path: root/tksao/frame/parser.H
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tksao/frame/parser.H')
1 files changed, 747 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/parser.H b/tksao/frame/parser.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f39baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tksao/frame/parser.H
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3. */
+/* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
+ Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
+/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+ part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+ under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+ parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+ as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+ the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+ special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+ Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+ License without this special exception.
+ This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+ version 2.2 of Bison. */
+/* Tokens. */
+ /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+ know about them. */
+ enum yytokentype {
+ REAL = 258,
+ INT = 259,
+ STRING = 260,
+ POINTER = 261,
+ ANGDEGREE = 262,
+ ANGRADIAN = 263,
+ SEXSTR = 264,
+ HMSSTR = 265,
+ DMSSTR = 266,
+ ABOUT_ = 267,
+ AIP_ = 268,
+ ALLOC_ = 269,
+ ALLOCGZ_ = 270,
+ ALIGN_ = 271,
+ ALL_ = 272,
+ ALT_ = 273,
+ AMPLIFIER_ = 274,
+ ANALYSIS_ = 275,
+ ANGLE_ = 276,
+ ANNULUS_ = 277,
+ APPEND_ = 278,
+ ARCMIN_ = 279,
+ ARCSEC_ = 280,
+ ARRAY_ = 281,
+ ARROW_ = 282,
+ ASINH_ = 283,
+ AST_ = 284,
+ AUTO_ = 285,
+ AUX_ = 286,
+ AVERAGE_ = 287,
+ AXES_ = 288,
+ AZIMUTH_ = 289,
+ B1950_ = 290,
+ BACK_ = 291,
+ BACKGROUND_ = 292,
+ BASE_ = 293,
+ BBOX_ = 294,
+ BEGIN_ = 295,
+ BG_ = 296,
+ BIG_ = 297,
+ BIGENDIAN_ = 298,
+ BIN_ = 299,
+ BITPIX_ = 300,
+ BLOCK_ = 301,
+ BORDER_ = 302,
+ BOX_ = 303,
+ BOXANNULUS_ = 304,
+ BOXCAR_ = 305,
+ BOXCIRCLE_ = 306,
+ BPANDA_ = 307,
+ BUFFER_ = 308,
+ BW_ = 309,
+ CALLBACK_ = 310,
+ CANVAS_ = 311,
+ CATALOG_ = 312,
+ CELESTRIAL_ = 313,
+ CENTER_ = 314,
+ CENTROID_ = 315,
+ CHANNEL_ = 316,
+ CIRCLE_ = 317,
+ CIAO_ = 318,
+ CLEAR_ = 319,
+ CLIP_ = 320,
+ COLOR_ = 321,
+ COLORBAR_ = 322,
+ COLORMAP_ = 323,
+ COLORSCALE_ = 324,
+ COLORSPACE_ = 325,
+ COLS_ = 326,
+ COLUMN_ = 327,
+ COMMAND_ = 328,
+ COMPASS_ = 329,
+ COMPOSITE_ = 330,
+ COMPRESS_ = 331,
+ CONTOUR_ = 332,
+ CONTRAST_ = 333,
+ COPY_ = 335,
+ COUNT_ = 336,
+ CPANDA_ = 337,
+ CREATE_ = 338,
+ CROP_ = 339,
+ CROSS_ = 340,
+ CROSSHAIR_ = 341,
+ CUBE_ = 342,
+ CURSOR_ = 343,
+ CUT_ = 344,
+ CMYK_ = 345,
+ DASH_ = 346,
+ DASHLIST_ = 347,
+ DATA_ = 348,
+ DATAMIN_ = 349,
+ DATASEC_ = 350,
+ DEBUG_ = 351,
