path: root/tcllib/modules/tepam/tepam_doc_gen.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/tepam/tepam_doc_gen.tcl')
1 files changed, 747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/tepam/tepam_doc_gen.tcl b/tcllib/modules/tepam/tepam_doc_gen.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a62e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/tepam/tepam_doc_gen.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+# TEPAM - Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager
+# tepam_doc.tcl - TEPAM doc generation package
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Andreas Drollinger
+# Id: tepam_doc.tcl
+# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
+# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
+package require Tcl 8.3
+package require tepam 0.5
+namespace eval tepam::doc_gen {
+ # Exports the major commands from this package:
+ namespace export doc_gen
+ # Format validation command (checks if a format is defined)
+ proc ::tepam::Validate(tepam_doc_format) {v} {expr {[info proc ::tepam::doc_gen::gen($v,Begin)]!=""}}
+ # get_full_proc_name returns the full qualified procedure name. It takes also into acocunt
+ # sub-procedure names: 'display message' -> '::display message'
+ #
+ proc get_full_proc_name {name} {
+ return [concat [namespace origin [lindex $name 0]] [lrange $name 1 end]]
+ }
+ ##########################################################################
+ # generate: Generates the documentation for a procedure in a certain format
+ ##########################################################################
+ # The command 'generate' is the main procedure of the document generation framework. It
+ # calls a set of sub procedures to generate the different document sections. The exact
+ # content of each document segment is specified for each supported document format in
+ # a later part of this file.
+ #
+ tepam::procedure generate {
+ -named_arguments_first 1
+ -short_description "Get procedure documentation"
+ -description
+ "Generates the documentation for a given procedure in one of the supported\
+ formats (TXT, HTML, POD (Perl Doc), DT (TclLib DocTool), or in an application specific\
+ format).
+ If a file is provided a full document file is generated that includes a proper file\
+ header and file footer, and the file name is returned. Header and footer are otherwise\
+ not generated and the documentation text is returned by doc_gen.
+ The documentation is by default generated in Tcl style\
+ (e.g. command <arg1> <arg2> ...). C-style documentation can be generated by setting\
+ the argument 'style' to 'C' (e.g. command(<arg1>,<arg2>))."
+ -example "generate -format HTML -dest_file my_func_help.html ::my_func"
+ -args {
+ {-format -type tepam_doc_format -default TXT
+ -description "Documentation format"}
+ {-style -type string -default Tcl -choices {Tcl C}
+ -choicelabels {"Tcl style" "C style"}
+ -description "Procedure calling style used in the generated documentation"}
+ {-header_footer -type none
+ -description "If set the header and footer are also generated. This flag is set by default if a file is generated."}
+ {-dest_file -type file -optional
+ -description "Destination file name"}
+ {name -type string -validatecommand {expr ![catch {get_full_proc_name "%P"}]}
+ -validatecommand_error_text "Unknown procedure provided (argument 'name')"
+ -description "Procedure name for which the documentation has to be generated"}
+ }
+ } {
+ # Create the full qualified procedure name (procedure name including namespace).
