/* *+ * Name: * pal1sofa.h * Purpose: * Mappings of ERFA names to SOFA names * Language: * Starlink ANSI C * Type of Module: * Include file * Invocation: * #include "pal1sofa.h" * Description: * PAL will work with both SOFA and ERFA libraries and the * difference is generally a change in prefix. This include * file maps the ERFA form of functions to the SOFA form * and includes the relevant sofa.h vs erfa.h file. * Authors: * TIMJ: Tim Jenness (JAC, Hawaii) * {enter_new_authors_here} * Notes: * - PAL uses the ERFA form by default. * History: * 2014-07-29 (TIMJ): * Initial version * {enter_further_changes_here} * Copyright: * Copyright (C) 2014 Tim Jenness * All Rights Reserved. * Licence: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * License along with this program. If not, see * . * Bugs: * {note_any_bugs_here} *- */ #ifndef PAL1SOFAHDEF #define PAL1SOFAHDEF #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif # if HAVE_SOFA_H # include "sofa.h" # include "sofam.h" /* Must replace ERFA with SOFA */ # define eraA2af iauA2af # define eraA2tf iauA2tf # define eraAf2a iauAf2a # define eraAnp iauAnp # define eraAnpm iauAnpm # define eraC2s iauC2s # define eraCal2jd iauCal2jd # define eraD2tf iauD2tf # define eraDat iauDat # define eraEe06a iauEe06a # define eraEpb iauEpb # define eraEpb2jd iauEpb2jd # define eraEpj iauEpj # define eraEpj2jd iauEpj2jd # define eraEpv00 iauEpv00 # define eraFk5hz iauFk5hz # define eraGd2gc iauGd2gc # define eraGmst06 iauGmst06 # define eraHfk5z iauHfk5z # define eraIr iauIr # define eraJd2cal iauJd2cal # define eraNut06a iauNut06a # define eraObl06 iauObl06 # define eraP06e iauP06e # define eraPap iauPap # define eraPas iauPas # define eraPdp iauPdp # define eraPlan94 iauPlan94 # define eraPmat06 iauPmat06 # define eraPn iauPn # define eraPnm06a iauPnm06a # define eraPxp iauPxp # define eraRefco iauRefco # define eraRm2v iauRm2v # define eraRv2m iauRv2m # define eraRx iauRx # define eraRxp iauRxp # define eraRxpv iauRxpv # define eraRxr iauRxr # define eraRy iauRy # define eraRz iauRz # define eraS2c iauS2c # define eraSepp iauSepp # define eraSeps iauSeps # define eraStarpm iauStarpm # define eraTf2a iauTf2a # define eraTf2d iauTf2d # define eraTr iauTr # define eraTrxp iauTrxp /* These are from sofam.h */ # define ERFA_WGS84 WGS84 # define ERFA_DJ00 DJ00 # define ERFA_DJY DJY # define ERFA_DAU DAU # else # include "erfa.h" # include "erfam.h" /* No further action required */ # endif #endif