIX
+ #if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+ # lappend opts --disable-64bit
+ #}
+ if {[my define get static 1]} {
+ lappend opts --disable-shared --disable-stubs
+ #
+ } else {
+ lappend opts --enable-shared
+ }
+ return $opts
+ }
+ method ComputeInstall {} {
+ if {[my define exists install]} {
+ switch [my define get install] {
+ static {
+ my define set static 1
+ my define set autoload 0
+ }
+ static-autoload {
+ my define set static 1
+ my define set autoload 1
+ }
+ vfs {
+ my define set static 0
+ my define set autoload 0
+ my define set vfsinstall 1
+ }
+ null {
+ my define set static 0
+ my define set autoload 0
+ my define set vfsinstall 0
+ }
+ default {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ next
+ my ComputeInstall
+ my define set builddir [my BuildDir [my define get masterpath]]
+ }
+ method linker-products {configdict} {
+ if {![my define get static 0]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set srcdir [my define get builddir]
+ if {[dict exists $configdict libfile]} {
+ return " [file join $srcdir [dict get $configdict libfile]]"
+ }
+ }
+ method static-packages {} {
+ if {![my define get static 0]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ set result [my define get static_packages]
+ set statpkg [my define get static_pkg]
+ set initfunc [my define get initfunc]
+ if {$initfunc ne {}} {
+ set pkg_name [my define get pkg_name]
+ if {$pkg_name ne {}} {
+ dict set result $pkg_name initfunc $initfunc
+ set version [my define get version]
+ if {$version eq {}} {
+ set info [my]
+ set version [dict get $info version]
+ set pl {}
+ if {[dict exists $info patch_level]} {
+ set pl [dict get $info patch_level]
+ append version $pl
+ }
+ my define set version $version
+ }
+ dict set result $pkg_name version $version
+ dict set result $pkg_name autoload [my define get autoload 0]
+ }
+ }
+ foreach item [my link list subordinate] {
+ foreach {pkg info} [$item static-packages] {
+ dict set result $pkg $info
+ }
+ }
+ return $result
+ }
+ method BuildDir {PWD} {
+ set name [my define get name]
+ return [my define get builddir [file join $PWD pkg.$name]]
+ }
+ method compile {} {
+ set name [my define get name]
+ set PWD $::CWD
+ cd $PWD
+ my unpack
+ set srcdir [file normalize [my SrcDir]]
+ my Collate_Source $PWD
+ ###
+ # Build a starter VFS for both Tcl and wish
+ ###
+ set srcdir [my define get srcdir]
+ if {[my define get static 1]} {
+ puts "BUILDING Static $name $srcdir"
+ } else {
+ puts "BUILDING Dynamic $name $srcdir"
+ }
+ if {[my define get USEMSVC 0]} {
+ cd $srcdir
+ ::practcl::doexec nmake -f INSTALLDIR=[my <project> define get installdir] release
+ } else {
+ cd $::CWD
+ set builddir [file normalize [my define get builddir]]
+ file mkdir $builddir
+ if {![file exists [file join $builddir Makefile]]} {
+ my Configure
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $builddir make.tcl]]} {
+ ::practcl::domake.tcl $builddir library
+ } else {
+ ::practcl::domake $builddir all
+ }
+ }
+ cd $PWD
+ }
+ method Configure {} {
+ cd $::CWD
+ my unpack
+ set srcdir [file normalize [my define get srcdir]]
+ set builddir [file normalize [my define get builddir]]
+ file mkdir $builddir
+ if {[my define get USEMSVC 0]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {[file exists [file join $builddir practcl.log]]} {
+ file delete [file join $builddir practcl.log]
+ }
+ if {![file exists [file join $srcdir configure]]} {
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir]]} {
+ cd $srcdir
+ catch {exec sh >>& [file join $builddir practcl.log]}
+ cd $::CWD
+ }
+ }
+ if {![file exists [file join $srcdir tclconfig install-sh]]} {
+ # ensure we have tclconfig with all of the trimmings
+ set teapath {}
+ if {[file exists [file join $srcdir .. tclconfig install-sh]]} {
+ set teapath [file join $srcdir .. tclconfig]
+ } else {
+ set tclConfigObj [::practcl::LOCAL tool tclconfig]
+ $tclConfigObj load
+ set teapath [$tclConfigObj define get srcdir]