+ # Check if the procedure name contains already the name space identification:
+ set ProcName [get_full_proc_name $name]; # Variable name required by 'tepam::PureProcName'
+ # Set the doc style to 'Tcl' if the short description starts with 'Property:'
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)] &&
+ [string first "Property:" $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)]==0} {
+ set style "Tcl"
+ }
+ # Define a function indicator for 'C' style documentation
+ set FuncIndicator [expr {$style=="Tcl" ? "" : "()"}]
+ # Set the header/footer generation flag if a file is generated
+ if {[info exists dest_file]} {
+ set header_footer 1
+ }
+ # Create the list of the main and sub-procedure names. Don't consider
+ # the main procedure that is only used to access the sub procedures
+ foreach pName [lsort [concat [list $ProcName] [info procs "$ProcName *"]]] {
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($pName,VarList)]} { # Check that the procedure has been declared as TEPAM procedure
+ lappend ProcNames $pName
+ }
+ }
+ # Initiate the documentation string variable
+ set Doc ""
+ # Genrate the header if required
+ if {$header_footer} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,Header) [::tepam::PureProcName]]
+ }
+ # Generate the document prolog (preamble)
+ append Doc [gen($format,Begin)]
+ ### Name section ###
+ # Add only the short description of the main procedure (in case sub procedures exist)
+ append Doc [gen($format,SectionTitle) "Name"]
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)]} { # Add the short description if existing
+ append Doc [gen($format,Name) "[::tepam::PureProcName]$FuncIndicator - $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)"]
+ } else {
+ append Doc [gen($format,Name) "[::tepam::PureProcName]$FuncIndicator"]
+ }
+ ### Synopsis section ###
+ append Doc [gen($format,SectionTitle) "Synopsis"]
+ set NbrDescriptions 0
+ set NbrExamples 0
+ # Add the synopsis for each main and sub procedures and register if they have a
+ # description or an example
+ foreach ProcName $ProcNames {
+ incr NbrDescriptions [info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-description)]
+ incr NbrExamples [info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-example)]
+ append Doc [doc_gen_Synopsis $ProcName $format $style]
+ }
+ ### Description ###
+ # Generate a description title if necessary (if a procedure has a description, or if
+ # there is a main and sub procedures that are matching
+ if {$NbrDescriptions>0 || [llength $ProcNames]>1} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,SectionTitle) "Description"]
+ }
+ # Loop over all main and sub procedures
+ foreach ProcName $ProcNames {
+ # Add the sub-section title (= procedure name) if multiple procedures are matching
+ if {[llength $ProcNames]>1} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,SubSectionTitle) $ProcName]
+ }
+ # Add (again) the Synopsis line. Some documentation format require this
+ # synopsis line inside the description section, because the Synopsis is
+ # automatically derived (eg Tcl DocTools)
+ append Doc [doc_gen_Synopsis $ProcName $format $style 1]
+ # Add the description
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-description)]} {
+ append Doc [doc_gen_Description $ProcName $format $style]
+ }
+ ### Arguments ###
+ # Add the argument section only if only one procedure is matching. The
+ # arguments are otherwise listed in the description section.
+ if {$::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,VarList)!={}} {
+ if {[llength $ProcNames]==1} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,SectionTitle) "Arguments"]
+ }
+ append Doc [doc_gen_Arguments $ProcName $format $style]
+ }
+ }
+ ### Example ###
+ # Generate a example section if an example exists
+ if {$NbrExamples>0} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,SectionTitle) "Example"]
+ }
+ # Add the examples of each main and sub procedure
+ foreach ProcName $ProcNames {
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-example)]} {
+ # Add the synopsis of the procedure that has an example, in case multiple
+ # procedures are matching
+ if {[llength $ProcNames]>1} {
+ # Add the sub-section title if multiple procedures are matching
+ append Doc [gen($format,SubSectionTitle) $ProcName]
+ }
+ # Add the example
+ append Doc [doc_gen_Example $ProcName $format $style]
+ }
+ }
+ # Generate the document epilog
+ append Doc [gen($format,End)]
+ # Genrate the footer if required
+ if {$header_footer} {
+ append Doc [gen($format,Footer) ""]
+ }
+ # Save the documentation in a file and return the file name if 'dest_file'
+ # is defined. Return the documentation data otherwise.
+ if {[info exists dest_file]} {
+ set f [open $dest_file w]
+ puts $f $Doc
+ close $f
+ return $dest_file
+ } else {
+ return $Doc
+ }
+ }
+ # GetCleanText removes white spaces and "'" on the line begins.
+ #
+ proc GetCleanText {Text} {
+ regsub -all {\n[\s\t]+'*} $Text "\n" Text
+ return $Text
+ }
+ # doc_gen_Synopsis generates a formatted synopsis line. This string starts with
+ # the procedure name, followed by the arguments. The arguments are between
+ # parenthesis if not Tcl style is selected.