+ DEGREES_ = 352,
+ DEFAULT_ = 353,
+ DELETE_ = 354,
+ DEPTH_ = 355,
+ DETECTOR_ = 356,
+ DIAMOND_ = 357,
+ DIM_ = 358,
+ DS9_ = 359,
+ EDIT_ = 360,
+ ECLIPTIC_ = 361,
+ ELEVATION_ = 362,
+ ELLIPSE_ = 363,
+ END_ = 365,
+ ENVI_ = 366,
+ EPANDA_ = 367,
+ EPSILON_ = 368,
+ EQUATORIAL_ = 369,
+ ERASE_ = 370,
+ EXT_ = 371,
+ FACTOR_ = 372,
+ FALSE_ = 373,
+ FILE_ = 374,
+ FILTER_ = 375,
+ FIT_ = 376,
+ FITS_ = 377,
+ FITSY_ = 378,
+ FIXED_ = 379,
+ FK4_ = 380,
+ FK4_NO_E_ = 381,
+ FK5_ = 382,
+ FONT_ = 383,
+ FRONT_ = 384,
+ FULL_ = 385,
+ FUNCTION_ = 386,
+ GALACTIC_ = 387,
+ GAUSSIAN_ = 388,
+ GET_ = 389,
+ GLOBAL_ = 390,
+ GRAPHICS_ = 391,
+ GRAY_ = 392,
+ GRID_ = 393,
+ GZ_ = 394,
+ HANDLE_ = 395,
+ HAS_ = 396,
+ HEAD_ = 397,
+ HEADER_ = 398,
+ HEIGHT_ = 399,
+ HIDE_ = 401,
+ HIGHLITE_ = 402,
+ HISTEQU_ = 403,
+ HISTOGRAM_ = 404,
+ HORIZONTAL_ = 405,
+ ICRS_ = 406,
+ ID_ = 407,
+ IIS_ = 408,
+ IMAGE_ = 409,
+ INCLUDE_ = 410,
+ INCR_ = 411,
+ INFO_ = 412,
+ INTEGER_ = 413,
+ ITERATION_ = 414,
+ IRAF_ = 415,
+ IRAFMIN_ = 416,
+ J2000_ = 417,
+ KEY_ = 418,
+ KEYWORD_ = 419,
+ LABEL_ = 420,
+ LENGTH_ = 421,
+ LEVEL_ = 422,
+ LITTLE_ = 423,
+ LINE_ = 425,
+ LINEAR_ = 426,
+ LIST_ = 427,
+ LOAD_ = 428,
+ LOCAL_ = 429,
+ LOG_ = 430,
+ MACOSX_ = 431,
+ MAGNIFIER_ = 432,
+ MATCH_ = 433,
+ MAP_ = 434,
+ MARK_ = 435,
+ MARKER_ = 436,
+ MASK_ = 437,
+ MESSAGE_ = 438,
+ METHOD_ = 439,
+ MINMAX_ = 440,
+ MIP_ = 441,
+ MMAP_ = 442,
+ MMAPINCR_ = 443,
+ MOSAIC_ = 444,
+ MODE_ = 445,
+ MOTION_ = 446,
+ MOVE_ = 447,
+ NAME_ = 448,
+ NAN_ = 449,
+ NATIVE_ = 450,
+ NAXES_ = 451,
+ NEW_ = 452,
+ NEXT_ = 453,
+ NO_ = 454,
+ NONE_ = 455,
+ NOW_ = 456,
+ NRRD_ = 457,
+ NUMBER_ = 458,
+ OBJECT_ = 459,
+ OFF_ = 460,
+ ON_ = 461,
+ ONLY_ = 462,
+ OPTION_ = 463,
+ ORIENT_ = 464,
+ PAN_ = 465,
+ PANNER_ = 466,
+ PARSER_ = 467,
+ PASTE_ = 468,
+ PERF_ = 469,
+ PHOTO_ = 470,
+ PHYSICAL_ = 471,
+ PIXEL_ = 472,
+ PLOT2D_ = 473,
+ PLOT3D_ = 474,
+ POINT_ = 475,
+ POINTER_ = 476,
+ POLYGON_ = 477,
+ POSTSCRIPT_ = 478,
+ POW_ = 479,
+ PRINT_ = 480,
+ PRESERVE_ = 481,
+ PROJECTION_ = 482,
+ PROPERTY_ = 483,
+ PROS_ = 485,
+ QUERY_ = 486,
+ RADIAL_ = 487,
+ RADIUS_ = 488,
+ REGION_ = 489,
+ REPLACE_ = 490,
+ RESAMPLE_ = 491,
+ RESET_ = 492,
+ RESOLUTION_ = 493,
+ RGB_ = 494,
+ ROOT_ = 495,
+ ROTATE_ = 496,
+ RULER_ = 497,
+ SAMPLE_ = 498,
+ SAOIMAGE_ = 499,
+ SAOTNG_ = 500,
+ SAVE_ = 501,
+ SCALE_ = 502,
+ SCAN_ = 503,
+ SCIENTIFIC_ = 504,
+ SCOPE_ = 505,
+ SEGMENT_ = 506,
+ SELECT_ = 507,
+ SET_ = 508,
+ SHAPE_ = 510,
+ SHARED_ = 511,
+ SHIFT_ = 512,
+ SHMID_ = 513,
+ SHOW_ = 514,
+ SINH_ = 515,
+ SIZE_ = 516,
+ SLICE_ = 517,
+ SMMAP_ = 518,
+ SMOOTH_ = 519,
+ SOCKET_ = 520,
+ SOCKETGZ_ = 521,
+ SOURCE_ = 522,
+ SQRT_ = 523,
+ SQUARED_ = 524,
+ SSHARED_ = 525,
+ STATS_ = 526,
