FACILITY AST 300,ATGER,attribute getting error 301,ATSER,attribute setting error 302,ATTIN,attribute value invalid 303,AXIIN,axis index invalid 304,BADAT,bad attribute name 305,BADBX,zero-sized box given 306,BADIN,bad input data 307,BADNI,bad number of input coordinates 308,BADNO,bad number of output coordinates 309,BADPW,PolyMap contains illegal power value 310,BADSM,ShiftMap contains no shift information 311,BADWM,WinMap contains no bounds information 312,BDBRK,bad break index 313,BDFMT,bad field specifier 314,BDFTS,invalid FITS keyword value found 315,BDOBJ,inappropriate Object supplied 316,CLPAX,wrong number of clipping axes 317,CORNG,range of coordinates invalid 318,CVBRK,too many breaks in a curve 319,DIMIN,array dimensions invalid 320,DTERR,date/time error 321,ENDIN,invalid use of astEnd 322,EOCHN,end of input Channel encountered 323,EXPIN,attempt to export Object pointer from level zero 324,FCRPT,corrupted FitsChan supplied 325,FMTER,error while formatting coordinate value 326,FRMIN,Frame index invalid 327,FRSIN,FrameSet invalid 328,FTCNV,cannot convert FITS data value type 329,GRFER,low level graphics error 330,INHAN,invalid Handle 331,INNCO,incompatible numbers of coordinates 332,INTER,internal programming error 333,INTRD,incompatible transformation directions 334,KYCIR,circular dependency between KeyMaps 335,LDERR,class loader error 336,LUTII,invalid lookup table increment 337,LUTIN,invalid number of lookup table elements 338,MEMIN,requested memory size invalid 339,MTR23,not a 2d or 3d MatrixMap 340,MTRAX,null rotation axis supplied 341,MTRML,bad matrix shapes for multiplication 342,MTRMT,null matrix supplied 343,NAXIN,number of axes invalid 344,NCHIN,number of characters invalid 345,NCOIN,number of coordinates invalid 346,NCPIN,number of coordinates per point invalid 347,NELIN,number of array elements invalid 348,NOCTS,number of output coordinates too small 349,NODEF,transformation not defined 350,NOFTS,required FITS keywords missing 351,NOMEM,unable to allocate memory 352,NOPTS,number of output points too small 353,NOWRT,attribute is read-only 354,NPTIN,number of points invalid 355,OBJIN,Object invalid 356,OPT,invalid Plot option 357,PDSIN,points data structure invalid 358,PLFMT,no numerical labels can be produced 359,PRMIN,permutation invalid 360,PTRIN,pointer invalid 361,PTRNG,range of points invalid 362,RDERR,read error 363,REGIN,invalid or corrupted Region structure supplied 364,REMIN,invalid attempt to remove last Frame 365,SCSIN,sky coordinate system invalid 366,SELIN,axis selection invalid 367,SLAIN,bad SLALIB transformation type 368,TRNND,coordinate transformation not defined 369,UNMQT,unmatched quotes 370,VSMAL,valid area too small 371,WCSAX,non-existent longitude or latitude axis 372,WCSNC,too few mapping coordinates 373,WCSPA,invalid projection parameters 374,WCSTY,unknown projection type 375,XSOBJ,too many Objects in use at once 376,ZOOMI,zoom factor invalid 377,BADCI,bad coordinate index 378,ILOST,FrameSet integrity lost 379,ITFER,error in IntraMap transformation function 380,ITFNI,IntraMap transformation function name invalid 381,MBBNF,Mapping bounding box not found 382,MRITF,multiple registration of IntraMap transformation function 383,OCLUK,Object class unknown 384,UNFER,error while unformatting a coordinate value 385,URITF,unregistered IntraMap transformation function 386,GBDIN,grid bounds invalid 387,NGDIN,number of grid dimensions invalid 388,PATIN,positional accuracy tolerance invalid 389,SISIN,sub-pixel interpolation scheme invalid 390,SSPIN,scale size in pixels invalid 391,UINER,error in user-supplied sub-pixel interpolation function 392,UK1ER,error in user-supplied 1-d sub-pixel interpolation kernel 393,COMIN,invalid comma in expression 394,CONIN,invalid constant in expression 395,DUVAR,duplicate variable name 396,INNTF,invalid number of transformation functions 397,MIOPA,missing or invalid operand in expression 398,MIOPR,missing or invalid operator in expression 399,MISVN,missing variable name 400,MLPAR,missing left parenthesis in expression 401,MRPAR,missing right parenthesis in expression 402,NORHS,missing right hand side in function 403,UDVOF,undefined variable or function in expression 404,VARIN,variable name invalid 405,WRNFA,wrong number of function arguments in expression 406,BADUN,invalid units specification 407,NORSF,no rest frequency is defined 408,NOSOR,no standard of rest is defined 409,SPCIN,invalid SpecMap 410,XMLNM,invalid XML name or prefix 411,XMLCM,invalid XML comment text 412,XMLPT,invalid XML processing instruction target text 413,XMLIT,invalid XML content item index 414,XMLWF,supplied XML document is not well formed 415,ZERAX,Range of log axis scale includes zero 416,BADOC,Invalid parameters for offset sky coordinate system 417,MPGER,error getting a named value from a KeyMap 418,MPIND,invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap entry 419,REGCN,region cannot be re-centred 420,NOVAL,attribute has no usable value 421,INCTS,incompatible time scales 422,TIMIN,invalid TimeMap 423,STCKEY,cannot use supplied AstroCoords info 424,STCIND,invalid AstroCoords index 425,CNFLX,cannot conserve flux whilst resampling an array of data 426,TUNAM,Unknown AST tuning parameter name supplied 427,BDPAR,Bad value supplied for a public function parameter 428,3DFSET,Supplied FrameSet does not contain any independent axes 429,PXFRRM,Attempt to delete original Plot3D base Frame 430,BADSUB,Illegal syntax for string substitution template 431,BADFLG,Incompatible flags for re-sampling or re-binning 432,LCKERR,Error locking or unlocking an AST Object 433,FUNDEF,FITS keyword had undefined value 434,MPVIN,invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap vector element 435,OPRIN,operation specifier invalid 436,NONIN,no inside point found 437,MPKER,requested key not found in KeyMap 438,MPPER,error putting a named value into a KeyMap 439,BADKEY,Attempt made to add an entry to a locked KeyMap 440,BADTYP,Bad data type 441,OLDCOL,Column already exists with different properties 442,BADNULL,Bad null value for a FITS table column 443,BIGKEY,Key string is too long 444,BADCOL,No such column exists in the table 445,BIGTAB,Table is too large 446,BADSIZ,Invalid array size 447,BADTAB,Error reading WCS from FITS binary table 448,NOTAB,Cannot access FITS binary table 449,LEVMAR,Error in levmar Levenberg-Marquardt code 450,NOFIT,Fit failed 451,ISNAN,A transformation generated one or more NaN values 452,WRERR,write error 453,BDVNM,Bad variant Mapping name 454,MIRRO,Attempt to add a variant Mapping to a mirror Frame 455,MNPCK,Error in cminpack Levenberg-Marquardt code 456,EXSPIX,Supplied array has too many pixels 457,NOCNV,No mapping found between coordinate systems 458,IMMUT,Attempt to change an immutable attribute