path: root/fitsy++/pliocomp.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fitsy++/pliocomp.c')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fitsy++/pliocomp.c b/fitsy++/pliocomp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7550ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fitsy++/pliocomp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+/* stdlib is needed for the abs function */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ The following prototype code was provided by Doug Tody, NRAO, for
+ performing conversion between pixel arrays and line lists. The
+ compression technique is used in IRAF.
+int pl_p2li (int *pxsrc, int xs, short *lldst, int npix);
+int pl_l2pi (short *ll_src, int xs, int *px_dst, int npix);
+ * PL_P2L -- Convert a pixel array to a line list. The length of the list is
+ * returned as the function value.
+ *
+ * Translated from the SPP version using xc -f, f2c. 8Sep99 DCT.
+ */
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+int pl_p2li (int *pxsrc, int xs, short *lldst, int npix)
+/* int *pxsrc; input pixel array */
+/* int xs; starting index in pxsrc (?) */
+/* short *lldst; encoded line list */
+/* int npix; number of pixels to convert */
+ /* System generated locals */
+ int ret_val, i__1, i__2, i__3;
+ /* Local variables */
+ static int zero, v, x1, hi, ip, dv, xe, np, op, iz, nv, pv, nz;
+ /* Parameter adjustments */
+ --lldst;
+ --pxsrc;
+ /* Function Body */
+ if (! (npix <= 0)) {
+ goto L110;
+ }
+ ret_val = 0;
+ goto L100;
+ lldst[3] = -100;
+ lldst[2] = 7;
+ lldst[1] = 0;
+ lldst[6] = 0;
+ lldst[7] = 0;
+ xe = xs + npix - 1;
+ op = 8;
+ zero = 0;
+/* Computing MAX */
+ i__1 = zero, i__2 = pxsrc[xs];
+ pv = max(i__1,i__2);
+ x1 = xs;
+ iz = xs;
+ hi = 1;
+ i__1 = xe;
+ for (ip = xs; ip <= i__1; ++ip) {
+ if (! (ip < xe)) {
+ goto L130;
+ }
+/* Computing MAX */
+ i__2 = zero, i__3 = pxsrc[ip + 1];
+ nv = max(i__2,i__3);
+ if (! (nv == pv)) {
+ goto L140;
+ }
+ goto L120;
+ if (! (pv == 0)) {
+ goto L150;
+ }
+ pv = nv;
+ x1 = ip + 1;
+ goto L120;
+ goto L131;
+ if (! (pv == 0)) {
+ goto L160;
+ }
+ x1 = xe + 1;
+ np = ip - x1 + 1;
+ nz = x1 - iz;
+ if (! (pv > 0)) {
+ goto L170;
+ }
+ dv = pv - hi;
+ if (! (dv != 0)) {
+ goto L180;
+ }
+ hi = pv;
+ if (! (abs(dv) > 4095)) {
+ goto L190;
+ }
+ lldst[op] = (short) ((pv & 4095) + 4096);
+ ++op;
+ lldst[op] = (short) (pv / 4096);
+ ++op;
+ goto L191;
+ if (! (dv < 0)) {
+ goto L200;
+ }
+ lldst[op] = (short) (-dv + 12288);
+ goto L201;
+ lldst[op] = (short) (dv + 8192);
+ ++op;
+ if (! (np == 1 && nz == 0)) {
+ goto L210;
+ }
+ v = lldst[op - 1];
+ lldst[op - 1] = (short) (v | 16384);
+ goto L91;
+ if (! (nz > 0)) {
+ goto L220;
+ }
+ if (! (nz > 0)) {
+ goto L232;
+ }
+ lldst[op] = (short) min(4095,nz);
+ ++op;
+/* L231: */
+ nz += -4095;
+ goto L230;
+ if (! (np == 1 && pv > 0)) {
+ goto L240;
+ }
+ lldst[op - 1] = (short) (lldst[op - 1] + 20481);
+ goto L91;
+ if (! (np > 0)) {
+ goto L252;
+ }
+ lldst[op] = (short) (min(4095,np) + 16384);
+ ++op;
+/* L251: */
+ np += -4095;
+ goto L250;
+ x1 = ip + 1;
+ iz = x1;
+ pv = nv;
+ ;
+ }
+/* L121: */
+ lldst[4] = (short) ((op - 1) % 32768);
+ lldst[5] = (short) ((op - 1) / 32768);
+ ret_val = op - 1;
+ goto L100;
+ return ret_val;
+} /* plp2li_ */
+ * PL_L2PI -- Translate a PLIO line list into an integer pixel array.
