path: root/tcllib/modules/clock/rfc2822.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/clock/rfc2822.tcl')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/clock/rfc2822.tcl b/tcllib/modules/clock/rfc2822.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba98fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/clock/rfc2822.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+## -*- tcl -*-
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Copyright (c) 2004 Kevin Kenny
+## Origin
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Requisites
+package require Tcl 8.5
+package provide clock::rfc2822 0.1
+namespace eval ::clock::rfc2822 {}
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## API
+# ::clock::rfc2822::parse_date --
+# Parses a date expressed in RFC2822 format
+# Parameters:
+# date - The date to parse
+# Results:
+# Returns the date expressed in seconds from the Epoch, or throws
+# an error if the date could not be parsed.
+proc ::clock::rfc2822::parse_date { date } {
+ variable datepats
+ # Strip comments and excess whitespace from the date field
+ regsub -all -expanded {
+ \( # open parenthesis
+ (:?
+ [^()[.\.]] # character other than ()\
+ |\\. # or backslash escape
+ )* # any number of times
+ \) # close paren
+ } $date {} date
+ set date [string trim $date]
+ # Match the patterns in order of preference, returning the first success
+ foreach {regexp pat} $datepats {
+ if { [regexp -nocase $regexp $date] } {
+ return [clock scan $date -format $pat]
+ }
+ }
+ return -code error -errorcode {CLOCK RFC2822 BADDATE} \
+ "expected an RFC2822 date, got \"$date\""
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Internals, transient, removed after initialization.
+# AddDatePat --
+# Internal procedure that adds a date pattern to the pattern list
+# Parameters:
+# wpat - Regexp pattern that matches the weekday
+# wgrp - Format group that matches the weekday
+# ypat - Regexp pattern that matches the year
+# ygrp - Format group that matches the year
+# mdpat - Regexp pattern that matches month and day
+# mdgrp - Format group that matches month and day
+# spat - Regexp pattern that matches the seconds of the minute
+# sgrp - Format group that matches the seconds of the minute
+# zpat - Regexp pattern that matches the time zone
+# zgrp - Format group that matches the time zone
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side effects:
+# Adds a complete regexp and a complete [clock scan] pattern to
+# 'datepats'
+proc ::clock::rfc2822::AddDatePat { wpat wgrp ypat ygrp mdpat mdgrp
+ spat sgrp zpat zgrp } {
+ variable datepats
+ set regexp {^[[:space:]]*}
+ set pat {}
+ append regexp $wpat $mdpat {[[:space:]]+} $ypat
+ append pat $wgrp $mdgrp $ygrp
+ append regexp {[[:space:]]+\d\d?:\d\d} $spat
+ append pat { %H:%M} $sgrp
+ append regexp $zpat
+ append pat $zgrp
+ append regexp {[[:space:]]*$}
+ lappend datepats $regexp $pat
+ return
+# InitDatePats --
+# Internal procedure that initializes the set of date patterns
+# allowed in an RFC2822 date
+# Parameters:
+# permissible - 1 if erroneous (but common) time zones are to be
+# allowed, 0 if they are to be rejected
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+proc ::clock::rfc2822::InitDatePats { permissible } {
+ # Produce formats for the observed variants of ISO2822 dates.
+ # Permissible variants come first in the list; impermissible ones
+ # come later.
+ # The month and day may be "%b %d" or "%d %b"
+ foreach mdpat {{[[:alpha:]]+[[:space:]]+\d\d?}
+ {\d\d?[[:space:]]+[[:alpha:]]+}} \
+ mdgrp {{%b %d} {%d %b}} \
+ mdperm {0 1} {
+ # The year may be two digits, or four. Four digit year is
+ # done first.
+ foreach ypat {{\d\d\d\d} {\d\d}} ygrp {%Y %y} {
+ # The seconds of the minute may be provided, or
+ # omitted.
+ foreach spat {{:\d\d} {}} sgrp {:%S {}} {
+ # The weekday may be provided or omitted. It is
+ # common but impermissible to omit the comma after
+ # the weekday name.
+ foreach wpat {
+ {(?:Mon|T(?:ue|hu)|Wed|Fri|S(?:at|un)),[[:space:]]+}
+ {(?:Mon|T(?:ue|hu)|Wed|Fri|S(?:at|un))[[:space:]]+}
+ {}
+ } wgrp {
+ {%a, }
+ {%a }
+ {}
+ } wperm {
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ } {
+ # Time zone is defined as +/- hhmm, or as a
+ # named time zone. Other common but buggy
+ # formats are GMT+-hh:mm, a time zone name in
+ # quotation marks, and complete omission of
+ # the time zone.
+ foreach zpat {
+ {[[:space:]]+(?:[-+]\d\d\d\d|[[:alpha:]]+)}
+ {[[:space:]]+GMT[-+]\d\d:?\d\d}
+ {[[:space:]]+"[[:alpha:]]+"}
+ {}
+ } zgrp {
+ { %Z}
+ { GMT%Z}
+ { "%Z"}
+ {}
+ } zperm {
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ } {
+ if { ($zperm && $wperm && $mdperm)
+ == $permissible } {
+ AddDatePat $wpat $wgrp $ypat $ygrp \
+ $mdpat $mdgrp \
+ $spat $sgrp $zpat $zgrp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## State
+namespace eval ::clock::rfc2822 {
+ namespace export parse_date
+ namespace ensemble create
+ variable datepats {}
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+# Initialize the date patterns
+namespace eval ::clock::rfc2822 {
+ InitDatePats 1
+ InitDatePats 0
+ rename AddDatePat {}
+ rename InitDatePats {}
+ #puts [join $datepats \n]
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+# Usage example, disabled
+if {![info exists ::argv0] || [info script] ne $::argv0} return
+puts [clock format \
+ [::clock::rfc2822::parse_date {Mon(day), 23 Aug(ust) 2004 01:23:45 UT}]]
+puts [clock format \
+ [::clock::rfc2822::parse_date "Tue, Jul 21 2009 19:37:47 GMT-0400"]]