/* *+ * Name: * fplot.c * Purpose: * Define a FORTRAN 77 interface to the AST Plot class. * Type of Module: * C source file. * Description: * This file defines FORTRAN 77-callable C functions which provide * a public FORTRAN 77 interface to the Plot class. * Routines Defined: * AST_BORDER * AST_BOUNDINGBOX * AST_CLIP * AST_CURVE * AST_GENCURVE * AST_GRID * AST_GRIDLINE * AST_ISAPLOT * AST_MARK * AST_PLOT * AST_POLYCURVE * AST_REGIONOUTLINE * AST_TEXT * AST_GRFSET * AST_GRFPUSH * AST_GRFPOP * AST_STRIPESCAPES * AST_GETGRFCONTEXT * Copyright: * Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the * Research Councils * Copyright (C) 2007 Science & Technology Facilities Council. * All Rights Reserved. * Licence: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * License along with this program. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * Authors: * DSB: D.S. Berry (Starlink) * History: * 23-OCT-1996 (DSB): * Original version. * 14-NOV-1996 (DSB): * Method names shortened. CrvBreak removed. * 21-NOV-1996 (DSB): * Method names changed, CLIP argument NBND removed. * 18-DEC-1996 (DSB): * Argument UP changed to single precision and NCOORD removed * in AST_TEXT. * 11-AUG-1998 (DSB): * Added AST_POLYCURVE. * 9-JAN-2001 (DSB): * Change argument "in" for astMark and astPolyCurve from type * "const double (*)[]" to "const double *". * 13-JUN-2001 (DSB): * Modified to add support for astGenCurve, astGrfSet, astGrfPop, * astGrfPush and EXTERNAL grf functions. * 14-AUG-2002 (DSB): * Added AST_BOUNDINGBOX. * 8-JAN-2003 (DSB): * Include "string.h". * 10-JUL-2006 (DSB): * Add AST_STRIPESCAPES * 21-JUN-2007 (DSB): * - Avoid use of protected astGetGrfContext function. * - Change data type of GrfContext from integer to AST Object pointer. * 29-JUN-2007 (DSB): * Added astGetGrfCOntext and removed astSetGrfContext. * 30-AUG-2007 (DSB): * Use astGrfConID to get the identifier for the graphics context * KeyMap. */ /* Define the astFORTRAN77 macro which prevents error messages from AST C functions from reporting the file and line number where the error occurred (since these would refer to this file, they would not be useful). */ #define astFORTRAN77 #define MXSTRLEN 80 /* String length at which truncation starts within pgqtxt and pgptxt. */ /* Header files. */ /* ============= */ #include "string.h" #include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */ #include "f77.h" /* FORTRAN <-> C interface macros (SUN/209) */ #include "c2f77.h" /* F77 <-> C support functions/macros */ #include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */ #include "memory.h" /* Memory handling facilities */ #include "plot.h" /* C interface to the Plot class */ #include "grf.h" /* Low-level graphics interface */ /* Prototypes for external functions. */ /* ================================== */ /* This is the null function defined by the FORTRAN interface in fobject.c. */ F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_null)( void ); static int FGAttrWrapper( AstPlot *, int, double, double *, int ); static int FGBBufWrapper( AstPlot * ); static int FGEBufWrapper( AstPlot * ); static int FGFlushWrapper( AstPlot * ); static int FGLineWrapper( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float * ); static int FGMarkWrapper( AstPlot *, int, const float *, const float *, int ); static int FGTextWrapper( AstPlot *, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float ); static int FGTxExtWrapper( AstPlot *, const char *, float, float, const char *, float, float, float *, float * ); static int FGCapWrapper( AstPlot *, int, int ); static int FGQchWrapper( AstPlot *, float *, float * ); static int FGScalesWrapper( AstPlot *, float *, float * ); F77_LOGICAL_FUNCTION(ast_isaplot)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) F77_LOGICAL_TYPE(RESULT); astAt( "AST_ISAPLOT", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( RESULT = astIsAPlot( astI2P( *THIS ) ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE; ) return RESULT; } F77_INTEGER_FUNCTION(ast_plot)( INTEGER(FRAME), REAL_ARRAY(GRAPHBOX), DOUBLE_ARRAY(BASEBOX), CHARACTER(OPTIONS), INTEGER(STATUS) TRAIL(OPTIONS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(FRAME) GENPTR_REAL_ARRAY(GRAPHBOX) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(BASEBOX) GENPTR_CHARACTER(OPTIONS) F77_INTEGER_TYPE(RESULT); char *options; int i; astAt( "AST_PLOT", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( options = astString( OPTIONS, OPTIONS_length ); /* Truncate the options string to exlucde any trailing spaces. */ astChrTrunc( options ); /* Change ',' to '\n' (see AST_SET in fobject.c for why). */ if ( astOK ) { for ( i = 0; options[ i ]; i++ ) { if ( options[ i ] == ',' ) options[ i ] = '\n'; } } RESULT = astP2I( astPlot( astI2P( *FRAME ), GRAPHBOX, BASEBOX, "%s", options ) ); astFree( options ); ) return RESULT; } F77_LOGICAL_FUNCTION(ast_border)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) F77_LOGICAL_TYPE(RESULT); astAt( "AST_BORDER", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( RESULT = astBorder( astI2P( *THIS ) ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE; ) return RESULT; } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_boundingbox)( INTEGER(THIS), REAL_ARRAY(LBND), REAL_ARRAY(UBND), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_REAL_ARRAY(LBND) GENPTR_REAL_ARRAY(UBND) astAt( "AST_BOUNDINGBOX", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astBoundingBox( astI2P( *THIS ), LBND, UBND ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_clip)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(IFRAME), DOUBLE_ARRAY(LBND), DOUBLE_ARRAY(UBND), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(IFRAME) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(LBND) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(UBND) astAt( "AST_CLIP", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astClip( astI2P( *THIS ), *IFRAME, LBND, UBND ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_gridline)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(AXIS), DOUBLE_ARRAY(START), DOUBLE(LENGTH), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(AXIS) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(START) GENPTR_DOUBLE(LENGTH) astAt( "AST_GRIDLINE", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astGridLine( astI2P( *THIS ), *AXIS, START, *LENGTH ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_curve)( INTEGER(THIS), DOUBLE_ARRAY(START), DOUBLE_ARRAY(FINISH), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(START) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(FINISH) astAt( "AST_CURVE", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astCurve( astI2P( *THIS ), START, FINISH ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_grid)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) astAt( "AST_GRID", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astGrid( astI2P( *THIS ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_mark)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(NMARK), INTEGER(NCOORD), INTEGER(INDIM), DOUBLE_ARRAY(IN), INTEGER(TYPE), INTEGER(STATUS) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(NMARK) GENPTR_INTEGER(NCOORD) GENPTR_INTEGER(INDIM) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(IN) GENPTR_INTEGER(TYPE) astAt( "AST_MARK", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astMark( astI2P( *THIS ), *NMARK, *NCOORD, *INDIM, (const double *)IN, *TYPE ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_polycurve)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(NPOINT), INTEGER(NCOORD), INTEGER(INDIM), DOUBLE_ARRAY(IN), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(NPOINT) GENPTR_INTEGER(NCOORD) GENPTR_INTEGER(INDIM) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(IN) astAt( "AST_POLYCURVE", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astPolyCurve( astI2P( *THIS ), *NPOINT, *NCOORD, *INDIM, (const double *)IN ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_regionoutline)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(REGION), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(REGION) astAt( "AST_REGIONOUTLINE", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astRegionOutline( astI2P( *THIS ), astI2P( *REGION ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_gencurve)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(MAP), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_INTEGER(MAP) astAt( "AST_GENCURVE", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astGenCurve( astI2P( *THIS ), astI2P( *MAP ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_text)( INTEGER(THIS), CHARACTER(TEXT), DOUBLE_ARRAY(POS), REAL_ARRAY(UP), CHARACTER(JUST), INTEGER(STATUS) TRAIL(TEXT) TRAIL(JUST) ){ GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_CHARACTER(TEXT) GENPTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(POS) GENPTR_REAL_ARRAY(UP) GENPTR_CHARACTER(JUST) char *text, *just; astAt( "AST_TEXT", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( text = astString( TEXT, TEXT_length ); just = astString( JUST, JUST_length ); astText( astI2P( *THIS ), text, POS, UP, just ); (void) astFree( (void *) text ); (void) astFree( (void *) just ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_grfpush)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) astAt( "AST_GRFPUSH", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astGrfPush( astI2P( *THIS ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_grfpop)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) astAt( "AST_GRFPOP", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astGrfPop( astI2P( *THIS ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_bbuf)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) astAt( "AST_BBUF", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astBBuf( astI2P( *THIS ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_ebuf)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) astAt( "AST_EBUF", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( astEBuf( astI2P( *THIS ) ); ) } F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_grfset)( INTEGER(THIS), CHARACTER(NAME), AstGrfFun FUN, INTEGER(STATUS) TRAIL(NAME) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) GENPTR_CHARACTER(NAME) char *name; AstGrfFun fun; const char *class; /* Object class */ const char *method; /* Current method */ int ifun; /* Index into grf function list */ AstGrfWrap wrapper; /* Wrapper function for C Grf routine*/ method = "AST_GRFSET"; class = "Plot"; astAt( method, NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( /* Set the function pointer to NULL if a pointer to the null routine AST_NULL has been supplied. */ fun = FUN; if ( fun == (AstGrfFun) F77_EXTERNAL_NAME(ast_null) ) { fun = NULL; } name = astString( NAME, NAME_length ); astGrfSet( astI2P( *THIS ), name, fun ); ifun = astGrfFunID( name, method, class ); if( ifun == AST__GATTR ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGAttrWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GBBUF ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGBBufWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GEBUF ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGEBufWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GFLUSH ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGFlushWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GLINE ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGLineWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GMARK ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGMarkWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GTEXT ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGTextWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GCAP ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGCapWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GTXEXT ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGTxExtWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GQCH ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGQchWrapper; } else if( ifun == AST__GSCALES ) { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGScalesWrapper; } else { wrapper = (AstGrfWrap) FGFlushWrapper; if( astOK ) astError( AST__INTER, "%s(%s): AST internal programming " "error - Grf function id %d not yet supported.", status, method, class, ifun ); } astGrfWrapper( astI2P( *THIS ), name, wrapper ); ) } static int FGAttrWrapper( AstPlot *this, int attr, double value, double *old_value, int prim ) { DECLARE_DOUBLE(OLDVAL); int ret; F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); ret = ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), INTEGER(attr), DOUBLE(value), DOUBLE(old_value), INTEGER(prim) )) this->grffun[ AST__GATTR ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), INTEGER_ARG(&attr), DOUBLE_ARG(&value), DOUBLE_ARG(&OLDVAL), INTEGER_ARG(&prim) ); if( old_value ) *old_value = OLDVAL; return ret; } static int FGBBufWrapper( AstPlot *this ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)(INTEGER(grfcon))) this->grffun[ AST__GBBUF ])(INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON)); } static int FGEBufWrapper( AstPlot *this ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)(INTEGER(grfcon))) this->grffun[ AST__GEBUF ])(INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON)); } static int FGFlushWrapper( AstPlot *this ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)(INTEGER(grfcon))) this->grffun[ AST__GFLUSH ])(INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON)); } static int FGLineWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x, const float *y ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), INTEGER(n), REAL_ARRAY(x), REAL_ARRAY(y) )) this->grffun[ AST__GLINE ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), INTEGER_ARG(&n), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(x), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(y) ); } static