path: root/tcllib/modules/control/do.test
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Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/control/do.test')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/control/do.test b/tcllib/modules/control/do.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d29a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/control/do.test
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# do.test --
+# Tests for [control::do]
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: do.test,v 1.14 2009/11/24 04:52:49 andreas_kupries Exp $
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+source [file join \
+ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
+ devtools testutilities.tcl]
+testsNeedTcl 8.2
+testsNeedTcltest 1.0
+testing {
+ useLocal control.tcl control
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace import ::control::do
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.0} {do ... while} {
+ set x 0
+ do {incr x} while {$x < 10}
+ set x
+} 10
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.1} {do ... until} {
+ set x 0
+ do {incr x} until {$x > 10}
+ set x
+} 11
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.2} {break} {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ incr x
+ if {$x == 5} {break}
+ } until {$x == 10}
+ set x
+} 5
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.3} {continue} {
+ set x 0
+ set xx [list]
+ do {
+ incr x
+ if {$x == 5} {continue}
+ lappend xx $x
+ } until {$x == 10}
+ set xx
+} {1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10}
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.4} {error} {
+ catch {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ incr x
+ if {$x == 5} {foo}
+ } while {$x < 10}
+ } result
+ list $x $result
+} {5 {invalid command name "foo"}}
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.5} {return} {
+ proc foo {} {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ incr x
+ if {$x == 5} { return $x }
+ } while {$x < 10}
+ }
+ set result [foo]
+ rename foo ""
+ set result
+} 5
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.6} {break in the first loop} {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ break
+ incr x
+ } while {$x < 10}
+ set x
+} 0
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.7} {continue in the first loop} {
+ set x 0
+ set xx [list]
+ do {
+ incr x
+ if {$x == 1} {continue}
+ lappend xx $x
+ } until {$x == 10}
+ set xx
+} {2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.8} {error in the first loop} {
+ set x 0
+ catch {
+ do {
+ foo
+ incr x
+ } until {$x == 10}
+ } result
+ list $x $result
+} {0 {invalid command name "foo"}}
+# ----------------------------------------
+test {do-1.9} {[do ... while] with false condition} {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ incr x
+ } while 0
+ set x
+} 1
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-1.10 {[do ... until] with true condition} {
+ set x 0
+ do {
+ incr x
+ } until 1
+ set x
+} 1
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-1.11 {third arg is neither while nor until} {
+ set x 0
+ catch {
+ do {
+ incr x
+ } foo 1
+ set x
+ } result
+ list $x $result
+} {0 {bad option "foo": must be until, or while}}
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-1.12 {stack traces for errors in the first iteration} {
+ proc a {} b
+ proc b {} {do c while 1}
+ proc c {} d
+ catch a
+ set ::errorInfo
+} {invalid command name "d"
+ while executing
+ (procedure "c" line 1)
+ invoked from within
+ ("do" body line 1)
+ invoked from within
+"do c while 1"
+ (procedure "b" line 1)
+ invoked from within
+ (procedure "a" line 1)
+ invoked from within
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-1.14 {stack traces for errors in subsequent iterations} tcl8.3plus {
+ proc a {} b
+ proc b {} {
+ set i 10
+ do {
+ incr i -1
+ c $i
+ } while {$i}
+ }
+ proc c {i} {if {$i==5} e}
+ catch a
+ set ::errorInfo
+} {invalid command name "e"
+ while executing
+ (procedure "c" line 1)
+ invoked from within
+"c $i"
+ ("do" body line 3)
+ invoked from within
+"do {
+ incr i -1
+ c $i
+ } while {$i}"
+ (procedure "b" line 3)
+ invoked from within
+ (procedure "a" line 1)
+ invoked from within
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-2.0 {one-shot do} {
+ set x 0
+ do {incr x}
+ set x
+} 1
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-2.1 {one-shot do with break} {
+ set x 0
+ do {incr x; break; incr x}
+ set x
+} 1
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-2.2 {wrong no of arguments} {
+ set x 0
+ set res [catch {do {incr x} foo} ret]
+ list $x $res $errorInfo
+} {0 1 {wrong # args: should be "::control::do body" or "::control::do body [until|while] test"
+ while executing
+"do {incr x} foo"}}
+# ----------------------------------------
+if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]} {
+ # 8.6+
+ set do23res {1 {wrong # args: should be "do body ?arg ...?"
+ while executing
+} elseif {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.5]} {
+ # 8.5+
+ set do23res {1 {wrong # args: should be "do body ..."
+ while executing
+} else {
+ # 8.4-
+ set do23res {1 {wrong # args: should be "do body args"
+ while executing
+test do-2.3 {wrong no of arguments} {} {
+ set res [catch do]
+ if {[string match \
+ {no value given for parameter "body" to "do"*} \
+ $::errorInfo]
+ } then {
+ set ::errorInfo {wrong # args: should be "do body args"
+ while executing
+ }
+ list $res $::errorInfo
+} $do23res
+# ----------------------------------------
+test do-2.4 {one-shot do with error} {
+ set x 0
+ set res [catch {do {
+ incr x
+ foo
+ incr x
+ }}]
+ list $x $res $::errorInfo
+} {1 1 {invalid command name "foo"
+ while executing
+ ("do" body line 3)
+ invoked from within
+"do {
+ incr x
+ foo
+ incr x
+ }"}}
+if {[info exists ::argv0] && $::argv0 == [info script]} {
+ # a proc that wastes some time
+ proc something {n} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {}
+ }
+ proc main {} {
+ # run it for the first time to get it byte compiled
+ something 1
+ set payload {
+ something 10
+ incr x
+ }
+ puts "\nComparing performance of do-while, do-until and builtin while..."
+ set format "%-8s : %20s for %4d iteration(s)."
+ foreach c {1 10 5000} {
+ puts ""
+ foreach {descr script} {
+ {do while} {do $payload while {$x < $c}}
+ {do until} {do $payload until {$x == $c}}
+ {while} {while {$x < $c} $payload}
+ } {
+ set x 0
+ puts [format $format $descr [lrange [time $script 1] 0 1] $x]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ main
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# End: