CHARACTER * ( * ) FUNCTION AST_FORMAT( THIS, AXIS, VALUE ) *+ * Name: * AST_FORMAT * Purpose: * Wrap up the C ast_format_a function. * Language: * Fortran 77 * Invocation: * RESULT = AST_FORMAT( THIS, AXIS, VALUE ) * Description: * This function is a wrap-up of the C ast_format_a function. It * will rarely need to be used, but is provided for use on platforms * where the normal mechanism for returning character strings as * function results from C to Fortran (as defined in the f77.h * include file) doesn't work. * * If this problem is encountered, the C macro NO_CHAR_FUNCTION * should be defined (in CFLAGS) during C compilation. This will * cause the function ast_format_a to be built (instead of * ast_format) and this returns its result via an additional initial * argument. This Fortran function is then used simply to transfer * the argument value to the function result. * Arguments: * As for the C version of the Fortran-callable function ast_format. * Returned Value: * AST_FORMAT = CHARACTER * ( * ) * The character return value required. * Notes: * - The length of the returned result is limited to 100 characters * by a local buffer. This length can be increased if necessary. * Authors: * RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (STARLINK, RAL) * {enter_new_authors_here} * History: * 23-JUL-1996 (RFWS): * Original version. * {enter_changes_here} * Bugs: * {note_any_bugs_here} *- * Type Definitions: IMPLICIT NONE ! No implicit typing * Arguments Given: INTEGER THIS INTEGER AXIS DOUBLE PRECISION VALUE * Local Variables: CHARACTER * ( 100 ) BUFF ! Local buffer for result *. * Invoke the C function (with the additional argument). CALL AST_FORMAT_A( BUFF, THIS, AXIS, VALUE ) * Return the argument value as the function result. AST_FORMAT = BUFF END