From 4efcd533dad2b0938de99c118e34be2a99859906 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: William Joye Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2018 16:22:20 -0400 Subject: update doc --- ds9/doc/ref/command.html | 1135 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- ds9/doc/ref/samp.html | 1200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html | 766 ++++++++++++++++------------- 3 files changed, 1673 insertions(+), 1428 deletions(-) diff --git a/ds9/doc/ref/command.html b/ds9/doc/ref/command.html index a90ef65..209e0b9 100644 --- a/ds9/doc/ref/command.html +++ b/ds9/doc/ref/command.html @@ -357,33 +357,36 @@ $ds9 -blink interval 1


Controls blocking parameters.

- Syntax:
- -block
-        [<value> - <value>]
-        [to <value>]
-        [to <value> - <value>]
-        [in]
-        [out]
       [to fit]
-        [match]
-        [lock [yes|no]]
-        [open|close]
- Example:
$ds9 -block 4
- $ds9
-block 4 2
$ds9 -block to 4
- $ds9
-block to 4 2
-block in
$ds9 -block - out
-block to fit
- $ds9
-block match
- $ds9
-block lock yes
- $ds9
-block open
- $ds9
-block close
+ Syntax:
-block [<value>]
       [<value> + <value>]
       [to <value>]
       [to <value> + <value>]
       [to fit]
       [lock [yes|no]]
$ds9 -block + 4
$ds9 -block 4 2
$ds9 -block + to 4
$ds9 -block to 4 2
$ds9 -block in
$ds9 -block + out
$ds9 -block to + fit
$ds9 -block match
$ds9 -block lock yes
$ds9 -block open
$ds9 -block close


For RGB frames, sets the current color channel to blue.

@@ -398,194 +401,212 @@

Support for catalogs. The first three commands will create a new catalog search. All other commands operated on the last search created, unless indicated otherwise.

- Syntax:
-catalog [new]
-         - [ned|simbad|denis|skybot]
-         [
-         [csc|xmm|rosat]
-         [first|nvss]
-         - [chandralog|cfhtlog|esolog|stlog|xmmlog]
-         [cds <catalogname>]
-         [cds - <catalogid>]
-         [load <filename>]
-         [import sb|tsv - <filename>]
        [<ref>] - [<ra> <dec> <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] [allcols]
        - [<ref>] [allrows]
       [<ref>] - [cancel]
        [<ref>] - [clear]
        [<ref>] [close]
-         [<ref>] - [crosshair]
-         [<ref>] [dec - <col>]
-         [<ref>] [edit - yes|no]
-         [<ref>] - [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        - [<ref>] [filter <string>]
-         [<ref>] [filter load - <filename>]

-         [<ref>] - [header]
-         [<ref>] [location - <code>]
-         [<ref>] - [match <ref> <ref>]
        + Syntax:
-catalog [new]
        + [ned|simbad|denis|skybot]
        + [2mass|iras]
        + [csc|xmm|rosat]
        + [chandralog|cfhtlog|esolog|stlog|xmmlog]
        [cds + <catalogname>]
        [cds + <catalogid>]

        [load + <filename>]
        [import sb|tsv + <filename>]

    +     [<ref>] [<ra> <dec> + <coordsys>]
        + [<ref>] [allcols]
     +    [<ref>] [allrows]
        + [<ref>] [cancel]
    +     [<ref>] [clear]
        + [<ref>] [close]
        + [<ref>] [crosshair]
        + [<ref>] [dec <col>]
        + [<ref>] [edit yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        - [<ref>] [match]
[<ref>] -[match + [<ref>] [filter <string>]
        [<ref>] + [filter load <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [header]
        + [<ref>] [location <code>]
        + [<ref>] [match <ref> <ref>]
        - error <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-         [<ref>] - [match function 1and2|1not2|2not1]
        [<ref>] - [match return 1and2|1only|2only]
-         [<ref>] - [match unique yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [maxrows - <number>]
-         [<ref>] [name - <object>]
        - [<ref>] [panto yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [plot - <xcol> <ycol> <xerrcol> <yerrcol>]
-         [<ref>] [print]
-         [<ref>] [psky - <skyframe>]
-         [<ref>] [psystem - <coordsys>]
-         [<ref>] [ra - <col>]
-         [<ref>] - [regions]
-         [<ref>] [retrieve]
        [<ref>] - [samp]
-         [<ref>] [samp - broadcast]
-         [<ref>] [samp - send <application>]

        - [<ref>] [save <filename>]
-         [<ref>] - [server cds|adac|cadc|cambridge|sao|ukirt|iucaa|bejing|saao]
-         [<ref>] [show - yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [radius - <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-         [<ref>] [sky - <skyframe>]
        [<ref>] - [skyformat <skyformat>]
        [<ref>] - [sort <col> incr|decr]
-         [<ref>] [symbol - [#] + + [<ref>] [match]
        + [<ref>] + [match error <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        + [<ref>] [match function 1and2|1not2|2not1]
        + [<ref>] [match return 1and2|1only|2only]
        + [<ref>] [match unique yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [maxrows <number>]
        [<ref>] + [name <object>]
        + + [<ref>] [panto yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [plot <xcol> <ycol> <xerrcol> + <yerrcol>]
        [<ref>] + [print]
        + [<ref>] [psky <skyframe>]
        + [<ref>] [psystem <coordsys>]
        + [<ref>] [ra <col>]
        + [<ref>] [regions]
        [<ref>] + [retrieve]
    +     [<ref>] [samp]
        [<ref>] + [samp broadcast]
        [<ref>] + [samp send <application>]
        + + [<ref>] [save <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [server cds|adac|cadc|cambridge|sao|ukirt|iucaa|bejing|saao]
        + [<ref>] [show yes|no]
        [<ref>] + [radius <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        + [<ref>] [sky <skyframe>]
    +     [<ref>] [skyformat <skyformat>]
    +     [<ref>] [sort <col> incr|decr]
        + [<ref>] [symbol [#] condition|shape|color|text|font|fontsize|fontweight|fontslant - <value>]
        [<ref>] - [symbol [#] text|size|size2|units|angle <value>]
-         [<ref>] - [symbol shape circle|ellipse|box|text|point]
[<ref>] - [symbol shape circle - point|box point|diamond point|cross - point|x point|arrow point|boxcircle point]
        - [<ref>] [symbol add| [#] remove]
-         [<ref>] [symbol - save|load <filename>]

-         [<ref>] [system - <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] - [update]
-         [<ref>] [x - <col>]
-         [<ref>] [y - <col>]
- Example:
$ds9 -catalog new
$ds9 -catalog 2mass
- $ds9 -catalog cds 2mass
- $ds9 -catalog cds "I/252"
$ds9 -catalog load foo.xml
- $ds9 -catalog import tsv foo.tsv
$ds9 -catalog 202.48 47.21 fk5
$ds9 -catalog allrows
- $ds9 -catalog allcols
$ds9 -catalog cancel
$ds9 -catalog clear
$ds9 -catalog close
$ds9 -catalog crosshair
$ds9 -catalog dec DEC
$ds9 -catalog edit yes
$ds9 -catalog export tsv bar.tsv
$ds9 -catalog filter '\$Jmag>15'
- $ds9 -catalog filter load foo.flt
- $ds9 -catalog header
$ds9 -catalog location 500
- $ds9 -catalog match error 2 arcsec
- $ds9 -catalog match function 1and2
- $ds9 -catalog match unique no
- $ds9 -catalog match return 1only
$ds9 -catalog match # last two catalogs loaded
$ds9 -catalog match 2mass csc
$ds9 -catalog maxrows 2000
$ds9 -catalog name m51
- $ds9 -catalog panto no
$ds9 -catalog plot '\$Jmag' '\$Hmag' - '\$e_Jmag' '\$e_Hmag'
$ds9 -catalog print
- $ds9 -catalog psky fk5
- $ds9 -catalog psystem wcs
- $ds9 -catalog ra RA
- $ds9 -catalog regions
$ds9 -catalog retrieve
$ds9 -catalog samp broadcast
- $ds9 -catalog samp send aladin
- $ds9 -catalog save foo.xml
$ds9 -catalog server sao
$ds9 -catalog show yes
- $ds9 -catalog radius 1 degrees
- $ds9 -catalog symbol condition '\$Jmag>15'
- $ds9 -catalog symbol 2 shape "boxcircle point"
- $ds9 -catalog symbol color red
- $ds9 -catalog symbol font times
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontsize 14
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontweight bold
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontslant italic
$ds9 -catalog symbol add
- $ds9 -catalog symbol 2 remove
- $ds9 -catalog symbol load foo.sym
- $ds9 -catalog symbol save bar.sym

- $ds9 -catalog sky fk5
- $ds9 -catalog skyformat degrees
$ds9 -catalog sort "Jmag" incr
$ds9 -catalog system wcs
$ds9 -catalog update
$ds9 -catalog x RA
- $ds9 -catalog y DEC

+ <value>]

