path: root/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tksao/frame/grid3d.C')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/grid3d.C b/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d646418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+// Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+#include "grid3d.h"
+#include "context.h"
+#include "frame3dbase.h"
+#include "fitsimage.h"
+extern "C" {
+ #include "ast.h"
+static FitsImage* foobar;
+void bar(AstMapping* that, int npoint, int ncoord_in, const double* ptr_in[],
+ int forward, int ncoord_out, double* ptr_out[])
+ WCSx** wcsx = foobar->wcsx();
+ if (forward) {
+ for (int ii=0; ii<npoint; ii++)
+ (*ptr_out)[ii] = (.5 + (*ptr_in)[ii] - wcsx[0]->crpix[2]) *
+ wcsx[0]->cd[2] + wcsx[0]->crval[2];
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int ii=0; ii<npoint; ii++)
+ (*ptr_out)[ii] = ((*ptr_in)[ii] - wcsx[0]->crval[2]) /
+ wcsx[0]->cd[2] + wcsx[0]->crpix[2] -.5;
+ }
+extern Grid3dBase* astGrid3dPtr;
+Grid3d::Grid3d(Widget* p, Coord::CoordSystem sys, Coord::SkyFrame sky,
+ Coord::SkyFormat format, GridType t,
+ const char* o, const char* v)
+ : Grid(sys, sky, format, t, v), Grid3dBase(p,o)
+int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
+ Frame3dBase* pp = (Frame3dBase*)parent_;
+ mx_ = pp->refToWidget3d;
+ rx_ =
+ Matrix3d(pp->wcsOrientationMatrix) *
+ Matrix3d(pp->orientationMatrix) *
+ RotateZ3d(-pp->wcsRotation) *
+ RotateZ3d(-pp->rotation) *
+ RotateY3d(pp->az_) *
+ RotateX3d(pp->el_);
+ matrix_ = pp->widgetToCanvas;
+ pixmap_ = pp->pixmap;
+ renderMode_ = rm;
+ Context* context = pp->keyContext;
+ FitsImage* fits = context->fits;
+ foobar = fits;
+ if (!fits)
+ return 1;
+ // int width = fits->width();
+ // int height = fits->height();
+ astClearStatus; // just to make sure
+ astBegin; // start memory management
+ AstFrameSet* frameSet = NULL;
+ AstPlot3D* plot = NULL;
+ FitsBound* params = fits->getDataParams(context->secMode());
+ FitsZBound* zparams = context->getDataParams(context->secMode());
+ switch (system_) {
+ case Coord::IMAGE:
+ frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)matrixMap(fits->refToImage,"Domain=IMAGE");
+ break;
+ case Coord::PHYSICAL:
+ frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)matrixMap(fits->refToPhysical,"Domain=PHYSICAL");
+ break;
+ case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
+ frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)matrixMap(fits->refToAmplifier,"Domain=AMPLIFIER");
+ break;
+ case Coord::DETECTOR:
+ frameSet = (AstFrameSet*)matrixMap(fits->refToDetector,"Domain=DETECTOR");
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ // imageToData frame/map
+ double ss[] = {-.5, -.5};
+ AstShiftMap *sm = astShiftMap(2, ss, " ");
+ AstFrame *df = astFrame(2, "Domain=DATA");
+ // Get 2D SkyFrame
+ AstFrameSet* wcs = (AstFrameSet*)astCopy(fits->getAST(system_));
+ if (astIsASkyFrame(astGetFrame(wcs, AST__CURRENT)))
+ fits->setAstSkyFrame(wcs, sky_);
+ // Record the index of the current Frame
+ int isky = astGetI(wcs, "Current");
+ // Add the new DATA Frame into the FrameSet, using the ShiftMap to
+ // connect it to the existing IMAGE Frame.
+ astAddFrame(wcs, AST__BASE, sm, df);
+ // The above call to astAddFrame will have changed the current Frame
+ // in the FrameSet to be the new DATA Frame. First record the index of
+ // the DATA Frame, and then re-instate the original current Frame (i.e.
+ // the SKY Frame).
+ int idata = astGetI(wcs, "Current");
+ astSetI(wcs, "Current", isky);
+ // make the DATA Frame the new base Frame
+ astSetI(wcs, "Base", idata);
+ // Create two 1D Frames and a 1D Mapping describing the third axis
+ AstFrame* zbase = astFrame(1,"");
+ AstFrame* zcurr = astFrame(1,"");
+ AstMapping* zmap;
+ if (fits->hasWCSx(system_,2)) {
+ astIntraReg("foo",1,1,bar,0,"testing","me","you");
+ if (!(zmap = (AstMapping*)astIntraMap("foo",1,1,"")))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ zmap = (AstMapping*)astUnitMap(1,"");
+ // Use astGetFrame and astGetMapping to get the base and current
+ // Frames from the 2D FrameSet, and the base->current Mapping.
+ AstFrame* wcsbase = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(wcs,AST__BASE);
+ AstFrame* wcscurr = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(wcs,AST__CURRENT);
+ AstMapping* wcsmap = (AstMapping*)astGetMapping(wcs,AST__BASE,AST__CURRENT);
+ // Combine the 2D and 1D base Frames into a 3D CmpFrame
+ // Likewise, combine the 2D and 1D current Frames into a 3D CmpFrame
+ AstCmpFrame* cmpwcsbase = astCmpFrame(wcsbase,zbase,"");
+ AstCmpFrame* cmpwcscurr = astCmpFrame(wcscurr,zcurr,"");
+ // Combine the 2D and 1D Mappings into a 3D CmpMap
+ AstCmpMap* cmpwcsmap = astCmpMap(wcsmap,zmap,0,"");
+ // Construct the 3D FrameSet from the new 3D Frames and Mapping
+ frameSet = astFrameSet(cmpwcsbase,"");
+ astAddFrame(frameSet, AST__CURRENT, cmpwcsmap, cmpwcscurr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!frameSet)
+ return 0;
+ astSet(frameSet,"Title=%s", " ");
+ // create astPlot
+ float gbox[6];
+ double pbox[6];
+ // params is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n
+ Vector3d ll = Vector3d(params->xmin,params->ymin,zparams->zmin);
+ Vector3d ur = Vector3d(params->xmax,params->ymax,zparams->zmax);
+ pbox[0] = gbox[0] = ll[0];
+ pbox[1] = gbox[1] = ll[1];
+ pbox[2] = gbox[2] = ll[2];
+ pbox[3] = gbox[3] = ur[0];
+ pbox[4] = gbox[4] = ur[1];
+ pbox[5] = gbox[5] = ur[2];
+ // and now create astGrid
+ astGrid3dPtr = this;
+ renderMode_ = rm;
+ plot = astPlot3D(frameSet, gbox, pbox, option_);
+ // astShow(plot);
+ astGrid(plot);
+ astEnd; // now, clean up memory
+ astGrid3dPtr =NULL;
+ return 1;
+void* Grid3d::matrixMap(Matrix& mx, const char* str)
+ double ss[] = {mx.matrix(0,0),mx.matrix(1,0),
+ mx.matrix(0,1),mx.matrix(1,1)};
+ AstMatrixMap* mm;
+ if (!(mm= astMatrixMap(2,2,0,ss,"")))
+ return NULL;
+ double tt[] = {mx.matrix(2,0),mx.matrix(2,1)};
+ AstShiftMap* sm;
+ if (!(sm = astShiftMap(2,tt,"")))
+ return NULL;
+ AstCmpMap* mapxy;
+ if (!(mapxy = astCmpMap(mm,sm,1,"")))
+ return NULL;
+ AstFrame* in = astFrame(3,"Domain=REF");
+ AstFrame* out = astFrame(3,str);
+ double uu =.5;
+ AstShiftMap* mapz = astShiftMap(1,&uu,"");
+ AstCmpMap* cmap = astCmpMap(mapxy,mapz,0,"");
+ AstFrameSet* frameSet = astFrameSet(in,"");
+ astAddFrame(frameSet,AST__CURRENT,cmap,out);
+ return frameSet;