# N.B. the previous line should be blank. #++ # Name: # ast_link_adam # Purpose: # Link an ADAM program with the AST library. # Type of Module: # Shell script. # Description: # This command should only be used when building Starlink ADAM programs # which use the AST library, in order to generate the correct arguments # to allow the ADAM ``alink'' command to link the program. The arguments # generated are written to standard output but may be substituted into # the ``alink'' command line in the standard UNIX way using backward # quotes (see below). # # By default, it is assumed that you are building an ADAM program which # does not produce graphical output. However, switches are provided for # linking other types of program. This command should not be used when # building stand-alone (non-ADAM) programs. Use the ``ast_link'' command # instead. # Invocation: #c alink program.o -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam [switches]` #f alink program.f -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam [switches]` # Switches: # The following switches may optionally be given to this command to # modify its behaviour: # # - ``-csla'': Ignored. Provided for backward compatibility only. # # - ``-fsla'': Ignored. Provided for backward compatibility only. # # - ``-grf'': Requests that no arguments be generated to specify which # 2D graphics system is used to display output from the AST library. You # should use this option only if you have implemented an interface to a # new graphics system yourself and wish to provide your own arguments for # linking with it. This switch differs from the other ``grf'' switches in # that it assumes that your graphics module implements the complete # interface required by the current version of AST. If future versions of # AST introduce new functions to the graphics interface, this switch will # cause ``unresolved symbol'' errors to occur during linking, warning you # that you need to implement new functions in your graphics module. To # avoid such errors, you can use one of the other, version-specific, # switches in place of the ``-grf'' switch, but these will cause run-time # errors to be reported if any AST function is invoked which requires # facilities not in the implemented interface. # # - ``-grf_v2.0'': This switch is equivalent to the ``-mygrf'' switch. # It indicates that you want to link with your own graphics module which # implements the 2D graphics interface required by V2.0 of AST. # # - ``-grf_v3.2'': Indicates that you want to link with your own graphics # module which implements the 2D graphics interface required by V3.2 of AST. # # - ``-grf_v5.6'': Indicates that you want to link with your own graphics # module which implements the 2D graphics interface required by V5.6 of AST. # # - ``-myerr'': Requests that no arguments be generated to specify how # error messages produced by the AST library should be delivered. You # should use this option only if you have implemented an interface to a # new error delivery system yourself and wish to provide your own # arguments for linking with it. By default, error messages are delivered # in the standard ADAM way via the EMS Error Message Service (Starlink # System Note SSN/4). # # - ``-mygrf'': This switch has been superceeded by the ``-grf'' switch, # but is retained in order to allow applications to be linked with a # graphics module which implements the interface used by AST V2.0. It is # equivalent to the ``-grf_v2.0'' switch. # # - ``-pgp'': Requests that the program be linked so that 2D # graphical output from the AST library is displayed via the # Starlink version of the PGPLOT graphics package (which uses GKS # for its output). By default, no graphics package is linked and # this will result in an error at run time if AST routines are # invoked that attempt to generate graphical output. # # - ``-pgplot'': Requests that the program be linked so that 2D # graphical output from the AST library is displayed via the # standard (or ``native'') version of the PGPLOT graphics # package. By default, no graphics package is linked and this will # result in an error at run time if AST routines are invoked that # attempt to generate graphical output. # # - ``-grf3d'': Requests that no arguments be generated to specify which # 3D graphics system is used to display output from the AST library. You # should use this option only if you have implemented an interface to a # new 3D graphics system yourself and wish to provide your own arguments # for linking with it. # # - ``-pgp3d'': Requests that the program be linked so that 3D # graphical output from the AST library is displayed via the # Starlink version of the PGPLOT graphics package (which uses GKS # for its output). By default, no 3D graphics package is linked and # this will result in an error at run time if AST routines are # invoked that attempt to generate graphical output. # # - ``-pgplot3d'': Requests that the program be linked so that 3D # graphical output from the AST library is displayed via # the standard (or ``native'') version of