    +     [<ref>] [symbol [#] + text|size|size2|units|angle <value>]
        + [<ref>] [symbol shape circle|ellipse|box|text|point]
        [<ref>] + + [symbol shape circle point|box point|diamond + point|cross point|x point|arrow point|boxcircle point]
        + + [<ref>] [symbol add| [#] remove]
        [<ref>] + [symbol save|load <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [system <coordsys>]
     +    [<ref>] [update]
        + [<ref>] [x <col>]
        + [<ref>] [y <col>]

$ds9 -catalog new
$ds9 -catalog 2mass
$ds9 -catalog cds 2mass
$ds9 -catalog cds "I/252"

$ds9 -catalog load foo.xml
$ds9 -catalog import tsv foo.tsv

$ds9 -catalog 202.48 47.21 fk5
$ds9 -catalog allrows
$ds9 -catalog allcols
$ds9 -catalog cancel
$ds9 -catalog clear
$ds9 -catalog close
$ds9 -catalog crosshair
$ds9 -catalog dec DEC
$ds9 -catalog edit yes
$ds9 -catalog export tsv bar.tsv
$ds9 -catalog filter '\$Jmag>15'
$ds9 -catalog filter load foo.flt
$ds9 -catalog header
$ds9 -catalog location 500
$ds9 -catalog match error 2 arcsec
$ds9 -catalog match function 1and2
$ds9 -catalog match unique no
$ds9 -catalog match return 1only
$ds9 -catalog match # last two + catalogs loaded
$ds9 -catalog match 2mass csc
$ds9 -catalog maxrows 2000
$ds9 -catalog name m51
$ds9 -catalog panto no
$ds9 -catalog plot '\$Jmag' + '\$Hmag' '\$e_Jmag' '\$e_Hmag'
$ds9 -catalog print
$ds9 -catalog psky fk5
$ds9 -catalog psystem wcs
$ds9 -catalog ra RA
$ds9 -catalog regions
$ds9 -catalog retrieve
$ds9 -catalog samp broadcast
$ds9 -catalog samp send aladin
$ds9 -catalog save foo.xml
$ds9 -catalog server sao
$ds9 -catalog show yes
$ds9 -catalog radius 1 degrees
$ds9 -catalog symbol condition '\$Jmag>15'
$ds9 -catalog symbol 2 shape "boxcircle point"
$ds9 -catalog symbol color red
$ds9 -catalog symbol font times
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontsize 14
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontweight + bold
$ds9 -catalog symbol fontslant + italic
$ds9 -catalog symbol add
$ds9 -catalog symbol 2 remove
$ds9 -catalog symbol load foo.sym
$ds9 -catalog symbol save bar.sym
$ds9 -catalog sky fk5
$ds9 -catalog skyformat degrees
$ds9 -catalog sort "Jmag" incr
$ds9 -catalog system wcs
$ds9 -catalog update
$ds9 -catalog x RA
$ds9 -catalog y DEC


Sets the current working directory.

@@ -644,6 +665,7 @@           [ticks]
          + [match]
          [lock [yes|no]]

@@ -774,6 +796,7 @@  
          [match + <coordsys>]
           [lock <coordsys>|none]

@@ -933,6 +956,7 @@ Example:
$ds9 -envi foo.hdr
$ds9 + -envi foo.hdr foo.bsq

@@ -954,24 +978,29 @@ extension is used to determine the output format. Optional parameters: jpeg quality (1-100) and tiff compression method.

- Syntax:
- -export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] <filename>

-export array <filename> [big|little|native]
-export nrrd <filename>
- -export envi <header> [<filename>] [big|little|native] -
-export <filename>.jpeg [1-100]
-export <filename>.tiff - [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
- Example:
- $ds9 -export array foo.arr little
- $ds9 -export nrrd foo.nrrd little
- $ds9 -export envi foo.hdr little
$ds9 -export envi foo.hdr foo.bsq little
$ds9 -export tiff foo.tiff jpeg
- $ds9 -export jpeg foo.jpeg 75
- $ds9 -export png foo.png

+ Syntax:
-export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] + <filename>
-export array <filename> + [big|little|native]
-export nrrd <filename> [big|little|native]
-export envi <header> [<filename>] + [big|little|native]
-export <filename>.jpeg + [1-100]
-export <filename>.tiff + + [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
$ds9 -export array foo.arr little
$ds9 -export nrrd foo.nrrd little
$ds9 -export envi foo.hdr little
$ds9 -export envi foo.hdr foo.bsq + little
$ds9 -export tiff foo.tiff jpeg
$ds9 -export jpeg foo.jpeg 75
$ds9 -export png foo.png


Set the name of the IRAF input and output fifos. The default is /dev/imt1. These fifos are used by IRAF to communicate with DS9.

@@ -1324,34 +1353,39 @@ $ds9 -linear


Lock all other frames to the current frame.

- Syntax:
-lock [frame <coordsys>|none]
[crosshair - <coordsys>|none]
      [crop <coordsys>|none]
-       [slice <coordsys>|none]
-       [bin [yes|no]]
-       [axes [yes|no]]
-       [scale [yes|no]]
-       [scalelimits [yes|no]]
-       [colorbar [yes|no]]
-       [block [yes|no]]
      [smooth [yes|no]]
-       [3d [yes|no]]

- $ds9 -lock frame wcs

$ds9 -lock crosshair wcs
$ds9 -lock crop wcs
- $ds9 -lock slice wcs
- $ds9 -lock bin yes
- $ds9 -lock axes yes
$ds9 -lock scale yes
- $ds9 -lock scalelimits yes
$ds9 -lock colorbar yes
- $ds9 -lock block yes

- $ds9 -lock smooth yes

+ Syntax:
-lock [frame + <coordsys>|none]
      [crosshair + <coordsys>|none]
      [crop + <coordsys>|none]
      [slice + <coordsys>|none]
      [bin [yes|no]]
      [axes [yes|no]]
      [scale [yes|no]]
      [scalelimits [yes|no]]
      [colorbar [yes|no]]
      [block [yes|no]]
      + [smooth [yes|no]]
      [3d [yes|no]]

$ds9 -lock frame wcs
$ds9 -lock crosshair wcs
$ds9 -lock crop wcs
$ds9 -lock slice wcs
$ds9 -lock bin yes
$ds9 -lock axes yes
$ds9 -lock scale yes
$ds9 -lock scalelimits yes
$ds9 -lock colorbar yes
$ds9 -lock block yes
$ds9 -lock smooth yes
$ds9 -lock 3d yes

Select log scale function for the current frame.

@@ -1411,35 +1445,39 @@


Match all other frames to the current frame.

- Syntax:
-match [frame <coordsys>]
[crosshair - <coordsys>]
       [crop - <coordsys>]
-        [slice <coordsys>]
-        [bin]
-        [axes]
-        [scale]
-        [scalelimits]
-        [colorbar]
-        [block]
-        [smooth]

- Example:
$ds9 -match frame wcs
$ds9 -match crosshair wcs
$ds9 -match crop wcs
- $ds9 -match slice wcs
- $ds9 -match bin
- $ds9 -match axes
- $ds9 -match scale
- $ds9 -match scalelimits
- $ds9 -match colorbar
- $ds9 -match block
$ds9 -match smooth
$ds9 -match 3d

+ Syntax:
-match [frame + <coordsys>]
       [crosshair + + <coordsys>]
       + [crop <coordsys>]
       [slice + <coordsys>]
       + [3d]
$ds9 -match frame wcs
$ds9 -match crosshair wcs
$ds9 -match crop wcs
$ds9 -match slice wcs
$ds9 -match bin
$ds9 -match axes
$ds9 -match scale
$ds9 -match scalelimits
$ds9 -match colorbar
$ds9 -match block
$ds9 -match smooth
$ds9 -match 3d

Load FITS multiple extension file as data cube.
@@ -1541,12 +1579,15 @@ degrees|sexagesimal]
            + [pan]
            + [crosshair]
            + [open|close]
@@ -1632,27 +1673,29 @@


Controls the current image cursor location for the current frame.

- Syntax:
- -pan [<x> <h> <coordsys> [<skyframe>]] # - relative
-      [to <x> <h> - <coordsys> [<skyframe>]] # absolute
-      [open|close]
- Example:
- $ds9 -pan 200 200 image
# pan relative
- $ds9 -pan to 400 400 physical
# pan to physical - coords
- $ds9 -pan to 13:29:55 47:11:50 wcs fk
# pan to wcs - coords
- $ds9 -pan open
- $ds9 -pan close

+ Syntax:
-pan [<x> <h> <coordsys> + [<skyframe>]] # relative
     [to <x> <h> + <coordsys> [<skyframe>]] # absolute
$ds9 -pan 200 200 image # pan + relative
$ds9 -pan to 400 400 physical # pan + to physical coords
$ds9 -pan to 13:29:55 47:11:50 wcs fk # + pan to wcs coords
$ds9 -pan open
$ds9 -pan close


Display/Hide the pixel table.

-pixeltable []
            + [yes|open]
@@ -1677,178 +1720,188 @@

To create a new plot, use the plot new command.