+ #
+ proc doc_gen_Synopsis {ProcName format style {DescriptionSynopsis 0}} {
+ # Start the synopsis with the procedure name, followed with '(' if not Tcl style is selected
+ set Synopsis [::tepam::PureProcName]
+ append Synopsis [expr {$style=="Tcl" ? " " : "("}]
+ # Add all arguments, separate them depending the style
+ set Sep ""
+ foreach Var $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,VarList) {
+ append Synopsis $Sep
+ append Synopsis [gen($format,ArgumentString) \
+ $Var $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-optional) \
+ $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,IsNamed) \
+ $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-type)]
+ set Sep [expr {$style=="Tcl" ? " " : ", "}]
+ }
+ # Close the parenthesis if non Tcl style is selected
+ append Synopsis [expr {$style=="Tcl" ? "" : ")"}]
+ # Returned the formatted synopsis string
+ if {$DescriptionSynopsis} {
+ return [gen($format,DescriptionSynopsis) $Synopsis]
+ } else {
+ return [gen($format,Synopsis) $Synopsis]
+ }
+ }
+ # doc_gen_Description generates a formatted documentation section. It recognizes
+ # paragraphs and unordered lists in the description text and formats them adequately.
+ #
+ proc doc_gen_Description {ProcName format style} {
+ # Get the cleaned-up description string
+ set Description [GetCleanText $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-description)]
+ # Loop over every paragraph (parts separated with a newline)
+ set ParStyle ""; # Stores the current paragraph style
+ set formattedDescription ""; # Stores the formatted description section
+ foreach Paragraph [split $Description \n] {
+ # Remove eventual leading and tailing white spaces
+ set Paragraph [string trim $Paragraph]
+ # Handle unordered list items (line that starts with '*').
+ if {[string index $Paragraph 0]=="*"} {
+ # Add the list begin code if this is the first list item
+ if {$ParStyle!="list"} {
+ append formattedDescription [gen($format,DescriptionListBegin)]
+ }
+ # Add the list item (remove the leading '*')
+ append formattedDescription [gen($format,DescriptionListItem) "[string trim [string range $Paragraph 1 end]]"]
+ set ParStyle "list"
+ # Handle non list paragraphs
+ } else {
+ # Close an eventually opened unordered list
+ if {$ParStyle=="list"} {
+ append formattedDescription [gen($format,DescriptionListEnd)]
+ }
+ # Add the paragraph
+ append formattedDescription [gen($format,Description) $Paragraph]
+ set ParStyle "par"
+ }
+ }
+ # Close an eventually opened unordered list
+ if {$ParStyle=="list"} {
+ append formattedDescription [gen($format,DescriptionListEnd)]
+ }
+ # Return the formatted description
+ return $formattedDescription
+ }
+ # doc_gen_Arguments generates the formatted argument section which includes a list of arguments
+ # together with their descriptions and attributes
+ #
+ proc doc_gen_Arguments {ProcName format style} {
+ # Start the section with the argument list prolog
+ set formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentListBegin)]
+ # Loop through all arguments
+ foreach Var $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,VarList) {
+ # Add the argument line
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentListItem) \
+ $Var $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-optional) \
+ $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,IsNamed) \
+ $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-type)]
+ # Start the argument detail section, and add an eventual existing
+ # argument description
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentDetailBegin)]
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-description)] && $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-description)!=""} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentDescription) $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-description)]
+ }
+ # Add the argument type if it is known and if it is not a flag (type=none)
+ if {[lsearch -exact {"" "none"} $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-type)]<0} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Type: $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-type)"]
+ }
+ # Add the default value if existing. Put it in double quotes ("") if the
+ # type is unknown or a string, or if the default value is an empty string
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-default)]} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact {"" "string"} $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-type)]>=0 || $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-default)==""} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Default: \"$::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-default)\""]
+ } else {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Default: $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-default)"]
+ }
+ }
+ # Add the remaining attributes if they exist
+ if {$::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-multiple)} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Multiple: yes"]
+ }
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-range)]} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Range: [lindex $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-range) 0]..[lindex $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-range) 1]"]
+ }
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,Arg,$Var,-choices)]} {
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,ArgumentAttribute) "Choices: [::tepam::GetChoiceHelpText $ProcName $Var]"]
+ }
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,OptionDetailEnd)]
+ }
+ # Add the argument section's epilog, and return the optained formatted section string
+ append formattedArguments [gen($format,OptionEnd)]
+ return $formattedArguments
+ }
+ # doc_gen_Example generates a formatted example section. It handles every
+ # example line individually and formats it either as a command line, or as
+ # a result line.
