path: root/tk8.6/tests/scrollbar.test
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Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/tests/scrollbar.test')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 707 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/tests/scrollbar.test b/tk8.6/tests/scrollbar.test
deleted file mode 100644
index bd14067..0000000
--- a/tk8.6/tests/scrollbar.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-# This file is a Tcl script to test out scrollbar widgets and
-# the "scrollbar" command of Tk. It is organized in the standard
-# fashion for Tcl tests.
-# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
-# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
-# All rights reserved.
-package require tcltest 2.1
-eval tcltest::configure $argv
-proc scroll args {
- global scrollInfo
- set scrollInfo $args
-proc getTroughSize {w} {
- if {[testConstraint testmetrics]} {
- if [string match v* [$w cget -orient]] {
- return [expr [winfo height $w] - 2*[testmetrics cyvscroll $w]]
- } else {
- return [expr [winfo width $w] - 2*[testmetrics cxhscroll $w]]
- }
- } else {
- if [string match v* [$w cget -orient]] {
- return [expr [winfo height $w] \
- - ([winfo width $w] \
- - [$w cget -highlightthickness] \
- - [$w cget -bd] + 1)*2]
- } else {
- return [expr [winfo width $w] \
- - ([winfo height $w] \
- - [$w cget -highlightthickness] \
- - [$w cget -bd] + 1)*2]
- }
- }
-# XXX Note: this test file is woefully incomplete. Right now there are
-# only bits and pieces of tests. Please make this file more complete
-# as you fix bugs and add features.
-foreach {width height} [wm minsize .] {
- set height [expr ($height < 200) ? 200 : $height]
- set width [expr ($width < 1) ? 1 : $width]
-frame .f -height $height -width $width
-pack .f -side left
-scrollbar .s
-pack .s -side right -fill y
-set i 1
-foreach test {
- {-activebackground #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"}}
- {-activerelief sunken sunken non-existent
- {bad relief "non-existent": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken}}
- {-background #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"}}
- {-bd 4 4 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
- {-bg #ff0000 #ff0000 non-existent
- {unknown color name "non-existent"}}
- {-borderwidth 1.3 1 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
- {-command "set x" {set x} {} {}}
- {-elementborderwidth 4 4 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
- {-cursor arrow arrow badValue {bad cursor spec "badValue"}}
- {-highlightbackground #112233 #112233 ugly {unknown color name "ugly"}}
- {-highlightcolor #123456 #123456 bogus {unknown color name "bogus"}}
- {-highlightthickness 6 6 bogus {bad screen distance "bogus"}}
- {-highlightthickness -2 0 {} {}}
- {-jump true 1 silly {expected boolean value but got "silly"}}
- {-orient horizontal horizontal badValue
- {bad orientation "badValue": must be vertical or horizontal}}
- {-orient horizontal horizontal bogus {bad orientation "bogus": must be vertical or horizontal}}
- {-relief ridge ridge badValue {bad relief "badValue": must be flat, groove, raised, ridge, solid, or sunken}}
- {-repeatdelay 140 140 129.3 {expected integer but got "129.3"}}
- {-repeatinterval 140 140 129.3 {expected integer but got "129.3"}}
- {-takefocus "any string" "any string" {} {}}
- {-troughcolor #432 #432 lousy {unknown color name "lousy"}}
- {-width 32 32 badValue {bad screen distance "badValue"}}
-} {
- lassign $test name value okResult badValue badResult
- # Assume $name is plain; true of all our in-use options!
- test scrollbar-1.$i {configuration options} \
- ".s configure $name [list $value]; .s cget $name" $okResult
- incr i
- if {$badValue ne ""} {
- test scrollbar-1.$i {configuration options} \
- -body [list .s configure $name $badValue] \
- -returnCodes error -result $badResult
- incr i
- }
- .s configure $name [lindex [.s configure $name] 3]
-destroy .s
-test scrollbar-2.1 {Tk_ScrollbarCmd procedure} -returnCodes error -body {
- scrollbar
-} -result {wrong # args: should be "scrollbar pathName ?-option value ...?"}
-test scrollbar-2.2 {Tk_ScrollbarCmd procedure} -body {
- scrollbar gorp
-} -returnCodes error -result {bad window path name "gorp"}
-test scrollbar-2.3 {Tk_ScrollbarCmd procedure} -setup {
- scrollbar .s
-} -body {
- list [winfo class .s] [info command .s]
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .s
-} -result {Scrollbar .s}
-test scrollbar-2.4 {Tk_ScrollbarCmd procedure} {
- list [catch {scrollbar .s -gorp blah} msg] $msg [winfo exists .s] \
- [info command .s]
-} {1 {unknown option "-gorp"} 0 {}}
-test scrollbar-2.5 {Tk_ScrollbarCmd procedure} -setup {
- catch {destroy .s}
-} -body {
- scrollbar .s
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .s
-} -result .s
-scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command scroll -highlightthickness 2 -bd 2
-pack .s -side right -fill y
-test scrollbar-3.1 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure} {
- list [catch {.s} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s option ?arg ...?"}}
-test scrollbar-3.2 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.s cget} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s cget option"}}
-test scrollbar-3.3 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.s cget -gorp} msg] $msg
-} {1 {unknown option "-gorp"}}
-test scrollbar-3.4 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- list [catch {.s activate a b} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s activate element"}}
-test scrollbar-3.5 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- .s activate arrow1
- .s activate
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-3.6 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- .s activate slider
- .s activate
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-3.7 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- .s activate arrow2
- .s activate
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-3.8 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- .s activate s
- .s activate {}
- .s activate
-} {}
-test scrollbar-3.9 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "activate" option} {
- list [catch {.s activate trough1} msg] $msg
-} {0 {}}
-test scrollbar-3.10 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- list [catch {.s cget -orient} msg] $msg
-} {0 vertical}
-scrollbar .s2
-test scrollbar-3.11 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- expr {[.s2 cget -bd] == [lindex [.s2 configure -bd] 3]}
-} 1
-test scrollbar-3.12 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} emptyTest {
- # empty test; duplicated scrollbar-3.11
-} {}
-test scrollbar-3.12.1 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} emptyTest {
- # empty test; duplicated scrollbar-3.11
-} {}
-test scrollbar-3.13 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} {
- expr {[.s2 cget -highlightthickness] == [lindex [.s2 configure -highlightthickness] 3]}
-} 1
-test scrollbar-3.14 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} emptyTest {
- # empty test; duplicated scrollbar-3.13
-} {}
-test scrollbar-3.14.1 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "cget" option} emptyTest {
- # empty test; duplicated scrollbar-3.13
-} {}
-destroy .s2
-test scrollbar-3.15 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- llength [.s configure]
-} {20}
-test scrollbar-3.16 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- list [catch {.s configure -bad} msg] $msg
-} {1 {unknown option "-bad"}}
-test scrollbar-3.17 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- .s configure -orient
-} {-orient orient Orient vertical vertical}
-test scrollbar-3.18 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- .s configure -orient horizontal
- set x [.s cget -orient]
- .s configure -orient vertical
- set x
-} {horizontal}
-test scrollbar-3.19 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "configure" option} {
- list [catch {.s configure -bad worse} msg] $msg
-} {1 {unknown option "-bad"}}
-test scrollbar-3.20 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- list [catch {.s delta 24} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s delta xDelta yDelta"}}
-test scrollbar-3.21 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- list [catch {.s delta 24 35 42} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s delta xDelta yDelta"}}
-test scrollbar-3.22 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- list [catch {.s delta silly 24} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "silly"}}
-test scrollbar-3.23 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- list [catch {.s delta 18 xxyz} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "xxyz"}}
-test scrollbar-3.24 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- list [catch {.s delta 18 xxyz} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "xxyz"}}
-test scrollbar-3.25 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s delta 20 0]
-} {0}
-test scrollbar-3.26 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s delta 0 20]
-} [format %.6g [expr 20.0/([getTroughSize .s]-1)]]
-test scrollbar-3.27 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s delta 0 -20]
-} [format %.6g [expr -20.0/([getTroughSize .s]-1)]]
-test scrollbar-3.28 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "delta" option} {
- toplevel .t -width 250 -height 100
- wm geom .t +0+0
- scrollbar .t.s -orient horizontal -borderwidth 2
- place .t.s -width 201
- update
