path: root/tktable/demos
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tktable/demos')
-rwxr-xr-xtktable/demos/tcllogo.gifbin0 -> 2341 bytes
11 files changed, 1116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tktable/demos/basic.tcl b/tktable/demos/basic.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d9a0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/basic.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## basic.tcl
+## This demo shows the basic use of the table widget
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 8
+ cols 8
+ table .t
+ array t
+proc fill { array x y } {
+ upvar $array f
+ for {set i -$x} {$i<$x} {incr i} {
+ for {set j -$y} {$j<$y} {incr j} { set f($i,$j) "r$i,c$j" }
+ }
+## Test out the use of a procedure to define tags on rows and columns
+proc rowProc row { if {$row>0 && $row%2} { return OddRow } }
+proc colProc col { if {$col>0 && $col%2} { return OddCol } }
+label .label -text "TkTable v1 Example"
+fill $table(array) $table(rows) $table(cols)
+table $table(table) -rows $table(rows) -cols $table(cols) \
+ -variable $table(array) \
+ -width 6 -height 6 \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 2 \
+ -roworigin -1 -colorigin -2 \
+ -yscrollcommand {.sy set} -xscrollcommand {.sx set} \
+ -rowtagcommand rowProc -coltagcommand colProc \
+ -colstretchmode last -rowstretchmode last \
+ -selectmode extended -sparsearray 0
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $table(table) yview]
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $table(table) xview] -orient horizontal
+button .exit -text "Exit" -command {exit}
+grid .label - -sticky ew
+grid $table(table) .sy -sticky news
+grid .sx -sticky ew
+grid .exit -sticky ew -columnspan 2
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
+$table(table) tag config OddRow -bg orange -fg purple
+$table(table) tag config OddCol -bg brown -fg pink
+$table(table) width -2 7 -1 7 1 5 2 8 4 14
+puts [list Table is $table(table) with array [$table(table) cget -var]]
diff --git a/tktable/demos/buttons.tcl b/tktable/demos/buttons.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29ffddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/buttons.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# next line is a comment in tcl \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## buttons.tcl
+## demonstrates the simulation of a button array
+## modifications made by jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 20
+ cols 20
+ table .table
+# create the table
+set t $table(table)
+table $t -rows [expr {$table(rows)+1}] -cols [expr {$table(cols)+1}] \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 1 \
+ -roworigin -1 -colorigin -1 \
+ -colwidth 4 \
+ -width 8 -height 8 \
+ -variable tab \
+ -flashmode off \
+ -cursor top_left_arrow \
+ -borderwidth 2 \
+ -state disabled \
+ -xscrollcommand ".sx set" -yscrollcommand ".sy set"
+scrollbar .sx -orient h -command "$t xview"
+scrollbar .sy -orient v -command "$t yview"
+grid $t .sy -sticky nsew
+grid .sx -sticky ew
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 0 -weight 1
+# set up tags for the various states of the buttons
+$t tag configure OFF -bg red -relief raised
+$t tag configure ON -bg green -relief sunken
+$t tag configure sel -bg gray75 -relief flat
+# clean up if mouse leaves the widget
+bind $t <Leave> {
+ %W selection clear all
+# highlight the cell under the mouse
+bind $t <Motion> {
+ if {[%W selection includes @%x,%y]} break
+ %W selection clear all
+ %W selection set @%x,%y
+ break
+ ## "break" prevents the call to tkTableCheckBorder
+# mousebutton 1 toggles the value of the cell
+# use of "selection includes" would work here
+bind $t <1> {
+ set rc [%W cursel]
+ if {[string match ON $tab($rc)]} {
+ set tab($rc) OFF
+ %W tag celltag OFF $rc
+ } {
+ set tab($rc) ON
+ %W tag celltag ON $rc
+ }
+# inititialize the array, titles, and celltags
+for {set i 0} {$i < $table(rows)} {incr i} {
+ set tab($i,-1) $i
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $table(cols)} {incr j} {