+ #
+ proc doc_gen_Example {ProcName format style} {
+ # Cleanup the example paragraph
+ set Example [GetCleanText [string trim $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-example)]]
+ # Generate the example section prolog
+ set formattedExample [gen($format,ExampleBegin)]
+ # Loop through all example lines
+ foreach line [split $Example \n] {
+ # Format the line either as an example command, or as a result
+ if {[string range $line 0 1]=="->"} {
+ append formattedExample [gen($format,ExampleResultLine) $line]
+ } else {
+ append formattedExample [gen($format,ExampleCommandLine) $line]
+ }
+ }
+ # Add the example section's epilog, and return the formatted example section
+ append formattedExample [gen($format,ExampleEnd)]
+ return $formattedExample
+ }
+ ##########################################################################
+ # patch: Patches an existing documentation by inserting procedure documentations
+ ##########################################################################
+ # Patches an existing master document by inserting procedure documentations. The
+ # command calls 'generate' to get the documentation of for the different procedures.
+ #
+ tepam::procedure patch {
+ -named_arguments_first 1
+ -short_description "Patches an existing master document by inserting procedure documentations"
+ -description
+ "Patch inserts procedure documentations into an existing master document at the\
+ locations indicated by insertion placeholders that are matching the pattern of\
+ 'search_pattern'.
+ The existing master document is either provided as string argument (src_string)\
+ or as a file (src_file). The final document is returned by patch if no\
+ destination file is defined (via 'dest_file'). Otherwise, the document is stored\
+ in a file, and the number of insertion placeholders that could be handled\
+ successfully is returned.
+ Any insertion placeholders of the master document are handled by default. By\
+ defining the argument 'name' the documentation insertion will be restricted\
+ to a particular procedure.
+ Patch handles the documentation in one of the supported\
+ formats (TXT, HTML, POD (Perl Doc), DT (TclLib DocTool), or in an application\
+ specific format). The documentation is by default generated in Tcl style\
+ (e.g. command <arg1> <arg2> ...). C-style documentation can be generated by\
+ setting the argument 'style' to 'C' (e.g. command(<arg1>,<arg2>))."
+ -example "patch -format HTML -src_file my_func_help.template -dest_file my_func_help.html"
+ -args {
+ {-format -type tepam_doc_format -default TXT
+ -description "Documentation format"}
+ {-style -type string -default Tcl -choices {Tcl C}
+ -choicelabels {"Tcl style" "C style"}
+ -description "Procedure calling style used in the generated documentation"}
+ {-search_pattern -type string -default {\{!(.*?)!\}}
+ -description "Regular expression search pattern"}
+ {-src_string -type string -optional
+ -description "Source string"}
+ {-src_file -type existingfile -optional
+ -description "Source file name"}
+ {-dest_file -type file -optional
+ -description "Destination file name"}
+ {name -type string -optional -validatecommand {expr ![catch {get_full_proc_name "%P"}]}
+ -validatecommand_error_text "Unknown procedure provided (argument 'name')"
+ -description "Procedure name to which the document generation is restricted"}
+ }
+ -validatecommand {expr {[info exists src_file]!=[info exists src_string]}}
+ -validatecommand_error_text "Either src_string or src_file need to be defined!"
+ } {
+ # In case a procedure name is provided, make sure it is fully qualified
+ if {[info exists name]} {
+ set name [get_full_proc_name $name]
+ }
+ # Load the master document data
+ if {[info exists src_file]} {
+ set f [open $src_file r]
+ set Doc [read $f 0x10000000]
+ close $f
+ } else {
+ set Doc $src_string
+ }
+ # Get all placeholder locations
+ set AllMatchPos [regexp -all -indices -inline $search_pattern $Doc]
+ # Handle all placeholders, starting at the document end. Don't rely on
+ # 'lreverse' (only available in Tcl8.5)
+ set NbrInsertion 0
+ for {set m [expr [llength $AllMatchPos]-1]} {$m>=0} {incr m -2} {
+ set MatchPos [lindex $AllMatchPos $m-1]
+ set ProcPos [lindex $AllMatchPos $m-0]
+ set ProcName [string range $Doc [lindex $ProcPos 0] [lindex $ProcPos 1]]
+ # Catch any errors: Documentations that cannot be generated for certain procedures
+ # are simply skipped
+ catch {
+ # Make sure a fully qualified procedure name is used
+ set ProcName [get_full_proc_name $ProcName]
+ # Skip the procedure if it is not matching with the defined procedure name
+ if {[info exists name] && $name!=$ProcName} continue
+ # Replace the placeholder with the procedure documentation
+ set ProcHelp [tepam::doc_gen::generate -format $format -style $style $ProcName]
+ set Doc [string replace $Doc [lindex $MatchPos 0] [lindex $MatchPos 1] $ProcHelp]
+ incr NbrInsertion
+ }
+ }
+ # Save the patched master document in a file if 'dest_file' is defined. Return
+ # the document data otherwise.
