SIMPLE = T / Fits standard BITPIX = 16 / Bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 2048 / Axis length NAXIS2 = 4096 / Axis length EXTEND = F / File may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 1999' / FITS file originator DATE = '2001-11-20T16:52:11' / Date FITS file was generated IRAF-TLM= '16:52:09 (20/11/2001)' / Time of last modification OBJECT = 'A576 R ' / Name of the object observed NEXTEND = 8 / Number of extensions FILENAME= 'obj214r ' / Original host filename OBSTYPE = 'object ' / Observation type EXPTIME = 350.000 / Exposure time (sec) DARKTIME= 351.888 / Dark time (sec) PREFLASH= 0.000000 / Preflash time (sec) RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Default coordinate system RA = '07:21:44.00 ' / RA of observation (hr) DEC = '55:53:16.99 ' / DEC of observation (deg) EQUINOX = 1.9998000490000E+03 / Equinox of coordinate system TIMESYS = 'UTC approximate' / Time system DATE-OBS= '1999-10-09' / Date of observation start (UTC approximate) TIME-OBS= '12:08:33.0' / Time of observation start MJD-OBS = 51460.50593750 / MJD of observation start MJDHDR = 51460.50591435 / MJD of header creation LSTHDR = '05:52:50.00 ' / LST of header creation OBSERVAT= 'KPNO ' / Observatory TELESCOP= 'KPNO 0.9 meter telescope' / Telescope ZD = 2.8469999000000E+01 / Zenith distance AIRMASS = 1.1400000000000E+00 / Airmass TELFOCUS= 4414 / Telescope focus CORRCTOR= 'KPNO 0.9m Corrector' / Corrector Identification ADC = 'none ' / ADC Identification DETECTOR= 'CCDMosaThin1' / Detector DETSIZE = '[1:8176,1:8192]' / Detector size for DETSEC NCCDS = 8 / Number of CCDs NAMPS = 8 / Number of Amplifiers PIXSIZE1= 15. / Pixel size for axis 1 (microns) PIXSIZE2= 15. / Pixel size for axis 2 (microns) PIXSCAL1= 0.423 / Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel) PIXSCAL2= 0.423 / Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel) RAPANGL = 0. / Position angle of RA axis (deg) DECPANGL= 270. / Position angle of DEC axis (deg) FILPOS = 4 / Filter position FILTER = 'R ' / Filter name(s) SHUTSTAT= 'guide ' / Shutter status TV1FOC = -5.9600000000000E-01 / North TV Camera focus position TV2FOC = -1.6230000000000E+00 / South Camera focus position ENVTEM = 1.7299999000000E+01 / Ambient temperature (C) DEWAR = 'CCDMosaThin1 Dewar' / Dewar identification DEWTEM1 = -1.7060000600000E+02 / Dewar temperature (C) DEWTEM2 = -4.7000000000000E+00 / Fill Neck temperature (C) CCDTEM = -9.5000000000000E+01 / CCD temperature (C) CONTROLR= 'Mosaic Arcon' / Controller identification CONSWV = '2.000 13Feb96 (add mode and group to hdrs)' / Controller softwar AMPINTEG= 3000 / (ns) Double Correlated Sample time READTIME= 13200 / (ns) unbinned pixel read time ARCONWD = 'Obs Thu Aug 19 10:45:52 1999' / Date waveforms last compiled ARCONWM = 'OverlapXmit EarlyReset SplitShift ' / Waveform mode switches on ARCONGI = 1 / Gain selection (index into Gain Table) OBSERVER= 'G.Wegner,M.Hudson' / Observer(s) PROPOSER= '' / Proposer(s) PROPOSAL= '' / Proposal title PROPID = '99B-0020' / Proposal identification OBSID = 'kp09m.19991009T120833' / Observation ID IMAGESWV= 'mosdca (Aug99), CCDMosaThin1V8.tcl (Aug99)' / Image creation software KWDICT = 'MosaicV1.dic (Sep97)' / Keyword dictionary CHECKSUM= '' / Header checksum DATASUM = '' / Data checksum CHECKVER= '' / Checksum version RECNO = 0 / NOAO archive sequence