path: root/tk8.6/tests/listbox.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/tests/listbox.test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3191 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/tests/listbox.test b/tk8.6/tests/listbox.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c84a7..0000000
--- a/tk8.6/tests/listbox.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3191 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a Tcl script to test out the "listbox" command
-# of Tk. It is organized in the standard fashion for Tcl tests.
-# Copyright (c) 1993-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
-# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
-# All rights reserved.
-package require tcltest 2.2
-eval tcltest::configure $argv
-namespace import -force tcltest::test
-set fixed {Courier -12}
-proc record {name args} {
- global log
- lappend log [format {%s %.6g %.6g} $name {*}$args]
-proc getsize w {
- regexp {(^[^+-]*)} [wm geometry $w] foo x
- return $x
-proc resetGridInfo {} {
- # Some window managers, such as mwm, don't reset gridding information
- # unless the window is withdrawn and re-mapped. If this procedure
- # isn't invoked, the window manager will stay in gridded mode, which
- # can cause all sorts of problems. The "wm positionfrom" command is
- # needed so that the window manager doesn't ask the user to
- # manually position the window when it is re-mapped.
- wm withdraw .
- wm positionfrom . user
- wm deiconify .
-# Procedure that creates a second listbox for checking things related
-# to partially visible lines.
-proc mkPartial {{w .partial}} {
- destroy $w
- toplevel $w
- wm geometry $w +0+0
- listbox $w.l -width 30 -height 5
- pack $w.l -expand 1 -fill both
- $w.l insert end one two three four five six seven eight nine ten \
- eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
- update
- scan [wm geometry $w] "%dx%d" width height
- wm geometry $w ${width}x[expr $height-3]
- update
-# Create entries in the option database to be sure that geometry options
-# like border width have predictable values.
-option add *Listbox.borderWidth 2
-option add *Listbox.selectBorderWidth 1
-option add *Listbox.highlightThickness 2
-option add *Listbox.font {Helvetica -12 bold}
-# Listbox used in 3.* configuration options tests
-listbox .l
-pack .l
-test listbox-1.1 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -activestyle under
- list [lindex [.l configure -activestyle] 4] [.l cget -activestyle]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -activestyle [lindex [.l configure -activestyle] 3]
-} -result {underline underline}
-test listbox-1.2 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -activestyle foo
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad activestyle "foo": must be dotbox, none, or underline}
-test listbox-1.3 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -background #ff0000
- list [lindex [.l configure -background] 4] [.l cget -background]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -background [lindex [.l configure -background] 3]
-} -result {{#ff0000} #ff0000}
-test listbox-1.4 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -background non-existent
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"}
-test listbox-1.5 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -bd 4
- list [lindex [.l configure -bd] 4] [.l cget -bd]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -bd [lindex [.l configure -bd] 3]
-} -result {4 4}
-test listbox-1.6 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -bd badValue
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"}
-test listbox-1.7 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -bg #ff0000
- list [lindex [.l configure -bg] 4] [.l cget -bg]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -bg [lindex [.l configure -bg] 3]
-} -result {{#ff0000} #ff0000}
-test listbox-1.8 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -bg non-existent
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"}
-test listbox-1.9 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -borderwidth 1.3
- list [lindex [.l configure -borderwidth] 4] [.l cget -borderwidth]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -borderwidth [lindex [.l configure -borderwidth] 3]
-} -result {1 1}
-test listbox-1.10 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -borderwidth badValue
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"}
-test listbox-1.11 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -cursor arrow
- list [lindex [.l configure -cursor] 4] [.l cget -cursor]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -cursor [lindex [.l configure -cursor] 3]
-} -result {arrow arrow}
-test listbox-1.12 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -cursor badValue
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad cursor spec "badValue"}
-test listbox-1.13 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -disabledforeground #110022
- list [lindex [.l configure -disabledforeground] 4] [.l cget -disabledforeground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -disabledforeground [lindex [.l configure -disabledforeground] 3]
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-1.14 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -disabledforeground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.15 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -exportselection yes
- list [lindex [.l configure -exportselection] 4] [.l cget -exportselection]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -exportselection [lindex [.l configure -exportselection] 3]
-} -result {1 1}
-test listbox-1.16 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -exportselection xyzzy
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "xyzzy"}
-test listbox-1.17 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -fg #110022
- list [lindex [.l configure -fg] 4] [.l cget -fg]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -fg [lindex [.l configure -fg] 3]
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-1.18 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -fg bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.19 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -font {Helvetica 12}
- list [lindex [.l configure -font] 4] [.l cget -font]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -font [lindex [.l configure -font] 3]
-} -result {{Helvetica 12} {Helvetica 12}}
-test listbox-1.21 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -foreground #110022
- list [lindex [.l configure -foreground] 4] [.l cget -foreground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -foreground [lindex [.l configure -foreground] 3]
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-1.22 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -foreground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.23 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -height 30
- list [lindex [.l configure -height] 4] [.l cget -height]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -height [lindex [.l configure -height] 3]
-} -result {30 30}
-test listbox-1.24 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -height 20p
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "20p"}
-test listbox-1.25 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightbackground #112233
- list [lindex [.l configure -highlightbackground] 4] [.l cget -highlightbackground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -highlightbackground [lindex [.l configure -highlightbackground] 3]
-} -result {{#112233} #112233}
-test listbox-1.26 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightbackground ugly
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "ugly"}
-test listbox-1.27 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightcolor #123456
- list [lindex [.l configure -highlightcolor] 4] [.l cget -highlightcolor]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -highlightcolor [lindex [.l configure -highlightcolor] 3]
-} -result {{#123456} #123456}
-test listbox-1.28 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightcolor bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.29 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightthickness 6
- list [lindex [.l configure -highlightthickness] 4] [.l cget -highlightthickness]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -highlightthickness [lindex [.l configure -highlightthickness] 3]
-} -result {6 6}
-test listbox-1.30 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightthickness bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.31 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -highlightthickness -2
- list [lindex [.l configure -highlightthickness] 4] [.l cget -highlightthickness]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -highlightthickness [lindex [.l configure -highlightthickness] 3]
-} -result {0 0}
-test listbox-1.32.1 {configuration options} -setup {
- set res {}
-} -body {
- .l configure -justify left
- set res [list [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]]
- .l configure -justify center
- lappend res [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]
- .l configure -justify right
- lappend res [lindex [.l configure -justify] 4] [.l cget -justify]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -justify [lindex [.l configure -justify] 3]
-} -result {left left center center right right}
-test listbox-1.32.2 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -justify bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad justification "bogus": must be left, right, or center}
-test listbox-1.33 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -relief groove
- list [lindex [.l configure -relief] 4] [.l cget -relief]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -relief [lindex [.l configure -relief] 3]
-} -result {groove groove}
-test listbox-1.34 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -relief 1.5
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad relief "1.5": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken}
-test listbox-1.35 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectbackground #110022
- list [lindex [.l configure -selectbackground] 4] [.l cget -selectbackground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectbackground [lindex [.l configure -selectbackground] 3]
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-1.36 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectbackground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.37 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectborderwidth 1.3
- list [lindex [.l configure -selectborderwidth] 4] [.l cget -selectborderwidth]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectborderwidth [lindex [.l configure -selectborderwidth] 3]
-} -result {1 1}
-test listbox-1.38 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectborderwidth badValue
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad screen distance "badValue"}
-test listbox-1.39 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectforeground #654321
- list [lindex [.l configure -selectforeground] 4] [.l cget -selectforeground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectforeground [lindex [.l configure -selectforeground] 3]
-} -result {{#654321} #654321}
-test listbox-1.40 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectforeground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-1.41 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectmode string
- list [lindex [.l configure -selectmode] 4] [.l cget -selectmode]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectmode [lindex [.l configure -selectmode] 3]
-} -result {string string}
-test listbox-1.43 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -setgrid false
- list [lindex [.l configure -setgrid] 4] [.l cget -setgrid]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -setgrid [lindex [.l configure -setgrid] 3]
-} -result {0 0}
-test listbox-1.44 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -setgrid lousy
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected boolean value but got "lousy"}
-test listbox-1.45 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -state disabled
- list [lindex [.l configure -state] 4] [.l cget -state]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -state [lindex [.l configure -state] 3]
-} -result {disabled disabled}
-test listbox-1.46 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -state foo
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad state "foo": must be disabled or normal}
-test listbox-1.47 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -takefocus {any string}
- list [lindex [.l configure -takefocus] 4] [.l cget -takefocus]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -takefocus [lindex [.l configure -takefocus] 3]
-} -result {{any string} {any string}}
-test listbox-1.49 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -width 45
- list [lindex [.l configure -width] 4] [.l cget -width]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -width [lindex [.l configure -width] 3]
-} -result {45 45}
-test listbox-1.50 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -width 3p
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "3p"}
-test listbox-1.51 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -xscrollcommand {Some command}
- list [lindex [.l configure -xscrollcommand] 4] [.l cget -xscrollcommand]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -xscrollcommand [lindex [.l configure -xscrollcommand] 3]
-} -result {{Some command} {Some command}}
-test listbox-1.53 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -yscrollcommand {Another command}
- list [lindex [.l configure -yscrollcommand] 4] [.l cget -yscrollcommand]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -yscrollcommand [lindex [.l configure -yscrollcommand] 3]
-} -result {{Another command} {Another command}}
-test listbox-1.55 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -listvar testVariable
- list [lindex [.l configure -listvar] 4] [.l cget -listvar]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -listvar [lindex [.l configure -listvar] 3]
-} -result {testVariable testVariable}
-test listbox-2.1 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -body {
- listbox
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "listbox pathName ?-option value ...?"}
-test listbox-2.2 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -body {
- listbox gorp
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name "gorp"}
-test listbox-2.3 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- list [winfo exists .l] [winfo class .l] [info commands .l]
-} -result {1 Listbox .l}
-test listbox-2.4 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -gorp foo
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
-test listbox-2.4.1 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {listbox .l -gorp foo}
- list [winfo exists .l] [info commands .l]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {0 {}}
-test listbox-2.5 {Tk_ListboxCmd procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {.l}
-# Listbox used in 3.1 -3.115 tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -width 20 -height 5 -bd 4 -highlightthickness 1 -selectborderwidth 2
-pack .l
-.l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11 el12 el13 el14 \
- el15 el16 el17
-test listbox-3.1 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure} -body {
- .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l option ?arg ...?"}
-test listbox-3.2 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l activate index"}
-test listbox-3.3 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l activate index"}
-test listbox-3.4 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate fooey
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "fooey": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.5 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate 3
- .l index active
-} -result 3
-test listbox-3.6 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate -1
- .l index active
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.7 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate 30
- .l index active
-} -result {17}
-test listbox-3.8 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} -body {
- .l activate end
- .l index active
-} -result {17}
-test listbox-3.9 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -body {
- .l bbox
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l bbox index"}
-test listbox-3.10 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -body {
- .l bbox a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l bbox index"}
-test listbox-3.11 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -body {
- .l bbox fooey
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "fooey": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.12 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -body {
- .l yview 3
- update
- list [.l bbox 2] [.l bbox 8]
-} -result {{} {}}
-test listbox-3.13 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- # Used to generate a core dump before a bug was fixed (the last
- # element would be on-screen if it existed, but it doesn't exist).
- listbox .l2
- pack .l2 -side top
- tkwait visibility .l2
- set x [.l2 bbox 0]
- destroy .l2
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {}
-test listbox-3.14 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview 3
- update
- list [.l bbox 3] [.l bbox 4]
-} -result {{7 7 17 14} {7 26 17 14}}
-test listbox-3.15 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview 0
- update
- list [.l bbox -1] [.l bbox 0]
-} -result {{} {7 7 17 14}}
-test listbox-3.16 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview end
- update
- list [.l bbox 17] [.l bbox end] [.l bbox 18]
-} -result {{7 83 24 14} {7 83 24 14} {}}
-test listbox-3.17 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .t
-} -body {
- toplevel .t
- wm geom .t +0+0
- listbox .t.l -width 10 -height 5
- .t.l insert 0 "Short" "Somewhat longer" "Really, quite a whole lot longer than can possibly fit on the screen" "Short"
- pack .t.l
- update
- .t.l xview moveto .2
- .t.l bbox 2
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .t
-} -result {-72 39 393 14}
-test listbox-3.18 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, partial last line} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- mkPartial
- list [.partial.l bbox 3] [.partial.l bbox 4]
-} -result {{5 56 24 14} {5 73 23 14}}
-test listbox-3.18a {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, justified} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .top.l .top
- unset -nocomplain res
-} -body {
- toplevel .top
- listbox .top.l -justify left
- .top.l insert end Item1 LongerItem2 MuchLongerItem3
- pack .top.l
- update
- lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
- .top.l configure -justify center
- lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
- .top.l configure -justify right
- lappend res [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .top.l .top
- unset -nocomplain res
-} -result [list \
- {5 5 34 14} {5 22 74 14} {5 39 106 14} \
- {58 5 34 14} {38 22 74 14} {22 39 106 14} \
- {111 5 34 14} {71 22 74 14} {39 39 106 14} \
-test listbox-3.18b {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "bbox" option, justified, non-default borderwidth} -setup {
- destroy .top.l .top
- unset -nocomplain lres res
-} -body {
- # This test checks whether all "x" values from bbox for different size
- # items with different justification settings are all positive or zero
- # This checks a bit the calculation of this x value with non-default
- # borders widths of the listbox
- toplevel .top
- listbox .top.l -justify left -borderwidth 17 -highlightthickness 19 -selectborderwidth 22
- .top.l insert end Item1 LongerItem2 MuchLongerItem3
- .top.l selection set 1
- pack .top.l
- update
- lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
- .top.l configure -justify center
- lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
- .top.l configure -justify right
- lappend lres [.top.l bbox 0] [.top.l bbox 1] [.top.l bbox 2]
- set res 1
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lres]} {incr i 4} {
- set res [expr {$res * [expr {[lindex $lres $i] >= 0}] }]
- }
- set res
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .top.l .top
- unset -nocomplain lres res
-} -result {1}
-test listbox-3.19 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
- .l cget
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l cget option"}
-test listbox-3.20 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
- .l cget a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l cget option"}
-test listbox-3.21 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
- .l cget -gorp
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
-test listbox-3.22 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} -body {
- .l cget -setgrid
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.23 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
- llength [.l configure]
-} -result {28}
-test listbox-3.24 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
- .l configure -gorp
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
-test listbox-3.25 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
- .l configure -setgrid
-} -result {-setgrid setGrid SetGrid 0 0}
-test listbox-3.26 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
- .l configure -gorp is_messy
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "-gorp"}
-test listbox-3.27 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} -body {
- set oldbd [.l cget -bd]
- set oldht [.l cget -highlightthickness]
- .l configure -bd 3 -highlightthickness 0
- set x "[.l cget -bd] [.l cget -highlightthickness]"
- .l configure -bd $oldbd -highlightthickness $oldht
- set x
-} -result {3 0}
-test listbox-3.28 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "curselection" option} -body {
- .l curselection a
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l curselection"}
-test listbox-3.29 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "curselection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 3 6
- .l selection set 9
- .l curselection
-} -result {3 4 5 6 9}
-test listbox-3.30 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -body {
- .l delete
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l delete firstIndex ?lastIndex?"}
-test listbox-3.31 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -body {
- .l delete a b c
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l delete firstIndex ?lastIndex?"}
-test listbox-3.32 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -body {
- .l delete badIndex
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "badIndex": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.33 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -body {
- .l delete 2 123ab
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "123ab": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.34 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete 3
- list [.l2 get 2] [.l2 get 3] [.l2 index end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el2 el4 7}
-test listbox-3.35 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete 2 4
- list [.l2 get 1] [.l2 get 2] [.l2 index end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el1 el5 5}
-test listbox-3.36 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete -3 2
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el3 el4 el5 el6 el7}
-test listbox-3.37 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete -3 -1
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7}
-test listbox-3.38 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete 2 end
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el1}
-test listbox-3.39 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete 5 20
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el1 el2 el3 el4}
-test listbox-3.40 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete end 20
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6}
-test listbox-3.41 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "delete" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 delete 8 20
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7}
-test listbox-3.42 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l get firstIndex ?lastIndex?"}
-test listbox-3.43 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get a b c
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l get firstIndex ?lastIndex?"}
-test listbox-3.44 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get 2.4
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "2.4": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.45 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get end bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "bogus": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.46 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7
- list [.l2 get 0] [.l2 get 3] [.l2 get end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {el0 el3 el7}
-test listbox-3.47 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- list [.l2 get 0] [.l2 get end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {{} {}}
-test listbox-3.48 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el0 el1 el2 "two words" el4 el5 el6 el7
- .l2 get 3 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {{two words} el4 el5 el6 el7}
-test listbox-3.49 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get -1
-} -result {}
-test listbox-3.50 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get -2 -1
-} -result {}
-test listbox-3.51 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get -2 3
-} -result {el0 el1 el2 el3}
-test listbox-3.52 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get 12 end
-} -result {el12 el13 el14 el15 el16 el17}
-test listbox-3.53 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get 12 20
-} -result {el12 el13 el14 el15 el16 el17}
-test listbox-3.54 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get end
-} -result {el17}
-test listbox-3.55 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get 30
-} -result {}
-test listbox-3.56 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} -body {
- .l get 30 35
-} -result {}
-test listbox-3.57 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l index index"}
-test listbox-3.58 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l index index"}
-test listbox-3.59 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index @
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.60 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index 2
-} -result 2
-test listbox-3.61 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index -1
-} -result {-1}
-test listbox-3.62 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index end
-} -result 18
-test listbox-3.63 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "index" option} -body {
- .l index 34
-} -result 34
-test listbox-3.64 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -body {
- .l insert
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l insert index ?element ...?"}
-test listbox-3.65 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -body {
- .l insert badIndex
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "badIndex": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.66 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c d e
- .l2 insert 3 x y z
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {a b c x y z d e}
-test listbox-3.67 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c
- .l2 insert -1 x
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {x a b c}
-test listbox-3.68 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c
- .l2 insert end x
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {a b c x}
-test listbox-3.69 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "insert" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c
- .l2 insert 43 x
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {a b c x}
-test listbox-3.70 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "nearest" option} -body {
- .l nearest
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l nearest y"}
-test listbox-3.71 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "nearest" option} -body {
- .l nearest a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l nearest y"}
-test listbox-3.72 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "nearest" option} -body {
- .l nearest 20p
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "20p"}
-test listbox-3.73 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "nearest" option} -body {
- .l yview 3
- .l nearest 1000
-} -result {7}
-test listbox-3.74 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -body {
- .l scan a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l scan mark|dragto x y"}
-test listbox-3.75 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -body {
- .l scan a b c d
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l scan mark|dragto x y"}
-test listbox-3.76 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -body {
- .l scan foo bogus 2
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "bogus"}
-test listbox-3.77 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -body {
- .l scan foo 2 2.3
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "2.3"}
-test listbox-3.78 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .t
-} -body {
- toplevel .t
- wm geom .t +0+0
- listbox .t.l -width 10 -height 5
- .t.l insert 0 "Short" "Somewhat longer" "Really, quite a whole lot longer than can possibly fit on the screen" "Short" a b c d e f g h i j
- pack .t.l
- update
- .t.l scan mark 100 140
- .t.l scan dragto 90 137
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.t.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.t.l yview]]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .t
-} -result {{0.249364 0.427481} {0.0714286 0.428571}}
-test listbox-3.79 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "scan" option} -body {
- .l scan foo 2 4
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "foo": must be mark or dragto}
-test listbox-3.80 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l see
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l see index"}
-test listbox-3.81 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l see a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l see index"}
-test listbox-3.82 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l see gorp
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "gorp": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.83 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 7
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {7}
-test listbox-3.84 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 11
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {7}
-test listbox-3.85 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 6
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {6}
-test listbox-3.86 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 5
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-3.87 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 12
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {8}
-test listbox-3.88 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 13
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {11}
-test listbox-3.89 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see -1
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.90 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see end
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {13}
-test listbox-3.91 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option} -body {
- .l yview 7
- .l see 322
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {13}
-test listbox-3.92 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "see" option, partial last line} -body {
- mkPartial
- .partial.l see 4
- .partial.l index @0,0
-} -result {1}
-test listbox-3.93 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l select a
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l selection option index ?index?"}
-test listbox-3.94 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l select a b c d
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l selection option index ?index?"}
-test listbox-3.95 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection a bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "bogus": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.96 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection a 0 lousy
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "lousy": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.97 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection anchor 0 0
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l selection anchor index"}
-test listbox-3.98 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- list [.l selection anchor 5; .l index anchor] \
- [.l selection anchor 0; .l index anchor]
-} -result {5 0}
-test listbox-3.99 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection anchor -1
- .l index anchor
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.100 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection anchor end
- .l index anchor
-} -result {17}
-test listbox-3.101 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection anchor 44
- .l index anchor
-} -result {17}
-test listbox-3.102 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 2 8
- .l selection clear 3 4
- .l curselection
-} -result {2 5 6 7 8}
-test listbox-3.103 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection includes 0 0
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l selection includes index"}
-test listbox-3.104 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 2 8
- .l selection clear 4
- list [.l selection includes 3] [.l selection includes 4] \
- [.l selection includes 5]
-} -result {1 0 1}
-test listbox-3.105 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection set 0 end
- .l selection includes -1
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.106 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set end
- .l selection includes end
-} -result {1}
-test listbox-3.107 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection set 0 end
- .l selection includes 44
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.108 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 selection includes 0
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-3.109 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 2
- .l selection set 5 7
- .l curselection
-} -result {2 5 6 7}
-test listbox-3.110 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 2
- .l selection set 5 7
- .l selection set 5 7
- .l curselection
-} -result {2 5 6 7}
-test listbox-3.111 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "selection" option} -body {
- .l selection badOption 0 0
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "badOption": must be anchor, clear, includes, or set}
-test listbox-3.112 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "size" option} -body {
- .l size a
-} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be ".l size"}
-test listbox-3.113 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "size" option} -body {
- .l size
-} -result {18}
-test listbox-3.114 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0 1}
-test listbox-3.115 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- pack .l2
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0 1}
-test listbox-3.116 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 insert 1 "0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789"
- .l2 xview 4
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.08 0.28}
-test listbox-3.117 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l xview foo
-} -returnCodes error -result {expected integer but got "foo"}
-test listbox-3.118 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l xview zoom a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "zoom": must be moveto or scroll}