# create new empty plot window
-plot [line|bar|scatter]

# existing plot
-plot [[<plotname>] load - <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
      [[<plotname>] save - <filename>]
      [[<plotname>] clear]
      [[<plotname>] - duplicate [#]]
      [[<plotname>] - stats yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] - list yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] + # create new empty plot window
-plot [line|bar|scatter]

# existing plot
-plot [[<plotname>] + load <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
      + [[<plotname>] save <filename>]
      + [[<plotname>] clear]
      + [[<plotname>] duplicate [#]]
      + [[<plotname>] stats yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] list yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] + loadconfig <filename>]
      [[<plotname>] saveconfig - <filename>]
      [[<plotname>] pagesetup - orient portrait|landscape]
      [[<plotname>] pagesetup size +       + [[<plotname>] saveconfig <filename>]
      + [[<plotname>] pagesetup orient portrait|landscape]
      + [[<plotname>] pagesetup size letter|legal|tabloid|poster|a4]
      [[<plotname>] print]
      [[<plotname>] print - destination printer|file]
      [[<plotname>] print command - <command>]
      [[<plotname>] print filename - <filename>]
      [[<plotname>] print color - rgb|gray]
      [[<plotname>] - close]
      [[<plotname>] mode - pointer|zoom]

# configure graph
-plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y grid yes|no]
      [[[<plotname>] axis x|y - log yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] axis x|y - flip yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto - yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] axis x|y min - <value>]
      [[<plotname>] axis x|y max - <value>]
      [[<plotname>] axis x|y - format <string>]
      [[<plotname>] - legend yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] legend - position right|left|top|bottom]
      [[<plotname>] font - title|labels|numbers font times|helvetica|courier]
      [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - size <value>]
      [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - weight normal|bold]
      [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - slant roman|italic]
      [[<plotname>] title - <string>]
      [[<plotname>] title x|y - <string>]
      [[<plotname>] - barmode normal|stacked|aligned|overlap]

# configure current dataset
-plot [[<plotname>] show yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] - shape circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
      [[<plotname>] - shape fill yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] - - shape color <value>]
      [[<plotname>] - - smooth step|linear|cubic|quadratic|catrom]
      [[<plotname>] - - color <value>]
      [[<plotname>] - - width <value>]
      [[<plotname>] - - dash yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] +       + [[<plotname>] print]
      + [[<plotname>] print destination printer|file]
      + [[<plotname>] print command <command>]
      + [[<plotname>] print filename <filename>]
      + [[<plotname>] print color rgb|gray]
      [[<plotname>] - error yes|no]
      [[<plotname>] - - error color <value>]
      [[<plotname>] - color <value>]
      [[<plotname>] + close]
      [[<plotname>] + mode pointer|zoom]

# configure graph
-plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y + grid yes|no]
      + [[[<plotname>] axis x|y log yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] axis x|y flip yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] axis x|y min <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] axis x|y max <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] axis x|y format <string>]
      [[<plotname>] - error width <value>]
      [[<plotname>] + legend yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] legend position right|left|top|bottom]
      + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers font + times|helvetica|courier]
      + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + size <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + weight normal|bold]
      + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + slant roman|italic]
      + [[<plotname>] title <string>]
      + [[<plotname>] title x|y <string>]
      [[<plotname>] - name <string>]

# select current dataset
-plot [[<plotname>] select <value>]
# create new empty plot window
$ds9 -plot bar

# existing plot
$ds9 -plot load xy.dat
$ds9 -plot save foo.dat
$ds9 -plot clear
$ds9 -plot duplicate 1
$ds9 -plot stats yes
$ds9 -plot list yes
$ds9 -plot loadconfig foo.plt
$ds9 -plot saveconfig foo.plt
$ds9 -plot pagesetup orient portrait
$ds9 -plot pagesetup size letter
$ds9 -plot print
$ds9 -plot print destination file
$ds9 -plot print command lp
$ds9 -plot print filename
$ds9 -plot print color rgb
$ds9 -plot close
$ds9 -plot mode pointer

# configure plot
$ds9 -plot axis x grid yes
$ds9 -plot axis x log yes
$ds9 -plot axis x flip yes
$ds9 -plot axis x auto no
$ds9 -plot axis x min 1
$ds9 -plot axis x max 100
$ds9 -plot axis x format '%f'

$ds9 -plot legend yes
$ds9 -plot legend position left

$ds9 -plot font numbers font times
$ds9 -plot font numbers size 12
$ds9 -plot font numbers weight bold
$ds9 -plot font numbers slant italic

$ds9 -plot title 'This is a Title'
$ds9 -plot title x 'X Axis'
$ds9 -plot title y 'Y Axis'
$ds9 -plot title legend 'This is the Legend'

$ds9 -plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
$ds9 -plot show yes
$ds9 -plot shape circle
$ds9 -plot shape fill no
$ds9 -plot shape color cyan
$ds9 -plot smooth step
$ds9 -plot color red
$ds9 -plot width 2
$ds9 -plot dash yes
$ds9 -plot error yes
$ds9 -plot error color red
$ds9 -plot error width 2
$ds9 -plot name 'My Data'

# select current dataset
$ds9 -plot select 2 + barmode normal|stacked|aligned|overlap]


# configure current dataset
-plot [[<plotname>] show + yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] shape + circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
      + [[<plotname>] shape fill yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] shape color <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] smooth + step|linear|cubic|quadratic|catrom]
      + [[<plotname>] color <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] width <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] dash yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] error yes|no]
      + [[<plotname>] error color <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] color <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] error width <value>]
      + [[<plotname>] name <string>]

# select current dataset
-plot [[<plotname>] select + <value>]
# create new empty plot window
$ds9 -plot bar

# existing plot
$ds9 -plot load xy.dat
$ds9 -plot save foo.dat
$ds9 -plot clear
$ds9 -plot duplicate 1
$ds9 -plot stats yes
$ds9 -plot list yes
$ds9 -plot loadconfig foo.plt
$ds9 -plot saveconfig foo.plt
$ds9 -plot pagesetup orient + portrait
$ds9 -plot pagesetup size letter
$ds9 -plot print
$ds9 -plot print destination file
$ds9 -plot print command lp
$ds9 -plot print filename
$ds9 -plot print color rgb
$ds9 -plot close
$ds9 -plot mode pointer

# configure plot
$ds9 -plot axis x grid yes
$ds9 -plot axis x log yes
$ds9 -plot axis x flip yes
$ds9 -plot axis x auto no
$ds9 -plot axis x min 1
$ds9 -plot axis x max 100
$ds9 -plot axis x format '%f'

$ds9 -plot legend yes
$ds9 -plot legend position left

$ds9 -plot font numbers font times
$ds9 -plot font numbers size 12
$ds9 -plot font numbers weight bold
$ds9 -plot font numbers slant + italic

$ds9 -plot title 'This is a Title'
$ds9 -plot title x 'X Axis'
$ds9 -plot title y 'Y Axis'
$ds9 -plot title legend 'This is + the Legend'

$ds9 -plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
$ds9 -plot show yes
$ds9 -plot shape circle
$ds9 -plot shape fill no
$ds9 -plot shape color cyan
$ds9 -plot smooth step
$ds9 -plot color red
$ds9 -plot width 2
$ds9 -plot dash yes
$ds9 -plot error yes
$ds9 -plot error color red
$ds9 -plot error width 2
$ds9 -plot name 'My Data'

# select current dataset
$ds9 -plot select 2


Load PNG image into current frame.

@@ -1921,24 +1974,26 @@


Controls printing. Use print option to set printing options.

- Syntax:
- -print [destination printer|file]
-        [command <command>]
-        [filename <filename>]
       [color - rgb|cmyk|gray]
-        [level 1|2]
-        [resolution - 53|72|75|150|300|600]
- Example:
- $ds9 -print
- $ds9 -print destination file
- $ds9 -print command lp
- $ds9 -print filename
- $ds9 -print color cmyk
- $ds9 -print level 2
- $ds9 -print resolution 75
+ Syntax:
-print [destination printer|file]
       [command + <command>]
       [filename + <filename>]
       + [color rgb|cmyk|gray]
       [level 1|2]
       [resolution + 53|72|75|150|300|600]
$ds9 -print
$ds9 -print destination file
$ds9 -print command lp
$ds9 -print filename
$ds9 -print color cmyk
$ds9 -print level 2
$ds9 -print resolution 75


Raise in the window stacking order.

@@ -2141,8 +2196,7 @@ $ds9 -rgb lock block yes
$ds9 -rgb lock smooth yes
$ds9 -rgb open
- $ds9 -rgb close

+ $ds9 -rgb close


Load raw data array cube into rgb frame.

@@ -2206,6 +2260,7 @@ -save [fits|rgbimage|rgbcube|mecube|mosaic|mosaicimage] <filename> + [image|table|slice]
@@ -2309,51 +2364,60 @@

Support for VO Simple Image Access protocol. The first command will create a new search. All other commands operated on the last search created, unless indicated otherwise.