+ }
+ set teapath [file normalize $teapath]
+ #file mkdir [file join $srcdir tclconfig]
+ if {[catch {file link -symbolic [file join $srcdir tclconfig] $teapath}]} {
+ ::practcl::copyDir [file join $teapath] [file join $srcdir tclconfig]
+ }
+ }
+ set opts [my ConfigureOpts]
+ puts [list PKG [my define get name] CONFIGURE {*}$opts]
+ cd $builddir
+ if {[my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE] ne {}} {
+ set ::env(CONFIG_SITE) [my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE]
+ }
+ catch {exec sh [file join $srcdir configure] {*}$opts >>& [file join $builddir practcl.log]}
+ cd $::CWD
+ }
+ method install DEST {
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ set PREFIX [my <project> define get prefix]
+ ###
+ # Handle teapot installs
+ ###
+ set pkg [my define get pkg_name [my define get name]]
+ if {[my <project> define get teapot] ne {}} {
+ set TEAPOT [my <project> define get teapot]
+ set found 0
+ foreach ver [my define get pkg_vers [my define get version]] {
+ set teapath [file join $TEAPOT $pkg$ver]
+ if {[file exists $teapath]} {
+ set dest [file join $DEST [string trimleft $PREFIX /] lib [file tail $teapath]]
+ ::practcl::copyDir $teapath $dest
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my compile
+ if {[my define get USEMSVC 0]} {
+ set srcdir [my define get srcdir]
+ cd $srcdir
+ puts "[self] VFS INSTALL $DEST"
+ ::practcl::doexec nmake -f INSTALLDIR=$DEST install
+ } else {
+ set builddir [my define get builddir]
+ if {[file exists [file join $builddir make.tcl]]} {
+ # Practcl builds can inject right to where we need them
+ puts "[self] VFS INSTALL $DEST (Practcl)"
+ ::practcl::domake.tcl $builddir install-package $DEST
+ } elseif {[my define get broken_destroot 0] == 0} {
+ # Most modern TEA projects understand DESTROOT in the makefile
+ puts "[self] VFS INSTALL $DEST (TEA)"
+ ::practcl::domake $builddir install DESTDIR=$DEST
+ } else {
+ # But some require us to do an install into a fictitious filesystem
+ # and then extract the gooey parts within.
+ # (*cough*) TkImg
+ set PREFIX [my <project> define get prefix]
+ set BROKENROOT [::practcl::msys_to_tclpath [my <project> define get prefix_broken_destdir]]
+ file delete -force $BROKENROOT
+ file mkdir $BROKENROOT
+ ::practcl::domake $builddir $install
+ ::practcl::copyDir $BROKENROOT [file join $DEST [string trimleft $PREFIX /]]
+ file delete -force $BROKENROOT
+ }
+ }
+ cd $PWD
+ }
+ method Autoconf {} {
+ ###
+ # Re-run autoconf for this project
+ # Not a good idea in practice... but in the right hands it can be useful
+ ###
+ set pwd [pwd]
+ set srcdir [file normalize [my define get srcdir]]
+ cd $srcdir
+ foreach template {} {
+ set input [file join $srcdir $template]
+ if {[file exists $input]} {
+ puts "autoconf -f $input > [file join $srcdir configure]"
+ exec autoconf -f $input > [file join $srcdir configure]
+ }
+ }
+ cd $pwd
+ }
+# An external library
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.external {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject.binary
+ method install DEST {
+ my compile
+ }
+oo::class create ::practcl::subproject.core {
+ superclass ::practcl::subproject.binary
+ # On the windows platform MinGW must build
+ # from the platform directory in the source repo
+ method BuildDir {PWD} {
+ return [my define get localsrcdir]
+ }
+ method Configure {} {
+ if {[my define get USEMSVC 0]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set opts [my ConfigureOpts]
+ set builddir [file normalize [my define get builddir]]
+ set localsrcdir [file normalize [my define get localsrcdir]]
+ puts [list PKG [my define get name] CONFIGURE {*}$opts]
+ cd $localsrcdir
+ if {[my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE] ne {}} {
+ set ::env(CONFIG_SITE) [my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE]
+ }
+ catch {exec sh [file join $localsrcdir configure] {*}$opts >& [file join $builddir practcl.log]}
+ }
+ method ConfigureOpts {} {