+ if {! $i} {set tab(-1,$j) $j}
+ set tab($i,$j) "OFF"
+ $t tag celltag OFF $i,$j
+ }
diff --git a/tktable/demos/command.tcl b/tktable/demos/command.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0da582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/command.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## command.tcl
+## This demo shows the use of the table widget's -command options
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 10
+ cols 10
+ table .table
+ array DATA
+proc fill { array x y } {
+ upvar $array f
+ for {set i -$x} {$i<$x} {incr i} {
+ for {set j -$y} {$j<$y} {incr j} { set f($i,$j) "$i x $j" }
+ }
+## Test out the use of a procedure to define tags on rows and columns
+proc rowProc row { if {$row>0 && $row%2} { return OddRow } }
+proc colProc col { if {$col>0 && $col%2} { return OddCol } }
+proc tblCmd { arrayName set cell val } {
+ upvar \#0 $arrayName data
+ if {$set} {
+ #echo set $cell $val
+ set data($cell) $val
+ } else {
+ #echo get $cell
+ if {[info exists data($cell)]} {
+ return $data($cell)
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+label .label -text "TkTable -command Example"
+label .current -textvar CURRENT -width 5
+entry .active -textvar ACTIVE
+bind .active <Return> "$table(table) curvalue \[%W get\]"
+fill $table(array) $table(rows) $table(cols)
+set t $table(table)
+table $table(table) -rows $table(rows) -cols $table(cols) \
+ -command [list tblCmd $table(array) %i %C %s] -cache 1 \
+ -width 6 -height 6 \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand {.sy set} -xscrollcommand {.sx set} \
+ -roworigin -1 -colorigin -1 \
+ -rowtagcommand rowProc -coltagcommand colProc \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -rowstretch unset -colstretch unset \
+ -flashmode on -browsecommand {
+ set CURRENT %S
+ set ACTIVE [%W get %S]
+} -validate 1 -validatecommand {
+ set ACTIVE %S
+ return 1
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $table(table) yview] -orient v
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $table(table) xview] -orient h
+grid .label - - -sticky ew
+grid .current .active - -sticky ew
+grid $table(table) - .sy -sticky nsew
+grid .sx - -sticky ew
+grid columnconfig . 1 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 2 -weight 1
+$table(table) tag config OddRow -bg orange -fg purple
+$table(table) tag config OddCol -bg brown -fg pink
+puts [list Table is $table(table)]
diff --git a/tktable/demos/debug.tcl b/tktable/demos/debug.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c384920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/debug.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## version2.tcl
+## This demo uses most features of the table widget
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 25
+ cols 20
+ table .t
+ array t
+proc fill { array x y } {
+ upvar $array f
+ for {set i -$x} {$i<$x} {incr i} {
+ for {set j -$y} {$j<$y} {incr j} { set f($i,$j) "r$i,c$j" }
+ }
+## Test out the use of a procedure to define tags on rows and columns
+proc colProc col { if {$col > 0 && $col % 2} { return OddCol } }
+label .label -text "TkTable v2 Example"
+fill $table(array) $table(rows) $table(cols)
+table $table(table) \
+ -rows $table(rows) -cols $table(cols) \
+ -variable $table(array) \
+ -width 6 -height 8 \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 2 \
+ -roworigin -5 -colorigin -2 \
+ -yscrollcommand {.sy set} \
+ -xscrollcommand {.sx set} \
+ -coltagcommand colProc \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -rowstretch unset \
+ -colstretch unset \
+ -selecttitles 0 \
+ -drawmode single
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $table(table) yview]
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $table(table) xview] -orient horizontal
+button .exit -text "Exit" -command {exit}
+grid .label - -sticky ew
+grid $table(table) .sy -sticky news
+grid .sx -sticky ew
+grid .exit -sticky ew -columnspan 2
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
+$table(table) tag config OddCol -bg brown -fg pink
+$table(table) tag config title -bg red -fg green -relief sunken
+$table(table) tag config dis -state disabled
+set i -1
+set first [$table(table) cget -colorigin]
+foreach anchor {n s e w nw ne sw se c} {
+ $table(table) tag config $anchor -anchor $anchor
+ $table(table) tag row $anchor [incr i]
+ $table(table) set $i,$first $anchor
+font create courier -family Courier -size 10
+$table(table) tag config s -font courier -justify center
+image create photo logo \
+ -file [file join [file dirname [info script]] tcllogo.gif]
+$table(table) tag config logo -image logo -showtext 1
+$table(table) tag cell logo 1,2 2,3 4,1
+$table(table) tag cell dis 2,1 1,-1 3,0
+$table(table) width -2 8 -1 9 0 12 4 14
+$table(table) set \
+ 1,1 "multi-line\ntext\nmight be\ninteresting" \
+ 3,2 "more\nmulti-line\nplaying\n" \
+ 2,2 "null\0byte"
+set i -1
+# This is in the row span
+set l [label $table(table).s -text "Window s" -bg yellow]
+$table(table) window config 6,0 -sticky s -window $l
+# This is in the row titles
+set l [label $table(table).ne -text "Window ne" -bg yellow]
+$table(table) window config 4,-1 -sticky ne -window $l
+# This will get swallowed by a span
+set l [label $table(table).ew -text "Window ew" -bg yellow]
+$table(table) window config 5,3 -sticky ew -window $l
+# This is in the col titles
+set l [label $table(table).news -text "Window news" -bg yellow]
+$table(table) window config -5,1 -sticky news -window $l
+set l [label [winfo parent $table(table)].l -text "Sibling l" -bg orange]
+$table(table) window config 5,1 -sticky news -window $l
+if {![catch {$table(table) span}]} {
+ $table(table) span -1,-2 0,3 1,2 0,5 3,2 2,2 6,0 4,0
+puts [list Table is $table(table) with array [$table(table) cget -var]]
+#$table(table) postscript -file -first origin -last 2,2
+#if {[string match {} [info commands tkcon]]} exit
diff --git a/tktable/demos/dynarows.tcl b/tktable/demos/dynarows.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9006953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/dynarows.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## dynarows.tcl
+## This demos shows the use of the validation mechanism of the table
+## and uses the table's cache (no -command or -variable) with a cute
+## dynamic row routine.
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+proc table_validate {w idx} {
+ if {[scan $idx %d,%d row col] != 2} return
+ set val [$w get $idx]
+ ## Entries in the last row are allowed to be empty
+ set nrows [$w cget -rows]
+ if {$row == ${nrows}-1 && [string match {} $val]} { return }
+ if {[catch {clock scan $val} time]} {
+ bell
+ $w activate $idx
+ $w selection clear all
+ $w selection set active
+ $w see active
+ } else {
+ set date {}
+ foreach item [clock format $time -format "%m %d %Y"] {
+ lappend date [string trimleft $item "0"]
+ }
+ $w set $idx [join $date "/"]
+ if {$row == ${nrows}-1} {
+ ## if this is the last row and both cols 1 && 2 are not empty
+ ## then add a row and redo configs
+ if {[string comp [$w get $row,1] {}] && \
+ [string comp [$w get $row,2] {}]} {
+ $w tag row {} $row
+ $w set $row,0 $row
+ $w configure -rows [incr nrows]
+ $w tag row unset [incr row]
+ $w set $row,0 "*"
+ $w see $row,1
+ $w activate $row,1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+label .example -text "Dynamic Date Validated Rows"
+set t .table
+table $t -rows 2 -cols 3 -cache 1 -selecttype row \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand { .sy set } \
+ -xscrollcommand { .sx set } \
+ -height 5 -colstretch unset -rowstretch unset \
+ -autoclear 1 -browsecommand {table_validate %W %s}
+$t set 0,1 "Begin" 0,2 "End" 1,0 "*"
+$t tag config unset -fg \#008811
+$t tag config title -fg red
+$t tag row unset 1
+$t width 0 3
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $t yview]
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $t xview] -orient horizontal
+grid .example - -sticky ew
+grid $t .sy -sticky news
+grid .sx -sticky ew
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
+bind $t <Return> {
+ set r [%W index active row]
+ set c [%W index active col]
+ if {$c == 2} {
+ %W activate [incr r],1
+ } else {
+ %W activate $r,[incr c]
+ }
+ %W see active
+ break
+bind $t <KP_Enter> [bind $t <Return>]
diff --git a/tktable/demos/loadtable.tcl b/tktable/demos/loadtable.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c691ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/loadtable.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# loadtable.tcl
+# Ensures that the table library extension is loaded
+if {[string equal "Windows CE" $::tcl_platform(os)]} {
+ if {[info proc puts] != "puts" || ![llength [info command ::tcl::puts]]} {
+ # Rename puts to something innocuous on Windows CE,
+ # but only if it wasn't already renamed (thus it's a proc)
+ rename puts ::tcl::puts
+ proc puts args {
+ set la [llength $args]
+ if {$la<1 || $la>3} {
+ error "usage: puts ?-nonewline? ?channel? string"
+ }
+ set nl \n
+ if {[lindex $args 0]=="-nonewline"} {
+ set nl ""
+ set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+ }
+ if {[llength $args]==1} {
+ set args [list stdout [join $args]] ;# (2)
+ }
+ foreach {channel s} $args break
+ if {$channel=="stdout" || $channel=="stderr"} {
+ #$::putsw insert end $s$nl
+ } else {
+ set cmd ::tcl::puts
+ if {$nl==""} {lappend cmd -nonewline}
+ lappend cmd $channel $s
+ uplevel 1 $cmd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+set ::VERSION 2.10
+if {[string compare unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
+ set table(library) Tktable$::VERSION[info sharedlibextension]
+} else {
+ set table(library) libTktable$::VERSION[info sharedlibextension]
+if {
+ [string match {} [info commands table]]
+ && [catch {package require Tktable $::VERSION} err]
+ && [catch {load [file join [pwd] $table(library)]} err]
+ && [catch {load [file join [pwd] .. unix $table(library)]} err]
+ && [catch {load [file join [pwd] .. win $table(library)]} err]
+} {
+ error $err
+} else {
+ puts "Tktable v[package provide Tktable] loaded"
diff --git a/tktable/demos/maxsize.tcl b/tktable/demos/maxsize.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..198eefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/maxsize.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## maxsize.tcl
+## This demo uses a really big table. The big startup time is in
+## filling the table's Tcl array var.
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 40000
+ cols 10
+ table .t
+ array t
+proc fill { array x y } {
+ upvar $array f
+ for {set row 0} {$row<$x} {incr row} {
+ for {set col 0} {$col<$y} {incr col} {
+ set f($row,$col) "$row,$col"
+ }
+ }
+## Test out the use of a procedure to define tags on rows and columns
+proc colProc col { if {$col > 0 && $col % 2} { return OddCol } }
+label .label -text "TkTable v2 Example"
+fill $table(array) $table(rows) $table(cols)
+table $table(table) \
+ -rows $table(rows) -cols $table(cols) \
+ -variable $table(array) \
+ -width 6 -height 8 \
+ -titlerows 1 -titlecols 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand {.sy set} \
+ -xscrollcommand {.sx set} \
+ -coltagcommand colProc \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -rowstretch unset \
+ -colstretch unset \
+ -selecttitles 0 \
+ -drawmode slow
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $table(table) yview]
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $table(table) xview] -orient horizontal
+button .exit -text "Exit" -command {exit}
+grid .label - -sticky ew
+grid $table(table) .sy -sticky news
+grid .sx -sticky ew
+grid .exit -sticky ew -columnspan 2
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
+$table(table) tag config OddCol -bg brown -fg pink
+$table(table) tag config title -bg red -fg blue -relief sunken
+$table(table) tag config dis -state disabled
+set i -1
+set first [$table(table) cget -colorigin]
+foreach anchor {n s e w nw ne sw se c} {
+ $table(table) tag config $anchor -anchor $anchor
+ $table(table) tag row $anchor [incr i]
+ $table(table) set $i,$first $anchor
+font create courier -family Courier -size 10
+$table(table) tag config s -font courier -justify center
+$table(table) width -2 8 -1 9 0 12 4 14
+puts [list Table is $table(table) with array [$table(table) cget -var]]
diff --git a/tktable/demos/spreadsheet.tcl b/tktable/demos/spreadsheet.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a36c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/spreadsheet.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## spreadsheet.tcl
+## This demos shows how you can simulate a 3D table
+## and has other basic features to begin a basic spreadsheet
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 10
+ cols 10
+ page AA
+ table .table
+ default pink
+ AA orange
+ BB blue
+ CC green
+proc colorize num { if {$num>0 && $num%2} { return colored } }
+proc fill {array {r 10} {c 10}} {
+ upvar \#0 $array ary
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $r} {incr i} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $c} {incr j} {
+ if {$j && $i} {
+ set ary($i,$j) "$array $i,$j"
+ } elseif {$i} {
+ set ary($i,$j) "$i"
+ } elseif {$j} {
+ set ary($i,$j) [format %c [expr 64+$j]]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc changepage {w e name el op} {
+ global $name table
+ if {[string comp {} $el]} { set name [list $name\($el\)] }
+ set i [set $name]
+ if {[string comp $i [$w cget -var]]} {
+ $w sel clear all
+ $w config -variable $i
+ $e config -textvar ${i}(active)
+ $w activate origin
+ if {[info exists table($i)]} {
+ $w tag config colored -bg $table($i)
+ } else {
+ $w tag config colored -bg $table(default)
+ }
+ $w see active
+ }
+label .example -text "TkTable v1 Spreadsheet Example"
+label .current -textvar table(current) -width 5
+entry .active -textvar $table(page)(active)
+label .lpage -text "PAGE:" -width 6 -anchor e
+tk_optionMenu .page table(page) AA BB CC DD
+fill $table(page)
+fill BB [expr {$table(rows)/2}] [expr {$table(cols)/2}]
+trace var table(page) w [list changepage $table(table) .active]
+set t $table(table)
+table $t \
+ -rows $table(rows) \
+ -cols $table(cols) \
+ -variable $table(page) \
+ -titlerows 1 \
+ -titlecols 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand { .sy set } \
+ -xscrollcommand { .sx set } \
+ -coltagcommand colorize \
+ -flashmode on \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -colstretch unset \
+ -rowstretch unset \
+ -width 5 -height 5 \
+ -browsecommand {set table(current) %S}
+$t tag config colored -bg $table($table(page))
+$t tag config title -fg red -relief groove
+$t tag config blue -bg blue
+$t tag config green -bg green
+$t tag cell green 6,3 5,7 4,9
+$t tag cell blue 8,8
+$t tag row blue 7
+$t tag col blue 6 8
+$t width 0 3 2 7
+scrollbar .sy -command [list $t yview]
+scrollbar .sx -command [list $t xview] -orient horizontal
+button .exit -text "Exit" -command exit
+grid .example - - - - -sticky ew
+grid .current .active .lpage .page - -sticky ew
+grid $t - - - .sy -sticky ns
+grid .sx - - - -sticky ew
+grid .exit - - - - -sticky ew
+grid columnconfig . 1 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 2 -weight 1
+grid config $t -sticky news
+bind .active <Return> [list tkTableMoveCell $t 1 0]
+menu .menu
+menu .menu.file
+. config -menu .menu add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 -menu .menu.file add command -label "Fill Array" -command { fill $table(page) } add command -label "Quit" -command exit
+puts [list Table is $table(table) with array [$table(table) cget -var]]
diff --git a/tktable/demos/tcllogo.gif b/tktable/demos/tcllogo.gif
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4603d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/tcllogo.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tktable/demos/ b/tktable/demos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51a2f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# #### OUTDATE MODULE ####
+# This has been superceded by the that ships in the lib area.
+# This is kept for compatibility as the newer wrapper is not 100% compatible.
+# #### OUTDATE MODULE ####
+# This file is taken from the usenet:
+# From: Klaus Roethemeyer <klaus.roethemeyer at>
+# It is provided here as an example of using Tktable with Python/Tkinter.
+# MODULE: This module contains the wrapper class for the tktable widget
+# CREATED: Roethemeyer, 20.01.98
+# VERSION: $Id:,v 2011/03/01 20:00:38 joye Exp $
+# import modules
+import string, types, Tkinter
+# ArrayVar
+class ArrayVar(Tkinter.Variable):
+ _default = ''
+ def __init__(self, master = None):
+ Tkinter.Variable.__init__(self, master)
+ def get(self, index = None):
+ if not index:
+ res = {}
+ for i in self.names():
+ res[i] = self._tk.globalgetvar(self._name, i)
+ try: del res['None']
+ except KeyError: pass
+ return res
+ else:
+ return self._tk.globalgetvar(self._name, index)
+ def names(self):
+ return string.split('array', 'names', self._name))
+ def set(self, index, value = ''):
+ if value == None:
+ value = ''
+ return self._tk.globalsetvar(self._name, index, value)
+# Table
+class Table(Tkinter.Widget):
+ _switches1 = ('cols', 'holddimensions', 'holdtags', 'keeptitles', 'rows', '-')
+ _tabsubst_format = ('%c', '%C', '%i', '%r', '%s', '%S', '%W')
+ _tabsubst_commands = ('browsecommand', 'browsecmd', 'command',
+ 'selectioncommand', 'selcmd',
+ 'validatecommand', 'valcmd')
+ def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw):
+ try:
+'package', 'require', 'Tktable')
+ except Tkinter.TclError:
+'load', '', 'Tktable')
+ Tkinter.Widget.__init__(self, master, 'table', cnf, kw)
+ def _options(self, cnf, kw = None):
+ if kw:
+ cnf = Tkinter._cnfmerge((cnf, kw))
+ else:
+ cnf = Tkinter._cnfmerge(cnf)
+ res = ()
+ for k, v in cnf.items():
+ if v is not None:
+ if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
+ if callable(v):
+ if k in self._tabsubst_commands:
+ v = "%s %s" % (self._register(v, self._tabsubst),
+ string.join(self._tabsubst_format))
+ else:
+ v = self._register(v)
+ res = res + ('-'+k, v)
+ return res
+ def _tabsubst(self, *args):
+ tk =
+ if len(args) != len(self._tabsubst_format): return args
+ c, C, i, r, s, S, W = args
+ e = Tkinter.Event()
+ e.widget = self
+ e.c = tk.getint(c)
+ e.i = tk.getint(i)
+ e.r = tk.getint(r)
+ e.C = (e.r, e.c)
+ try: e.s = tk.getint(s)
+ except Tkinter.TclError: e.s = s
+ try: e.S = tk.getint(S)
+ except Tkinter.TclError: e.S = S
+ e.W = W
+ return (e,)
+ def _getCells(self, cellString):
+ res = []
+ for i in string.split(cellString):
+ res.append(tuple(map(int, string.split(i, ','))))
+ return res
+ def _getLines(self, lineString):
+ return map(int, string.split(lineString))
+ def _prepareArgs1(self, args):
+ args = list(args)
+ for i in xrange(len(args)):
+ if args[i] in self._switches1:
+ args[i] = "-" + args[i]
+ return tuple(args)
+ def activate(self, index):
+, 'activate', index)
+ def bbox(self, first, last=None):
+ return self._getints(, 'bbox', first, last)) or None
+ def border_mark(self, x, y, row=None, col=None):
+, 'border', 'mark', x, y, row, col)
+ def border_dragto(self, x, y):
+, 'border', 'dragto', x, y)
+ def curselection(self, setValue = None):
+ if setValue != None:
+, 'curselection', 'set', setValue)
+ else:
+ return self._getCells(, 'curselection'))
+ def delete_active(self, index, more = None):
+, 'delete', 'active', index, more)
+ def delete_cols(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'delete', 'cols') + self._prepareArgs1(args))
