#! /bin/sh -
# original bootstrap file, installed by starconf 1.3, rnum=1003000
# If you _need_ to change this file, delete `original' in the line above,
# or else starconf may overwrite it with an updated version.
# bootstrap.installed.  Generated from bootstrap.installed.in by configure.
# Bootstrap a checked-out component of the Starlink software tree.
# Run this script in a freshly checked-out directory to bring the
# system to the point where you can just type ./configure;make
# Usage:
#     ./bootstrap

# This script should be installed, by starconf, in all `component
# directories'.  A `component directory' is a directory which has a
# component.xml.in file in it.  All component directories will have a
# manifest file created and installed in .../manifests; non-component
# directories will not have manifest files.  Everything that's
# installed should be installed as part of some component
# or other.
# The ./bootstrap scripts will stop recursing when they find a
# component.xml.in file.  They'll warn if they find a component.xml.in
# file in any AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS directory, but ignore it, and exit
# with an error if they do not find a component.xml.in file and there
# are no AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS directories in which to search further.
# That is, the tree of directories which the top-level bootstrap
# traverses should have component.xml.in files at or above all its
# leaves.

# The starconf below might update bootstrap, if a newer version is
# available.  Unfortunately, this confuses sh, which appears _not_ to
# keep open the script it's reading, but to reopen it afresh, or reseek
# within the file, for each line (or something like that!?).
# So rewrite this script to a temporary file and exec it.
rm -f $tempfile
echo "trap 'rm -f $tempfile' 0" >$tempfile   # remove temporary at exit
sed '1,/^--TRAMPOLINE--/d' $0 >>$tempfile    # strip out the trampoline
exec /bin/sh $tempfile                       # exec the temporary

echo "Bootstrapping `pwd` ..."

if test ! -f configure.ac; then
    echo "bootstrap: No configure.ac in directory `pwd`" >&2
    exit 1

subdirs=`autoconf --trace=AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS:$% configure.ac`

if test -f component.xml.in; then

    if starconf --show buildsupport >/dev/null 2>&1; then

        # starconf is in the path
        echo "...using starconf in " `starconf --show buildsupport`
        starconf || exit 1


        # The temptation here is to use ./starconf.status to find the
        # starconf that it came from and invoke that explicitly.  Don't do
        # this, however: we don't want to be too clever, and it's better
        # to be consistent with the way the autotools behave (the first
        # one in your path is the one that works, and they don't have this
        # sort of `phone home' cleverness in them).

        echo "bootstrap error: The starconf application is not in your path"

        # This doesn't stop us being helpful, however.
        if test -f ./starconf.status; then
            starconf_home=`./starconf.status --show buildsupport`
            echo "This directory was last bootstrapped with $starconf_home/bin/starconf"

        exit 1

    # Check that there are no component.xml.in files in any subdirectories
    if test -n "$subdirs"; then
        for d in $subdirs
            if test -d "$d" && test -f "$d/component.xml.in"; then
                echo "bootstrap: warning: ignoring child $d/component.xml.in" >&2

    # If STAR_SUPPRESS_AUTORECONF is true in the environment, then we
    # suppress the call of `autoreconf'.  This is here _only_ so that
    # the top-level bootstrap file can suppress multiple calls of this
    # in bootstrap scripts in its children.  This mechanism must not
    # be used by users, as it is likely to change without warning. 
    if ${STAR_SUPPRESS_AUTORECONF-false}; then
        echo "Suppressing autoreconf in" `pwd`
        echo autoreconf --install --symlink
        autoreconf --install --symlink || exit 1


    # This is not a component directory, so simply recurse into the children.

    # ...if there are any, that is.
    if test -z "$subdirs"; then
        echo "bootstrap: error: non-component directory `pwd` has no subdirs" >&2
        exit 1

    # Bootstrap the child directories mentioned in AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS.
    # These bootstrap files must exist.
    for d in $subdirs
        if test -d "$d"; then
            echo "Bootstrapping $d..."
            if test -f $d/bootstrap; then
                # good...
                (cd $d; /bin/sh ./bootstrap)
                echo "bootstrap: no file $d/bootstrap" >&2
                exit 1


exit 0