number IMAGEID = 5 / Image identification TELRA = '07:21:44.00 ' / RA of observation (hr) TELDEC = '55:53:16.99 ' / DEC of observation (deg) TELEQUIN= 1.9998000490000E+03 / Equinox of coordinate system TELRADEC= 'FK5 ' / Default coordinate system CCDNAME = 'SITe #7061FBR03-02 (NOAO 02)' / CCD name AMPNAME = 'SITe #7061FBR03-02 (NOAO 02), upper left (Amp321)' / Amplifier name GAIN = 2.3 / gain for amp 321 (e-/ADU) RDNOISE = 9.5 / read noise for amp 321 (e-) SATURATE= 22000 / Maximum good data value (ADU) CONHWV = 'ACEB003_AMP21' / Controller hardware version ARCONG = 2.3 / gain expected for amp 321 (e-/ADU) ARCONRN = 5.1 / read noise expected for amp 321 (e-) BPM = 'mscdb$noao/CCDMosaThin1/bpm_im5' / Bad pixel mask CCDSIZE = '[1:2048,1:4096]' / CCD size CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / CCD pixel summing CCDSEC = '[1:2048,1:4096]' / CCD section AMPSEC = '[1:2048,4096:1]' / Amplifier section DETSEC = '[1:2048,4097:8192]' / Detector section ATM1_1 = 1. / CCD to amplifier transformation ATM2_2 = -1. / CCD to amplifier transformation ATV1 = 0. / CCD to amplifier transformation ATV2 = 4097. / CCD to amplifier transformation LTM1_1 = 1.0 / CCD to image transformation LTM2_2 = 1.0 / CCD to image transformation DTM1_1 = 1. / CCD to detector transformation DTM2_2 = 1. / CCD to detector transformation DTV1 = 0. / CCD to detector transformation DTV2 = 4096. / CCD to detector transformation WCSASTRM= 'kp09m.19980909T031418 (Tr 37 V Mosaic) by L. Davis 1998-09-09' / WCS WCSDIM = 2 / WCS dimensionality CTYPE1 = 'RA---TNX' / Coordinate type CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TNX' / Coordinate type CRVAL1 = 110.52095558563 / Coordinate reference value CRVAL2 = 55.842849490386 / Coordinate reference value CRPIX1 = 4189.77390083542 / Coordinate reference pixel CRPIX2 = -30.0894072403876 / Coordinate reference pixel CD1_1 = -7.5733524638274E-7 / Coordinate matrix CD2_1 = -1.1748235187739E-4 / Coordinate matrix CD1_2 = 1.17677003379415E-4 / Coordinate matrix CD2_2 = -1.2623022560872E-6 / Coordinate matrix WAT0_001= 'system=image' / Coordinate system WAT1_001= 'wtype=tnx axtype=ra lngcor = "3. 4. 4. 2. 0.005280549145776419 0.488' WAT1_002= '7181432338267 0.2464122630921897 0.4920677651238937 -0.23529018838' WAT1_003= '0298 0.004720134828570101 -0.001121960789613695 -0.01414958280730338' WAT1_004= ' 0.01246754057675834 1.048124909467771E-4 0.007168575568475281 -0.02' WAT1_005= '778217836490202 -0.01675668830707639 0.02500648596542957 "' WAT2_001= 'wtype=tnx axtype=dec latcor = "3. 4. 4. 2. 0.005280549145776419 0.48' WAT2_002= '87181432338267 0.2464122630921897 0.4920677651238937 0.1531926820' WAT2_003= '595278 -0.002539369349529043 6.454692689700324E-4 4.863689582871599E-' WAT2_004= '4 0.003549715563706861 -0.002061136945766966 -0.01644646641299351 0.' WAT2_005= '009061645978984397 0.005570842598401512 -0.02240395721775152 "' XTALKCOR= '03-Oct-2000 21:33:16 No crosstalk correction' TRIM = 'Oct 3 21:34 Trim is [1:2048,1:4096]' FIXPIX = 'Oct 3 21:35 Pixel mask is mscdb$noao/CCDMosaThin1/bpm_im5' OVERSCAN= 'Oct 3 21:34 Overscan is [2063:2112,1:4096], mean 993.5216' ZEROCOR = 'Oct 3 21:35 Zero is Zeromed[im5]' FLATCOR = 'Oct 3 21:35 Flat is FlatR.fits[im5], scale 5081.475' CCDMEAN = 255.7904 CCDMEANT= 655076137 CCDPROC = 'Oct 3 21:35 CCD processing done' CHIPNUM = 5 FZEROPT = 22.040344 END