+ STATUS_ = 527,
+ SUM_ = 529,
+ SYSTEM_ = 530,
+ TABLE_ = 531,
+ TAG_ = 532,
+ TEMPLATE_ = 533,
+ TEXT_ = 534,
+ THREADS_ = 535,
+ THREED_ = 536,
+ THRESHOLD_ = 537,
+ THICK_ = 538,
+ TO_ = 540,
+ TOGGLE_ = 541,
+ TOPHAT_ = 542,
+ TRUE_ = 543,
+ TYPE_ = 544,
+ UNDO_ = 545,
+ UNHIGHLITE_ = 546,
+ UNLOAD_ = 547,
+ UNSELECT_ = 548,
+ UPDATE_ = 549,
+ USER_ = 550,
+ VALUE_ = 551,
+ VAR_ = 552,
+ VIEW_ = 553,
+ VECTOR_ = 554,
+ VERSION_ = 555,
+ VERTEX_ = 556,
+ VERTICAL_ = 557,
+ WARP_ = 558,
+ WCS_ = 559,
+ WCSA_ = 560,
+ WCSB_ = 561,
+ WCSC_ = 562,
+ WCSD_ = 563,
+ WCSE_ = 564,
+ WCSF_ = 565,
+ WCSG_ = 566,
+ WCSH_ = 567,
+ WCSI_ = 568,
+ WCSJ_ = 569,
+ WCSK_ = 570,
+ WCSL_ = 571,
+ WCSM_ = 572,
+ WCSN_ = 573,
+ WCSO_ = 574,
+ WCSP_ = 575,
+ WCSQ_ = 576,
+ WCSR_ = 577,
+ WCSS_ = 578,
+ WCST_ = 579,
+ WCSU_ = 580,
+ WCSV_ = 581,
+ WCSW_ = 582,
+ WCSX_ = 583,
+ WCSY_ = 584,
+ WCSZ_ = 585,
+ WCS0_ = 586,
+ WFPC2_ = 587,
+ WIDTH_ = 588,
+ WIN32_ = 589,
+ XML_ = 590,
+ XY_ = 591,
+ YES_ = 592,
+ ZMAX_ = 593,
+ ZSCALE_ = 594,
+ ZOOM_ = 595
+ };
+/* Tokens. */
+#define REAL 258
+#define INT 259
+#define STRING 260
+#define POINTER 261
+#define ANGDEGREE 262
+#define ANGRADIAN 263
+#define SEXSTR 264
+#define HMSSTR 265
+#define DMSSTR 266
+#define ABOUT_ 267
+#define AIP_ 268
+#define ALLOC_ 269
+#define ALLOCGZ_ 270
+#define ALIGN_ 271
+#define ALL_ 272
+#define ALT_ 273
+#define AMPLIFIER_ 274
+#define ANALYSIS_ 275
+#define ANGLE_ 276
+#define ANNULUS_ 277
+#define APPEND_ 278
+#define ARCMIN_ 279
+#define ARCSEC_ 280
+#define ARRAY_ 281
+#define ARROW_ 282
+#define ASINH_ 283
+#define AST_ 284
+#define AUTO_ 285
+#define AUX_ 286
+#define AVERAGE_ 287
+#define AXES_ 288
+#define AZIMUTH_ 289
+#define B1950_ 290
+#define BACK_ 291
+#define BACKGROUND_ 292
+#define BASE_ 293
+#define BBOX_ 294
+#define BEGIN_ 295
+#define BG_ 296
+#define BIG_ 297
+#define BIGENDIAN_ 298
+#define BIN_ 299
+#define BITPIX_ 300
+#define BLOCK_ 301
+#define BORDER_ 302
+#define BOX_ 303
+#define BOXANNULUS_ 304
+#define BOXCAR_ 305
+#define BOXCIRCLE_ 306
+#define BPANDA_ 307
+#define BUFFER_ 308
+#define BW_ 309
+#define CALLBACK_ 310
+#define CANVAS_ 311
+#define CATALOG_ 312
+#define CELESTRIAL_ 313
+#define CENTER_ 314
+#define CENTROID_ 315
+#define CHANNEL_ 316
+#define CIRCLE_ 317
+#define CIAO_ 318
+#define CLEAR_ 319
+#define CLIP_ 320
+#define COLOR_ 321
+#define COLORBAR_ 322
+#define COLORMAP_ 323
+#define COLORSCALE_ 324
+#define COLORSPACE_ 325
+#define COLS_ 326
+#define COLUMN_ 327
+#define COMMAND_ 328
+#define COMPASS_ 329
+#define COMPOSITE_ 330
+#define COMPRESS_ 331
+#define CONTOUR_ 332
+#define CONTRAST_ 333
+#define COORDINATES_ 334
+#define COPY_ 335
+#define COUNT_ 336
+#define CPANDA_ 337
+#define CREATE_ 338
+#define CROP_ 339