+ * The number of pixels output (always npix) is returned as the function
+ * value.
+ *
+ * Translated from the SPP version using xc -f, f2c. 8Sep99 DCT.
+ */
+int pl_l2pi (short *ll_src, int xs, int *px_dst, int npix)
+/* short *ll_src; encoded line list */
+/* int xs; starting index in ll_src */
+/* int *px_dst; output pixel array */
+/* int npix; number of pixels to convert */
+ /* System generated locals */
+ int ret_val, i__1, i__2;
+ /* Local variables */
+ static int data, sw0001, otop, i__, lllen, i1, i2, x1, x2, ip, xe, np,
+ op, pv, opcode, llfirt;
+ static int skipwd;
+ /* Parameter adjustments */
+ --px_dst;
+ --ll_src;
+ /* Function Body */
+ if (! (ll_src[3] > 0)) {
+ goto L110;
+ }
+ lllen = ll_src[3];
+ llfirt = 4;
+ goto L111;
+ lllen = (ll_src[5] << 15) + ll_src[4];
+ llfirt = ll_src[2] + 1;
+ if (! (npix <= 0 || lllen <= 0)) {
+ goto L120;
+ }
+ ret_val = 0;
+ goto L100;
+ xe = xs + npix - 1;
+ skipwd = 0;
+ op = 1;
+ x1 = 1;
+ pv = 1;
+ i__1 = lllen;
+ for (ip = llfirt; ip <= i__1; ++ip) {
+ if (! skipwd) {
+ goto L140;
+ }
+ skipwd = 0;
+ goto L130;
+ opcode = ll_src[ip] / 4096;
+ data = ll_src[ip] & 4095;
+ sw0001 = opcode;
+ goto L150;
+ x2 = x1 + data - 1;
+ i1 = max(x1,xs);
+ i2 = min(x2,xe);
+ np = i2 - i1 + 1;
+ if (! (np > 0)) {
+ goto L170;
+ }
+ otop = op + np - 1;
+ if (! (opcode == 4)) {
+ goto L180;
+ }
+ i__2 = otop;
+ for (i__ = op; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+ px_dst[i__] = pv;
+/* L190: */
+ }
+/* L191: */
+ goto L181;
+ i__2 = otop;
+ for (i__ = op; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
+ px_dst[i__] = 0;
+/* L200: */
+ }
+/* L201: */
+ if (! (opcode == 5 && i2 == x2)) {
+ goto L210;
+ }
+ px_dst[otop] = pv;
+ op = otop + 1;
+ x1 = x2 + 1;
+ goto L151;
+ pv = (ll_src[ip + 1] << 12) + data;
+ skipwd = 1;
+ goto L151;
+ pv += data;
+ goto L151;
+ pv -= data;
+ goto L151;
+ pv += data;
+ goto L91;
+ pv -= data;
+ if (! (x1 >= xs && x1 <= xe)) {
+ goto L270;
+ }
+ px_dst[op] = pv;
+ ++op;
+ ++x1;
+ goto L151;
+ ++sw0001;
+ if (sw0001 < 1 || sw0001 > 8) {
+ goto L151;
+ }
+ switch ((int)sw0001) {
+ case 1: goto L160;
+ case 2: goto L220;
+ case 3: goto L230;
+ case 4: goto L240;
+ case 5: goto L160;
+ case 6: goto L160;
+ case 7: goto L250;
+ case 8: goto L260;
+ }
+ if (! (x1 > xe)) {
+ goto L280;
+ }
+ goto L131;
+ ;
+ }
+ i__1 = npix;
+ for (i__ = op; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
+ px_dst[i__] = 0;
+/* L290: */
+ }
+/* L291: */
+ ret_val = npix;
+ goto L100;
+ return ret_val;
+} /* pll2pi_ */