path: root/tksao/frame/fvcontour.C
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Diffstat (limited to 'tksao/frame/fvcontour.C')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/fvcontour.C b/tksao/frame/fvcontour.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b049dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tksao/frame/fvcontour.C
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+// Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+#include "context.h"
+#include "base.h"
+#include "fitsimage.h"
+#include "fvcontour.h"
+#include "sigbus.h"
+#ifdef INTERP
+#undef INTERP
+#define INTERP (((Base*)parent_)->interp)
+static const char* methodName_[] = {
+ "smooth",
+ "block"
+ };
+// It is a modified version of contour code found in Fv 2.4
+// Fv may be obtained from the HEASARC (High Energy Astrophysics Science
+// Archive Research Center) FTOOLS Web site at:
+// The original author is unknown.
+ parent_ =NULL;
+ colorName_ = dupstr("green");
+ lineWidth_ =1;
+ dash_ =0;
+ dlist_[0] =8;
+ dlist_[1] =3;
+ method_ = BLOCK;
+ smooth_ =4;
+ numLevel_ =5;
+ colorScaleType_ = FrScale::LINEARSCALE;
+ clipMode_ = (float)FrScale::MINMAX;
+ expo_ =1000;
+ limits_ = Vector(0,100);
+ level_ =NULL;
+ scale_ =NULL;
+ if (colorName_)
+ delete [] colorName_;
+ if (level_)
+ delete [] level_;
+ if (scale_)
+ delete scale_;
+void FVContour::create(Base* pp, FitsImage* fits, FrScale* fr,
+ const char* cc, int ww, int dd,
+ Method mm, int nn, int rr,
+ const char* ll,
+ FrScale::ColorScaleType sc, float exp,
+ float cm, Vector lim)
+ lcontourlevel_.deleteAll();
+ parent_ = pp;
+ colorName_ = dupstr(cc);
+ lineWidth_ = ww;
+ dash_ = dd;
+ method_ = mm;
+ smooth_ = rr;
+ numLevel_ = nn;
+ colorScaleType_ = sc;
+ clipMode_ = cm;
+ expo_ = exp;
+ limits_ = lim;
+ level_ = dupstr(ll);
+ if (level_ && strlen(level_)>0) {
+ int cnt = 0;
+ double levels[100];
+ string x(level_);
+ istringstream str(x);
+ while ((cnt<100) && (str >> levels[cnt]))
+ cnt++;
+ scale_ = new InverseScale(cnt, levels);
+ }
+ else
+ buildScale(fits, fr);
+ append(fits);
+void FVContour::buildScale(FitsImage* fits, FrScale* fr)
+ switch (colorScaleType_) {
+ case FrScale::LINEARSCALE:
+ scale_ = new LinearInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1]);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::LOGSCALE:
+ scale_ = new LogInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1], expo_);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::POWSCALE:
+ scale_ = new PowInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1], expo_);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::SQRTSCALE:
+ scale_ = new SqrtInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1]);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::SQUAREDSCALE:
+ scale_ = new SquaredInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1]);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::ASINHSCALE:
+ scale_ = new AsinhInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1]);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::SINHSCALE:
+ scale_ = new SinhInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1]);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::HISTEQUSCALE:
+ scale_ = new HistEquInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1],
+ fr->histequ(fits), HISTEQUSIZE);
+ break;
+ case FrScale::IISSCALE:
+ scale_ = new IISInverseScale(numLevel_, limits_[0], limits_[1],
+ fits->iisz());
+ break;
+ }
+void FVContour::update(FitsImage* fits)
+ if (lcontourlevel_.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ lcontourlevel_.deleteAll();
+ append(fits);
+void FVContour::update(FitsImage* fits, FrScale* fr)
+ if (lcontourlevel_.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ lcontourlevel_.deleteAll();
+ if (scale_)
+ delete scale_;
+ limits_ = Vector(fr->low(),fr->high());
+ expo_ = fr->expo();
+ buildScale(fits, fr);
+ if (level_)
+ delete [] level_;
+ ostringstream str;
+ str << *scale_ << ends;
+ level_ = dupstr(str.str().c_str());
+ append(fits);
+const char* FVContour::methodName()
+ return methodName_[method_];
+void FVContour::append(FitsImage* fits)
+ if (smooth_ == 1)
+ unity(fits);
+ else
+ switch (method_) {
+ case SMOOTH:
+ nobin(fits);
+ break;
+ case BLOCK:
+ bin(fits);
+ break;
+ }
+void FVContour::unity(FitsImage* fits)
+ FitsBound* params =
+ fits->getDataParams(((Base*)parent_)->currentContext->secMode());
+ long width = fits->width();
+ long height = fits->height();
+ // blank img
+ long size = width*height;
+ double* img = new double[size];
+ if (!img) {
+ internalError("FVContour could not allocate enough memory");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (long ii=0; ii<size; ii++)
+ img[ii] = FLT_MIN;
+ // fill img
+ for(long jj=params->ymin; jj<params->ymax; jj++) {
+ for(long ii=params->xmin; ii<params->xmax; ii++) {
+ long kk = jj*width + ii;
+ double vv = fits->getValueDouble(kk);
+ if (isfinite(vv))
+ img[kk] = vv;
+ }
+ }
+ // do contours
+ build(width, height, img, fits->dataToRef);
+ // clean up
+ delete [] img;
+void FVContour::nobin(FitsImage* fits)
+ long width = fits->width();
+ long height = fits->height();
+ // blank img
+ long size = width*height;
+ double* img = new double[size];
+ if (!img) {
+ internalError("FVContour could not allocate enough memory");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (long ii=0; ii<size; ii++)
+ img[ii] = FLT_MIN;
+ // generate kernal
+ int r = smooth_-1;
+ double* kernal = gaussian(r);
+ // convolve
+ convolve(fits,kernal,img,r);
+ // now, do contours
+ build(width, height, img, fits->dataToRef);
+ // cleanup
+ delete kernal;
+ delete [] img;
+void FVContour::convolve(FitsImage* fits, double* kernal, double* dest, int r)
+ FitsBound* params =
+ fits->getDataParams(((Base*)parent_)->currentContext->secMode());
+ long width = fits->width();
+ int rr = 2*r+1;
+ for (long jj=params->ymin; jj<params->ymax; jj++) {
+ for (long ii=params->xmin; ii<params->xmax; ii++) {
+ long ir = ii-r;
+ long irr = ii+r;
+ long jr = jj-r;
+ long jrr = jj+r;
+ for (long n=jr, nn=0; n<=jrr; n++, nn++) {
+ if (n>=params->ymin && n<params->ymax) {
+ for (long m=ir, mm=0; m<=irr; m++, mm++) {
+ if (m>=params->xmin && m<params->xmax) {
+ double vv = fits->getValueDouble(n*width+m);
+ if (isfinite(vv)) {
+ double kk = kernal[nn*rr+mm];
+ double* ptr = dest+(jj*width+ii);
+ if (*ptr == FLT_MIN)
+ *ptr = vv*kk;
+ else
+ *ptr += vv*kk;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+double* FVContour::tophat(int r)
+ int rr = 2*r+1;
+ int ksz = rr*rr;
+ double* kernal = new double[ksz];
+ memset(kernal, 0, ksz*sizeof(double));
+ double kt = 0;
+ for (int yy=-r; yy<=r; yy++) {
+ for (int xx=-r; xx<=r; xx++) {
+ if ((xx*xx + yy*yy) <= r*r) {
+ kernal[(yy+r)*rr+(xx+r)] = 1;
+ kt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // normalize kernal
+ for (int aa=0; aa<ksz; aa++)
+ kernal[aa] /= kt;
+ return kernal;
+double* FVContour::gaussian(int r)
+ int rr = 2*r+1;
+ int ksz = rr*rr;
+ double sigma = r/2.;
+ double* kernal = new double[ksz];
+ memset(kernal, 0, ksz*sizeof(double));
+ double kt = 0;
+ double aa = 1./(sigma*sigma);
+ double cc = 1./(sigma*sigma);
+ for (int yy=-r; yy<=r; yy++) {
+ for (int xx=-r; xx<=r; xx++) {
+ if ((xx*xx + yy*yy) <= r*r) {
+ double vv = exp(-.5*(aa*xx*xx + cc*yy*yy));
+ kernal[(yy+r)*rr+(xx+r)] = vv;
+ kt += vv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // normalize kernal
+ for (int aa=0; aa<ksz; aa++)
+ kernal[aa] /= kt;
+ return kernal;
+void FVContour::bin(FitsImage* fits)
+ FitsBound* params =
+ fits->getDataParams(((Base*)parent_)->currentContext->secMode());
+ long width = fits->width();
+ long height = fits->height();
+ int rr = smooth_;
+ long w2 = (long)(width/rr);
+ long h2 = (long)(height/rr);
+ Matrix m =
+ Translate((Vector(-width,-height)/2).floor()) *
+ Scale(1./rr) *
+ Translate((Vector(w2,h2)/2).floor());
+ Matrix n = m.invert();
+ double* mm =;
+ double* img = new double[w2 * h2];
+ {
+ for (long jj=0; jj<h2; jj++)
+ for (long ii=0; ii<w2; ii++)
+ img[jj*w2 + ii] = FLT_MIN;
+ }
+ short* count = new short[w2 * h2];
+ memset(count, 0, w2*h2*sizeof(short));
+ for (long jj=params->ymin; jj<params->ymax; jj++) {
+ for (long ii=params->xmin; ii<params->xmax; ii++) {
+ double xx = ii*mm[0] + jj*mm[3] + mm[6];
+ double yy = ii*mm[1] + jj*mm[4] + mm[7];
+ if (xx >= 0 && xx < w2 && yy >= 0 && yy < h2) {
+ long kk = (long(yy)*w2 + long(xx));
+ double v = fits->getValueDouble(jj*width + ii);
+ if (isfinite(v)) {
+ if (count[kk])
+ img[kk] += v;
+ else
+ img[kk] = v;
+ count[kk]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (long kk=0; kk<w2*h2; kk++)
+ if (count[kk])
+ img[kk] /= count[kk];
+ delete [] count;
+ Matrix w = n * fits->dataToRef;
+ build(w2, h2, img, w);
+ delete [] img;
+void FVContour::build(long xdim, long ydim, double *image, Matrix& mx)
+ long nelem = xdim*ydim;
+ char* usedGrid = new char[nelem];
+ double** rows = new double*[ydim];
+ for (long jj=0; jj<ydim; jj++)
+ rows[jj] = image + jj*xdim;
+ for (long c=0; c<scale_->size(); c++) {
+ double cntour = scale_->level(c);
+ ContourLevel* cl =new ContourLevel(parent_, cntour, colorName_, lineWidth_,
+ dash_, dlist_);
+ memset(usedGrid,0,nelem);
+ // Search outer edge
+ long ii,jj;
+ // Search top
+ for (jj=0, ii=0; ii<xdim-1; ii++)
+ if (rows[jj][ii]<cntour && cntour<=rows[jj][ii+1])
+ trace(xdim, ydim, cntour, ii, jj, top, rows, usedGrid, mx, cl);
+ // Search right
+ for (jj=0; jj<ydim-1; jj++)
+ if (rows[jj][ii]<cntour && cntour<=rows[jj+1][ii])
+ trace(xdim, ydim, cntour, ii-1, jj, right, rows, usedGrid, mx, cl);
+ // Search Bottom
+ for (ii--; ii>=0; ii--)
+ if (rows[jj][ii+1]<cntour && cntour<=rows[jj][ii])
+ trace(xdim, ydim, cntour, ii, jj-1, bottom, rows, usedGrid, mx, cl);
+ // Search Left
+ for (ii=0, jj--; jj>=0; jj--)
+ if (rows[jj+1][ii]<cntour && cntour<=rows[jj][ii])
+ trace(xdim, ydim, cntour, ii, jj, left, rows, usedGrid, mx, cl);
+ // Search each row of the image
+ for (jj=1; jj<ydim-1; jj++)
+ for (ii=0; ii<xdim-1; ii++)
+ if (!usedGrid[jj*xdim + ii] &&
+ rows[jj][ii]<cntour &&
+ cntour<=rows[jj][ii+1])
+ trace(xdim, ydim, cntour, ii, jj, top, rows, usedGrid, mx, cl);
+ if (!cl->lcontour().isEmpty())
+ lcontourlevel_.append(cl);
+ }
+ delete [] usedGrid;
+ delete [] rows;
+void FVContour::trace(long xdim, long ydim, double cntr,
+ long xCell, long yCell, int side,
+ double** rows, char* usedGrid,
+ Matrix& mx, ContourLevel* cl)
+ long ii = xCell;
+ long jj = yCell;
+ int origSide = side;
+ int init = 1;
+ int done = (ii<0 || ii>=xdim-1 || (jj<0 && jj>=ydim-1));
+ Contour* cc = new Contour(cl);
+ while (!done) {
+ int flag = 0;
+ double a = rows[jj][ii];
+ double b = rows[jj][ii+1];
+ double c = rows[jj+1][ii+1];
+ double d = rows[jj+1][ii];
+ double X, Y;
+ if (init) {
+ init = 0;
+ switch (side) {
+ case top:
+ X = (cntr-a) / (b-a) + ii;
+ Y = jj;
+ break;
+ case right:
+ X = ii+1;
+ Y = (cntr-b) / (c-b) + jj;
+ break;
+ case bottom:
+ X = (cntr-c) / (d-c) + ii;
+ Y = jj+1;
+ break;
+ case left:
+ X = ii;
+ Y = (cntr-a) / (d-a) + jj;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (side==top)
+ usedGrid[jj*xdim + ii] = 1;
+ do {
+ if (++side == none)
+ side = top;
+ switch (side) {
+ case top:
+ if (a>=cntr && cntr>b) {
+ flag = 1;
+ X = (cntr-a) / (b-a) + ii;
+ Y = jj;
+ jj--;
+ }
+ break;
+ case right:
+ if( b>=cntr && cntr>c ) {
+ flag = 1;
+ X = ii+1;
+ Y = (cntr-b) / (c-b) + jj;
+ ii++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case bottom:
+ if( c>=cntr && cntr>d ) {
+ flag = 1;
+ X = (cntr-d) / (c-d) + ii;
+ Y = jj+1;
+ jj++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case left:
+ if( d>=cntr && cntr>a ) {
+ flag = 1;
+ X = ii;
+ Y = (cntr-a) / (d-a) + jj;
+ ii--;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (!flag);
+ if (++side == none)
+ side = top;
+ if (++side == none)
+ side = top;
+ if (ii==xCell && jj==yCell && side==origSide)
+ done = 1;
+ if (ii<0 || ii>=xdim-1 || jj<0 || jj>=ydim-1)
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ cc->lvertex().append(new Vertex(Vector(X+.5,Y+.5)*mx));
+ }
+ if (!cc->lvertex().isEmpty())
+ cl->lcontour().append(cc);
+ else
+ delete cc;