+#define CROSS_ 340
+#define CROSSHAIR_ 341
+#define CUBE_ 342
+#define CURSOR_ 343
+#define CUT_ 344
+#define CMYK_ 345
+#define DASH_ 346
+#define DASHLIST_ 347
+#define DATA_ 348
+#define DATAMIN_ 349
+#define DATASEC_ 350
+#define DEBUG_ 351
+#define DEGREES_ 352
+#define DEFAULT_ 353
+#define DELETE_ 354
+#define DEPTH_ 355
+#define DETECTOR_ 356
+#define DIAMOND_ 357
+#define DIM_ 358
+#define DS9_ 359
+#define EDIT_ 360
+#define ECLIPTIC_ 361
+#define ELEVATION_ 362
+#define ELLIPSE_ 363
+#define ELLIPSEANNULUS_ 364
+#define END_ 365
+#define ENVI_ 366
+#define EPANDA_ 367
+#define EPSILON_ 368
+#define EQUATORIAL_ 369
+#define ERASE_ 370
+#define EXT_ 371
+#define FACTOR_ 372
+#define FALSE_ 373
+#define FILE_ 374
+#define FILTER_ 375
+#define FIT_ 376
+#define FITS_ 377
+#define FITSY_ 378
+#define FIXED_ 379
+#define FK4_ 380
+#define FK4_NO_E_ 381
+#define FK5_ 382
+#define FONT_ 383
+#define FRONT_ 384
+#define FULL_ 385
+#define FUNCTION_ 386
+#define GALACTIC_ 387
+#define GAUSSIAN_ 388
+#define GET_ 389
+#define GLOBAL_ 390
+#define GRAPHICS_ 391
+#define GRAY_ 392
+#define GRID_ 393
+#define GZ_ 394
+#define HANDLE_ 395
+#define HAS_ 396
+#define HEAD_ 397
+#define HEADER_ 398
+#define HEIGHT_ 399
+#define HELIOECLIPTIC_ 400
+#define HIDE_ 401
+#define HIGHLITE_ 402
+#define HISTEQU_ 403
+#define HISTOGRAM_ 404
+#define HORIZONTAL_ 405
+#define ICRS_ 406
+#define ID_ 407
+#define IIS_ 408
+#define IMAGE_ 409
+#define INCLUDE_ 410
+#define INCR_ 411
+#define INFO_ 412
+#define INTEGER_ 413
+#define ITERATION_ 414
+#define IRAF_ 415
+#define IRAFMIN_ 416
+#define J2000_ 417
+#define KEY_ 418
+#define KEYWORD_ 419
+#define LABEL_ 420
+#define LENGTH_ 421
+#define LEVEL_ 422
+#define LITTLE_ 423
+#define LITTLEENDIAN_ 424
+#define LINE_ 425
+#define LINEAR_ 426
+#define LIST_ 427
+#define LOAD_ 428
+#define LOCAL_ 429
+#define LOG_ 430
+#define MACOSX_ 431
+#define MAGNIFIER_ 432
+#define MATCH_ 433
+#define MAP_ 434
+#define MARK_ 435
+#define MARKER_ 436
+#define MASK_ 437
+#define MESSAGE_ 438
+#define METHOD_ 439
+#define MINMAX_ 440
+#define MIP_ 441
+#define MMAP_ 442
+#define MMAPINCR_ 443
+#define MOSAIC_ 444
+#define MODE_ 445
+#define MOTION_ 446
+#define MOVE_ 447
+#define NAME_ 448
+#define NAN_ 449
+#define NATIVE_ 450
+#define NAXES_ 451
+#define NEW_ 452
+#define NEXT_ 453
+#define NO_ 454
+#define NONE_ 455
+#define NOW_ 456
+#define NRRD_ 457
+#define NUMBER_ 458
+#define OBJECT_ 459
+#define OFF_ 460
+#define ON_ 461
+#define ONLY_ 462
+#define OPTION_ 463
+#define ORIENT_ 464
+#define PAN_ 465
+#define PANNER_ 466
+#define PARSER_ 467
+#define PASTE_ 468
+#define PERF_ 469
+#define PHOTO_ 470
+#define PHYSICAL_ 471
+#define PIXEL_ 472
+#define PLOT2D_ 473
+#define PLOT3D_ 474
+#define POINT_ 475
