path: root/tclxml/tclxslt/resources.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tclxml/tclxslt/resources.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/tclxml/tclxslt/resources.tcl b/tclxml/tclxslt/resources.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b107a77..0000000
--- a/tclxml/tclxslt/resources.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-# resources.tcl --
-# XSLT extension providing access to resources.
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Explain
-# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Zveno Pty Ltd
-# See the file "LICENSE" in this distribution for information on usage and
-# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Id: resources.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $
-catch {
- package require base64
-package provide xslt::resources 1.3
-namespace eval xslt::resources {
- namespace export list type exists modified
-# xslt::resources::list --
-# List the resources available at a given location
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path to list
-# basedir Base directory
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns list of resources
-proc xslt::resources::list {locnNd {baseNd {}} args} {
- # What kind of resource is this? file, http, ftp, etc?
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- # The resource may be passed in as a nodeset
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- set base $baseNd
- catch {set base [dom::node stringValue [lindex $baseNd 0]]}
- if {[string match /* $base]} {
- regsub {^(/)} $locn {} locn
- }
- set result {}
- foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $base $locn *]] {
- lappend result [file tail $entry]
- }
- return $result
-# xslt::resources::type --
-# Gives the type of the resource
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path to type
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns string describing resource
-proc xslt::resources::type {locnNd args} {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- if {[file isdir $locn]} {
- return directory
- } elseif {[file isfile $locn]} {
- return file
- } else {
- return other
- }
-# xslt::resources::exists --
-# Check whether a resource exists
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path to type
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns boolean
-proc xslt::resources::exists {locnNd args} {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- if {[file exists $locn]} {
- return 1
- } else {
- return 0
- }
-# xslt::resources::modified --
-# Report last modification time of a resource
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns ISO standard date-time string
-proc xslt::resources::modified {locnNd args} {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- if {[file exists $locn]} {
- return [clock format [file mtime $locn] -format {%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}]
- } else {
- return {}
- }
-# xslt::resources::mkdir --
-# Create a directory hierarchy.
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path for directory
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns directory created or empty string if unsuccessful
-proc xslt::resources::mkdir {locnNd args} {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return {}
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- set dir [file split $locn]
- set current [lindex $dir 0]
- set remaining [lrange $dir 1 end]
- while {[llength $remaining]} {
- set current [file join $current [lindex $remaining 0]]
- set remaining [lrange $remaining 1 end]
- if {[file exists $current]} {
- if {![file isdir $current]} {
- return {}
- }
- } elseif {[file isdir $current]} {
- continue
- } else {
- if {[catch {file mkdir $current}]} {
- return {}
- }
- }
- }
- return $locn
-# xslt::resources::copy --
-# Copy a resource.
-# Arguments:
-# src Resource to copy
-# dest Destination for resource
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Resource copied
-proc xslt::resources::copy {srcNd destNd args} {
- set src $srcNd
- catch {set src [dom::node stringValue [lindex $srcNd 0]]}
- set dest $destNd
- catch {set dest [dom::node stringValue [lindex $destNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {file copy -force $src $dest} msg]} {
- catch {
- package require log
- log::log error "copy failed due to \"$msg\""
- }
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
-# xslt::resources::move --
-# Move (rename) a resource.
-# Arguments:
-# src Resource to move
-# dest Destination for resource
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Resource renamed
-proc xslt::resources::move {srcNd destNd args} {
- set src $srcNd
- catch {set src [dom::node stringValue [lindex $srcNd 0]]}
- set dest $destNd
- catch {set dest [dom::node stringValue [lindex $destNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {file rename -force $src $dest}]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
-# xslt::resources::file-attributes --
-# Change attributes of a resource.
-# Arguments:
-# src Resource to change
-# what Attribute to change
-# detail Attribute value
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Resource attribute changed
-proc xslt::resources::file-set-attributes {srcNd whatNd detailNd args} {
- set src $srcNd
- catch {set src [dom::node stringValue [lindex $srcNd 0]]}
- set what $whatNd
- catch {set what [dom::node stringValue [lindex $whatNd 0]]}
- set detail $detailNd
- catch {set detail [dom::node stringValue [lindex $detailNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {file attributes $src -$what $detail} result]} {
- return {}
- } else {
- return $result
- }
-# xslt::resources::delete --
-# Delete a resource
-# Arguments:
-# locn Resource path to type
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Returns boolean
-proc xslt::resources::delete {locnNd args} {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- set locn $locnNd
- catch {set locn [dom::node stringValue [lindex $locnNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {file delete -force $locn} msg]} {
- catch {
- package require log
- log::log error "delete failed due to \"$msg\""
- }
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
-# xslt::resources::link --
-# Link a resource.
-# Arguments:
-# from Link to create
-# to Target of link
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# Symbolic link created
-proc xslt::resources::link {fromNd toNd args} {
- set from $fromNd
- catch {set from [dom::node stringValue [lindex $fromNd 0]]}
- set to $toNd
- catch {set to [dom::node stringValue [lindex $toNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {file link $from $to}]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- return 1
- }
-# xslt::resources::write-base64 --
-# Decode base64 encoded data and write the binary data to a file
-# Arguments:
-# fname Filename
-# b64 base64 encoded data
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# File opened for writing and binary data written.
-# Returns 1 if file successfully written, 0 otherwise.
-proc xslt::resources::write-base64 {fnameNd b64Nd args} {
- set fname $fnameNd
- catch {set fname [dom::node stringValue [lindex $fnameNd 0]]}
- set b64 $b64Nd
- catch {set b64 [dom::node stringValue [lindex $b64Nd 0]]}
- if {[catch {package require base64}]} {
- return 0
- }
- if {[catch {open $fname w} ch]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- set binarydata [base64::decode $b64]
- fconfigure $ch -trans binary -encoding binary
- puts -nonewline $ch $binarydata
- close $ch
- return 1
- }
-# xslt::resources::read-base64 --
-# Read binary data from a file and base64 encode it
-# Arguments:
-# fname Filename
-# args not needed
-# Results:
-# File opened for readng and contents read.
-# Returns content as base64-encoded data.
-proc xslt::resources::read-base64 {fnameNd args} {
- set fname $fnameNd
- catch {set fname [dom::node stringValue [lindex $fnameNd 0]]}
- if {[catch {package require base64}]} {
- return 0
- }
- if {[catch {open $fname} ch]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- fconfigure $ch -trans binary -encoding binary
- set binarydata [read $ch]
- close $ch
- return [base64::encode $binarydata]
- }