+ set opts {}
+ set builddir [file normalize [my define get builddir]]
+ set PREFIX [my <project> define get prefix]
+ if {[my <project> define get CONFIG_SITE] != {}} {
+ lappend opts --host=[my <project> define get HOST]
+ lappend opts --with-tclsh=[info nameofexecutable]
+ }
+ lappend opts {*}[my define get config_opts]
+ if {![regexp -- "--prefix" $opts]} {
+ lappend opts --prefix=$PREFIX
+ }
+ #--exec_prefix=$PREFIX
+ lappend opts --disable-shared
+ return $opts
+ }
+ method go {} {
+ set name [my define get name]
+ set os [my <project> define get TEACUP_OS]
+ my ComputeInstall
+ set srcdir [my SrcDir]
+ my define add include_dir [file join $srcdir generic]
+ switch $os {
+ windows {
+ my define set localsrcdir [file join $srcdir win]
+ my define add include_dir [file join $srcdir win]
+ }
+ default {
+ my define set localsrcdir [file join $srcdir unix]
+ my define add include_dir [file join $srcdir $name unix]
+ }
+ }
+ my define set builddir [my BuildDir [my define get masterpath]]
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return {subordinate core.library}
+ }
+# Classes to manage tools that needed in the local environment
+# to compile and/or installed other packages
+oo::class create ::practcl::tool {
+ superclass ::practcl::object ::practcl::distribution
+ method critcl args {
+ if {![info exists critcl]} {
+ ::pratcl::LOCAL tool critcl load
+ set critcl [file join [::pratcl::LOCAL tool critcl define get srcdir] main.tcl
+ }
+ set srcdir [my SourceRoot]
+ set PWD [pwd]
+ cd $srcdir
+ ::pratcl::dotclexec $critcl {*}$args
+ cd $PWD
+ }
+ method SourceRoot {} {
+ set info [my define dump]
+ set result $info
+ if {![my define exists srcdir]} {
+ if {[dict exists $info srcdir]} {
+ set srcdir [dict get $info srcdir]
+ } elseif {[dict exists $info sandbox]} {
+ set srcdir [file join [dict get $info sandbox] $pkg]
+ } else {
+ set srcdir [file join $::CWD .. $pkg]
+ }
+ dict set result srcdir $srcdir
+ my define set srcdir $srcdir
+ }
+ return [my define get srcdir]
+ }
+ method linktype {} {
+ return tool
+ }
+ # Return boolean if present
+ method present {} {
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Procedure to install in the local environment
+ method install {} {
+ my unpack
+ }
+ # Procedure to load into the local interpreter
+ method load {} {
+ my variable loaded
+ if {[info exists loaded]} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if {![my present]} {
+ my install
+ }
+ my LocalLoad
+ set loaded 1
+ }
+ method LocalLoad {} {}
+oo::class create ::practcl::tool.source {
+ superclass ::practcl::tool
+ method present {} {
+ return [file exists [my define get srcdir]]
+ }
+ method toplevel_script {} {
+ my load
+ return [file join [my SourceRoot] [my define get toplevel_script]]
+ }
+ method LocalLoad {} {
+ set LibraryRoot [file join [my define get srcdir] [my define get module_root modules]]
+ if {[file exists $LibraryRoot] && $LibraryRoot ni $::auto_path} {
+ set ::auto_path [linsert $::auto_path 0 $LibraryRoot]
+ }
+ }
+# Create an object to represent the local environment
+set ::practcl::MAIN ::practcl::LOCAL
+# Defer the creation of the ::pratcl::LOCAL object until it is called
+# in order to allow packages to
+set ::auto_index(::practcl::LOCAL) {
+ puts "Building LOCAL"
+ ::practcl::project create ::practcl::LOCAL
+ ::practcl::LOCAL define set [::practcl::local_os]
+ # Until something better comes along, use ::practcl::LOCAL
+ # as our main project
+ # Add tclconfig as a project of record
+ ::practcl::LOCAL add_tool tclconfig {
+ tag trunk class tool.source fossil_url
+ }
+ # Add tcllib as a project of record
+ ::practcl::LOCAL add_tool tcllib {
+ tag trunk class tool.source fossil_url
+ }
+ ::practcl::LOCAL add_tool kettle {
+ tag trunk class tool.source fossil_url
+ }
+ ::practcl::LOCAL add_tool critcl {
+ tag trunk class tool.source
+ git_url
+ }
+ ::practcl::LOCAL add_tool odie {
+ tag trunk class tool.source
+ fossil_url
+ }
+package provide practcl 0.8a1