- Syntax:
-sia [2mass|akari|astrowise|cadc|cxc|mast|sdss|skyview|tgssadr]
     [<ref>] - [cancel]
     [<ref>] [clear]
     [<ref>] [close]
-      [<ref>] [coordinate <ra> - <dec> <coordsys>]
     [<ref>] - [crosshair]
-      [<ref>] [export sb|tsv - <filename>]
     [<ref>] [name <object>]
     [<ref>] [print]
-      [<ref>] [retrieve]
     [<ref>] [save - <filename>]
-      [<ref>] [radius <value> - degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-      [<ref>] [sky <skyframe>]
     [<ref>] [skyformat - <skyformat>]
     [<ref>] [system - <coordsys>]
     [<ref>] - [update]
- Example:
$ds9 -sia 2mass
$ds9 -sia cancel
$ds9 -sia clear
$ds9 -sia close
$ds9 -sia coordinate 202.48 47.21 fk5
$ds9 -sia crosshair
$ds9 -sia export tsv bar.tsv
$ds9 -sia name m51
$ds9 -sia print
- $ds9 -sia retrieve
$ds9 -sia save foo.xml
$ds9 -sia radius 1 degrees
- $ds9 -sia sky fk5
- $ds9 -sia skyformat degrees
$ds9 -sia system wcs
$ds9 -sia update
+ Syntax:
-sia [2mass|akari|astrowise|cadc|cxc|mast|sdss|skyview|tgssadr]

     + [<ref>] [cancel]
     + [<ref>] [clear]
     [<ref>] + [close]
     [<ref>] + [coordinate <ra> <dec> <coordsys>]
     [<ref>] + + [crosshair]
     [<ref>] [export + sb|tsv <filename>]
     [<ref>] + [name <object>]
     [<ref>] + [print]
     [<ref>] + [retrieve]
     + [<ref>] [save <filename>]
     [<ref>] [radius + <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
     [<ref>] [sky + <skyframe>]
     + [<ref>] [skyformat <skyformat>]
     + [<ref>] [system <coordsys>]
     [<ref>] + + [update]

$ds9 -sia 2mass
$ds9 -sia cancel
$ds9 -sia clear
$ds9 -sia close
$ds9 -sia coordinate 202.48 47.21 + fk5
$ds9 -sia crosshair
$ds9 -sia export tsv bar.tsv
$ds9 -sia name m51
$ds9 -sia print
$ds9 -sia retrieve
$ds9 -sia save foo.xml
$ds9 -sia radius 1 degrees
$ds9 -sia sky fk5
$ds9 -sia skyformat degrees
$ds9 -sia system wcs
$ds9 -sia update


Set display mode to single.

@@ -2441,13 +2505,16 @@ [radiusminor <value>]
        + [sigma <value>]
        + [sigmaminor <value>]
        [angle + <value>]
@@ -2465,8 +2532,10 @@
$ds9 -smooth + sigmaminor 2.0
$ds9 + -smooth angle 45
$ds9 -smooth match
diff --git a/ds9/doc/ref/samp.html b/ds9/doc/ref/samp.html index 6776582..43a0314 100644 --- a/ds9/doc/ref/samp.html +++ b/ds9/doc/ref/samp.html @@ -454,199 +454,217 @@

Support for catalogs. The first three commands will create a new catalog search. All other commands operated on the last search created, unless indicated otherwise.

- Syntax:
catalog [new]
-         - [ned|simbad|denis|skybot]
-         [
        - [2mass|iras]
-         [csc|xmm|rosat]
-         [first|nvss]
-         - [chandralog|cfhtlog|esolog|stlog|xmmlog]
-         [cds <catalogname>]
-         [cds - <catalogid>]
-         [load <filename>]
-         [import sb|tsv - <filename>]
        [<ref>] - [<ra> <dec> <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] [allcols]
        - [<ref>] [allrows]
       [<ref>] - [cancel]
        [<ref>] - [clear]
        [<ref>] [close]
-         [<ref>] - [crosshair]
-         [<ref>] [dec - <col>]
-         [<ref>] [edit - yes|no]
-         [<ref>] - [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        - [<ref>] [filter <string>]
-         [<ref>] [filter load - <filename>]

-         [<ref>] - [header]
-         [<ref>] [location - <code>]
-         [<ref>] - [match]
        + Syntax:
catalog [new]
        + [ned|simbad|denis|skybot]
        + + [2mass|iras]
        + [csc|xmm|rosat]
        + [chandralog|cfhtlog|esolog|stlog|xmmlog]
        [cds + <catalogname>]
        [cds + <catalogid>]

        [load + <filename>]
        [import sb|tsv + <filename>]

    +     [<ref>] [<ra> <dec> + <coordsys>]
        + [<ref>] [allcols]
     +    [<ref>] [allrows]
        + [<ref>] [cancel]
    +     [<ref>] [clear]
        + [<ref>] [close]
        + [<ref>] [crosshair]
        + [<ref>] [dec <col>]
        + [<ref>] [edit yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        - [<ref>] [match <ref> <ref>]
[<ref>] -[match + [<ref>] [filter <string>]
        [<ref>] + [filter load <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [header]
        + [<ref>] [location <code>]
        + [<ref>] [match]
        - error <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-         [<ref>] - [match function 1and2|1not2|2not1]
        [<ref>] - [match return 1and2|1only|2only]
-         [<ref>] - [match unique yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [maxrows - <number>]
-         [<ref>] [name - <object>]
        - [<ref>] [panto yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [plot - <xcol> <ycol> <xerrcol> <yerrcol>]
-         [<ref>] [print]
-         [<ref>] [psky - <skyframe>]
-         [<ref>] [psystem - <coordsys>]
-         [<ref>] [ra - <col>]
-         [<ref>] [regions]
-         [<ref>] - [retrieve]
-         [<ref>] [samp]
-         [<ref>] [samp - broadcast]
-         [<ref>] [samp - send <application>]

        - [<ref>] [save <filename>]
-         [<ref>] - [server cds|adac|cadc|cambridge|sao|ukirt|iucaa|bejing|saao]
-         [<ref>] [show - yes|no]
-         [<ref>] [radius - <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-         [<ref>] [sky - <skyframe>]
        [<ref>] - [skyformat <skyformat>]
        [<ref>] - [sort <col> incr|decr]
-         [<ref>] [symbol - [#] + + [<ref>] [match <ref> <ref>]
        + [<ref>] + [match error <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        + [<ref>] [match function 1and2|1not2|2not1]
        + [<ref>] [match return 1and2|1only|2only]
        + [<ref>] [match unique yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [maxrows <number>]
        [<ref>] + [name <object>]
        + + [<ref>] [panto yes|no]
        + [<ref>] [plot <xcol> <ycol> <xerrcol> + <yerrcol>]
        [<ref>] + [print]
        + [<ref>] [psky <skyframe>]
        + [<ref>] [psystem <coordsys>]
        + [<ref>] [ra <col>]
        + [<ref>] [regions]
        + [<ref>] [retrieve]
        [<ref>] + [samp]
        [<ref>] + [samp broadcast]
        [<ref>] + [samp send <application>]
        + + [<ref>] [save <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [server cds|adac|cadc|cambridge|sao|ukirt|iucaa|bejing|saao]
        + [<ref>] [show yes|no]
        [<ref>] + [radius <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        + [<ref>] [sky <skyframe>]
    +     [<ref>] [skyformat <skyformat>]
    +     [<ref>] [sort <col> incr|decr]
        + [<ref>] [symbol [#] condition|shape|color|text|font|fontsize|fontweight|fontslant - <value>]
        [<ref>] - [symbol [#] text|size|size2|units|angle <value>]
        [<ref>] - [symbol shape circle|ellipse|box|text|point]
[<ref>] - [symbol shape circle - point|box point|diamond point|cross - point|x point|arrow point|boxcircle point]
        [<ref>] - [symbol add| [#] remove]
-         [<ref>] [symbol - save|load <filename>]

-         [<ref>] [system - <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] - [update]
-         [<ref>] [x - <col>]
-         [<ref>] [y - <col>]
- Example:
- string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
- catalog
- catalog header
- ds9.set(string cmd)
catalog new
catalog 2mass
- catalog cds 2mass
- catalog cds
catalog load foo.xml
- catalog import tsv foo.tsv
catalog allrows
- catalog allcols
catalog cancel
catalog clear
catalog close
catalog coordinate 202.48 47.21 fk5
catalog crosshair
catalog dec DEC
catalog edit yes
catalog export tsv bar.tsv
catalog filter {$Jmag>10}
- catalog filter load foo.flt
- catalog header
catalog location 500
- catalog match error 2 arcsec
- catalog match function 1and2
- catalog match unique no
- catalog match return 1only
catalog match # last two catalogs loaded
catalog match 2mass csc
catalog maxrows 2000
catalog name m51
- catalog panto no
catalog plot {$Jmag} {$Hmag} {$e_Jmag} - {$e_Hmag}
catalog print
- catalog psky fk5
- catalog psystem wcs
- catalog ra RA
- catalog regions
catalog retrieve
catalog samp broadcast
- catalog samp send aladin
- catalog save foo.xml
catalog server sao
catalog show yes
- catalog radius 1 degrees
- catalog symbol condition {$Jmag>15}
- catalog symbol 2 shape {boxcircle point}
- catalog symbol color red
- catalog symbol font times
catalog symbol fontsize 14
catalog symbol fontweight bold
catalog symbol fontslant italic
catalog symbol add
- catalog symbol 2 remove
- catalog symbol load foo.sym
- catalog symbol save bar.sym