+ def delete_rows(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'delete', 'rows') + self._prepareArgs1(args))
+ def flush(self, first=None, last=None):
+, 'flush', first, last)
+ def get(self, first, last=None):
+ return, 'get', first, last)
+ def height(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'height') + args)
+ def icursor(self, arg):
+, 'icursor', arg)
+ def index(self, index, rc = None):
+ if rc == None:
+ return self._getCells(, 'index', index, rc))[0]
+ else:
+ return self._getCells(, 'index', index, rc))[0][0]
+ def insert_active(self, index, value):
+, 'insert', 'active', index, value)
+ def insert_cols(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'insert', 'cols') + self._prepareArgs1(args))
+ def insert_rows(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'insert', 'rows') + self._prepareArgs1(args))
+ def reread(self):
+, 'reread')
+ def scan_mark(self, x, y):
+, 'scan', 'mark', x, y)
+ def scan_dragto(self, x, y):
+, 'scan', 'dragto', x, y)
+ def see(self, index):
+, 'see', index)
+ def selection_anchor(self, index):
+, 'selection', 'anchor', index)
+ def selection_clear(self, first, last=None):
+, 'selection', 'clear', first, last)
+ def selection_includes(self, index):
+ return int(, 'selection', 'includes', index))
+ def selection_set(self, first, last=None):
+, 'selection', 'set', first, last)
+ def set(self, *args):
+ apply(, (self._w, 'set') + args)
+ def tag_cell(self, tagName, *args):
+ result = apply(, (self._w, 'tag', 'cell', tagName) + args)
+ if not args: return self._getCells(result)
+ def tag_cget(self, tagName, option):
+ return, 'tag', 'cget', tagName, '-' + option)
+ def tag_col(self, tagName, *args):
+ result = apply(, (self._w, 'tag', 'col', tagName) + args)
+ if not args: return self._getLines(result)
+ def tag_configure(self, tagName, cnf={}, **kw):
+ if not cnf and not kw:
+ return, 'tag', 'configure', tagName)
+ if type(cnf) == types.StringType and not kw:
+ return, 'tag', 'configure', tagName, '-' + cnf)
+ if type(cnf) == types.DictType:
+ apply(,
+ (self._w, 'tag', 'configure', tagName)
+ + self._options(cnf, kw))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "usage: <instance>.tag_configure tagName [option] | [option=value]+"
+ def tag_delete(self, tagName):
+, 'tag', 'delete', tagName)
+ def tag_exists(self, tagName):
+ return self.getboolean(, 'tag', 'exists', tagName))
+ def tag_includes(self, tagName, index):
+ return self.getboolean(, 'tag', 'includes', tagName, index))
+ def tag_names(self, pattern=None):
+ return, 'tag', 'names', pattern)
+ def tag_row(self, tagName, *args):
+ result = apply(, (self._w, 'tag', 'row', tagName) + args)
+ if not args: return self._getLines(result)
+ def validate(self, index):
+, 'validate', index)
+ def width(self, *args):
+ result = apply(, (self._w, 'width') + args)
+ if not args:
+ str = string.replace(result, '{', '')
+ str = string.replace(str, '}', '')
+ lst = string.split(str)
+ x = len(lst)
+ x2 = x / 2
+ return tuple(map(lambda i, j, l=lst: (int(l[i]), int(l[j])),
+ xrange(x2), xrange(x2, x)))
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ return int(result)
+ else:
+ return result
+ def xview(self, *args):
+ if not args:
+ return self._getdoubles(, 'xview'))
+ apply(, (self._w, 'xview') + args)
+ def yview(self, *args):
+ if not args:
+ return self._getdoubles(, 'yview'))
+ apply(, (self._w, 'yview') + args)
+# Test-Function
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from Tkinter import Tk, Label, Button
+ import pprint