+ if {[info exists dest_file]} {
+ set f [open $dest_file w]
+ puts $f $Doc
+ close $f
+ return $NbrInsertion
+ } else {
+ return $Doc
+ }
+ }
+ ##########################################################################
+ # Documentation style definitions
+ ##########################################################################
+ # Various document generation options will be stored in the array variable 'Option'.
+ array set Option {}
+ ###### Text ######
+ # Text document generation options
+ set Option(TXT,MaxLineLength) 80; # Specifies the word wrap limit
+ # TxtFormat formats text in the following way: Tabulator characters are
+ # replaced by 3 spaces. Lines are reformatted to respect the maximum
+ # allowed line length. In case a line is wrapped, the leading spaces of the
+ # first line are added to the begin of the following lines. Multiple lines
+ # can be provided as text piece and these multiple lines are handled
+ # independently each to another.
+ proc TxtFormat {Text} {
+ variable Option
+ set FormatedText ""
+ # Replace tabs through 3 spaces:
+ regsub -all {\t} $Text " " Text
+ # Extract the initial spaces of the first line:
+ regexp {^(\s*)} $Text {} SpaceStart
+ # Loop through each of the provided help text line:
+ foreach line [split $Text "\n"] {
+ # Eliminate leading spaces of the line:
+ regexp {^\s+'*(.*)$} $line {} line
+ # Cut the line into segments that doesn't exceed the maximum allowed help line length.
+ # Add in front of each new line the initial spaces of the first line:
+ while {$line!=""} {
+ # Align the leading line spaces to the first line:
+ set line ${SpaceStart}${line}
+ #### Next line cutoff position evaluation ####
+ # Select the next line cut position. The default position is set to the line end:
+ set LastPos [string length $line]
+ # Search for the last space inside the line section that is inside the specified
+ # maximum line length:
+ if {$LastPos>$Option(TXT,MaxLineLength)} {
+ set LastPos [string last " " $line $Option(TXT,MaxLineLength)]
+ }
+ # If the evaluated line break position is inside the range of the initial line spaces,
+ # something goes wrong and the line should be broken at another adequate character:
+ if {$LastPos<=[string length $SpaceStart]-1} {
+ # Search for other good line break characters (:
+ set LastPos [lindex [lindex \
+ [regexp -inline -indices {[^,:\.?\)]+$} \
+ {ProcDef(::ImportTestPointAssignmentsGeneric,Arg_SectionComment,ColumnSeparation}] 0] 0]
+ # No line break position could be found:
+ if {$LastPos=={}} {set LinePos 0}
+ }
+ # Break the line simply at the maximum allowed length in case no break position could
+ # be found:
+ if {$LastPos<=[string length $SpaceStart]-1} {set LastPos $Option(TXT,MaxLineLength)}
+ # Add the line segment to the help text:
+ append FormatedText [string range $line 0 [expr $LastPos-1]]\n
+ # Eliminate the segment from the actual line:
+ set line [string range $line [expr $LastPos+1] end]
+ }
+ }
+ return $FormatedText
+ }
+ proc gen(TXT,Header) {Text} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,Begin) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,End) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,SectionTitle) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " [string toupper $Text]\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,SubSectionTitle) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,Name) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,Synopsis) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,Description) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,DescriptionSynopsis) {Text} {return ""}
+ proc gen(TXT,DescriptionListBegin) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,DescriptionListItem) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " * $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,DescriptionListEnd) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentListBegin) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentString) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ if {$IsNamed} {set ArgStr "-$Name"}
+ if {$Type!="none"} {append ArgStr " <$Name>"}
+ set ArgStr [string trim $ArgStr]
+ if {$IsOptional} {set ArgStr "\[$ArgStr\]"}
+ return $ArgStr
+ }
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentListItem) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ return " [gen(TXT,ArgumentString) $Name $IsOptional $IsNamed $Type]\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentDetailBegin) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentDescription) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ArgumentAttribute) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text\n"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,OptionDetailEnd) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,OptionEnd) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ExampleBegin) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ExampleCommandLine) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ExampleResultLine) {Text} {return [TxtFormat " $Text"]}
+ proc gen(TXT,ExampleEnd) {} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ proc gen(TXT,Footer) {Text} {return [TxtFormat ""]}
+ ###### HTML ######
+ # HTML document generation options
+ set Option(HTML,CssFile) "tepam_doc_stylesheet.css"; # Specifies the CSS stylesheet file
+ proc Htmlformat {Text} {
+ regsub -all {<} $Text {\&lt;} Text
+ regsub -all {>} $Text {\&gt;} Text
+ return $Text
+ }
+ proc gen(HTML,Header) {Text} {set s "<html>\n"
+ append s " <head>\n"
+ append s " <title>[Htmlformat $Text]</title>\n"
+ append s " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$::tepam::doc_gen::Option(HTML,CssFile)\">\n"
+ append s " </head>\n"
+ append s " <body>\n"
+ append s " <h1 class=\"tepam_page_title\">[Htmlformat $Text]</h1>\n"
+ return $s }
+ proc gen(HTML,Begin) {} {return "<div class=\"tepam_command_help\">\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,End) {} {return "</div><p></p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,SectionTitle) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_section_title\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,SubSectionTitle) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_sub_section_title\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,Name) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_name\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,Synopsis) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_synopsis\">$Text</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,Description) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_description\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,DescriptionSynopsis) {Text} {return ""}
+ proc gen(HTML,DescriptionListBegin) {} {return " <ul class=\"tepam_description_list\">\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,DescriptionListItem) {Text} {return " <li>[Htmlformat $Text]</li>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,DescriptionListEnd) {} {return " </ul>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentListBegin) {} {return " <dl>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentString) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ if {$IsNamed} {set ArgStr "-$Name"}
+ if {$Type!="none"} {append ArgStr " <$Name>"}
+ set ArgStr [string trim $ArgStr]
+ if {$IsOptional} {set ArgStr "\[$ArgStr\]"}
+ return [Htmlformat $ArgStr]
+ }
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentListItem) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ return " <dt class=\"tepam_argument\">[gen(HTML,ArgumentString) $Name $IsOptional $IsNamed $Type]</dt>\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentDetailBegin) {} {return " <dd>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentDescription) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_argument_description\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ArgumentAttribute) {Text} {return " <p class=\"tepam_argument_attribute\">[Htmlformat $Text]</p>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,OptionDetailEnd) {} {return " </dd>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,OptionEnd) {} {return " </dl>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ExampleBegin) {} {return " <pre class=\"tepam_example\">"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ExampleCommandLine) {Text} {return "<strong>[Htmlformat $Text]</strong>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ExampleResultLine) {Text} {return "<em>[Htmlformat $Text]</em>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,ExampleEnd) {} {return "</pre>\n"}
+ proc gen(HTML,Footer) {Text} {return " </body>\n<html>"}
+ ###### POD ######
+ proc Podformat {Text} {
+ regsub -all {<} $Text {E<lt>} Text
+ regsub -all {([^E][^<][^l][^t])>} $Text {\1E<gt>} Text
+ regsub -all {\|} $Text {E<verbar>} Text
+ regsub -all {/} $Text {E<sol>} Text
+ return $Text
+ }
+ proc gen(POD,Header) {Text} {return [Podformat ""]}
+ proc gen(POD,Begin) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,End) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,SectionTitle) {Text} {return "=head1 [Podformat [string toupper $Text]]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,SubSectionTitle) {Text} {return "=head2 [Podformat $Text]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,Name) {Text} {return "B<[Podformat $Text]>\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,Synopsis) {Text} {return "$Text\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,Description) {Text} {return "[Podformat $Text]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,DescriptionSynopsis) {Text} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,DescriptionListBegin) {} {return "=over 4\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,DescriptionListItem) {Text} {return "=item * [Podformat $Text]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,DescriptionListEnd) {} {return "=back\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentListBegin) {} {return "=over 4\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentString) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ if {$IsNamed} {set ArgStr "-$Name"}