- catalog sky fk5
- catalog skyformat degrees
catalog sort {Jmag} incr
catalog system wcs
catalog update
catalog x RA
- catalog y DEC

+ <value>]

    +     [<ref>] [symbol [#] + text|size|size2|units|angle <value>]
    +     [<ref>] [symbol shape + circle|ellipse|box|text|point]
        [<ref>] + + [symbol shape circle point|box point|diamond + point|cross point|x point|arrow point|boxcircle point]
        + [<ref>] [symbol add| [#] remove]
        [<ref>] + [symbol save|load <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [system <coordsys>]
     +    [<ref>] [update]
        + [<ref>] [x <col>]
        + [<ref>] [y <col>]
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
catalog header

ds9.set(string cmd)
catalog new
catalog 2mass
catalog cds 2mass
catalog cds {I/252}

catalog load foo.xml
catalog import tsv foo.tsv

catalog allrows
catalog allcols
catalog cancel
catalog clear
catalog close
catalog coordinate 202.48 47.21 fk5
catalog crosshair
catalog dec DEC
catalog edit yes
catalog export tsv bar.tsv
catalog filter {$Jmag>10}
catalog filter load foo.flt
catalog header
catalog location 500
catalog match error 2 arcsec
catalog match function 1and2
catalog match unique no
catalog match return 1only
catalog match # last two catalogs + loaded
catalog match 2mass csc
catalog maxrows 2000
catalog name m51
catalog panto no
catalog plot {$Jmag} + {$Hmag} {$e_Jmag} {$e_Hmag}
catalog print
catalog psky fk5
catalog psystem wcs
catalog ra RA
catalog regions
catalog retrieve
catalog samp broadcast
catalog samp send aladin
catalog save foo.xml
catalog server sao
catalog show yes
catalog radius 1 degrees
catalog symbol condition {$Jmag>15}
catalog symbol 2 shape {boxcircle + point}
catalog symbol color red
catalog symbol font times
catalog symbol fontsize 14
catalog symbol fontweight bold
catalog symbol fontslant italic
catalog symbol add
catalog symbol 2 remove
catalog symbol load foo.sym
catalog symbol save bar.sym
catalog sky fk5
catalog skyformat degrees
catalog sort {Jmag} incr
catalog system wcs
catalog update
catalog x RA
catalog y DEC


Sets/Returns the current working directory.

@@ -770,6 +788,7 @@
        [load levels <filename>]
        + [save levels <filename>]
        [paste @@ -842,23 +861,26 @@


Set current image display area.

- Syntax:
- crop [<x> <y> <width> <height> - [<coordsys>][<skyframe>][degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
      [match <coordsys>]
-       [lock <coordsys>|none]

-       [reset]
-       [3d
zmin zmax - <coordsys>]
-       [open|close]

- Example:
- string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
crop # get crop in physical coords
crop wcs galactic sexagesimal arcsec
- crop lock
ds9.set(string cmd)
- crop 40 30 10 20 # set crop in physical coords
+ Syntax:
crop [<x> <y> <width> <height> + [<coordsys>][<skyframe>][degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
      + [match <coordsys>]
      [lock + <coordsys>|none]
      [3d zmin + zmax <coordsys>]
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
crop # get crop in physical coords
crop wcs galactic sexagesimal + arcsec
crop lock
ds9.set(string cmd)
crop 40 30 10 20 # set crop in physical coords
crop +104:51:06.915 +68:33:40.761  28.144405 22.000204 wcs galactic arcsec
crop match wcs
@@ -1102,24 +1124,29 @@

Export loaded image data of current frame in specified image format. Optional parameters: array endian, nrrd endian, jpeg quality (1-100) and tiff compression method.

- Syntax:
export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] - <filename>
export array <filename> [big|little|native]
export nrrd <filename> [big|little|native]
- export envi <header> [<filename>] [big|little|native]
export jpeg <filename> [1-100]
export tiff <filename> [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
- Example:
ds9.set (string cmd)
export array foo.arr little

- export nrrd foo.nrrd little
- export envi foo.hdr little
- export envi foo.hdr foo.bsq little
export tiff foo.tiff jpeg
- export jpeg foo.jpeg 75
- export png foo.png

+ Syntax:
export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] + <filename>
export array <filename> + [big|little|native]
export nrrd <filename> + [big|little|native]
export envi <header> [<filename>] + [big|little|native]
export jpeg <filename> + [1-100]
export tiff <filename> + [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
ds9.set (string cmd)
export array foo.arr little
export nrrd foo.nrrd little
export envi foo.hdr little
export envi foo.hdr foo.bsq little
export tiff foo.tiff jpeg
export jpeg foo.jpeg 75
export png foo.png


Query currently loaded file information.

@@ -1576,6 +1603,7 @@ $x, $y, $z.
See Analysis + Macros for more information.

iexam []
@@ -1630,48 +1658,53 @@


Lock all other frames to the current frame.

- Syntax:
lock [frame <coordsys>|none]
[crosshair - <coordsys>|none]
     [crop <coordsys>|none]
-      [slice <coordsys>|none]
-      [bin [yes|no]]
-      [axes [yes|no]]
-      [scale [yes|no]]
-      [scalelimits [yes|no]]
-      [colorbar [yes|no]]
-      [block [yes|no]]
     [smooth [yes|no]]
     [3d [yes|no]]
- Example:
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
lock frame
- lock crosshair
lock crop
- lock slice
- lock bin
- lock axes
- lock scale
- lock scalelimits
- lock color
- lock block
lock smooth
lock 3d
ds9.set(string cmd)
lock frame wcs
lock crosshair wcs
lock crop wcs
- lock slice wcs
- lock bin yes
- lock axes yes
lock scale yes
- lock scalelimits yes
lock colorbar yes
- lock block yes

- lock smooth yes
lock 3d yes
+ Syntax:
lock [frame + <coordsys>|none]
     [crosshair + <coordsys>|none]
     [crop + <coordsys>|none]
     [slice + <coordsys>|none]
     [bin [yes|no]]
     [axes [yes|no]]
     [scale [yes|no]]
     [scalelimits [yes|no]]
     [colorbar [yes|no]]
     [block [yes|no]]
     [smooth + [yes|no]]
     [3d + [yes|no]]
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
lock frame
lock crosshair
lock crop
lock slice
lock bin
lock axes
lock scale
lock scalelimits
lock colorbar
lock block
lock smooth
lock 3d
ds9.set(string cmd)
lock frame wcs
lock crosshair wcs
lock crop wcs
lock slice wcs
lock bin yes
lock axes yes
lock scale yes
lock scalelimits yes
lock colorbar yes
lock block yes
lock smooth yes
lock 3d yes


Lower in the window stacking order.

@@ -2054,270 +2087,306 @@

To create a new plot, use the plot new command.

# create new empty plot window
plot []
     [new line|bar|scatter]
     [new name <plotname>]
     [new name <plotname> + # create new empty plot window
plot []
     + [line|bar|scatter]
     [new line|bar|scatter]

# load data into existing plot from stdin
plot [[<plotname>] data xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# existing plot
plot [[<plotname>] load - <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [[<plotname>] save - <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] clear]
     [[<plotname>] +      [new name + <plotname>]
     [new name + <plotname> line|bar|scatter]

# load data into + existing plot from stdin
plot [[<plotname>] data + xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# existing plot
plot [[<plotname>] + load <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     + [[<plotname>] save <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] clear]
     [[<plotname>] + duplicate [#]]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + stats yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + list yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + loadconfig <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] saveconfig - <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] pagesetup - orient portrait|landscape]
     [[<plotname>] pagesetup - size letter|legal|tabloid|poster|a4]
     [[<plotname>] print]
     [[<plotname>] print - destination printer|file]
     [[<plotname>] print - command <command>]
     [[<plotname>] print - filename <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] print - color rgb|gray]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] saveconfig <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] pagesetup orient portrait|landscape]
     + [[<plotname>] pagesetup size + letter|legal|tabloid|poster|a4]
     + [[<plotname>] print]
     + [[<plotname>] print destination printer|file]
     + [[<plotname>] print command <command>]
     + [[<plotname>] print filename <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] print color rgb|gray]
     [[<plotname>] + close]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + mode pointer|zoom]

# configure graph
plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y grid yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y - log yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y - flip yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto - yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y min - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y max - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y format - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] +
# configure graph
plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y + grid yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y log yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y flip yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y min <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y max <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y format <string>]
     [[<plotname>] + legend yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] legend - position right|left|top|bottom]
     [[<plotname>] font - title|labels|numbers font times|helvetica|courier]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - size <value>]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - weight normal|bold]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - slant roman|italic]
     [[<plotname>] title - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] title x|y - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] legend position right|left|top|bottom]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers font + times|helvetica|courier]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + size <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + weight normal|bold]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + slant roman|italic]
     + [[<plotname>] title <string>]
     + [[<plotname>] title x|y <string>]
     [[<plotname>] + barmode normal|stacked|aligned|overlap]