-test listbox-3.119 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 insert 1 "0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789"
- .l xview 0
- .l2 xview moveto .4
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.4 0.6}
-test listbox-3.120 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 insert 1 "0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789"
- .l2 xview 0
- .l2 xview scroll 2 units
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.04 0.24}
-test listbox-3.121 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 insert 1 "0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789"
- .l2 xview 30
- .l2 xview scroll -1 pages
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.44 0.64}
-test listbox-3.122 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 insert 1 "0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789"
- .l2 configure -width 1
- update
- .l2 xview 30
- .l2 xview scroll -4 pages
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 xview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.52 0.54}
-test listbox-3.123 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "yview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- pack .l2
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0 1}
-test listbox-3.124 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "yview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 el1
- pack .l2
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0 1}
-test listbox-3.125 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "yview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 yview 4
- update
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.2 0.45}
-test listbox-3.126 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "yview" option, partial last line} -setup {
- destroy .l
- listbox .l -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- mkPartial
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.partial.l yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {0 0.266667}
-# Listbox used in 3.127 -3.137 tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -width 20 -height 5 -bd 4 -highlightthickness 1 -selectborderwidth 2
-pack .l
-.l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11 el12 el13 el14 \
- el15 el16 el17
-test listbox-3.127 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l yview foo
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "foo": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-3.128 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l yview foo a b
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown option "foo": must be moveto or scroll}
-test listbox-3.129 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 yview 0
- .l2 yview moveto .31
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.3 0.55}
-test listbox-3.130 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 yview 2
- .l2 yview scroll 2 pages
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.4 0.65}
-test listbox-3.131 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 yview 10
- .l2 yview scroll -3 units
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.35 0.6}
-test listbox-3.132 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -setup {
- destroy .l2
- listbox .l2 -width 10 -height 5 -font $fixed
- pack .l2
- update
-} -body {
- .l2 insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
- .l2 configure -height 2
- update
- .l2 yview 15
- .l2 yview scroll -4 pages
- format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l2 yview]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {0.55 0.65}
-test listbox-3.133 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l whoknows
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad option "whoknows": must be activate, bbox, cget, configure, curselection, delete, get, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, nearest, scan, see, selection, size, xview, or yview}
-test listbox-3.134 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l c
-} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "c": must be activate, bbox, cget, configure, curselection, delete, get, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, nearest, scan, see, selection, size, xview, or yview}
-test listbox-3.135 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l in
-} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "in": must be activate, bbox, cget, configure, curselection, delete, get, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, nearest, scan, see, selection, size, xview, or yview}
-test listbox-3.136 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l s
-} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "s": must be activate, bbox, cget, configure, curselection, delete, get, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, nearest, scan, see, selection, size, xview, or yview}
-test listbox-3.137 {ListboxWidgetCmd procedure, "xview" option} -body {
- .l se
-} -returnCodes error -result {ambiguous option "se": must be activate, bbox, cget, configure, curselection, delete, get, index, insert, itemcget, itemconfigure, nearest, scan, see, selection, size, xview, or yview}
-# No tests for DestroyListbox: I can't come up with anything to test
-# in this procedure.
-test listbox-4.1 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- deleteWindows
- destroy .l
- listbox .l -setgrid 1 -width 25 -height 15
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- update
- set x [getsize .]
- .l configure -setgrid 0
- update
- list $x [getsize .]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {25x15 185x263}
-test listbox-4.2 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
- destroy .l
- listbox .l -setgrid 1 -width 25 -height 15
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- .l configure -highlightthickness -3
- .l cget -highlightthickness
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-4.3 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
- destroy .l
- listbox .l -setgrid 1 -width 25 -height 15
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- .l configure -exportselection 0
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8
- .l selection set 3 5
- .l configure -exportselection 1
- selection get
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {el3
-test listbox-4.4 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
- listbox .l -setgrid 1 -width 25 -height 15
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- entry .e
- .e insert 0 abc
- .e select from 0
- .e select to 2
- .l configure -exportselection 0
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8
- .l selection set 3 5
- .l selection clear 3 5
- .l configure -exportselection 1
- list [selection own] [selection get]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {.e ab}
-test listbox-4.5 {-exportselection option} -setup {
- deleteWindows
- listbox .l -setgrid 1 -width 25 -height 15
- pack .l
- update
-} -body {
- selection clear .
- .l configure -exportselection 1
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8
- .l selection set 1 1
- set x {}
- lappend x [catch {selection get} msg] $msg [.l curselection]
- .l config -exportselection 0
- lappend x [catch {selection get} msg] $msg [.l curselection]
- .l selection clear 0 end
- lappend x [catch {selection get} msg] $msg [.l curselection]
- .l selection set 1 3
- lappend x [catch {selection get} msg] $msg [.l curselection]
- .l config -exportselection 1
- lappend x [catch {selection get} msg] $msg [.l curselection]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {0 el1 1 1 {PRIMARY selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined} 1 1 {PRIMARY selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined} {} 1 {PRIMARY selection doesn't exist or form "STRING" not defined} {1 2 3} 0 {el1
-el3} {1 2 3}}
-test listbox-4.6 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- deleteWindows
-} -body {
- # The following code (reset geometry, withdraw, etc.) is necessary
- # to reset the state of some window managers like olvwm under
- # SunOS 4.1.3.
- wm geom . 300x300
- update
- wm geom . {}
- wm withdraw .
- listbox .l2 -font $fixed -width 15 -height 20
- pack .l2
- update
- wm deiconify .
- set x [getsize .]
- .l2 configure -setgrid 1
- update
- list $x [getsize .]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {115x328 15x20}
-test listbox-4.7 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
-} -body {
- wm withdraw .
- listbox .l2 -font $fixed -width 30 -height 20 -setgrid 1
- wm geom . +25+25
- pack .l2
- update
- wm deiconify .
- set result [getsize .]
- wm geom . 26x15
- update
- lappend result [getsize .]
- .l2 configure -setgrid 1
- update
- lappend result [getsize .]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
- wm geom . {}
-} -result {30x20 26x15 26x15}
-test listbox-4.8 {ConfigureListbox procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2 -width 15 -height 20 -xscrollcommand "record x" \
- -yscrollcommand "record y"
- pack .l2
- update
- .l2 configure -fg black
- set log {}
- update
- set log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {{y 0 1} {x 0 1}}
-test listbox-4.9 {ConfigureListbox procedure, -listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-4.10 {ConfigureListbox, no listvar -> existing listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end 1 2 3 4
- .l2 configure -listvar x
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-4.11 {ConfigureListbox procedure, listvar -> no listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 configure -listvar {}
- .l2 insert end 1 2 3 4
- list $x [.l2 get 0 end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list [list a b c d] [list a b c d 1 2 3 4]]
-test listbox-4.12 {ConfigureListbox procedure, listvar -> different listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- set y [list 1 2 3 4]
- listbox .l2
- .l2 configure -listvar x
- .l2 configure -listvar y
- .l2 insert end 5 6 7 8
- list $x $y
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list [list a b c d] [list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]]
-test listbox-4.13 {ConfigureListbox, no listvar -> non-existant listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c d
- .l2 configure -listvar x
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-4.14 {ConfigureListbox, non-existant listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- list [info exists x] $x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list 1 {}]
-test listbox-4.15 {ConfigureListbox, listvar -> non-existant listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- catch {unset y}
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 configure -listvar y
- list [info exists y] $y
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list 1 [list a b c d]]
-test listbox-4.16 {ConfigureListbox, listvar -> same listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 configure -listvar x
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-4.17 {ConfigureListbox, no listvar -> no listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c d
- .l2 configure -listvar {}
- .l2 get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-4.18 {ConfigureListbox, no listvar -> bad listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert end a b c d
- set x "this is a \" bad list"
- catch {.l2 configure -listvar x} result
- list [.l2 get 0 end] [.l2 cget -listvar] $result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list [list a b c d] {} \
- "unmatched open quote in list: invalid -listvariable value"]
-test listbox-4.19 {ConfigureListbox, no listvar -> bad non-existent listvar} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- unset -nocomplain ::foo
- listbox .l2 -listvar foo
- .l2 insert end a b c d
- catch {.l2 configure -listvar ::zoo::bar::foo} result
- list [.l2 get 0 end] [.l2 cget -listvar] $foo $result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list [list a b c d] foo [list a b c d] \
- {can't set "::zoo::bar::foo": parent namespace doesn't exist}]
-# No tests for DisplayListbox: I don't know how to test this procedure.
-test listbox-5.1 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 15 -height 20
- pack .l
- list [winfo reqwidth .l] [winfo reqheight .l]
-} -result {115 328}
-test listbox-5.2 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 0 -height 10
- pack .l
- update
- list [winfo reqwidth .l] [winfo reqheight .l]
-} -result {17 168}
-test listbox-5.3 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 0 -height 10 -bd 3
- .l insert 0 Short "Really much longer" Longer
- pack .l
- update
- list [winfo reqwidth .l] [winfo reqheight .l]
-} -result {138 170}
-test listbox-5.4 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -height 0
- pack .l
- update
- list [winfo reqwidth .l] [winfo reqheight .l]
-} -result {80 24}
-test listbox-5.5 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -height 0 -highlightthickness 0
- .l insert 0 Short "Really much longer" Longer
- pack .l
- update
- list [winfo reqwidth .l] [winfo reqheight .l]
-} -result {76 52}
-test listbox-5.6 {ListboxComputeGeometry procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- # If "0" in selected font had 0 width, caused divide-by-zero error.
- pack [listbox .l -font {{open look glyph}}]
- update
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-# Listbox used in 6.*, 7.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -height 2 -xscrollcommand "record x" -yscrollcommand "record y"
-pack .l
-test listbox-6.1 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert end a b c d
- .l insert 5 x y z
- .l insert 2 A
- .l insert 0 q r s
- .l get 0 end
-} -result {q r s a b A c d x y z}
-test listbox-6.2 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 2
- .l insert 2 A B
- .l index anchor
-} -result {4}
-test listbox-6.3 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 2
- .l insert 3 A B
- .l index anchor
-} -result {2}
-test listbox-6.4 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l insert 2 A B
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {5}
-test listbox-6.5 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l insert 3 A B
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-6.6 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 5
- .l insert 5 A B
- .l index active
-} -result {7}
-test listbox-6.7 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 5
- .l insert 6 A B
- .l index active
-} -result {5}
-test listbox-6.8 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c
- .l index active
-} -result {2}
-test listbox-6.9 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0
- .l index active
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-6.10 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b "two words" c d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l insert 0 word
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0 0.166667}}
-test listbox-6.11 {InsertEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b "two words" c d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l insert 0 "much longer entry"
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0 0.166667} {x 0 1}}
-test listbox-6.12 {InsertEls procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2 -width 0 -height 0
- pack .l2 -side top
- .l2 insert 0 a b "two words" c d
- set x {}
- lappend x [winfo reqwidth .l2] [winfo reqheight .l2]
- .l2 insert 0 "much longer entry"
- lappend x [winfo reqwidth .l2] [winfo reqheight .l2]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result {80 93 122 110}
-test listbox-6.13 {InsertEls procedure, check -listvar update} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 insert 0 1 2 3 4
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list 1 2 3 4 a b c d]
-test listbox-6.14 {InsertEls procedure, check selection update} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2
- .l2 insert 0 0 1 2 3 4
- .l2 selection set 2 4
- .l2 insert 0 a
- .l2 curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list 3 4 5]
-test listbox-6.15 {InsertEls procedure, lost namespaced listvar} -body {
- destroy .l2
- namespace eval test { variable foo {a b} }
- listbox .l2 -listvar ::test::foo
- namespace delete test
- .l2 insert end c d
- .l2 delete end
- .l2 insert end e f
- catch {set ::test::foo} result
- list [.l2 get 0 end] [.l2 cget -listvar] $result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l2
-} -result [list [list a b c e f] ::test::foo \
- {can't read "::test::foo": no such variable}]
-test listbox-7.1 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection set 1 6
- .l delete 4 3
- list [.l size] [selection get]
-} -result {10 {b
-test listbox-7.2 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection set 3 6
- .l delete 4 4
- list [.l size] [.l get 4] [.l curselection]
-} -result {9 f {3 4 5}}
-test listbox-7.3 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l delete 0 3
- list [.l size] [.l get 0] [.l get 1]
-} -result {6 e f}
-test listbox-7.4 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l delete 8 1000
- list [.l size] [.l get 7]
-} -result {8 h}
-test listbox-7.5 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 2
- .l delete 0 1
- .l index anchor
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-7.6 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 2
- .l delete 2
- .l index anchor
-} -result {2}
-test listbox-7.7 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 4
- .l delete 2 5
- .l index anchor
-} -result {2}
-test listbox-7.8 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l selection anchor 3
- .l delete 4 5
- .l index anchor
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-7.9 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l delete 1 2
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {1}
-test listbox-7.10 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l delete 3 4
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-7.11 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l delete 4 6
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-7.12 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- .l delete 3 end
- .l index @0,0
-} -result {1}
-test listbox-7.13 {DeleteEls procedure, updating view with partial last line} -body {
- mkPartial
- .partial.l yview 8
- update
- .partial.l delete 10 13
- .partial.l index @0,0
-} -result {7}
-test listbox-7.14 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 6
- .l delete 3 4
- .l index active
-} -result {4}
-test listbox-7.15 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 6
- .l delete 5 7
- .l index active
-} -result {5}
-test listbox-7.16 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 6
- .l delete 5 end
- .l index active
-} -result {4}
-test listbox-7.17 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l activate 6
- .l delete 0 end
- .l index active
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-7.18 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c "two words" d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l delete 4 6
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0 0.25}}
-test listbox-7.19 {DeleteEls procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c "two words" d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l delete 3
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0 0.2} {x 0 1}}
-test listbox-7.20 {DeleteEls procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- listbox .l2 -width 0 -height 0
- pack .l2 -side top
- .l2 insert 0 a b "two words" c d e f g
- set x {}
- lappend x [winfo reqwidth .l2] [winfo reqheight .l2]
- .l2 delete 2 4
- lappend x [winfo reqwidth .l2] [winfo reqheight .l2]
-} -result {80 144 17 93}
-test listbox-7.21 {DeleteEls procedure, check -listvar update} -setup {
- destroy .l2
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l2 -listvar x
- .l2 delete 0 1
- set x
-} -result [list c d]
-test listbox-8.1 {ListboxEventProc procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -setgrid 1
- pack .l
- update
- set x [getsize .]
- destroy .l
- list $x [getsize .] [winfo exists .l] [info command .l]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {20x10 150x178 0 {}}
-test listbox-8.2 {ListboxEventProc procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5 -width 10
- .l insert 0 a b c "A string that is very very long" d e f g h i j k
- pack .l
- update
- place .l -width 50 -height 80
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{0 0.222222} {0 0.333333}}
-test listbox-8.3 {ListboxEventProc procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
-} -body {
- listbox .l1 -bg #543210
- rename .l1 .l2
- set x {}
- lappend x [winfo children .]
- lappend x [.l2 cget -bg]
- destroy .l1
- lappend x [info command .l*] [winfo children .]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {.l1 #543210 {} {}}
-test listbox-9.1 {ListboxCmdDeletedProc procedure} -setup {
- deleteWindows
-} -body {
- listbox .l1
- rename .l1 {}
- list [info command .l*] [winfo children .]
-} -cleanup {
- deleteWindows
-} -result {{} {}}
-test listbox-9.2 {ListboxCmdDeletedProc procedure, disabling -setgrid} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .top
-} -body {
- toplevel .top
- wm geom .top +0+0
- listbox .top.l -setgrid 1 -width 20 -height 10
- pack .top.l
- update
- set x [getsize .top]
- rename .top.l {}
- update
- lappend x [getsize .top]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .top
-} -result {20x10 150x178}
-# Listbox used in 10.* tests
-destroy .l
-test listbox-10.1 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- .l activate 3
- update
- list [.l activate 3; .l index active] [.l activate 6; .l index active]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {3 6}
-test listbox-10.2 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- .l selection anchor 2
- update
- .l index anchor
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 2
-test listbox-10.3 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- .l insert end A B C D E
- .l selection anchor end
- update
- .l delete 12 end
- list [.l index anchor] [.l index end]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {12 12}
-test listbox-10.4 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index a
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "a": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.5 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {12}
-test listbox-10.6 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l get end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {el11}
-test listbox-10.7 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- .l delete 0 end
- update
- .l index end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-10.8 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.9 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @foo
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@foo": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.10 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @1x3
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@1x3": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.11 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @1,
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@1,": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.12 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @1,foo
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@1,foo": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.13 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index @1,2x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "@1,2x": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.14 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- list [.l index @5,57] [.l index @5,58]
-} -cleanup {
- .l delete 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {3 3}
-test listbox-10.15 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index 1xy
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad listbox index "1xy": must be active, anchor, end, @x,y, or a number}
-test listbox-10.16 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index 3
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {3}
-test listbox-10.17 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index 20
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {20}
-test listbox-10.18 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l get 20
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-10.19 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- update
- .l index -2
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result -2
-test listbox-10.20 {GetListboxIndex procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- .l insert 0 el0 el1 el2 el3 el4 el5 el6 el7 el8 el9 el10 el11
- .l delete 0 end
- update
- .l index 1
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 1
-test listbox-11.1 {ChangeListboxView procedure, boundary conditions for index} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5
- pack .l
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- set x [.l index @0,0]
- .l yview -1
- update
- lappend x [.l index @0,0]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {3 0}
-test listbox-11.2 {ChangeListboxView procedure, boundary conditions for index} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5
- pack .l
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- set x [.l index @0,0]
- .l yview 20
- update
- lappend x [.l index @0,0]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {3 5}
-test listbox-11.3 {ChangeListboxView procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5 -yscrollcommand "record y"
- pack .l
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l yview 2
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]] $log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{0.2 0.7} {{y 0.2 0.7}}}
-test listbox-11.4 {ChangeListboxView procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5 -yscrollcommand "record y"
- pack .l
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- update
- set log {}
- .l yview 8
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]] $log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{0.5 1} {{y 0.5 1}}}
-test listbox-11.5 {ChangeListboxView procedure} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -height 5 -yscrollcommand "record y"
- pack .l
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j
- .l yview 3
- update
- set log {}
- .l yview 3
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]] $log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{0.3 0.8} {}}
-test listbox-11.6 {ChangeListboxView procedure, partial last line} -body {
- mkPartial
- .partial.l yview 13
- .partial.l index @0,0
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {11}
-# Listbox used in 12.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -xscrollcommand "record x" -width 10
-.l insert 0 0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789h123456789i123456789
-pack .l
-test listbox-12.1 {ChangeListboxOffset procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- set log {}
- .l xview 99
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] $log
-} -result {{0.9 1} {{x 0.9 1}}}
-test listbox-12.2 {ChangeListboxOffset procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- set log {}
- .l xview 99
- .l xview moveto -.25
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] $log
-} -result {{0 0.1} {{x 0 0.1}}}
-test listbox-12.3 {ChangeListboxOffset procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l xview 10
- update
- set log {}
- .l xview 10
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] $log
-} -result {{0.1 0.2} {}}
-# Listbox used in 13.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -height 5
-pack .l
-.l insert 0 a bb c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s
-.l insert 0 0123456789a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789
-set width [expr [lindex [.l bbox 2] 2] - [lindex [.l bbox 1] 2]]
-set height [expr [lindex [.l bbox 2] 1] - [lindex [.l bbox 1] 1]]
-test listbox-13.1 {ListboxScanTo procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview 0
- .l xview 0
- .l scan mark 10 20
- .l scan dragto [expr 10-$width] [expr 20-$height]
- update
- list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
-} -result {{0.2 0.4} {0.5 0.75}}
-test listbox-13.2 {ListboxScanTo procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview 5
- .l xview 10
- .l scan mark 10 20
- .l scan dragto 20 40
- update
- set x [list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]]
- .l scan dragto [expr 20-$width] [expr 40-$height]
- update
- lappend x [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
-} -result {{0 0.2} {0 0.25} {0.2 0.4} {0.5 0.75}}
-test listbox-13.3 {ListboxScanTo procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l yview moveto 1.0
- .l xview moveto 1.0
- .l scan mark 10 20
- .l scan dragto 5 10
- update
- set x [list [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]]
- .l scan dragto [expr 5+$width] [expr 10+$height]
- update
- lappend x [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l xview]] [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
-} -result {{0.8 1} {0.75 1} {0.6 0.8} {0.25 0.5}}
-test listbox-14.1 {NearestListboxElement procedure, partial last line} -body {
- mkPartial
- .partial.l nearest [winfo height .partial.l]
-} -result {4}
-# Listbox used in 14.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -width 20 -height 10
-.l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t
-.l yview 4
-pack .l
-test listbox-14.2 {NearestListboxElement procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l index @50,0
-} -result {4}
-test listbox-14.3 {NearestListboxElement procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- list [.l index @50,35] [.l index @50,36]
-} -result {5 6}
-test listbox-14.4 {NearestListboxElement procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l index @50,200
-} -result {13}
-# Listbox used in 15.* 16.* and 17.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -width 20 -height 10
-pack .l
-test listbox-15.1 {ListboxSelect procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
- .l select set 2 4
- .l select set 7 12
- .l select clear 4 7
- .l curselection
-} -result {2 3 8 9 10 11 12}
-test listbox-15.2 {ListboxSelect procedure} -setup {
- destroy .e
-} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
- entry .e
- .e insert 0 "This is some text"
- .e select from 0
- .e select to 7
- .l selection clear 2 4
- set x [selection own]
- .l selection set 3
- list $x [selection own] [selection get]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .e
-} -result {.e .l d}
-test listbox-15.3 {ListboxSelect procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l select set 0 end
- .l curselection
-} -result {}
-test listbox-15.4 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set -2 -1
- .l curselection
-} -result {}
-test listbox-15.5 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set -1 3
- .l curselection
-} -result {0 1 2 3}
-test listbox-15.6 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set 2 4
- .l curselection
-} -result {2 3 4}
-test listbox-15.7 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set 4 end
- .l curselection
-} -result {4 5}
-test listbox-15.8 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set 4 30
- .l curselection
-} -result {4 5}
-test listbox-15.9 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set end 30
- .l curselection
-} -result {5}
-test listbox-15.10 {ListboxSelect procedure, boundary conditions for indices} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e f
- .l select clear 0 end
- .l select set 20 25
- .l curselection
-} -result {}
-test listbox-16.1 {ListboxFetchSelection procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c "two words" e f g h i \\ k l m n o p
- .l selection set 2 4
- .l selection set 9
- .l selection set 11 12
- selection get
-} -result "c\ntwo words\ne\n\\\nl\nm"
-test listbox-16.2 {ListboxFetchSelection procedure} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c "two words" e f g h i \\ k l m n o p
- .l selection set 3
- selection get
-} -result "two words"
-test listbox-16.3 {ListboxFetchSelection procedure, retrieve in several parts} -body {
- set long "This is quite a long string\n"
- append long $long $long $long $long
- append long $long $long $long $long
- append long $long $long
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 1$long 2$long 3$long 4$long 5$long
- .l selection set 0 end
- set sel [selection get]
- string compare 1$long\n2$long\n3$long\n4$long\n5$long $sel
-} -cleanup {
- catch {unset long sel}
-} -result {0}
-test listbox-17.1 {ListboxLostSelection procedure} -setup {
- destroy .e
-} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e
- .l select set 0 end
- entry .e
- .e insert 0 "This is some text"
- .e select from 0
- .e select to 5
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .e
-} -result {}
-test listbox-17.2 {ListboxLostSelection procedure} -setup {
- destroy .e
-} -body {
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert 0 a b c d e
- .l select set 0 end
- .l configure -exportselection 0
- entry .e
- .e insert 0 "This is some text"
- .e select from 0
- .e select to 5
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .e
-} -result {0 1 2 3 4}
-# Listbox used in 18.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -height 5
-pack .l
-test listbox-18.1 {ListboxUpdateVScrollbar procedure} -body {
- .l configure -yscrollcommand "record y"
- set log {}
- .l insert 0 a b c
- update
- .l insert end d e f g h
- update
- .l delete 0 end
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0 1} {y 0 0.625} {y 0 1}}
-test listbox-18.2 {ListboxUpdateVScrollbar procedure, partial last line} -body {
- mkPartial
- .partial.l configure -yscrollcommand "record y"
- set log {}
- .partial.l yview 3
- update
- set log
-} -result {{y 0.2 0.466667}}
-test listbox-18.3 {ListboxUpdateVScrollbar procedure} -body {
- proc bgerror args {
- global x errorInfo
- set x [list $args $errorInfo]
- }
- .l configure -yscrollcommand gorp
- .l insert 0 foo
- update
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- rename bgerror {}
-} -result {{{invalid command name "gorp"}} {invalid command name "gorp"
- while executing
-"gorp 0.0 1.0"
- (vertical scrolling command executed by listbox)}}
-# Listbox used in 19.* tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -height 5
-pack .l
-test listbox-19.1 {ListboxUpdateVScrollbar procedure} -constraints {
- fonts
-} -body {
- .l configure -xscrollcommand "record x"
- set log {}
- .l insert 0 abc
- update
- .l insert 0 "This is a much longer string..."
- update
- .l delete 0 end
- update
- set log
-} -result {{x 0 1} {x 0 0.322581} {x 0 1}}
-test listbox-19.2 {ListboxUpdateVScrollbar procedure} -body {
- proc bgerror args {
- global x errorInfo
- set x [list $args $errorInfo]
- }
- .l configure -xscrollcommand bogus
- .l insert 0 foo
- update
- set x
-} -result {{{invalid command name "bogus"}} {invalid command name "bogus"
- while executing
-"bogus 0.0 1.0"
- (horizontal scrolling command executed by listbox)}}
-test listbox-20.1 {listbox vs hidden commands} -setup {
- deleteWindows
-} -body {
- set l [interp hidden]
- listbox .l
- interp hide {} .l
- destroy .l
- set res1 [list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]]
- set res2 [list {} $l]
- expr {$res1 eq $res2}
-} -result 1
-# tests for ListboxListVarProc
-test listbox-21.1 {ListboxListVarProc} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l -listvar x
- set x [list a b c d]
- .l get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-21.2 {ListboxListVarProc} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- unset x
- set x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list a b c d]
-test listbox-21.3 {ListboxListVarProc} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l configure -listvar {}
- unset x
- info exists x
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-21.4 {ListboxListVarProc} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- lappend x e f g
- .l size
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 7
-test listbox-21.5 {ListboxListVarProc, test selection after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d e f g]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l selection set end
- set x [list a b c d]
- set x [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-21.6 {ListboxListVarProc, test selection after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l selection set 3
- lappend x e f g
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 3
-test listbox-21.7 {ListboxListVarProc, test selection after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l selection set 0
- set x [linsert $x 0 1 2 3 4]
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-21.8 {ListboxListVarProc, test selection after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l selection set 2
- set x [list a b c]
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 2
-test listbox-21.9 {ListboxListVarProc, test hscrollbar after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- set log {}
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -xscrollcommand "record x" -listvar x
- pack .l
- update
- lappend x "0000000000"
- update
- lappend x "00000000000000000000"
- update
- set log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {x 0 1} {x 0 1} {x 0 0.5}]
-test listbox-21.10 {ListboxListVarProc, test hscrollbar after listvar mod} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- set log {}
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -xscrollcommand "record x" -listvar x
- pack .l
- update
- lappend x "0000000000"
- update
- lappend x "00000000000000000000"
- update
- set x [list "0000000000"]
- update
- set log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {x 0 1} {x 0 1} {x 0 0.5} {x 0 1}]
-test listbox-21.11 {ListboxListVarProc, bad list} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l -listvar x
- set x [list a b c d]
- catch {set x "this is a \" bad list"} result
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {can't set "x": invalid listvar value}
-test listbox-21.12 {ListboxListVarProc, cleanup item attributes} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d e f g]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l itemconfigure end -fg red
- set x [list a b c d]
- set x [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
- .l itemcget end -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-21.12a {ListboxListVarProc, cleanup item attributes} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set x [list a b c d e f g]
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l itemconfigure end -fg red
- set x [list a b c d]
- set x [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6]
- .l itemcget end -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-21.13 {listbox item configurations and listvar based deletions} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l insert end a b c
- .l itemconfigure 1 -fg red
- set x [list b c]
- .l itemcget 1 -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result red
-test listbox-21.14 {listbox item configurations and listvar based inserts} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l -listvar x
- .l insert end a b c
- .l itemconfigure 0 -fg red
- set x [list 1 2 3 4 a b c]
- .l itemcget 0 -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result red
-test listbox-21.15 {ListboxListVarProc, update vertical scrollbar} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- set log {}
- listbox .l -listvar x -yscrollcommand "record y" -font fixed -height 3
- pack .l
- update
- lappend x a b c d e f
- update
- set log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {y 0 1} {y 0 0.5}]
-test listbox-21.16 {ListboxListVarProc, update vertical scrollbar} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- catch {unset x}
- listbox .l -listvar x -height 3
- pack .l
- update
- set x [list 0 1 2 3 4 5]
- .l yview scroll 3 units
- update
- set result {}
- lappend result [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
- set x [lreplace $x 3 3]
- set x [lreplace $x 3 3]
- set x [lreplace $x 3 3]
- update
- lappend result [format {%.6g %.6g} {*}[.l yview]]
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {0.5 1} {0 1}]
-# UpdateHScrollbar
-test listbox-22.1 {UpdateHScrollbar} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- set log {}
- listbox .l -font $fixed -width 10 -xscrollcommand "record x"
- pack .l
- update
- .l insert end "0000000000"
- update
- .l insert end "00000000000000000000"
- update
- set log
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {x 0 1} {x 0 1} {x 0 0.5}]
-# ConfigureListboxItem
-test listbox-23.1 {ConfigureListboxItem} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- catch {.l itemconfigure 0} result
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {item number "0" out of range}
-test listbox-23.2 {ConfigureListboxItem} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- .l itemconfigure 0
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list {-background background Background {} {}} \
- {-bg -background} \
- {-fg -foreground} \
- {-foreground foreground Foreground {} {}} \
- {-selectbackground selectBackground Foreground {} {}} \
- {-selectforeground selectForeground Background {} {}}]
-test listbox-23.3 {ConfigureListboxItem, itemco shortcut} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- .l itemco 0 -background
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {-background background Background {} {}}
-test listbox-23.4 {ConfigureListboxItem, wrong num args} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a
- catch {.l itemco} result
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {wrong # args: should be ".l itemconfigure index ?-option? ?value? ?-option value ...?"}
-test listbox-23.5 {ConfigureListboxItem, multiple calls} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- set i 0
- foreach color {red orange yellow green blue white violet} {
- .l insert end $color
- .l itemconfigure $i -bg $color
- incr i
- }
- pack .l
- update
- list [.l itemcget 0 -bg] [.l itemcget 1 -bg] [.l itemcget 2 -bg] \
- [.l itemcget 3 -bg] [.l itemcget 4 -bg] [.l itemcget 5 -bg] \
- [.l itemcget 6 -bg]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {red orange yellow green blue white violet}
-# Listbox used in 23.6 -23.17 tests
-destroy .l
-listbox .l
-.l insert end a b c d
-test listbox-23.6 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -background #ff0000
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -background] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -background]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -background #ffffff
-} -result {{#ff0000} #ff0000}
-test listbox-23.7 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -background non-existent
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"}
-test listbox-23.8 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -bg #ff0000
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -bg] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -bg]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -bg #ffffff
-} -result {{#ff0000} #ff0000}
-test listbox-23.9 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -bg non-existent
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "non-existent"}
-test listbox-23.10 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -fg #110022
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -fg] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -fg]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -fg #000000
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-23.11 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -fg bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-23.12 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -foreground #110022
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -foreground] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -foreground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -foreground #000000
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-23.13 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -foreground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-23.14 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -selectbackground #110022
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -selectbackground] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -selectbackground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectbackground #c3c3c3
-} -result {{#110022} #110022}
-test listbox-23.15 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectbackground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-test listbox-23.16 {configuration options} -body {
- .l itemconfigure 0 -selectforeground #654321
- list [lindex [.l itemconfigure 0 -selectforeground] 4] [.l itemcget 0 -selectforeground]
-} -cleanup {
- .l configure -selectforeground #000000
-} -result {{#654321} #654321}
-test listbox-23.17 {configuration options} -body {
- .l configure -selectforeground bogus
-} -returnCodes error -result {unknown color name "bogus"}
-# ListboxWidgetObjCmd, itemcget
-test listbox-24.1 {itemcget} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- .l itemcget 0 -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-24.2 {itemcget} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- .l itemconfigure 0 -fg red
- .l itemcget 0 -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result red
-test listbox-24.3 {itemcget} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- catch {.l itemcget 0} result
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {wrong # args: should be ".l itemcget index option"}
-test listbox-24.4 {itemcget, itemcg shortcut} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c d
- catch {.l itemcg 0} result
- set result
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {wrong # args: should be ".l itemcget index option"}
-# General item configuration issues
-test listbox-25.1 {listbox item configurations and widget based deletions} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a
- .l itemconfigure 0 -fg red
- .l delete 0 end
- .l insert end a
- .l itemcget 0 -fg
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {}
-test listbox-25.2 {listbox item configurations and widget based inserts} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l itemconfigure 0 -fg red
- .l insert 0 1 2 3 4
- list [.l itemcget 0 -fg] [.l itemcget 4 -fg]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{} red}
-# state issues
-test listbox-26.1 {listbox disabled state disallows inserts} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l configure -state disabled
- .l insert end d e f
- .l get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list a b c]
-test listbox-26.2 {listbox disabled state disallows deletions} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l configure -state disabled
- .l delete 0 end
- .l get 0 end
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list a b c]
-test listbox-26.3 {listbox disabled state disallows selection modification} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l selection set 0
- .l selection set 2
- .l configure -state disabled
- .l selection clear 0 end
- .l selection set 1
- .l curselection
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result [list 0 2]
-test listbox-26.4 {listbox disabled state disallows anchor modification} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l selection anchor 0
- .l configure -state disabled
- .l selection anchor 2
- .l index anchor
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-26.5 {listbox disabled state disallows active modification} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end a b c
- .l activate 0
- .l configure -state disabled
- .l activate 2
- .l index active
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-27.1 {widget deletion while active} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l]
- update
- .l configure -cursor xterm -xscrollcommand { destroy .l }
- update idle
- winfo exists .l
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result 0
-test listbox-28.1 {listbox -activestyle} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -activ non
- .l cget -activestyle
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result none
-test listbox-28.2 {listbox -activestyle} -constraints {
- nonwin
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l cget -activestyle
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result dotbox
-test listbox-28.3 {listbox -activestyle} -constraints {
- win
-} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l cget -activestyle
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result underline
-test listbox-28.4 {listbox -activestyle} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l -activestyle und
- .l cget -activestyle
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result underline
-test listbox-29.1 {listbox selection behavior, -state disabled} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- listbox .l
- .l insert end 1 2 3
- .l selection set 2
- set out [.l selection includes 2]
- .l configure -state disabled
- # still return 1 when disabled, because 'selection get' will work,
- # but selection cannot be changed (new behavior since 8.4)
- .l selection set 3
- lappend out [.l selection includes 2] [.l curselection]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {1 1 2}
-test listbox-30.1 {Bug 3607326} -setup {
- destroy .l
- unset -nocomplain a
-} -body {
- array set a {}
- listbox .l -listvariable a
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
- unset -nocomplain a
-} -result * -match glob -returnCodes error
-test listbox-31.1 {<<ListboxSelect>> event} -setup {
- destroy .l
- unset -nocomplain res
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l -state normal]
- update
- bind .l <<ListboxSelect>> {lappend res [%W curselection]}
- .l insert end a b c
- focus -force .l
- event generate .l <1> -x 5 -y 5 ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires
- .l configure -state disabled
- focus -force .l
- event generate .l <Control-Home> ; # <<ListboxSelect>> does NOT fire
- .l configure -state normal
- focus -force .l
- event generate .l <Control-End> ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires
- .l selection clear 0 end ; # <<ListboxSelect>> does NOT fire
- .l selection set 1 1 ; # <<ListboxSelect>> does NOT fire
- lappend res [.l curselection]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
- unset -nocomplain res
-} -result {0 2 1}
-test listbox-31.2 {<<ListboxSelect>> event on lost selection} -setup {
- destroy .l
-} -body {
- pack [listbox .l -exportselection true]
- update
- bind .l <<ListboxSelect>> {lappend res [list [selection own] [%W curselection]]}
- .l insert end a b c
- focus -force .l
- event generate .l <1> -x 5 -y 5 ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires
- selection clear ; # <<ListboxSelect>> fires again
- update
- set res
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .l
-} -result {{.l 0} {{} {}}}
-option clear
-# cleanup