## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in # First declare various groups of files. These were initially extracted # from the grp.make file, as constructed by the SDT newdev command GRP_C_ROUTINES = \ axis.c \ box.c \ channel.c \ circle.c \ cmpframe.c \ cmpmap.c \ cmpregion.c \ dsbspecframe.c \ dssmap.c \ ellipse.c \ error.c \ fitschan.c \ fitstable.c \ fluxframe.c \ frame.c \ frameset.c \ globals.c \ grismmap.c \ interval.c \ intramap.c \ keymap.c \ loader.c \ lutmap.c \ mapping.c \ mathmap.c \ matrixmap.c \ memory.c \ normmap.c \ nullregion.c \ object.c \ pcdmap.c \ permmap.c \ plot.c \ plot3d.c \ pointlist.c \ pointset.c \ polygon.c \ polymap.c \ prism.c \ ratemap.c \ region.c \ selectormap.c \ shiftmap.c \ skyaxis.c \ skyframe.c \ slamap.c \ specfluxframe.c \ specframe.c \ specmap.c \ sphmap.c \ stc.c \ stccatalogentrylocation.c \ stcobsdatalocation.c \ stcresourceprofile.c \ stcschan.c \ stcsearchlocation.c \ switchmap.c \ table.c \ timeframe.c \ timemap.c \ tranmap.c \ unit.c \ unitmap.c \ unitnormmap.c \ wcsmap.c \ winmap.c \ xml.c \ xmlchan.c \ zoommap.c # The C source files required for the Fortran interface if !NOFORTRAN F_C_ROUTINES = \ c2f77.c \ fbox.c \ fchannel.c \ fcircle.c \ fcmpframe.c \ fcmpmap.c \ fcmpregion.c \ fdsbspecframe.c \ fdssmap.c \ fellipse.c \ ferror.c \ ffitschan.c \ ffitstable.c \ ffluxframe.c \ fframe.c \ fframeset.c \ fgrismmap.c \ finterval.c \ fintramap.c \ fkeymap.c \ flutmap.c \ fmapping.c \ fmathmap.c \ fmatrixmap.c \ fnormmap.c \ fnullregion.c \ fobject.c \ fpcdmap.c \ fpermmap.c \ fplot.c \ fplot3d.c \ fpointlist.c \ fpolygon.c \ fpolymap.c \ fprism.c \ fratemap.c \ fregion.c \ fselectormap.c \ fshiftmap.c \ fskyframe.c \ fslamap.c \ fspecfluxframe.c \ fspecframe.c \ fspecmap.c \ fsphmap.c \ fstc.c \ fstccatalogentrylocation.c \ fstcobsdatalocation.c \ fstcresourceprofile.c \ fstcschan.c \ fstcsearchlocation.c \ fswitchmap.c \ ftable.c \ ftimeframe.c \ ftimemap.c \ ftranmap.c \ funitmap.c \ funitnormmap.c \ fwcsmap.c \ fwinmap.c \ fxmlchan.c \ fzoommap.c else F_C_ROUTINES = endif # Header files which contribute to the "ast.h" file, organised to correspond # with the class hierarchy. AST_H_FILES = \ xml.h \ wcstrig.h \ proj.h \ memory.h \ error.h \ globals.h \ unit.h \ ast_err.h \ version.h \ object.h \ keymap.h \ table.h \ fitstable.h \ pointset.h \ axis.h \ skyaxis.h \ mapping.h \ cmpmap.h \ dssmap.h \ grismmap.h \ intramap.h \ lutmap.h \ mathmap.h \ matrixmap.h \ pcdmap.h \ permmap.h \ polymap.h \ ratemap.h \ normmap.h \ shiftmap.h \ slamap.h \ specmap.h \ sphmap.h \ timemap.h \ selectormap.h \ switchmap.h \ tranmap.h \ unitmap.h \ unitnormmap.h \ wcsmap.h \ winmap.h \ zoommap.h \ frame.h \ cmpframe.h \ specfluxframe.h \ fluxframe.h \ frameset.h \ plot.h \ plot3d.h \ skyframe.h \ specframe.h \ dsbspecframe.h \ region.h \ box.h \ circle.h \ cmpregion.h \ ellipse.h \ interval.h \ nullregion.h \ pointlist.h \ polygon.h \ prism.h \ stc.h \ stcresourceprofile.h \ stcsearchlocation.h \ stccatalogentrylocation.h \ stcobsdatalocation.h \ timeframe.h \ channel.h \ fitschan.h \ stcschan.h \ xmlchan.h # All the (C) include files required to build the library. GRP_C_INCLUDE_FILES = \ $(AST_H_FILES) \ ems.h \ err.h \ Ers.h \ f77.h \ grf.h \ grf3d.h \ pg3d.h \ loader.h \ pal2ast.h \ skyaxis.h \ erfa2ast.h \ stc.h \ stcresourceprofile.h \ stcsearchlocation.h \ stccatalogentrylocation.h \ stcobsdatalocation.h \ wcsmath.h \ wcstrig.h \ xmlchan.h if !NOFORTRAN F_C_INCLUDE_FILES = \ c2f77.h # The following list should include AST_PAR, but that must not be # distributed, and so it is listed separately in # nodist_libast_la_SOURCES below. GRP_F_INCLUDE_FILES = \ GRF_PAR \ AST_ERR else F_C_INCLUDE_FILES = GRP_F_INCLUDE_FILES = endif # If we have no Fortran we are not building f77.h and we probably # do not want a Fortran runtime. This requires that PGPLOT is disabled. # We replace it with the stub GRF interface. An alternative would # be to have the PGPLOT wrappers use a preprocessor symbol to build # the pgplot to always error if used. if !NOFORTRAN GRF_PGPLOT_SOURCES = \ grf_pgplot.c GRF3D_PGPLOT_SOURCES = \ grf3d_pgplot.c else GRF_PGPLOT_SOURCES = \ grf_5.6.c GRF3D_PGPLOT_SOURCES = \ grf3d.c endif ## Following declaration isn't used ## LATEX_DOCUMENTATION_FILES = \ ## sun210.tex \ ## sun211.tex DOCUMENTATION_PRODUCTS = $(PAPER_DOCUMENTATION) $(HYPER_DOCUMENTATION) PAPER_DOCUMENTATION = sun210.tex sun211.tex sun210.pdf sun211.pdf HYPER_DOCUMENTATION = sun210.htx_tar sun211.htx_tar PDF_FIGURES = \ cmpframe.pdf \ complex.pdf \ frames.pdf \ frameset.pdf \ fronta.pdf \ fronta_bw.pdf \ frontb.pdf \ frontb_bw.pdf \ frontc.pdf \ frontc_bw.pdf \ fsalign.pdf \ fsconvert.pdf \ fsexample.pdf \ fsmerge.pdf \ fsremap.pdf \ gridplot.pdf \ gridplot_bw.pdf \ mapping.pdf \ overgrid.pdf \ overgrid_bw.pdf \ parallel.pdf \ series.pdf \ simpexamp.pdf WCSLIB_FILES = \ proj.c \ tpn.c \ proj.h \ wcstrig.c \ wcsmath.h \ wcstrig.h STAR_PAL_FILES = \ pal/pal.h \ pal/palAddet.c \ pal/palAmpqk.c \ pal/palCaldj.c \ pal/palDat.c \ pal/palDe2h.c \ pal/palDeuler.c \ pal/palDh2e.c \ pal/palDjcal.c \ pal/palDmat.c \ pal/palDrange.c \ pal/palDs2tp.c \ pal/palDtp2s.c \ pal/palDtps2c.c \ pal/palDtt.c \ pal/palEcmat.c \ pal/palEqgal.c \ pal/palEtrms.c \ pal/palEvp.c \ pal/palFk45z.c \ pal/palFk524.c \ pal/palFk54z.c \ pal/palGaleq.c \ pal/palGalsup.c \ pal/palMappa.c \ pal/palMapqkz.c \ pal/palOne2One.c \ pal/palPrebn.c \ pal/palPrec.c \ pal/palPrenut.c \ pal/palPvobs.c \ pal/palRvgalc.c \ pal/palRvlg.c \ pal/palRvlsrd.c \ pal/palRvlsrk.c \ pal/palSubet.c \ pal/palSupgal.c \ pal/pal1sofa.h \ pal/palmac.h ERFA_FILES = \ erfa/00READ.ME \ erfa/erfa.h \ erfa/erfam.h \ erfa/a2af.c \ erfa/a2tf.c \ erfa/af2a.c \ erfa/anp.c \ erfa/anpm.c \ erfa/bi00.c \ erfa/bp00.c \ erfa/bp06.c \ erfa/bpn2xy.c \ erfa/c2i00a.c \ erfa/c2i00b.c \ erfa/c2i06a.c \ erfa/c2ibpn.c \ erfa/c2ixy.c \ erfa/c2ixys.c \ erfa/c2s.c \ erfa/c2t00a.c \ erfa/c2t00b.c \ erfa/c2t06a.c \ erfa/c2tcio.c \ erfa/c2teqx.c \ erfa/c2tpe.c \ erfa/c2txy.c \ erfa/cal2jd.c \ erfa/cp.c \ erfa/cpv.c \ erfa/cr.c \ erfa/d2dtf.c \ erfa/d2tf.c \ erfa/dat.c \ erfa/dtdb.c \ erfa/dtf2d.c \ erfa/ee00.c \ erfa/ee00a.c \ erfa/ee00b.c \ erfa/ee06a.c \ erfa/eect00.c \ erfa/eform.c \ erfa/eo06a.c \ erfa/eors.c \ erfa/epb.c \ erfa/epb2jd.c \ erfa/epj.c \ erfa/epj2jd.c \ erfa/epv00.c \ erfa/eqeq94.c \ erfa/era00.c \ erfa/fad03.c \ erfa/fae03.c \ erfa/faf03.c \ erfa/faju03.c \ erfa/fal03.c \ erfa/falp03.c \ erfa/fama03.c \ erfa/fame03.c \ erfa/fane03.c \ erfa/faom03.c \ erfa/fapa03.c \ erfa/fasa03.c \ erfa/faur03.c \ erfa/fave03.c \ erfa/fk52h.c \ erfa/fk5hip.c \ erfa/fk5hz.c \ erfa/fw2m.c \ erfa/fw2xy.c \ erfa/gc2gd.c \ erfa/gc2gde.c \ erfa/gd2gc.c \ erfa/gd2gce.c \ erfa/gmst00.c \ erfa/gmst06.c \ erfa/gmst82.c \ erfa/gst00a.c \ erfa/gst00b.c \ erfa/gst06.c \ erfa/gst06a.c \ erfa/gst94.c \ erfa/h2fk5.c \ erfa/hfk5z.c \ erfa/ir.c \ erfa/jd2cal.c \ erfa/jdcalf.c \ erfa/num00a.c \ erfa/num00b.c \ erfa/num06a.c \ erfa/numat.c \ erfa/nut00a.c \ erfa/nut00b.c \ erfa/nut06a.c \ erfa/nut80.c \ erfa/nutm80.c \ erfa/obl06.c \ erfa/obl80.c \ erfa/p06e.c \ erfa/p2pv.c \ erfa/p2s.c \ erfa/pap.c \ erfa/pas.c \ erfa/pb06.c \ erfa/pdp.c \ erfa/pfw06.c \ erfa/plan94.c \ erfa/pm.c \ erfa/pmat00.c \ erfa/pmat06.c \ erfa/pmat76.c \ erfa/pmp.c \ erfa/pn.c \ erfa/pn00.c \ erfa/pn00a.c \ erfa/pn00b.c \ erfa/pn06.c \ erfa/pn06a.c \ erfa/pnm00a.c \ erfa/pnm00b.c \ erfa/pnm06a.c \ erfa/pnm80.c \ erfa/pom00.c \ erfa/ppp.c \ erfa/ppsp.c \ erfa/pr00.c \ erfa/prec76.c \ erfa/pv2p.c \ erfa/pv2s.c \ erfa/pvdpv.c \ erfa/pvm.c \ erfa/pvmpv.c \ erfa/pvppv.c \ erfa/pvstar.c \ erfa/pvu.c \ erfa/pvup.c \ erfa/pvxpv.c \ erfa/pxp.c \ erfa/refco.c \ erfa/rm2v.c \ erfa/rv2m.c \ erfa/rx.c \ erfa/rxp.c \ erfa/rxpv.c \ erfa/rxr.c \ erfa/ry.c \ erfa/rz.c \ erfa/s00.c \ erfa/s00a.c \ erfa/s00b.c \ erfa/s06.c \ erfa/s06a.c \ erfa/s2c.c \ erfa/s2p.c \ erfa/s2pv.c \ erfa/s2xpv.c \ erfa/sepp.c \ erfa/seps.c \ erfa/sp00.c \ erfa/starpm.c \ erfa/starpv.c \ erfa/sxp.c \ erfa/sxpv.c \ erfa/taitt.c \ erfa/taiut1.c \ erfa/taiutc.c \ erfa/tcbtdb.c \ erfa/tcgtt.c \ erfa/tdbtcb.c \ erfa/tdbtt.c \ erfa/tf2a.c \ erfa/tf2d.c \ erfa/tr.c \ erfa/trxp.c \ erfa/trxpv.c \ erfa/tttai.c \ erfa/tttcg.c \ erfa/tttdb.c \ erfa/ttut1.c \ erfa/ut1tai.c \ erfa/ut1tt.c \ erfa/ut1utc.c \ erfa/utctai.c \ erfa/utcut1.c \ erfa/xy06.c \ erfa/xys00a.c \ erfa/xys00b.c \ erfa/xys06a.c \ erfa/zp.c \ erfa/zpv.c \ erfa/zr.c PAL_FILES = \ palwrap.c \ pal.h \ erfa.h \ erfam.h CMINPACK_FILES = \ cminpack/cminpack.h \ cminpack/cminpackP.h \ cminpack/lmder1.c \ cminpack/lmder.c \ cminpack/dpmpar.c \ cminpack/enorm.c \ cminpack/qrfac.c \ cminpack/lmpar.c \ cminpack/qrsolv.c bin_SCRIPTS = ast_link dist_bin_SCRIPTS = ast_link_adam noinst_SCRIPTS = ast_cpp dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = makeh # Scripts are not distributed by default (since they might be derived objects) # Add these to the distribution below. In fact, it would be useful # and straightforward to make ast_link{,_adam} derived, since they # could then have installation directories painlessly edited in to # them. This might be a requirement for scripts which supported # linking against shared libraries. # Headers required by library users. Both of the following lines # indicate headers which are installed. include_HEADERS = GRF_PAR grf.h grf3d.h # Following are generated, so should not be distributed. nodist_include_HEADERS = ast.h AST_PAR include_MESSAGES = AST_ERR ast_err.h if EXTERNAL_PAL PAL_LIB = else PAL_LIB = libast_pal.la endif lib_LTLIBRARIES = \ $(PAL_LIB) \ libast.la \ libast_err.la \ libast_ems.la \ libast_drama.la \ libast_grf3d.la \ libast_grf_2.0.la \ libast_grf_3.2.la \ libast_grf_5.6.la \ libast_pgplot.la \ libast_pgplot3d.la stardocs_DATA = @STAR_LATEX_DOCUMENTATION@ dist_starnews_DATA = ast.news dist_pkgdata_DATA = COPYING COPYING.LESSER COPYING.LIB # Make all library code position independent by default. This is handy for # creating shareable libraries from the static ones (Java JNI libraries). # Note we do not simply set the AM_CFLAGS variable, as this would also # apply to programs compiled without using libtool, possibly causing the # compilation to fail. if !NOTHREADS if !NOPIC libast_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic -DTHREAD_SAFE else libast_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -DTHREAD_SAFE endif else libast_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic endif if !NOPIC libast_err_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_ems_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_drama_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_grf3d_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_grf_2_0_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_grf_3_2_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_grf_5_6_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_pgplot_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_pgplot3d_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic libast_pal_la_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) -prefer-pic endif # The module containing the main AST classes libast_la_SOURCES = \ $(GRP_C_ROUTINES) \ $(F_C_ROUTINES) \ $(GRP_C_INCLUDE_FILES) \ $(F_C_INCLUDE_FILES) \ $(GRP_F_INCLUDE_FILES) \ $(CMINPACK_FILES) \ $(WCSLIB_FILES) \ ast_err.h # Ensure libast links against libraries containing functions used within # libast. If AST is configured --with-external-pal, then the internal # libast_pal library will be empty, and we link to an external PAL # library instead. if EXTERNAL_PAL libast_la_LIBADD = $(libdir)/libpal.la else libast_la_LIBADD = libast_pal.la endif # AST_PAR is really part of GRP_F_INCLUDE_FILES, but it must not be # distributed, so list it separately. nodist_libast_la_SOURCES = \ ast.h \ AST_PAR # The default error reporting module. libast_err_la_SOURCES = err_null.c # The error reporting module that uses EMS to deliver errors. libast_ems_la_SOURCES = err_ems.c # The error reporting module that uses DRAMA Ers to deliver errors. libast_drama_la_SOURCES = err_drama.c # The module containing null implementations of the 3D graphics routines # required by AST libast_grf3d_la_SOURCES = grf3d.c # The module containing null implementations of the graphics routines # required by AST V2.0 