# configure current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] show yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] shape - circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
     [[<plotname>] +
# configure current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] show + yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] + shape circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
     [[<plotname>] + shape fill yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + shape color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + smooth step|linear|cubic|quadratic|catrom]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + width <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + dash yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + error yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + error color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] color - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] + error width <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + name <string>]

# select current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] select <value>]
# return all plotnames
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)

# create new empty plot window
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot bar
plot new
plot new bar
plot new name foo
plot new name foo bar

# load additional dataset into an existing plot
ds9.set(string cmd, string url)
plot data xy # plot additional data
plot foo data xy # plot additional data

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot stats
plot list
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot load foo.dat xy
plot save foo.dat
plot clear
plot duplicate 1
plot stats yes
plot list yes
plot loadconfig foo.plt
plot saveconfig foo.plt
plot pagesetup orient portrait
plot pagesetup size letter
plot print
plot print destination file
plot print command lp
plot print filename
plot print color rgb
plot close

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot mode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot mode pointer

# configure plot
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot axis x grid
plot axis x log
plot axis x flip
plot axis x auto
plot axis x min
plot axis x max
plot axis x format
plot legend
plot legend position
plot font numbers font
plot font numbers size
plot font numbers weight
plot font numbers slant
plot title
plot title x
plot barmode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot axis x grid yes
plot axis x log yes
plot axis x flip yes
plot axis x auto no
plot axis x min 0
plot axis x max 100
plot axis x format "%f"

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot legend
plot legend position
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot legend yes
plot legend position left

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot font numbers font
plot font numbers size
plot font numbers weight
plot font numbers slant
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot font numbers font times
plot font numbers size 12
plot font numbers weight bold
plot font numbers slant italic

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot title
plot title xaxis
plot title yaxis
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot title "This is a Title"
plot title x "X Axis"
plot title y "Y Axis"
plot title legend "This is the Legend"

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot barmode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot show
plot shape
plot shape fill
plot shape color
plot smooth
plot color
plot width
plot dash
plot error
plot error color
plot error width
plot name
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot show yes
plot shape circle
plot shape fill no
plot shape color cyan
plot smooth step
plot color red
plot width 2
plot dash yes
plot error yes
plot error color red
plot error width 2
plot name "My Data"

# select current dataset
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot select
ds9.set(string cmd)

# select current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] select + <value>]
# return all plotnames
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)

# create new empty plot window
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot bar
plot new
plot new bar
plot new name foo
plot new name foo bar

# load additional dataset into an + existing plot
ds9.set(string cmd, string url)
plot data xy # plot additional data
plot foo data xy # plot additional + data

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot stats
plot list
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot load foo.dat xy
plot save foo.dat
plot clear
plot duplicate 1
plot stats yes
plot list yes
plot loadconfig foo.plt
plot saveconfig foo.plt
plot pagesetup orient portrait
plot pagesetup size letter
plot print
plot print destination file
plot print command lp
plot print filename
plot print color rgb
plot close

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot mode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot mode pointer

# configure plot
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot axis x grid
plot axis x log
plot axis x flip
plot axis x auto
plot axis x min
plot axis x max
plot axis x format
plot legend
plot legend position
plot font numbers font
plot font numbers size
plot font numbers weight
plot font numbers slant
plot title
plot title x
plot barmode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot axis x grid yes
plot axis x log yes
plot axis x flip yes
plot axis x auto no
plot axis x min 0
plot axis x max 100
plot axis x format "%f"

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot legend
plot legend position
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot legend yes
plot legend position left

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot font numbers font
plot font numbers size
plot font numbers weight
plot font numbers slant
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot font numbers font times
plot font numbers size 12
plot font numbers weight bold
plot font numbers slant italic

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot title
plot title xaxis
plot title yaxis
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot title "This is a Title"
plot title x "X Axis"
plot title y "Y Axis"
plot title legend "This is the + Legend"

string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot barmode
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot show
plot shape
plot shape fill
plot shape color
plot smooth
plot color
plot width
plot dash
plot error
plot error color
plot error width
plot name
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot show yes
plot shape circle
plot shape fill no
plot shape color cyan
plot smooth step
plot color red
plot width 2
plot dash yes
plot error yes
plot error color red
plot error width 2
plot name "My Data"

# select current dataset
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
plot select
ds9.set(string cmd)
plot select 2


Load PNG image into current frame.

- Syntax:
- png [new|slice] [<filename>]
- Example:
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)

- ds9.set(string cmd)
png foo.png

- png new foo.png
png slice foo.png

- png new
+ Syntax:
png [new|slice] [<filename>]
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
ds9.set(string cmd)
png foo.png
png new foo.png
png slice foo.png
png new
png slice


Set region and coordinate output format precision.

@@ -2830,59 +2899,63 @@

Support for VO Simple Image Access protocol. The first command will create a new search. All other commands operated on the last search created, unless indicated otherwise.

- Syntax:
- sia
        - [<ref>] [cancel]
        [<ref>] - [clear]
        [<ref>] [close]
-         [<ref>] - [coordinate <ra> <dec> <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] - [crosshair]
-         [<ref>] - [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        [<ref>] [name - <object>]
        [<ref>] [print]
-         [<ref>] - [retrieve]
        - [<ref>] [save <filename>]
-         [<ref>] [radius - <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-         [<ref>] [sky - <skyframe>]
        [<ref>] - [skyformat <skyformat>]
        [<ref>] - [system <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] - [update]
- Example:
- string value = ds9.get(string cmd)
- sia
- ds9.set(string cmd)
- sia
- sia
- sia
- sia
- sia
coordinate 202.48 47.21 fk5
- sia
- sia
export tsv bar.tsv
- sia
name m51
- sia
- sia retrieve
- sia
save foo.xml
- sia
radius 1degrees
- sia sky fk5
- sia skyformat degrees
- sia
system wcs
- sia
+ Syntax:
sia [2mass|akari|astrowise|cadc|cxc|mast|sdss|skyview|tgssadr]

    +     [<ref>] [cancel]
    +     [<ref>] [clear]
        + [<ref>] [close]
        + [<ref>] [coordinate <ra> <dec> + <coordsys>]
        + [<ref>] [crosshair]
        + [<ref>] [export sb|tsv <filename>]
        + [<ref>] [name <object>]
        + [<ref>] [print]
        + [<ref>] [retrieve]
        + + [<ref>] [save <filename>]
        [<ref>] + [radius <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        + [<ref>] [sky <skyframe>]
    +     [<ref>] [skyformat <skyformat>]
    +     [<ref>] [system <coordsys>]
     +    [<ref>] [update]
string value = ds9.get(string cmd)

ds9.set(string cmd)
sia 2mass
sia cancel
sia clear
sia close
sia coordinate 202.48 47.21 fk5
sia crosshair
sia export tsv bar.tsv
sia name m51
sia print
sia retrieve
sia save foo.xml
sia radius 1degrees
sia sky fk5
sia skyformat degrees
sia system wcs
sia update


Select Single Display mode

@@ -2968,15 +3041,19 @@ [radiusminor <value>]
       + [sigma <value>]
       + [sigmaminor <value>]
       [angle + <value>]
       + [match]
       [lock [yes|no]]

@@ -2998,10 +3075,13 @@
smooth radius 4
smooth radiusminor 4
smooth + sigma 2.0
smooth + sigmaminor 2.0
smooth + angle 45
smooth open
diff --git a/ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html b/ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html index 595dff9..578e5e9 100644 --- a/ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html +++ b/ds9/doc/ref/xpa.html @@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
$xpaset -p ds9 3d compass color red
$xpaset + -p ds9 3d match
$xpaset -p ds9 3d lock yes
@@ -445,6 +446,7 @@ [clear]
        [<ref>] [close]
        [<ref>] + [crosshair]
        [<ref>] [dec <col>]
@@ -464,16 +466,21 @@ [match]
        + [<ref>] [match <ref> <ref>]
[<ref>] [match + error <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
        [<ref>] + [match function 1and2|1not2|2not1]
        [<ref>] + [match return 1and2|1only|2only]
        [<ref>] + [match unique yes|no]
        [<ref>] [maxrows <number>]
@@ -522,7 +529,9 @@        
[<ref>] [symbol + shape circle point|box point|diamond point|cross + point|x point|arrow point|boxcircle point]
        [<ref>] [symbol add| [#] remove]
@@ -531,6 +540,7 @@         [<ref>] [system <coordsys>]
        [<ref>] + [update]
        [<ref>] [x <col>]
@@ -671,17 +681,17 @@          [lock [yes|no]]

- Example:
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar orientation
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar numerics
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar space
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar font
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar fontsize
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar fontweight
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar fontslant
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar size
- $xpaget ds9 colorbar ticks
+ Example:
$xpaget ds9 colorbar
$xpaget ds9 colorbar orientation
$xpaget ds9 colorbar numerics
$xpaget ds9 colorbar space
$xpaget ds9 colorbar font
$xpaget ds9 colorbar fontsize
$xpaget ds9 colorbar fontweight
$xpaget ds9 colorbar fontslant
$xpaget ds9 colorbar size
$xpaget ds9 colorbar ticks
$xpaget ds9 colorbar lock
$xpaset -p ds9 colorbar yes
$xpaset -p ds9 colorbar vertical
@@ -1039,21 +1049,25 @@

Export loaded image data of current frame in specified image format. Optional parameters: array endian, nrrd endian, jpeg quality (1-100) and tiff compression method.

