path: root/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pexpr_op.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pexpr_op.tcl')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pexpr_op.tcl b/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pexpr_op.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6706ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pexpr_op.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <>
+# Utility commands operating on parsing expressions.
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Requirements
+package require Tcl 8.5 ; # Required runtime.
+package require pt::pe ; # PE basics
+package require struct::set ; # Set operations (symbol sets)
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+namespace eval ::pt::pe::op {
+ namespace export \
+ drop rename called flatten fusechars
+ namespace ensemble create
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+## Public API
+proc ::pt::pe::op::rename {nt ntnew serial} {
+ if {$nt eq $ntnew} {
+ return $serial
+ }
+ return [pt::pe bottomup \
+ [list [namespace current]::Rename $nt $ntnew] \
+ $serial]
+proc ::pt::pe::op::drop {dropset serial} {
+ set res [pt::pe bottomup \
+ [list [namespace current]::Drop $dropset] \
+ $serial]
+ if {$res eq "@@"} { set res [pt::pe epsilon] }
+ return $res
+proc ::pt::pe::op::called {serial} {
+ return [pt::pe bottomup \
+ [list [namespace current]::Called] \
+ $serial]
+proc ::pt::pe::op::flatten {serial} {
+ return [pt::pe bottomup \
+ [list [namespace current]::Flatten] \
+ $serial]
+proc ::pt::pe::op::fusechars {serial} {
+ return [pt::pe bottomup \
+ [list [namespace current]::FuseChars] \
+ $serial]
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+## Internals
+proc ::pt::pe::op::Drop {dropset pe op arguments} {
+ if {$op eq "n"} {
+ lassign $arguments symbol
+ if {[struct::set contains $dropset $symbol]} {
+ return @@
+ } else {
+ return $pe
+ }
+ }
+ switch -exact -- $op {
+ / - x - * - + - ? - & - ! {
+ set newarg {}
+ foreach a $arguments {
+ if {$a eq "@@"} continue
+ lappend newarg $a
+ }
+ if {![llength $newarg]} {
+ # Nothing remained, drop the whole expression
+ return [pt::pe epsilon]
+ } elseif {[llength $newarg] < [llength $argument]} {
+ # Some removed, construct a new expression
+ set pe [list $op {*}$newarg]
+ } ; # None removed, no change.
+ }
+ }
+ return $pe
+proc ::pt::pe::op::Rename {nt ntnew pe op arguments} {
+ #puts R($op)/$arguments/
+ if {($op eq "n") && ([lindex $arguments 0] eq $nt)} {
+ return [pt::pe nonterminal $ntnew]
+ } else {
+ return $pe
+ }
+proc ::pt::pe::op::Called {pe op arguments} {
+ # arguments = list(set-of-symbols) for operators, and n.
+ # ignored for terminal expressions.
+ # result = set-of-symbols
+ #puts -nonewline C|$op|$arguments|=
+ switch -exact -- $op {
+ n - & - ! - * - + - ? {
+ #puts |[lindex $arguments 0]|
+ return [lindex $arguments 0]
+ }
+ x - / {
+ #puts |[struct::set union {*}$arguments]|
+ return [struct::set union {*}$arguments]
+ }
+ }
+ #puts ||
+ return {}
+proc ::pt::pe::op::Flatten {pe op arguments} {
+ switch -exact -- $op {
+ x - / {
+ if {[llength $arguments] == 1} {
+ # Cut single-child x/ out of the tree
+ return [lindex $arguments 0]
+ } else {
+ set res {}
+ foreach c $arguments {
+ if {[lindex $c 0] eq $op} {
+ # Cut x in x (/ in /) operator out of the
+ # tree.
+ lappend res {*}[lrange $c 1 end]
+ } else {
+ # Leave anything else unchanged.
+ lappend res $c
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $op {*}$res]
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ # Leave anything not x/ unchanged
+ return $pe
+ }
+ }
+proc ::pt::pe::op::FuseChars {pe op arguments} {
+ switch -exact -- $op {
+ x {
+ set changed 0 ; # boolean flag showing if fuse ops were done.
+ set buf {} ; # accumulator of chars in a string.
+ set res {} ; # accumulator of new children for operator.
+ foreach c $arguments {
+ CollectTerminal $c
+ FuseTerminal
+ lappend res $c
+ }
+ # Capture a run of characters at the end of the sequence.
+ FuseTerminal
+ if {$changed} {
+ return [list x {*}$res]
+ } else {
+ return $pe
+ }
+ }
+ / {
+ set changed 0 ; # boolean flag showing if fuse ops were done.
+ set buf {} ; # accumulator of chars and ranges in a class.
+ set res {} ; # accumulator of new children for operator.
+ foreach c $arguments {
+ CollectClass $c
+ FuseClass
+ lappend res $c
+ }
+ # Capture a run of characters and ranges at the end of the
+ # sequence.
+ FuseClass
+ if {$changed} {
+ return [list / {*}$res]
+ } else {
+ return $pe
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ # Leave anything not x/ unchanged
+ return $pe
+ }
+ }
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+## Fuser Support
+proc ::pt::pe::op::CollectTerminal {c} {
+ if {[lindex $c 0] ne "t"} return
+ # A terminal. Just extend the accumulator. The main processing
+ # happens after each run of t-operators, see FuseTerminal.
+ upvar 1 buf buf
+ lappend buf [lindex $c 1]
+ return -code continue
+proc ::pt::pe::op::FuseTerminal {} {
+ upvar 1 changed changed res res buf buf
+ # Nothing has accumulated, nothing to fuse.
+ if {$buf eq {}} return
+ # The current non-t operator is after one or more t-operators. We
+ # have to flush its accumulated data to keep the expression
+ # correct.
+ if {[llength $buf] > 1} {
+ # We are behind an actual series of t-operators, i.e. a
+ # string. We flush it and signal the change to the processing
+ # after the loop,
+ lappend res [list str {*}$buf]
+ set changed 1
+ } else {
+ # We are behind a single t-operator. We keep it as is, there
+ # is no actual need to make it a string.
+ lappend res [pt::pe terminal [lindex $buf 0]]
+ }
+ # Reset the accumulator for the next series.
+ set buf {}
+ return
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+proc ::pt::pe::op::CollectClass {c} {
+ if {[lindex $c 0] ni {t ..}} return
+ # A terminal or range. Just extend the accumulator. The main processing
+ # happens after each run of t-operators, see FuseClass.
+ upvar 1 buf buf
+ set new [lrange $c 1 end]
+ if {([llength $new] == 1) || ([lindex $new 0] eq [lindex $new 1])} {
+ set new [list [lindex $new 0]]
+ #set new [lindex $new 0]
+ # Note how new is rewrapped as a list, because that is what
+ # FuseClass below expects, always. See <*>
+ }
+ lappend buf $new
+ return -code continue
+proc ::pt::pe::op::FuseClass {} {
+ upvar 1 changed changed res res buf buf
+ # buf :: list (elems), elems :: list (char ?char?)
+ # Nothing has accumulated, nothing to fuse.
+ if {$buf eq {}} return
+ # The current non-t operator is after one or more
+ # t/..-operators. We have to flush the accumulated data to keep
+ # the expression correct.
+ if {[llength $buf] > 1} {
+ # We are behind an actual series of t/..-operators, i.e. a
+ # class. We flush it, signal the change to the processing
+ # after the loop, and reset the accumulator for the next
+ # series.
+ # TODO :: Sort class elements, aggregate adjacents into larger
+ # ranges if possible and worthwhile (>= 3), look for
+ # overlapping ranges and merge.
+ # buf :: list (elems), elems :: list (char ?char?)
+ # The single-element elems have to change, become simple chars.
+ # A simple {*}-operation is not enough, as that leaves these as lists.
+ lappend tmp cl
+ foreach elem $buf {
+ if {[llength $elem] == 1} {
+ lappend tmp [lindex $elem 0]
+ } else {
+ lappend tmp $elem
+ }
+ }
+ lappend res $tmp
+ set changed 1
+ } else {
+ # We are behind a single t- or ..-operator. A terminal can be
+ # kept as is, but a range has to be encapsulated into a class,
+ # except of the range is something like a-a, then this is just
+ # a different coding of a single character ...
+ set args [lindex $buf 0] ; # <*> args expected to be a list.
+ if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+ lappend res [pt::pe terminal [lindex $args 0]]
+ } else {
+ lassign $args a b
+ set changed 1
+ if {$a ne $b} {
+ lappend res [list cl {*}$buf]
+ } else {
+ lappend res [pt::pe terminal $a]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Reset the accumulator for the next series.
+ set buf {}
+ return
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+## State / Configuration :: n/a
+namespace eval ::pt::pe::op {}
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Ready
+package provide pt::pe::op 1.0.1