- set result [list [format {%.6g} [.t.s delta 0 20]] \
- [format {%.6g} [.t.s delta [expr [getTroughSize .t.s] - 1] 0]]]
- destroy .t
- set result
-} {0 1}
-test scrollbar-3.29 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- list [catch {.s fraction 24} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s fraction x y"}}
-test scrollbar-3.30 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- list [catch {.s fraction 24 30 32} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s fraction x y"}}
-test scrollbar-3.31 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- list [catch {.s fraction silly 24} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "silly"}}
-test scrollbar-3.32 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- list [catch {.s fraction 24 bogus} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
-test scrollbar-3.33 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 0 0]
-} {0}
-test scrollbar-3.34 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 0 1000]
-} {1}
-test scrollbar-3.35 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 4 21]
-} [format %.6g [expr (21.0 - ([winfo height .s] - [getTroughSize .s])/2.0) \
- /([getTroughSize .s] - 1)]]
-test scrollbar-3.36 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} unix {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 4 179]
-} {1}
-test scrollbar-3.37 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {testmetrics} {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 4 [expr 200 - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]]]
-} {1}
-test scrollbar-3.38 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} unix {
- format {%.6g} [.s fraction 4 178]
-} {0.993711}
-test scrollbar-3.39 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {testmetrics win} {
- expr \
- [format {%.6g} [.s fraction 4 [expr 200 - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s] - 2]]] \
- == [format %g [expr (200.0 - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]*2 - 2) \
- / ($height - 1 - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]*2)]]
-} 1
-toplevel .t -width 250 -height 100
-wm geom .t +0+0
-scrollbar .t.s -orient horizontal -borderwidth 2
-place .t.s -width 201
-test scrollbar-3.41 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.t.s fraction 100 0]
-} {0.5}
-if {[testConstraint testmetrics]} {
- place configure .t.s -width [expr 2*[testmetrics cxhscroll .t.s]+1]
-} else {
- place configure .t.s -width [expr [winfo reqwidth .t.s] - 4]
-test scrollbar-3.42 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "fraction" option} {
- format {%.6g} [.t.s fraction 100 0]
-} {0}
-destroy .t
-test scrollbar-3.43 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
- list [catch {.s get a} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s get"}}
-test scrollbar-3.44 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
- .s set 100 10 13 14
- .s get
-} {100 10 13 14}
-test scrollbar-3.45 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "get" option} {
- .s set 0.6 0.8
- set result {}
- foreach element [.s get] {
- lappend result [format %.1f $element]
- }
- set result
-} {0.6 0.8}
-test scrollbar-3.46 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- list [catch {.s identify 0} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s identify x y"}}
-test scrollbar-3.47 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- list [catch {.s identify 0 0 1} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s identify x y"}}
-test scrollbar-3.48 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- list [catch {.s identify bogus 2} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
-test scrollbar-3.49 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- list [catch {.s identify -1 bogus} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "bogus"}}
-test scrollbar-3.50 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- .s identify 5 5
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-3.51 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- .s identify 5 35
-} {trough1}
-test scrollbar-3.52 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- .s set .3 .6
- .s identify 5 80
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-3.53 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {
- .s identify 5 145
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-3.54 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} {unixOrPc} {
- .s identify 5 195
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-3.56 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "identify" option} unix {
- .s identify 0 0
-} {}
-test scrollbar-3.57 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set abc def} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "abc"}}
-test scrollbar-3.58 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 0.6 def} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected floating-point number but got "def"}}
-test scrollbar-3.59 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set -.2 .3
- set result {}
- foreach element [.s get] {
- lappend result [format %.1f $element]
- }
- set result
-} {0.0 0.3}
-test scrollbar-3.60 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set 1.1 .4
- .s get
-} {1.0 1.0}
-test scrollbar-3.61 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set .5 -.3
- .s get
-} {0.5 0.5}
-test scrollbar-3.62 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set .5 87
- .s get
-} {0.5 1.0}
-test scrollbar-3.63 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set .4 .3
- set result {}
- foreach element [.s get] {
- lappend result [format %.1f $element]
- }
- set result
-} {0.4 0.4}
-test scrollbar-3.64 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set abc def ghi jkl} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "abc"}}
-test scrollbar-3.65 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 1 def ghi jkl} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "def"}}