- Syntax:
export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] - <filename>
export array <filename> [big|little|native]
export nrrd <filename> [big|little|native]
- export envi <header> [<filename>]
[big|little|native] -
- export jpeg <filename>
export tiff <filename> [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
+ Syntax:
export [array|nrrd|envi|gif|tiff|jpeg|png] + <filename>
export array <filename> + [big|little|native]
export nrrd <filename> + [big|little|native]
export envi <header> [<filename>] [big|little|native] +
export jpeg <filename> [1-100]
export tiff <filename> + [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
$xpaset -p ds9 export array foo.arr little
$xpaset -p ds9 export nrrd foo.nrrd little
$xpaset -p ds9 export envi foo.hdr little
$xpaset + -p ds9 export envi foo.hdr foo.bsq little
$xpaset -p ds9 export tiff foo.tiff jpeg

@@ -1688,19 +1702,21 @@ $xpaset -p ds9 mode crosshair


Load FITS mosaic segment into current frame.

- Syntax:
- mosaic [wcs|wcsa...wcsz|iraf] [new|mask] [<filename>]
- Example:
- $xpaget ds9 mosaic > foo.fits

- $xpaset -p ds9 mosaic foo.fits

- $xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs foo.fits
- $xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs new foo.fits
- $xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs mask foo.fits
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic

- $cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs
- $cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs
+ Syntax:
mosaic [wcs|wcsa...wcsz|iraf] [new|mask] + [<filename>]
$xpaget ds9 mosaic > foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 mosaic foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs new foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 mosaic wcs mask foo.fits
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs new
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 mosaic wcs + mask


Load FITS mosaic image into current frame.

@@ -1792,20 +1808,19 @@

Load an NRRD (Nearly Raw Raster Data) file. Optional parameter: array endian.

- Syntax:
- nrrd [native|little|big]
- nrrd [new|mask] [<filename>]
- Example:
- $xpaget ds9 nrrd

- $xpaget ds9 nrrd big
- $xpaset -p ds9 nrrd foo.nrrd

- $xpaset -p ds9 nrrd new foo.nrrd
- $xpaset -p ds9 nrrd mask foo.nrrd
$cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 - nrrd

- $cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 nrrd new
- $cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 nrrd mask
+ Syntax:
nrrd [native|little|big]
nrrd [new|mask] [<filename>]
$xpaget ds9 nrrd
$xpaget ds9 nrrd big
$xpaset -p ds9 nrrd foo.nrrd
$xpaset -p ds9 nrrd new foo.nrrd
$xpaset -p ds9 nrrd mask foo.nrrd
$cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 nrrd
$cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 nrrd new
$cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 nrrd mask


Support for NRAO VLA Sky Survey.

@@ -1918,264 +1933,327 @@

To create a new plot, use the plot new command.

# create new empty plot window
plot []
     [new line|bar|scatter]
     [new name <plotname>]
     [new name <plotname> + # create new empty plot window
plot []
     + [line|bar|scatter]
     [new line|bar|scatter]

# create new plot with data from stdin
plot [new <title> <xaxis label> - <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new +      [new name + <plotname>]
     [new name + <plotname> line|bar|scatter]

# create new plot with data from + stdin
plot [new + <title> <xaxis label> <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new + [line|bar|scatter] <title> <xaxis label> <yaxis - label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new name - <plotname> <title> <xaxis label> - <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new name - <plotname> line|bar|scatter <title> - <xaxis label> <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# create new plot with data from stdin which includes - title/dim headers
plot [new stdin]
     [new [line|bar|scatter] - stdin]
     [new name - <plotname> stdin]
     [new name - <plotname> line|bar|scatter stdin]

# load data into existing plot from stdin
plot [[<plotname>] data xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# existing plot
plot [[<plotname>] load - <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [[<plotname>] save - <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] clear]
     [[<plotname>] + label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new + name <plotname> <title> + <xaxis label> <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     [new + name <plotname> line|bar|scatter + <title> <xaxis label> <yaxis label> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# create new plot with data from + stdin which includes title/dim headers
plot [new stdin]
     [new + [line|bar|scatter] stdin]
     [new + name <plotname> stdin]
     [new + name <plotname> line|bar|scatter + stdin]

# load data into + existing plot from stdin
plot [[<plotname>] data + xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]

# existing plot
plot [[<plotname>] + load <filename> xy|xyex|xyey|xyexey]
     + [[<plotname>] save <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] clear]
     [[<plotname>] + duplicate [#]]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + stats yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + list yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + loadconfig <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] saveconfig - <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] pagesetup - orient portrait|landscape]
     [[<plotname>] pagesetup - size letter|legal|tabloid|poster|a4]
     [[<plotname>] print]
     [[<plotname>] print - destination printer|file]
     [[<plotname>] print - command <command>]
     [[<plotname>] print - filename <filename>]
     [[<plotname>] print - color rgb|gray]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] saveconfig <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] pagesetup orient portrait|landscape]
     + [[<plotname>] pagesetup size + letter|legal|tabloid|poster|a4]
     + [[<plotname>] print]
     + [[<plotname>] print destination printer|file]
     + [[<plotname>] print command <command>]
     + [[<plotname>] print filename <filename>]
     + [[<plotname>] print color rgb|gray]
     [[<plotname>] + close]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + mode pointer|zoom]

# configure graph
plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y grid yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y - log yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y - flip yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto - yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y min - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y max - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] axis x|y format - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] +
# configure graph
plot [[<plotname>] axis x|y + grid yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y log yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y flip yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y auto yes|no]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y min <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y max <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] axis x|y format <string>]
     [[<plotname>] + legend yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] legend - position right|left|top|bottom]
     [[<plotname>] font - title|labels|numbers font times|helvetica|courier]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - size <value>]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - weight normal|bold]
     [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers - slant roman|italic]
     [[<plotname>] title - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] title x|y - <string>]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] legend position right|left|top|bottom]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers font + times|helvetica|courier]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + size <value>]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + weight normal|bold]
     + [[<plotname>] font title|labels|numbers + slant roman|italic]
     + [[<plotname>] title <string>]
     + [[<plotname>] title x|y <string>]
     [[<plotname>] + barmode normal|stacked|aligned|overlap]

# configure current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] show yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] shape - circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
     [[<plotname>] +
# configure current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] show + yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] + shape circle|square|diamond|plus|splus|scross|triangle|arrow]
     [[<plotname>] + shape fill yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + shape color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + smooth step|linear|cubic|quadratic|catrom]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + width <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + dash yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + error yes|no]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + error color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] color - <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      + [[<plotname>] color <value>]
     [[<plotname>] + error width <value>]
     [[<plotname>] +      [[<plotname>] + name <string>]

# select current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] select <value>]
# return all plotnames
$xpaget ds9 plot

# create new empty plot window
$xpaset -p ds9 plot
$xpaset -p ds9 plot bar
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new bar
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new name foo
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new name foo bar

# create new plot with data from stdin
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new {The Title} {X Axis} - {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new bar {The Title} {X - Axis} {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new name foo {The Title} - {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new name foo bar {The - Title} {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy

# create new plot with data from stdin which includes - title/dim headers
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new line stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new name foo stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new name foo line +
# select current dataset
plot [[<plotname>] select + <value>]
# return all plotnames
$xpaget ds9 plot

# create new empty plot window
$xpaset -p ds9 plot
$xpaset -p ds9 plot bar
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new bar
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new name foo
$xpaset -p ds9 plot new name foo + bar

# create new plot with data from stdin

# load data into existing plot from stdin
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot data xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot foo data xy

# existing plot
$xpaget ds9 plot stats
$xpaget ds9 plot list
$xpaset -p ds9 plot load xy.dat xy
$xpaset -p ds9 plot save foo.dat
$xpaset -p ds9 plot clear
$xpaset -p ds9 plot duplicate 1
$xpaset -p ds9 plot stats yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot list yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot loadconfig foo.plt
$xpaset -p ds9 plot saveconfig foo.plt
$xpaset -p ds9 plot pagesetup orient portrait
$xpaset -p ds9 plot pagesetup size letter
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print destination file
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print command lp
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print filename
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print color rgb
$xpaset -p ds9 plot close
$xpaget ds9 plot mode
$xpaset -p ds9 plot mode pointer

# configure plot
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x grid
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x log
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x flip
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x auto
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x min
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x max
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x format
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x grid yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x log yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x flip yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x auto no
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x min 1
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x max 100
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x format {%f}

$xpaget ds9 plot legend
$xpaget ds9 plot legend position
$xpaset -p ds9 plot legend yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot legend position left

$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers font
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers size
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers weight
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers slant
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers font times
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers size 12
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers weight bold
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers slant italic

$xpaget ds9 plot title
$xpaget ds9 plot title xaxis
$xpaget ds9 plot title yaxis
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title {This is a Title}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title x {X Axis}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title y {Y Axis}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title legend {This is the Legend}

$xpaget ds9 plot barmode
$xpaset -p ds9 plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
$xpaget ds9 plot show
$xpaget ds9 plot shape
$xpaget ds9 plot shape fill
$xpaget ds9 plot shape color
$xpaget ds9 plot smooth
$xpaget ds9 plot color
$xpaget ds9 plot width
$xpaget ds9 plot dash
$xpaget ds9 plot error
$xpaget ds9 plot error color
$xpaget ds9 plot error width
$xpaget ds9 plot name
$xpaset -p ds9 plot show yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape circle
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape fill no
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape color cyan
$xpaset -p ds9 plot smooth step
$xpaset -p ds9 plot color red
$xpaset -p ds9 plot width 2
$xpaset -p ds9 plot dash yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error color red
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error width 2
$xpaset -p ds9 plot name {My Data}

# select current dataset
$xpaget ds9 plot select
$xpaset -p ds9 plot select 2
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new + {The Title} {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new + bar {The Title} {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new + name foo {The Title} {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot new + name foo bar {The Title} {X Axis} {Y Axis} xy

# create new plot with data from + stdin which includes title/dim headers
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot + new stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot + new line stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot + new name foo stdin
$cat stdin.2.dat | xpaset ds9 plot + new name foo line stdin

# load data into + existing plot from stdin
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot data + xy
$cat xy.dat | xpaset ds9 plot foo + data xy

# existing plot
$xpaget ds9 plot stats
$xpaget ds9 plot list
$xpaset -p ds9 plot load xy.dat xy
$xpaset -p ds9 plot save foo.dat
$xpaset -p ds9 plot clear
$xpaset -p ds9 plot duplicate 1
$xpaset -p ds9 plot stats yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot list yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot loadconfig + foo.plt
$xpaset -p ds9 plot saveconfig + foo.plt
$xpaset -p ds9 plot pagesetup + orient portrait
$xpaset -p ds9 plot pagesetup size + letter
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print + destination file
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print command + lp
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print filename +
$xpaset -p ds9 plot print color rgb
$xpaset -p ds9 plot close
$xpaget ds9 plot mode
$xpaset -p ds9 plot mode pointer

# configure plot
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x grid
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x log
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x flip
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x auto
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x min
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x max
$xpaget ds9 plot axis x format
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x grid yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x log yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x flip yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x auto no
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x min 1
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x max 100
$xpaset -p ds9 plot axis x format + {%f}

$xpaget ds9 plot legend
$xpaget ds9 plot legend position
$xpaset -p ds9 plot legend yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot legend position + left

$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers font
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers size
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers + weight
$xpaget ds9 plot font numbers slant
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers + font times
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers + size 12
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers + weight bold
$xpaset -p ds9 plot font numbers + slant italic

$xpaget ds9 plot title
$xpaget ds9 plot title xaxis
$xpaget ds9 plot title yaxis
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title {This is + a Title}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title x {X + Axis}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title y {Y + Axis}
$xpaset -p ds9 plot title legend + {This is the Legend}

$xpaget ds9 plot barmode
$xpaset -p ds9 plot barmode aligned

# configure current dataset
$xpaget ds9 plot show
$xpaget ds9 plot shape
$xpaget ds9 plot shape fill
$xpaget ds9 plot shape color
$xpaget ds9 plot smooth
$xpaget ds9 plot color
$xpaget ds9 plot width
$xpaget ds9 plot dash
$xpaget ds9 plot error
$xpaget ds9 plot error color
$xpaget ds9 plot error width
$xpaget ds9 plot name
$xpaset -p ds9 plot show yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape circle
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape fill no
$xpaset -p ds9 plot shape color + cyan
$xpaset -p ds9 plot smooth step
$xpaset -p ds9 plot color red
$xpaset -p ds9 plot width 2
$xpaset -p ds9 plot dash yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error yes
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error color red
$xpaset -p ds9 plot error width 2
$xpaset -p ds9 plot name {My Data}

# select current dataset
$xpaget ds9 plot select
$xpaset -p ds9 plot select 2


Load PNG image into current frame.

@@ -2546,16 +2624,16 @@


Load FITS rgbimage into rgb frame.

- Syntax:
- rgbimage [new] [<filename>]
- Example:
- $xpaget ds9 rgbimage > foo.fits
- $xpaset -p ds9 rgbimage foo.fits

- $xpaset -p ds9 rgbimage new foo.fits
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 rgbimage

- $cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 rgbimage new
+ Syntax:
rgbimage [new] [<filename>]
$xpaget ds9 rgbimage > foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 rgbimage foo.fits
$xpaset -p ds9 rgbimage new foo.fits
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 rgbimage
$cat foo.fits | xpaset ds9 rgbimage new


Controls the rotation angle (in degrees) of the current frame.

@@ -2686,29 +2764,39 @@

Support for VO Simple Image Access protocol. The first command will create a new search. All other commands operated on the last search created, unless indicated otherwise.

- Syntax:
- sia [2mass|akari|astrowise|cadc|cxc|mast|sdss|skyview|tgssadr
    [<ref>] [cancel]
    [<ref>] [clear]
    [<ref>] [close]
-     [<ref>] [coordinate <ra> - <dec> <coordsys>]
    [<ref>] [crosshair]
-     [<ref>] [export sb|tsv - <filename>]
    [<ref>] [name <object>]
    [<ref>] [print]
-     [<ref>] [retrieve]
-     [<ref>] [save <filename>]
-     [<ref>] [radius <value> - degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
-     [<ref>] [sky <skyframe>]
    [<ref>] [skyformat - <skyformat>]
    [<ref>] [system - <coordsys>]
    [<ref>] [update]
+ Syntax:
sia + [2mass|akari|astrowise|cadc|cxc|mast|sdss|skyview|tgssadr]

    + [<ref>] [cancel]
    [<ref>] + [clear]
    [<ref>] + [close]
    [<ref>] [coordinate + <ra> <dec> <coordsys>]
    [<ref>] + [crosshair]
    [<ref>] [export + sb|tsv <filename>]
    [<ref>] + [name <object>]
    [<ref>] + [print]
    [<ref>] [retrieve]
    [<ref>] [save + <filename>]
    [<ref>] [radius + <value> degrees|arcmin|arcsec]
    [<ref>] [sky + <skyframe>]
    [<ref>] + [skyformat <skyformat>]
    [<ref>] + [system <coordsys>]
    [<ref>] + [update]
$xpaget ds9 sia
@@ -2810,15 +2898,19 @@ [radiusminor <value>]
       + [sigma <value>]
       + [sigmaminor <value>]
       [angle + <value>]
    +    [match]
       [lock [yes|no]]

@@ -2830,6 +2922,7 @@
$xpaget ds9 smooth radiusminor
$xpaget ds9 smooth sigma
$xpaget + ds9 smooth sigmaminor
$xpaget ds9 smooth lock
@@ -2840,10 +2933,13 @@
$xpaset -p ds9 smooth radiusminor 4
$xpaset + -p ds9 smooth sigma 2.0
$xpaset + -p ds9 smooth sigmaminor 2.0
$xpaset + -p ds9 smooth angle 45
$xpaset -p ds9 smooth match
@@ -2882,21 +2978,22 @@


Load TIFF image into current frame. Optional parameters: tiff compression method.

- Syntax:
- tiff [new|slice] [<filename>] [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
- Example:
- $xpaget ds9 tiff > foo.tiff

- $xpaget ds9 tiff jpeg > foo.tiff
- $xpaset -p ds9 tiff foo.tiff

- $xpaset -p ds9 tiff new foo.tiff
$xpaset -p ds9 tiff slice foo.tiff
$cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff
# - not available windows
- $cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff new # - not available windows
$cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff
slice # - not available windows + Syntax:
tiff [new|slice] [<filename>] + [none|jpeg|packbits|deflate]
$xpaget ds9 tiff > foo.tiff
$xpaget ds9 tiff jpeg > foo.tiff
$xpaset -p ds9 tiff foo.tiff
$xpaset -p ds9 tiff new foo.tiff
$xpaset -p ds9 tiff slice foo.tiff
$cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff # + not available windows
$cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff new + # not available windows
$cat foo.tiff | xpaset ds9 tiff slice + # not available windows


Controls the tile display mode.

@@ -3094,7 +3191,6 @@ $xpaset -p ds9 vlss update frame
$xpaset -p ds9 vlss open
$xpaset -p ds9 vlss close


Invoke an connection to a Virtual Observatory site.

@@ -3245,7 +3341,7 @@ $xpaset -p ds9 zoom to 2 4
$xpaset -p ds9 zoom in
$xpaset -p ds9 zoom out
- <$xpaset -p ds9 zoom to fit
+ $xpaset -p ds9 zoom to fit
$xpaset -p ds9 zoom open
$xpaset -p ds9 zoom close
-- cgit v0.12