+ prn = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 6).pprint
+ def test_cmd(event=None):
+ if event.i == 0:
+ return '%i, %i' % (event.r, event.c)
+ else:
+ return 'set'
+ def browsecmd(event):
+ print "event:", event.__dict__
+ print "curselection:", test.curselection()
+ print "active:", test.index('active', 'row')
+ print "anchor:", test.index('anchor', 'row')
+ root = Tk()
+'load', '', 'Tktable')
+ var = ArrayVar(root)
+ for y in range(-1, 4):
+ for x in range(-1, 5):
+ index = "%i,%i" % (y, x)
+ var.set(index, index)
+ label = Label(root, text="Proof-of-existence test for Tktable")
+ label.pack(side = 'top', fill = 'x')
+ quit = Button(root, text="QUIT", command=root.destroy)
+ quit.pack(side = 'bottom', fill = 'x')
+ test = Table(root,
+ rows=10,
+ cols=5,
+ state='disabled',
+ width=6,
+ height=6,
+ titlerows=1,
+ titlecols=1,
+ roworigin=-1,
+ colorigin=-1,
+ selectmode='browse',
+ selecttype='row',
+ rowstretch='unset',
+ colstretch='last',
+ browsecmd=browsecmd,
+ flashmode='on',
+ variable=var,
+ usecommand=0,
+ command=test_cmd)
+ test.pack(expand=1, fill='both')
+ test.tag_configure('sel', background = 'yellow')
+ test.tag_configure('active', background = 'blue')
+ test.tag_configure('title', anchor='w', bg='red', relief='sunken')
+ root.mainloop()
diff --git a/tktable/demos/valid.tcl b/tktable/demos/valid.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a16a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tktable/demos/valid.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+## valid.tcl
+## This demos shows the use of the validation mechanism of the table
+## and uses the table's cache (no -command or -variable)
+## jeff at hobbs org
+source [file join [file dirname [info script]] loadtable.tcl]
+array set table {
+ rows 10
+ cols 10
+ table .table
+proc colorize num {
+ if {$num>0 && $num%2} { return colored }
+proc fill_headers {w {r 10} {c 10}} {
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $r} {incr i} {
+ $w set $i,0 "$i"
+ }
+ for {set j 1} {$j < $c} {incr j} {
+ if {$j%3==1} {
+ $w set 0,$j AlphaNum
+ } elseif {$j%2==1} {
+ $w set 0,$j Alpha
+ } elseif {$j} {
+ $w set 0,$j Real
+ }
+ }
+proc validate {c val} {
+ if {$c%3==1} {
+ ## Alphanum
+ set expr {^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$}
+ } elseif {$c%2==1} {
+ ## Alpha
+ set expr {^[A-Za-z ]*$}
+ } elseif {$c} {
+ ## Real
+ set expr {^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([0-9]\.?e[-+]?[0-9]*)?$}
+ }
+ if {[regexp $expr $val]} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ bell
+ return 0
+ }
+label .example -text "TkTable v1 Validated Table Example"
+set t $table(table)
+table $t \
+ -rows $table(rows) \
+ -cols $table(cols) \
+ -cache 1 \
+ -titlerows 1 \
+ -titlecols 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand { .tsy set } \
+ -xscrollcommand { .tsx set } \
+ -width 5 -height 5 \
+ -coltagcommand colorize \
+ -flashmode on \
+ -selectmode extended \
+ -colstretch unset \
+ -rowstretch unset \
+ -validate yes \
+ -vcmd {if {![%W tag includes title %C]} { validate %c %S } }
+fill_headers $t
+$t tag config colored -bg lightblue
+$t tag config title -fg red
+$t width 0 3
+scrollbar .tsy -command [list $t yview]
+scrollbar .tsx -command [list $t xview] -orient horizontal
+button .exit -text "Exit" -command {exit}
+grid .example - -sticky ew
+grid $t .tsy -sticky news
+grid .tsx -sticky ew
+grid .exit - -sticky ew
+grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1
+puts [list Table is $table(table)]