+#define POINTER_ 476
+#define POLYGON_ 477
+#define POSTSCRIPT_ 478
+#define POW_ 479
+#define PRINT_ 480
+#define PRESERVE_ 481
+#define PROJECTION_ 482
+#define PROPERTY_ 483
+#define PUBLICATION_ 484
+#define PROS_ 485
+#define QUERY_ 486
+#define RADIAL_ 487
+#define RADIUS_ 488
+#define REGION_ 489
+#define REPLACE_ 490
+#define RESAMPLE_ 491
+#define RESET_ 492
+#define RESOLUTION_ 493
+#define RGB_ 494
+#define ROOT_ 495
+#define ROTATE_ 496
+#define RULER_ 497
+#define SAMPLE_ 498
+#define SAOIMAGE_ 499
+#define SAOTNG_ 500
+#define SAVE_ 501
+#define SCALE_ 502
+#define SCAN_ 503
+#define SCIENTIFIC_ 504
+#define SCOPE_ 505
+#define SEGMENT_ 506
+#define SELECT_ 507
+#define SET_ 508
+#define SEXAGESIMAL_ 509
+#define SHAPE_ 510
+#define SHARED_ 511
+#define SHIFT_ 512
+#define SHMID_ 513
+#define SHOW_ 514
+#define SINH_ 515
+#define SIZE_ 516
+#define SLICE_ 517
+#define SMMAP_ 518
+#define SMOOTH_ 519
+#define SOCKET_ 520
+#define SOCKETGZ_ 521
+#define SOURCE_ 522
+#define SQRT_ 523
+#define SQUARED_ 524
+#define SSHARED_ 525
+#define STATS_ 526
+#define STATUS_ 527
+#define SUPERGALACTIC_ 528
+#define SUM_ 529
+#define SYSTEM_ 530
+#define TABLE_ 531
+#define TAG_ 532
+#define TEMPLATE_ 533
+#define TEXT_ 534
+#define THREADS_ 535
+#define THREED_ 536
+#define THRESHOLD_ 537
+#define THICK_ 538
+#define TRANSPARENCY_ 539
+#define TO_ 540
+#define TOGGLE_ 541
+#define TOPHAT_ 542
+#define TRUE_ 543
+#define TYPE_ 544
+#define UNDO_ 545
+#define UNHIGHLITE_ 546
+#define UNLOAD_ 547
+#define UNSELECT_ 548
+#define UPDATE_ 549
+#define USER_ 550
+#define VALUE_ 551
+#define VAR_ 552
+#define VIEW_ 553
+#define VECTOR_ 554
+#define VERSION_ 555
+#define VERTEX_ 556
+#define VERTICAL_ 557
+#define WARP_ 558
+#define WCS_ 559
+#define WCSA_ 560
+#define WCSB_ 561
+#define WCSC_ 562
+#define WCSD_ 563
+#define WCSE_ 564
+#define WCSF_ 565
+#define WCSG_ 566
+#define WCSH_ 567
+#define WCSI_ 568
+#define WCSJ_ 569
+#define WCSK_ 570
+#define WCSL_ 571
+#define WCSM_ 572
+#define WCSN_ 573
+#define WCSO_ 574
+#define WCSP_ 575
+#define WCSQ_ 576
+#define WCSR_ 577
+#define WCSS_ 578
+#define WCST_ 579
+#define WCSU_ 580
+#define WCSV_ 581
+#define WCSW_ 582
+#define WCSX_ 583
+#define WCSY_ 584
+#define WCSZ_ 585
+#define WCS0_ 586
+#define WFPC2_ 587
+#define WIDTH_ 588
+#define WIN32_ 589
+#define XML_ 590
+#define XY_ 591
+#define YES_ 592
+#define ZMAX_ 593
+#define ZSCALE_ 594
+#define ZOOM_ 595
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef union YYSTYPE
+#line 51 "frame/parser.Y"
+#define FRBUFSIZE 4096
+ char chr;
+ char str[FRBUFSIZE];
+ void* ptr;
+ int integer;
+ double real;
+ double vector[3];
+ int dash[2];
+/* Line 1529 of yacc.c. */
+#line 740 "frame/parser.H"
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */