AST branches


Branch created on 6th April 2004, to support classic ast.tar.Z version.


Branch created on 2004 August 30, to support Norman's TimeFrame work.
Should probably have the trunk merged to it at some point, before much
more work is done on TimeFrame.  ABANDONED 2005 March 18, in favour of


Created 2005 March 14, as a fresh branch from the AST HEAD, on the
grounds that AST has moved forward a significant amount from the
point where branch DEV-nxg-20040830-ast-timeframe was created, and
there's no point in multiplying our merging problems unnecessarily.
The changes done on that previous branch were merged onto this branch,
mostly with a patch file, but by hand where there were already conflicts.

By 2005-05-04T16:00, the HEAD had again diverged significantly from
the original branch point, so Norman merged the HEAD differences from
the branch point onto the branch:

    cvs update -j bp-DEV-nxg-20050314-ast-timeframe -j HEAD


Branch created on "23rd November 2004" to support DSB's STC work. This is
a branch off dev-dsb-20040406. Once I've got something worth using, I'll
create a similar branch of the trunk.  Need to think carefully about how
to distribute AST-with-STC since AST is starting to look a bit bloated,
and the majority of AST users won't be interested in STC.