path: root/libxml2/os400/libxmlrpg/dict.rpgle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libxml2/os400/libxmlrpg/dict.rpgle')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/libxml2/os400/libxmlrpg/dict.rpgle b/libxml2/os400/libxmlrpg/dict.rpgle
deleted file mode 100644
index c061e4c..0000000
--- a/libxml2/os400/libxmlrpg/dict.rpgle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Summary: string dictionary
- * Description: dictionary of reusable strings, just used to avoid
- * allocation and freeing operations.
- *
- * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
- *
- * Author: Patrick Monnerat <>, DATASPHERE S.A.
- /if not defined(XML_DICT_H__)
- /define XML_DICT_H__
- * The dictionary.
- d xmlDictPtr s * based(######typedef######)
- /include "libxmlrpg/xmlversion"
- /include "libxmlrpg/xmlTypesC"
- /include "libxmlrpg/tree"
- * Initializer
- d xmlInitializeDict...
- d pr extproc('xmlInitializeDict')
- d like(xmlCint)
- * Constructor and destructor.
- d xmlDictCreate pr extproc('xmlDictCreate')
- d like(xmlDictPtr)
- d xmlDictSetLimit...
- d pr extproc('xmlDictSetLimit')
- d like(xmlCsize_t)
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d limit value like(xmlCsize_t)
- d xmlDictGetUsage...
- d pr extproc('xmlDictGetUsage')
- d like(xmlCsize_t)
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d xmlDictCreateSub...
- d pr extproc('xmlDictCreateSub')
- d like(xmlDictPtr)
- d sub value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d xmlDictReference...
- d pr extproc('xmlDictGetReference')
- d like(xmlCint)
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d xmlDictFree pr extproc('xmlDictFree')
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- * Lookup of entry in the dictionary.
- d xmlDictLookup pr * extproc('xmlDictLookup') const xmlChar *
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
- d len value like(xmlCint)
- d xmlDictExists pr * extproc('xmlDictExists') const xmlChar *
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
- d len value like(xmlCint)
- d xmlDictQLookup pr * extproc('xmlDictQLookup') const xmlChar *
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
- d name * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
- d xmlDictOwns pr extproc('xmlDictOwns')
- d like(xmlCint)
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- d str * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
- d xmlDictSize pr extproc('xmlDictSize')
- d like(xmlCint)
- d dict value like(xmlDictPtr)
- * Cleanup function
- d xmlDictCleanup pr extproc('xmlDictCleanup')
- /endif ! XML_DICT_H__