-test scrollbar-3.66 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 1 2 ghi jkl} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "ghi"}}
-test scrollbar-3.67 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 1 2 3 jkl} msg] $msg
-} {1 {expected integer but got "jkl"}}
-test scrollbar-3.68 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set -10 50 20 30
- .s get
-} {0 50 0 0}
-test scrollbar-3.69 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set 100 -10 20 30
- .s get
-} {100 0 20 30}
-test scrollbar-3.70 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- .s set 100 50 30 20
- .s get
-} {100 50 30 30}
-test scrollbar-3.71 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 1 2 3} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s set firstFraction lastFraction" or ".s set totalUnits windowUnits firstUnit lastUnit"}}
-test scrollbar-3.72 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure, "set" option} {
- list [catch {.s set 1 2 3 4 5} msg] $msg
-} {1 {wrong # args: should be ".s set firstFraction lastFraction" or ".s set totalUnits windowUnits firstUnit lastUnit"}}
-test scrollbar-3.73 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure} {
- list [catch {.s bogus} msg] $msg
-} {1 {bad option "bogus": must be activate, cget, configure, delta, fraction, get, identify, or set}}
-test scrollbar-3.74 {ScrollbarWidgetCmd procedure} {
- list [catch {.s c} msg] $msg
-} {1 {ambiguous option "c": must be activate, cget, configure, delta, fraction, get, identify, or set}}
-test scrollbar-4.1 {ScrollbarEventProc procedure} {
- catch {destroy .s1}
- scrollbar .s1 -bg #543210
- rename .s1 .s2
- set x {}
- lappend x [winfo exists .s1]
- lappend x [.s2 cget -bg]
- destroy .s1
- lappend x [info command .s?] [winfo exists .s1] [winfo exists .s2]
-} {1 #543210 {} 0 0}
-test scrollbar-5.1 {ScrollbarCmdDeletedProc procedure} {
- catch {destroy .s1}
- scrollbar .s1
- rename .s1 {}
- list [info command .s?] [winfo exists .s1]
-} {{} 0}
-catch {destroy .s}
-scrollbar .s -orient vertical -relief sunken -bd 2 -highlightthickness 2
-pack .s -side left -fill y
-.s set .2 .4
-test scrollbar-6.1 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 3
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.3 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 196
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.4 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 3 100
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.6 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 19 100
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.7 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] -1
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.8 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr [winfo height .s]]
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.9 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {
- .s identify -1 [expr [winfo height .s] / 2]
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.10 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {
- .s identify [winfo width .s] [expr [winfo height .s] / 2]
-} {}
-test scrollbar-6.11 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 4
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.12 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 19
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.14 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] 0
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.15 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr [testmetrics cyvscroll .s] - 1]
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.16 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 20
-} {trough1}
-test scrollbar-6.17 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {unix nonPortable} {
- # Don't know why this is non-portable, but it doesn't work on
- # some platforms.
- .s identify 8 51
-} {trough1}
-test scrollbar-6.18 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]
-} {trough1}
-test scrollbar-6.19 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr int(.2 / [.s delta 0 1]) \
- + [testmetrics cyvscroll .s] - 1]
-} {trough1}
-test scrollbar-6.20 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 52
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.21 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {unix nonPortable} {
- # Don't know why this is non-portable, but it doesn't work on
- # some platforms.
- .s identify 8 83
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.22 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] \
- [expr int(.2 / [.s delta 0 1] + 0.5) + [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]]
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.23 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr int(.4 / [.s delta 0 1]) \
- + [testmetrics cyvscroll .s] - 1]
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.24 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 84
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.25 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 179
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.27 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win knownBug} {
- # This asks for 8,21, which is actually the slider, but there is a
- # bug in that GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVTHUMB) actually returns a value
- # that is larger than the thumb displayed, skewing the ability to
- # calculate the trough2 area correctly (Win2k). -- hobbs
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr int(.4 / [.s delta 0 1]) \
- + [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]]
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.28 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr [winfo height .s] \
- - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s] - 1]
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.29 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 180
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-6.30 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 8 195
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-6.32 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr [winfo height .s] \
- - [testmetrics cyvscroll .s]]
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-6.33 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] / 2] [expr [winfo height .s] - 1]
-} {arrow2}
-test scrollbar-6.34 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 4 100
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.35 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .s identify 18 100
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.37 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .s identify 0 100
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.38 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .s identify [expr [winfo width .s] - 1] 100
-} {trough2}
-catch {destroy .t}
-toplevel .t -width 250 -height 150
-wm geometry .t +0+0
-scrollbar .t.s -orient horizontal -relief sunken -bd 2 -highlightthickness 2
-place .t.s -width 200
-.t.s set .2 .4
-test scrollbar-6.39 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .t.s identify 4 8
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.40 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .t.s identify 0 [expr [winfo height .t.s] / 2]
-} {arrow1}
-test scrollbar-6.41 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .t.s identify 82 8
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.43 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} {testmetrics win} {
- .t.s identify [expr int(.4 / [.t.s delta 1 0]) + [testmetrics cxhscroll .t.s] \
- - 1] [expr [winfo height .t.s] / 2]
-} {slider}
-test scrollbar-6.44 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} unix {
- .t.s identify 100 18
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-6.46 {ScrollbarPosition procedure} win {
- .t.s identify 100 [expr [winfo height .t.s] - 1]
-} {trough2}
-test scrollbar-7.1 {EventuallyRedraw} {
- .s configure -orient horizontal
- update
- set result [.s cget -orient]
- .s configure -orient vertical
- update
- lappend result [.s cget -orient]
-} {horizontal vertical}
-catch {destroy .t}
-toplevel .t
-wm geometry .t +0+0
-test scrollbar-8.1 {TkScrollbarEventProc: recursive deletion} {
- proc doit {args} { destroy .t.f }
- proc bgerror {args} {}
- destroy .t.f
- frame .t.f
- scrollbar .t.f.s -command doit
- pack .t.f -fill both -expand 1
- pack .t.f.s -fill y -expand 1 -side right
- wm geometry .t 100x100
- .t.f.s set 0 .5
- update
- set result [winfo exists .t.f.s]
- event generate .t.f.s <ButtonPress> -button 1 -x [expr [winfo width .t.f.s] / 2] -y 5
- event generate .t <ButtonRelease> -button 1
- update
- lappend result [winfo exists .t.f.s] [winfo exists .t.f]
- rename bgerror {}
- set result
-} {1 0 0}
-test scrollbar-8.2 {TkScrollbarEventProc: recursive deletion} {
- proc doit {args} { destroy .t.f.s }
- proc bgerror {args} {}
- destroy .t.f
- frame .t.f
- scrollbar .t.f.s -command doit
- pack .t.f -fill both -expand 1
- pack .t.f.s -fill y -expand 1 -side right
- wm geometry .t 100x100
- .t.f.s set 0 .5
- update
- set result [winfo exists .t.f.s]
- event generate .t.f.s <ButtonPress> -button 1 -x [expr [winfo width .t.f.s] / 2] -y 5
- event generate .t.f <ButtonRelease> -button 1
- update
- lappend result [winfo exists .t.f.s] [winfo exists .t.f]
- rename bgerror {}
- set result
-} {1 0 1}
-set l [interp hidden]
-test scrollbar-9.1 {scrollbar widget vs hidden commands} {
- catch {destroy .s}
- scrollbar .s
- interp hide {} .s
- destroy .s
- list [winfo children .] [interp hidden]
-} [list {} $l]
-test scrollbar-10.1 {<MouseWheel> event on scrollbar} -constraints {win|unix} -setup {
- destroy .t .s
-} -body {
- pack [text .t -yscrollcommand {.s set}] -side left
- for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {.t insert end "Line $i\n"}
- pack [scrollbar .s -command {.t yview}] -fill y -expand 1 -side left
- update
- focus -force .s
- event generate .s <MouseWheel> -delta -120
- after 200 {set eventprocessed 1} ; vwait eventprocessed
- .t index @0,0
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .t .s
-} -result {5.0}
-test scrollbar-10.2 {<MouseWheel> event on scrollbar} -constraints {win|unix} -setup {
- destroy .t .s
-} -body {
- pack [text .t -xscrollcommand {.s set} -wrap none] -side top
- for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {.t insert end "Char $i "}
- pack [scrollbar .s -command {.t xview} -orient horizontal] -fill x -expand 1 -side top
- update
- focus -force .s
- event generate .s <Shift-MouseWheel> -delta -120
- after 200 {set eventprocessed 1} ; vwait eventprocessed
- .t index @0,0
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .t .s
-} -result {1.4}
-test scrollbar-11.1 {bug fix: [011706ec42] Scrollbar unsafe wrt widget destruction} -body {
- proc destroy_scrollbar {} {
- if {[winfo exists .top.s]} {
- destroy .top.s
- }
- }
- toplevel .top
- scrollbar .top.s
- bind .top.s <2> {destroy_scrollbar}
- pack .top.s
- focus -force .top.s
- update
- event generate .top.s <2>
- update ; # shall not trigger error invalid command name ".top.s"
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .top.s .top
-} -result {}
-test scrollbar-11.2 {bug fix: [011706ec42] Scrollbar unsafe wrt widget destruction} -body {
- proc destroy_scrollbar {{y 0}} {
- if {[winfo exists .top.s]} {
- destroy .top.s
- }
- }
- toplevel .top
- wm minsize .top 50 400
- update
- scrollbar .top.s
- bind .top.s <2> {after idle destroy_scrollbar}
- pack .top.s -expand true -fill y
- focus -force .top.s
- update
- event generate .top.s <2> -x 2 -y [expr {[winfo height .top.s] / 2}]
- update ; # shall not trigger error invalid command name ".top.s"
-} -cleanup {
- destroy .top.s .top
-} -result {}
-catch {destroy .s}
-catch {destroy .t}
-# cleanup