the PGPLOT graphics # package. By default, no 3D graphics package is linked and this will # result in an error at run time if AST routines are invoked that # attempt to generate graphical output. # SLALIB: # The AST distribution includes a cut down subset of the C version of # the SLALIB library written by Pat Wallace. This subset contains only # the functions needed by the AST library. It is built as part of the # process of building AST and is distributed under GPL (and is thus # compatible with the AST license). Previous version of this script # allowed AST applications to be linked against external SLALIB # libraries (either Fortran or C) rather than the internal version. # The current version of this script does not provide this option, # and always uses the internal SLALIB library. However, for backward # compatibility, this script still allows the "-fsla" and "-csla" flags # (previously used for selecting which version of SLALIB to use) to be # specified, but they will be ignored. # Examples: #c alink display.o -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -pgplot` #c Links an ADAM program ``display'' which uses the standard #c version of PGPLOT for graphical output. #c alink plotit.o -L. -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -grf` -lgrf #c Links an ADAM program ``plotit'', written in C. The ``-grf'' #c switch indicates that graphical output will be delivered through #c a graphical interface which you have implemented yourself, which #c corresponds to the interface required by the current version of AST. #c Here, this interface is supplied by means of the ``-lgrf'' library #c reference. #c alink plotit.o -L. -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -grf_v2.0` -lgrf #c Links an ADAM program ``plotit'', written in C. The ``-grf_v2.0'' #c switch indicates that graphical output will be delivered through #c a graphical interface which you have implemented yourself, which #c corresponds to the interface required by version 2.0 of AST. Here, #c this interface is supplied by means of the ``-lgrf'' library #c reference. #f alink display.f -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -pgplot` #f Compiles and links an ADAM Fortran program called ``display'' which #f uses the standard version of PGPLOT for graphical output. #f alink plotit.f -L. -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -grf` -lgrf #f Compiles and links an ADAM Fortran program ``plotit''. The ``-grf'' #f switch indicates that graphical output will be delivered through #f a graphical interface which you have implemented yourself, which #f corresponds to the interface required by the current version of AST. #f Here, this interface is supplied by means of the ``-lgrf'' library #f reference. #f alink plotit.f -L. -L/star/lib `ast_link_adam -grf_v2.0` -lgrf #f Compiles and links an ADAM Fortran program ``plotit''. The ``-grf_v2.0'' #f switch indicates that graphical output will be delivered through #f a graphical interface which you have implemented yourself, which #f corresponds to the interface required by version 2.0 of AST. #f Here, this interface is supplied by means of the ``-lgrf'' library #f reference. # Copyright: # Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils # Authors: # RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (STARLINK) # {enter_new_authors_here} # History: # 11-NOV-1996 (RFWS): # Original version. # 18-NOV-1997 (RFWS): # Adapted prologue for document extraction. # 28-SEP-1998 (RFWS): # Distinguish between -pgp and -pgplot options. # 23-JAN-2004 (DSB): # Added switches to support older grf implementations. # 21-APR-2005 (DSB): # Added "-fsla" option. # 16-JUN-2006 (DSB): # Ignore "-fsla" and "-clsa" options, and always use PAL. # 22-AUG-2007 (DSB): # Added "-grf3d", "-pgplot3d" and "-pgp3d" flags. # 4-MAR-2011 (DSB): # Added v5.6 grf options. # {enter_changes_here} # Bugs: # {note_any_bugs_here} #-- # This function searches the directory path specified in PATH, looking for # an executable file which is not a directory. If found, it echos the full # file name to standard output. Otherwise, it outputs nothing. find() { IFS=':'; for d in $PATH; do f="${d:=.}/${1}" test -x "${f}" -a ! -d "${f}" && echo "${f}" && break done; } # Initialise linking options. err='' grf='' grf3d='' sla='' # Interpret command line switches. # -------------------------------- while :; do case "${1}" in # -csla - Previously used to request C version of SLALIB. Now ignored. -csla) # sla='c' shift;; # -fsla - Previously used to request Fortran version of SLALIB. Now ignored. -fsla) # sla='f' shift;; # -myerr - Requests no error reporting. -myerr) err='my' shift;; # -grf - Requests no 2D graphics. -grf) grf='current' shift;; # -mygrf - Requests no 2D graphics, except for null implementations of # functions aded to the grf interface after AST V2.0. -mygrf) grf='v2.0' shift;; # -grf_v2.0 - Requests no 2D graphics, except for null implementations of # functions aded to the grf interface after AST V2.0. -grf_v2.0) grf='v2.0' shift;; # -grf_v3.2 - Requests no 2D graphics, except for null implementations of # functions aded to the grf interface after AST V3.2. -grf_v3.2) grf='v3.2' shift;; # -grf_v5.6 - Requests no 2D graphics, except for null implementations of # functions added to the grf interface after AST V5.6. -grf_v5.6) grf='v5.6' shift;; # -pgp - Requests 2D graphical output through Starlink PGPLOT. -pgp) grf='pgp' shift;; # -pgplot - Requests 2D graphical output through native PGPLOT. -pgplot) grf='pgplot' shift;; # -grf3d - Requests no 3D graphics. -grf3d) grf3d='current' shift;; # -pgp3d - Requests 3D graphical output through Starlink PGPLOT. -pgp3d) grf3d='pgp' shift;; # -pgplot3d - Requests 3D graphical output through native PGPLOT. -pgplot3d) grf3d='pgplot' shift;; # Once all switches have been read, continue with the rest of the script. '') break;; # Catch unrecognised switches and report an error. *) echo >&2 "ast_link_adam: unknown argument \""${1}"\" given" exit 1;; esac done # Link with the main AST library. # ------------------------------- # Start forming the list of arguments with the main AST library itself. args='-last' # Generate arguments for linking PAL. # ----------------------------------- case "0" in # If we configured --with-external_pal include a link option to pick up # an external PAL library. 1) args="${args} -lpal";; # Otherwise, use the internal PAL & ERFA libraries. *) args="${args} -last_pal";; esac # Generate arguments for linking the 2D graphics system. # ------------------------------------------------------ case "${grf}" in # If using Starlink PGPLOT, link with the AST PGPLOT interface and # the Fortran library via the PGP link script. pgp) args="${args} -last_pgplot `pgp_link_adam`";; # If using native PGPLOT, link with the AST PGPLOT interface and # the Fortran library via the PGPLOT link script. pgplot) args="${args} -last_pgplot `pgplot_link_adam`";; # If using own graphics which conform to the requirements of the current # version of AST, do not produce any arguments. current) :;; # If using own graphics which conform to the requirements of version 5.6 # of AST, produce arguments which link in dummy implementations of any # functions which are required by the current version of AST but which were # not required by version 5.6. v5.6) :;; # If using own graphics which conform to the requirements of version 3.2 # of AST, produce arguments which link in dummy implementations of any # functions which are required by the current version of AST but which were # not required by version 3.2. v3.2) args="${args} -last_grf_5.6";; # If using own graphics which conform to the requirements of version 2.0 # of AST, produce arguments which link in dummy implementations of any # functions which are required by the current version of AST but which were # not required by version 2.0. v2.0) args="${args} -last_grf_3.2 -last_grf_5.6";; # Default graphics (none) requires linking with all the default (null) AST # "grf" modules. *) args="${args} -last_grf_2.0 -last_grf_3.2 -last_grf_5.6";; esac # Generate arguments for linking the 3D graphics system. # ------------------------------------------------------ case "${grf3d}" in # If using Starlink PGPLOT, link with the AST 3D PGPLOT interface and # the Fortran library via the PGP link script (if found). pgp) args="${args} -last_pgplot3d `\`find pgp_link\``" f77='y';; # If using native PGPLOT, link with the AST 3D PGPLOT interface and the # Fortran library via the PGPLOT link script (if found). pgplot) args="${args} -last_pgplot3d `\`find pgplot_link\``" f77='y';; # If using own 3D graphics which conform to the requirements of the current # version of AST, do not produce any arguments. current) :;; # Default graphics (none) requires linking with all the default (null) AST # "grf3d" modules. *) args="${args} -last_grf3d";; esac # Make a second pass through the AST library. # ------------------------------------------- # This library is a link to the main AST library and results in a second # pass to resolve any backward references generated by the other modules # used above. A different library name must be used to avoid the two passes # being merged into one (either below, or by other link scripts). args="${args} -last_pass2" # Generate arguments for linking the error reporting system. # ---------------------------------------------------------- case "${err}" in # If using own error reporting, do not produce any arguments. my) :;; # Default error reporting requires linking with the AST EMS interface and # the EMS library via the link script. *) args="${args} -last_ems `ems_link_adam`";; esac # Link with the maths library. # ---------------------------- args="${args} -lm" # Link with the starmem library, if available. # -------------------------------------------- args="${args} `\`find starmem_link\``" # Pass the resulting argument list through an awk script which eliminates # all except the last reference to each library. echo "${args}" \ | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" ";FS="\n"} {if($1)f[i++]=$1} END{for(;i--;)if(!w[f[i]]++)l=f[i]" "l;print l}' # End of script.