+ if {$Type!="none"} {append ArgStr " <$Name>"}
+ set ArgStr [string trim $ArgStr]
+ if {$IsOptional} {set ArgStr "\[$ArgStr\]"}
+ return [Podformat $ArgStr]
+ }
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentListItem) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ return "=item [gen(POD,ArgumentString) $Name $IsOptional $IsNamed $Type]\n\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentDetailBegin) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentDescription) {Text} {return "[Podformat $Text]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ArgumentAttribute) {Text} {return "[Podformat $Text]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,OptionDetailEnd) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,OptionEnd) {} {return "=back\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ExampleBegin) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,ExampleCommandLine) {Text} {return "C<B<[Podformat $Text]>>\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ExampleResultLine) {Text} {return "C<I<[Podformat $Text]>>\n\n"}
+ proc gen(POD,ExampleEnd) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(POD,Footer) {Text} {return ""}
+ ###### Tcllib doctools ######
+ proc Dtformat {Text} {
+ regsub -all {([\[\]])} $Text {\\\1} Text
+ return $Text
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,Header) {Text} {
+ upvar ProcName ProcName
+ set s "\[manpage_begin \"$Text\" n 1.0.3\]\n"
+ if {[info exists ::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)]} {
+ append s "\[moddesc \{[Dtformat $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)]\}\]\n"
+ append s "\[titledesc \{[Dtformat $::tepam::ProcDef($ProcName,-short_description)]\}\]\n"
+ }
+ append s "\[description\]\n"
+ return $s
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,Begin) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(DT,End) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(DT,SectionTitle) {Text} {
+ if {[lsearch -exact {Name Synopsis Description} $Text]>=0} return
+ return "\n\[section \"[Dtformat $Text]\"\]\n\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,SubSectionTitle) {Text} {
+ return "\n\[subsection \"[Dtformat $Text]\"\]\n\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,Name) {Text} {return ""}
+ proc gen(DT,Synopsis) {Text} {return ""}; # DocTools generates automatically the Synopsis
+ proc gen(DT,Description) {Text} {
+ return "[Dtformat $Text]\[para\]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,DescriptionSynopsis) {Text} { # Add the synopsis to the begin of the description. This will generate then also the Synopsis.
+ set s "\[list_begin definitions\]\n"
+ append s "\[call $Text\]\n"
+ append s "\[list_end\]\n"
+ return $s
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,DescriptionListBegin) {} {return "\[list_begin itemized\]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,DescriptionListItem) {Text} {return " \[item\][Dtformat $Text]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,DescriptionListEnd) {} {return "\[list_end\]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentListBegin) {} {return "\[list_begin definitions\]\n\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentString) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ if {$IsNamed} {set ArgStr "-$Name"}
+ if {$Type!="none"} {append ArgStr " \[arg $Name\]"}
+ set ArgStr [string trim $ArgStr]
+ if {$IsOptional} {set ArgStr "\[opt \"$ArgStr\"\]"}
+ return $ArgStr
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentListItem) {Name IsOptional IsNamed Type} {
+ return "\[def [gen(DT,ArgumentString) $Name $IsOptional $IsNamed $Type]\]\n"
+ }
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentDetailBegin) {} {return ""}
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentDescription) {Text} {return " \[para\][Dtformat $Text]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ArgumentAttribute) {Text} {return " \[para\][Dtformat $Text]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,OptionDetailEnd) {} {return "\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,OptionEnd) {} {return "\[list_end\]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ExampleBegin) {} {return "\[para\]\n\[example \{\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ExampleCommandLine) {Text} {return "[Dtformat $Text]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ExampleResultLine) {Text} {return "[Dtformat $Text]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,ExampleEnd) {} {return "\}\]\n"}
+ proc gen(DT,Footer) {Text} {return "\[manpage_end\]"}
+}; # End namespace tepam::doc
+# Specify the TEPAM version that is provided by this file:
+package provide tepam::doc_gen 0.1.1
+# Id: tepam_doc.tcl
+# Modifications:
+# Revision 0.1.1 2013/10/18 droll
+# * Correction of bug [66d0effebc]: POD format incorrectly formatted
+# Revision 0.1.0 2013/10/14 droll
+# * First TEPAM doc_gen revision