#if !defined( PAL_INCLUDED ) /* Include this file only once */ #define PAL_INCLUDED /* * Name: * pal.c * Purpose: * A wrapper for all PAL functions used by AST. * Description: * This file is a wrapper that includes all the source files from * the PAL and ERFA libraries. This is done so that the function * names can be changed from the usual "palXxx" and "eraXxx" forms to * the private "astPalXxx" and "astIauXxx" forms. This renaming is * performed via the macros defined in the pal2ast.h and erfa2ast.h * include files. This is done in order to prevent clashes with any * external PAL or ERFA libraries with which an application is linked. * * This file expects to find the publicly distributed and unmodified * PAL and ERFA source code in a pair of subdirectory called "pal" and * "erfa" within the current directory. The files within these * subdirectories do not need to be compiled - only this wrapper file * needs to be compiled. * Copyright: * Copyright (C) 2011 Science & Technology Facilities Council. * All Rights Reserved. * Licence: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * License along with this program. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * Authors: * DSB: D.S. Berry (JAC, Hawaii) * History: * 16-FEB-2012 (DSB): * Original version. */ /* Include configuration results in order to get any definition for the EXTERNAL_PAL macro. This macro is set if the --with-external_pal option was set when AST was configured. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif /* If an external PAL library is being used, we leave this file empty. */ #ifndef EXTERNAL_PAL /* Rename all PAL functions so that references to "palXxx" in the files included below get translated to "astPalXxx". */ #include "pal2ast.h" /* Rename all ERFA functions so that references to "eraXxx" in the files included below get translated to "astEraXxx". */ #include "erfa2ast.h" /* Include code from all PAL source files */ #include "pal/palAddet.c" #include "pal/palAmpqk.c" #include "pal/palCaldj.c" #include "pal/palDat.c" #include "pal/palDe2h.c" #include "pal/palDeuler.c" #include "pal/palDh2e.c" #include "pal/palDjcal.c" #include "pal/palDmat.c" #include "pal/palDrange.c" #include "pal/palDs2tp.c" #include "pal/palDtp2s.c" #include "pal/palDtps2c.c" #include "pal/palDtt.c" #include "pal/palEcmat.c" #include "pal/palEqgal.c" #include "pal/palEtrms.c" #include "pal/palEvp.c" #include "pal/palFk45z.c" #include "pal/palFk524.c" #include "pal/palFk54z.c" #include "pal/palGaleq.c" #include "pal/palGalsup.c" #include "pal/palGeoc.c" #include "pal/palMappa.c" #include "pal/palMapqkz.c" #include "pal/palOne2One.c" #include "pal/palPrebn.c" #include "pal/palPrec.c" #include "pal/palPrenut.c" #include "pal/palPvobs.c" #include "pal/palRvgalc.c" #include "pal/palRvlg.c" #include "pal/palRvlsrd.c" #include "pal/palRvlsrk.c" #include "pal/palSubet.c" #include "pal/palSupgal.c" /* Include code from all ERFA source files */ #include "erfa/a2af.c" #include "erfa/a2tf.c" #include "erfa/af2a.c" #include "erfa/anp.c" #include "erfa/anpm.c" #include "erfa/bi00.c" #include "erfa/bp00.c" #include "erfa/bp06.c" #include "erfa/bpn2xy.c" #include "erfa/c2i00a.c" #include "erfa/c2i00b.c" #include "erfa/c2i06a.c" #include "erfa/c2ibpn.c" #include "erfa/c2ixy.c" #include "erfa/c2ixys.c" #include "erfa/c2s.c" #include "erfa/c2t00a.c" #include "erfa/c2t00b.c" #include "erfa/c2t06a.c" #include "erfa/c2tcio.c" #include "erfa/c2teqx.c" #include "erfa/c2tpe.c" #include "erfa/c2txy.c" #include "erfa/cal2jd.c" #include "erfa/cp.c" #include "erfa/cpv.c" #include "erfa/cr.c" #include "erfa/d2dtf.c" #include "erfa/d2tf.c" #include "erfa/dat.c" #include "erfa/dtdb.c" #include "erfa/dtf2d.c" #include "erfa/ee00.c" #include "erfa/ee00a.c" #include "erfa/ee00b.c" #include "erfa/ee06a.c" #include "erfa/eect00.c" #include "erfa/eform.c" #include "erfa/eo06a.c" #include "erfa/eors.c" #include "erfa/epb.c" #include "erfa/epb2jd.c" #include "erfa/epj.c" #include "erfa/epj2jd.c" #include "erfa/epv00.c" #include "erfa/eqeq94.c" #include "erfa/era00.c" #include "erfa/fad03.c" #include "erfa/fae03.c" #include "erfa/faf03.c" #include "erfa/faju03.c" #include "erfa/fal03.c" #include "erfa/falp03.c" #include "erfa/fama03.c" #include "erfa/fame03.c" #include "erfa/fane03.c" #include "erfa/faom03.c" #include "erfa/fapa03.c" #include "erfa/fasa03.c" #include "erfa/faur03.c" #include "erfa/fave03.c" #include "erfa/fk52h.c" #include "erfa/fk5hip.c" #include "erfa/fk5hz.c" #include "erfa/fw2m.c" #include "erfa/fw2xy.c" #include "erfa/gc2gd.c" #include "erfa/gc2gde.c" #include "erfa/gd2gc.c" #include "erfa/gd2gce.c" #include "erfa/gmst00.c" #include "erfa/gmst06.c" #include "erfa/gmst82.c" #include "erfa/gst00a.c" #include "erfa/gst00b.c" #include "erfa/gst06.c" #include "erfa/gst06a.c" #include "erfa/gst94.c" #include "erfa/h2fk5.c" #include "erfa/hfk5z.c" #include "erfa/ir.c" #include "erfa/jd2cal.c" #include "erfa/jdcalf.c" #include "erfa/num00a.c" #include "erfa/num00b.c" #include "erfa/num06a.c" #include "erfa/numat.c" #include "erfa/nut00a.c" #include "erfa/nut00b.c" #include "erfa/nut06a.c" #include "erfa/nut80.c" #include "erfa/nutm80.c" #include "erfa/obl06.c" #include "erfa/obl80.c" #include "erfa/p06e.c" #include "erfa/p2pv.c" #include "erfa/p2s.c" #include "erfa/pap.c" #include "erfa/pas.c" #include "erfa/pb06.c" #include "erfa/pdp.c" #include "erfa/pfw06.c" #include "erfa/plan94.c" #include "erfa/pm.c" #include "erfa/pmat00.c" #include "erfa/pmat06.c" #include "erfa/pmat76.c" #include "erfa/pmp.c" #include "erfa/pn.c" #include "erfa/pn00.c" #include "erfa/pn00a.c" #include "erfa/pn00b.c" #include "erfa/pn06.c" #include "erfa/pn06a.c" #include "erfa/pnm00a.c" #include "erfa/pnm00b.c" #include "erfa/pnm06a.c" #include "erfa/pnm80.c" #include "erfa/pom00.c" #include "erfa/ppp.c" #include "erfa/ppsp.c" #include "erfa/pr00.c" #include "erfa/prec76.c" #include "erfa/pv2p.c" #include "erfa/pv2s.c" #include "erfa/pvdpv.c" #include "erfa/pvm.c" #include "erfa/pvmpv.c" #include "erfa/pvppv.c" #include "erfa/pvstar.c" #include "erfa/pvu.c" #include "erfa/pvup.c" #include "erfa/pvxpv.c" #include "erfa/pxp.c" #include "erfa/refco.c" #include "erfa/rm2v.c" #include "erfa/rv2m.c" #include "erfa/rx.c" #include "erfa/rxp.c" #include "erfa/rxpv.c" #include "erfa/rxr.c" #include "erfa/ry.c" #include "erfa/rz.c" #include "erfa/s00.c" #include "erfa/s00a.c" #include "erfa/s00b.c" #include "erfa/s06.c" #include "erfa/s06a.c" #include "erfa/s2c.c" #include "erfa/s2p.c" #include "erfa/s2pv.c" #include "erfa/s2xpv.c" #include "erfa/sepp.c" #include "erfa/seps.c" #include "erfa/sp00.c" #include "erfa/starpm.c" #include "erfa/starpv.c" #include "erfa/sxp.c" #include "erfa/sxpv.c" #include "erfa/taitt.c" #include "erfa/taiut1.c" #include "erfa/taiutc.c" #include "erfa/tcbtdb.c" #include "erfa/tcgtt.c" #include "erfa/tdbtcb.c" #include "erfa/tdbtt.c" #include "erfa/tf2a.c" #include "erfa/tf2d.c" #include "erfa/tr.c" #include "erfa/trxp.c" #include "erfa/trxpv.c" #include "erfa/tttai.c" #include "erfa/tttcg.c" #include "erfa/tttdb.c" #include "erfa/ttut1.c" #include "erfa/ut1tai.c" #include "erfa/ut1tt.c" #include "erfa/ut1utc.c" #include "erfa/utctai.c" #include "erfa/utcut1.c" #include "erfa/xy06.c" #include "erfa/xys00a.c" #include "erfa/xys00b.c" #include "erfa/xys06a.c" #include "erfa/zp.c" #include "erfa/zpv.c" #include "erfa/zr.c" #endif #endif