libast_grf_2_0_la_SOURCES = grf_2.0.c # The module containing null implementations of the graphics routines # added by AST V3.2 and not present in V2.0 libast_grf_3_2_la_SOURCES = grf_3.2.c # The module containing null implementations of the graphics routines # added by AST V5.6 and not present in V3.2 libast_grf_5_6_la_SOURCES = grf_5.6.c # The graphics module that uses PGPLOT for 2D graphical output. libast_pgplot_la_SOURCES = $(GRF_PGPLOT_SOURCES) # The graphics module that uses PGPLOT for 3D graphical output. libast_pgplot3d_la_SOURCES = $(GRF3D_PGPLOT_SOURCES) # Positional astronomy libraries. libast_pal_la_SOURCES = $(PAL_FILES) # The following files are built by the targets in this makefile. MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = version.h builddocs addversion \ ast.h $(DOCUMENTATION_PRODUCTS) CLEANFILES = AST_PAR ast.h # Special cases start here # The AST_PAR include file is produced by compiling the astbad.c # program and editing its output into the ast_par.source file (while # also changing the "E" exponent character to a "D"). The astbad.c # and ast_par.source must be distributed (the generation of the # AST__BAD value must be done on the build host) but not installed. noinst_PROGRAMS = astbad astbad_SOURCES = astbad.c pointset.h AST_PAR: ast_par.source astbad sed -e 's//'`./astbad AST__BAD | tr 'E' 'D'`'/' \ -e 's//'`./astbad AST__NAN | tr 'E' 'D'`'/' \ -e 's//'`./astbad AST__NANF | tr 'E' 'D'`'/' \ ast_par.source >$@ # ast_link is generated from ast_link.in; ast_link_adam does not # need configuration, and so is not mentioned in AC_CONFIG_FILES within # configure.ac, and so is not distributed automatically. # # makeh is required in order to build ast.h after distribution (see below). EXTRA_DIST = ast_par.source sun210_figures sun211_figures pal erfa cminpack # ast.h depends on the error-facility files. ast.h _could_ be made # before distribution, but since it's generated from other distributed # files, it's more robust to distribute makeh and make ast.h on the # build host. ast.h: $(AST_H_FILES) ast_err.h makeh config.h @PERL@ ./makeh -s $(srcdir) $(AST_H_FILES) >$@ # AST_ERR and ast_err.h are `generated source files', and so must be # generated before any other compilations are done. Note that these # files are generated on the distribution host, and so this # declaration has no effect post-distribution. # # AST_PAR is also a generated source file, but it should _not_ be # included in the list of BUILT_SOURCES, otherwise `make' tries to make # it before it makes the `astbad' program it depends on. Instead, # just rely on the dependencies expressed in the main body above to # have AST_PAR built before it is needed. # # version.h is included by object.h, and thus indirectly by most modules. # It's most straightforward to build it at the beginning. BUILT_SOURCES = AST_ERR ast_err.h version.h # Form a second link to the main object library (static and shared). This # is used when a second pass through the library is needed during linking # to resolve references made within other AST libraries (e.g. the grf # modules, etc), to functions defined within libast (e.g. memory management # and error reporting functions). Do not forget to change the contents of # the libast_pass2.la file to refer to libast_pass2.* rather than libast.*. # Use target install-exec-hook rather than install-exec-local so that the # soft links and files are created *after* the main library has been # installed. install-exec-hook: libast.la $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) cd $(DESTDIR)$(libdir); \ for f in `ls libast.*`; do \ ff=`echo $$f | sed -e 's/libast/libast_pass2/'`; \ if test -f "$$ff"; then rm "$$ff"; fi; \ $(LN_S) $$f $$ff; \ $(MANIFEST) && echo "MANIFEST:$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$ff" || :; \ done; \ if test -f "libast.la"; then \ if test -f "libast_pass2.la"; then rm "libast_pass2.la"; fi; \ sed -e 's/libast\./libast_pass2\./g' libast.la > libast_pass2.la; \ fi # Make pre-distribution files. These are files which are required for # building the distribution, but are not themselves distributed. # The source files here should be mentioned in STAR_PREDIST_SOURCES in # configure.ac @PREDIST@predist_subs = sed \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@PACKAGE_VERSION\@,$(PACKAGE_VERSION),' \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR\@,$(PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR),' \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR\@,$(PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR),' \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@PACKAGE_VERSION_RELEASE\@,$(PACKAGE_VERSION_RELEASE),' \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@PERL\@,$(PERL),' \ @PREDIST@ -e 's,@STARLINK\@,$(STARLINK),' @PREDIST@version.h: version.h.in configure.ac @PREDIST@ rm -f $@; $(predist_subs) version.h.in >$@ @PREDIST@builddocs: builddocs.in configure.ac @PREDIST@ rm -f $@; $(predist_subs) builddocs.in >$@; chmod +x $@ @PREDIST@addversion: addversion.in configure.ac @PREDIST@ rm -f $@; $(predist_subs) addversion.in >$@; chmod +x $@ # Documentation @PREDIST@$(PAPER_DOCUMENTATION): sun211_figures builddocs addversion @PREDIST@ ./builddocs # The contents of the sun211_figures directory is identical to that # sun210_figures sun211_figures: sun210_figures $(LN_S) sun210_figures sun211_figures # Installation check TESTS = ast_test check_PROGRAMS = ast_test ast_test_SOURCES = ast_test.c #ast_test_LDADD = `ast_link` # Expand ast_link to avoid libast_pass2, which causes problems for Solaris ast_test_LDADD = @LIBPAL@ libast.la libast_pal.la libast_grf_3.2.la libast_grf_5.6.la libast_grf_2.0.la libast_grf3d.la libast_err.la -lm # Need to include latex support files in the distribution tar ball so # that the docs can be built from the tex source files. Requires environment # variable STARLATEXSUPPORT to be deined. Is there a better way to do this? dist-hook: cp -p $(STARLATEXSUPPORT)/starlink.cls $(distdir)/ cp -p $(STARLATEXSUPPORT)/starabbrev.sty $(distdir)/ cp -p $(STARLATEXSUPPORT)/starstyle.sty $(distdir)/ cp -p $(STARLATEXSUPPORT)/sst.sty $(distdir)/