int FGMarkWrapper( AstPlot *this, int n, const float *x, const float *y, int type ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), INTEGER(n), REAL_ARRAY(x), REAL_ARRAY(y), INTEGER(type) )) this->grffun[ AST__GMARK ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), INTEGER_ARG(&n), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(x), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(y), INTEGER_ARG(&type) ); } static int FGTextWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y, const char *just, float upx, float upy ) { DECLARE_CHARACTER(LTEXT,MXSTRLEN); DECLARE_CHARACTER(LJUST,MXSTRLEN); int ftext_length; int fjust_length; F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); ftext_length = strlen( text ); if( ftext_length > LTEXT_length ) ftext_length = LTEXT_length; astStringExport( text, LTEXT, ftext_length ); fjust_length = strlen( just ); if( fjust_length > LJUST_length ) fjust_length = LJUST_length; astStringExport( just, LJUST, fjust_length ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), CHARACTER(LTEXT), REAL(x), REAL(y), CHARACTER(LJUST), REAL(upx), REAL(upy) TRAIL(ftext) TRAIL(fjust) ) ) this->grffun[ AST__GTEXT ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), CHARACTER_ARG(LTEXT), REAL_ARG(&x), REAL_ARG(&y), CHARACTER_ARG(LJUST), REAL_ARG(&upx), REAL_ARG(&upy) TRAIL_ARG(ftext) TRAIL_ARG(fjust) ); } static int FGCapWrapper( AstPlot *this, int cap, int value ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), INTEGER(cap), INTEGER(value) ) ) this->grffun[ AST__GCAP ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), INTEGER_ARG(&cap), INTEGER_ARG(&value) ); } static int FGTxExtWrapper( AstPlot *this, const char *text, float x, float y, const char *just, float upx, float upy, float *xb, float *yb ) { DECLARE_CHARACTER(LTEXT,MXSTRLEN); DECLARE_CHARACTER(LJUST,MXSTRLEN); int ftext_length; int fjust_length; F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); ftext_length = strlen( text ); if( ftext_length > LTEXT_length ) ftext_length = LTEXT_length; astStringExport( text, LTEXT, ftext_length ); fjust_length = strlen( just ); if( fjust_length > LJUST_length ) fjust_length = LJUST_length; astStringExport( just, LJUST, fjust_length ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), CHARACTER(LTEXT), REAL(x), REAL(y), CHARACTER(LJUST), REAL(upx), REAL(upy), REAL_ARRAY(xb), REAL_ARRAY(yb) TRAIL(ftext) TRAIL(fjust) ) ) this->grffun[ AST__GTXEXT ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), CHARACTER_ARG(LTEXT), REAL_ARG(&x), REAL_ARG(&y), CHARACTER_ARG(LJUST), REAL_ARG(&upx), REAL_ARG(&upy), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(xb), REAL_ARRAY_ARG(yb) TRAIL_ARG(ftext) TRAIL_ARG(fjust) ); } static int FGQchWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *chv, float *chh ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), REAL(chv), REAL(chh) ) ) this->grffun[ AST__GQCH ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), REAL_ARG(chv), REAL_ARG(chh) ); } static int FGScalesWrapper( AstPlot *this, float *alpha, float *beta ) { F77_INTEGER_TYPE(GRFCON); int *status = astGetStatusPtr; if ( !astOK ) return 0; GRFCON = astP2I( astGrfConID( this ) ); return ( *(int (*)( INTEGER(grfcon), REAL(alpha), REAL(beta) ) ) this->grffun[ AST__GSCALES ])( INTEGER_ARG(&GRFCON), REAL_ARG(alpha), REAL_ARG(beta) ); } /* NO_CHAR_FUNCTION indicates that the f77.h method of returning a character result doesn't work, so add an extra argument instead and wrap this function up in a normal FORTRAN 77 function (in the file plot.f). */ #if NO_CHAR_FUNCTION F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_stripescapes_a)( CHARACTER(RESULT), #else F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_stripescapes)( CHARACTER_RETURN_VALUE(RESULT), #endif CHARACTER(TEXT), INTEGER(STATUS) #if NO_CHAR_FUNCTION TRAIL(RESULT) #endif TRAIL(TEXT) ) { GENPTR_CHARACTER(RESULT) GENPTR_CHARACTER(TEXT) char *text; const char *result; int i; astAt( "AST_STRIPESCAPES", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( text = astString( TEXT, TEXT_length ); result = astStripEscapes( text ); i = 0; if ( astOK ) { /* Copy result */ for ( ; result[ i ] && i < RESULT_length; i++ ) { RESULT[ i ] = result[ i ]; } } while ( i < RESULT_length ) RESULT[ i++ ] = ' '; /* Pad with blanks */ astFree( text ); ) } F77_LOGICAL_FUNCTION(ast_getgrfcontext)( INTEGER(THIS), INTEGER(STATUS) ) { GENPTR_INTEGER(THIS) F77_INTEGER_TYPE(RESULT); astAt( "AST_GETGRFCONTEXT", NULL, 0 ); astWatchSTATUS( RESULT = astP2I( astGetGrfContext( astI2P( *THIS ) ) ); ) return RESULT; }